Popular types of martial arts in Russia: choosing a gym and sports equipment

Impact types

A special feature of striking martial arts is the fact that only striking techniques are allowed in them. In some types, the fight is carried out using punches and kicks, in others you can fight with knees or elbows. Athletes who train in striking sports are vulnerable to those who study mixed martial arts. The fact is that they are defenseless against fighters of mixed styles when the fight is transferred to the ground.

Types of wrestling

Strike martial arts include:

  • Boxing.
  • Taekwondo.
  • Thai boxing.
  • Karate.
  • Kickboxing.

Philosophy and types of martial arts

Drawings and hieroglyphs depicting warriors were found in the ancient ruins of Egyptian civilization, dating back more than 3000 BC. Later, martial arts began to spread everywhere - through the island of Crete to Ancient Greece and beyond. As early as 3000 BC, the ancient Indians used fighting techniques that are still being developed today. From ancient Greece, together with the Macedonian troops, military exercises smoothly spread to India, and later to the eastern countries. The Chinese ruler Bodhidharma brought the teachings to China. It is in China that wushu, karate, taekwondo and many others originate. And the large number of wars in the eastern land raised the level of martial arts to the level of skillful combat.

Westerners are sincerely surprised why Eastern martial arts are called art in the manifestation that they have become an integral part of the spiritual. This aspect is not easy to understand if you are not practically familiar with the culture of the East. The progenitors of martial arts in all their works emphasized the unity of soul and body, believing that only in this way an opponent could be defeated. The first thing you should start with is training the soul, not the body. Physical development should in no way come ahead of spiritual development, otherwise the warrior will lose his true “I”. Thus, bit by bit from generation to generation, an entire Eastern philosophy called the “path of the warrior” was formed. It’s easy to start the warrior’s path, but it’s more difficult to stick to it, despite all the obstacles and temptations of the modern world. A warrior must make any decision primarily from a position of soul, and not from a position of strength. The main thing is to find peace and tranquility within yourself. Masters of the art of combat claim that the defeated is not the one who fell, but the one who did not find the strength to rise. Theory and practice in martial arts are equal; separately they have no value.

Eastern martial arts are a whole complex of teachings, philosophical and spiritual culture, traditions collected by entire generations that never cease to develop and expand. Eastern martial arts are about resistance to any form of aggression; real masters of oriental combat are alien to any malice and cruelty. The main goal of martial arts is to achieve perfection and unity of body and spirit.


Eastern martial arts can be divided into three main groups:



Thai and others.

As a rule, the main difference is combat tactics.

Chinese martial arts mainly focus on self-defense techniques. In Chinese martial arts, it is for this reason that there are many blocks, defense techniques and grips. The main task of a warrior is to use the strength of an opponent against himself.

But Japanese martial arts, on the contrary, are focused on attack.

Thai martial arts are distinguished by their assertiveness and aggressiveness, which is unusual for martial arts. Combat tactics are characterized by cruelty and painful blows. The goal of a warrior is to survive and win at any cost.

Chinese martial arts


One of the most popular Chinese martial arts. Wushu, or also called kung fu, includes not only physical training, but also moral education and personal development of a healthy individual. The purpose of this teaching is the ability to quickly and correctly respond to a situation, find balance and achieve a goal. In ancient times, students studying in a Wushu school mastered not only combat tactics, but also learned to read and write. The main distinctive features of kung fu are the combination of breathing and physical elements of gymnastics. Wushu philosophy teaches its followers how to properly resolve conflicts; the use of force is allowed only as a last resort. Wushu is a philosophy of life, it is character building, it is self-development and knowledge of one’s capabilities and the limits of what is permitted. It is recommended that children begin wushu lessons no earlier than 5 years of age.

Sanda Sanda

In another way, this teaching is also called “eastern sparring.” Warriors strike with both hands and feet, so all training is carried out in full equipment to protect the body. The recommended age for starting classes is no earlier than 12 years.

Tui show

Tui Shou is usually combined with Tai Chi Chuan, a self-defense technique. The main task of a tui shou warrior is to disorient his opponent. In combination with taijiquan, they form a well-coordinated complex of tactical combat. This complex contributes to the development of coordination of movement, stamina not only of the body, but also of the spirit. Classes can be started from an early age.



Jiu-jitsu is one of the most ancient martial arts in Japan. This type of martial art has a distinctive feature - soft combat. The basic principle here is to surrender and win. The distinctive techniques of jiu-jitsu are throws and active impact on the joints. It was jiu-jitsu that became the fundamental technique for aikido, judo, sambo and karate. The recommended age for starting jiu-jitsu classes for children is 8-10 years old.


The main principle of Aikido is protection. All elements of aikido are aimed at controlling the opponent, warriors move in a circle. Aikido tactics resemble a funnel that exhausts the opponent in a circle, squeezing all the juice out of him, and then releases him completely exhausted. The warrior’s movements are soft, smooth, but at the same time the warrior repels all blows and attacks with lightning speed. Accuracy, coordination, reaction and non-aggression - all this helps to develop aikido. Aikido is aimed at developing and improving not only the body, but also the morale of a warrior. Since aikido is a rather soft type of martial art, you can start aikido classes for children as early as 3-4 years old.


The basic principle of judo is to hit your opponent and knock him to the ground. To achieve this, judo is filled with various techniques to “take down” an opponent. Various elements of grabs and throws, as well as pressure on sore spots, are used as self-defense techniques. The recommended age for starting judo training for children is 5-7 years.


It is distinguished by extremely aggressive combat tactics. Karate is filled with dangerous elements, warriors are allowed to strike with both hands and feet. Karate actively develops agility, lightning-fast reaction, and concentration. Recommended age: 5-7 years.



A type of eastern martial art that originated in Korea. Its creator was Korean officer Choi Hong Hee. Taekwondo is the development of body and spirit, involving fighting techniques both with and without weapons. A taekwondo fighter can strike with both hands and feet, which allows him to fight with several opponents at once. The main distinctive feature of taekwondo is the many elements and techniques performed in flight.


Kudo comes from Japan. He combined various techniques and techniques of various martial arts. The kudo school arose in the 80s of the last century, its founder was coach Azuma Taksashi. During the fight, it is allowed to use all limbs; it is forbidden to strike the back of the head, groin and back. Choking and painful holds are allowed.


Sambo originated in Russia. The basis of sambo defense. When fighting in Sambo, painful holds on the legs are allowed, but choking an opponent is strictly prohibited. This, by the way, is the main difference from the more aggressive judo. Recommended age: 5 years.

Muay Thai

Originally from Thailand. Translated – “free fight”. In a duel it is allowed to use all limbs, including striking even with knees and elbows. Formed on the basis of traditional martial arts of peasants.

Thai boxing

Thai boxing is a kind of fusion of karate and boxing. For training, a fighter will need excellent endurance and a low pain threshold, since the fighting tactics in Thai boxing allow for precise painful blows, and even serious injuries often occur. In general, Thai boxing is clearly not for the weak-willed and intolerant people. It is better to start training no earlier than 12 years old.


A fusion of karate, boxing, wushu and Thai boxing. One of the most effective and serious types of martial arts. It is allowed to strike with both hands and feet. Very balanced and coordinated combat tactics.

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Author of the article Anna Kostromina


Boxing is a sport that developed from fist fighting. Over time, rules were regulated and special training methods were developed. The fight takes place in a ring fenced on all sides. Athletes perform in soft gloves. Competitors who are in equal weight categories and have similar sports categories take part in the competition. The rules prohibit performing potentially dangerous actions.

Boxing is one of the most difficult sports. The fact is that the battle environment is rapidly changing. Athletes must have instant reactions and good spatial orientation. Moreover, boxers must quickly make decisions and carry out technical actions. Dexterity, speed, accuracy, good self-control and rationalism - all these qualities are inherent in a boxer. The body must be very resilient. During training, athletes learn to use their strength economically but effectively. Success in competitions depends on how much effort the athlete puts into improving the technique and tactics of combat.

Types of wrestling boxing

What is martial arts

Martial arts is a type of activity that is aimed at ensuring that a person masters the basic elements of wrestling. Many men enroll in these sections to learn how to conduct close combat. A completely acceptable load also attracts girls, although there are more feminine types of training for them.

In the modern world, martial arts are usually considered in two aspects - as a hand-to-hand combat between two opponents and their sports match using physical force or some equipment.

The benefits of martial arts are as follows:

  • develop dexterity;
  • improve health;
  • I maintain the tone and physical fitness of a person;
  • give strength;
  • develop muscles.

The advantage of this sport is that it is suitable for people of absolutely any age and physical fitness. However, due to the increased risk of injury, it is important to use protective equipment, and it is recommended to consult your doctor before starting training.

Thai or Thai boxing

One of the most famous boxing arts is Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing. Initially, this type of boxing was developed as an army and military martial art. The monarch's personal guards were fluent in Thai fighting techniques. They trained to fight back against an enemy that greatly outnumbered them.

By the 21st century, Muay Thai had become more of a sporting form of wrestling than a real martial art. The rules have undergone significant changes and have become more flexible. As a result, the once deadly martial art became much less effective.

A little about the meaning of martial art

Modern parents often send boys and girls to martial arts classes. Training helps a teenager become disciplined, responsible, and independent. At the same time, importance is given not only to physical fitness, but also to the moral education of young people.

Let's figure out what types of martial arts exist.

There are about 500 types of martial arts in the world. All of them, in turn, are divided into subspecies, which differ in the form of clothing, the use of weapons, striking techniques, and rules.

Any martial art only becomes truly an art when the rules are followed and the best qualities of a person, his physical and spiritual preparation are demonstrated. The goal is to win without hurting your opponent. This is how wrestling differs from an ordinary street fight.

features of different martial arts
Principles of Martial Art

During the fight, the wrestler demonstrates what he has achieved as a result of training. Everything is important:

  • endurance;
  • flexibility;
  • dexterity;
  • determination;
  • force;
  • speed.

Not a single type of martial art takes place without special lessons on instilling courage, patriotism and other important moral qualities of a person. The coach becomes a mentor, a spiritual teacher. He monitors not only physical training, but also the moral character of the athlete.

A significant point in any martial art is to remain human. A wrestler who violates the code of honor is removed from the fight


This martial arts originated in the 60s of the last century. It has become widespread in many countries of the world. There are several types of kickboxing:

  • American. It is based on full contact fights. This means that during a fight you can strike with any force, aimed at any part of the body, including the head. You can fight with your feet and hands.
  • Japanese. To be honest, Japanese kickboxing is a modernized Thai boxing. The types of wrestling that formed the basis of Japanese kickboxing are very similar to modern martial arts. They have only two significant differences. Firstly, elbow strikes are prohibited. Secondly, the scoring system has been changed. In 1981, many kickboxers were caught in criminal gangs, so a number of large Japanese schools closed. Subsequently, Japanese kickboxing came under the auspices of the K-1 organization, which took it to a new level.


Brazilian mixed martial arts fighters are now among the strongest in the world. And there is a logical explanation for this, because MMA in its current form is based on the Brazilian martial art of Vale Tudo, and its development is largely due to Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Royce Gracie is a master of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, an MMA legend and a member of the UFC Hall of Fame.


The term “vale tudo” literally translates from Portuguese as “everything is permitted.” Originating in Brazil in the 1920s as a circus competition, over time vale tudo has evolved into a separate martial art based on boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, and combining their most effective techniques. As a result, Valetudo as a fight without rules was introduced by the famous fighter Rorion Gracie in 1993 in the USA under the now well-known name UFC.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

The history of Brazilian jiu-jitsu began in the twentieth century, when a judo master came from Japan to Brazil and began teaching this martial art in Latin America. From his lessons with local immigrants from Scotland, a new type of martial art was formed - a system that allows a fighter to defeat even the most powerful opponent. What Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu does well in fighting is that the style emphasizes fighting on the ground, so even if a fighter falls, he still has a great chance of winning. A major role in the popularization of BJJ was played by the Brazilian master, who in the 90s of the 20th century won the first, second and fourth UFC tournaments, competing with larger rivals - masters of various schools of martial arts.

The strong point of BJJ is working on the ground.


The martial art of capoeira (capuero) is the most famous martial art in Brazil. The first capoeiristas were runaway slaves brought from Africa by the Portuguese. According to one of the theories of the history of the origin of capoeira, slaves hid combat movements and strikes under the guise of dancing, since they were forbidden to fight. Now this mysterious martial arts combines elements of dance and acrobatics.

Capoeira is a mixture of martial art, dance and acrobatic elements.

At the present stage, this martial art in dance in Brazil ranks second in popularity after football. Particularly famous is the game in a circle, in which a pair of players compete, performing capoeira movements to the music. There are quite a lot of directions and styles in capoeira, but they are all united by a single philosophy and a special technique for performing movements.


Translated from Japanese, this word means “the path of the empty hand.” It is based on various striking techniques. The fight is fought with the hands. The rules prohibit the use of grabs and throws, but the use of certain types of weapons is allowed, among them cold steel. The main task of athletes is to force the opponent to change his stance. The greatest role in karate is played by the sense of balance, as well as the speed and speed of the fighters.

Sport wrestling

Why is taekwondo more attractive than others?

Taekwondo classes can be started by anyone who does not have severe chronic diseases. No preliminary preparation is required. Even adults will be able to enroll in the appropriate beginner groups. Classes will help develop all muscle groups, lose excess weight, and improve your overall emotional state.

A powerful striking technique can help deal with an attacker. Both girls and men practice taekwondo successfully. At the same time, the risk of damaging joints is much less than when practicing judo, sambo and other sports, since the corresponding techniques that can cause injury are not used.

Although taekwondo is considered very dangerous, children under 14 years of age must wear helmets during competitions, as well as protective vests, which reduces the risk of bruises to a minimum. Therefore, young athletes rarely get injured, and full contact is prohibited during training.

Here is a list of the most famous people who are or were once involved in this type of martial arts.


In Japanese, the word "judo" means "the gentle way." It was in this country that this combat sport originated. Judo is based on all kinds of painful holds, throws, chokes and holds. Judo athletes follow the principle of unity of body and spirit. When performing certain technical actions, they spend less energy and physical strength. This is the main difference between judo and other types of wrestling and martial arts.

Since 1964, judo has been one of the Summer Olympic sports. This martial art is subject to clear rules, therefore, at the moment of the fight, the mind controls the body, due to which judo is educational in nature. Athletes not only take part in competitions, but also explore technique, learn self-defense techniques, and also improve their spirit and physical fitness. In total, there are more than 200 national judo federations on 5 continents of the world.

Other martial arts


Sambo, originally from Russia, is a defensive technique.


In Sambo, painful holds on the legs are allowed, but choking is strictly prohibited. This is how it differs from judo.

You can start after 5 years.

Thai boxing

Thai boxing is a cross between karate and boxing. This fighting technique requires high endurance and pain threshold, as well as physical fitness.

Thai boxing

There are powerful painful blows here, and injuries often occur. But, if you get through the difficult first couple of months of training, you will have a low pain threshold, strong morale and a beautiful body. In short, Muay Thai is not for the weak.

You can start classes no earlier than 12 years old.


Kickboxing combines the techniques of classical boxing and karate, Thai boxing, and wushu , which is why it is most effective in wrestling.

Punches, like in boxing, and kicking techniques, like in martial arts, make kickboxing a balanced system.


We should not forget that kickboxing is a contact fight, so even a beginner has a high probability of getting bruises.

Because of this, it is recommended to start no earlier than 12 years.

Eastern martial arts are good because they, in principle, do not have any specific restrictions on physical fitness, gender or age. Once you choose a type, you can start whenever you want. So good luck with your selection and training!


Sambo is a martial type of wrestling. This martial arts is used for self-defense; it can be used to incapacitate an opponent. However, there is another type of sambo – sports sambo. It has a beneficial effect on the spiritual development of the individual, promotes the development of perseverance, self-confidence, and trains a person in discipline and self-control. In addition, sports sambo is a type of wrestling that strengthens the body and brings a person into good physical shape. Sambo is a unique martial art. It is the only sports competition in which competitions are held in Russian.


The concept of “jiu-jitsu” is used to describe a special fighting system that is very difficult to describe in words. First of all, it should be noted that jiu-jitsu is hand-to-hand combat. As a rule, athletes do not use weapons. The use of additional items is strictly regulated. This martial art is based on punches and kicks, throws, blocks, holds, strangulations and ties. In this case, it is not the brute strength of the athlete that is important, but his dexterity and dexterity. Maximum results are achieved with minimal effort. If you follow this principle, you can learn to control your body and use energy effectively, regardless of your level of fitness.

Types of wrestling and martial arts

Freestyle wrestling

Freestyle wrestling is a sport whose goal is to put the opponent on the shoulder blades, that is, on the carcass. The fight is strictly regulated by the rules. The fight between athletes lasts about 5 minutes. If the match ends in a draw, another 3 minutes are added to the main time. If after this time none of the fighters has won, then the fight continues. Points are awarded for purely executed freestyle wrestling techniques. You can perform various actions with your feet, including sweeps, hooks, and steps. In addition, grappling is allowed. Freestyle wrestling techniques include throws and other technical actions performed with the hands.

MMA for dummies. What you need to know about the most spectacular sport

If you still don’t distinguish Fedor Emelianenko from Dana White, or a takedown from a submission, the blog “SMMAChnye News” will help you figure it out.

MMA for dummies - instructions

So, welcome! The first of its kind “Encyclopedia of the MMA Amateur”. All terms are taken by me from everyday life. I explain them to you as I do it for myself. Therefore (I hope) they will be clear to you too.


MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) – Mixed Martial Arts. A sport that became widespread in the United States in the 90s of the last (that is, 20th) century. MMA is fundamentally different from other types of martial arts in that fighters have the right to use a huge arsenal of various techniques and techniques that were previously unavailable within any one style. The first tournaments included wrestlers, boxers, kickboxers, jiu-jitsu, karate and sumo masters.

Perhaps I got a little excited about the last one. Although nothing has happened in Japan! Over time, MMA has evolved into fighting, in which participants use a variety of techniques to win - they fight, kick and punch each other, apply painful and choking techniques. Modern MMA is boxing, kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, karate and Muay Thai - all in one sport.

MMA - mixed martial arts

The cage is a symbol of MMA and a fighting place specific only to this sport. Despite the horror that the cage brings to the uninitiated ordinary people, it is not at all intended to lock in fighters who are “fighting to the death.” The thing is that the cage is more convenient than the ring. A fighter cannot fall out of the cage and get injured; the fight does not need to be stopped to turn the fighters fighting on the ground with their heads towards the center.

In addition, the cage provides a lot of advantages and additional techniques - a fighter can lean his back against the cage to rise from the ground, and he can also push off from it and perform the famous showtime kick! Cells come in different shapes - round and with corners. The signature cage with 8 corners is called the Octagon.

Fighting without rules (boys. “Baibezpravil, cho”) is an erroneous name for MMA, which is used by the yellow media and “real boys” from the Russian hinterland. Has nothing to do with mixed martial arts, which have rules. The combined rules of MMA prohibit a number of actions, including headbutts, face grabs, eye pokes, groin strikes, biting an opponent with teeth, strikes with a sharp point of the elbow (the so-called 12-6 strikes), kicks to an opponent who is three points on the flooring of the cage, including “soccer-kick” - a football kick to the head of a defeated opponent.

Unfortunately, the Russian media have not yet bothered themselves very much with such nonsense as the correct names of something there. Therefore, almost every fighter who appears in the news reports of our media is at least a “World Champion in Ultimate Fighting”.

Base Wrestler/Striker - Although the days of fighting one style in the cage are long gone, the "base" of an athlete is still very important in MMA. Namely, from what sport he came to mixed martial arts.

The greatest success in MMA is enjoyed by freestyle wrestlers, whose representatives are 7 out of 10 champions of the No. 1 MMA organization. Russian MMA fighters, as a rule, come to this sport from combat sambo. Many of our fighters, one way or another, were champions in this martial arts before they came to MMA.

Johnny Hendrix


Fedor (Fedor Emelianenko) – to put it simply, our everything! The main (and still the only) Russian MMA fighter who achieved the best results in mixed martial arts. Fedor remained unbeaten for almost 10 years. Actually, it was thanks to the “Fedor Emelianenko phenomenon” that mixed martial arts in our country received the strongest impetus for their development. You may not understand Fedor, but it is impossible not to love him. Currently, Fedor is the President of the Russian MMA Union and works as an advisor to the Minister of Sports.

Fedor Emelianenko

Dana White (school. Dana White) – President of the main MMA organization on this planet. A man who attracts tons of hate. Effective manager. Evil troll. Suffers from a God complex. The character is never Nordic, not even close to consistent. Considers himself the main boss of all main bosses. If Fedor was considered by many to be the angel of MMA, then White is, without a doubt, the “devil” of this sport.

Dana White

Mirko Cro Cop (Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipović) is a Croatian MMA fighter who is distinguished by a spectacular striking style based on kickboxing. Before joining MMA, Mirko worked as a police officer, which is where his nickname came from - Croatian Cop or Cro Cop for short. Despite the fact that Mirko has never been an MMA champion, he remains one of the main symbols of this sport.

Cro Cop's famous saying about his famous left foot to the head (high kick) became widely known: “The right foot is a hospital, the left is a cemetery.” Currently, Cro Cop continues to compete in various kickboxing and MMA tournaments, although his time has certainly passed.

Joe Rogan is an American comedian and television host, commentator and author of his own radio show. Rogan is loved by new MMA fans and hated by old fans. Because, unlike newcomers, they remember how Rogan forced Georges St. Pierre to talk live about his phobia, and six months later he used this confession to throw dirt at the same St. Pierre on one of his next programs .

A follower of the “Eat What You Kill” cult, Joe Rogan uses his free time to hunt defenseless animals and then proudly pose in front of them. Moreover, Rogan prefers to carry out murders with a bow and arrow. That is, you understand that the animal that Rogan hunts does not die immediately, but dies in agony until it is pierced by 5 or 6 (or even more) arrows fired by Rogan.

A two-faced and hypocritical person. Successful businessman. A born showman. However, if you are a beginner, then you will most likely love Rogan. Because he's charismatic. We love such characters, no matter what.

Joe Rogan killed a bear

Alexander Shlemenko is a former champion of the second most important active MMA organization in the world. Middleweight Former vegan. Supporter of healthy lifestyle. Omsk "Real boy". Russian hope. Shlemenko doesn't say much, but when he does, he sounds very convincing. Trains himself. An excellent striker and a slightly less excellent wrestler.

Known for his stubbornness and integrity. Starting this year, he is finally going to devote more time to practicing his wrestling skills. Shlemenko will take on dangerous puncher Melvin Manhoef on Valentine's Day. In any case, we really hope that everything will be exactly like this, and not the other way around.


Jon Jones (Jon "Bones" Jones, full name Jonathan Jones) is a champion and outstanding light heavyweight MMA fighter. Contradictory personality. The object of hatred and love of millions of MMA fans. Known for his addiction to elbows, eye pokes and cocaine. However, one can hardly blame him for the latter.

He made many defenses of his title and is considered the greatest fighter on the Planet. Despite his outstanding results, he became something of an MMA meme after a recent history with a failed doping test and addiction to drugs. However, Jones remains without a doubt one of the biggest names in the sport.

Khabib Nurmagomedov (or simply Khabib) is the main hope of Russian MMA from Dagestan. An undefeated lightweight who has not been able to get a title shot for a year. Some even suspect an Illuminati conspiracy in this. Basic fighter, drives a tinted Lada Priora.

Khabib’s relationship with PR is not yet very smooth. Good, relevant interviews alternate with ridiculous statements on Twitter and “purely boyish” photographs on Instagram. However, it is Khabib Nurmagomedov who now has the best chance of becoming the first Russian champion in the UFC.

Khabib Nurmagomedov


UFC (Utimate Fighting Championship, sounds like “yu ef si”) - the name is usually not translated, but if you really want to, then it’s the Absolute Fighting Championship. The main and most powerful MMA organization today. Unrestrictedly controlled by Dana White (see above), who rotates the fighters the way he wants. Nevertheless, this is where 99% of Russian MMA fighters dream of going, with the exception of Sergei Kharitonov. He is not interested in such trifles.

Bellator is the No. 2 MMA organization in the world. This is where Alexander Shlemenko was champion before losing the title to Brandon Halsey last year. It is still not known for certain which syllable should be emphasized in the word “Bellator”. So do whatever you want. In an attempt to compete with the UFC, Bellator has signed YouTube icon Kimbo Slice to take over the MMA market in 2020. [Off-screen laughter]

M-1 (M-1 Global, school "Emodin") is the main Russian MMA organization, in which Fedor once competed. Teenagers often confuse the sport – MMA and the name of the organization M-1. Despite the sarcasm of many fans, implicated in hidden anti-Semitism towards the President of the organization Vadim Finkelstein, M-1 remains the flagship of Russian MMA. Recently, several very promising champions have appeared in the organization - Marcin Tybura, Stefan Pütz, and the girls with signs (Octagon Girls) are just a sight for sore eyes.

Octagon-girl M-1


Round – one round in a fight according to MMA rules lasts 5 minutes. This is not dull boxing with its three-minute sessions, and not kickboxing. But if you think that 5 minutes is too much, then know that the first MMA fights often lasted half an hour, or even without any time limit. Championship fights and the main fights of the evening in the UFC last not three, but five rounds of five minutes each.

Weighing (Weigh-in, school. “Hanger”) is a procedure for determining the weight of fighters, which takes place 1 day before the fight. This is usually done so that fighters can stay within the limits of their chosen weight class. Used for legalized deception of the system called “weight loss”. For example, Khabib Nurmagomedov, who competes in the weight category up to 70 kg, reduces weight from 85 kg. Do you still not know how to lose weight?

By the time of the weigh-in, fighters usually arrive in an exhausted and dehydrated state, and immediately after the procedure, they begin to eat up and, most importantly, drink. Of course, water, glucose, rehydron and protein shakes. No alcohol. The cutting procedure allows a large fighter to fit into the lighter weight limits and thus gain an advantage over his opponents in battle. The same Joe Rogan, who kills bears with arrows, has been opposing the drive for a long time.

A duel of glances (Staredown, schools. “Stardown”) is a moment when two fighters look into each other’s eyes and are silent. Used to warm up the situation before a fight. Sometimes incidents happen, but usually the fighters look at each other so often that the duel no longer seems like a tense moment to them.

Transfer to the ground (Takedown, Takedown) is one of the MMA techniques that allows you to transfer the fight from the standing position (where fighters usually exchange blows) to the ground (on the floor of the cage) in order to continue the fight in wrestling or exchanging blows with the opponent below. There are 9000+ takedown techniques, but one of the most famous is the double leg takedown. The most beautiful takedowns look very impressive. No less impressive than knockouts.

Knock out (KO, KTFO) is a consequence of a blow that results in the opponent being partially or completely unconscious. There is a preliminary version of a knockout called a "knockdown" - this is when the opponent is down, but not knocked out. Unlike boxing, in MMA no one stops the fight when the opponent is knocked down. Only when you're knocked out. Why these stops, counts to 10 and waste of time? Perhaps knockouts in MMA are one of the most spectacular phenomena that can only happen in this sport.

Despite the outward brutality, in general the level of deaths in mixed martial arts is several hundred times lower than in boxing. Yes, there are a lot of injuries, but thanks to the various MMA techniques, the target for blows is not exclusively the opponent’s head. In MMA you can perform a technique, kick to the body, throw. In boxing, the main emphasis is on punches to the head. That is why I am for MMA, as opposed to boxing. until there is a bloody trail of crippled and paralyzed soldiers.

A painful/choke hold and victory with its help (Submission, surrender of the opponent, schools. “Sumbmission”) is the same as a knockout, only when they don’t hit, but hurt or choke. There are thousands of varieties of techniques that lead to surrender. Among the most famous are the triangle choke, armbar, kimura, Achilles tendon pinching, guillotine choke, and behind-the-back choke.

The most famous masters of painful and choking techniques are representatives of the school of Brazilian jiu-jitsu - Frank Mir, Fabricio Werdum, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira. True, recently more and more beautiful techniques are being demonstrated not only by representatives of this species, but also by many other fighters. MMA is evolving, and now even a basic kickboxer in this sport can pull off a beautiful move.

Octagon -girl – girls who carry out signs with round numbers. This is perhaps the most enjoyable part of MMA. Octagon girls are not just symbols of this sport, but also objects of worship by millions of MMA fans. Girls, who, as a rule, lead a parallel career as photo models, are present at all key events of their organizations, and participate in shows and television programs.

The most famous Octagon girls - Arianny Celesti, Luciana Andrade, Britney Palmer - become the “faces” of their brand. Based on the beauty and effectiveness of Octagon girls, fans often judge the entire organization as a whole. You can criticize this or consider it sexist, but this is our sport - real men love fights, beautiful girls and spectacular shows.

You can do it all at once!

Octagon girl

Join us, love MMA. This is the most beautiful sport in the world!


Grappling is based on the principles of several martial arts, including jiu-jitsu. The rules prohibit the use of techniques called “crucifixion” and “full nelson”. You cannot pull your opponent by the hair, grab your toes and hands, bite, press on the face with your hands and knees, scratch or put pressure on the ears. Grappling is rational wrestling. The winner is the athlete who is able to correctly build battle tactics.

This sport promotes the development of flexibility, strength, and plasticity. During training, athletes learn to defend themselves using their entire body, not just their arms and legs. The sense of equilibrium and balance plays a very important role. Sometimes grappling is called wrestling with the last of your strength, since opponents often reduce each other to unconsciousness using suffocation, pinching and various painful techniques.

Japanese types of martial arts


One of the oldest types of Japanese martial arts is jiu-jitsu, or as they also call it “soft art.”

Why soft? Because the main principle here is to succumb to the enemy and win.


There is a throwing technique and force on the joints , which is very reminiscent of judo. It is jiu-jitsu that is the founder of such martial arts as judo, aikido, karate, sambo.

It is recommended to start practicing this type of martial arts from the age of 8.


Judo is interesting because it offers a lot of techniques for knocking an opponent to the ground , which is its main principle.


This art of self-defense teaches a variety of grappling and throwing techniques , as well as influencing the opponent's pressure points.

When can you start training? Recommended for ages 5-7.


Karate is a hostile fighting technique. This is a dangerous fight in which punches and kicks are used.

What is a good example? Just remember how karatekas break bricks with their hands or heads.

Karate develops:

  • speed of reaction,
  • coordination of movements,
  • attentiveness,
  • ability to concentrate.

It is recommended to start at about 5 years old.


Aikido is a technique of defense. All movements of an aikido fighter go in a circle, which allows you to constantly control the enemy. It can be compared to a whirlpool that spins a sliver of wood, taking away the aggression from it, and carefully returning it to the shore.


All the movements of the aikidoist are smooth and beautiful, and at the same time clearly designed to block the opponent’s blows, which the aikido master foresees in advance.

This type of martial arts develops not only physical strength, but also morale.

Since it is not considered too aggressive, you can start training as early as 4 years old.

Mixed styles

Universal types of wrestling belong to the group of mixed martial arts. They use various striking techniques, choking and painful techniques, as well as wrestling elements. Athletes who engage in these types of wrestling have a technical and strategic advantage over other wrestlers. There are several nuances with which you can distinguish between mixed martial arts.

  • Kimono is not used in all types.
  • The quantity and type of equipment used during competitions.
  • Prohibition on the use of painful and/or choking techniques.
  • The amount of time allotted for wrestling on the ground and for the duel.
  • The number of points awarded for various techniques.

Freestyle wrestling techniques

Since it is impossible to master absolutely all technical actions allowed in wrestling and striking types of wrestling and martial arts, not all techniques are used in competitions. Coaches discard some of them if they consider a particular technical action to be ineffective. Therefore, each fighter has his own fighting style, which makes mixed martial arts the most spectacular. These include:

  • Combat Sambo.
  • MMA (Mix Fight).
  • Hand-to-hand combat.
  • Wushu.

Types of martial arts

According to the specifics and methods of training athletes, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Martial arts . They teach a person to cope with a deadly situation and, even in the event of death, to manage to inflict maximum damage on the enemy. When teaching martial arts, the training program is structured in such a way that a person can resist several opponents with his bare hands or using improvised means.
  • Combat sports . They differ in that here the main goal of the battle is to prove one’s superiority. In this case, only 2 people participate in the duel, who must watch their movements so as not to cripple the enemy, but to force him to surrender. This martial art has its own rules to avoid injuries. All participants must wear protective equipment.
  • Mixed martial arts . They represent a confrontation between people who engage in various types of this sport. Different fighting schools meet here, and the fight itself can take place both on the floor and in a standing position.
  • Eastern martial arts . Some of the most ancient fighting techniques, which include the traditions and philosophy of the ancient East. Moreover, it is important to note that martial arts are considered the least dangerous and traumatic.

These were types of martial arts that differed in the way athletes were trained. Our attention will be focused more on the sports bias, since it has many of its own branches and features.

As we have already said, combat sports are fighting according to certain rules, where there are restrictions on techniques. Previously, we separated the eastern type from them, although in fact they have many similarities, it’s just that each has its own history of origin.

Greco-Roman wrestling

It originated in Europe and quickly gained popularity throughout the world. The essence of the fight is to unbalance your opponent so that he falls to the floor, and then fix him with shoulder blades on a hard surface.

Many techniques are prohibited here: sweeps, trips, grabs, strikes. The rivals can only wrap their arms around each other and then try with their whole bodies to overcome their “enemy.” The main feature is that the fight can continue in any position: lying down, on your knees, and so on.


This is a sport the essence of which is striking while wearing special protective gloves. The entire fight is controlled by a referee, who must monitor the “purity” of the fight, separate the grappling fighters and keep score of the knockout.

The duration of the battle is from 3 to 12 rounds. A defeat occurs when a fighter falls to the ground and is unable to get up within 10 seconds. In addition, if both boxers survive all rounds, then the judges must determine the victory. They will evaluate the number of successful hits, falls and much more. In this case, the one who scores the most points will win.

Boxing allows fighting only with hands; the legs, elbows, body and head are not involved.


This is an oriental form of martial arts that came to us from mysterious Japan. The main thing that karatekas are taught is to maintain balance in the face of unfavorable factors, because otherwise there will be defeat.

Grabbing and rolling are prohibited here; opponents throw kicks and punches. In addition, the use of various types of weapons (knives, nunchucks) is even allowed.


This trend originated quite recently in the USA, but has already gained popularity. It is the result of mixing traditional boxing and martial arts (karate and taekwondo).

Athletes can use their arms and legs to strike quickly and forcefully. Kickboxers work absolutely all areas of their body; they must develop not only strength, but also speed. As in martial arts, they must also monitor their balance.

Freestyle wrestling

The main difference is the permissibility of the use of sweeps and grabs, which is taboo in Greco-Roman wrestling.

The main thing here is that one fighter puts the other on his shoulder blades and holds him in this position for some time.


Another type of Japanese wrestling. The venue is a special ring, beyond which the fighters must under no circumstances go beyond, otherwise they will be counted defeated.

Thus, to achieve victory, you need to push your opponent out of the ring or make him lose his balance. This must be done only with your own body; blows or any kind of grabs are prohibited. Only men with greater weight are allowed to fight. In their homeland, such athletes are considered national heroes.


Japan boasts a large number of martial arts. One of them is Aikido, which appeared in the early 20th century.

Specific combat tactics are assumed, which are exclusively defensive in nature. A fighter should not show any initiative in a fight, he should use the opponent’s aggression against himself. Thus, here they teach how to dodge and avoid blows.


It originated in the USSR, when judo or other types of wrestling from the East were banned in the country. Then the young athletes resorted to a trick and created a new direction, which completely stood for “Self-defense without weapons.”

The direction itself has 2 varieties: combat and combat sports. In the first case, fighters can use choking and fighting techniques with throwing elements. In the second, kicks and punches are allowed. This type is very similar to kickboxing.

Army hand-to-hand combat

The very phrase “hand-to-hand combat” says that in such a fight no weapons are used, only one’s own strength is used.

However, initially these were precisely army exercises that taught soldiers to resist military forces. Then the soldiers were trained to fight with weapons and other improvised means (shovels, bags). Nowadays athletes use only their arms and legs. The only prohibitions are blows to the groin and head.


Taekwondo originated in Korea, and its age is about 2,000 years. However, it was only at the end of the 20th century that it was officially recognized as a world sport.

Mostly fighters use their legs, but arms are also allowed here. The movements are fast and clear, while you need to make sure that the blow is strong and knocks out the opponent.


Finally, we would like to introduce you to Chinese martial art, otherwise known as Kung Fu.

Wushu has many subtypes, which will differ in the degree of energy consumption. There is a soft fighting style where you need to influence the opponent’s sensitive points. The fighter learns elasticity and agility. A tougher version of wushu involves specific strikes, like bokeh. You can notice the imitation of birds, animals and insects.

Hand to hand combat

This sport has roots in ancient times. It is divided into two groups:

  • Army. The military was the last to resort to fighting with arms and legs without the help of improvised means. For many centuries they studied this discipline. Bayonet fighting, knife fighting and fighting without the use of weapons are all components of army hand-to-hand combat. This fighting system is aimed at quickly incapacitating opponents.
  • Police hand-to-hand combat has its own specifics, since law enforcement officers often deal with unarmed lawbreakers. In this case, the enemy must be neutralized without causing injury to him. Therefore, police hand-to-hand combat was based on punches, kicks, sticks, techniques of disarming and releasing from grips.


The main types of wrestling include kung fu, or, as it is also called, wushu. There are at least 300 varieties of this martial arts. Among them, Wing Chun stands out, which means “eternal spring”. It is aimed at people who are not in great physical shape. Lack of weight and size is not a problem for Wing Chun wrestlers. This sport is based on influencing the enemy’s unprotected pressure points, such as the groin, eyes and throat. For the most part, punches are thrown below the belt, so special flexibility is not required for athletes.


MMA is an acronym that stands for Mixed Martial Arts, which translates as “mixed martial arts.” This type of wrestling in sports contains the most effective techniques from various martial arts. Athletes are divided into several weight categories. In battle, protective ammunition is used. Boxing gloves have been replaced with pads that are open on the inside. They not only allow you to perform throws and various painful techniques, but also protect athletes from all kinds of injuries. The rules prohibit the use of blows to the groin area, throat and spine. In addition, technical actions aimed at capturing small joints cannot be performed.

Main types of wrestling

Imitation Chinese martial arts styles

Imitation styles were developed based on the characteristics of specific birds, animals or insects. The entire fighting system was developed based on observations of the movement, fighting ability and spirit of animals.

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Examples of the most famous styles: white crane, tiger, monkey (Houquan), dog and mantis. Some systems, different from animals, use a symbiosis of styles in the system.

drunk master

Interesting! Martial art “Five Animals of Shaolin”: includes images of a tiger, crane, leopard, snake and dragon.

Additionally, there are twelve animals in Yu Hing practice.

Another type of imitative style concerns the fighter's condition. For example, in the drunken style, the performer tries to imitate the random uncontrolled movements of intoxication to perform methods that are completely calm and unexpected for the opponent. The most famous film based on the drunken style is Drunken Master, starring Jackie Chan.

Wrestling at the Olympic Games

The Olympic Games program includes 4 types of martial arts. Among them are wrestling, boxing, judo, taekwondo.

  • Wrestling is an Olympic sport that has been part of the Games program since Antiquity. It is conventionally divided into two styles, one of which is freestyle wrestling. As mentioned earlier, in this sport it is allowed to perform technical techniques with the legs. Greco-Roman wrestling competitions are also included in the program of the Olympic Games. They are known as classical wrestling. The fight takes place in a circle marked on the wrestling mat. Leg holds are prohibited.
  • Boxing first took part in the Olympic Games in 1904. Since 2012, not only men, but also women compete in this discipline. The rules of modern boxing are based on laws called the rules of the Marquis of Queensberry. They appeared at the end of the 19th century in England.
  • Judo has been considered an Olympic sport since 1964. This type of wrestling is based on techniques from jiu-jitsu and other martial arts. Competitions are held on a hard wrestling mat, on which a square is outlined. Judges award points for correctly executed throws and techniques. Participants in the fight wear a kimono. The special shape allows you to perform all kinds of technical actions, including spectacular throws.
  • Taekwondo was included in the Olympic Games program in 2000. The fight is held on a hard mat, the participants wear a special uniform and protective equipment. Opponents perform kicks to the opponent's head and body.

Participants in all Olympic martial arts are divided into weight categories. In addition, the rules of fights and refereeing are clearly regulated.

Eastern martial arts - classification and types

All oriental martial arts can be divided into three groups:

  • Chinese;
  • Japanese;
  • Thai and other martial arts.

They differ from each other in the philosophy of combat.

  • So Chinese types involve self-defense. There are a lot of elements of defense, blocks and tackles. The main strategy is to turn the enemy's strengths against himself.
  • The Japanese, on the contrary, specialize in attack.
  • Thai martial arts are more brutal, and the goal here is one - to survive at any cost. There are a lot of painful blows in this discipline.

So, let's look at each branch of martial arts in more detail.

National martial arts

There are less popular, but even more spectacular types of wrestling. These include the national martial art called capoeira, which arose from the fusion of African and Brazilian cultures. It is a synthesis of dance, acting and acrobatics. Athletes fight accompanied by national Brazilian music.

Types of Japanese wrestling

Various types of Japanese wrestling have become widespread in all corners of the planet. However, not only karate and judo, but also kendo originated in the Land of the Rising Sun. The peculiarity of this martial art is that athletes use bamboo swords in competitions. The competitors wear special armor for training. For each cleanly executed blow that hits a certain part of the opponent’s body, points are awarded. Kendo is now part of the curriculum in Japanese schools.

Classification of types of Chinese martial arts

Martial arts are classified according to geographical location and regional affiliation, depending on the place of origin of the style, it can be attributed to either the northern kulaks or the southern kulaks.

Martial art wushu

The three great religions of Taoism, Buddhism and Islam are associated with martial arts styles. There are also many other criteria used to define a group of Chinese martial arts, such as imitation style, legendary style, historical styles, and family styles. Another, more modern approach is to describe the style according to their combat focus.

Geographical classification: The traditional style division between the north and south sides is the Yangtze River. There is a well-known saying about Chinese martial arts - “Southern fist and Northern legs”. This saying emphasizes the difference between the two groups.

Despite such differences they are not absolute, and there are many northern styles that use hands in their fighting techniques and, conversely, there are many different types of kicks in some southern styles.

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