Course on drying and relief for men: how to dry properly

What recommendations should be followed during drying? Selection of steroids, their combinations and dosages. Is it worth using clenbuterol? A cutting course is a special regimen of taking steroids necessary to eliminate accumulated fat and achieve the expected muscle definition. Athletes who have already gained the required weight switch to this course, and all that remains is to “sculpt” the ideal figure. But the difficulty is that choosing steroids for cutting is a very difficult task. It is important to pay attention not only to the effectiveness of each individual drug, but also to the possibility of combining them with each other. The issue of health safety also plays an important role.

Courses of steroids to obtain relief[edit | edit code]



The concept of a “cutting course” is very arbitrary, since the fundamental differences lie not so much in the construction of the course itself, but in the diet and training. Almost all “mass gathering” courses are relevant for drying, subject to several amendments. This article will look at the safest possible approaches as complexity and effectiveness increase. Vast experience has been accumulated in the application of these schemes in many Western and domestic forums:


Choice of drug[edit | edit code]

As you know, anabolic steroids differ from each other not only in their anabolic and androgenic properties, but also in their ability to trigger the breakdown of fat. Winstrol and Anavar are considered classic drugs for relief (increasing venous delineation, increasing muscle density and elasticity). They have virtually no effect on muscle mass, but are able to quickly burn fat while completely preserving muscle mass. The use of these steroids presupposes the presence of sufficient muscle mass.

A safe option is a drug with a complex mechanism of action - Proviron. In fact, this is the safest choice, but the effectiveness is comparatively low.

In addition, testosterone, Primobolan, equipoise (boldenone), trenbolone and masteron are often used, which further increase muscle size. A new trend is growth hormone and peptides.

Aromatase inhibitors also promote definition by suppressing estrogen levels.

Who is this course suitable for?

For men over 25 years of age to get sculpted muscles. If the fat fold on the abdomen (2 cm to the left of the navel) or thigh (front surface, middle) is more than 3.5 cm, then first you need to lose weight



turinabol for drying

Based on reviews of Turinabol, we can say that it is the leader of this review. The steroid is very popular in bodybuilding. Athletes use it to gain high-quality lean muscles, as well as during drying.

It does not retain fluid in the muscles, does not cause side effects associated with aromatization, and does not aromatize. The use of Turinabol during drying allows you to preserve both muscles and strength indicators. And with the right diet, you can gain several kilograms of muscle.

The dosage of the steroid when used solo, both for a cutting course and for muscle gain, is practically the same - 40-50 milligrams is enough to obtain the desired effect.

The duration of use is from six to eight weeks. During post-course therapy, Clomid or Tamoxifen is used. The first drug is more expensive, but it is less toxic, which will ensure good health during recovery.

Solo courses for drying[edit | edit code]

A weekOxandroloneTamoxifen
150 mg/day
250 mg/day
350 mg/day
450 mg/day
550 mg/day
650 mg/day
750 mg/day
  • Anavar (Anavar)
    Oxandrolone, Oxandrin, Anatrophyll, Lipidex, Lonavar, Vasorome. Take Anavar 3 times a day: 20 mg: in the morning, 20 mg at lunch and 10 mg in the evening (before 18:00). Do not use steroid drugs for 3 months after the course. For an additional fat-burning effect, Yu. Bombela recommends including Clenbuterol or other fat burners in the course.
  • Tamoxifen
    - despite the fact that anavar slightly suppresses its own hormonal levels, post-cycle recovery is advisable. Taking tamoxifen begins 2 days after the end of the course.
A weekWinstrol (table)Tamoxifen
130 mg/day
230 mg/day
330 mg/day
430 mg/day
530 mg/day
630 mg/day
730 mg/day
  • Winstrol (stanozolol)
    . It is more accessible and significantly less expensive than the previous drug. The course is structured in a similar way. To reduce toxicity to the liver, you can use the injection form (50 mg / day), since when taken orally, the entire drug passes through it, while the suspension only partially (from the systemic circulation). Although, on the other hand, the indicated oral dosage is not dangerous to health, while injections are very painful and abscesses develop relatively often.

Tablets of Winstrol can be taken in 2-3 doses (most of them in the first half of the day) on an empty stomach. Optionally, after the cycle you can take hepatoprotectors to restore the liver.

Basic principles of nutrition throughout the entire 12-week cycle.

We will begin AAS therapy with the use of oxymetholone, testosterone, and boldenone. Let’s say our athlete weighs 100 kg, to begin with we give preference to minimalism, so let’s start like this: Oxymetholone 50 mg per day, Testosterone enanthate 500 mg per week, Boldenone U 800 mg per week.

Oxymetholone 50 mg per day for 4 weeks is an excellent drug that will give us the necessary boost at the start while the other drugs are just starting to work, it will reduce our SHBG, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the drugs that are in our stack. 4 weeks, it seems to me, is the very necessary period for which the drug can show its maximum effectiveness.

Testosterone E 500 mg per week, for 6 weeks, well, there’s no need to argue about testosterone, whatever one may say, this is the basis of any AAS course.

Boldenone 800 mg per week for 6 weeks, although many say that the effect of boldenone begins only at 8 - 12 weeks of use, but the effect we need, namely increased appetite, increased endurance, begins already from the 2nd week of use.

Combined courses[edit | edit code]

Winstrol + testosterone[edit | edit code]

Perhaps the most popular and effective combination for drying, which also allows you to increase the volume of lean muscle mass. The balance between muscle growth and fat burning will depend entirely on your diet and training.

A weekWinstrol (table)Testosterone propionateAnastrozoleTamoxifen
130 mg100 mg every other day
230 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
330 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
430 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
530 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
630 mg100 mg every other day0.5 mg every other day
  • Testosterone propionate
    - a short ester allows you to quickly launch anabolism, while the cycle time is significantly reduced. If side effects occur, it is possible to quickly discontinue the drug. It is often possible to reduce the dosage to 50 mg every other day.
  • Aromatase inhibitors
    - required even at low dosages of testosterone, since the level of aromatization of testosterone is high, so there is a need to prevent estrogen side effects (fluid accumulation, gynecomastia, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis). Low dosages of anastrozole are used to maintain the level of estrogen necessary for the body, while further increasing the relief and speeding up recovery. This is confirmed by numerous reviews from Western athletes and qualified specialists. Ideally, taking AIs is carried out under the control of tests (prescribed if estradiol levels are elevated), but it should be remembered that gynecomastia is often irreversible. An indirect sign of excessive estrogen suppression is a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction, in which case the dosage of AI should be reduced.
  • Tamoxifen
    is the basis of post-cycle therapy, which begins 3-5 days after the final injection of propionate. Tamoxifen can be replaced with the less toxic clomiphene or toremifene.
  • Hepatoprotectors for liver restoration
A weekWinstrol (table)Testosterone enanthate (cypionate)AnastrozoleGonadotropinTamoxifen
1500 mg/week
2500 mg/week
3500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
4500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day
530 mg500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250IU twice a week
630 mg500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250IU twice a week
730 mg500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250IU twice a week
830 mg500 mg/week0.5 mg every other day250IU twice a week
930 mg0.5 mg every other day250IU twice a week
1030 mg

Propionate is much more often used in drying courses, but the effectiveness and action actually correspond to enanthate. The differences between these esters are only in the half-life and ease of administration. Propionate is more expensive, has an inconvenient administration schedule, causes painful injections and even post-injection abscesses, so there is every reason to replace it with testosterone enanthate or cypionate with a slight modification of the course. It is acceptable to use Sustanon.

An increase in cycle duration dictates the need for the use of gonadotropin. Post-cycle therapy with tamoxifen (or its analogue) begins 1-2 days after finishing taking Winstrol. By this point, most of the testosterone will have been eliminated from the body. You can also take hepatoprotectors to restore the liver.

Primobolan or Boldenone + testosterone[edit | edit code]

This combination can be used for both weight gain and highly effective drying.

A weekBoldenone or PrimobolanTestosterone enanthateAnastrozoleGonadotropinTamoxifen
1400 mg/week250 mg/week
2400 mg/week250 mg/week
3400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
4400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
5400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
6400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days
7400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days250 IU, twice a week
8400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days250 IU, twice a week
9400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days250 IU, twice a week
10400 mg/week250 mg/week0.5 mg every 3 days250 IU, twice a week
110.5 mg every 3 days250 IU, twice a week
  • Primobolan
    is a relatively safe drug with a high anabolic index. Many report the ability to enhance venous definition.
  • Boldenone (Equipoise)
    - can be used instead of Primobolan, but it should be noted that it significantly increases appetite.
  • Testosterone enanthate
    can be replaced with cypionate or Sustanon or Omnadren.
  • In this case, aromatase inhibitors may not be taken, since the dosage of testosterone is low. However, you need to have them on hand and start taking them at the first signs of gynecomastia (itching and swelling of the nipples).


This weight loss drug is used in medicine to treat bronchial asthma. Recently, Clenbuterol has found wide use in fitness and bodybuilding. The fact is that this drug has the ability to burn fat cells. That is why the drug is often used by athletes for weight loss. Clenbuterol courses for cutting often include ketotifen and thyroxine. This speeds up the fat burning process.

cutting steroid

This product is not related to anabolic steroids. The drug belongs to the group of adrenergic agonists, which affect the body by activating the sympathetic system.

The course of "Clenbuterol" for drying should last no more than 1.5 months. With longer use, the effect of the drug decreases. In order to avoid this, you should use Ketotifen. It prevents a decrease in effectiveness and makes it easier to endure the first days of the course, when negative effects appear. The daily dosage of Ketotifen is 1 or 2 micrograms.

Start using Clenbuterol with small dosages, increasing the dose by 20 mcg every day until the optimal dosage is determined. It is not necessary to reach the maximum dose. You can stop at 80 mcg. In this case, you should focus on your own feelings.

Training program

The drying program necessarily includes cardio training and strength exercises involving the muscles of the whole body. If a man does not work out some muscles, then the body will burn them first during a calorie deficit, considering them an “unnecessary load.”

Strength exercises

During cutting, strength exercises should be different from training during the period of mass gain. A man should reduce the weight lifted by about a third, reduce the number of repetitions by 10–15%, and, on the contrary, increase the number of sessions (approaches) by 2 times. The break between sessions will also have to be shorter.

The optimal program for fat loss will be a program of 5-6 exercises, performed in 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions (the break between sets is 50-60 seconds). Daily exercise should not last more than 50 minutes (if you exercise longer, testosterone levels decrease, which reduces the benefits of exercise for the muscles).

How to dry properly for men: review of courses and programs for relief

Example of a weekly body drying sports program (suitable for boys and girls):

  • Monday. The program should include exercises for the chest, triceps, and abdominal muscles: barbell rows, dips, bench press, and butterfly curls.
  • Tuesday. Pay attention to the back muscles, biceps: pull-ups, standing barbell lifts, arm curls with dumbbells, back hyperextension (lifting the body from a lying position on the stomach).
  • Wednesday. A day of strength training for the leg muscles, abs: squats with a barbell, exercises with straightening and raising the legs, lifting the legs while hanging on the bar, pumping the abs from a lying position.
  • Thursday. Muscle recovery, complete rest from training.
  • Friday. On this day of drying, you should work on the muscles of the chest, triceps, and abs: bench presses and dumbbell raises, seated French press, pulling dumbbells back from an inclined position, pumping the abs from the bench.
  • Saturday. Perform exercises on the muscles of the back and biceps: upper row on the machine, lifting dumbbells in an inclined position, curling arms with dumbbells while standing.
  • Sunday. Abs, back and leg training: leg presses, lunges, leg curls on a machine, lifting the torso from a bench (straight and inclined)

During training, it is important to monitor the sensations in the muscles - they are the best indication of whether the body is drying properly. For example, when doing barbell curls towards the end of the last sessions, a man should feel a moderate burning sensation in the working muscle:

  • If you don’t feel any burning or tension at all, then you should add a couple of sessions and shorten the break between them.
  • If a man feels a strong burning sensation during training, it means that a lot of anaerobic glucose glycolysis is being produced, which is not very useful when drying (it inhibits the process of fat oxidation and interferes with drying the body). In this case, you should reduce the weight of the dumbbells or barbells and remove a couple of sessions.

When a man has naturally flabby muscles, a slow metabolism, short arms, wide hips, and the fat layer grows rapidly even with high physical activity, then his body type is called endomorphic. Here it is more difficult to dry the body and pump up the muscles, so the training program for an endomorph should be more intense: include 2-3 more approaches than described above. The rest period between sessions will have to be reduced to 30–40 seconds.

Aerobic exercise

When cutting, aerobic training (cardio) must be performed, but do not focus on it. For example, strength training should be 40–50 minutes a day, and aerobic exercise should be no more than 15–20 minutes. If you overdo it, fat burning will be accompanied by a decrease in muscle fibers, so you won’t be able to achieve a chiseled body contour.

How to dry properly for men: review of courses and programs for relief

For proper drying, a man needs to monitor the pace of cardio exercises performed. It is not the speed and amplitude of movements that is important, but the pulse. It is calculated as follows:

  • The upper limit of beats per minute is determined, beyond which during training it is dangerous for the body (especially for the heart muscle). Here is the formula: 205.8 – (0.685 x age).
  • There is a range at which fat loss in a man begins: 60% - 70% of the upper limit. With lower readings, there will be no effect from aerobic training.
  • The optimal heart rate range for cardio training is calculated when drying takes place: 80–90% of the upper limit. This is the number a man should stick to to lose weight.

As for the type of training when drying, regular jogging and exercise on an exercise bike are best suited for muscles. But martial arts, sprints and intense swimming should not be used when drying.

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