Neuromuscular connection with the brain - how does it affect the effectiveness of training?

Brain-muscle connection. How it works?

The relationship between the brain and muscles is responsible for the effectiveness of every exercise, every approach and repetition.


The more effective the connection, the greater the efficiency of each exercise.

Let's imagine that your efficiency in squats is 40%. That is, the connection between the brain and muscles is not established.

This scenario has the following consequences:

  • Significant reduction in efficiency . Neuromuscular connections in bodybuilding can determine your results. An athlete performs squats with a 100 kg barbell, but receives the effect of only 40 kg if the efficiency of his movements is 40%. Another athlete can squat 60kg and look much better than the first one. Because it gets the effect of all 60 kg, its efficiency is 100%;
  • Changing technology . You will not feel the muscles being trained in full, as a result of which your technique will involuntarily change. Correct communication between the brain and muscles is the basis of technically correct training;
  • The likelihood of injury increases . Due to improper technique and low sensitivity;
  • You will feel the harm of bodybuilding , which we will discuss below.

If you have noticed athletes who lift heavy weights, do everything correctly (at first glance), but their muscles do not grow, then in such a situation, most often the culprit is a weak neuromuscular connection.

The same Jay Cutler, being a professional bodybuilder, trained with a 100 kg barbell in the bench press. His fellow members laughed at him. But he laughed at them at competitions, as he looked much more massive and more aesthetically pleasing.

Mechanism of contraction of striated muscles

Any skeletal muscle consists of muscle fibers, which, in turn, consist of many thin threads - myofibrils, located longitudinally. Each myofibril consists of protofibrils - filaments of contractile proteins : myosin (myosin protofibril), actin (actin protofibril).

In addition to contractile proteins, the myofibril contains two regulatory proteins : tropomyosin and troponin .

Myosin fibers are connected into a thick bundle, from which cross bridges extend towards the actin filaments. Each bridge has a neck and a head.

The actin filament is arranged in the form of 2 twisted strings of beads. It has actin centers.

Contractile and regulatory proteins

Tropomyosin in the form of spirals entwines the surface of actin, closing its centers at rest. One tropomyosin molecule contacts 7 actin molecules.

Troponin forms a thickening at the end of each tropomyosin filament.

Under the influence of the PD that arises in the muscle fiber, Ca ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SRR - Ca2+ depot). Calcium binds to troponin, which displaces the tropomyosin rod, resulting in the opening of actin centers.

Interaction of actin, myosin, troponin and tropomyosin

As a result, the heads of myosin cross bridges are attached to the actin centers.

These posts make “rowing movements”, as a result of which the actin filaments are moved by these bridges relative to the myosin fibers, and muscle shortening .

The relaxation process occurs in reverse order using ATP energy due to the functioning of the calcium pump.

In the absence of a repeated pulse, Ca ions do not come from the SPR. As a result of the absence of the Ca-troponin complex, tropomyosin returns to its original place, blocking the actin centers of actin. Actin protofibrils easily slide in the opposite direction due to the elasticity of the muscle, and the muscle lengthens (relaxes).

Neuromuscular connection in bodybuilding

Wear and tear of the nervous system is the key harm of bodybuilding. It’s not customary to talk about this, but it is the central nervous system that is most often the most vulnerable point in iron sports.

There are several training factors that wear out the nervous system:

  • Overtraining . Everything is clear here, it must be avoided;
  • Poor neuromuscular connection . A weak impulse from the muscles to the brain and back itself loads the nervous system;
  • Large weights . Due to poor communication, you have to take heavy weights. And this is a huge burden on the nervous system.

The formation of neuromuscular connections in bodybuilding is important not only for results, but also from the point of view of maintaining health.

Development of neuromuscular communication

The development of communication between the brain and muscles is based on:

  1. Preparatory stage . At this stage, we train with weights that are 1.5-3 times less than usual. Let's take the same squat of 100 kg. We reduce the weight to 50, perform the exercise smoothly, and monitor the technique. Learning the perfect technique. The preparatory period lasts from 2 to 4 months. But in general, the longer the better. And we are progressing very slowly. In fact, these 2-4 months you need to stagnate at a weight of 50 to 55 kg. And then gradually add more. 2.5 kg every 1-2 weeks, for example;
  2. Technique development . Additionally, we train the technique of basic exercises outside the gym. You can practice squats, imitate bench presses or pull-ups as morning exercises before bed. The neuromuscular connection in bodybuilding is formed only through frequent repetition of the same movements with the correct technique;
  3. Technically correct exercises . Under no circumstances should you break your equipment for the sake of faster progress.

We reduce the weight in all exercises and begin preparing for the future jerk. It is permissible to increase the frequency of visits to the gym. If you trained 2-3 times a week, now you can increase the number of workouts to 4-5 in 7 days.

Since the load will be reduced by 2 times, an increase in visits to our favorite rocking chair will only play into our hands. But you can’t completely forget about rest.

Well, now let's talk about personal things.

Neuromuscular connection in bodybuilding photo

Section 2. Physiology of the neuromuscular system

Section 1. Physiology of the central nervous system and sensory systems, mechanisms of compensation for impaired functions

Introduction to physiology. General physiology of the central nervous system


A process is a sequential change of phenomena or states in the development of an action.

Adaptation is a set of physiological reactions that underlie the process of the body’s adaptation to changes in environmental conditions and aimed at maintaining the relative constancy of its internal environment.

function - specific activity of a system or organ.

regulation; Regulation is a mechanism that ensures the coordination of life processes.

metabolism is a set of chemical transformations that ensure the vital functions of the body.
6. Functional system; A system is a collection of organs connected by a common function.

7. biorhythm; Biorhythm is a regular, periodic repetition in time of the nature and intensity of life processes.


Homeostasis is the constancy of the internal environment of the body.
9. irritability; Irritability is the ability of cells, under the influence of environmental factors, to move from a state of rest to a state of activity.


Excitability is the ability of highly organized tissues (nervous, muscular, glandular) to respond to stimulation by changing physiological properties

Reflex is the body’s response to irritation of receptors, carried out with the participation of the central nervous system

A synapse is a specialized contact zone between neuron processes and other excitable formations

Neuron is a structural and functional unit of nervous tissue and central nervous system structures.

inhibition is an active process that occurs when a stimulus acts on tissue, manifested in the suppression of other excitation.
15. Excitable tissue of the human body

R nervous

16. Function of the efferent link of the reflex arc

R transmission of information from the nerve center

17. The law of bilateral conduction of excitation along the nerve fiber is

R in any direction

18. Slow conduction of excitation as a property of the nerve center is based on

R propagation of information in synapses

19. Plasticity as a property of the nerve center is based on

R ability of nerve centers to rearrange functional properties

20. The sequence of excitation through the synapse

1: depolarization of the presynaptic membrane

2: release of transmitter into the synaptic cleft

3: diffusion of the transmitter and interaction with receptors of the postsynaptic membrane

4: development of postsynaptic potential

21. Correspondence between the part of the reflex arc and its function

receptorprovides the perception of a stimulus with the conversion of its energy into electrical
afferent linkensures the transfer of information from the receptor to the structure of the central nervous system
central linkprovides information processing
efferent linkensures the transfer of information from the central nervous system to the effector
effectorprovides feedback

22. Correspondence between the principle of operation of the nervous network and its content

divergencethe ability of a single neuron to establish connections with several nerve cells
convergenceconvergence of several afferent and efferent excitations to one neuron
reverberationcirculation of excitation in a vicious circle, returning it to the “first” neuron of the nervous network

23. The law of conduction of excitation along a nerve fiber without attenuation is

R maintaining the magnitude of the action potential

24. The principle of coordination of the activity of the central nervous system, which is characterized by the convergence of nerve impulses on one neuron, is called

R of the common final path

25. The principle of coordination of the activity of the central nervous system, which is characterized by the process of excitation of one center and inhibition of another, is called

R coupled braking

26. The principle of coordination of the activity of the central nervous system, which is characterized by the influence of higher located centers on lower ones, is called

R chain of command

27. The circulation of excitation in a vicious circle, its return to the “first” neuron of the nervous network, is called

R reverb

28. The spread of afferent information to a smaller number of neurons is called

R convergence

29. The ability of a single neuron to establish connections with several nerve cells is called

R divergence

30. Scientist who discovered the phenomenon of central inhibition

R I. M. Sechenov

31. Scientist who discovered the principle of the common final path

R Ch. Sherrington

32. Correspondence between a neuron and its function

afferentprovide information transfer to the central nervous system
efferenttransmit information from the central nervous system to the effector
intercalarypromote interaction between neurons of the same structure of the central nervous system


physiology is the science of the functions and processes occurring in the body and the regulatory mechanisms that ensure human life in interaction with the environment.
34. Function of the afferent part of the reflex arc

R transmission of information to the nerve center

35. The law of saltatory conduction of excitation along a nerve fiber is

R propagation of excitation stepwise

Particular physiology of the central nervous system

36. Tendon reflex

R response to a very short stretch of a muscle (a blow to its tendon)

37. Autonomic reflexes

R reaction of internal organs to irritation of visceral receptors

38. Step reflex

R provides walking and running with the participation of two symmetrical limbs and is carried out on the basis of the crossed extensor reflex

39. The centers that control the work of the heart and breathing are located in

R medulla oblongata

40. The thalamus and hypothalamus are part of

R diencephalon

41. The structure of the central nervous system that integrates autonomic functions, regulates appetite and eating behavior

R hypothalamus

42. Structure of the central nervous system involved in organizing motivation and emotional behavior

R limbic system

43. Section of the cerebral cortex responsible for coordinating movements and speech

R frontal

44. The department of the brain, which, according to I. P. Pavlov’s definition, is the manager of body functions

R cerebral cortex

45. Basic functions of the cerebral cortex

R integrative, connection of the body with the external environment, coordination of movements

46. A system that unites the body into a single whole

R nervous

47. Loss of motor coordination due to damage to the cerebellum is called

R ataxia

48. Rapid muscle fatigue due to damage to the cerebellum is called

R asthenia

49. Loss of the ability for prolonged muscle contraction due to damage to the cerebellum is called

R astasia

50. Trembling of the fingers and head, increasing with movement, due to damage to the cerebellum is called

R tremor

51. Correspondence to the type of cerebellar dysfunction and its characteristics

ataxiaimpaired motor coordination
astheniarapid muscle fatigue
astasialoss of ability for prolonged muscle contraction

52. Correspondence between the type of cerebellar dysfunction and its characteristics

dysmetriamovement disorder
dysarthriaspeech motor disorder
tremortrembling of fingers, hands, head at rest
impaired motor coordination

53. With complete degeneration of the subcortical node, people cannot fence

R talk

54.Damage to the subcortical ganglion of the globus pallidus causes

R hypomimia

55. The structure of the central nervous system, damage to which leads to disruption of the process of memorization and information processing

R limbic system

56. Structure of the central nervous system involved in the regulation of the sleep-wake phase

R limbic system

57. The section of the cerebral cortex that performs the perception and analysis of auditory stimuli

R temporal lobe

58. Basic functions of the spinal cord

R reflex, vegetative, motor

59. When the associative zones of the cerebral cortex are destroyed,

R disorder of analytical and integrative functions

60. The part of the cerebral cortex that perceives skin irritations

R posterior central gyrus

61. The part of the cerebral cortex that perceives visual stimuli

R occipital lobe

62. The section of the cerebral cortex that performs the perception and analysis of auditory stimuli

R temporal lobe

63The "visceral brain" is called

R limbic system

64. The cardiovascular and respiratory centers are located in

R brain stem

65. Function of the red nucleus of the midbrain

R excites motor neurons of the spinal cord flexor muscles

precise movements of the fingers

66. Function of the substantia nigra of the midbrain

R regulates the acts of chewing, swallowing, ensures precise movements of the fingers

67. Reflexes carried out by the medulla oblongata

R protective (vomiting, sneezing, coughing)

68 Reflexes carried out by the spinal cord

R flexion

69. Reflexes carried out by the spinal cord

R rhythmic

70. The part of the brain that provides protective reflexes (lacrimation, blinking, coughing, vomiting)

R oblong

71. The part of the brain that provides rhythmic reflexes (scratching and stepping)

R dorsal

Physiology of sensory systems


Chemoreceptors are receptors that respond to various chemicals.
73. Rods and cones are . photoreceptors; photoreceptors .

74. The function of the retinal rods is the perception of light

75. The function of the retinal cones is perception. colors

76. Receptors that perceive irritation from the external environment -.. exteroceptors; exteroceptor .

77. Receptors that perceive irritation from the internal environment -. interoreceptors; interoreceptor

78. Reflexes that regulate muscle tone during movement

R statokinetic

79. Interoreceptors that perform the function of perceiving various changes in the internal environment of the body

R visceroceptors

80. Reflexes that regulate and ensure rhythmic eye movements in the direction opposite to the rotation of the body are called:

R vestibular


Myopia; Myopia; myopia is a vision disorder in which light rays are focused in front of the retina.

farsightedness; Hypermetropia; hypermetropia is a visual impairment in which light rays are focused behind the retina.

color blindness - impaired color perception or color blindness.
84. Correspondence of the concept and its definition

line of sightpart of space visible when the eye is stationary
Visual acuitythe minimum angular distance visible to the eye between two objects (points)
Light sensitivity thresholdthe lowest intensity of light that a person can see

85. The sequence of passage of a light beam through the structures of the eye

1: cornea

2: anterior chamber moisture

3: pupil

4: lens

5: vitreous

6: retina

86. The function of equalizing pressure in the middle ear is performed by

R eustachian tube

87. Structure of the auditory sensory system that amplifies sound pressure

R middle ear ossicles

88. Correspondence of concepts and definitions

Hypoosmiadecreased sense of smell
Hyperosmiaincreased sense of smell, incorrect perception of odors
Hypergeusiaincreased taste sensitivity
Parageusiaperversion of taste

89. Correspondence of the reflex and its characteristics

Staticmaintaining body balance in a standing position and at different angles of inclination
Statokineticregulation of muscle tone during movement
Vestibulara series of rhythmic eye movements in the direction opposite to the rotation of the body

90. Correspondence between the structure of the auditory sensory system and its function

Auricledirectional reception and concentration of sounds
External auditory canaltransmission of sounds to the eardrum and its protection
Middle ear bonessound pressure gain

91. Correspondence between the structure of the auditory sensory system and its function

Eardrumtransmission of sound vibrations to the middle ear
Eustachian tubesequalization of pressure in the middle ear and external auditory canal
Organ of Cortithe actual sound-receiving apparatus containing phonoreceptors

Section 2. Physiology of the neuromuscular system

Neuromuscular system

92. Neurons that provide control of skeletal muscles - motor neurons; motor neuron

93. Reflexes that regulate muscle tone during movement - statokinetic


movements; Movement; Movements - movement of the body or its parts

Strength is the ability of a muscle to develop maximum tension during contraction.

A motor unit is a motor neuron with the muscle fibers it innervates

tetanus - a mode of muscle fiber contraction with short intervals between nerve impulses

tone - some muscle tension at rest.

Myofibrils; myofibrils; Myofibrils are the contractile elements of muscle fiber.

Myosin; myosin; myosin - thick filaments of contractile protein in muscle fiber.

actin; actin; Actin is a thin filament of contractile protein found in muscle fibers.
102. Transmission of an impulse from a motor neuron to a muscle fiber is carried out using the neuromuscular synapse; synapse

103. Resynthesis of ATP in muscle without the participation of oxygen occurs anaerobically .


involuntary movements are innate movements performed unconsciously.

arbitrary _
movements are acquired purposeful movements carried out under the control of consciousness and will. 106. Modes of muscle fiber contraction are determined

R frequency of motor neuron impulses

107. With auxotonic muscle contraction

R changes muscle tension and length

108. Dynamic type of muscle contraction

R successive alternation of muscle contraction and relaxation

109. Muscle fiber is________

R cell

110. The main morphofunctional element of the neuromuscular apparatus is

R motor unit

111. ATP reduction in the oxidative energy system is carried out due to

R oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrates

112. The source of energy for muscle contraction is


113. Myosin and actin protein filaments in muscle cells are located

R strictly ordered

114. Structures that make up a motor unit

R motor neuron, motor neuron axon, muscle cells

115. Consciously controlled goal-directed actions

R voluntary movements

116. A posture characterized by the least muscle activity to support body parts

R lying

117. Voluntary movements

R are acquired throughout life and are formed on the basis of involuntary movements

118. Involuntary movements

R are unconditioned reflexes and are genetically determined

119. The somatic component of a motor skill is accompanied by

R by the formation of temporary connections in motor centers

120. The sequence of inclusion of motor units in work as its intensity increases

1: fast, fatigue resistant

2: slow

3: fast, easily tired

121. The sequence of inclusion of elements of the neuromuscular synapse

1: myelin sheath of axon

2: vesicles containing acetylcholine

3: presynaptic membrane

4: synaptic cleft

5: postsynaptic membrane

122. Sequence of stages of a functional system (according to P.K. Anokhin)

1: Afferent synthesis

2: Decision stage

3: Action acceptor formation

4: Efferent synthesis

5: Reverse afferentation stage

123. Correspondence of concepts and their definitions

posefixed position of the human body or its individual parts in space
locomotionhuman movements that provide active movement in space

124. Correspondence of attitudinal reflexes and their characteristics

nystagmusmovement of the eyeballs, ensuring the preservation of an image of the external world on the retina
free fall posestatokinetic reflex, which ensures that the natural posture is maintained with the head up

125. Correspondence of attitudinal reflexes and their characteristics

position reflexeschanges in muscle tone when the position of the head in space changes
righting reflexesredistribution of muscle tone with restoration of natural posture
elevator reflexredistribution of muscle tone during vertical movement of the body

126. Correspondence of concepts and their characteristics

working posturebody position when working
standing posevertical position of the body with the crown up
sitting postureadditional support on the ischial tuberosities

127. Correspondence between types of muscle contraction and their characteristics

Isometricchange in muscle length with constant tension
Isotonicchange in muscle tension at a constant length

128. Correspondence between types of muscle contraction and their characteristics

Isokineticthe muscle contracts, providing movement in the joint at a constant speed
Auxotonicmuscle tension and length changes

129. Correspondence to the stage of the functional system P.K. Anokhin's characterization

Afferent synthesisprocessing and synthesis of all information necessary for the implementation of a motor act
Decision stageformation of a specific final goal
Formation of an action result acceptorpredicting signs of a future outcome
Efferent synthesisformation of central mechanisms that ensure obtaining a certain result
Reverse afferentation stageevaluation of the obtained result with the programmed

130. Correspondence between the concept and its definition

Single cutmechanical response of a muscle fiber or individual muscle to a single stimulus
Auxotonic contractionsa mode in which the muscle develops tension and shortens
Motor unit (MU)motor neuron with the muscle fibers it innervates

131. Rare heart rate (heart rate less than 60 beats/min) at rest is called

R bradycardia

132. Heart rates greater than 85 beats/min under conditions of relative rest are called

R tachycardia

133. The absence of tendon reflexes occurs when the spinal cord is damaged; spinal cord

134. Complete absence of voluntary movements

R paralysis

135. When the spinal cord is damaged, it occurs

R muscle hypertonicity

R decreased tendon reflexes

136. Correspondence between the term and its definition

Physical inactivityrestriction of physical activity
Paralysiscomplete absence of voluntary movements
Paresispartial absence of voluntary movements

137. The vagus nerve influences the functioning of the heart, causing

R decrease in heart rate

138. The sympathetic nerve influences the functioning of the heart, causing

R increased excitability of the heart

139. Hormone that increases heart rate

R adrenaline

140. An increase in minute volume of blood flow during muscle work in trained people occurs due to

R increase in systolic volume

141. An increase in minute volume of blood flow during muscle work in untrained people occurs due to

R increased heart rate

142. Sequence of periods and phases of ventricular systole

1: asynchronous reduction

2: isometric tension

3: rapid expulsion phase

4: slow expulsion phase

143. Sequence of periods and phases of ventricular diastole

1: protodiastole

2: isometric relaxation

3: rapid filling phase

4: slow filling phase

144. Correspondence between the concept and its definition

Minute blood volumeamount of blood ejected by the ventricles of the heart per minute
Systolic blood volumethe amount of blood entering the arteries with each ventricular contraction
Heart ratenumber of cardiac cycles per minute

145. Correspondence between the concept and its definition

tachycardiaincreased heart rate
bradycardiadecreased resting heart rate

146. Correspondence between the heart reflex and the body's reaction

Goltz reflexheart failure
Aschner reflexslows heart rate and lowers blood pressure

147. Correspondence between the cardiac reflex and the method of irritating receptors

Goltz reflexblow to the epigastric region
Aschner reflexpressure on the eyeballs

148. Correspondence to the period of the cardiac cycle and its duration

The brain-muscle connection in bodybuilding. Personal experience

The author of this material was able to personally experience how important the neuromuscular connection is in bodybuilding. When I first got into the gym, my first training session coincided with the beginning of the training journey of one guy, who later performed well at club competitions.

We started with the same results. Both of them bench pressed 30 kg on a horizontal bench and were terribly unhappy with it.

After 2 months, I had already achieved a result of 50 kg, and also improved my performance in other exercises. He was stuck at the level of 30-35 kg, and did not progress in other exercises.

This guy was complaining to me about his slow progress...

It is important to mention one nuance: he worked with a coach, and I selected the load on my own.

Then I was glad that I decided to do without coaching help, but a year later my opinion changed to the diametrically opposite.

A year later, he was bench-pressing 100 kg and confidently moving forward in every workout. I reached a plateau and was stuck at 80 kg.

He looked, taking into account the basically small difference of 20 kg of bench press, much better.

The thing is that the coach helped him form the correct brain-muscle connection, but for me its necessity and, in general, existence were not obvious.

In the end, I had to disassemble the barbell, drop to 40 kg, and do it all over again. While my friend was preparing for competitions and breaking new personal records.

This is how important neuromuscular communication is in bodybuilding.

Have you worked on building the brain-muscle connection? Are you planning to do this? Share your opinion in the comments!

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