What is a healthy lifestyle (HLS) really?

Swimming in an ice hole ( winter swimming

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle
is a way of life aimed at preserving health, preventing diseases and strengthening the human body as a whole .

Representatives of the philosophical and sociological school consider a healthy lifestyle as a global social problem, an integral part of the life of society as a whole, although the very concept of a “healthy lifestyle” has not yet been clearly defined. According to WHO estimates, human health depends on:

  • 50-55% depends on lifestyle,
  • 20% - from the environment,
  • by 18-20% - from genetic predisposition,
  • and only 8-10% from healthcare[1].

In the psychological and pedagogical direction, a healthy lifestyle is considered from the point of view of consciousness, the human psyche, and motivation. There are other points of view (for example, medical and biological), but there is no sharp line between them, since they are aimed at solving one problem - improving the health of the individual[2].

Physical education is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life, the achievement of active longevity and the full performance of social functions[3], for active participation in labor, social, family, and leisure forms of life[4]. A healthy lifestyle appears as a specific form of purposeful human activity - activity aimed at preserving, strengthening and improving his health [5].

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by an increase and change in the nature of stress on the human body due to the complication of social life, increasing risks of man-made, environmental, psychological, political and military nature, provoking negative changes in health [6].

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

Preserving public health in a civilized society should become a priority in every country. This becomes important for the development of the state in socio-economic and scientific-technical areas. Modern scientists devote a huge amount of time and effort to creating a culture of health. They are confident that the health of the nation depends not only on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. An important role is played by the safety of the environment, working conditions and the development of a health protection system.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle for the younger generation involves physical education. The purpose of such classes is to interest young people and attract them to regular training. For this purpose, all educational institutions have sports classes. Adults must organize themselves and adjust to the right rhythm of life. One of the effective and popular sports is fitness, which harmonizes well with the Russian bath and massage.

formation of a healthy lifestyle


  1. Neurology: national guide / ed. E. I. Guseva, A. N. Konovalova, V. I. Skvortsova, A. B. Gekht. — GEOTAR-Media, 2009.
  2. [planetadisser.com/see/dis_99318.html Movements to music in the system of organizing a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers in kindergarten]. — Dissertation, 1997.
  3. Izutkin D. A.
    Formation of a healthy lifestyle. - Soviet healthcare, 1984, No. 11, p. 8-11.
  4. Martynenko A.V., Valentik Yu.V., Polessky V.A. et al.
    Formation of a healthy lifestyle for young people. - M.: Medicine, 1988.
  5. Shukhatovich V. R.
    [slovari.yandex.ru/dict/sociology/article/soc/soc-0371.htm Healthy lifestyle](inaccessible link from 06/14/2016 (1438 days)) // Encyclopedia of Sociology. — Mn.: Book House, 2003.
  6. Corbin CB, Lindsey R.; [cge.lida.by/health.php Lida Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology]; Shatalova G. S.
  7. Corbin CB, Lindsey R.
    Concepts of physical fitness with Laboratories. — WCB Brown&Benchmark publishers, 8th edition, 1994. ISBN 0-697-12611-0

Healthy lifestyle and its components

Humanity wants to have good health, but some make efforts for this, others do nothing at all. What affects our health:

  • about 50% – healthy lifestyle;
  • approximately 20% – environment;
  • slightly less than 20% – genetic predisposition;
  • up to 10% – health care system.

the importance of a healthy lifestyle

The following basics and components of a healthy lifestyle can be identified:

  • absolute rejection of bad habits;
  • daily moderate healthy eating;
  • active pastime;
  • hygiene (personal and public);
  • continuous control over emotions;
  • intellectual development;
  • spiritual and social well-being.

Daily schedule for a healthy lifestyle

Regime is a necessary condition for a healthy lifestyle. However, it may look slightly different from the usual timetable, the most important thing is to correctly determine the time for sleep - it should be at least 7-8 hours. An approximate daily routine might look like this:

  • 6.30-7.00 – get up, drink a glass of water.
  • 7.30-8.00 – breakfast.
  • 8.00-10.00 – time of maximum activity. You can go in for sports, and then relax, visit a SPA center or a cosmetologist.
  • 10.00-11.00 – at this time the body is most ready for work.
  • 11.00 – late lunch.
  • 11.30-14.00 – at this time it is worth working in a quiet mode. Perform current, daily work.
  • 14.00 – lunch.
  • 14.30-16.00 is a good time to solve global issues. Brain activity reaches its peak, both among creative individuals and knowledge workers.
  • 16.00-17.00 – afternoon tea.
  • 17.00-18.00 is the time to hold negotiations, business meetings or discuss the work plan for tomorrow with employees.
  • 18.00-19.00 – way home. Do some shopping along the way.
  • 19.00 – dinner.
  • 19.30 – 20.00 – it’s time to pay attention to your skin, wash off your makeup, apply a mask. Take a bath or shower.
  • 22.00-22.30 – getting ready for bed and lights out.

To restore strength and maintain balance in the body, it is necessary to alternate work activity with rest. Spend a few minutes every hour doing physical exercise, and at lunchtime take a walk in the fresh air. Don't forget about playing sports. To do this, you can choose the best option.

Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are inseparable components. Satisfying hunger is one of the most important instincts of a living organism. Nutritionists from all over the world have concluded:

  1. Eating four meals a day is ideal for health.
  2. Each meal should have its own time.
  3. Eat meat, fish and legumes in the morning and at lunch, and in the afternoon – fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
  4. At late times, you should abstain from tea and coffee drinks.

Healthy lifestyle and sports

The rules of a healthy lifestyle do not only consist of healthy eating or giving up bad habits. Sports are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, but this does not mean that everyone should take up the weights and set records. Physical activity is needed to maintain shape and prevent early aging of organs and skin. This is quite suitable for this:

  • jogging;
  • swimming;
  • cycling;
  • hiking trips;
  • tennis.

Healthy lifestyle - bad habits

Creating a healthy lifestyle is aimed at getting rid of bad habits. The most common are smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. They harm not only the person suffering from addiction, but also those around him. Tobacco smoke is especially dangerous, because passive smokers poison their body at the same level as an active “captive” of a bad habit.

Harm from tobacco smoke:

  • the condition of nails, hair, and skin color deteriorates;
  • tooth enamel deteriorates and turns yellow;
  • blood vessels lose elasticity;
  • has a detrimental effect on all internal organs.

The effect of alcohol on the body:

  • the immune system weakens;
  • the functions of the liver, digestive tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems deteriorate, brain activity is disrupted;
  • during pregnancy – leads to various pathologies of the fetus.

Hygienic basics of a healthy lifestyle

The rules of a healthy lifestyle are simple and work well, but under one condition - systematicity. Trying to follow them from time to time will not achieve positive results. Health and a healthy lifestyle require a person to maintain personal hygiene:

  1. Body care (regular showering, bathing).
  2. Hair and scalp care.
  3. Oral care (regular brushing of teeth and preventive measures to prevent caries, periodontal disease and other oral diseases).
  4. Hygiene of shoes and clothing (keeping them clean and choosing harmless materials).

Proper nutrition

Eating right, first of all, means eating only healthy foods. They provide the body with various substances that help it grow and function. Proper nutrition should be extremely balanced.

Healthy foods

A person, especially with the problem of excess weight, should adhere to several principles of proper nutrition:

  1. Food should be varied. This means that the diet must include products of both animal and plant origin;
  2. The calorie content of the diet should not exceed the daily requirement. Everyone has their own. Many lifestyle aspects are taken into account when calculating your caloric intake. For example, the presence of physical activity, excess weight, illness, etc.
  3. At least 5 meals per day. They include three mains and two snacks. You can’t go hungry – that’s an axiom. To always feel good, learn to eat 5 times a day at the same time;
  4. Eat slowly. This way, you will feel full in time, not overeat and enjoy the taste;
  5. Chew your food well. This is a salvation for the stomach and the entire digestive system. Experts recommend chewing food at least twenty times;
  6. Eat liquid. Be sure to consume soups daily. They promote the secretion of gastric juice. In this way, soups simplify the process of digesting other dishes;
  7. We eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. This is a great option for a snack. Fresh vegetables and fruits will not only satisfy hunger, but also replenish the lack of nutrients;
  8. Drink, drink and drink again. The amount of water per day is 1.5-2 liters. Tea, coffee and soups do not count. In the morning, drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. You can add lemon for taste;
  9. We consume fermented milk products. Low fat content is best, but not low fat. They contain healthy protein and promote speedy digestion;
  10. Don't be lazy, eat only freshly prepared food. Over time, food loses its beneficial properties.

The rules of healthy eating are quite simple and do not require special skills. Today, there are a lot of services available where everyone will find recipes to suit their taste and will be able to control the calorie content of dishes and the amount of water consumed.

How to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Most of humanity has wondered what a healthy lifestyle is and how to approach it? Having thought through everything and postponed the implementation of the plan “until Monday”, at hour “X” there is something more important or just laziness. Before you make a plan on how to start a healthy lifestyle, you need to think through everything and only then begin to implement it. The mistake of many beginners is that they strive to do in one day what they have not done for several years, or maybe their whole life. The main rule is not to overdo it, everything is good in moderation.

Motivation for a healthy lifestyle

How to start leading a healthy lifestyle? You need to prepare for it (do not ignore this stage):

  • write down on a piece of paper the habits that you need to get rid of (don’t try to quit everything at once, determine for yourself the optimal period for each of them, for example, a week);
  • start gradually changing your daily routine (pay attention to the duration of sleep, start introducing new, healthy habits);
  • start playing sports (without fanaticism, little by little, but regularly).

Principles of healthy lifestyle

Many modern people have a car. Yes, it’s convenient, but with the presence of a car, our physical activity decreases. A person stops walking, even going to the store by car. Here you need to find a middle ground. At least on the weekend, try to give up the car, go for a walk, and, in the best case, switch to a bicycle.

The principles of healthy eating completely exclude your favorite fast food. If you don’t have time for a complete and balanced lunch, then kefir, yoghurt, something that you can buy in any supermarket can help. Avoid drinking a lot of coffee. Replace coffee with green tea, especially in hot weather. Green tea is healthier, speeds up metabolism, and quenches thirst better.

Don't forget about mental and intellectual activity. Solve crosswords, read books, study foreign languages. Mental activity also refers to the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Spend more time with your family, go out of town, walk through the forest, go to the river in the summer, ski and skate in the winter. Life is beautiful when it is full of activity, good mood and positive emotions.

Films about a healthy lifestyle

Many of those who wanted to change their lives stopped halfway or did not begin to move towards their goal at all. Some lacked willpower, others lacked motivation. Films about a healthy lifestyle will help you take a fresh look at the problem and how you can overcome it:

  1. “Run, fat man, run”
    - talks about the power of sport, how much it can toughen a person mentally and physically.
  2. “The Karate Kid”
    teaches you to fight with yourself and not despair in the most difficult situations, and the love for Japanese martial art helped not only to deal with aggressive peers, but also to believe in yourself.
  3. “Forrest Gump”
    - the ability to run quickly helps the main character become famous and go to university, and skillful play of table tennis made him a world champion.


To reduce the risk of disease to a minimum, it is worth hardening. It helps the body fight unfavorable external factors. There are many ways to increase resistance and immunity:

  1. Taking air baths. This is the most accessible and easiest way. Try to take frequent walks in the fresh air and ventilate the premises. In the summer, go out into the countryside. Clean forest air is the best disease prevention;
  2. Sunbathing. No less effective for a person is exposure to the sun. However, you should be careful with it and avoid direct rays at midday. Burns and heat strokes should also not be allowed to occur;
  3. Walking barefoot. Our feet have many sensitive points. Their massage leads to normalization of the functioning of important organs;
  4. Rubbing is a soft and gentle way of hardening. It is suitable even for small children. The process involves rubbing the body with a massage mitten, washcloth or wet towel;
  5. Pouring cold water is the most famous method. You can douse yourself completely or partially. It is important to wipe yourself with a dry towel after the procedure;
  6. Cold and hot shower. Alternating cold and hot water gives skin tone, rejuvenates and strengthens the body.
  7. Winter swimming. This type of hardening requires a responsible and careful attitude. Before starting procedures, you should consult your doctor.

Books about a healthy lifestyle

Many people have wondered what a healthy lifestyle is. Preserving your health is a voluntary matter and everyone should have their own motivation. Some people are helped by advice from friends, others by educational films and TV shows, and others by books about a healthy lifestyle. Experts in this field recommend reading:

  1. “350 Dukan Diet Recipes”
    - Some people know that healthy foods that help make your figure slimmer can be tasty.
  2. “No Sugar”
    - the author talks about the existing degrees of addiction to sweets and ways to combat them.
  3. “The Science of Sleep”
    is a useful book about the main aspect of a healthy lifestyle, in which the author explains how to sleep properly and how the body behaves at this time.
  4. “The Book of the Body”
    teaches you how to gain physical and mental strength, love your body, and how all this will help in different areas of life.

Bad habits

It has long been known that bad habits have a detrimental effect on health and that what has been developed over the years cannot be changed immediately; bad habits will not just go away with one “click” and it takes time.

If you have already embarked on the path to recovery, you will have to part with them!

Of course, not all at once, you also need to start gradually with small steps! It should take no more than two months for our body to get used to the new regime, so do not overload it so as not to fall short of your intended goal.

Scientists have proven that all habits can be developed in three weeks, and if you stay on this wave, the changes will immediately affect your well-being.


Self-massage is one of the most common types of massage. Its action is aimed at overall health of the body and improvement of well-being, normalization of blood supply and circulation, improvement of lymph flow and tissue nutrition. In addition, self-massage has long established itself as one of the most effective ways to prevent and treat colds.

Judging by the surviving written monuments, the basic techniques of self-massage were known back in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Scientists such as Hippocrates and Heradikos encouraged their patients to periodically perform self-massage techniques in order to get rid of a particular disease.


in a minute
a raw foodist work physically ?

Why is it important to take care of your health?

The human body can be compared to a car. It is known that if a car sits for a long time, its battery runs out and rubber gaskets become stale. Therefore, even cars that are in storage must be started and operated periodically.

On the other hand, if the mechanism is used to the limit of its capabilities, it will become unusable much earlier than planned.

Approximately the same analogy can be drawn with the human body.

It is very important to use your body correctly. Avoid stagnation and avoid excessive stress.

The resources of the human body are limited

The heart is designed to beat a certain number of times. Kidneys and liver - to clean a certain amount of blood. The joints wear out over time. Muscles become thinner with age and become covered with a network of tendons.

However, if the body is not exploited (which happens during bedridden illnesses), then irreversible processes begin, but from the other side. Muscle cells die, joints begin to stiffen.

What threatens the overload of the body:

  • Abrasion of cartilage tissue.
  • Premature consumption of cardiac resources.

What are the dangers of underloading the body with physical activity?

  • Frailty of the abdominal cavity - organs are not supported by a muscular corset.
  • Thinning of bone tissue.
  • Deterioration of heart function.
  • Poor health associated with congestion.

Athletes are not only beautiful people, but also often very unhealthy people. The same can be said about office workers.

Examples of a healthy lifestyle

Jesus Christ led a healthy lifestyle. Both physically and spiritually, He was the way the Lord wanted all of humanity to see if man had followed His covenant: “Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).

Religious teachings, such as Islam, encourage a healthy lifestyle.


I had Muslim workers working at my construction site. During Ramadan, they limited their food and drink. According to their religious beliefs, they could neither eat nor drink water until the appearance of the first star - and this in the summer heat.

During Ramadan, their bodies dried out, and the workers began to look much younger and calmer.

The lifestyle of Alexander Vasilyevich
Suvorov is still an example for the current generation.

The orderly of the famous commander A. Suvorov noted the asceticism and the greatest fortitude and humility of this wonderful man: “His simplicity, moderation, patience, alien to any bliss, made him akin to the soldiers who loved him like a father. He taught them by example to endure all the difficulties of life. - Loving simplicity, even to the primitive poverty of mankind, Suvorov sometimes appeared in all his splendor, in all his stars and orders, but this was on solemn Royal days, in the Holy Church, where he bowed his gray forehead to the ground, and sang for the spiritual sexton songs"

The idea of ​​​​the health, daily routine, physical activity, and moral education of Count Tolstoy L.N. is instructive.

He believed that the human condition cannot be divided into physical and moral, the body reacts to external manifestations with a spiritual and physical condition, spiritual depression, sadness and sadness cause illness. In order to preserve your moral and physical strength, constant activity is necessary.

Amosov's example

Amosov experimented on himself and developed the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, as well as a system of health-improving physical education.

To be healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. Man is so perfect that health can be restored from almost any point of decline. Only the necessary efforts increase with old age and the deepening of illnesses.

Principles of life according to Amosov

The following conditions are equally necessary for health:

  • physical exercise,
  • dietary restrictions,
  • hardening,
  • time and ability to rest.
  • happy life!

If there is no happiness (the will to live), then a person will not have the effort to strain and starve.

How to determine the norm of physical activity

20-30 minutes of physical exercise a day is enough, but enough to make you choke, sweat, and make your heart rate double. If you double this time, it will be absolutely great.

Amosov has repeatedly noted that physical education is not the main thing; to be healthy you need to be honest, work hard and think clearly. He wrote in his diaries: “I need an experiment with super physical stress so that bodily weakness does not prevent my head from working.”

Tolstoy about physical labor

Leo Tolstoy devoted the first part of the day to physical exercises and exercises. His exercises were more reminiscent of an athlete’s training and lasted at least an hour. Exercise was replaced by a walk, unchanged at any time of the year: on foot, when a distance of five or six kilometers was covered with fast Tolstoyan steps or on horseback. The morning continued with useful physical labor.

Tolstoy was convinced that work is the most important moral responsibility of every person. Useful physical labor was replaced by creative labor. Tolstoy mastered all major sports.

Any excess invented by civilization is harmful. According to this theory, vegetarianism arose in the life of the writer as a cult of simple food; passion for natural fabrics: linen, canvas, cambric; a special rhythm of life, a peasant work spirit.

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