Fat burners for weight loss for men - rating of the most effective and safest in sports nutrition

Composition of the fat burner

Fat burners contain the following substances:

  1. Various extracts (citrus, ephedra, tea);
  2. Caffeine from coffee beans, guarana;
  3. Ginger and yohimbe;
  4. Tea tree;
  5. Orange;
  6. Dandelion;
  7. B vitamins;
  8. Omega-3 fatty acids;
  9. Aphrodisiacs and other substances that promote weight loss.

fat burners for weight loss for men: sports nutrition


Fat burners are divided into categories: thermogenics, carbohydrate blockers, fat blockers, thyroid stimulants, appetite suppressants, cortisol blockers, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and diuretics. Let us describe each type in more detail.

  1. Thermogenics. The principle of action is to enhance the generation of heat by the body. As a rule, thermogenics greatly speed up metabolism, activate the nervous system and suppress appetite. This type of fat burner is very popular in the market.
  2. Carbohydrate blockers. Reduces sensitivity to carbohydrates. The product reduces the activity of enzymes that promote the breakdown of carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract, which are subsequently excreted from the body undigested, while the calorie content of food is reduced.
  3. Fat blockers. They work similarly to carbohydrate blockers. Blockers interact with fats, preventing their absorption. They reduce the activity of lipase, an enzyme that decomposes fats, and increase the viscosity of digestive products.
  4. Thyroid stimulants, or thyroid regulators. These drugs help increase the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland. The use of these stimulants improves fat burning.
  5. Appetite suppressants. They are also anorexics. Drugs and their analogues that reduce appetite. The principle of action of drugs of this type is based on suppressing hunger and stimulating satiety.
  6. Cortisol blockers. They are also anti-catabolic. Drugs and supplements in this category suppress the production of cartisol. Blockers prevent tissue destruction during fat burning and the appearance of muscle definition. This results in weight loss while maintaining muscle mass.
  7. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). A group of linoleic acid molecules. Widely used in bodybuilding. Burns fat and builds muscle mass. Confirmed by a number of studies.
  8. Diuretics. Diuretics. They remove excess fluid from the body and promote the formation of relief. The effect of the drug does not last long; diuretics are most often used in preparation for competitions. Most often, the composition of these substances consists of plant components.

fat burners for weight loss for men: reviews

Thermogenic drugs and their use

Fat is enemy number one not only for a bodybuilder, but for any person. Fat growths on the sides and butt are associated with a huge number of diseases. It is known that obesity provokes the development of atherosclerosis, heart disease, and diabetes. And flabby fat bags hanging from the sides have never decorated anyone. That's why huge sums of money are being spent all over the world on finding new fat-burning drugs, and store shelves are filled with a variety of jars and bottles designed to give you a stunningly slim figure in record time (and for a record price). Unfortunately, without thinking carefully, you risk, at best, emptying your wallet without achieving anything, and at worst, seriously damaging your health. Here I will consider only those drugs that in one way or another relate to food additives and are used by athletes. For information on medications used for obesity, see the article by M.V. Aranson “Weight loss pills: there will be no miracle” in our magazine (number 3 for 1998, pp. 40-41).

What they contain Most of the commercial fat burners are based on two or three biologically active substances. Here are the main components most often included in these mixtures.

Ephedrine and its natural sources It is a natural alkaloid from herbs of the Ephedra family, also obtained synthetically. It has a strong lipolytic and ergogenic effect. Natural l-ephedrine is the most active; synthetic (dl-) has about half its activity. Ephedrine stimulates fat burning through several mechanisms at once. Perhaps this is due to the so-called “reverse addiction” - an increase in the thermogenic effect with prolonged use (addiction develops to the ergogenic effect of ephedrine, although it is used, for example, by football players). Ma-huang is the Chinese name for ephedra. It also contains other biologically active substances that enhance the lipolytic effect. Ephedrine has been used as an ergogenic aid for over 3,000 years, and during this time its effectiveness and relatively low toxicity have been proven. However, there are contraindications to its use - for example, high blood pressure, disorders of the cardiovascular system, individual intolerance. Before you start taking it, consult your doctor! In our country, ephedrine is not publicly available for sale and can only be purchased with special prescriptions (like drugs) or on the black market. However, supplements with ephedra and related herbs are sold, oddly enough, without a prescription. Side effects. If recommended doses are exceeded, tachycardia, insomnia, and increased blood pressure may occur. As a rule, reducing the dose leads to the disappearance of side effects. Sometimes, however, you have to stop taking it. Due to addiction and side effects, it is worth alternating it with other means, arranging short courses of 1-2 weeks or intermittent use (every day or two, no more than a month in a row).

Caffeine A natural purine base found in tea, coffee, cocoa, cola nuts, and some herbs (guarana). According to research, caffeine helps speed up metabolism, which means faster fat burning. However, it is relatively weak on its own, requiring about 600 mg of caffeine per day to produce noticeable results. This amount can have adverse effects on the heart and cause a number of other side effects. Household consumption of caffeine-containing drinks causes addiction, and consequently, a decrease in thermogenic effect and increased side effects. Withdrawal syndrome has also been observed during a break in intake. If you regularly drink strong tea or coffee, do it better in the morning or afternoon, no more than 1-2 cups per day.

Hydroxycitric acid Contained in a number of fruits, especially in the fruits of the Indian tree Garcinia cambogia. This substance is not a thermogenic agent, but it interferes with the synthesis of triglycerides by the liver by blocking the enzyme citrate lyase. Including hydroxycitric acid in your daily diet helps slow down the processes that lead to fat accumulation. When citrate lyase activity decreases, plasma glucose levels remain elevated and appetite is suppressed. (-)-Hydroxycitric acid may also increase glycogen levels in the liver. Recently, reports have appeared that this substance allegedly has virtually no thermogenic effect in itself, but their reliability is questionable. The fact is that such rumors are based on unverified data from laboratory experiments and are most likely inspired by those who would like to “crush” successfully sold competitors’ products. Increasing dosages is not accompanied by any unpleasant phenomena. If these occur, it is enough to reduce the dose. Little is known about the side effects of this drug. There appear to be no life-threatening reactions. Possible individual intolerance or allergy.

L-Carnitine A natural amino acid that is not part of proteins. Synthesized in the liver from lysine and methionine. This is a fairly mild anabolic and ergogenic agent that promotes fat burning by accelerating metabolism. Studies have shown that carnitine accelerates the transport of fatty acids into cells and improves the efficiency of their oxidation. Thus, the body switches to using fats instead of carbohydrates even under mixed aerobic-anaerobic loads. Carnitine is quite safe and low-toxic. There appear to be no side effects when using recommended dosages. At high doses, effects characteristic of excess amino acid consumption may occur: stomach upset, increased gas formation. It should be noted that the synthetic drug and improperly stored aqueous solutions may contain significant amounts of D-carnitine. It does not have lipotropic properties, and in addition, it weakens the effect of the active L-form by competing with it for receptors. Carnitine is one of the best means of “soft” fat loss. It is often used separately and is also included in sports drinks. Choline. Precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Also included in lecithin and bile acids. It is an essential component of nutrition and is considered a kind of vitamin. A healthy person's need for choline is 0.5-1.5 grams per day. The body gets choline from the yolk of eggs, cabbage and spinach. In addition, it is often included in ergogenic packages. Choline accelerates the metabolism of fats and also normalizes the secretion of bile, facilitating the absorption of food. Quite effective in high doses (up to 3 g of chloride or bitartrate per day). Usually powder capsules or solution are used. Side effects are observed with long-term use. Ingestion is associated with stomach upsets. Reducing the dose usually helps the side effects disappear. No habituation was observed.

Inositol (Inositol) Natural polyhydric alcohol. It has a fairly pronounced thermogenic effect. According to some data, it accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids in cell mitochondria. Unfortunately, it takes hundreds of milligrams per day to get great results. Effective in combination with other thermogens. Synergism with hydroxycitric acid, ephedrine and caffeine has been noted. Inositol is often included in fat burning systems and ergogenic mixtures. Advertising claims describing the “powerful lipolytic properties” of inositol are not supported by sufficient evidence. Inositol does not stand any comparison with hydroxycitric acid or ephedrine, and is much more expensive. Side effects: mainly gastrointestinal disorders. No harmful effects were observed even at very high doses. Guggulsterol. The active principle is guggul resin. It is isolated from a plant used in Ayurvedic medicine. According to research, this substance (mixture of substances) lowers cholesterol levels. Gugulsterol is also thought to speed up the conversion of T4, a less active thyroid hormone, to the more active T3. However, although the advertisement provides links to supposedly conducted scientific studies, so far only the hypocholesterolemic effect of guggulsterol in liver diseases has been proven. There is no evidence that it accelerates lipolysis in a healthy body.

Principles for constructing thermogenic mixtures In order to successfully attack fat deposits, it is necessary to have a fairly diverse effect on the mechanisms of accumulation and consumption of fat. The principle of synergism is very often used - a combination of active ingredients in such a way that the total effect of the mixed drug will exceed the sum of the effects of the individual components. The combination of ephedrine with caffeine (20 and 100 mg per dose, respectively) mutually enhances the effect of these substances. It is also known that the addition of aspirin (1 tablet) further prolongs the effect of this “explosive mixture”. The vast majority of proven thermogenics are based on this combination with certain differences in composition - first of all, instead of synthetic aspirin, salicylic acid or the alkaloid salicin containing it is used. Hydroxycitric acid is included in various weight loss medications (for example, Hydroxycut) along with ephedrine and caffeine. These drugs are very effective, but not cheap. Recently, due to the fact that ephedrine and caffeine are included in the list of prohibited substances by the IOC and most sports federations, drugs have appeared that do not contain these substances. Such products are usually advertised as “a new word in the fight against fat.” However, their effectiveness is questionable. I was told about the miraculous properties of THYROX T-3 from Absolute Nutrition. Fresh food, but hard to sulfur... As a rule, they prefer to include natural sources of one or another active ingredient in supplements. For example, caffeine is present in the form of guarana or kola nut extract, hydroxycitric acid - garcinia extract, ephedrine - ephedra extract. In addition to the main component, they contain various biologically active substances, especially flavonoids. Some of these substances enhance the effect of the drug and mitigate side effects. Often, thermogenic mixtures also include other components - methionine (a mild hepatotropic agent), vitamins, betaine. For example, Animal Cuts, produced by Universal, is very close in composition to the mega-pack of the same company, Animal Pak. There is no particular point in this, and the price increases incredibly.

Recommendations for the selection and use of thermogenic mixtures First of all, determine your goals. Map out how much fat you need to lose and the time frame within which to do it. The real rate of fat loss is no more than 1 kg per week, otherwise health problems may occur. Make a diet. Then browse supplement catalogs, carefully reading the ingredients, to find the product that best suits you. In most cases, the combination of ephedrine and caffeine is optimal. Dosage: 20-30 mg of ephedrine + 100-200 mg of caffeine 2-3 times a day, morning and afternoon (in the evening after 5 o’clock, so as not to cause sleep disturbances). Preparations with large doses of the active substance are suitable only in particularly difficult cases. To speed up the process, especially if you need to remove the last, especially “stubborn” hundreds of grams, an ephedrine-caffeine-hydroxycitric acid combination, for example Hydroxycut, works well. Sometimes you can double or even triple the dose, but this should not be done constantly. Side effects are possible (dry mouth, hand tremors), usually disappearing within a month. If you have any heart disease, especially mitral valve prolapse (this disorder occurs in more than 10% of the population), ephedrine is contraindicated for you. In this case, you should also not use drugs with large amounts of caffeine. The best choice is carnitine and hydroxycitric acid. You should not take such drugs for more than 1-2 months in a row. Very often, an intermittent regimen turns out to be optimal - taking the drug every other day, every other day, two days after two (for those who are especially stupid: you take it a day, don’t take it a day; take it for two days, don’t take it for two days). You can also try burners based on components such as carnitine. However, don't expect them to have a strong enough effect. They are more suitable for maintaining body composition. And most importantly, do not use untested, although highly advertised, mixtures, especially those containing unknown components. Thus, the currently advertised “Thai pills” contain potent substances that can lead to heart and brain diseases. Thermogenic mixtures can also be used as energy drinks during intense strength training (primarily speed-strength training, as well as high-intensity aerobics). In this case, they are taken 10-20 minutes before training. In general, by using these drugs correctly, you can not only get rid of vile fat, but also significantly increase your performance. Follow the above recommendations carefully and the result is guaranteed.

Natural fat burners

List of natural products and ingredients that are included in most fat burners, or with which you can prepare a natural fat burning cocktail:

  1. Green and black tea;
  2. Low-fat dairy products (milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese);
  3. Red wine;
  4. Beef liver;
  5. Sea kale;
  6. Fruits (kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple, papaya);
  7. Caffeine;
  8. Spices (cinnamon, red and black pepper).

How to take fat burners?

Indications for use differ depending on the type of fat burner.

Thermogenic fat burners are recommended to be used 2 times a day. The first is 30 minutes after breakfast. The second dose is 30 minutes before training, but no later than 17 hours. The amount of the drug taken per day can vary from 1 to 8 capsules. It is best to start with one capsule and see how the body reacts. If no side effects occur and the supplement is well absorbed by the body, then you can gradually increase the dosage.


  • Thermogenic fat burners are promoted as a simple way to burn body fat.
  • Although there is evidence that they can reduce appetite and speed up metabolism and fat burning, the effects are relatively small.
  • They may be more effective when combined with other changes in diet and physical activity, but are not “magic pills.”
  • Always consult your doctor before trying a new supplement, as some people experience serious complications.
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TOP 10 best fat burners

  1. Instant Knockout Fat Burner. Thermogenic device. The composition contains only natural ingredients.
  2. Hydroxycut Hardcore Next Gen. Also consists of natural ingredients. Allows you to achieve results within 2 months of use.
  3. Cellucor Super HD. The desired effect is achieved by increasing energy and improving metabolism. It also contains natural substances.
  4. Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite. The downside of the drug is the fact that it does not suppress appetite.
  5. Lean Mode by Evlution Nutrition. To achieve results, it is necessary to take the drug in large dosages.
  6. BSN Hyper Shred is a good budget product. Helps burn fat but does not suppress appetite.
  7. Animal Cuts from Universal Nutrition. Thermogenic that accelerates metabolism. Strengthens concentration, increases energy reserves and eliminates hunger.
  8. Iron Cuts from Arnold Schwarzenegger. The name speaks for itself. Super fat burner for super men. To achieve the desired effect, 1 dose per day is enough. The downside is the high price of the drug.
  9. Nutrex Lipo-6. Powerful fat burner for men. The downside is the presence of little researched ingredients.
  10. MusclePharm CLA. The fat burner contains olive oil and avocado oil.

How to prepare a fat burner at home?

There are many options for homemade fat burners. Let's consider several options.

  1. Grapefruit cocktail. Grind one grapefruit and a couple of pineapple slices in a blender, add a little water. The resulting cocktail is best drunk soon after dinner.
  2. Kefir cocktail. Add a couple of pinches of red pepper and a little cinnamon to a glass of kefir. Mix. We drink between meals.
  3. Ginger cocktail. To prepare a fat burner you will need ingredients such as ginger root, cucumber, mint, lemon, cinnamon. Grate all the ingredients onto the finest grater and fill with warm water. Let it brew overnight. In the morning, strain the resulting broth through a sieve or cheesecloth. We drink the resulting ginger water throughout the day. The drink speeds up metabolism and removes toxic substances from the body.

You can come up with several other recipes yourself by mixing compatible fat-burning ingredients with each other.

What is the thermic effect of food?

The thermic effect of food is the amount of energy required to break down, digest, assimilate and absorb it.

The thermic effect of food, also known as Specific Dynamic Action (SDA) and food thermogenesis, is a huge component of metabolic rate, increasing thermogenic metabolism after a meal.

As mentioned earlier, the thermic effect of food is about 5-10% of the body's daily energy expenditure.

This is equivalent to approximately 250-300 kcal for an average trained athlete.

Digesting food requires energy

When we eat, our metabolism speeds up. This happens so that the body can process calories and extract from them everything it needs.

The function of digestion is complex and includes both mechanical and chemical processes.

In short, here's what happens inside our body when we eat:

  • While chewing food, enzymes contained in saliva begin to break down carbohydrates.
  • With the help of the tongue, food is pushed towards the pharynx. After swallowing, the muscles of the esophagus push the food down to the stomach.
  • Once food reaches the stomach, digestive juices and acids break it down and turn it into a creamy liquid called chyme.
  • Once in the small intestine, nutrients are absorbed as food passes through the intestinal tube.
  • The large intestine absorbs remaining water and breaks down waste.
  • Well, after that, the body gets rid of everything that remains.

Different products have different thermic effects

The acceleration of metabolism due to the thermic effect of food largely depends on the type of food consumed.

Digesting some micronutrients requires much more energy than digesting others and, as a result, metabolism accelerates more because of them; these are so-called negative calorie foods. It is believed that there are foods for which the body needs to spend more calories to digest than it receives from them. But there is no food with minus calories, but food that requires more energy to digest.

Thermic effect of macronutrients:

  • Fat: about 0-3%
  • Carbohydrates: 5-10%
  • Proteins: 20-30%

Proteins accelerate metabolism the most, almost 10 times more than fats.

In other words, in terms of a fat-burning diet, the strongest boost to your metabolism will come from foods rich in protein.

And even in a mixed meal (which is most often much closer to reality), with protein added to it, the overall thermic effect will increase.

It is worth adding at least a small amount of protein to each meal to ensure that the thermic effect remains elevated.

However, in addition to protein foods, there are also other foods with a strong fat-burning effect that can help speed up metabolic processes...

Protein products

Contraindications and side effects

Taking dietary supplements for fat burning, in addition to the positive effect, can lead to a number of side symptoms:

  1. Migraines, nausea;
  2. Possible addiction;
  3. Taking it may cause hormonal imbalance;
  4. Insomnia;
  5. Dehydration.

Fat burners are contraindicated for people with heart problems, blood vessels, high blood pressure, prostatitis, and diabetes. If any negative symptoms appear, you should stop taking the drug.

fat burners for weight loss for men: rating

Advantages and disadvantages

Without a doubt, the main feature of thermogenic fat burners is their ability to quickly rid the body of extra pounds. They are used for “lazy” weight loss. This means that there is no serious need for physical activity in order to achieve the desired result (although a little activity is still required). In this case, you do not need to change your diet or use extreme options for the body - fasting.

However, in addition to the positive qualities, there are also disadvantages. Remember that thermogenics, like other weight loss drugs, have a negative effect on the body (especially women), leading to disruption of its functions. It is important to consult a specialist before taking fat burning medications. This will significantly reduce the risk of side effects. These negative consequences include:

  • increase in basal temperature;
  • the emergence of dependence on the drug;
  • change in cellular metabolism.

Shelf life

The expiration date for different fat burners may vary. On average, this is about 2-3 years for the product in the package and 2-3 weeks after opening the package. It is recommended to store drugs in a dry, cool and dark place.

There is a lot of talk surrounding the topic of consuming expired fat burners. Many experts agree that you can take expired medications if the expiration date does not exceed six months. In addition, the taste, color and appearance of the drug should not cause any suspicion or concern. As a rule, there is little harm from taking minimally expired fat burners, but there is also not much benefit, since over time all the beneficial properties of the ingredients included in the composition are reduced to a minimum.

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