The expert showed super exercises for training the buttocks at home

These exercises improve memory and develop coordinated work of the brain hemispheres, build new neural connections in the cerebral cortex.


I would like to present you with fairly simple exercises that serve to develop your brain and increase its functionality.

The exercises are performed with the fingers of both hands and are therefore called “fingering”.

Exercises "Fingers":

  • improve memory,
  • develop coordinated functioning of the brain hemispheres,
  • increase the speed of thinking, speed of decision-making, speed of reaction,
  • build new neural connections in the cerebral cortex.

With these exercises you can significantly increase your efficiency and productivity.

In addition, exercises provide a general healing effect , since the effect is on bioactive points that are located on the fingertips. That is, in fact, this is another option for acupressure (acupressure).

In martial arts, another very valuable effect of these exercises is noticeable. It is expressed in the fact that when performing fingering, the fingers are significantly strengthened and the tendons are developed .

It is better to do exercises in the morning, after a morning routine or after meditation.

The effect of fingering will become noticeable after 3 months of daily practice.

Fitness programs for strength training

The programs presented below are based on specific exercise techniques.

  • Weight loss.

The essence of the technique is to reduce the load at the end of the approach and perform additional repetitions. It is believed that during strength training, the number of repetitions in each approach should range from 8 to 10. This technique suggests reducing the load at the end of the approach by 10-20% and performing, in addition to the main 8-10, 3-5 additional repetitions;

  • Friend's support.

This fitness program is designed for joint training with a partner or trainer. The partner technique, just like the previous one, involves performing additional repetitions. But in this case, there is no need to reduce the weight of the load; instead, your partner should assist you in performing it. Add 3-5 extra reps and try to do them yourself. If it doesn’t work out, your partner will help you;

  • Slow start.

To begin, choose a weight that you can lift 5 times. The essence of the technique is to increase the time of the positive phase of movement (lifting) to 10 seconds. The negative phase (lowering) remains the same - 3-5 seconds;

  • Slow finish.

Mirror image of the previous program. Choose a load that is suitable for performing 5 full repetitions. Leave the lifting phase at 3-5 seconds, increase the lowering phase to 10 seconds;

  • Comprehensive study.

This technique is based on circuit training. For each large muscle group (for example, legs), you need to perform 3 exercises without pauses or breaks. Choose a weight so that you can perform 8-10 repetitions in each approach. You should start with isolated movements that specifically work a specific muscle, and end with complex movements aimed at working a muscle group.

Each technique involves the use of 5-7 exercises, which you can select from the complex presented below.

Finger No. 1

Starting position: hands in front of you, fingers pointing up and straightened as much as possible. On each hand, the tip of the index finger is connected to the thumb. It looks like a gesture - Okay.

Now, at the same time, with both hands, we make a fairly strong press with the thumb on the tips of the other fingers in order - middle, ring, little finger. As soon as we reach the little finger, we also go back to the index finger. We try to straighten the fingers that are not involved in pressing as much as possible. It is important.

We make at least 3 such passes back and forth.

Super complex for buttocks

Modern girls prefer working out at home rather than going to gyms or fitness clubs. Sometimes there is simply no time for this, and practicing at home with your favorite music is much more comfortable than in the gym. Today we will look at a complex for the buttocks, which allows you to achieve visible results in just a few weeks.

A good mood and comfortable environment will greatly increase the effectiveness of your classes. Therefore, you should approach your preparation very responsibly.

It is best to exercise in the morning, about an hour after breakfast. Before classes, you need to ventilate the room, you should also get a rug and a low bench. Energetic music will help you keep up the pace and will charge you with vigor and good mood during training. You need to start with a warm-up, which will help warm up your muscles and quickly get into work. The best choice here would be light stretching, as well as a series of body tilts.

Basic exercises of the super complex for the buttocks

Consists of several series of exercises to work the gluteal muscles. They will make your butt firm and toned, and help get rid of excess volume. In addition to the gluteal muscles, the thigh muscles are also included in the work, which allows you to lose weight faster.

Let's start the complex for the buttocks with swing movements. This series involves swinging the leg to the side and forward. For better stability, you can rest your hands on a table or windowsill. The greater the amplitude of the swing, the greater the effect the training will give. Perform 10 swings to the side and 10 forwards for each leg.


Next, we move on to squats, which will involve not only the thigh muscles, but the gluteal muscles. First, we do smooth half-squats, lowering ourselves to knee level. While squatting, watch your posture and perform 2 sets of 10 times. Then we move on to deep squats and do 2 sets of 10 reps. To get the best effect, squat slowly, holding for a few seconds in the lower position.


Let's give our legs a little rest and stretch the muscles. We stand straight and take the widest possible step with one foot forward. We transfer the weight of the body onto it, while the second leg fully straightens and rests on the toe. We perform six springing movements and return back. We repeat everything for the other leg.


To perform the next exercise, we kneel and spread our feet very far apart. We slowly lower ourselves, sitting on the floor between our legs. We linger for 5 seconds in this position, and then return to the starting position. We perform 2 sets of 10 times.

Swing your legs

Standing on all fours, we move our legs up and down with a small amplitude. We repeat the same for the second leg. You need to do 10 repetitions in total.

Without changing the starting position, we raise the bent leg up and make springing movements with it. We return to the starting position and perform the exercise for the other leg. Here we also do 10 repetitions.

To perform the last exercise, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. We lean back and lean on our elbows so that the body is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. Raise your leg up and begin to draw the letters of the alphabet in the air with your toe. The less you lift your leg, the more effective the exercise will be. We repeat the same for the other leg. At the beginning of training, most likely, you will not be able to write all the letters, but over time you will be able to do this without much difficulty. You can also replace letters with numbers; in this case, you need to start from scratch, so progress in training will be immediately visible.

We finish the workout by stretching all muscle groups. You can also perform a small set of breathing exercises, which will help you relax, relieve fatigue and avoid discomfort in the muscles after exercise.

Good to know

The proposed buttock complex will help give your butt a good shape. But it’s not enough to just pump up your buttocks, you also need to keep them in good shape. This is facilitated by a number of useful habits. For example, instead of using the elevator, use the stairs. Walking on stairs is a great way to strengthen the muscles of your legs and buttocks. Try to walk more. To do this, you can introduce a short evening walk into your daily routine, which will strengthen your muscles and help you take your mind off problems. It’s better to start your day with morning exercises, which can also be replaced by jogging or jumping rope.

In addition, do not forget about proper nutrition and daily routine. This will help you always stay in good shape and give you energy and a great mood for the whole day.

Finger No. 2

This is a slight modification of the first finger. But it is much more difficult to perform, since coordination of the cerebral hemispheres is already necessary here.

Starting position: on one hand, the index finger is connected to the thumb, and on the other, the little finger.

Now we begin to simultaneously press the other fingers in order with the thumb on both hands. On different hands, a movement towards the opposite direction is obtained. On one from the index to the little finger, on the other from the little finger to the index.

We also do at least 3 passes.

SUPER exercise for the hormonal system!!! bookmark 68

Chinese medicine emphasizes the need to bring the various systems of the body into balance to restore Balance and Harmony, strengthening the body, soul and spirit. Qi Nei Tsang massage is based on the holistic approach of the ancient Taoist tradition, due to which during this procedure there is a beneficial effect on the body, prevention and treatment of many diseases.

The one who practices this abdominal massage frees his body from blocks in the abdominal cavity, restoring the free movement of energy, which begins to flow to the vital organs. As a result, physiological processes in the body are activated, in particular, blood circulation improves. With the help of Qi Nei Tsang massage, you can help not only yourself, but also other people to restore good health.


Eastern medicine teaches: pay attention not only to your appearance, but also to those parts of the body that you yourself cannot see and are embarrassed to show to someone. Exercises for the perineum, one of which is described below, are especially useful for a sedentary lifestyle, for prolapse of internal organs and for restoring hormonal balance.

The human perineum is directly energetically connected to an energy center called the Crystal Palace, which includes four glands - the Pineal Gland, the Thalamus, the Hypothalamus and the Pituitary Gland, located in the middle of the head. Therefore, by activating the perineum and the Crystal Palace, we immediately activate the balancing of the hormonal system. Physiologically, the head and perineum are connected by the circulation of blood and cerebrospinal fluid.

Close your mouth, exhale and, without inhaling, suck in with your stomach. How to do abdominal suction correctly? When you exhaled, then your stomach decreased, and now hold your breath and, WITHOUT inhaling, try to increase your stomach and then you will feel a vacuum in the stomach, this vacuum will begin to try to suck in air from all sides.

Holding your breath and not inhaling, try to “inhale with your stomach” with your lungs even more, that is, expand both your stomach and chest even more - then you will understand the mechanism of suction. Try to expand the abdominal cavity and chest both forward and backward, and to the right and to the left.

At the same time, pull the perineum in the direction of the stomach. Feel how the perineum, genitourinary diaphragm and all the pelvic organs seem to be slightly compressed, lifted up and drawn into the center of the body. Feel the suction in the throat (similar to the stomach), in the stomach and in the perineum. Now inhale, calm down, breathe freely and wait for your breathing to regulate, enjoy every breath. Breathing means we are still living.

Then close your mouth again, exhale well and, while inhaling, do suction with your stomach.

Feel how the perineum and genitourinary diaphragm seem to be slightly compressed, lifted and drawn into the center of the body, feel the suction in the throat, in the stomach and in the perineum, that is, from all sides. DO NOT inhale, but exhale again and suction (without inhaling). Imagine that the perineum is drawn even more into the center of the body, try to do this physically (if you do this exercise daily, you will begin to feel all the described actions, and they will become clear to you). Now inhale and wait for your breathing to regulate. Repeat several times, maintaining a state of pleasant comfort.

It is very important to work physically, mentally and energetically with your perineum to improve its health.

In this way, serious problems are prevented and treated, in particular, urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse and prolapse, prostatitis, adenoma, etc. Unfortunately, the mentioned problems are very common among the population. In some civilized countries, the industry produces more diapers for adults than for children. Therefore, it is very important to engage in timely self-improvement, to do exercises to maintain the health and integrity of spirit, soul and body.


After doing the exercises, it is very good to do the “Nine Flowers” ​​self-massage. We start with the first flower: massage the nipples nine times in one direction and then nine times in the opposite direction.

Then we massage the second to eighth flowers in the same way. We can massage the ninth flower by suction and compression of the perineum as described from the very beginning, nine times. At this stage, such self-massage is the same for people of different sexes.

Next we prepare the elixir, the life-giving water of life. We exhale and do suction with our mouth, suck on the tongue, and suck in the direction of the tongue through the eyes, ears and nose. We think that we absorb into the oral cavity the energies of the Natural Forces of the Earth, the Sun, the Stars, Cosmic Light, the Primordial Force of Formation of the Universe and the Holy Spirit. We inhale, breathe freely and wait for the breathing to regulate. We smile while doing this, rejoice and gently tap our teeth to activate the bones.

We collect nectar from the palate with our tongue. This is the Life-Giving Water of Life, consisting of saliva, as well as a fluid that is somewhat similar in chemical composition to cerebrospinal fluid. This nectar is enriched with hormones. We chew this Elixir of Immortality and, when we have prepared it sufficiently, then we actively swallow it. We mix this Life-giving water of life in the stomach with our intention and thought. Thus, the work of the endocrine glands is activated, which in turn helps restore hormonal balance.

Mar 26, 2017Olga

How to shake your buttocks correctly: a report from the twerking school

One of the dance schools in Kemerovo announced a unique offer to take a TWERK course for beginners. Information spread across social networks: “... The course includes 12 one-hour lessons, during which you are GUARANTEED to master some types of shaking and control of your beautiful butt! We will teach you various rotations, shakes, pump up your butt and your whole body at the same time.”

But before the girls learn to frantically twirl their butts, they were invited to attend an open class to familiarize themselves with the dance.

For those who don’t know, twerking has recently been an incredibly popular dance in which girls (usually those with round shapes) twitch their butt to rhythmic music. The official definition of twerk recently appeared even in the Oxford Dictionary: Dancing to popular music in a sexually provocative manner; involves hip movement and a deep lunge.”

90 girls signed up for a free twerking lesson in Kemerovo. They weren’t even embarrassed by the guys’ offensive comments in the dance school public. Young people wrote that the classes would teach girls of easy virtue, supposedly only crazy people dance twerk. However, I didn’t see any crazy or vulgar ladies at the open lesson: completely ordinary young girls came to the lesson.

The lesson was taught by choreographer Natalya

. She is known in dancer and rapper circles as Panic. The girl does not have a professional dance education, but, as she herself said, she has a wealth of choreographic experience behind her. She learned twerking from famous Russian dancers Alexandra Pirogova and Elena Yatkina.

The lesson began with Natalya bringing the girls up to speed: “Today we will learn twerking or, as it is also called, booty-dancing - this is not important. The trend originated in the USA in the city of New Orleans. It was danced by black women.”

According to Natalia, dancing is easy for African-American women, because they have such outstanding forms that they shake perfectly without any effort. But we, white Kemerovo women, will have to work hard to master twerk techniques.

After a short warm-up, we did just that: we raised and lowered our buttocks, then bent our knees and raised and lowered our buttocks again. Well, we shook, shook, shook the butt almost the entire lesson. By the way, this is not as simple as it might seem at first. And not everyone did it perfectly, like the black girls in the videos from the Internet.

The choreographer said that many beginning dancers underestimate the complexity of booty dancing. “Twerking is more than just shaking your ass,”

- she noted. As in any dance, it is important to do all the movements technically correctly, and this is very difficult, especially for a physically unprepared person. In this case, you need to not only twitch in different directions, but also get into the music.

“Musicality, rhythm, sexuality – these are the rules of twerking,”

said .
According to her, black women invented this dance to attract men. “So more sex, girls,”
the dancer added.

By the way, this dance with a “thick” hint of eroticism attracts not only adult girls and women, but also very young people. Even 12-year-old and 14-year-old girls tried to sign up for the open lesson, but nothing worked out for them: the Kemerovo twerking school has an age limit of 16+.

While we were twirling our buttocks, barely breathing, we were told that endurance is very important in twerking, because dancing takes a lot of energy. Kemerovo bootie dancers take part in battles and perform at corporate events, and there you won’t get away with shaking for a few seconds.

After the open lesson, it was, of course, too early for the girls to think about performing, but we learned a few moves to demonstrate our twerking skills. “That’s it, now you can show these movements to your friends, and be like, “Look, I’m twerking.”

“, joked choreographer

Those who want something more have signed up for the only course in Kemerovo for beginner “twerkers”: it costs 1,800 rubles for 12 lessons. The dance school promised that by the end of the program the students would shake their buttocks like goddesses. And besides, they will lose weight and tighten their figure, because in this dance all muscle groups work.

My impressions

In forty minutes I learned to “twerk” and changed my opinion about this dance. To be honest, at the open lesson I expected to see something else: not very fresh women who dream of learning how to move sexually, incompetent teachers (after all, twerking is a new trend for Kemerovo), and generally more trash.

However, my fears did not come true. The lesson was easy and fun, especially since the teachers and girls themselves treat everything ironically - they constantly laugh and joke. The only thing that confused us was the guy with the camera, who was present throughout the entire lesson and was trying to capture not our embarrassed faces during the dance, but you know what. By the way, he even threatened to film us and post it online. But so far, thank God, the guy hasn’t done this. Otherwise, you never know, suddenly the commentators will accuse the girls and along with them me of destroying “spiritual bonds” or something else...

Twerking in Siberia

While the Kemerovo dancers are taking the young “twerker” course, the girls from Novosibirsk have already become famous throughout the world. Elena Yatkina and her students became famous when millions of users watched videos of them dancing on YouTube. After this, the girls began to receive many offers - for example, they were invited to go on tour to America, but the dancers refused. But they couldn’t refuse the producer of rapper Snoop Dogg. In Novosibirsk, the girls filmed a new video in which they shake their buttocks to a new celebrity track. Part of the clip has appeared online, but when the clip can be seen in full is still unknown.

Twerk in Kuzbass

Kuzbass residents try to keep up with their Novosibirsk colleagues and, one after another, shoot videos of their twerking. The dance of two girls from Mezhdurechensk against the backdrop of city landscapes was watched by 500 people.

The Belovites demonstrated their twerking skills and received as many as seven thousand views. So the daring American dance reached not only Kemerovo, but, as we see, also the small towns of Kuzbass.

Exercise No. 5. For the press

What can (and should) be done with the press? That's right, download. To achieve the desired “flatness” of the abdomen, bend the torso from a lying position. Key idea: Get your abdominal muscles working by lifting your upper torso—neck, shoulders, and upper back. There are more effective exercises, but when doing this, the likelihood of making a mistake is reduced to zero, and this undoubtedly increases its value! How to do it: Lie on the floor with your hands behind your head. Place your shins on the bed (or simply cross them in the air). Lightly touching your chin to your chest and supporting your head with your hands, lift your upper body off the floor. This technique will allow you to avoid unnecessary stress on the spine and will additionally train the muscles of your thighs.

Exercise No. 4. For arms and chest

One of the best exercises for training the pectoral muscles is considered to be bringing the fingers together in front of the chest while simultaneously “springing.” However, a strength exercise - push-ups - is much more effective. Its only, but noticeable, disadvantage is “difficulty to implement.” The main idea: lift your body weight, using the muscles of your arms, chest, and abdominals. How to do it: Press your toes and hands into the floor. At the same time, your torso forms a perfect straight line from the shoulders to the knees. Bend and straighten your elbows, making sure that your torso remains motionless.

Exercise No. 9. For the back

The spine needs support! And mainly muscle. Otherwise, it is difficult and painful for him to remain straight. The main idea: to thoroughly train all the back muscles at home, without resorting to the help of exercise machines or barbells. How to do it: Lie face down on the floor. Clasp your hands behind your head, spreading your elbows like the wings of a butterfly. Raise your upper body and begin to touch the floor with the tips of your elbows, alternating between right and left. Important: the line formed by your hands behind your head should be completely straight.

Secrets of successful training

So, you understand how to pump up your buttocks at home. Now I’ll give you a few secrets that will make your training as effective as possible. In order to quickly notice positive changes in your appearance, be sure to use these recommendations.

  1. Exercise regularly. Work out your buttocks at home at least 3 times a week. Less frequent activities will make the results more blurred. However, you should not resort to the other extreme: overloading one muscle group will not allow the muscle fibers to fully recover. It is optimal to take a 1 or 2 day break between workouts.
  2. Breathe correctly. Remember that an effort (for example, lifting a leg) is always performed while exhaling. And muscle relaxation and rest should begin with inhalation. Failure to do this will make even the most effective hip exercises useless.
  3. Increase the load gradually. Start by performing basic versions of each movement. When you have completed the required number of repetitions, complicate them. To do this, add another approach or use weights.
  4. Don't forget about cardio. If you want to reduce the appearance of cellulite and lose weight, be sure to combine butt exercises at home with cardio. You can run, jump rope, or do aerobics. The secret to great shape is 3-4 hours of such exercise per week.

Now you know how to pump up your buttocks at home. By combining cardio and specific strength exercises that were described in this article, you will achieve amazing results. Your gluteal muscles will tighten and become more prominent, and your skin will become firmer. You can forever forget about problems such as unattractive buttocks and cellulite.

Exercise No. 3. For the back of the thigh

Lunges are a classic of the genre, and not a single fitness class can do without them: like squats, they are responsible for training the most important muscles of the lower body. In addition, they perfectly train your sense of balance. Basic idea: Take a big step forward, bending the knee of your “dropping” leg to a 90-degree angle. Keep your body weight on the toes of your “back” foot while lowering your back knee toward the floor. How to do it: When performing the exercise, keep your spine absolutely straight. And the knee of the “back” leg should not touch the floor!

Exercise No. 2. For biceps, quads and butt

Squats are traditionally considered one of the important components of almost any workout: they help to train not only the gluteal muscles, but also the thigh muscles, which give the so-called “pumped up” look to the legs. They are usually performed like this: from the starting position (feet shoulder-width apart, back straight), you perform the movement as if sitting on a chair. The main idea: there is one trick that turns a standard exercise into a truly effective one that gives a great workout to the biceps. How to do it: fold your arms in front of your chest, like a good student at school. When you start squats, keep them strictly parallel to the floor. Your knees should be above your ankles at this time!

Exercise No. 1. For weight loss

Whenever you perform any physical activity, do so-called “jerks,” when you set yourself an extremely high pace, load, or number of repetitions. Not only will this help your muscles work harder, but it will also cause your body to literally burn calories and ultimately lose weight. Key idea: Vary the intensity of your workout to challenge your body. Stop hanging around in your own comfort zone! How to do it: alternate: one minute of intensive exercise - 10 minutes of normal mode.

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