Exercise “Boat” for the back: how to do it correctly, benefits and 4 varieties

≡ October 1, 2020 Category: Miscellaneous

For many years, “Boat” was included in the selection of classic physical therapy exercises for the spine. It was prescribed to correct scoliosis, osteochondrosis, displaced discs, and strengthen the lumbar muscles. Today, the exercise is again at the peak of popularity, and it is recommended by leading fitness trainers and orthopedic doctors.

  • Bodybuilders and bodybuilders perform the Boat both at home and in gyms. Even when working exclusively with body weight, the workout relieves the back muscles and strengthens the muscle corset, and if you add weights or dumbbells, you can effectively work out the biceps, triceps, latissimus muscles, and build up the so-called wings.
  • In women's bodyflex, the exercise is used to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and in addition, it really helps to reduce waist size and make the stomach flat. The back is straightened, the spine is stretched, the woman acquires grace.
  • “Boat” is often recommended to young mothers who constantly carry a child in their arms. Not only does training tighten internal organs, it also relieves back pain and prevents the development of spinal diseases.
  • This exercise is useful for children because it forms posture and prevents stooping and scoliosis. Children spend a lot of time sitting, hanging over gadgets, carry heavy backpacks to school, and categorically refuse to do morning exercises. It doesn’t matter, just 5 minutes a day – and many problems will be prevented or corrected at an early stage.

Recommendations for implementation

The “Boat” exercise block, when performed correctly, takes no more than ten minutes. Performed in the morning, it will be a good preparation for an active working day, and in the evening it will help relieve the tired spine, stretch it and relax it.

If you decide to engage in serious training in order to improve your health or lose excess weight, you need to carry out preliminary preparation. It consists of proper tension and relaxation of the back muscles. This will help smooth out sharp transitions and ensure cyclicality. In addition, this will help to avoid injuries (sprains, torn ligaments, etc.).

It is recommended to perform the “Boat” exercise on an empty stomach; you are allowed to drink water.

During exercise, you should not neglect the rules of breathing; the heaviest load should fall on exhalation.

If the “Boat” complex is aimed directly at weight loss, then at the same time you need to correct your usual diet and select the appropriate diet. First of all, you need to exclude all heavy and too fatty foods, as well as foods that contain large amounts of carbohydrates and proteins. At the same time, you need to increase your consumption of vegetables (fresh, stewed, steamed) and herbs.

In order to unload the spine after finishing classes you need:

  • stand straight, feet together;
  • raise your arms and pull them up as far as possible;
  • lean forward, clasping your knees with your hands;
  • touch your forehead to your knees;
  • lower your palms to the floor and stand on all fours;
  • arch your back strongly and then sit down on your heels;
  • press your forehead to your knees, lower your arms down and remain in this position for thirty seconds;
  • rise and relax.

After performing this exercise, you will feel a feeling of lightness not only in the spine, but throughout the entire body. From all of the above, it becomes clear that even such a simple set of exercises as the “Boat” can have versatility and multifunctionality, which simultaneously normalize the functioning of numerous systems of the human body and form a beautiful figure.

If you practice conscientiously every day, after two months, you can get visible results: strengthened back, lumbar and pectoral muscles, correct posture, sculpted abs, elastic buttocks.

At the same time, the circumference of the waist and hips is significantly reduced, the lateral folds of fat disappear, and the shoulders straighten. It is especially useful to regularly perform these exercises for people who lead a passive, sedentary lifestyle. This complex will allow them to increase their vitality and, accordingly, their mood.

Ab exercise Boat

Aimed at strengthening the abdominal area, it can also be performed at home.


The force is directed to the transverse and rectus abdominis muscles. The quadriceps are partially involved, and regular exercise will bring the following:

  • digestive functions improve;
  • the overall endurance of the body improves;
  • blood circulation in the pelvis increases;
  • the diaphragm is strengthened, eliminating the prolapsed belly;
  • Achievements in the plank exercise improve.

Ab exercise Boat


The abdominal muscles are only strengthened, but their volume is not increased. The exercise is effective for tightening the abdominal muscles, and not for drawing cubes.

It is not recommended to perform in the following situations:

  • recovery after abdominal surgery;
  • existing cut and stab wounds in the abdominal area;
  • presence of hernias;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • increased manifestations of gastritis or ulcers.


Before starting the exercise, it is necessary to warm up the muscles to improve their elasticity and reduce the possibility of muscle strain:

  • you need to lie on your back;
  • fully straighten your elbows in your hands and your legs in your knees;
  • simultaneously raise your arms and legs up so that your legs and torso rise 30 cm from the floor;
  • while holding, breathe evenly, do not hold your breath;
  • It is necessary to rest on the floor only with the upper part of the buttocks and tailbone.


  • try your best to keep your legs and arms straight;
  • The abdominal muscles should be tense during the exercise, even moreover, tighten them additionally;
  • You should not raise your arms and legs too high, otherwise it will be difficult to maintain body balance;
  • hold the pose for 20-30 seconds, 3-4 approaches.

The exercise can also be made more difficult by putting weights on your legs, holding a plate, kettlebell or dumbbell in your hands, and also holding a fitball between your legs to vary the load.

What else you need to know about the exercise

The healing effect of the boat depends not only on the number of repetitions, but also on compliance with the following points:

  • Regularity. Daily practice in the morning helps you cheer up and set the mood for the day. Doing the exercise after a working day will help you relax and relieve stress from your spine. Classes from time to time are unlikely to be effective.
  • It is best to perform the boat on an empty stomach in the morning or no earlier than two hours after a meal.
  • Compliance with the execution technique in combination with proper breathing is the key to the effectiveness of the boat.
  • It is recommended to end each workout with a relaxing vertical fold.

Contraindications for performing the exercise

The boat exercise is universal and basic. It is successfully included in various types of training programs, including medical and recreational ones. It is suitable for people of any age.

Who should not do the exercise? Contraindications for performing a set of exercises for the back, including pumps, are:

  • osteochondrosis and other chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • acute respiratory infection and some time after it, high temperature;
  • high pressure;
  • heart attack;
  • tachycardia and arrhythmia;
  • malignant neoplasms.

The presence of any of the listed diseases requires consultation with a doctor, who will decide on the advisability of physical activity and its acceptable level.

Technique for performing the “Classic boat” exercise

In the classic version, the superman exercise lying on the floor, or simply “boat”, uses the muscles of the abs, hips, back and calves. At the beginning, a warm-up is recommended, which can include any active movements to warm up the muscles. Then you need exercises aimed at stretching the back muscles.

In the ranking of TOP 4 exercises for pain in the spine, “The boat takes 1st place.

How to do it correctly:

  1. Lie on your back, stretch your arms parallel to your body.
  2. Legs touch tightly.
  3. At the same time, raise your straight legs and arms up, leaning on your buttocks.
  4. We hold the maximum position for a few seconds, lower ourselves, lie on our back and relax for three counts.
  5. We repeat the exercise three times to start. With each workout we increase the number of repetitions.

How to do the “Boat” exercise for the back correctly? It all depends on the initial level of training of the athlete. The classic version of the exercise is good for starting classes. It is distinguished by a relatively mild load on the muscles.

Exercise Boat

During the exercise, the athlete lies on a hard, flat surface on his stomach, with his arms extended upward.

Step 1 - stretch out while lying on your stomachStep 1 - stretch out while lying on your stomach.
At one point, he raises his arms and legs up, trying to give his body the shape of an arc. As a rule, the height to which the upper and lower limbs can be raised increases as the athlete becomes more trained.

Step 2 - raise your arms and legs up
Step 2 - raise your arms and legs up

The boat exercise is universal and basic. It is successfully included in various types of training programs, including medical and recreational ones. It is suitable for people of any age.

Who should not do the exercise? Contraindications for performing a set of exercises for the back, including pumps, are:

  • osteochondrosis and other chronic pathologies in the acute stage,
  • Acute respiratory infection and for some time after it, high temperature,
  • high pressure,
  • heart attack,
  • tachycardia and arrhythmia,
  • malignant neoplasms.

The presence of any of the listed diseases requires consultation with a doctor, who will decide on the advisability of physical activity and its acceptable level.

How to do the boat exercise for the back correctly so as not to injure it? The technique of execution determines the effectiveness of the training. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the nuances.

The classic boat is performed as follows.

  1. Starting position – lying on your back with your arms extended up. The legs are brought together, the toes and heels are pressed against each other.
  2. Take a deep breath until you feel the diaphragm fully expand. At the same time, it is important to draw in your stomach.
  3. Raise your legs to a height of 30-40 cm.
  4. Raise your upper body and shoulders to the same level as your legs. The area of ​​support is the buttocks and sacrum.
  5. We hold our breath (at least 8 counts), after which we lower ourselves to the floor and relax. The recommended number of repetitions is from 4, with a gradual increase in time in the uppermost position.

The reverse boat exercise (also called hyperextension on the floor) is no less effective. With its help, you can strengthen your back muscles and reduce the size of your waist and hips.

  1. Starting position: lying on your stomach. Straight arms are extended forward, palms down. The legs are also straight, the toes are pointed.
  2. We simultaneously lift the upper body and legs to a height of about 40 cm. During stretching, the abdominal and pelvic area acts as a support for the body.
  3. While holding your breath, we try to stretch out and stretch our body, pointing our legs and arms in opposite directions.
  4. Exhale slowly and return to the starting position.
  1. Lie on your stomach. Straighten your legs and arms and extend them along your body. This will be the starting position.
  2. Raise your straight arms and legs up as far as you have flexibility. Do static tension in this position for 1-2 seconds, exhaling.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement 15 times. Do three sets with a 1 minute rest break.

Pros of exercise

  • Does not load the spine, while training the back muscles well.
  • Exercise prevents osteochondrosis and eliminates stoop.
  • Does not load joints, movements are completely isolated.
  • Performed at home or in the gym.
  • Suitable for training the gluteal muscles and hamstrings.

Boat starting position

There are no cons. It may seem that the exercise will not be effective for experienced athletes. But by taking and hanging additional weights in your arms and legs, you can train at any level of training.

  1. Basic option. Hands along the body
  2. Boat with spread arms and legs
  3. Superman crisscross
  4. Superman with one-sided arm and leg lift

Boat basic option. Hands along the body

Boat basic option. Hands along the body

Boat with spread arms and legs
Boat with spread arms and legs

Superman crisscross
Superman crisscross

Superman with one-sided arm and leg lift
Superman with one-sided arm and leg lift

There are a sufficient number of alternative exercises that can replace the pump. For example, a simple plank stand, straight-legged barbell row, “good morning.” If you have the opportunity to visit a gym, where there are many special exercise machines for the lower back: hyperextension, reverse hyperextension, back extension on the machine.

Load on target muscles on a 10-point scale

Lower back5 (average)
Upper and middle back4 (average)
Gluteal muscles3 (weak)
Hamstrings2 (weak)
Shoulders2 (weak)
Type of exerciseIsolating exercise therapy
Total load16 (average)

To make the exercise more effective, we suggest you study a special set of exercises for training the quadratus dorsi muscles. The complex is designed for training both in the gym and for training at home.

What muscles are involved?

Stooping and other postural disorders, osteochondrosis and back pain - these are the complaints that, unfortunately, have become most widespread recently, and the reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle, incorrect body position while working at the computer and, as a result, muscle weakness corset. You can compensate for all these gaps if you regularly devote time to working with your body. You can start with one boat exercise, gradually expanding your workouts and increasing their duration.

The boat is an effective and simple exercise that can be found in various training complexes.

Training systemWhy do you include the exercise?
Therapeutic and recreational gymnasticsFormation of beautiful posture, work with spinal curvature
BodyflexIn combination with aerobic breathing, it helps to work out the abs (we recommend effective abdominal exercises in the gym) and reduce waist size
Strength trainingTo strengthen core muscles and progress with heavy weights

The boat or Superman is a universal exercise without age restrictions, and it has a healing and general strengthening effect. This effect is achieved through the complex work of the following muscles:

  • gluteal;
  • flat abdominal muscle;
  • longus dorsi, extensor spinae and quadratus lumborum muscles.

Correct execution of the exercise allows you to use and include in the work, in addition to the superficial muscle layers, also postural ones. What does it mean? The postural muscles are located much deeper in the body, in close proximity to the spine. Their main task is to ensure a vertical position for the body during physical activity due to correct posture. The peculiarity of the internal muscles is that they are quite difficult to work out in standard strength training. It is the static load during the exercise that engages them in their work best.

Posture Exercises

Not everyone can constantly monitor their posture and keep their back straight. We slouch, hunch over while sitting, trying to lean more comfortably on the back of an armchair, stool, or sofa. As a result, the tone of the muscles that support the spine is lost, posture is disturbed, and over time, a feeling of fatigue and back pain occurs.

Exercises for posture at home

So, exercises for beautiful posture are aimed at strengthening the deep muscles and ligaments of the spine, upper back and shoulders, working out the chest muscles that straighten the shoulders, as well as the abs.

If you do these exercises regularly, they will help you noticeably straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, making us taller and slimmer, and get rid of stooping. At the same time, tension in the back muscles is relieved, pain in the thoracic and lumbar region goes away.

Exercises are performed on the floor, on a soft mat or towel.

Exercise 3-5 times a week. Before your workout, warm up by walking briskly in place, jogging with your knees high, or jumping rope.

Exercises for back muscles

Important! Take your time when doing the exercises. Work very slowly, thoughtfully, without jerking, monitor and record muscle tension for seconds

Watch your breathing: exhale at the end of the effort.

Exercise No. 1. Shoulder bridge

Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along your body. Tighten your buttocks. Take a deep breath and try to lift your pelvis as high as possible. Do this very slowly: first the buttocks, then the lower back and each vertebra. No sudden movements. Stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. Inhale, and on the way out, return to the starting position. Do 2-3 sets of 12 repetitions.

A more complicated version: fixing your hips, raise your legs one by one.

Exercise No. 2. Lying back extension.

A simple basic exercise that is widely used in medicine and sports training. Allows you to get rid of stoop and discomfort in the spine. This is especially true for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time in the office.

Starting position and execution: lie on your stomach, extend your arms along your torso and press your palms to your thighs. Secure your legs. The legs are brought together, the toes are slightly pulled out.

As you exhale, successively lift your head, chest and upper abdomen off the floor, maintaining the position of your arms and legs. Try not to strain your buttocks; feel how your lower back is tense. Don't throw your head back. Keep your neck in line with your back. The straight neck stretches forward. Inhale: lower to the starting position.

You can clasp your hands behind you and, raising your body, stretch your arms back. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise No. 3. Hyperextension lying on the floor (boat).

This exercise is a variation of regular hyperextension. We lie down on our stomachs. We spread our arms and legs slightly to the side and begin to lift them at the same time. Legs are straight, arms are extended and slightly bent at the elbows. We bring our shoulder blades together and straighten our chest. Try to raise your body low, your head looking at the floor, exhale as you rise. You need to do 3 approaches each.

We remind you once again that the exercises are performed slowly - this allows you to maximally strain the deep muscles of the spine. If you lift your body jerkily, then there will be no benefit from the exercise - just swaying the body.

A complicated version of the “boat”: “swim”, that is, standing up, we make energetic oscillatory movements with our arms and legs.

We remain in the same position. We raise our arms and legs diagonally: right hand - left leg, left hand - right leg. Arms and legs are straight. Try not to lift your head from the mat. We also do 3 approaches one at a time each.

We stand on all fours, knees tightly squeezed, feet slightly apart, hands shoulder-width apart, palms parallel to the body. We try to lower the pelvis to the sides without touching the floor. We don’t take our hands off the floor. We do 3 approaches one at a time each.

We remain in the same position. We bend and arch our back as much as possible. We do 3 approaches one at a time each.

You can complete the set of exercises for the back with “child’s pose.”

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

After exercises for the back, we pump up the most important antagonist - the chest. The best and safest way to do this is push-ups. You can do push-ups from your knees.

We kneel down, hands resting on the floor shoulder-width apart, palms parallel to the body. The body from the knees to the head should be in a straight line. We do push-ups downwards, trying not to touch the floor with our chest and do it as slowly as possible. We do 3 approaches one at a time each. At the end of the exercise, we try to reach our buttocks to our feet without lifting our hands from the floor, thereby stretching the back muscles.

How to do the Boat exercise

This complex consists of several variations of one exercise. Therefore, everyone can choose exactly the one that suits them at a certain stage of physical training. You can also perform the entire complex.


The classic version of the “Boat” is performed as follows:

  • assume the starting position lying on your back;
  • the legs are brought together, with the toes and heels touching;
  • with maximum inhalation, the stomach is drawn in;
  • the legs rise up about forty centimeters;
  • at the same time, the head and upper body are raised to a similar height, with the support falling on the buttock and sacral area;
  • holding your breath for eight to ten seconds;
  • after this you need to exhale the air, return to the starting position and relax.

When performing the classic version of the “Boat” exercise, the head should be directed forward, and tension should be felt in the abdomen and back. You also need to ensure proper breathing.

At the beginning of classes, you can limit yourself to three repetitions, and then gradually increase their number.

Boat" on the contrary


  • the initial position is taken, lying on the stomach;
  • arms are extended forward, positioned shoulder-width apart, palms should be facing down;
  • legs straighten, toes stretch;
  • at the same time you need to raise your legs and upper body to the maximum possible height, the support falls on the pelvis and abdomen;
  • holding your breath for ten seconds, you should try to stretch your arms forward as much as possible and your feet back;
  • Having exhaled and taken the starting position, you need to rest a little and do four more repetitions.

This version of the exercise helps to quickly reduce the circumference of the waist and hips, as well as improve the condition of the spine. With regular exercise, the initial slight pain in the muscles will be replaced by a surge of strength, endocrine and metabolic processes will normalize, the skin will acquire elasticity and tenderness, cellulite and other irregularities will become less noticeable. In addition, your overall well-being will improve and your mood will lift.



  • assume a position lying on your stomach;
  • as you inhale, your legs rise and your feet are covered with your hands;
  • the body begins to rock back and forth;
  • You need to do the exercise for three minutes, after a short rest, repeat several times.

This is a fairly difficult exercise for beginners, but you shouldn’t stop doing it right away. During the training process, the body gradually gets used to the load, and very soon the classes will be carried out with ease and a good mood.

Side "Boat"


  • assume a position lying on your side, with your arms extended upward, your legs straight;
  • the limbs are raised about twenty centimeters above the floor for one minute, the support in this case is the pelvic bone and the lower thoracic region;
  • Having done several approaches, you need to turn over to the other side and repeat the exercise.

Boat with Leg Hold or “Bow Pose”

It differs from the classic version in that the athlete moves his arms far back, while clasping the ankles of his legs.

Step 1 - bend your body up and move your arms back
Step 1 - bend your body up and move your arms back

Then, tensing the muscles of his body, he arches. Ideally, the only point of contact with the surface should be the stomach.

Step 2 - grab your legs with your hands
Step 2 - grab your legs with your hands

What muscles work during the boat exercise?

General strengthening and health-improving effects are important. But it is achieved by static tension on different muscle groups:

  • triceps;
  • deltoid;
  • serratus anterior;
  • long dorsal;
  • spinal extensors;
  • quadratus lumborum muscles;
  • flat stomach;
  • gluteus maximus;
  • posterior thigh muscle group;
  • soleus.

Not only the superficial fibers are worked out, but also the postural ones. These are internal muscles located deep in the body near the spine. They are responsible for maintaining the vertical position of the human body and correct posture while walking, and activate metabolism. Standard strength training primarily strengthens the outer muscles. But internal ones develop when performing static loads. The boat copes with this task perfectly.

Different ways to do the exercise

You can also highlight another similar exercise - also “Boat”, but in reverse: a person lies on his stomach, stretches his arms forward, palms down - hands are shoulder-width apart. The legs are straightened with their toes away from themselves at exactly the same distance, at the same time all limbs are raised, the support is the pelvic bones and stomach. Stretch your arms and legs in opposite directions and hold in this position for about 10 seconds.

An addition to the “Boat” can be the “Storm” exercise: the position is the same as in the previous exercise, but the body does not remain static - it needs to be dynamically swayed, as if on the waves. Periodically you need to touch the floor with the outside of your feet and palms. The only caveat is that this exercise can be done for about 3 minutes without breaks.

There is also a side “Boat”: a person lies on his side, stretches his arms up, and his legs remain straight. The limbs are raised 20 centimeters from the floor and held for about a minute in this position. The support in all types of exercises is constant - on the pelvic bones.

If you feel excellent sports potential and have good physical shape, the following type of “Boat” is suitable for you: all of the above types are done sequentially - first the side, then the classic, then the side again and then returning to the starting position.

By doing at least a little bit of the above exercises every day, it is quite possible in a few months to strengthen not only the muscles of the back and lower back, but also the pectoral muscles. This exercise is very useful for women - it reduces inches on the waist and hips, strengthens the buttocks and makes the abs more prominent.

However, you should remember about proper breathing - the greatest load should fall on exhalation. By slightly changing your diet (removing junk food), you can lose weight well.

Exercises in this group are excellent for maintaining women’s health - they normalize the microflora of the genital organs, reduce the pain of premenstrual syndrome and, most surprisingly, significantly reduce the risk of infertility.

The benefits and purpose of the Boat exercise

The “Boat” set of exercises is often used in physical therapy exercises for the back. It also has a positive effect on the human body as a whole, with its help:

  • the muscle corset and solar plexus area are strengthened;
  • curvature of the spine is corrected;
  • the correct location of the umbilical ring is established in case of its displacement;
  • pain caused by osteochondrosis decreases;
  • blood circulation improves, as well as joint mobility, due to increased production of cartilage tissue;
  • the activity of the heart muscle, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs is normalized;
  • neuro-reflex connections are stabilized;
  • weight decreases, the figure acquires clearer outlines.

Boat exercise: how is it useful ^

The boat is an exercise in which the trainee takes a horizontal position, lying on his stomach, side or back, and lifts his limbs up as much as possible. At this time, significant muscle tension is felt in the back and abdomen, which indicates that the muscles are receiving the necessary load, due to which they become stronger over time.

It is worth taking a closer look at which muscles work during this exercise:

  • Gluteal muscles;
  • Long back muscles;
  • Flat abdominal muscle.

Superman lying on the floor

Another name for the classic pump is superman lying on the floor.

  • The technique for performing them is, accordingly, identical, as are the groups of muscles involved.
  • If a reverse boat is done, then the muscles of the thighs, abdomen and spine receive the main load.

It is important to note the muscles that receive at least a small load. This includes the triceps, muscles of the back of the thighs and calves, because. During the exercise, the limbs linger at the top for a few seconds.

Boat: benefits and harm

  • It improves posture, which is important for scoliosis;
  • Strengthens the back muscles, making it easier to maintain posture.

There are also other factors that confirm the merits of this exercise:

  • It secures the umbilical ring. Its displacement usually leads to fat deposits in the abdominal area;
  • Reduces pain in osteochondrosis, stimulates the formation of cartilage tissue;
  • Increases joint mobility;
  • Normalizes tissue blood circulation;
  • Stabilizes heart function;
  • Combats disorders of the neuro-reflex connection;
  • Restores proper breathing;
  • Helps get rid of extra centimeters in the waist, back and hips.

The boat can only cause harm if the execution technique is not followed, but this is unlikely: even small children can do it with ease.

There are three options for performing the boat exercise:

  • Classic (on the stomach),
  • Reverse (on the back),
  • Lateral.

Each of them works out different muscle groups, and they can be done both every other day and during a back and abdominal workout.

How to replace a boat

The spinal boat exercise is not the only exercise that can strengthen the muscle corset. You can form an attractive posture, work your gluteal muscles and abs with the help of a whole range of physical activities.

Exercises to develop posture and strengthen the spine:

  • Pull-up of the body (“snake”)
  • Extension of arms in rise ("flight")
  • Walking on your buttocks

Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset and abs:

  • Plank
  • Reverse plank
  • Plank with Leg Raise
  • Crunches
  • Alternate lowering of legs

A strong muscle corset and, as a result, beautiful posture are the key to excellent physical shape. In addition to exercise, following simple but effective rules plays a role in maintaining back health.

  • Always keep your back straight, be aware of your posture and do not slouch.
  • When working at the computer for long periods of time, take regular breaks to warm up.
  • Bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting heavy objects.
  • If you have to stand in one place for a long time, alternately shift your body weight from one foot to another to relieve some of the stress on the spine.
  • Strive to normalize your body weight.

Follow simple rules, lead an active lifestyle and include physical activity in your workdays. All this will help keep your back healthy and make your posture royal.

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