Gain muscle mass quickly - taking steroids

The natural limit of a straight man's mass: how to break through the ceiling

Training stress is the basis for the natural progression of strength and muscle performance. In this case, anabolic hormones are produced by the body itself. Another option is chemicals with a quick effect on weight gain. When the natural level of progress has reached the ceiling, the athlete is faced with a choice: continue to work in the same mode or add fire in the form of steroids.

Why you won’t be able to get pumped up quickly without chemicals.

The body is not a bottomless reserve of substances that can be pumped out on demand. The natural production of anabolic hormone, as a reaction to stress, is limited to a certain volume. This manifests itself when the limit of physiological capabilities, growth of mass and strength, is reached. But when taking anabolic substances, the growth process goes faster. Additional chemical stimulation goes through the roof. It is possible to pump up without steroids, but not in a short time.

How to break through stagnation in the masses.

There are two ways to solve the problem.
The first method is periodization.
It has many varieties. However, the essence is the same: an athlete whose physiological limit has been reached stops or takes a step back in the training process. Thus, the muscles become weaker. With the resumption of the load, a hormonal response will occur in the body, which will break through the stagnation in the mass.

The second method is complex.

The following changes need to be made to the work:


duration of training – optimal time from 40 to 60 minutes; » exercises – the basis of the complex should be heavy basic exercises; » recovery – minimize other types of training (running, swimming) and establish a rest regime.

Basic exercises.

A natural person has less energy than a chemist. Hence the conclusion: it is important for an athlete to correctly distribute energy costs. Basic exercises with heavy weights for each muscle group are ideal. These include the usual “base” – squats, deadlifts and bench presses. So are a number of other exercises:

Dips with weights; wide-grip pull-ups; various rows (barbell rows to the chin, barbell rows to the waist); standing barbell press and other exercises.

How is the training process different for a natural: basic rules

How chemists train.

Athletes on chemical anabolic steroids can afford to train to death: longer and more often. Since the concept of “overtraining” rarely applies to them. The number and variety of exercises is high. The chemist works with free weights and on machines. Changes your training plan or sticks to one for several months. Develops both slow and fast muscle fibers. It works for wear and tear because it is fueled by steroids.

How to train without steroids
Muscle mass without pharmaceuticals for naturals does not come as quickly as with anabolic steroids for chemists. Therefore, it is important for a naturalist to adhere to the rules in the training process.

Training plan.
The program is based on a gradual increase in working weights - creating stress for muscle growth. There will be progress if there is consistency in work.

Training volume.
The number of exercises and approaches for a natural should not be large. The best option for beginners: 2 basic exercises for 3-4 approaches.

The type of muscle fibers that are being worked.
First of all, the athlete needs to focus on the larger muscles. They can be grown without steroids, unlike slow-twitch muscles.

A straight guy has no right to skip training. Without regular exercise, you shouldn’t expect to gain muscle mass.

Features of hormonal pharmacy

It should be understood that it is hormonal pharmaceuticals that provide significant and tangible results. On it, athletes can gain 10 kg of muscle mass in one month. This is what all professional bodybuilders use. It is this that allows you to achieve unnaturally large muscle volumes.

Take away their farm and there will be nothing left of them. Look at any bodybuilder who has finished their career and you will see that they are deflated almost to the level of an ordinary person. Pharma doesn't just add a few cents to their natural results. She completely creates this result (80-90%). In addition, pharma gives only a temporary effect (inflated and deflated).

Many uninitiated people think that these results are created simply by some special or very frequent and intense training. However, it is not. It's all about farming.

Although these athletes themselves do not like to mention this (and sometimes it is prohibited by the terms of their contracts). This will diminish the significance of their achievements. People are inspired by their results, run to the gym, hoping to become the same, and... They are disappointed, having received nothing.

Getting pumped up naturally is difficult. This requires years of training, and the result will still be incomparably less than on farm. You can get pumped up on farming relatively simply and quickly.

Steroid drugs are prohibited by law and legally equated to drugs (although this was not always the case - in some countries they are allowed, and in Soviet times they could be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription). Their possession, use and distribution may result in criminal liability up to and including actual prison time. However, in practice, such cases are quite rare. Everyone knows that athletes use steroids, and no one, as a rule, puts them in prison for this.

When using hormonal pharmaceuticals, you need to understand it very well, follow dosages, dosage regimens, and be sure to carry out PCT (post-cycle therapy). Illiterate use can lead to unwanted side effects (decreased libido, gynecomastia, etc.)

Unqualified use of hormonal pharmaceuticals is unacceptable.

Insulin can be bought at any pharmacy. Growth hormone is also sold over the counter, but costs a lot of money.

Beginners, as a rule, combine 1-2 drugs (usually steroids). Professionals use more complex combinations and high dosages. As a rule, we are talking about a combination of 3-4 steroid drugs, insulin and growth hormone at the same time (plus some minor additions).

Nutrition, daily routine and caloric intake of a natural athlete

You can gain weight without chemicals if you adhere to the rules of the training process and push through the natural limit of muscle growth with stress. But there are a number of other important aspects that a straight man must take into account when pumping without steroids.

1. Homemade food, products.

Without following a diet, the athlete will be defeated before the start of the fight.
Muscles need to grow from something. Food is the nutritional base for muscle fibers. Easily digestible protein of animal and plant origin forms the basis of an athlete’s diet. Primary products:
» lean poultry (chicken breast, turkey); " fish; " cottage cheese; " egg white; » cereals, legumes and nuts (buckwheat, quinoa, lentils, almonds).

For a high-quality gain of muscle mass, it is important for the athlete not to exceed the daily calorie intake of meals. Excess calories, especially carbohydrates, can lead to an increase in subcutaneous fat, not just muscle.

2. Sports nutrition, supplements.

A natural without anabolic steroids, but with high-quality nutrition and a disciplined training process, only needs protein and vitamin and mineral supplements. They act as an addition to the overall race for muscle growth. Protein powder mixture can be added to smoothies. Other sports nutrition does not promote progress in muscle building.

3. Recovery, rest.

It is possible for a straight man to get pumped up without anabolic steroids, but not through daily training. Exhausting your body with exercise every day will not lead to anything good. But such work will ensure overwork. After a concentrated workout in the gym, the body needs a period of time to recover.

After hard work, muscles require rest for up to 48 hours. You can train every other day, but if the basic exercises were heavy and the working weight increased, it is better to take a break for two days. And after full recovery, return to classes.

Dosage and regimen of methane intake

Dosage and regimen of methane intake

The drug is taken both in a single version and as part of a complex course of several steroids.

In this case, the dosage is taken from the average permissible dose of tablets per day.

  1. If there are no visible results from the athlete’s body, the amount of the drug taken is increased to a maximum of 30 mg per day or it is replaced with an analogue. Excess increases the likelihood of negative events.
  2. The simplest scheme for consuming methane is a five-day week with a sixth day off:
  • intake occurs in equal quantities 2-3 times a day;
  • Days 1 and 2 to prevent allergic reactions, take 10 mg/day;
  • To lower estrogen levels, enzymatic aromatase inhibitors are introduced from the second week.

During the period of use of the substance, it is recommended to maintain stable hormonal levels and additional intake of choleretic agents.

  1. The duration of the course should be about 6 weeks, after which prophylaxis is carried out using antiestrogens with hepatoprotectors.

Doctors recommend that you donate blood for testing before and after the course. This allows you to promptly identify abnormalities in the body and eliminate the negative consequences.

The first course of methane and its correct dosage

An athlete who decides to use the drug must understand that its use in any case will cause side effects on the liver.

  1. A person not only with a medical education, but also with extensive practice, taking into account the characteristics of the athlete’s body and the functioning of his hormonal system, should plan the course and prescribe dosages.
  2. For people who have no experience in bodybuilding and are under the age of 21, taking methane is pointless. In other cases:
  • per day, take from 5 to 20 mg per day;
  • if the dosage exceeds 10 mg, then it is divided into 2 doses.
  1. Experts recommend that beginners, before starting to use anabolic steroids, try to build muscle mass using traditional methods.

Dosage calculation based on the pyramid principle is not allowed. A fixed dose is required. An unstable amount leads to addiction in the body, after which it stops responding to the substance.

Training program for a straight man

Muscle mass without farming comes after systematic training with a properly designed program. You can train maximum 3-4 times a week. Duration within one hour.

Below is an example of a training program for a natural. Each exercise is performed in 3-4 approaches, repetitions from 6 to 10. Be sure to do one to warm up before performing working approaches.

Monday (1st day)

1. ; 2. Leg bending in the simulator; 3. Leg extension in the simulator; 4. Standing calf raise. .

Saturday (4th day)

1. Weighted dips; 2. Bench press; 3. Seated dumbbell press; 4. .

It is possible to gain weight without harm to your health; the main thing is to take into account all the components and not forget about the nuances. For example, about quality sleep. The duration of night rest for an athlete is 8-10 hours. The best time to fall asleep is from 22.00 to 24.00. During a sound and healthy sleep, the body is restored, and the muscles gain long-awaited volumes.

Short workouts, weight progression, lots of protein foods and good, long sleep. “Soviet Sport” tells how to pump up muscles “in kind”, without the use of pharmaceutical support.

The basis of the training is the base

Some fitness trainers oppose the emphasis on compound exercises in beginner training. In their opinion, the “base” is dangerous for injury, and it is better to replace it with a variety of isolated exercises that provide pumping (pumping) and the opportunity to work individual muscles.

World champion bench presser Brooks Kubik, author of Training Dinosaurs, calls such trainers “rosy-cheeked kids from chrome gyms.” “The problem is that a natural novice lifter won't get much benefit from, say, concentrated bicep curls. No matter how many times he does them, his biceps will grow only slightly, writes Kubik. — First of all, the emphasis in natural training should be on basic exercises: squats, pull-ups, various rows and barbell presses. These exercises develop muscles comprehensively. And, obviously, if you grow such large muscle groups as your back and legs, then your biceps will grow along with them.”

Compound exercises—especially deadlifts and squats—do carry the risk of injury. However, with proper technique, judicious weight increases, and proper warm-up and cool-down, this risk can be minimized.

First recovery - then training

“There’s no point in following ‘champion’ bodybuilding programs that suggest training 5-6 times a week,” says Stuart McRobert, author of Think. Bodybuilding without steroids." — These programs can work well for a “chemical” athlete, because with “chemistry” he needs less time to recover. A champion program from a magazine will quickly push a natural muscleman into overtraining.”

McRobert believes that the best training program for a natural athlete is a program of three workouts or even two workouts per week (with an emphasis on compound exercises). If recovery is poor, this cycle can be extended - up to three training sessions every two weeks.

“Muscles grow not in the gym, but after it. If you go to the gym too often, your muscles won't have time to recover: you'll destroy the foundation on which your mass is supposed to grow,” says McRobert.

You should go to the gym only when the pain and fatigue after the last workout have passed: “An indicator that you are ready is your desire to go and lift heavy weights again.”

Progression of scales

“There is nothing more disheartening than a person who lifts the same barbell weight year after year. Big muscles make big weights, writes Randal Strossen, author of the Super Squat technique. “Increasing working weights is a necessary component of training for natural athletes.”

Add weight to key compound exercises as soon as you can do the set number of reps with the same weight. If you feel that the increase is difficult for you (the psychological factor also plays a significant role here), alternate between hard and light workouts. On heavy ones, strive to take on a new weight and work as efficiently as possible. On light ones - drop the working weights by 20-25% and work on technique and more repetitions.

When you are faced with the inability to increase working weights further, move on to load cycling. Read examples of simple cycles in the materials of “Soviet Sport”

More protein!

Protein is the main builder of muscle tissue. Most modern bodybuilding techniques agree: to grow muscle mass, an athlete must consume an average of 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. In other words, to calculate your daily “protein” requirement, multiply your own weight by two.

Choose foods rich in protein. Among them are chicken breast, cottage cheese, and cereals. Have 3-4 full meals a day and 1-2 snacks. Use protein shakes—pre-mixed or homemade.

“It is important to have a constant supply of protein so that the body does not lack it,” writes Joe Weider, the trainer of most bodybuilders of the “golden era.” “For muscle growth, eat or snack every 2 hours.”

Sleep 8 hours a day

“It’s impossible to imagine how many natural athletes have failed in their training simply because they didn’t get enough sleep!” says Dr. Ken Leistner, an expert with Ironman and Muscular Development publications.

Along with proper nutrition, getting 8 hours of sleep every day is the best way to recover and gain muscle mass. If you exercise naturally, you cannot ignore the lack of sleep: adjust your daily routine so that you get enough sleep. If possible, sleep during the day - at least 15-20 minutes. Progress in strength training will not be slow in coming.

Many bodybuilders take “chemistry” for quick achievements in sports. But there are also those who want to achieve everything naturally, without steroids. Is it possible?

Superset program

A superset is training two opposite muscle groups located side by side, without resting one after another at the same time.

This allows you to load the muscles 2 times more powerfully with a decrease in rest time. The main advantage is that a huge flow of blood is sent to the muscles, which carries 2 times more nutrients, which has a positive effect on muscle growth.

It is very important to reduce rest between exercises to a minimum, otherwise all effectiveness is lost and the superset turns into ordinary 2 separate exercises. Ideally, there should be virtually no rest at all; to do this, prepare 2 pieces of equipment in advance for training the planned muscle groups.

Basic rules for straight men

  1. Nutrition.
    Gaining mass without steroids depends very much on how the athlete eats. This also applies to other achievements. You should create a specific schedule according to which you will eat at least five times a day. Next, calculate your daily protein intake for each meal. The diet should include foods such as meat and cottage cheese, fish and chicken. Many athletes use sports supplements to replenish protein reserves.
  2. Workout.
    It's quite difficult to train without steroids. You should definitely make it a rule to constantly increase working weights. But there is a danger of overtraining; the body does not have time to recover from one training session to another. Overtraining itself goes away only after a three-week rest. Many people face another problem - this is the Plateau, a period when the muscles have stopped and do not grow further, no matter how many workouts and what level of difficulty they are. In this case, many athletes give up, become disappointed, and even quit training. You must always go towards your intended goal, without fear of difficulties along the way. This is the only way you will achieve the desired results.
  3. Is it possible to get pumped up without steroids? Yes, but rest
    . If you feel tired or have a headache, or maybe you are not in the mood, then it is better not to train that day. As a result of training in such a state, you will become even more tired and will not achieve any results from performing the exercises. It is necessary to get into proper rest and sleep mode. Then you will be energetic and cheerful, you will have a desire to play sports.

Why are nitrogen donors used in bodybuilding: the benefits of supplements in sports

The action of nitric oxide is aimed at increasing strength and endurance during the training process, as well as helping to restore muscles for the next workout. This compound increases blood volume in the muscles, enriching them with oxygen and more necessary substances for growth.

But you need to understand that to get the maximum effect with the supplement, you need to consume a sufficient amount of biological substances involved in anabolism.

Nitric oxide allows you to increase the intensity and number of workouts, and such workouts will actually produce results and not lead to overtraining, since the muscles will be well nourished.

If an athlete does not recover before the next workout, nitric oxide will definitely help with this and also nourish the muscles with all the necessary substances! During intense exercise, oxygen begins to be consumed in the muscles, after which lactic acid begins to enter the muscles, as a result of which the muscles weaken and fatigue appears. This muscle fatigue is familiar to every athlete and manifests itself as a burning sensation during exercise.

A study was also conducted in which its fat-burning effect was established. Nitric oxide, like L-carnitine, converts fats into energy and also affects glucose. Athletes taking a nitric oxide donor supplement used glucose as an energy source at a faster rate. Those who take these supplements experience intense pumping during and after exercise. Nitric oxide helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure and contraction frequency. Among other things, men have improved erections while taking the drug.

Nitric oxide is found in foods such as:

  • Watermelon.
  • Turmeric.
  • Hot peppers.

By the way, foods rich in nitrates and vegetables grown with nitrate fertilizers increase the amount of nitric oxide in the body.

Naturalist and chemist - what's the difference?

Firstly, the process of influencing the DNA of cells with information about protein synthesis in athletes taking steroids occurs faster and in greater volume.
While taking chemotherapy, the rate of recovery of muscles damaged by training is higher, and it becomes possible to overcome the physiological ceiling. The workouts of those who take steroids are more impressive and more frequent. Thanks to the great stimulation of the necessary receptors, muscle mass growth occurs quickly and in large quantities. A person who wants to gain weight without anabolic steroids produces a certain amount of anabolic hormones in response to training - they perform the same functions as anabolic steroids. But the size of the impact in this case is much smaller than that of a chemist.

Once an athlete reaches a physiological ceiling in muscle and strength growth, further progress is observed due to the fact that the influence of the natural amount of hormones is limited. It is necessary to increase the volume of the lungs - the amount of hormones in the blood. In addition, you should pause after exhaling and then inhale again - this is sports periodization.

How quickly can you get pumped up without steroids?

There are various factors that influence how quickly you gain muscle mass.

  1. Your experience.
    Those new to bodybuilding experience faster muscle growth than experienced athletes, but then it slows down as you reach your genetic limit.
  2. Own hormonal background.
    The level of hormones for increasing muscle mass can be different, depending on what kind of training regimen. If you don’t pump your legs or lift heavy weights, then testosterone growth is impossible.
  3. Genetics.
    We are talking about the normal distribution of genetic predisposition. Some are given by nature to develop their muscles, others do not have such maximum potential. Genetics influences hormonal balance. The same applies to the structure of the musculoskeletal system. Despite the fact that taking steroids can level the odds to some extent, a genetically ungifted athlete will never be a champion in bodybuilding. There are people who tend to build a lot of muscle, and there are those who will always have problems building muscle.
  4. Muscle memory.
    If you decide to quit training and then lose ten kilograms of weight, then by returning to exercise after some time, you will be able to gain this weight much faster - literally in a couple of months.

It is not necessary to use steroids for muscle growth, but it is very possible to use sports nutrition as an assistant.
What is needed to gain muscle mass without steroids?

  1. A special program based on basic exercises.
  2. Intensive training.
  3. High protein diet.
  4. The right training regimen.
  5. Strict daily routine.
  6. A gym partner to help you with heavy weight exercises.

Instructions for gaining mass without steroids

  1. It is necessary to provide a nutritional base for the muscles. Every day, a bodybuilder needs approximately 2 grams of easily digestible protein per kilogram of weight. Pay attention to chicken breast, cottage cheese and fish. You should definitely add nuts and boiled eggs to the list.
  2. It is necessary to perform work aimed at a large muscle group. Perform basic exercises to work the maximum number of muscle fibers in a minimum period of time. These are bench and standing presses, as well as squats and deadlifts. The best exercise is a barbell clean and a weightlifting clean and jerk.
  3. It is necessary to work with free weights.
  4. Muscles need rest - it’s better not to train every day. It takes about two days for muscle recovery. Therefore, when working with heavy weights, even one day of rest between training sessions is not enough. Muscle fibers must have time to fully recover.
  5. It's good to train together. To grow muscle, you will have to train to the point of exhaustion. When your strength is running low, your partner will back you up and help you remove the barbell from your chest.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids. Still mineral water is best. The thing is that along with sweat, the athlete loses a lot of fluid. Microelements are removed from the body, the acid-base balance of the body is disrupted, joint function is disrupted, and muscle growth is reduced. During intense training, you should drink three to four liters of water per day.
  7. It is necessary to give rest not only to the muscles, but to the entire body. Therefore, eight hours of sleep is mandatory for you. Fall asleep before midnight, do not break your sports regime. Sitting at the computer all night and strong muscles are incompatible.

About the physiological differences between naturalists and chemists in bodybuilding in this video:
Evgeniy Grigorievich asks through the paid messaging system: “Hello, SPORT SCIENCE. In our world, everything is about money. Even now I have paid and you most likely will not miss my question. As for me, a 35 year old man, I can pump up quickly and effortlessly. I’m a businessman, I don’t have any free time and I don’t want to bust my ass and I don’t need chemistry. I bet my friend that I could.”

Hello and thanks for your support. You are our dear, Evgeniy Grigorievich. You are a golden man. In order to pump up quickly, without effort and chemicals, you will need a very powerful pump and a tube of Vaseline. We think that in early childhood you or your friends might have indulged in inflating frogs through a straw, so the principle itself need not be explained in detail.

In this world, money decides ALMOST everything. The key word is almost. There are processes that you cannot influence even as the head of the richest and most influential dynasty - and David Rockefeller, who underwent 7 heart transplants and 2 kidney transplants, still could not defeat death, although he extended his life to 101 years.

As you can see, Evgeny Grigorievich, not everything has its price. Therefore, no matter how much you want, you will not be able to pump up quickly, without effort and chemicals. In any case, you will have to work hard in the gym, clearly structure your diet and daily routine so that your body has time to recover after physical exertion. You can speed up this process by hiring a qualified personal trainer and nutritionist, but you will still have to put in the time and effort to achieve your goal.

In this situation, there are 2 options - either tear your ass in the gym, or do the same with the help of a pump.


Mayhem asks: “Hello, Sport science. I enjoy your videos and their useful content. I encountered the following problem: when playing sports, namely bodybuilding, after each exercise, my stomach hurts in the stomach area, diarrhea and weakness for several days, after which everything is fine. I took a break for a month, went to the doctor, was prescribed Interol, took it for a week, and after the break I started walking again. After class, my stomach hurt, I didn’t work out in the gym for long, about forty minutes, I didn’t lift heavy weights, I got well into it, but the next morning everything became bad. Very. I’m taking Interol again, but I can’t live without classes. How can I solve my stomach problem? I have already changed the program, even when lifting a small weight I feel pain. Doctors say that I have gastritis, but not a word about when it will go away. I’ve been training for three years, during which time I’ve gained muscle mass; before that, my physique was extremely thin. I don’t want to lose what I’ve earned through hard work, I’m 18 years old. Thanks in advance for your answer."

Hello. The most important thing is not to panic. If you have already visited the doctors, swallowed the tube and you have been given a clear diagnosis, then half the work is done.

By the way, according to unofficial statistics, girls go through this procedure much easier. If you know what I mean.

In addition to taking the prescribed medications, you also need to follow the diet that was prescribed to you. If this has not been done, then it makes sense to visit another specialist. In this case, a clearly prescribed diet is one of the key stages of treatment and there is absolutely no way without it. In addition, during this period it is better to replace the loads with more gentle ones. This does not mean that you need to completely give up sports, but in principle you will not be able to engage in it fully while sitting on a prescribed diet. Therefore, during the treatment period, you can go jogging (without fanaticism) and walk in the fresh air. Give your body the opportunity to fully heal. In any case, you will not be able to fully grow until you are completely cured. Don't be afraid to lose the weight you've gained. It will be possible to return it very quickly. Therefore, set your priorities correctly. We sincerely wish you a speedy recovery.

Nikita Frost asks: “How does abstaining from sex affect strength performance.”

This is how we understand the love of hardware. One that is even alarming. Of course, you won’t be full of sex, you won’t get fucked with borscht, but a barbell, no matter how wonderful it is, won’t offer either one or the other.

In the course of numerous experiments, scientists have come to the conclusion that during abstinence, testosterone levels reach their peak value on the 7th day after refusing sex. Then its level gradually decreases, returning to average physiological values. Therefore, taking breaks longer than 7 days makes no sense. If we talk about protein loss, then they are so insignificant that they can simply be neglected. Immediately after sex, the central nervous system is discharged, and the overall level of aggression decreases. This means that immediately after intense sexual exploits you will not be able to conduct a truly hardcore workout, but if after working out in the gym you still have the strength and desire, then you can please your other half. Or a hand. As they say, to each his own.

Arthur Baloyan asks: “Hello SportScience, thank you for your answer in the last video! I have another question: Is it possible to combine heavy weights and high repetitions? For example, if you do biceps curls in 4 sets, then the first two will be in 5-8 repetitions, and the rest in 13-16. I just often hear arguments about which is better.”

Hello. It all depends on whether your body has enough recovery capacity to digest the physical stress you receive during training. For example, we typically recommend performing exercises in the 8-12 rep range. At the same time, for reasons unknown to us, many people believe that 12 repetitions should be performed with light weights. Obviously, a power pump is something out of science fiction for some people.

In any case, bodybuilding is an extremely individual sport, and therefore there is not and cannot be an ideal guide to action that will suit everyone. We encourage you to experiment until you get the most out of it. Perhaps this combination will give the best results for you. Go for it.

Mikhail Kiselev asks: “Sportsscience hello again! I kept wanting to ask, how do you feel about Seluyanov’s approach to gaining mass? I'm specifically talking about static dynamics! I haven’t tried it on myself, I’m an adherent of conservative views like you) but there are also contradictions between his research (I didn’t look for it) from his words, and your recommendations! Thank you!!!"

Hello. We find the following fact extremely funny. At the time when Yuri Spasokukotsky spoke about the benefits of working in a shortened, incomplete amplitude, the entire fitness world laughed at him.

However, when Professor Seluyanov began talking about the same thing, all the athletes as one began to popularize this method of training.

If we talk specifically about work within the amplitude, then in our opinion, in some exercises, which include the bench press at an angle, such work takes place in order to focus the work on the target muscle group and minimize it in the assistant muscles.

However, in our opinion, long-term work lasting up to 50 seconds at a similar amplitude with the aim of acidifying muscles for athletes who do not use pharmacological support will have a negligible effect. In addition, at the moment we have not been able to find a single study that would document the effectiveness of statodynamic training in terms of gaining muscle mass and increasing strength indicators during natural training. Therefore, we believe that the effectiveness of this method is EXTREMELY SMALL.

Comrade Bibik asks: “Hello, Sport Science! Here’s a question for you: can calf exercises, for example, such as calf raises, be a prevention of varicose veins? Or, on the contrary, can they provoke it?”

Hello. If we are talking about a multi-repetition training regime for the calf muscles, then the pumped blood will somehow expand the capillaries and blood vessels. This can indeed lead to varicose veins, but only if you have a genetic predisposition to it.

To reduce the likelihood of varicose veins, you can use compression garments and end your workout with dynamic exercise, such as cycling, to disperse stagnant blood.

Dima Demidov asks: “Hello. I would like to know your opinion about long-distance triathlon. I am 31 years old and have been involved in various sports all my life. I spent more than one year in a rocking chair. When I started doing triathlon, I stopped calling jocks athletes. The difference in health is immeasurably large. I am full of energy, sleep well, and recover quickly. Your performance has improved, just like a superhero. In addition, there was some positivity and a feeling of happiness in life;) they say cyclic sports influence this. What do you think about this?”

Hello. Each sport is aimed at developing certain physical qualities. Therefore, in our opinion, trying to figure out which sport is cooler means a waste of time.

If you have found a sport that you enjoy at this particular moment, then it is foolish to refuse it, especially if it has an extremely positive effect on your health.

If we talk about heart remodeling under the influence of such physical activity, then according to the results of ongoing research, which you can easily find in the public domain if you wish, triathlon is on par with such a popular sport as crossfit. To which we personally have an extremely negative attitude.

If you want to learn about this in more detail, you can do this by watching the video, the link to which, according to tradition, will be in the description of this issue.

However, we once again emphasize that high-performance sports, regardless of its direction, are never combined with health. The same thing, for example, applies to professional bodybuilding.

Write in the comments how you feel about CrossFit in general and its effect on the heart in particular?

How to pump up quickly, without effort and chemicals updated: October 25, 2017 by: rorshax

Is it possible to pump up without chemicals? It’s a question of honor for every bodybuilder. Agree, it is much more pleasant to realize that a muscular, sculpted figure is the result of one’s own efforts, and not a consequence of the action of substances, and not always useful ones. Usually, in pursuit of rapid muscle growth, athletes consider the option of taking chemical drugs.

Why haven't you read this yet? Well, this is in vain...

What is chemistry?

Some people use this term to mean all kinds of supplements, and even sports nutrition. But most athletes argue that protein should not be classified in this category.

Chemistry is more like anabolic steroids. With their help, even the thinnest “wimp” is able to modify his body beyond recognition. Therefore, many beginners cannot avoid the temptation and become heavily addicted to these drugs. Although, it is possible and even necessary to pump up without chemicals. Of course, your body will not look like some bodybuilders. But your conscience will be clear and your body will be healthier.

Drop sets

A drop set is performing a load on a specific muscle area while constantly dropping weights.

Let's get straight to the point and look at a clear example - after completing the warm-up sets, performing a seated dumbbell press with a decent weight after completing the planned 8 repetitions, take the dumbbells 20-25% lighter and do 8 repetitions again and reduce the weight according to this scheme until there is almost 5 kg of weight left in your hands. In this case, there should be no rest between weight loss.

Pay special attention not only to the number of repetitions, but also to the quality of execution; performing each repetition, you should feel how the muscle is filled with blood, how it is worked out and swells.

Believe me, after this method your deltoids will be torn, and your weight will be 5 kg. will seem catastrophically overwhelming and difficult, but the muscles will be worked 100%.

How to pump up without chemicals

If you decide not to use anabolic steroids, then get ready for a long, difficult journey. Effective and correct training is the key to your success. All this necessarily comes with a diet - you need to eat a lot of meat and fish, eggs and dairy products, vegetables and fruits every day. Normal healthy sleep will help the body quickly adapt to stress and not become overtired.

If you decide to go to the gym and exercise on machines, this will also actively contribute to the growth of your muscle mass. A set of exercises is developed for each individual, but it necessarily includes an exercise with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, elements of deadlift, and abdominal pumping. Do everything conscientiously and then you will quickly pump up without chemicals.

How to pump up quickly with chemistry

All bodybuilders know that gaining muscle mass of 20-25 kg is within the power of everyone. If things don’t go any further and are stuck at a dead end, which often happens, many can’t stand it and turn to the help of steroid chemistry.

The most famous and popular chemicals are:

  • Methyltestosterone;
  • Methandrostenolone;
  • Phenobolin;
  • Retabolil.

If you decide to take them, and thereby quickly pump up with the help of chemistry, then be sure to consult with your doctors regarding dosage, side effects and consequences. Even if doctors have given you the go-ahead to take steroids, you must remain under their control at all times.


This sports supplement is not intended for use by people under eighteen years of age, or if they are pregnant or breastfeeding. And nitric oxide donors should not be used by people with individual intolerance. Nitric oxide supplementation is contraindicated in people taking nitrates for chest pain, medications for erectile dysfunction.

If you have blood pressure problems, you should consult your doctor before taking the supplement.

Nitric oxide medications should not be taken for longer than eight weeks.

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