New encyclopedia of bodybuilding. Book 2. Training programs, page 1

Schwarzenegger encyclopedia of bodybuildingNew encyclopedia of bodybuilding ( 2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Today, many people are interested in what bodybuilding is, how to get their body in order and become fit. There are a huge number of questions that require answers. It is very interesting that today even books are written about this issue, that is, you can find everything you need. Let's take a closer look at one of the versions of these books, namely the new Schwarzenegger encyclopedia of bodybuilding.

Bodybuilding Terminology

Today, many people are interested in what they look like. That is why they always strive to become as good as possible, to tighten their body. Bodybuilding is very actively used for this. It is necessary to talk and discuss it, because, unfortunately, not everyone fully understands what it is. It is necessary to dwell in more detail on what a food additive is and how it is used and taken. Let us dwell in more detail on what the bodybuilding encyclopedia .

new encyclopedia of bodybuilding
Bodybuilding Terminology

Let’s say in advance that this is one of the options for bait and food additives. This information is simply necessary for beginners and experienced athletes. Let's take a closer look at the concept of bodybuilding. Not everyone fully understands what it is. Firstly, this is the process of building muscle mass. After all, it’s noticeable and everyone immediately understands what you’re doing. For example, if you are a swimmer, then it is impossible for a passerby to notice this. But if you are involved in bodybuilding, then absolutely everyone will understand this. Especially if you use Schwarzenegger Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding .

If you have just started working on yourself and don’t know how to do everything correctly, then bodybuilding for beginners will help you learn all the intricacies of this type.

Bodybuilding is translated from English very simply. This is the building of your body. That is, you build muscle mass, and it becomes much larger. Due to the fact that you constantly do the same thing, perform the same exercises, your muscles become larger and tenser.

There are three types of bodybuilding. The first is called productivity bodybuilding. It is characterized by the fact that with the help of a variety of exercises you gain increased muscle mass. The second option for building muscle mass is temporary. It is carried out so that the body is beautiful during competitions or, for example, in order to be photographed for a magazine. And finally, the third option is the use of food additives.

The New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding

This means you can take supplements and train much less. Many people believe that if you eat food supplements, muscles will appear and increase on their own, but this is naturally not the case. So you have to do it anyway. This is described in the new encyclopedia of bodybuilding. Of course, the process will happen much faster, but still you can’t do without classes.

Underground 53. TOP 10 best books on bodybuilding

There is very little quality literature on the topic of bodybuilding, although there are more than enough books and magazines with a yellow tint. Everything is completely different from what it was in the 80s and early 90s, when, at best, they trained using clippings from Soviet newspapers, and at worst, simply intuitively. Now there is a lot of information. A huge number of books, both domestic and foreign, abundantly saturate the information space on the topic of bodybuilding. Figuring out where the diamonds are and where the dung is is sometimes very difficult.

Such a wide variety of literature on the topic of bodybuilding only gets in the way, in my opinion. A person sometimes has to rush between opposing concepts that he read in “respected publications.” In one they talk about one thing, in the other about something completely different, assuring that it is necessary to do only this way, and not any other way. This only confuses most athletes. And not only for beginners, but even for those already quite experienced. So I decided to help with the most important thing. Help in choosing reliable sources of information on bodybuilding. It seemed reasonable to me to limit “my top best” to ten books. For what? So as not to overload with husks. After reading these books, you will become well versed in the issue yourself and therefore will be able to filter literature based on its quality.

Initially, I ordered as many as 20 books for myself to form a rating. But then I removed many famous books ("Justice in Strength" by Yuri Vlasov, "Dinosaur Training" by Brooks Kubik, "Cool Bodybuilding" by Robert Kennedy, "Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding" by Arnold Schwarzenegger, "The Body Building System" by Joe Weider, etc.), because they were not up to par in the quality or usefulness of the information. In the end, many of these books are simply outdated and have been replaced by materials that are more relevant to modern realities.

The main criterion for selecting books for the rating was the BENEFITS FOR THE ATHLETE that he can get from it. I didn't look at the eminence of the authors, but only at what they can give you. And he appreciated it. That is why, for example, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s book “The New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding” was not included in the rating. Yes, Arnie is a legend! BUT the book, for the most part, simply exploits his name (I’m not even sure that he wrote it personally) in order to make money. There is little really useful information, so it was not included in the rating. After all, in our TOP there are only the best 10 books. Fine. Enough words. Let's get started...


A book that began to be intensively promoted back in the days of publishing Russian-language FLEXes (in the late 90s). Many people remember the bright yellow cover and the author’s inspiring slogans about “training without steroids,” “basic exercises,” “mistakes of the Weydor system,” etc. By the way, the author of this work, Stuart McRobert, who lives on the sunny island of Cyprus, cannot boast of any significant strength achievements or achievements in muscle mass. Which largely served as criticism for his work. Nevertheless, the book is a must read, because it is written according to all the canons “for dummies”, i.e. very convenient, structured and in simple language. Moreover, many of the things in this book actually work. First of all, this is cycling of loads according to the macroperiodization system, progression of loads, selection of basic exercises. On the other hand, there are a number of things that show that McRobert is more of a theorist than a practitioner. But, in my opinion, this book is more than worthy.

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“ANTI-MCROBERT” (Faleev Alexey)

In ninth place I put Alexey Faleev with his works. This man is more of a strongman than a bodybuilder (he is a master of sports in powerlifting). Nevertheless, he describes many things very sensibly and “in our own way.” First of all, I recommend reading his two books “Anti-Macrobert” and “Strength Training. Get rid of delusions." The first book, as you understand, is a “parasitism” on the unfortunate Cypriot. In it, Faleev harshly criticizes Macrobert and his system. Therefore, I always advise reading these two books together (first Macrobert, then Faleev) to make it more fun. And although in many places the criticism is excessive, in my opinion. But there are also sensible points. For example, regarding the step in the progression of loads (Faleev recommends adding at least 2.5-5 kg, and Macrobert 0.5 kg). Since the author is Russian and is familiar with our realities of training, it will be useful to read it. The information is presented in even more detail in another book by Faleev, “Strength Training. Get rid of delusions." I won’t say that everything is presented objectively because the author is a security officer, not a bodybuilder. But for starting classes or for developing strength, Faleev’s books are quite suitable.


The special thing about this work is that it is superbly illustrated. I know that there are many “dummies” who don’t read books without pictures. Well, friends, then this book is definitely for you. It covers all the basic bodybuilding exercises in graphic form. There are excellent diagrams indicating the muscles that contract in this exercise. And although many professionals will say that there is little useful information (so what if you know the names of certain muscles), the book will be very useful for beginners. You will begin to understand what you are ultimately training with this or that exercise.

In addition, the book does not need to be read; it can be viewed as a fairy-tale book from your childhood. For the work and excellent work of the artists, we will give the book eighth place in our ranking.


Quite an old bourgeois book, which, nevertheless, I really like because it promotes the most basic things that modern glossy magazines forget about. The book talks about the most important things. ABOUT THE BASE! And not just about the base, but about the most important exercise in this base - squats with a barbell on the shoulders. There is no better exercise for increasing overall body weight than squats. Simply no. And experienced bodybuilders know this very well, regularly squatting. No other exercise actively engages such large muscle masses as the squat. When a person understands this, he begins to squat heavily regularly and….progresses. Randall (the author of this book) understands this need very well and voiced it in his book.

This book is very practical. There is little theory in it. In it, the author is trying to convince you to do something that many people don’t want to do, i.e. squat. Squat until exhaustion. Squat with heavy weights. Squat for 20 reps. Always squat. For his commitment to Old School (Old School), we will give Strossen seventh place in the ranking.

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For a powerful workout, comrade!


A book by a very famous champion and trainer around the world - Frederick Hatfield. This “Doctor Squat”, in addition to being an excellent theorist of strength training, very successfully demonstrates this in practice, demonstrating strength records. The book is written with an emphasis on powerlifters (strength development) rather than bodybuilders (muscular performance development). However, since These disciplines are very related (strength training in both), then the book is required reading for both groups. After all, strength progression is the goal in both bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Hatfield demonstrates a great combination of cool theorist and tough practitioner. The book is a must read, despite its “antiquity”.


“The Dark Side of the Force” from the famous author Yuri Bombela. Many, of course, remember his interesting articles in the Iron World magazine, where he wrote a pharmacological column. In the Anabolic Review, Yuri examined all the main dopings in bodybuilding. There is a review of almost all anabolic steroids along with a review of other hormonal (insulin, growth hormone) and non-hormonal drugs, such as synthol.

And although the book does not contain specific schemes for using all this “wealth,” it will nevertheless be a very useful assistant for those who decide to use doping. At any time, you can open it and carefully study the description of a particular drug that you want to use.

Comparing this work with the work on chemistry by Dr. Luber, I vote in favor of the first. Bombela described everything in more detail, IMHO. Yes, there are some excesses (for example, Bombela constantly recommends excessively large doses of steroids), but overall the book is very informative.


Unfortunately, this book cannot be read in Russian. However, I still included it in the rating. She's too good in my opinion.

What makes it special?

The peculiarity is in the author. This is Chris Aceto. Perhaps the most famous professional nutritionist in the United States. And not just a simple nutritionist, but a nutritionist for professional bodybuilders. The man has an excellent and sensible understanding of nutrition, training and pharmacology (although he does not write about the latter in the book). Suffice it to say that Chris has been Cutler’s personal nutritionist since the 90s. That is, as you understand, he does not advise bullshit.

Add to this the fact that Chris himself is a professional bodybuilder in the past (he is a US bodybuilding champion) and you can understand why I have so much confidence in this man. His book of bodybuilding instructions has been reprinted countless times. This indicates its demand in the market. Therefore, if you speak English, then the book is a must read. And if not, then he can simply type “Chris Aceto” into a search engine and read his Russian-language articles. You will understand that this is a specialist of the highest level.

"SUPERTRAINING" (Mike Mentzer)

The “Top Three Prize Winners” is rounded out by another excellent practitioner - Mike Mentzer, may he rest in heaven. We can talk a lot about Mike for a long time. This is a professional bodybuilder of the highest level, who once competed at Olympia and demonstrated magnificent muscles.

But this is not important for us. The fact is that Mike is the founder of the theory of HIT (High Intensity Training), about which all bodybuilding magazines and forums have been endlessly gossiping for 20 years. The point is that Mike offered an alternative to the classic volume training from Joe Weider (which was the source of their many disagreements). Mike said: Guys, why train for a long time. Let's train briefly, but very hard. Then Mike thought and added: Guys...I was thinking...Why train often (muscles don’t have time to recover)? Let's train rarely!

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This is how “super training” was born (rare, but very hard and short workouts), according to which many outstanding athletes achieved great results. It is enough to recall only one Dorian Yates, a multiple champion among professionals (M. Olympia). And although this training is just one way to train muscles (it works on an equal basis with others), nevertheless, in order to understand it, you need to study it. The book is a must read for athletes of any level.


I gave second place to Alexey Kireev (in the world “Doctor Luber”) for ideological reasons (the book describes “domestic” methods). In addition, I am very biased in this regard (I have friends in Lyubertsy).

But seriously, I really like the book because it lacks that “beach blowjob” gloss that is abundant in modern magazines and books. The author does not overload people with theory, but immediately provides working schemes tested in practice. Moreover, the value of these schemes is that they came to us not from abroad, but ours....relatives.

The schemes are perfect for beginners if they are serious about results. But they are completely unsuitable for most ordinary visitors to fitness centers. There's minimal exercise. They are all basic and heavy. You need to plow them and then they work. Dr. Luber has coached many renowned competitive athletes. And he does it for free, for which he deserves special respect.


This is my favorite book. The first time I read it was in the magazine “Build Muscles” many years ago. And even then she made an indelible impression on me.

This book is the THEORY of strength training, which Vadim Protasenko collected and systematized in one place. I haven’t read anything better than this regarding theory. And not here, not abroad. The book is not the easiest to understand. There are few pictures, but a lot of academic information. However, if you find the strength to comprehend all this, then your understanding of the mechanisms for increasing achievements in strength training will fundamentally change. You will gain UNDERSTANDING! Learn to look at familiar things (sets, repetitions, weight on the apparatus) deeper. You will see the essence at the biological level, which means you will learn to manage them better. This book is a MUST READ for everyone! Moreover, you can read it again and again.


Well, that’s actually all I wanted to tell you today, friends. I hope this review of the best books will help you understand the variety of information that surrounds us. Remember that the benefit is not in the quantity of information, but in its quality.

Denis Borisov

Reviews about the encyclopedia

Mostly reviews about this are quite positive. You will get a great effect very quickly. Those around you will be amazed and will definitely notice him. Getting a great body is not very difficult, but you still need to exercise. The use of nutritional supplements also tends to generate positive reviews.

bodybuilding encyclopedia arnold
Reviews about the encyclopedia

They help speed up the result and get what you need. You will be able to get results much faster and more efficiently. Reviews are left on the Internet, where you can find all the necessary information. There you can also download the bodybuilding encyclopedia.

Professional bodybuilding.

According to some reports, there are now about 200 professional bodybuilders around the world. They have the appropriate “professional cards” (to obtain it you must win a competition of international significance) and are maintained by a federation, i.e. earn money by training and competing in various competitions - regardless of whether they win the main prize.

The competitions are strictly regulated. For example, according to the IFBB rules, only professionals who are a prerequisite can participate in the Mr. Olympia competition! - members of the Federation. However, they do not have the right to participate in competitions organized by other federations and associations. (These rules were introduced back in the days of Schwarzenegger, who, being a practical man and dependent on the Wider organization, preferred Olympia to further participation in the Mr. Universe competitions, in which he had previously won several victories.)

Under the auspices of the IFBB, competitions are held among professionals in the categories: bodybuilding (male and female), fitness (women) and body fitness (women), based on the results of which candidates for participation in the competitions “Mr. Olympia”, “Miss Olympia”, “ Fitness Olympia" and "Body Fitness Olympia". In addition to the Olympia, the Arnold Classic (men's), Miss International (women's bodybuilding), Miss Fitness International and Figure International competitions, held annually by Schwarzenegger and boasting a substantial amount of prize money, are particularly popular, as well as tournaments “Night of Champions” and “Mr. Olympia for Veterans,” which involves athletes over 40 years of age. (The official IFBB calendar also includes the men’s “Russian Grand Prix” tournament.)

It is characteristic that the very division into professionals and amateurs sometimes turns out to be very arbitrary. For example, the IFBB organizes competitions among amateurs, including European and world championships (bodybuilding is also included in the program of the World Games), and the Mr. Universe competition, conducted by the amateur association, by definition, NABBA, has not only an amateur, but also a professional category of awards .

Encyclopedia for beginners

Let's start by telling you what an encyclopedia is for beginners. There is a certain encyclopedia that describes the Arnold Bodybuilding Encyclopedia. There are all the definitions and descriptions of the exercises. There are very, very many options for such encyclopedias. You just need to choose the one that suits you.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's bodybuilding encyclopedia
Encyclopedia for beginners

It has all the necessary information that will definitely interest you. Encyclopedias can be downloaded on the Internet. Thus, it is available to almost everyone; you will need to find the desired option. There is also the option of purchasing an encyclopedia in a store or sports club. Just find what you need and use it.

The Wider brothers and the bodybuilding industry.

If Eugene Sandow is rightfully considered the “grandfather” of bodybuilding, then Joe Weider (the legendary trainer of champions, who in 1946, together with his brother Ben, created the IFBB, which already includes 177 countries, and who invented the most prestigious competition among professional bodybuilders - “Mr. Olympia” ) is called nothing less than the “father” of this sport.

The Widers did not create the industry from scratch - it existed before: with its own training manuals, specialized magazines, competitions and training halls. But it was the Wider brothers who raised this sport to a fundamentally new level. And it was they who lured the future legendary Terminator (and now governor) to America - the Austrian Arnold Schwarzenegger, who over time managed to win seven gold Sandow statuettes and became perhaps the most iconic figure in the history of world bodybuilding.

Where should you start training?

If you want to start bodybuilding, then start by finding the best place to do it. Firstly, this can be done in a club that specializes in performing this process. If you are interested in where to start bodybuilding, then start by contacting a trainer. He will tell you and help you. With its help you can follow all the necessary recommendations. The coach will always be your assistant and friend.

encyclopedia of bodybuilding
Where should you start training?

He will tell you and check how correctly you are doing everything. if you make mistakes, he will easily correct them and everything will be done correctly. He will show you which exercises to perform with the help of Arnold Schwarzenegger's bodybuilding encyclopedia and the professionals. If you are confident in your abilities, then, of course, you can practice on your own. For example, if you want to study in a group, then this is quite possible today. You can also easily practice, for example, in pairs. This will cause you to develop a competitive spirit. You will compete and want something.

Excerpt characterizing the New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding

- Father! Father! – she screamed, grabbing his legs. “Benefactor, at least calm my heart... Aniska, go, you vile one, see her off,” she shouted at the girl, angrily opening her mouth and with this movement showing off her long teeth even more. “Show me off, show me off, I’ll... I’ll... I’ll do it,” Pierre said hastily in a breathless voice. The dirty girl came out from behind the chest, tidied up her braid and, sighing, walked forward along the path with her blunt bare feet. Pierre seemed to suddenly come to life after a severe faint. He raised his head higher, his eyes lit up with the sparkle of life, and he quickly followed the girl, overtook her and went out onto Povarskaya. The entire street was covered in a cloud of black smoke. Tongues of flame burst out here and there from this cloud. A large crowd of people crowded in front of the fire. A French general stood in the middle of the street and said something to those around him. Pierre, accompanied by the girl, approached the place where the general stood; but French soldiers stopped him. “On ne passe pas, [They don’t pass here,”] a voice shouted to him. - Here, uncle! - said the girl. - We'll go through the Nikulins along the alley. Pierre turned back and walked, occasionally jumping up to keep up with her. The girl ran across the street, turned left into an alley and, after passing three houses, turned right into the gate. “Right here now,” said the girl, and, running through the yard, she opened the gate in the plank fence and, stopping, pointed to Pierre a small wooden outbuilding that burned brightly and hotly. One side of it collapsed, the other was burning, and the flames were shining brightly from under the window openings and from under the roof. When Pierre entered the gate, he was overcome with heat, and he involuntarily stopped. – Which, which is your house? - he asked. - Oh oh oh! - the girl howled, pointing to the outbuilding. “He’s the one, she’s the one who was our Vatera.” You burned, my treasure, Katechka, my beloved young lady, oh, oh! - Aniska howled at the sight of the fire, feeling the need to express her feelings. Pierre leaned towards the outbuilding, but the heat was so strong that he involuntarily described an arc around the outbuilding and found himself next to a large house, which was still burning only on one side of the roof and around which a crowd of French were swarming. Pierre at first did not understand what these French were doing, carrying something; but, seeing in front of him a Frenchman who was beating a peasant with a blunt cleaver, taking away his fox fur coat, Pierre vaguely understood that they were robbing here, but he had no time to dwell on this thought. The sound of the crackling and roar of collapsing walls and ceilings, the whistle and hiss of flames and the animated cries of the people, the sight of wavering, now scowling thick black, now soaring lightening clouds of smoke with sparkles and sometimes solid, sheaf-shaped, red, sometimes scaly golden flame moving along the walls , the sensation of heat and smoke and the speed of movement produced on Pierre their usual stimulating effect of fires. This effect was especially strong on Pierre, because Pierre suddenly, at the sight of this fire, felt freed from the thoughts that were weighing him down. He felt young, cheerful, agile and determined. He ran around the outbuilding from the side of the house and was about to run to the part of it that was still standing, when a cry of several voices was heard above his head, followed by the cracking and ringing of something heavy that fell next to him. Pierre looked around and saw the French in the windows of the house, who had thrown out a chest of drawers filled with some kind of metal things. Other French soldiers below approached the box. “Eh bien, qu'est ce qu'il veut celui la, [This one still needs something," one of the French shouted at Pierre. - Un enfant dans cette maison. N'avez vous pas vu un enfant? [The child is in this house. Have you seen the child?] - said Pierre.

Nutrition rules in the encyclopedia

This bodybuilding book has a huge amount of necessary information. The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding describes that meals should be three times a day and consist mainly of proteins. They promote rapid muscle growth and the absorption of supplements, if any, and you use them.

You need to remember that you need to eat an hour before meals. You can also eat food only an hour after training. This way you will not feel any discomfort or negative feelings. Eating right will help you feel good and energetic. Nutrition must be correct. It is best to steam it. That is, you can prepare food that will only bring benefits. Just follow the recommendations correctly and everything will be fine. In order to choose the right nutrition, you can contact a specialist who will tell you everything and create a menu especially for you. It will help you and you will feel great.

[edit] Contents of the book

The book consists of five books combined into one:

  • Book I: Introduction to Bodybuilding
  • Book II: Training Programs
  • Book III: Exercises
  • Book IV: Competition
  • Book V: Health, Nutrition and Diet

[edit] Book I: Introduction to Bodybuilding. Content

  • Chapter 1: Evolution and History.
  • Chapter 2: The ABCs of Bodybuilding.
  • Chapter 3: Training Experience.
  • Chapter 4: Gym.
  • Chapter 5: First steps.

[edit] Book II: Training programs. Content

  • Chapter 1: Basic principles of training.
  • Chapter 2: Body Types.
  • Chapter 3: Basic Training Program.
  • Chapter 4: Principles of Intensive Training.
  • Chapter 5: Developing a Quality Physique: An Intensive Training Program.
  • Chapter 6: Competition Training Program.
  • Chapter 7: The mind is the most powerful tool.

[edit] Book III: Exercises. Content

Shoulder girdle; exercises for deltoid muscles; exercises for trapezius muscles; rib cage; chest exercises; back; back exercises; exercises for arms - biceps; exercises for triceps; exercises for the forearms; hips; leg exercises; caviar; exercises for the lower leg muscles; stomach; abdominal exercises.

[edit] Book IV: Competitions. Content

  • Chapter 1: Posing.
  • Chapter 2: Full preparation.
  • Chapter 3: Strategy and tactics of competitions.

[edit] Book V: Health, nutrition and food. Content

  • Chapter 1. Nutrition and diet.
  • Chapter 2. Weight Control: Building Muscle, Losing Fat.
  • Chapter 3: Competition Diet Strategies.
  • Chapter 4. Injuries and their treatment.
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