Stretch marks on hips and legs and how to get rid of them

What it is

At the initial stage of the appearance of stretch marks (striae), the skin begins to itch and turn pink. When a subcutaneous rupture occurs, convex stripes with shades of red or purple are formed.

Such stretch marks can be corrected well if the correct treatment is started in time. Even at home, you can achieve their complete disappearance using low-budget means.

Over time, the stretch marks become flat and light.

Stretch marks do not tan under the sun's rays and look lighter against the background of the natural skin color. This is because melanin no longer forms at the site of the subcutaneous rupture.

Such old scars from the skin can be completely removed only by cosmetic procedures. The use of folk remedies for this form will only slightly reduce the visible defect.

Stretch marks can appear on the surface of the body where the skin stretches well.

But in most cases they form where there is more subcutaneous fat, namely:

  1. hips,
  2. breast,
  3. stomach,
  4. sides,
  5. small of the back,
  6. calves and shoulders.

Without treatment, such a defect may not become so noticeable after a certain period of time, but this will take more than one year.


The first symptoms of this defect may be thinning of the skin, the appearance of a pinkish tint, and itching . Initially, “young” stretch marks are purple, red or pink. This is due to the close location to the site of ruptured blood vessels. Over time, due to replacement by scar tissue, they become white and do not tan. This happens because the production of melanin partially or completely stops in these areas of the body. These stretch marks are called “old” and are almost impossible to get rid of. They resemble scars and can be convex or retracted. All this depends on the depth of damage to the fibrous structures of the dermis.

When they appear

The physiology of such a skin defect lies in the insufficient production of substances (collagen and elastin) responsible for the skin’s ability to stretch and return to its original size. There are many reasons for this.

And before you start getting rid of them, you need to figure out why they arose.

A qualified specialist, having learned the factors contributing to the appearance of stretch marks, will choose appropriate techniques and correction methods.

Most often, stretch marks on the legs appear when metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, hormonal imbalance is preceded by:

  • excess progesterone in women, inhibiting collagen production. This phenomenon often occurs during pregnancy, menopause, and puberty. Due to the rapid increase in body weight at this time, tissue fibers rupture;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, thyroid glands, and adrenal glands, which change the hormonal system in the body. This causes a decrease in collagen production;
  • genetic Morphan syndrome. With this disease, a person has a defective gene that negatively affects connective tissue. As a result of this, they become not very elastic;
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. With this pathology, excess production of collagen occurs, which is the root cause for the appearance of stretch marks. Symptoms of this syndrome are expressed by intense growth on the body and face, back pain and weight gain without any prerequisites. Stretch marks in this case have a darker shade than usual;
  • use of hormonal drugs, including contraceptives, use of steroids by athletes to gain muscle mass;
  • hypercortisolism in adolescents. This pathology is expressed in the excessive production of a hormone (cortisol) that destroys protein. This process has a negative impact on the tissue structure, forming strip-like defects throughout the skin, but more often forming stretch marks.

Also, factors that provoke the formation of stretch marks include:

  • rapid weight gain and loss;
  • heredity;
  • lack of a balanced diet and violation of the drinking regime. With insufficient consumption of essential nutrients, especially protein, the skin stretches worse;
  • strong physical activity, with the help of which a sharp increase in muscle mass is achieved. The skin does not keep up with the rate of weight growth, so it is injured. Stretch marks form only in those athletes who have a low level of skin elasticity determined genetically.

Examples of exercises to combat stretch marks

Most often, stretch marks appear on the upper thighs. Therefore, any squats and lunges that allow you to work the hip area and make blood circulation in this area more intense will be excellent helpers in the fight against unsightly stretch marks. In addition, you can perform additional exercises.

Low amplitude leg raises

While lying on your back, raise your straightened legs to a height of 15-20 cm from the floor, hold them in this position for at least 10 seconds, and then slowly lower them. You need to repeat the movement at least 3 times.

Raising the leg from the “bridge” position

We make a simplified version of the bridge - while lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees to a right angle, and lift your pelvis higher from the floor. In this position, we straighten and pull one leg up with the heel, while leaving the other one for support on the floor.

After 3-5 seconds, return the leg to its original position and straighten the second leg. It is recommended to perform at least 2 cycles of 20 such movements.

Alternate leg raises

Lying on your back, straighten your legs on the floor, then alternately lift them from to a right angle (you should feel a slight burning sensation in the buttocks). For each leg you will have to do 2-3 approaches of 15 times.

Raising legs from a prone position

Lie on your stomach, straighten your legs. From this position, we raise our legs one by one to the maximum possible height. It is advisable to do at least 30 movements on each leg.


A classic exercise of wise yogis, which, perhaps, everyone performs in childhood. We lie on our backs, place our arms along the body, and raise our legs and pelvis from the floor.

We use our hands to help maintain the pelvis in a raised state for 30 seconds or more, after which we “unwind” the body and again lie flat on the floor.

How to remove stretch marks on legs

At present, unfortunately, no method or remedy has been invented that would help quickly get rid of stretch marks. But there are some effective methods, confirmed by numerous positive reviews. After their use, improvements are noted, and in some cases there is talk of complete disappearance of stretch marks.

Ways to get rid of stretch marks:

  1. Laser therapy. With the help of special fractional lasers, stretch marks can be made less noticeable, and some of them can be completely removed. To achieve maximum effect, you need to undergo a course of such procedures. The amount is determined by the severity of the problem and skin type.
  2. Ointments, lotions, gels. Today the market is saturated with various types and manufacturers of products in the fight against stretch marks. However, experts recommend their use as preventive measures or treatment in the initial stages.
  3. Mesotherapy. This method is the most popular. It consists in the fact that a specialist prepares a mixture of medicinal drugs, which are injected under the skin with a special roller with a large number of thin small needles. Using this method, collagen and elastane are produced at the site of the tear.
  4. Cosmetic surgery. Surgical intervention is indicated only when the stretch marks are large and the skin in these areas is too sagging. In this case, the surgeon removes loose skin, subcutaneous fat and part of the stretch marks.
  5. Chemical peeling. In this procedure, chemicals are applied to the stretched skin, causing damage and further death. After this, the healing process occurs, where healthy skin cells are activated and multiply. The disadvantages of this method are associated with the possible formation of scars and pigmentation.


Treating stretch marks is a long process that requires patience and dedication. It is important that the removal of stretch marks directly depends on how long ago they appeared. The “young” ones can be removed completely, but the “old” ones are practically impossible to get rid of. It will only be possible to reduce their manifestation with various types of polishing.


Resurfacing is a method based on layer-by-layer burning of scarred areas of the skin. There are two types used to remove stretch marks: laser and chemical.

Laser resurfacing is performed by a doctor in a hospital setting, under anesthesia. After the procedure, the skin on the treated area remains swollen and red, which will need to be lubricated with special restorative creams.

The essence of chemical resurfacing is to apply strong acids to the scars, which burn the epidermis, thereby activating the skin's production of collagen. The procedure is carried out mainly using phenolic acids, trichloroacetic acid and alpha hydroxy acids. This type of resurfacing should be performed by an experienced professional as there is a high risk of serious side effects.


Thalassotherapy (algae wraps) is effective for “young” stretch marks. When wrapped with seaweed, the condition of the skin improves, its tone increases, the relief is smoothed, and it is saturated with microelements and vitamins. The procedure consists of applying an algae mask to clean and dry skin, covered with a thermal blanket on top. This promotes rapid penetration of beneficial substances from algae into the skin.

What can you do at home?

For stretch marks on the legs with a comprehensive treatment approach, massage gives excellent results.

A very good effect can be obtained by combining this procedure with peeling, wrapping or the use of medicinal cosmetics.

Massage increases blood circulation and promotes rapid and complete delivery of active substances into the deep layers of the skin.

There are several types of massage that can be performed at home:

  1. Honey. To do this, apply a little honey to the area of ​​stretch marks using patting movements. Continue this action until all the honey is absorbed into the skin. After such a massage, take a warm shower without using soap.
  2. Canned. The effect of such a massage is aimed not only at combating stretch marks, but also cellulite. It is carried out in special jars sold in pharmacies. It is recommended to do it on steamed skin after a bath. Then you need to take a contrast shower.
  3. Manual. It is considered a preventive measure in the fight against stretch marks. It must be carried out when the prerequisites for them exist. This massage is performed using essential oils using pinching movements of the fingers. You cannot stretch the skin, as it already has a tendency to stretch.
  4. Hydromassage. This procedure is performed not only during the period of prevention, but also during already formed stretch marks on the skin. You can perform a contrast shower at home or an underwater massage in a specialized center. In combination with other procedures, scars soften and skin elasticity returns.

You can remove stretch marks on your legs at home using wraps. A very effective and efficient procedure. To use this method, you need polyethylene and a special active composition that acts on problem areas.

With the help of polyethylene, a greenhouse effect is created, which increases the temperature level at which the skin actively absorbs nutrients and medicinal substances. For wrapping against stretch marks, Dead Sea mud, chocolate, algae, and clay are used.

According to the recommendations of experts, seaweed wraps are most effective in the fight against stretch marks. Since brown algae (kelp) contains alginic acid and other useful microelements and substances that make the skin more elastic and firm.

Warm baths are very useful in treating stretch marks. Taking a bath will help you relax and relieve stress. By adding nourishing moisturizers, algae, and essential oils (geranium, nutmeg, orange, incense), the skin will become softer and the cell renewal process will be activated. Such baths must be taken three times a week for at least 20 minutes.

Read how to do self-massage for cellulite at home.

How to prepare a mask for cellulite on legs at home? Details here.

Does honey mustard wrap help against cellulite? Read on.

Professional stretch mark removal

Salons offer the following methods to combat stretch marks:

  • Ultrasound;
  • Chemical peeling;
  • Laser peeling;
  • Abdominoplasty.

Before performing an ultrasound, you need to undergo some examinations. And if it turns out that you have chronic diseases, then doing this procedure is strictly prohibited.

In the absence of contraindications, the ultrasound course lasts from 10 to 13 weeks. Mesotherapy can be done both before and after peeling. But if you have an illness such as cholelithiasis, this procedure is contraindicated.

Laser and chemical peeling are quite painful methods of dealing with stretch marks. Therefore, during the procedure, the patient is given local or general anesthesia.


It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it, and stretch marks on the legs are no exception. To avoid the possible appearance of stretch marks, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Always adhere to proper nutrition. The diet should contain only foods that are healthy for humans. Insufficient supply of nutrients and water also negatively affects the skin, making it dry and less elastic. And this increases the risk of ruptures of epidermal fibers;
  • Be sure to do physical exercise to maintain good athletic shape. In their absence, the skin becomes flabby and sagging, which increases the likelihood of stretch marks;
  • During pregnancy, do not neglect preventive measures against stretch marks. You can consult a gynecologist on the selection of a special complex against stretch marks.

By following these recommendations, you can prevent the appearance of stretch marks or reduce their number.

Causes of stretch marks

Many people believe that stretch marks generally only appear on thin girls. But this is a big misconception. Often curvy young ladies also face this problem.

One of the most common causes of stretch marks, of course, is pregnancy. Very often, such stripes appear not only on the hips, but also on the stomach, legs and chest in the last trimester of pregnancy. In addition to pregnancy, stretch marks on the hips can appear for the following reasons:

  • Sudden weight loss or, conversely, weight gain.
  • Hormonal imbalance. In this case, the skin becomes less elastic, the epithelium becomes thinner, and thus internal tears occur.
  • Problems with blood circulation in a certain area of ​​the skin.
  • Stretching of the subcutaneous tissue occurs due to high skin tension.

Photo: Before and after

Ways to combat stretch marks

It can take a lot of time to remove stretch marks, so you need to act as soon as stretch marks appear. The set of measures will include salon procedures, wraps, massages, cosmetics and traditional medicine.

Cosmetics and medicines

There are a variety of products on the market, but they are effective only in combination with other methods and at the initial stage. It is impossible to get rid of old stretch marks using cosmetics.

Cosmetics do not remove stretch marks, but only make the skin elastic and improve cell regeneration.

The most popular means:

  • This is a hypoallergenic cream that is suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers.
  • Gel cream from Decleor. A product based on essential oils that copes with old stretch marks.
  • PregnaCareC Accelerates the skin restoration process.
  • The gel deeply nourishes, moisturizes and restores the skin.
  • Cream from COLLISTAR. Due to the amino acid content, the product reduces the visibility of skin defects.
  • BodyExpert from Faberlic. The cream evens out and lightens stretch marks on the legs.
  • Cream from Vichy. It has a double effect on problem areas and can be used for prevention.

To obtain the effect, cosmetic products must be used for at least 2-3 months.

Traditional methods

To get rid of stretch marks on the thighs without resorting to the services of beauty salons, you need to start with proper nutrition. With a sufficient supply of vitamins and microelements, the condition of the skin improves.

The most important:

  • vitamin C – found in citrus fruits, rose hips and black currants;
  • vitamin E – nuts, dried apricots, vegetable oil;
  • vitamin A – fish oil, carrots, liver;
  • zinc – gelatin, cocoa, liver.

Along with proper nutrition, you need to do stretching exercises every day. This can be a complex to strengthen the abdominal muscles, buttocks and thighs.

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