The evolution of bodybuilding. What it was like at the beginning of the 20th century and what it has become now (photo)

In the current competitive bodybuilding, a very curious and contradictory situation has formed, which resembles politics with all its insignificance and deceit. From one position, bodybuilding and its favorites are promoted as methods of acquiring health and good appearance. On the other hand, it is clear to the vast majority as daylight that there is no health in professional bodybuilding, and good appearance is a very big question.

It seems that bodybuilding associations are fighting against doping, at the same time promoting appearance parameters that are not realistic without the use of anabolic steroids. In essence, the entire field of competitive bodybuilding is built on lies to ordinary people: the forms that athletes present are possible only with the use of illegal drugs. Only the ordinary public is told tales about special sports equipment, sports nutrition and training programs. For what purpose? It's simple, in order to make a profit on non-athletes.

Very rarely do famous bodybuilders admit to using steroids, since such an admission lowers the value of the athlete's success, and reduces sales from that bodybuilder. Below is information about seven TOP bodybuilders who found the courage to admit to something that the vast majority of others do not admit to.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Let's start with this Austrian, who needs no further introduction. Everyone knows who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. Thanks to his career in Hollywood, he became the most famous person on our planet. However, do not forget that Arnie is a seven-time world champion among professional bodybuilding. And the last time was almost by accident, five years after leaving professional bodybuilding.

At first glance, given his political and acting career, Arnold should be the last person to admit to using anabolic steroids. However, there are many articles and even videos where he openly admits to using anabolic steroids when he competed in bodybuilding competitions. Why did he do this, because it affects his status?

Arnold Schwarzenegger training program

The fact is that during the Arnold era in bodybuilding, anabolic steroids were absolutely legal, and athletes calmly discussed with each other what and how to use. Later, for political reasons, steroids began to be banned and demonized. At first the attitude was calmer, despite the prohibitions. It was in those days (in the early 80s) that Arnold, when asked about the use of anabolic steroids, said yes. The Austrian understood that if he said no, he would look like a pi#####m and this would be a bigger blow to his status.

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Actually, Arnold adhered to this rhetoric. He still admits to using it, because he already voiced it once. However, he tries to downplay the significance of steroids in his career, and emphasizes that it was not a criminal offense back then. For example, Schwarzenegger states that he only used them when preparing for competitions to preserve muscle. Proper training, nutrition and dedication to the process will make you a champion with a capital “C”.

What was it really like? In the 70s, cruising was the norm. Arnold himself began using anabolic steroids from his first days in the gym. Kurt Marnul, his first coach, taught Schwarzenegger himself. Moreover, Kurt did not know other schemes. Many athletes of those times were confident that the secret of Arnie and Franco was the use of better pharmacology from Europe.

Bodybuilding for health. Lifestyle change

Bodybuilding lifestyle

The human body strives for balance. It is difficult for a person who has been eating and drinking his life for 40 years to instantly become a bodybuilder and a healthy lifestyle specialist. The psyche will pull such a person back towards balance.

For the most strong-willed men and women who are not complete adherents of fast food and alcohol, the process can go through without disruption. Most will have moments of weakness that, after leaping forward, drag your progress back a little. You shouldn't be afraid of this. To change your worldview, to implement all the information obtained in the “Bodybuilding for Health” section, you need to shift the balance point in the psyche. It takes months, years, but the result is worth it.

At the beginning of a new journey, you will encounter the following sensations:

  • Feeling of happiness and lightness at the beginning of the journey . You have finally begun to realize higher tastes in life. The body rewards these efforts with huge doses of happiness hormones.
  • The feeling of euphoria passes, an elevated mood , which sometimes reaches the peak of positive emotions.
  • “Withdrawal” begins - an attempt by the psyche to return to its previous way of life. You can't give up here, you have to move forward. If the “withdrawal” intensifies, you can treat yourself to rest or a lower, but not the most harmful “taste”. Example: From unhealthy foods such as fried potatoes and alcohol, choose fried potatoes.
  • You continue to work on yourself in a positive mood . So until the next “withdrawal”, which will be weaker than the previous one. Over time, you will simply stop being drawn to weak “tastes” that bring much less pleasure than a new way of life.

Lee Priest

In the 90s, this Australian kid was one of the top ten most famous bodybuilders. Despite his short stature, he had very large and expressive muscles:

  • Height = 150 cm
  • Weight = 130 kg (off-season) and 90 kg (competition)

How do you like it? Lee Priest is a gifted athlete with unique genetics. He was 18 years old when he won the Australian Championship (Mr Australia 1998 and 1990) and qualified for a professional card. However, the federation decided that Priest was too small and left him as an amateur. The teenager had to beat everyone else for two more years at the amateur level until he was given the coveted card at the age of 20.

The interesting thing is that even now, and Lee Priest is known for his frankness and directness, he swears that the professional did not use anabolic steroids before receiving the card. George Farah likes to tell the same tales about his ward Kai Greene. Both Lee and Kai Greene are trying their best to defend the significance of their achievements and awards.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to believe because Lee Priest has been actively training since he was 12 years old, and at the age of 13 he already won junior competitions. At this age, children have low levels of the sex hormone testosterone. Let's make an exception at the level of pathologies, but Lee Priest did not look like a child with disabilities. It is much more reasonable that he lies a little in order to look in the best light. By the way, Australia has introduced criminal liability not only for the sale and purchase of anabolic steroids, but even for their use.

For a powerful workout, comrade!

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Rich Piana

The guy's name has been around lately. Unfortunately, the reason was the death of the athlete. Nobody knows exactly how it really happened. The official version is that Rich snorted cocaine and fell badly, injuring his head. Arriving doctors placed him in a medically induced coma, from which the bodybuilder never emerged. A few days later he died.

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Rich Piana was one of the most famous bodybuilders. Popularity was not related to his titles, which were quite modest. He advertised himself very widely on YouTube and Instagram.

The thing about Rich Piana is that he was a very open guy and, in particular, did not hide the use of anabolic steroids. Everyone knows that bodybuilders are stuffed with anabolic steroids. This is acceptable. However, few people admit this openly. This is unacceptable for a number of reasons. For example, a federation may disqualify and prohibit an athlete from participating in tournaments. It’s also piquant that Rich had his own sports nutrition company. In theory, it was more profitable for him to tell tales about the benefits of nutrition, rather than about the use of steroids. Nevertheless, the guy was captivating with his frankness: he honestly admitted that he had been taking steroids for more than 25 years.

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Kenneth "Flex" Wheeler

One of the best bodybuilders of all time. It’s a shame and unfair that he never managed to become Mr. Olympia.

In the 2000s, his star had already waned due to health problems, but he continued to perform periodically because, by and large, he had nowhere to go. In 2002, he managed not to fall below 7th place at the Olympia with a weight of 96 kg. He would quit and then come back. The kidneys worked worse and worse until they finally failed. Wheeler survived only because the church he attended helped him find a donor. He received a kidney transplant and now must constantly use corticosteroids to protect the new organ from his own body's immune system.

It is possible that Flex's inability to fully participate in competitions is the reason why he admits that he used to use anabolic steroids and is now unable to do so. It must be said that Flex has been studying chemistry since he was 18 years old. According to the athlete, he had a very difficult and poor life: he was born in the town of Fresno, the family was poor, and Wheeler himself was raped as a child (he even seriously wanted to commit suicide after that). Bodybuilding for the young man became an outlet in which he could realize himself and raise his self-esteem. Flex went to any lengths to become better. He used everything from anabolic steroids to synthol.

Historical reference

What bodybuilding is has become known since the first competition held in 1880. The first athletic communities were called clubs, where significant effort was directed toward the use of additional weight. There were no special training equipment, so weights and powerlifting predominated, and a carbohydrate diet was used.

Mass shows began to be organized in the 50s of the last century, and colorful events began to spread in the USA and Europe, and who a bodybuilder was became clear to everyone.

Dorian Yates

In 2011, in the well-known publication Muscular Development, Dorian Yates admitted to using anabolic steroids when he participated in bodybuilding competitions. According to the champion, these are the necessary rules of the game. According to Yates, now young people have gone completely crazy: they start using chemicals from the first day of training, even before they have studied the technique and features of proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

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Yates's statements about young people and the fact that they cannot train without chemistry are surprising. To do this, just look at its form after farming.

Natural bodybuilding

This category of bodybuilding is considered a separate competitive sport, organized by athletes who oppose the use of steroid drugs. There is less entertainment here, but less popularity. Natural federations have all the classic categories of regular bodybuilding; it is impossible to get into competitions without sports training.

Competition standard forms can be built up without drugs, but the path to the stage will be longer.

This sport is most useful in developing a healthy lifestyle. Bodybuilding role models brought a lot of people into the sport. The format is an excellent motivating element for ordinary practicing amateurs.

Benefits of bodybuilding:

  • motivation to exercise on a regular basis;
  • getting rid of muscle inactivity;
  • improvement of vascular function;
  • increased joint mobility;
  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • prevention of many diseases;
  • avoiding household injuries by developing joints.

Bodybuilding harm will be present due to unhealthy eating behavior. For example, when cutting and taking anabolic drugs. Women who engage in intense bodybuilding are often infertile. The result is achieved by taking special medications. The effect is undeveloped among amateurs who want to develop and strengthen their body without gaining muscle mass.

The sport is quite varied. All kinds of methods and techniques allow you to achieve different results. In fact, bodybuilding can be considered a system of physical exercises that most effectively strengthen muscle growth.

Ronnie Coleman

The black bodybuilder has amazing genetics. When he was born, the obstetricians noticed his very large weight and body size. With age, Ron increased his parameters many times over, largely with the help of steroids.

We know this from the same article from Muscular Development in 2011, where he, like Yates, admitted to using anabolic steroids. Before this, he always insisted that he did not use anabolic steroids. Now Ronnie explains his lie by his work in the police, where it was strict with prohibited substances. Everyone understood that the guy was on illegal drugs, but they turned a blind eye until he voiced their use.

Age is not a barrier to training!

Probably everyone knows that testosterone levels in men decrease with age. Thus, anabolic processes deteriorate, and muscles require much more time to recover. With age, the condition of the skin also worsens. The body becomes less flexible and the body more susceptible to injury. This doesn't mean, however, that you have to say goodbye to physical activity.

A living example is the oldest bodybuilders in the world, which we will talk about below. For them, advanced age is not an obstacle to building muscle mass and lifting weights! Bodybuilding for older adults - like any physical activity - is a great way to improve physical fitness. The aging process slows down, the body recovers faster and looks like a 20-year-old. Impossible? See for yourself!

Jay Cutler

Too much muscle, too much belly, too much pharmaceuticals and food. A typical banner of modern ugly bodybuilding.

Jay is blatantly lying about anabolic steroids. For example, in 2010, in response to the direct question “do you use anabolic steroids?” he answered NO! Why is Cutler in our review? In the documentary "Bigger Stronger Faster", Jay responded to Chris Bell that he does not consider the use of any performance enhancing drugs in bodybuilding to be "cheating". The scene was later cut from the film, but the words were spoken. In addition, at seminars, Jay Cutler periodically gives hints that steroids are used in professional bodybuilding.

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