A course of steroids for weight: the optimal choice and combination of drugs

Author: Yuri Klimishin - an iron lover and a veteran of the “chemical” front. Place in the ranking of authors: 2

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Important! The “Your Trainer” website does not sell or encourage the use of anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who decide to take them do so as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

Very often, people who have trained in the gym for the prescribed amount of time on their hormonal background come to me and ask a clear question: I (for example) am an ectomorph to the roots of my hair and I need a full-fledged course on volume and increase in meat, but exactly one that will give maximum results and will not be a waste of time and money.

Usually, these are guys who are completely virgin in terms of chemicals, who, having collected available information on the Internet, understand that there is no point in stupidly experimenting and pointing a finger at the sky. Or people who, having heard a lot of advice from different forums, took a course once or twice for 4-6 weeks. They didn’t make any progress at best, otherwise they even got acne and gyno, but there was still no meat.

In general, there are three options for general metabolism for people in theoretical (therapeutic) medical terminology. This:

  • Endomorph . Prone to rapid fat gain and difficult to lose fat and water during drying.
  • Ectomorph . A representative of the hound breed, which does not gain anything at all, but loses it in a matter of days, despite the appetite of an elephant and the ability to digest nails.
  • Mesomorph . Born an athlete with pronounced muscle mass and the amount of fat - just right. A person who can perform well in any sport.

Naturally, finding the same endomorph or athlete in its pure form is quite difficult in real life. 90% of people on the planet have mixed types of metabolism, with a predominance of one of the three available in general. Nutrition, training, daily routine - all this should be taken into account primarily for progress. It is also necessary to undergo tests, because fat people often have high levels of estradiol, with a low or very modest level of testosterone. And sometimes prolactin is elevated. Or insulin resistance due to poor nutrition before joining the gym.

In people who are dry and skinny, the dough level is also not always decent, and sometimes quite high, but at the same time it is actively bound by globulin. The same is with estradiol, which in the required amount is MANDATORY for meat growth.

For athletes (mesomorphs), everything is simpler, but sometimes they also have problems with hormones. In short - pass basic tests, learn to work hard in the gym, eat food that suits you and maintain an optimal rhythm of life - this is, first of all, as I already said. As for pharma, focus on the type of metabolism that predominates in you, not forgetting the one that is inferior. Not easy - yes. But probably. Here I will give three options for courses for weight, which, through trial and error, are actually the most preferable for the three types of metabolism. I’ll also say something about sports nutrition, which can also help if you connect the brain. You should not blindly rely on the article - it is intended to help at the initial stage. And before the mass-gaining course, you must have abs on your stomach. Or hormonal play turns into masturbation.

And further. The optimal duration of a course for weight is 12 weeks. Short courses, as in most cases, do not work as they should. Everyone seems to understand that you can’t throw an uppercut in a month, learn how to perform a figure jump in basketball or bench press 150 kilograms. So muscles need some time to really grow. 12 weeks, for starters, is it. No under-courses for 4-5 weeks, if you are adequate and your goal is dry meat on the bones.

Now let's proceed to the promised three options for the three types of the strong half of humanity.

Why free steroid cycles are not right for you?

SteroidsWith individual support, I will tell you in as much detail as possible how to tailor the cycle to your individual characteristics, since the maximum return can only come from such courses.
It is very important to select everything specifically for yourself, and not use courses of steroids for weight that are freely available. Most guys use steroids "by eye", i.e. do not control hormone levels. For this reason, it is difficult to judge how the cycle works. The results will become visible in the future, when the body becomes loose from high aromatization or signs of gynecomastia appear (nipples become swollen).

Surely you want to ask: how is an individual steroid cycle compiled? Very simple! It is necessary to monitor the effects of drugs on the body by taking tests for specific hormones. After this, you should draw a conclusion and replace something or remove it altogether, and leave something unchanged.

Only in this way, approaching the issue of using steroids at a professional level, will you be able to gain muscle mass and understand the following:

  • Which drugs work best for you, and how to choose your first course of steroids;
  • What combinations of steroids does the body perceive better?
  • How can you make the cycle more efficient?
  • How to eliminate possible side effects without waiting for their symptoms to appear.

It is these thoughts that I want to share with you today.
As a result, you can learn how to protect your body and improve your health:

  • Content of dihydrotestosterone and testosterone in the body;
  • Levels of progesterone, estradiol, and prolactin;
  • The condition of your liver and kidneys;
  • Cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Everything is simple and as accessible as possible. You will probably discover a huge number of errors in your previous ideas about PCT. For example:

  • Liver:
    “Karsil” works perfectly, and “Liv-52”, “Ornithine” (“Hepa-Merz”) and “Essentiale” are a waste of money. "Heptral" is effective only when used intravenously.
  • Testosterone:
    to increase its level, you must first reduce the levels of Estradiol and Prolactin in the blood and this should be done before starting PCT.
  • Tamoxifen:
    the drug is not used after Trenbolone and Nandrolone, as it enhances the progestogenic properties of steroids and reduces libido...

Well, is it interesting? But this is just the beginning...

Here is a list of several chapters and questions of the “Super Volumes” mass course

  1. How to create an individual cycle correctly?
  2. A specific cycle and FAK for it.
  3. Why is aromatization needed?
  4. For whom will Nandrolone be more effective than Trenbolone and why?
  5. Why not use Turinabol or Anabol?
  6. Is it necessary to reduce the dosage of steroids at the end of the cycle?
  7. A daily regimen of medications.
  8. Which manufacturers’ drugs are best to use to create a course of steroids for strength?
  9. Auxiliary drugs on the course to protect the body.
  10. What side effects can be expected after a course of anabolic steroids?
  11. Means of protection.
  12. Analysis of hormones and other parameters (before, during, upon completion, conclusions).
  13. Detailed post-course therapy.
  14. Training program after the cycle to maintain the gained weight.

Solo courses for drying[edit | edit code]

A weekOxandroloneTamoxifen
150 mg/day
250 mg/day
350 mg/day
450 mg/day
550 mg/day
650 mg/day
750 mg/day
  • Anavar (Anavar)
    Oxandrolone, Oxandrin, Anatrophyll, Lipidex, Lonavar, Vasorome. Take Anavar 3 times a day: 20 mg: in the morning, 20 mg at lunch and 10 mg in the evening (before 18:00). Do not use steroid drugs for 3 months after the course. For an additional fat-burning effect, Yu. Bombela recommends including Clenbuterol or other fat burners in the course.
  • Tamoxifen
    - despite the fact that anavar slightly suppresses its own hormonal levels, post-cycle recovery is advisable. Taking tamoxifen begins 2 days after the end of the course.
A weekWinstrol (table)Tamoxifen
130 mg/day
230 mg/day
330 mg/day
430 mg/day
530 mg/day
630 mg/day
730 mg/day
  • Winstrol (stanozolol)
    . It is more accessible and significantly less expensive than the previous drug. The course is structured in a similar way. To reduce toxicity to the liver, you can use the injection form (50 mg / day), since when taken orally, the entire drug passes through it, while the suspension only partially (from the systemic circulation). Although, on the other hand, the indicated oral dosage is not dangerous to health, while injections are very painful and abscesses develop relatively often.

Tablets of Winstrol can be taken in 2-3 doses (most of them in the first half of the day) on an empty stomach. Optionally, after the cycle you can take hepatoprotectors to restore the liver.

How are you doing at the gym?

Barbell grip
A clear picture: after a month of visiting the gym, all illusions are dispelled. It becomes clear to every beginner that gaining muscle mass or gaining an athletic figure is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Progress stands still and they don’t even help:

  • Training schemes of great champions.
  • Sports nutrition.
  • Individual trainers.

Time passes, but there is no progress. The question arises: why does this happen? And 99% of gym visitors find excuses like:

  • Bad genetics.
  • I don't have a goal to get pumped up.
  • I train for myself.

In general, this list can be continued endlessly. How to find the right solution to a problem and achieve your goals within a short time?

You have several options


You need to spend a lot of time and sift through a lot of literature on physiology and read hundreds of books on bodybuilding. Next, you will need another year (at least) to put all the theory into practice. According to statistics, no one does this and 99% of young athletes remain in their current physical form. Naturally, then disappointments follow, and other hobbies come to replace the gym. As a rule, these are bad habits: smoking, alcohol, overeating on low-quality food. Such a storyline can be developed endlessly. But I think that you got the essence and, moreover, everyone recognized themselves!


The question arises: “What is the second option?” Invest in your bodybuilding correctly and use the custom composition service:

  • Training plan.
  • Nutrition plan (diet).
  • Selecting the sports supplements you need.

What will this give you?
Yes! On the one hand, you spend money, but (what is much more important) you save such a valuable resource as TIME. As an example, conduct a survey at your gym. Ask each visitor how long he has been training. To put it mildly, the answer will surprise you. The time spent will not be reflected in any way on the body of this or that jock. This is a rather familiar picture for every person who has decided to make a body worthy of his spirit.

What about the secret weapon called “anabolic steroids”?

Anabolic steroids in bodybuildingLet me start by saying, if you don’t know what steroids are and how to take them correctly, don’t even start.
Moreover, you should independently compile a course of steroids for a beginner. In this case, there will definitely be harm to your hormonal system. And what a surprise it will be that even steroids did not help you achieve the body of your dreams. The problem is that every gym goer is looking for a magic pill that doesn't exist. Only discipline, proper planning of training, diet and recovery will work wonders on your body. It is in the recovery category that anabolic drugs belong. Professional athletes primarily use sports pharmacology to help the body adapt to increased training volumes. And the so-called overheating of the central nervous system (nervous system) did not occur.

Are steroids harmful?

The question is stupid and naive. Why do I think this? Firstly, remember the times of the Soviet Union, everyone could go to a pharmacy and buy Methandienone without any problems. This anabolic steroid perfectly helps to gain muscle mass. Now everyone is shouting that steroids are bad. I answer questions like this quite simply:

Tell me, is honey a healthy product? Yes! What happens if you eat a liter of honey in one sitting? With a 99% probability, such a person will be taken away by ambulance.

The situation is similar with steroids. If you follow the rule “Train more and train longer,” you are guaranteed to overtrain. Moreover, serious disruptions in the hormonal system cannot be ruled out.

A course of steroids for mass is not for beginners

First course of steroids for a beginner | best courses to start with

Course 12 weeks

Take from 1 to 6 weeks. Then we take a break for 2-3 weeks and take it again until the end of the course.

  • Dianabol – 40 mg per day
  • Anadrol - 50 mg per day

Injections should be taken from 1 to 12 weeks.

  • Trenblon - 400 mg per week
  • Nandrolone – 300 mg per week
  • Testosterone - enanthate 500 mg per week

All oil esters can be mixed together. Broadcast long broadcasts at any time of the day, whenever it is convenient. Place on Mon and Thu.

After course therapy

My YouTube channel

A little bit about yourself

My name is Dmitry Pelin. I am an expert in sports pharmacology, various diets, sports supplements and training. You can verify my professionalism through personal experience. Naturally, I can list all my awards now, but I think you need results, not diplomas and awards. You can get your first free consultation on Skype and make sure that I will really bring you to your goal. But keep in mind that the discipline will be strict and you will have to work a lot.

It's not my goal to tell you that there is a magic pill that will help you get the body of your dreams without any effort. If you are ready to work on yourself, then welcome!

Why is it profitable to buy my course?

There are three reasons:

  1. First, you are guaranteed to change your body regardless of your genetic makeup. Naturally, you won’t be able to become Arnold, but there will be an excellent increase in muscle mass + the muscles will become tough. I can’t tell you exact numbers, because it’s individual. If you are promised specific numbers, for example: “With our course you will gain 10 kg of muscle in two months.” This is a way to lure clients, but with a 99% probability you won’t get even half of what you expected.
  2. Secondly, once you decide to use steroids, you (unlike most gym goers) will be creating the best steroid cycles like a true professional. This means that it will be possible to extract the maximum of the positive qualities of steroids and practically reduce side effects to zero.
  3. Third, you can learn from my mistakes and do everything right for just $30.

If you don't succeed, I'll refund 50% of the course price!
One important point: if at the end of the course you are not satisfied with the result, I am ready to return 50% of the course cost. This will happen only in the case of well-reasoned facts without the goal of saving on the information received.


This steroid course for super mass is designed for 8-10 weeks - this is explained by the fact that this set includes long-lasting steroids (tren enka and test enka), which are fully included in the work only in the 3-4th weeks. You must understand a simple thing - gaining a sufficient amount of muscle mass in a short period is impossible. This is why long courses of steroids were invented, when an athlete takes AAS for a long time and continues to grow constantly. Long courses are considered to be cycles from 10 to 20 weeks.

My contacts or how to order a practical course on steroids

Buy a course on steroids
Pay for the “Super Volumes” weight training course in one of the ways convenient for you:

  • Webmoney
  • Yandex money
  • Qiwi wallet
  • Privat Bank card for residents of Ukraine

Contact me in a way convenient for you and indicate that you want to buy a course and get advice on gaining muscle mass.

  • Before you buy a course of steroids, you can get a free consultation on Skype - dimapelin.
  • Mail for additional communication: dmitrypelin.ua (dog) gmail.com
  • VK: vk.com/desenin2000

Video review and photo report from a client who ordered a course of steroids to gain lean muscle mass and worked out under my supervision (results after 3 months):

Steroids for DRYING and RELIEF

Stanozolol is the most popular steroid for drying the body among beginners. Its popularity is largely due to its fairly low price and the absence of side effects, both during the course and after it.

The peculiarity of stanozolol is that it effectively removes excess water from the body, making the muscles more prominent and clearly defined. Increases anabolic processes in the body, minimizing muscle loss on a low-carbohydrate diet.

Beginners use stanozolol solo, and more experienced athletes combine stanozolol with other drugs, thus achieving synergism in the work of two or more drugs.

The dosages of stanozolol for drying are varied: the starting dosage of stanozolol starts from 40 mg per day and reaches 100 mg. The duration of courses can vary from 6 to 12 weeks.

The best courses of steroids for cutting with stanozolol:

  • Stanozolol + Testosterone propionate
  • Stanozolol + Trenbolone Acetate + Testosterone Propionate
  • Stanozolol + Boldenone
  • Stanozolol + Masteron

By clicking on the link you can familiarize yourself with and also buy ready-made courses based on stanozolol.

Important!!! : Be careful when working with heavy weights during training using stanozolol alone, as stanozolol “dries out” the joint capsules, removing fluid from them. There is a danger of injury.

Winstrol is the name that has been assigned to stanozolol injections. Injectable Winstrol is mainly used by professional athletes in preparation for performances.

Winstrol injections have some advantages over the oral version of this steroid - a prolonged effect in the body and a greater anabolic effect, however, stanozolol injections can be painful. There may also be a risk of developing abscesses, especially if you have a weakened immune system. Therefore, for non-professionals, the use of stun in injections is not justified in any way.

Testosterone propionate is a “must have” steroid, without which no competent drying can do.

It is the propionate dough, in my opinion, that should form the basis of any course aimed at burning fat.

The powerful anabolic and androgenic effect of the propionate test will help you not only maintain previously gained muscles, but also gain several kilograms of dry mass during the course.

Propionate is versatile and combines very well with other steroids.

As already written above, the most common combination of steroids for cutting is testosterone propionate + stanozolol.

Propik quickly starts working in the body, but also quickly turns off. Therefore, this short testosterone ester should be given every other day. Dosages start at 50 mg. every other day, up to 100 or more for experienced athletes.

The duration of the courses may also vary. The shortest is a 6-week course, but you can use propionate test for as long as you like (within reasonable limits), provided that you administer gonadotropin every 6-8 weeks of the course + three weeks before the end of the course and the start of PCT. Gonadotropin must be included in any course if the duration of the course is planned to be more than 8 weeks.

The best cutting courses based on testosterone propionate:

  • Propionate + stanozolol
  • Propionate + Trenbolone Acetate + Stanozolol
  • Propionate + Boldenone
  • Propionate + Masteron + Stanozolol

You can use the announced options for combining drugs as the basis for a course for gaining lean mass. The only difference will be in your diet.

We described in the article how to gain the highest quality mass, as well as the correct diet for gaining muscle mass.

Testosterone propionate aromatizes, but to a lesser extent than its “long-lasting” relatives - enanthate with cypionate.

Therefore, to avoid the risk of side effects associated with aromatization and to achieve maximum relief without water retention, it is recommended to take anastrozole from the second week of the course.

All options for drying courses based on propionate with detailed dosage and PCT regimens can be found in the Ready-made courses section on our website.

Trenbolone acetate is the most popular form of trenbolone in bodybuilding. A powerful steroid that is 4 times stronger than testosterone.

It grows muscles while simultaneously burning fat deposits both on its own and due to its ability to increase the body’s production of growth hormone by 2 or more times.

Very effective on drying. You can use it solo, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Important!!!: If you plan to build a cycle based on trenbolone acetate, be sure to use testosterone in parallel in a ratio of 1 to 2 (1 part trenbolone, 2 parts dough).

Effective dosages of trenbolone acetate start at 50 mg. every day, or 100 mg, which are given every other day.

Trenbolone acetate can increase the level of prolactin in the body, resulting in side effects similar to steroids with the ability to aromatize - gynecomastia, fluid retention in the tissues.

It is also possible for libido to drop during and after a course of trenbolone. To prevent this from happening, buy cabaser and take it according to the regimen that is in the description of the drug.

Additionally, using a prolactin inhibitor will help you gain leaner, more defined muscles.

Important: If you decide to build your cycle with the participation of trenbolone, then be sure to use Clomid on PCT. Tamoxifen should not be used.

Masteron ( Drostanolone propionate ) is an effective and safe replacement for injection stanozolol in any courses aimed at cutting or gaining lean muscle mass.

A potent androgen and aromatase inhibitor that does not retain water and does not cause estrogenic side effects. On the contrary, masteron propionate is a diuretic and removes excess fluid from the muscles, making them stiff and prominent.

It has a fat-burning effect, which, in combination with a diet, allows you to reduce fat mass by 5-7% per course solo, in relation to the original.

The best courses based on Masteron Propionate

  • Masteron + Testo Propionate + Stenozolo
  • Masteron + Stanozolol
  • Masteron + Oxandrolone
  • Masteron + Turinabol
  • Masteron + Boldenone

The effective dosage of masteron propionate solo is 100 mg. in one day. The use of aromatase inhibitors is not required.

Turinabol is the leader of our review. Top sales among tablet drugs. Turik works well for gaining high-quality, lean muscle mass. Very effective on drying.

Does not retain water in muscles, does not aromatize and does not cause side effects associated with aromatization (gynecomastia, increased blood pressure)

The use of turinabol during cutting helps maintain strength and muscle mass. And with a proper diet, you can add several kilograms of lean muscle mass and strength.

The dosage of turinabol solo, both for cutting and for gaining, is practically the same - 40-50 mg., is enough to get good results.

The recommended course duration is 6 - 8 weeks.

Both tamoxifen and Clomid can be used on PCT. Clomid is more expensive, but less toxic than Tamox, which guarantees good health during PCT.

The best cutting courses based on turinabol:

  • Turinabol + Boldenone
  • Turinabol + Testosterone propionate
  • Turinabol + Masteron
  • Turinbaol + Stanozolol
  • Turinabol + Trenbolone acetate

Oxandrolone (anavar) can be called a steroid for drying women. A very mild steroid, without side effects, which dictates the high price of Anavar.

The main effect of oxandrolone is its ability to burn fat and increase growth hormone levels. Increased muscle relief and stiffness.

  • For women, the dosage of oxandrolone for drying is 10-20 mg.
  • For men 50 mg per day or more. A course based on this steroid lasts from 6 weeks.

There is an opinion that since oxandrolone is a weak steroid, then PCT is not necessary. This is incorrect, since any steroid inhibits the production of your own testosterone and we recommend that you always carry out PCT after any cycle.

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