How to correct your posture? Habits that are bad for your back

Features of pumping the shoulder muscles

Pumping up the shoulder muscles with dumbbell swingsPumping up the shoulder muscles with dumbbell swings
Today, there are various exercises for the shoulders at home. There are a very large number of them, but this does not mean that you necessarily need to do them all. In order to pump up the wide muscles quickly enough, you should choose 3-4 most suitable exercises.

Advice! Your training program must include exercises aimed at developing the front, middle and rear deltoids.

Typically a shoulder workout includes the following:

  • presses;
  • swings;
  • traction.


In children

Decreased physical activity

The muscle frame weakens and is unable to maintain the correct position of the body in space.

Eating disorder

Lack of mineral, organic substances with an insufficiently balanced diet, lack of calcium salts, which are responsible for the proper development of bone tissue and ligaments. As a result, the ligaments of the spine are affected and posture is disrupted.

Poor organization of play and work space

Too high chairs, tables, too little free space on the desktop.

Long monotonous activities

Drawing, working on the computer, doing homework. As well as a violation of the alternation of time for rest and work.

Presses for developing shoulder muscles

Performing overhead presses to pump up the shoulder muscles
Performing overhead presses to pump up the shoulder muscles

Benching the barbell from behind the head allows you to develop the front and side deltoids and triceps. If there is no barbell, we pump our shoulders with dumbbells, performing the same actions.

Advice! Since presses can cause joint injuries, it is best not to perform such exercises first. They should be done when your muscles are properly warmed up.


  1. In a standing or sitting position, grab a barbell (dumbbells) with an overhand grip.
  2. Your forearms should be parallel to each other.
  3. Now you need to lower the bar along the trapezoid and linger for a few seconds at the lowest point.
  4. Slowly lift the barbell up, thereby returning to the starting position.

Advice! When using dumbbells, try to lower them as low as possible.

The lateral and anterior shoulder muscles allow you to develop the military press. This exercise can also be performed either sitting or standing.

Performing a standing military press
Performing a standing military press

Let's look at how to properly perform a military press:

  1. While standing or sitting, grab a barbell with an overhand grip.
  2. In the starting position, your elbows should be down and the bar should be at chest level.
  3. Now we fully straighten our arms, lifting the barbell above our heads. Stay in this position for one second.
  4. Slowly lower the barbell to the starting position.

This material will be perfectly complemented by the following publications:


Most often, the shoulder girdle suffers with the development of scoliosis - curvature of the spine relative to the vertical axis. In addition to internal changes and disturbances, visual deformation also occurs - one shoulder becomes higher than the other.

Deformation of the spine and changes in the shoulder girdle occur due to the progression of scoliosis, which can be of two types:

  • congenital - develops as a result of disorders during the formation of the fetus. In most cases, the reason lies in genetic abnormalities and the influence of external factors, which entail, for example, fusion of the ribs and other problems during the formation of the spine;
  • acquired - develops between the ages of 5 and 16 years with intensive formation and development of the skeleton. Girls are most susceptible to pathological changes.

What to do if one shoulder is higher than the other
In this case, pathological curvature of the spine can be divided into the following types:

  • s-shaped scoliosis - the curvature affects three main parts of the spine - cervical, thoracic and lumbar;
  • z-shaped scoliosis – disturbances are observed in one or two sections, the curvature is directed in opposite directions;
  • C-shaped scoliosis - the curvature of the spine is clearly expressed in one direction, resembling the letter C in shape.

Thus, if the right shoulder is higher or lower than the left, what kind of pathology is this is a fairly clear question. We are talking about curvature of the spinal column, which entails deformation of other parts of the body.

Important! The bones of the shoulder girdle are the scapula and the collarbone, which, under the influence of the curved spine, change their position, shifting and curving in such a way that the shoulders are at different levels.

What to do if one shoulder is higher than the otherBut it is worth knowing that the development of scoliosis does not occur instantly, that is, with timely diagnosis and treatment, such disorders can be avoided. There are four degrees of scoliosis:

  1. The first degree is characterized by a barely noticeable stoop, the shoulders are at the same level. Most often, people whose work involves a computer and a regular sedentary lifestyle suffer.
  2. The second degree is characterized by back pain, clearly visible asymmetry of the shoulder blades, and a noticeable change in the shoulder girdle. This degree is the most common.
  3. The third degree is accompanied by sharp and severe pain in the back, disturbance not only in the shoulder area, but also possible deformation of the sternum with protrusion of the ribs.
  4. The fourth degree is marked by the formation of a hump with a pronounced deformation of the back. The ribs may change their position, sink in or protrude outward. This stage affects the functioning of internal organs and the body as a whole.

Moreover, spinal deformation can be caused not only by congenital developmental pathologies, but also by external influences and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Among the most common causes of deformation are:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • rickets;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • curvature of the neck;
  • violation of back muscle tone;
  • muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders.

Swings for developing shoulder muscles

Correct performance of dumbbell lateral raises while standing
Correct performance of dumbbell lateral raises while standing

To develop the middle deltas, it is necessary to raise dumbbells to the sides in a standing position.

Advice! When performing this exercise, you should not swing your body, this will reduce the load directly on the shoulder muscles.


  1. Hold dumbbells in a standing position.
  2. Extend your arms slightly in front of you, slightly bending them at the elbows.
  3. Raise your arms to the sides at shoulder level, holding the top position for a second.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you allows you to develop your front deltoids well.

Front dumbbell raises
Front dumbbell raises

If you do chest presses, you won't need this exercise. When performing the exercise, you need to take dumbbells in your hands and slightly extend them in front of you, slightly bending your elbows. Now raise your arms above your head one by one.

If you are interested in how to pump up your shoulders at home, then bent over dumbbell raises should be one of the basic exercises for you. To perform it, you need to take dumbbells and then bend your torso at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. We stretch our arms in front of us and spread them to the sides.

Why good posture is so important

Not everyone understands the importance of maintaining posture. But it has a direct effect on vital internal organs - they cannot function normally due to improper blood supply. The human spine consists of 26 vertebrae. If you squeeze one of them, your gait, posture and, as a result, blood circulation are disrupted. This is how various diseases appear.

Poor posture also affects growth. A person who is constantly in a hunched position keeps his muscles tense. The intervertebral discs are deformed, as a result of which it is not possible to straighten up to full height even in a dream. Meanwhile, if you pay attention to your posture and straight back from childhood, you can grow by as much as 15 centimeters!

And, finally, a person’s moral state depends on correct posture. It has been noted that people with a straight back smile more often, enjoy life, and live on a positive wave. But men and women who are hunched beyond their years give the impression of being tired. Yes, this is actually the case, because they get tired much faster and put in twice as much effort to do this or that job.

how to get rid of stoop for adults and children

Chin Pulls

Performing barbell rows to the chin
Performing barbell rows to the chin

Want to know how to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells? Then you will need a barbell. In particular, barbell rows to the chin allow you to develop your trapezius and front deltoids. If you want to pump up your shoulders as much as possible, just increase your grip.

To perform this exercise, you should stand as straight as possible and grasp the barbell in your hands so that your palms face down. Now pull the barbell towards your chin while spreading your elbows out to the sides.

Similar to the previous one is the barbell row to the chest. Only in this case you do not reach the chin, but stop at chest level, slightly lingering at the top point.

Advice! The exercise should be performed with a wide grip.

How to perform a barbell row to the chest: arms at the top point are parallel to the floor
How to perform a barbell row to the chest: arms at the top point are parallel to the floor

How to straighten your back and shoulders

Unfortunately, today about 90% of the world's population have problems with the spine.
It is the habit of slouching or sitting crookedly that causes spinal curvature. A healthy spine has several curves for better shock absorption. The most common types of violation:

  • scoliosis;
  • slouch;
  • round back;
  • round-concave back;
  • flat back.

When a person's shoulders are in the wrong position, stress is placed on the neck. Frequent use of the computer can worsen already poor posture. People begin to slouch and muscle atrophy occurs.

How to straighten your posture and shoulders?

For the most part, a person needs to overcome his habit of slouching, arching his back and start doing special exercises.

To correct it, it is necessary to strengthen the spinal muscles, which are located between the shoulder blades. Slouching occurs due to weakness of the back muscles. A person needs to strive for muscle strength and then the shoulders will be in a straight position.

Swimming will help strengthen your back muscles. Practice walking with a book on your head.

  • ➤ How to choose the right brace for posture correction?


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