Yoga exercises to improve posture. Yoga exercises for beautiful posture. How and when to exercise

First exercise for posture

Yoga for beginners begins with the ability to sit correctly with your back straight.

To make a straight pose a habit, yoga suggests performing simple actions even while sitting at the computer:

  • sit up straight, lower your chin to your chest, squeeze your shoulder blades together, hold for 30 seconds,
  • straighten your back, make movements with your arms, as when swimming crawl,
  • stand up straight, stretch the top of your head up, as if you are about to lift yourself off the ground,
  • bending forward with hands clasping the ankles,
  • put books on your head, sit for 4-5 minutes or walk around the room.

Very soon your back will get used to the new state and will stop looking for the previous bent position.

Safety precautions when performing back exercises

  • Do not perform the exercise through pain.
  • Start the exercises with the simplest option.
  • Stay in yoga asana for a time that is comfortable for you (do not do it forcefully)
  • When performing exercises, keep your shoulders and pelvis in the same plane.
  • Do not perform crunches if you have serious spinal problems.
  • When performing backbends, lower your tailbone down, tighten the muscles of the perineum and abdomen. This will allow you to protect your lower back and bend your thoracic spine.
  • When bending forward, you need to relax your back and arms. The tilt should come from the pelvis. If you forcefully reach for your legs, you can injure weak parts of the spine.

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Relieving pain

To relieve pain in the spine, do just three exercises:

  • “Cat” - a unique simple exercise that will remove any back pain. Get on all fours, arch your back up, then lower it, bend over. Do it 20 times daily.

  • standing on your knees, raise your arms up, lower your buttocks onto your heels, place your palms on the mat, stretch forward, sliding along the floor. Hold on for 30 seconds.
  • sit in a half-split position, place your palms on the mat, tilt your head towards the floor. Do 6 times with each leg.

Uttanasana with supported elbows (variation)

Stand facing the back of a chair, kneel down. Place your knees hip-width apart. Lean your body forward, bending at the hip joints, place your elbows on the back of the chair and clasp your palms together. Relax your neck, face, head, stomach. Point your shoulder blades down and arch your upper back. Keep your lower back flat. Lock in this position for 30-60 seconds.

Straightening the spinal column

A terrible diagnosis - scoliosis scares all parents to death if it is noticed in children. Indeed, an advanced disease is dangerous to health.

Is it possible to help with scoliosis? There are effective techniques that can reduce curvature.

Start with simple asanas, do them for a week, then move on to more complex actions. Here is an affordable complex that you can do at home.

  • Stand against the wall, pressing your whole body, from your heels to your head, then take two steps forward, maintaining correct posture.
  • Then make circular movements with your shoulders, then bend your torso towards the floor.
  • Next, pull your arms up, as if you want to reach the ceiling, inhale, then lower, exhale.
  • Lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs and make a “fish” motion.

Do 4 More Yoga Exercises for Perfect Posture

More complex exercises are best done under the supervision of a specialist. To prevent children from suffering from this disease, make them move more, walk in public gardens, and put away the computer.


The pose activates the arm muscles, stretches the muscles of the shoulders and the area between the shoulder blades. Assume Dandasana with straight posture and legs. Place your hands on either side of your hips. Inhale, place your hands on the floor and lift your pelvis off the mat. Legs are strong and extended forward. Don't tilt your head too much. Try to stay in the pose for up to 5 breathing cycles and perform several repetitions in a row.

Hatha yoga to correct posture

It has been noticed that teenagers often slouch. Some people don’t like their height, others are simply not accustomed to walking with a straight back since childhood, and as a result, their torso acquires an incorrect position.

In order for teenagers to have excellent bearing, it is necessary to perform a light complex:

  • lie down on the mat, trying to press your entire body to the floor, drawing in your stomach.
  • in a supine position, raise your legs at an angle of 45°.
  • raise straight legs at an angle of 90°.
  • position on your back, arms extended, knees bent, feet on the mat, try to raise only your head and shoulders.
  • in the same position, raise only your chest, arching your back.
  • in the same position, lift only your buttocks, arching your back, keeping your shoulders and heels pressed to the floor.

After a few weeks, you will notice that the teenager has the correct bearing.

See more exercises to correct posture in teenagers

Such exercises will also be useful for an adult. Correcting posture in adults requires a lot of effort. Here you will find everything you need to straighten your spinal column.

Virabhadrasana II

Stand across the mat with your feet wide apart and your back foot turned outward at an angle. Make sure the heel of your back foot touches the floor and the toe of your back foot is in line with your front foot.

Inhale, raise your arms and bend your front leg at the knee. We lower our hands to shoulder level, palms down. During the Warrior pose, the arms are always tense. Duration of asana: 8-10 breathing cycles. To finish the exercise, inhale and raise your front leg, lower your arms along your body and return to the starting position.

Fukutsuji Posture Exercises

The technique of doctor Fukutsuji from Japan helps women become slim in the shortest possible time. Correction of the spine is carried out using a large towel, a rope and 5 minutes a day. What is the essence of the method?

You lie for several minutes on a cushion rolled up from a towel under different parts of the spine. Place a cushion under the chest area - your posture will improve, your chest will rise, and your height will increase. If your lower back hurts, then you need to take a smaller roller. Made a roll out of a towel? We can begin!

  • Sit on the mat, put a rolled up towel, lower your back onto it, the roller should lie exactly under the navel - this is an important condition. Swipe your hand to check. Relax.
  • Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Bring your feet together so that your big toes touch; it is better to secure them with an elastic band.
  • Place your hands behind your head, clasping your little fingers. It is important that the little fingers and big toes touch. Lie like this for exactly 5 minutes. The procedure is slightly painful, so start the correction with one minute, but be sure to increase it to 5 minutes of daily exercise. Simple and free!

Read the detailed implementation of the complex here

Asanas to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles

Correct and beautiful posture is impossible without developed back and abdominal muscles. If the muscles are not strong enough, then they simply will not be able to hold the body in the desired position. Yoga to correct posture must certainly include asanas that strengthen the muscle corset:

  1. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana). Position: lying on your stomach. The legs are extended, the feet are connected, the palms are located under the shoulders and rest on the floor. As you inhale, slowly lift your body until your lower back arches. Stay in this position for a comfortable time, then increase to 30 seconds. You can tilt your head back, but this should be done smoothly. It is important to perform the asana using the abdominal muscles, not the arms.
  2. Sphinx or half-cobra pose (Ardha Bhujangasana). If the cobra pose causes difficulties, then you can start with a simplified version. In the Sphinx pose, the support is on the forearms, and the pubic bone is pressed to the floor. To avoid tension in the lower back, the buttocks should be relaxed.
  3. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana). This asana is known to many as the “basket”; it strengthens the muscles of the central part of the abdomen. Starting position: lying on your stomach. As you exhale, bend your knees and grab your ankles with your hands, then bend over, lifting your pelvis and chest off the floor. Stay in this position for up to 1 minute, then slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Plank (Kumbhakasana) strengthens almost all the muscles of the body, it is especially useful for the back. In the classic version, the diagonal line is maintained by relying on outstretched arms and toes. There are also options for beginners with support on the forearms and on the palms, in these variations the body forms a line parallel to the floor.
  5. Sage or Side Plank Pose (Vasishthasana). In this pose, the body is positioned at an angle of 45°. The supports are one hand (or forearm, depending on the level of difficulty) and feet pressed together. The second arm is extended perpendicular to the floor.

These asanas have contraindications: they cannot be performed if there are hernias.

Bhujangasana should not be done for pathological lordosis, and Dhanurasana for heart problems. Kumbhakasana is not recommended for back and shoulder injuries, as well as hypertension. All exercises must be performed smoothly, avoiding sudden movements. The duration of stay in the asana should be determined based on how you feel, gradually increasing the time to 30–60 seconds and 3–5 approaches.

Using devices to improve posture

To support the back in the correct position, a posture brace is often used. It is important not only to choose this product correctly, but also to wear it correctly.

If the doctor determines that the child has scoliosis, then he will determine the time for wearing this corrector.

Many girls try to wear a corset without taking it off. This is unacceptable, as the back muscles weaken, which leads to greater curvature of the spinal column.

Well, that’s all, today you learned exercises for posture and a lot of new things about how to become slim, and therefore healthy.

Invite your friends to read this article, subscribe to my blog. I try to find simple exercises, not expensive procedures.

Yoga classes to develop correct posture

Yoga is one of the most popular activities today. It can be called a kind of “sport for the lazy”: you do not need to perform any active actions such as running or dynamic exercises, but the load that the body experiences while performing asanas is in no way inferior to intense training in the gym.

There is an opinion that the words “posture” and “asana” (posture) have a common etymological origin. There are no objective arguments that could confirm this fact, however, the similar sound of the words hints at the main feature of yogic practices: almost all asanas are in one way or another aimed at normalizing the functioning of the spine and the musculoskeletal system as a whole.

The benefits of yoga are:


  • pain relief;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • strengthening the muscle corset;
  • development of muscle memory and subsequent improvement of posture (with regular exercise);
  • general improvement in well-being

One of the most important advantages of yoga is the ability to conduct classes not only as a preventive measure, but also for existing curvature of the spine.

You just need to remember safety precautions

, do not violate the basic principles of performing asanas:

  1. Proceed from smallest to largest: start with the simplest poses and a short time of fixing the body in one position. Increase the difficulty and delay time in the asana gradually.
  2. Take your time while doing the exercises. Yoga is not only a physical practice, but also a spiritual one: what is important here is not the dynamics of performing the exercise, but the focus on the body and thoughts.
  3. Maintain calm, natural breathing.
  4. Do not ignore pain: if you feel severe physical discomfort during exercise, stop performing the asana.
  5. Do not make extraneous movements not prescribed by practice. This is especially important when performing static poses: you should relax and not twitch.


Did you know that...

Next fact

Yoga practice is not suitable for people with disorders such as


  • 4th degree of spinal curvature;
  • back and/or skull injuries;


Before you plan to start classes, be sure to consult with a specialist. First of all, it is necessary to determine the degree of curvature of the spine: for example, a patient with degrees 2 and 3 is strictly not recommended to perform exercises that include twisting and turning; Also, patients with severe scoliosis should not take inverted positions. In addition, the doctor can also identify individual contraindications.

Tree pose

  1. Stand in tadasana;
  2. Lift your left heel to the base of your right leg at your perineum;
  3. The foot is completely on the right thigh;
  4. The toes of the left foot point down;
  5. Inhaling, bring your palms together in front of your body;
  6. Slowly raise your arms up;
  7. Focus on the area between the eyebrows;
  8. Stand like this for a few seconds, or better yet a minute;
  9. Slowly return to tadasana;
  10. Perform the exercise for the right leg.

Balance develops, the spine is stretched, leg muscles are strengthened, posture is formed, concentration and attention are improved. Working out the shoulder joints, air circulation in the lungs, eliminating headaches.

Cow Pose - Gomukhasana

Cow pose lengthens all muscles, relieving back pain after long hours at a desk or driving a car.

  1. Sit on your buttocks with your knees bent;
  2. Place your knees one above the other;
  3. To do this, cross the zeros and place your feet on both sides of your hips so that your right foot is at the left hip and your left foot is at the right hip;
  4. Place your right hand behind your back through the bottom;
  5. Left hand over the top;
  6. Bring your hands together and breathe evenly;
  7. Hold the lock for a minute;
  8. Then repeat the lock for the other hand;
  9. Then change the crosshairs of your legs;
  10. Repeat the locks for both hands.

The pose opens the chest, straightens the back, improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, improves digestion, and improves the mobility of the shoulder muscles. By doing these poses every day, you will feel improvements very quickly. Your muscles will stretch and become stronger. It is possible that you will become a couple of centimeters taller!

Abs are the basis of beautiful posture

Work on beautiful posture should begin with training the abdominal muscles.

Perform simple exercises for all groups of abdominal muscles and, under any circumstances, pull in your stomach and try to keep the muscles slightly tense.

The result will appear immediately: the abdominal muscles, under tension, bring the lower part of the spine into the correct position.

We check the acquired reflex for posture control

Correct posture:

the head should not be lowered or raised up. Hold it so that your gaze is directed towards the horizon. Pull your chin back a little to give the correct position to your head (without tilting forward or backward) Shoulders are laid back. The spine is straightened so that growth is maximized (imagine your head suspended by a rope from the ceiling). Pull your stomach in. It is not recommended to push the chest forward excessively, as it looks unsightly in profile.

To control correct posture, lean against the wall, with your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head touching it (as indicated in the figure). There is a small gap left between the lower back and the shoulder blades, so that the palm can pass through.

Take an ideal body position in front of the mirror. Then move around, make any bends and movements. Now return to the starting position again, but without peeking. Check with the mirror: were you able to maintain your posture correctly without it? Congratulations

And finally, an excellent yoga exercise for correcting posture! Place your hands behind your back. Place your palms together in a namaste greeting. Stay in this position for several seconds. Believe me, your back will thank you :o)))

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