EXERCISE No. 1, Which Will Get Rid of Loose Skin on Your Hands in 1 Week and Takes Just a Minute!

There is an opinion that it is impossible to pump up muscles by doing push-ups.

This opinion is true if you do not think about the limit of muscle growth, and even more so about the natural limit.

If you do push-ups with the right technique, volume, and intensity, you will reach your limit. This is a limit of 17 kg of muscle.

Push Up Guide

The ability to do push-ups is a skill that anyone can learn and constantly improve. Anyone should be able to defy gravity and perform a sequence of several push-ups. All it takes is work on yourself. As with any bodyweight exercise, it takes time for a person's body to get used to the movement, remember it and make it part of everyday life. The good thing is that our body gets used to this kind of exercise very quickly, but the bad thing is that it also quickly forgets the movement if we take too long a break between workouts. Regular exercise will help solve the problem.

Our body is a kind of biomachine; it learns and gets used to what is required of it. For push-ups, you need to have a strong torso, powerful chest and triceps, and core muscles. It is on the development of this muscle group that this exercise will focus. It will become easier as your body gets used to it, so don't forget to increase the number of repetitions and make the exercise more difficult.

muscles involved in push-ups

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at what narrow-grip push-ups provide and what are their main advantages:

  1. The volume of the triceps increases;
  2. The triceps becomes stronger, more elastic, more resilient;
  3. The skin of the hands is tightened, especially the inner and lower surfaces (ladies will appreciate it);
  4. Strengthens the shoulder, elbow and elbow joints, as well as the core muscles;

Also, you can do push-ups with a narrow grip anywhere - at home, on the street, in the gym. The exercise does not require special equipment or a trainer to teach the technique.

Among the disadvantages, we note a weak load on the pectoral muscles, therefore, women who want to pump up their breasts are recommended to do push-ups with a wide stance. Also, this exercise will not help to significantly increase muscle size. But this disadvantage is inherent in any type of push-ups, since an increase in relief is impossible without power loads. In this case, work is carried out with your own weight.

Is it possible to harm the body with such a load? Yes, if you exercise while in a state that cannot be combined with sports exercises. Also, practice push-ups with caution if you have recently suffered an injury or sprain to the target ligaments, joints, or tendons. If you have diseases of the joints of the shoulder, elbow or wrist, push-ups are generally contraindicated.

The most common mistakes when performing the exercise

Elbow position

  • Incorrect: elbows point to the sides;
  • Correct: Press your elbows lightly and squeeze your shoulder blades together.

mistakes when doing push-ups

Body position

  • Incorrect: sagging abdomen, chest;
  • Correct: Keep your hips in line with your shoulders.

push up mistakes

Position of hands

  • Incorrect: hands further than the shoulder line, elbows in the shape of the letter T;
  • Correct: the hands are in line with the shoulders, the elbows are in the shape of the letter A.

incorrect hand position during push-ups

Varieties of Plyometric Push-ups

If you have not encountered plyometrics before, you need to start with the simplest option - push-ups with your hands briefly lifted off the floor. Having mastered it, try to fly up as high as you can. If you can do 20 repetitions, proceed to the following steps:

  • push-ups with a clap in front of you - the traditional version described above;
  • with your hands touching your shoulders - in a cross motion with your palms, touching the right and left shoulders requires more effort than with a simple plyometric push-up;
  • with a clap on the hips - requires maximum control over execution;
  • with clapping your palms behind your back - high level of difficulty, try to do it on a soft mat the first few times;
  • with a turn - for the most prepared, a 360° turn is considered almost an acrobatic trick.

An athlete who performs even a couple of varieties of push-ups is worthy of the title “Superman”. This is an ideal exercise for developing strength, speed and endurance.

Perfecting push-ups in 30 days

This chart is a 30-day program to increase muscle strength in your upper body and abdominals.

The goal of the program is to gradually move from variations to the full version of this exercise in 30 days.

Approximate training plan for 30 days from scratch

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
Scapular wall push-ups8–12 reps, 2–3 setsBasic wall push-ups 8–12 reps, 2–3 setsBasic wall push-ups
8–12 reps, 2–3 sets
Incline push-ups
8–12 reps, 2 sets
Incline push-ups
8–12 reps, 2 sets
Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10
RestRestScapular push-ups on the floor
8–12 reps, 2–3 sets
Scapular push-ups on the floor
8–12 reps, 2–3 sets
Basic push-ups on the floor
8–12 reps, 1 set
Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14Day 15
Basic push-ups on the floor
As many reps as you can
Basic push-ups on the floor
8–12 reps, 1–2 sets
RestRestScapular push-ups from the wall Incline push-ups Basic push-ups on the floor 8–12 reps, 1–2 sets
Day 16Day 17Day 18Day 19Day 20
Basic push-ups
4-6 reps, 1-4 sets *Record the number of reps and sets for this week
Basic push-ups
4–6 reps, 1–4 sets
Basic push-ups
4–6 reps, 1–4 sets
Basic push-ups
4–6 reps, 1–4 sets
Day 21Day 22Day 23Day 24Day 25
RestTriceps push-ups
8–12 reps, 1 set
Diamond incline push-ups
8–12 reps, 1 set
Basic push-ups
Triceps push-ups

Diamond incline push-ups

8–12 reps, 1–2 sets

Basic push-ups
Triceps push-ups

Diamond incline push-ups

1 set, but as many reps as you can

Day 26Day 27Day 28Day 29Day 30
Timed test!
As many push-ups of your choice as you can in 3-5 minutes
Triceps push-ups
8–12 reps, 1 set
Diamond incline push-ups
8–12 reps, 1 set
RestBasic push-ups
Triceps push-ups

Diamond incline push-ups

1 set, but as many reps as you can

*Record your progress to see your results

Don't forget about technology and more!

  • Hands and feet should be hip-width apart.
  • Try to keep your fingers in line with your armpits.
  • Keep your head and neck in line with your spine.
  • Engage your core muscles to protect your spine.
  • Keep your elbows slightly tucked in rather than too wide apart.
  • Drink plenty of fluids during all your workouts.
  • If it suddenly becomes difficult to maintain proper form, stop the exercise.

Scapular wall push-ups

  • Stand facing the wall, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from it.
  • Place your hands on the wall at shoulder height and shoulder-width apart, with your fingers slightly turned outward.
  • Without bending your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades together, pointing your chest toward the wall.
  • Don't lower your hips or jut your chin forward. Maintain a straight line from head to toes and tighten your core muscles.
  • Return to the starting position, that is, spread your shoulder blades.

Scapular push-ups on the floor

A low range of motion exercise that involves retracting and abducting your shoulder blades. Resisting gravity makes the exercise more difficult and develops strength.

  • Get on your knees.
  • Place your hands at the same level as your shoulders and slightly wider than them, with your fingers slightly turned outward.
  • Stretch one leg first, then the other back. The body is straightened, the core muscles are tense.
  • Without bending your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades together, mentally directing your chest toward the floor.
  • Don't lower your hips or move your chin.
  • Spread your shoulder blades to return to the starting position.

Triceps push-ups

  • Get on your knees.
  • Place your hands so that they are in line with your shoulders, armpit-width apart, with your fingers slightly turned outward. The hands are placed a little closer together in this variation of the exercise.
  • Extend one leg behind the other behind you, focusing on your toes, keeping your body completely straight.
  • Lower your chest toward the floor as you slowly inhale, bending your elbows back toward the sides of your body. Keep your head, back and hips straight without relaxing your core muscles.
  • Lower yourself until your shoulders are level with your elbows.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and exhale.

Diamond incline push-ups

  • Kneel down facing a bench or tabletop at a distance of 1-1.5 m from it.
  • Place your hands on the edge of the bench with the index fingers and thumbs of both hands touching in a diamond shape.
  • Extend one leg and then the other behind you, placing them hip-width apart. The body is completely straight.
  • As you inhale, lower your chest toward the bench, slowly bending your elbows. Keep your back and hips straight and your core tight.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and exhale.
  • To make the exercise easier, spread your fingers a few centimeters.

What other exercises are also effective according to the research?

We included in the research a number of exercises that help to tighten all the muscles in the arms and improve the tone of the triceps, as well as the back muscles.

Bent over arm extensions and push ups are safe to perform, require little to no equipment, take little time and produce amazing results if done regularly.

The back push-up also activates many muscles, but this exercise concentrates the main force on the shoulder joint. This means that you need to perform it as carefully as possible so as not to harm yourself.

You can do these exercises virtually every day and in any place convenient for you. If you are training for endurance, two to three sets of 12-15 repetitions will be enough. If you want to increase and strengthen your muscles, you should do up to four sets, 6-12 repetitions.

How to train yourself to do push-ups every day?

The army uses deep push-ups to make recruits stronger and more resilient. Soldiers must do push-ups every day. You, in turn, must train your body to do as many push-ups as you feel comfortable with: ten, twelve, twenty or forty, without exhausting your muscles. Get into the habit of doing push-ups at the same time every day and experience the benefits of this movement for yourself. For example, if you do only five times a day, in a month you will do 150, in a year 1800.

See also: how to increase the number of push-ups.

Challenge your limits and your body by simply increasing the number of push-ups over time. How to do it?

Plus one: increase the total number of push-ups per day by one. For example, on the first day of the month you do five, on the second day six, on the third day seven, and so on. At the end of the month there is an automatic reset and everything starts again. On the first day of the next month, do it again 5 times, etc.

Plus five : At the end of each month, you increase the total number of daily push-ups by five, that is, at the beginning of the second month you will have already performed 10 times.

Counting: Increase the total number of daily push-ups per day of the month. On the first day you do it five times, on the second you add 2 more times, on the third - three (total already 8). Continue until you reach the last day of the month, where you add the day of the month to the initial number you started with. At the end of the month, start over.

Countdown: Countdown is the exact opposite of the previous technique. You can comfortably do 5 push-ups, and there are 31 days in a month. You start by doing 5 + 31 = 36 times. On the second day you add 30 more to 5, on the third 29 and so on. On the last day of the month it will be only 5.

Up and Down: Add one each day of the week. On Monday it’s five, on Tuesday it’s six, on Wednesday it’s seven and so on until you get to Sunday. Then at the beginning of the week you start all over again and so on until the end of the month.

how to increase the number of push-ups

The benefits of plyometric push-ups

Any athlete can learn this. You just need to constantly monitor the execution technique. Push-ups will help increase performance in other basic exercises and generally strengthen the ligamentous apparatus.

With regular implementation, the following indicators improve:

  • coordination and balance;
  • explosive strength of the shoulder muscles;
  • speed of performing presses;
  • neuromuscular connections between the brain and the torso muscles.

Plyometric push-ups

One-arm push-up technique

This variation works great for your core muscles.
Here's how to do it: Step 1: Spread your feet twice as wide as shoulder width, or wider if you want for stability. Hands should be at the same level as your shoulders. Lower your head and look at the floor.

Step 2: Remove one hand from the floor and place it behind your back. Tighten your core muscles by pulling your stomach in. At the moment you are in perfect balance. Your shoulders should be parallel to the floor, your body completely straight.

Step 3: While still looking at the floor, slowly exhale and lower yourself. Keep your shoulders down, lower yourself as low as possible. At the lowest point, stop and go back.

During the exercise, the core muscles should be tense at all times. Your shoulders are parallel to the floor, otherwise you won’t be able to maintain your form and will fall, because the load on your working arm will be enormous.

Wide grip push-ups

wide grip push-ups
Train the middle part of the pectoral muscles.

Starting position: lying down, hands positioned wider than shoulders.

Lower yourself down and return to the original position, tensing your pectoral muscles.

During the exercise, the back is straight, and the neck should be an extension of it. The gaze is directed exactly to the floor.

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