Comb? No, the balisong is for training. She's a butterfly.

The benefits of the butterfly exercise

“Butterfly” in yoga normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic area, relieves fatigue from the legs, prevents the development of varicose veins, elevates mood, strengthens and relaxes the thigh muscles, reduces the risk of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system and has a beneficial effect on the female and male genital organs.

The butterfly pose is very useful for women, it strengthens the uterus, eliminates pain and facilitates the menstrual cycle.

The butterfly exercise in bodybuilding is isolating because it targets specific parts of the muscles.
This workout allows you to work the inner and middle parts of the chest muscles. To perform the butterfly, you need a special simulator, which can be found in the gym.


how to film a hand dance on tik tok step 1

There is a folder on the platform with separate dance tracks. Enter fingertempo in the search bar. In the window that opens, look for tracks. Experienced bloggers use different melodies to create such videos. It can be any popular song. The main thing is to get into the rhythm!

how to film a hand dance on tik tok step 2

How to do the butterfly exercise correctly

In yoga there are a number of subtleties that must be observed when performing the technique. You need to relax your legs - this is not so easy to achieve. The feet should be pressed as close to the groin as possible.

Straighten your back, because according to the culture of the East, the spine is the axis along which the energy of the cosmos enters the human body. After the exercise, your legs need to be stretched and relaxed. The technique must be performed regularly, 25-30 times.

In addition to the standard pose, there is the so-called “reverse butterfly” position. To perform it, you need to lie with your pelvis on the floor, fold your legs into a butterfly and try to open your pelvis wide to lower your groin to the floor.

In bodybuilding, the main points when performing the butterfly technique are:

  • absence of jerky and sudden movements;
  • smoothness in performing movements;
  • powerful contraction and gradual stretching;
  • work of the shoulders without lifting the body from the back of the machine.

If these conditions are difficult to meet, then most likely the weight was chosen incorrectly. It should be noted that this technique puts a lot of stress on the shoulder joints, which in turn are easily injured by heavy loads and jerking movements.

A simple and effective way to open a balisong

Before you can learn how to twist a butterfly knife, you need to know how to open it. It was previously noted that the balisong has two handles - safe and dangerous. The grip should only be on a safe handle to avoid cuts. It is located on the back of the blade. Beginners can distinguish it by the presence of a latch. The worst thing that can happen to you with the correct grip is being hit with the back of the blade or the second handle. It is impossible to get hurt with a butterfly knife if you grip it correctly.

For the pectoral muscles on the simulator

How does butterfly differ from many other chest techniques? First of all, because it is isolated. When performing the exercise, only the shoulders, elbows and the body itself are used, while being securely fixed. The auxiliary apparatus of the muscles is involved to a minimum. The main load falls on the chest.

There are several variations of this technique, which depend on the simulator itself: with arms bent at the elbows and with arms straight. In the latter case, the amplitude is smaller.

The main advantage of this technique over the dumbbell fly is maintaining the maximum tension of the working muscles at the site of full contraction. Due to this, the load on the chest area is not only maintained, but also accumulates. The muscles work more, which ensures more effective training, of course, provided that it is performed correctly.

  1. Set up the trainer. The seat should be at such a height that the shoulders and elbows are in line, and the shoulder bones are parallel to the floor. When diluting, tension must be maintained in the IP.
  2. Pull your lower back towards the back of the machine (bending is not appropriate here), rest your feet on the floor. The position of the body should be securely fixed; it should facilitate comfortable performance of the technique without lifting the body from the back.
  3. Pull your shoulder joint back, take a deep breath and push your chest forward. As you exhale, pull the handles in with a powerful movement. At the moment of full contraction, maintain tension for a moment, then slowly inhale, filling your chest with air and spreading your arms to the sides, stretching the chest muscles to the maximum.
  4. “Listen” to how your pectoral muscles are stretched from the inside due to filling with air. Do not succumb to the gravity of the load and under no circumstances throw the weight, do not let it return to its original position.

The “reverse butterfly” is used to finely refine the shape, as well as to sculpt the upper back muscles and rear delts. This technique helps strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. This is very useful, since the strength of this muscle group determines the stability of the shoulders in relation to loads. It is recommended to do 3 or 4 sets of 10-16 repetitions.

  1. Adjust the seat and position of the handles. The distance between the handles should correspond to the width of the shoulders, this will straighten the arms and place them parallel to the floor.
  2. Press your chest against the back of the machine, bend at the waist, straighten your arms and grab the handles with a neutral grip. Spread your arms slightly so that the block lifts from the supports. This will be your IP.
  3. Take a breath and freeze. Tighten your upper back muscles and rear deltoids. Move the handles of the machine back so that your elbows are behind your back.
  4. After a pause, tighten your rear deltoids even more, then exhale and return to the IP.
  5. Again, pause briefly and repeat the technique again.
  6. If the simulator does not allow you to perform the technique with straight arms, then in the IP you can dry them slightly. The main thing is that the arms do not bend during movements. To do this, securely fasten the elbow joint.
  7. In order to consolidate the material presented, we suggest watching a short video on how to correctly perform the “butterfly” exercise on a special simulator.

DIY paper butterflies (garland)

For each butterfly you will need:

- thin ribbon or thread

1. From a sheet of colored paper you need to make a square. In this example, it measures 15x15 cm.

2. Fold the square diagonally to form a triangle.

3. From the middle of the triangle, start folding the paper into an accordion shape (about 1 cm wide).

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with another square.

5. Fold both accordions and wrap them in the middle with a super-thin ruff. Make sure that the ruff not only holds both halves, but also serves as the antennae of the butterfly.

6. Open the accordions a little to make the butterfly's wings larger.

* Make several similar butterflies for a garland. You can use paper of different colors.

7. Thread a thread through the middle of each paper butterfly.

Yoga leg stretching exercise

  1. Sit on the floor, bend your knees, press your feet to the floor, rest your hands on the floor. With the legs closed, the butterfly's two wings are closed. Inhale and open your “wings”; as you exhale, close your legs again. Opening our legs, we connect our feet, and stretch our knees towards the floor.
  2. This exercise is a little more difficult: open your legs and clasp your feet with your hands. Start pulsating your legs to lower your knees closer to the floor. In this case, the back should remain straight.
  3. Move your hands to your knees. Inhale and press your hands on your knees so that they drop as low as possible. Exhale and relax your legs. While inhaling, you need to stretch your spine as far as possible beyond the top of your head.
  4. Close your legs as in the starting position in the first exercise. Place your hands on the floor. Open your legs and clasp your feet with your hands. Inhale and stretch your body and arms forward. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

So, instructions!

  1. Drape the tie over your neck (or hip) and let the left side hang slightly lower than the right. Attention: if you are left-handed, then, on the contrary, the right side should be longer.
  2. Hook the long end over the short one, as if you were throwing a loop.
  3. Fold the short end (which is now on the left) in half. It should look like half of the future node.
  4. Take the long end and throw it over.
  5. Holding the corner with your right hand, twist the long end around the middle of the tie.
  6. Fold the rest of the butterfly in half and insert it into the resulting loop.
  7. Tighten the knot by gently pulling the ends of the tie. This will help to “sit” it comfortably on the neck, and will also strengthen the knot.

Features of performance during pregnancy

Such exercises are very useful for pregnant women. The “butterfly” makes the joints and bones of the pelvis more mobile and normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic area. Relaxes the muscles and allows you to feel the most comfortable position for the birth of the baby.

Sit on the floor, bend your knees. Tighten your feet so that it is comfortable to be in this position. Don’t strain and try to pull your feet as close as possible or press your knees to the floor. You are allowed to lean your back against the wall. Relax, listen to your breathing, feel the contact of your body with the floor.

Starting a new hobby

The most common domestic butterfly knife is suitable for training. You can perform tricks with it without undue caution, since if it breaks quickly, you can purchase a similar cheap tool.

How to twist a butterfly knife? To protect your own limbs, you will first have to wrap the blade with a thick layer of plaster. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid suffering from minor wounds that will certainly appear during the learning process.

The simplest basic butterfly knife trick is performed as follows:

  • the safety handle is tightly clamped between the thumb and index finger;
  • the second part of the handle goes down, after which the remaining fingers fold into a tube-like position;
  • Rotational movements of the hand are performed, repeating the outlines of the figure eight.

Features of fitness nutrition

Proper nutrition should be followed for several reasons:

  1. a balanced diet during physical activity is the basis of health and a low risk of injury when playing sports;
  2. necessary foods consumed improve heart function and reduce cholesterol in the body;
  3. Eating healthy food has a good effect on the appearance of your skin and hair;
  4. Proper consumption of foods increases the body's energy throughout the day;
  5. Fitness nutrition allows you to lose weight and not change your weight, thanks to which you remain in good shape.

Such nutrition has its differences for women and men due to a number of features. The main differences are in the speed of metabolic processes in the body. In women, this process is much slower than in men, and amounts to a percentage of 10-20%.

Healthy food is a source of energy for the whole body, and restoring expended energy is an important point for a good workout when going to the gym. A competent nutrition schedule helps to fill the body with the necessary elements and substances in a timely manner.

The diet should consist of fractional portions of meals: from four to six throughout the day with an equal period of time between them. Meals should take place every day at the same time with breaks, an average of three hours. Each serving should average a quarter kilogram. With this diet, metabolism improves.

In addition to food, do not forget about water, which you should drink during the day from one and a half to two liters in an even amount, distributed throughout the day, in particular when playing sports.

Balisong design

You must first familiarize yourself with the design of edged weapons in order to learn how to twist a butterfly knife. For beginners, a very important point will be the ability to distinguish between a safe and dangerous knife handle. The butterfly knife design includes:

  • Blade.
  • Two handles.
  • Latch.
  • A couple of pins.
  • A pair of hinged axles.

The handles of a butterfly knife can be made of various materials, such as bronze, brass, bone, etc. But the design of a balisong designed for flipping - the artistic rotation of a butterfly knife - differs from the design of the product used in everyday life.

how to twist a butterfly knife correctly

Due to the frequent tilting of the handles, over time they can become deformed at the point of contact with the latch. Also, due to continuous rotation, the knife can become wobbly and uncontrollable, which can lead to injury during flipping. To avoid unpleasant consequences, small indentations are made in the artistic balisong on the handle and the diameter of the pin is increased. You can also find a butterfly knife with a spring-loaded latch, which can similarly save you from the problem of locking the knife.

how to twist a butterfly knife for beginners

Diet and training regimen

Combining proper nutrition and exercise is quite a difficult task. Success in achieving your goal depends on your diet and exercise routine. Therefore, it is worth motivating yourself in this. After you wake up, you should drink a glass of water and have breakfast 15-30 minutes later. Breakfast should be the heaviest of all subsequent meals.

In addition, a morning meal is the best way to convert nutrients into energy rather than fat. If there is no feeling of hunger in the morning, you should reduce your evening meal, so that you will have an appetite in the morning.

Before going directly to the gym or other physical activity, you should eat no later than two hours in advance, especially foods made from protein foods, which include meat, legumes, and dairy products. You should also remember that after playing sports you should not eat for at least two hours, and you are only allowed to drink water.

Eating carbohydrates is an essential component of fitness recipes and proper and healthy nutrition. Carbohydrates are simple and complex. To avoid gaining weight, you should start consuming exclusively complex carbohydrates. They can be found in cereals and legumes, in pasta, but only in hard varieties.

The listed products contain glucose in addition to carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are very harmful to your figure, because they are found in sweets, flour products and carbonated drinks, and they cause weight gain and a thinner figure.

Simple rotation

To perform the Basic Twirl trick, you need to take the knife with the safe side, holding it with all fingers except the thumb - it should be free.

  1. Start rotating the butterfly knife with your brush.
  2. While moving the knife, you need to change the position of your fingers. Throw it over your middle finger and move your ring finger to the safe side. This must be done when the butterfly is open.
  3. After this, place the sharp handle on your index finger.
  4. Rotating the balisong in this way, hold it by the safe part first with your middle and index fingers, and then change the middle to the thumb.

However, make sure that when connecting the handles, the thumb is tucked away and protected from impact.

Summary of the 15-minute peer-to-peer training I did at work last Wednesday. My super useful and vital fifteen minutes. Having not come up with anything sensible to teach my colleagues in 15 minutes, I decided to teach at least something interesting. I want to talk about a piece of my vast pool of useless skills - tricks with folding balisong knives. This is a hobby that I am currently mastering. I don’t know too much yet, but I was glad to teach at least some of this.

A piece of history.

According to the most common legend, the balisong or, as they also like to call it, the butterfly knife came to us from the Philippines. The compact and safe knife when folded was invented by local fishermen for their needs. The balisong was originally a double-edged sword. But later it occurred to someone that they could not only cut, but also perform all sorts of wonderful tricks. This is probably why almost all models are now produced with one-sided or, in extreme cases, one-and-a-half sharpening.

Example of double-edged balisongs

Safe handle and Bite handle.

The butterfly knife has two handles. At first, you can distinguish them for yourself by the fact that one of them has a dangling tail-fastener, and the other does not. The one without a tail is safe to hold on to. In this case, no matter how you twirl the knife, the worst thing that threatens your fingers is a blow to them with the second handle or the blunt side of the blade. (In fact, sometimes you can quite unpleasantly pinch some part of your hand and get a mountain of discomfort and a tiny bruise that takes a long time to disappear.) This handle is called a Safe handle. Because it's safe. The other handle should be held with caution, because the hand on it is between a hammer and an anvil. The blade faces your fingers with its sharpened side and, if you swing it carelessly, it will joyfully slam shut on them. “It will bite.” That's why the handle with the clasp is called the Bite handle.

Anatomy of a balisong

The point is this.

Most tricks for beginners are designed so that we don't let go of the Safe handle. The one I showed is no exception. This is perhaps one of the simplest and most controlled magic tricks you can find on the internet. At the same time, it looks impressive and, in my opinion, is ideal for starting a hobby, because it allows you to quickly feel like a young man.

I'm attaching a great tutorial from YouTube here. The person who makes them explains them very well, gives tips, talks about the subtleties and possible mistakes. He has the highest quality video training on flipping.

As you can see, Basic Twirl can be divided into 3 movements. 1 - open the knife and move your index finger over. 2 - throw the knife over your index finger. 3 - with your middle finger, slightly lower the safe handle and, placing your thumb behind it, push it sharply, giving enough momentum to make an ≈270-degree rotation (180 due to its own hinge and a little more than 90 on the hinge of the second handle) and end up with you in hand. These movements can be learned by repeating them individually, but in order for everything to look beautiful in the end, you will have to manage to perform them as one long and continuous gesture. Therefore, I still recommend doing this: learned 1. Learned 1-2. Learned 1-2-3. Showed off in front of friends.

Basic Twirl, if performed correctly, does not endanger your fingers at all, since all manipulations are carried out exclusively with the Safe handle. Possible critical error

- at the very beginning it is wrong to take the knife by mixing up the handles. Then at the beginning of the second movement the blade will land on the index finger. The result is thousands of bloodshed, but what’s even worse is a negative experience, because of which the weak-willed may completely lose the desire to learn. The second theoretically possible mistake is if you somehow magically manage, when closing the knife, to place your fingers on the sharpened side of the blade and they will be slammed on top by the landing handle. Theoretically, it’s possible. Practically, it is difficult to achieve. Do not do that.

Today Balisongs come in all shapes and sizes.

How to start a new hobby.

To get started and see if this hobby is close to you, it will be enough to buy some Viking Nordway for 200 Russian money and a fabric patch at the nearest travel equipment store. Next, we need to make a volitional decision about where we will glue the patch. You can stick it on the sharpened side of the blade once. Otherwise, we will repeatedly seal up the holes in our fingers that will inevitably appear during training.

You can order pointless and merciless “training tools” on the Internet. It is worth noting that good manufacturers make holes in the blade for a reason, but to maintain weight balance. Training balisongs have a much thicker blade than real ones. The holes are needed so that such a knife weighs the same as a non-practice knife. Having played with the toy enough and picked up a similar model with a sharp edge, the sensations should be familiar. This is critical for tricks like Spinning. In them we rely a lot on momentum, torque and do not hold the knife as securely with our fingers as is usually the case in Twirling.

Pointless, merciless Training and Practice Tool

More meaningful, but no less merciless

The best knives for flipping are Benchmade balisongs. The average model will cost 200-400 US money.

Popular model Benchmade Balisong 42

It should also be taken into account that knives of this design with a blade length greater than 9 cm are illegal in this country

. Those ordered over the hill could easily get stuck at customs and not arrive.

Play safe! All the best.

Don't kill the living!

The butterfly knife is a popular bladed weapon. It got its beautiful name due to the beauty of its rotation and its resemblance to the wings of a butterfly. Its historical connection with crime has led to the notorious knife being banned in many countries around the world. Today, youth use the butterfly as a means to perform exciting stunts. The ability to twist and control a weapon not only provides the satisfaction of dexterity and skill, but also improves hand-eye coordination.

Don't forget about the dangers of weapons, so you can choose a training model for training. It is legal and has a safety blade, which completely eliminates the risk.

Thanks to the special structure of the knife, you can learn to do many exciting tricks. There are some established techniques that can be followed to achieve special mastery.

Here are the most popular butterfly knife tricks that may be of interest to a novice trickster.

Products for diet

When choosing foods for a diet, you can take a specific menu, but not everyone likes certain foods, so everyone creates a diet for themselves individually. For clarity, we will select a number from one to four for all components in the products. And let’s look at how many servings of which foods you can eat per day. The number 4 will be protein, 3 – dietary fiber, 2 – carbohydrates, 1 – fats.

To calculate your own nutrition, correctly selected products are important. Let's calculate them as follows: you are allowed to eat four servings of protein every day. This category will include: chicken breast, lean fish, eggs, cottage cheese and seafood. Three servings of vegetables or fruits are allowed. This subgroup will include:

  • apples, bananas, grapefruits and cucumbers;
  • two servings of complex carbohydrates taken from cereals;
  • one serving of fats taken from nuts, seeds and fish oils.

These products need to be distributed throughout the day, and then losing weight can be quite tasty.

Fitness diet recipes

Let's look at the basic recipes:

  1. Cream soup with ginger. To prepare, take one onion and 5 cm of ginger (grated), fry in a frying pan in olive oil. At the same time, cook three cups of vegetable broth. Pour the broth into the roast, add the juice of one orange. Simmer everything together for a quarter of an hour and puree using a blender. Add the finished soup with herbs. Every athlete should discover this recipe.
  2. Meat with cheese in the oven. A very tasty dish. Take 300 g of meat tenderloin and fry in oil. Cut one eggplant into circles and place on top of the meat. Place a tomato cut into circles and cover with shavings of cheese. Place in the oven. After fifteen minutes you can serve.
  3. The right pasta for weight loss. Chop 100 g of tomatoes and chop one clove of garlic. Place the mixture in a frying pan with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. At the same time, cook durum pasta. Combine everything together and sprinkle lemon zest on top. The pasta is ready. Harmless and tasty.
  4. Chicken fillet and broccoli. Cut 160 g chicken fillet, 100 g broccoli and 220 g cauliflower, separate the florets and place in a frying pan with a little water. Add previously chopped breast. Simmer under a closed lid in a frying pan for about half an hour.
  5. Chicken breast with tomatoes. Take three chicken breasts, wash and dry with napkins. Cut each one so that a pocket is formed, add salt and pepper. At the same time, cut three tomatoes into circles and basil - a few leaves. Place the basil and tomato on the fillet on opposite sides of the pocket. Top with another piece of fillet. Grease the open “pocket” in the fillet with olive oil. Fry in a frying pan in olive oil. The breast is ready.
  6. Carrot cake. Any sports person realizes that this is a great recipe for losing weight. Peel two medium carrots and grate them on a fine grater. Sift one glass of flour. Add five tablespoons of bran to the flour, four tablespoons of skim milk powder, add a pinch of salt, sugar and half a teaspoon each of cinnamon and vanillin, as well as a pinch of soda. Pour boiling water over three tablespoons of raisins and drain. Beat one egg and add to it a teaspoon of vegetable oil and half a glass of kefir. Add two tablespoons of cottage cheese and cooked carrots. Combine all ingredients, mix well. Bake for about forty minutes.

Benefits of doing the exercise

Body development is not only aesthetically beautiful, but also a good way to strengthen the immune system from external negative factors.

Scientists have officially proven that those people who constantly load their bodies with physical exercise not only have greater endurance and strength, but also significantly reduce the risk of developing many diseases in the future and ensure a painless old age.

Now let's talk about the specific benefits:

The relief of the pectoral muscles will become more expressive and clear. bringing your arms together in a butterfly simulator for women will be able to strengthen their chests, as well as work out the upper encircling muscles.

After just a month of active training, you will be able to visually see the dividing strip that divides the chest in half

Doctors often prescribe special physical therapy to their patients, which is aimed at restoring the human musculoskeletal system, as well as strengthening muscles during their atrophy.

With systematic exercise, your muscles will become stronger, which means they will be less susceptible to sprains and various injuries.

Sample menu for the week

Breakfast week should be varied. What options can you choose:

  1. First day. Combine yogurt, always low-fat, with fruit, and you can add nuts.
  2. Breakfast on the second day. Oatmeal or muesli with seeds. Season with low-fat milk.
  3. Breakfast on the third day. Low-fat yogurt plus oatmeal.
  4. Breakfast on the fourth day. Low-fat cottage cheese, seasoned with jam, sour cream and sugar.
  5. Breakfast on the fifth day. Yogurt with berries.
  6. Breakfast on the sixth day. Yogurt smoothie with oatmeal and banana. Prepare using a blender as follows: mix oatmeal and banana seasoned with yoghurt in a blender and add a little milk, a spoonful of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.
  7. Breakfast on the seventh day. Yogurt with fruit.

Lunches and dinners can be alternated from the above menu. Low-fat soup, vegetable broths and lean chicken are good options for lunch.

Hand pinch for girls

We could not leave the fair sex aside, because they also want to have a beautiful and athletic body.

More recently, scientists have put forward a theory that girls are 20 times more resilient than men, so they can exercise with heavy loads on exercise machines just like men.

Often after the birth of a child, a woman is faced with the problem of sagging breasts or loss of volume. In this case, there is no need to panic; this defect can be corrected.

Bringing your arms together in a butterfly exercise machine for girls can return your breasts to their original state.

To do this, you need to perform the same exercises that were described above, only with fewer repetitions.

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