Deca-dik is an abbreviated name for the side effects of taking nandrolone decanoate. In this article we will talk about its side effects, in particular, a significant increase in progesterone and prolactin during the course. It is these two hormones, acting in concert, that lead to the formation of gynecomastia, decreased libido, and the onset of the so-called “bad mood.”

It would seem that it is possible to avoid the side effects of nandrolone by using its short version - Nandrolone phenylpropionate. And yet, in practice, as it turned out, even 200-300 mg of nandrolone phenylpropionate per week led to almost the same increase in prolactin and progesterone as the long version of nandrolone.

That is why there is only one way to avoid the side effects of Deca - by reducing prolactin and progesterone. When we talk about such a concept as “progestogenic activity,” we need to understand that we are talking about both a serious increase in prolactin and a significant increase in progesterone. This problem can be solved by using prolactin and progesterone inhibitors during the nandroln course. However, in this case, we face a dilemma. The question arises: what dosages of inhibitors should be used to reduce these hormones? Of course, all dosages are selected experimentally. In the case of prolactin, in most cases 1 tablet of cabergoline (Dostinex, Bergolak, Agalates) per week is enough. In this case, the first cabergoline tablet should be taken on the first day of starting a course of steroids.

As for reducing progesterone, everything is more complicated. The fact is that progesterone is a kind of estradiol antagonist. Thus, the less progesterone in our body, the higher estradiol. Moreover, low progesterone is the cause of decreased libido, as well as an indirect cause of baldness in men. That is why it is possible to reduce progesterone in the body only after it exceeds the highest permissible value in the body. To do this, you need to take a test for both prolactin and progesterone a month after starting the course with nandrolone. From here we can start from there. If progesterone turns out to be elevated, then before the end of the course it makes sense to take half a tablet of Zhenale. Zhenale is used as a contraceptive drug in women. Its function is to sharply and very strongly reduce progesterone, without which a woman is simply unable to become pregnant.

The author of this article does not recommend reducing prolactin with bromocriptine. This drug not only comes with terrible side effects such as vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, but also greatly reduces growth hormone in the body (similar to how tamoxifen reduces IGF - somatomedin in the body). As for the safe dosages of nandrolone (it doesn’t matter whether it’s a short or long version), in the author’s opinion, it should not exceed 500 mg per week. However, everything is subjective. Many athletes do not feel any side effects even on 1 gram of nandrolone, and for some, 300 mg of nandrolone per week is enough to “catch gynecomastia.”

Thus, nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Dic, Retabolil) is not the safest drug in the line of steroids. However, when using cabergoline at the very beginning of the course and adding zhenale in the middle of the course (based on tests), all side effects can be minimized. Dosages of nandrolrn should not exceed 500 mg per week. The use of bromocriptine during a cycle to reduce prolactin is highly undesirable. In order to reduce prolactin, as has already been said many times, it is better to use cabergoline (Dostinex, Agalates, or a cheap analogue Bergolac).

Boldenone as a safe analogue of nadrolone: ​​where is the truth and where is the fiction?

Several years ago, when the domestic range of steroids increased sharply due to increased demand, Boldenone appeared on the market. Everyone who could create a good reputation for this drug. Dr. Luber, indirectly referring to foreign sources, said that boldenone is almost an analogue of nandrolone decaonate. Nikolai Yasinovsky said in one of his interviews that he had not tried anything more powerful than boldenone, trenbolone and check-drops.

Is it really? Is boldenone really as good as nandrolone? Let's try to figure it out. The anabolic index of boldenone is equal to 100% of testosterone. This is a rather small indicator (the same indicator, for example, for the well-known testosterone propioanate), since even for nandrolone decaonate it is equal to 150% of testosterone. And as for the androgenic index, for Deca it is 30%, for Boldenone it is 50%. At the same time, boldenone, unlike nandrolone, does not exhibit progestogenic activity. Moreover, boldenone does not aromatize or have a significant effect on liver function. Thus, along with Primobolan and oxandrolone, it can be called one of the safest steroids that we know.

From the author’s point of view, comparing boldenone with nandrolone is not entirely objective. I would rather compare it to testosterone esters. In the case of boldenone, the androgenic index is two times lower than that of the same testosterone propionate (with equal anabolic indices). However, boldenone is nevertheless a safer drug, since it has virtually no side effects. Thus, based on the effectiveness, nandrolone decaonate is significantly stronger than boldenone, but the latter is nevertheless safer. With boldenone you will never develop gynecomastia and your own hormonal levels will be restored much faster after the course.


How to use

The effect of using the deck is noticeable already from 200 ml per week. Professional athletes sometimes use 800 ml per week. How smart this is is hard to say. Over the past five years, many athletes have begun to abandon nandrolone. Popular bodybuilders claim that this anabolic steroid has outlived its usefulness in terms of productivity.

However, there is fanaticism and the will to win in people, and therefore there are those who want to inject 1000 mg per week to establish new athletic heights. Thanks to Hungary, Deca is also known as “Retabolil”. In European countries and the USA it is known as “Deca-Durabolin”. The effect after injection lasts for 14-20 days.

Read more: Nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin, Retabolil) - course

The drug itself began to be used for medical purposes after heart attacks, operations and dystrophy. In women, the drug activates an increase in hemoglobin and a decrease in calcium. Sometimes the drug will really help a person recover after difficult periods. For example, the drug is injected in minimal doses by actors, stuntmen and even artists.

As for the political component, the IOC declared war on this steroid. The only other side of the coin is that the athlete must look for an alternative to recovery. They resort to using new, unstudied anabolic steroids that actually harm the body.

The decay period is very long, so we advise you not to inject more than once a week. People go to any lengths to get a beautiful, toned body.

How to quickly increase libido and testosterone after a cycle with nandrolone decaonate?

How to quickly increase libido and testosterone after a cycle with nandrolone, what you need to do is get tested for free testosterone, estradiol, prolactin and progesterone after the cycle. Such tests must be taken a month after the course. But if there is no such reserve of time, then you can take it a week after finishing the course of steroids. There is no point in taking tests before this point, since they will be dependent on steroids, which obviously will not leave the blood in two days.

The author of this article believes that there is no point in taking a mountain of tests. It is enough just to donate blood for the tests listed above. In case of elevated estradiol, it will be enough to take tamoxifen for a couple of weeks. You should not suppress estradiol very much (with the same anastrazole), since low estradiol will lead to low libido. Our task is not just to increase testosterone, but at the same time to increase libido.

If during the course the recommendations for the inclusion of cabergoline and jenale during the course were followed, prolactin and progesterone levels after the course will remain normal. As for free testosterone, its indicators, if tested after the first week after the end of the course, will still remain normal. However, we understand that they will one way or another strive for a decline. That is why at this stage it is necessary to add a pack of gonadotropin to post-cycle therapy (1 ampoule every day). Gonadotropin while taking tamoxifen will somehow bring testosterone levels back to normal. After completing the main part of PCT, you need to move on to the second part of PCT: liver cleansing. Two or three packs of Heptral will be quite enough for these purposes.

Side effects and contraindications

In general, Winstrol has no contraindications. When taking the drug, side effects are extremely rare. If the course is compiled correctly, then there are none at all. However, every athlete, especially a beginner, should know that Stanozolol contained in Winstrol can cause certain side effects.

Reviews about the side effects of Stanozolol and methods for eliminating them are as follows:

  • arterial hypertension - eliminated with the help of antihypertensive drugs;
  • increased cholesterol levels in the blood - eliminated by taking Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • injection may be accompanied by painful sensations during the injection;
  • Taking Winstrol tablets has a bad effect on liver function;
  • myocardial hypertrophy - the higher the dose, the greater the risk;
  • headache;
  • muscle spasms.

To support the liver, kidneys and heart, Winstrol should be combined with nutritional supplements that have a corresponding effect.

Side effects of Winstrol in men often manifest themselves in the form of suppression of endogenous testosterone production. A study showed that in healthy men taking 10 mg of Stanozol per day for 2 weeks, testosterone levels decreased by 55%. After completing the course, testosterone levels return to normal within 1-4 months. Secondary use of Winstrol can cause long-term hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. In this case, it will not be possible to do without medical intervention.


general information

Deca Dick is not caused by prolactin, not caused by estrogen, not caused by progesterone, and not because it is 19nor. Nandrolone activates progesterone with 1/20 of the affinity of progesterone, thereby acting as an antagonist in most cases.

Nandrolone has dopamine modulating effects similar but different from trenbolone.

Nandrolone, through modulation of the reward pathway, may attenuate the dopaminergic response.

DHT is not a by-product of nandrolone. DHT can be further metabolized to neurosteroids, which have potent anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. DHN (dihydronandrolone) does have similar metabolites, but they do not have this pharmacology. Nandrolone and testosterone, both exogenous, increase prolactin equally in equal doses in studies.

Nandrolone produces enough E1, which can be converted into E2 naturally by the body. Optimal doses corresponding to natural levels would be around 300 mg/week.

The combination of testosterone and nandrolone = induction of 3b HSD subtype 1, which is involved in the conversion of E1 to E2, thereby testosterone synergistically increases the estrogenic activity of nandrolone. Moral of the story, don't use testosterone. Nandrolone produces DHN as a metabolite via 5-alpha reductase, it acts as a partial agonist. And it competitively displaces DHT from androgenic tissue and in the penis.

DHT counteracts estrogen in androgenic tissues and other sites such as breast tissue. Lack of androgen stimulation by DHN results in symptoms of gynecomastia even with normal estrogen levels (NO, it is not progesterone or prolactin).

DHN can displace DHT and can partially activate androgen receptors in androgen tissues such as the prostate and hair follicles, this can actually reverse prostate hypertrophy and cause hair regrowth.

The penis requires androgenic stimulation, which, unfortunately, cannot be obtained with nandrolone. Therefore, why do people use high doses of testosterone with nandrolone, to neutralize sex-related side effects, the concentration of DHT from testosterone must be significantly higher than DHN from nandrolone so that DHN does not displace DHT from the receptor.

A Brief History of the Creation of Deca Durabolin

The drug was first described in the early sixties. The anabolic steroid began to be actively used for medical purposes two years later. The creation of the steroid was carried out by employees of a Dutch pharmaceutical company. It was then that the steroid received the name Deca Durabolin, and today many people call this any drug based on nandrolone decanoate.

In a short time after its appearance on the market, the anabolic steroid became popular. This applies not only to sports, but also to medicine. It was used to treat a large number of ailments. This continued until 1975, after which doctors began to use deca somewhat less frequently. However, they have not completely abandoned this even today.

Most often, the drug is used in the treatment of HIV. We have already talked about why Deca Durabolin is used in bodybuilding. Surely it is impossible to find an athlete who has not heard of nandrolone. According to anecdotal research, Deca Durabolin, along with testosterone and methandienone, is the most popular steroid among athletes.

What actually causes "Deca Dick"?

No production of neurosteroids from DHT

lack of stimulation of androgen receptors in the penis and stimulation of androgen receptors in the brain

dopaminergic response questions

What "Deca Dick" doesn't cause

Testosterone doesn’t work or testosterone with nandrolone is enough




Drink 0.5 mg-1 mg of finasteride with your daily nandrolone cycle. This will prevent a good dose of DHN. Leads to a 50% increase in androgenic activity and optimal stimulation of androgen receptors in androgen tissue. It cures the problem of dekadik, eliminates psychological arousal (due to optimal stimulation of androgen receptors in the brain).

Additionally, gynecomastia symptoms will also disappear due to the breast tissue's estrogen receptor antagonizing nandrolone (there is no DHN to stop this). Therefore, if we inhibit the formation of DHN, then nandrolone is not metabolized to the weak androgen in these local tissues (DHN works to counteract the true androgenic potency of nandrolones, and therefore DHN actually reduces prostate size and restores hair growth).

Nandrolone is a weak substrate for SHBG. So overall it is a much better anabolic than testosterone, even when taking into account the 125:37 vs 100:100 profile. Therefore, the amount of exogenously administered nandrolone per mg exogenously binds to androgen receptors "freely" than the amount of testosterone per mg exogenously entered.

Nandrolone is aromatized at the rate of 20% of testosterone.

Let's say we produce the equivalent of 70 mg/week of testosterone enanthate. Taking into account the molecular weight of the ester, you will need an optimal dose of 500-600 mg Nanphenyl (or Deca) per week to produce a decent amount of estrogen (but still within limits) - remember that you don't need a large amount or a small amount estrogen for optimal mental and penis health - we also need to take into account the fact that the androgenic activity of the anabolic will also act against estrogen at the estrogen receptor.

Features of reception for women

It is also worthwhile to understand the dosage of Winstrol containing Stanozolol for women. How to take Stanozolol tablets? If the body is young, then the daily dose should be 4 mg. If there is an urgent need, the dose can be increased to 6 mg. Course – 4-6 weeks.

As a rule, the female body tolerates Winstrol well. However, injection courses of this drug are not recommended for women due to the risk of androgen accumulation. If you still prefer injectable drugs, then it is better to divide one ampoule into two doses. You should take breaks between injections. The optimal dose is 25 mg once every 3-4 days.

Women are not recommended to take Winstrol to improve muscle definition or increase workout performance. In this case, it is more difficult to control the level of hormones in the blood.


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