The best exercises for a girl’s buttocks: pumping up your butt in the gym

Abs superset for men and girls video

As you know, monotonous training over time causes the body to get used to it and therefore it becomes more and more difficult to shock the muscles, which is why their growth slows down. Also, after a few months of the same workouts, going to the gym becomes an annoying routine if you don’t introduce some new techniques into your workouts. One way to vary your workouts and shock your muscles is to use supersets. A superset or super series is performing several exercises one after another without rest or with a pause between them of no more than 20 seconds. It looks like this: we perform one exercise and immediately follow it with a second, and then a short rest follows. If, for example, you performed 10 approaches per workout, then using supersets, 5 high-intensity super series will be enough for you.

Today, supersets are used to train many muscle groups, but when working out the abs, for some reason, most people forget about this method of training, although it is very difficult to build up the abdominal muscles after many years of training using regular exercises. In this article we will show you how to use the superset method when training your abdominal muscles.

Abdominal training program

You squat. do deadlifts with a lot of weight and consider yourself a real “jock” doing the base and only the base! But somewhere deep inside there still lurks the desire to have those same six-pack abs for which you once started working out. Good news! Not only performing bodybuilders, but also ordinary visitors to the “rocking chair” can achieve sculpted abs. How to do this - read on.

To get six-pack abs, you need 2 components:

  • plan your meals correctly
  • effective abdominal workouts

Without proper nutrition, you can forget about the cubes - no matter how much muscle you build, they will not be visible under the layer of fat. Remove fast food and fried foods, reduce fast carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Reduce caloric intake. You can lose belly fat primarily through a calorie deficit.

Abs training with supersets

Let's skip the theory and jump straight into our ab superset workout. First, let's do a normal warm-up:

  • Roman chair raises (2 sets of 10-15 reps);
  • Hyperextensions (2 sets of 10-15 repetitions).

Now that the muscle areas we need are warmed up, we can move on to the heavy arsenal:

Crunches on the floor + hanging leg raises (3 supersets of 10-15 reps in each approach) – leg raises are best performed on parallel bars with a backrest. If you perform lifts while hanging on a horizontal bar, you will quickly use up all your strength.

Now let’s also include working the oblique abdominal muscles in our workout:

Lateral crunches + scissors (2-3 supersets of 10 repetitions in each approach) – in the last superset, scissors should be performed to failure until a burning sensation appears.

By doing all these exercises, you are guaranteed to shock your abdominal muscles and give them a powerful boost to growth. It is recommended to increase the load slightly with each workout. You should train your abs 2-3 times a week, but not more often.

Supersets for girls

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Training with supersets included in their plan is very, very effective. For girls, supersets on the legs and buttocks are good because they perfectly tone the muscles. They make the muscles invigorate. There are supersets for girls for both the back and arm muscles. It is often impossible to use this approach in training. The optimal mode for using supersets is once or twice a month. Otherwise, overusing supersets will cause the muscles to stop responding to the load properly.

Supersets for the buttocks area and their features

Supersets are a kind of aggressive effect on the functioning of the internal muscle system, in which microtraumas of muscle fibers activate the synthesis of new cells. A prerequisite that gives a high-quality result of the progression of the muscular system under the influence of supersets is preliminary linear work in the gym. And only after reaching a certain limit in the training process and for further development, they use a super move as a pushing mechanism that takes training to a new level.

And if linear training makes it possible to generally strengthen muscles, then with supersets you can seriously improve those forms that are constitutionally inherent in genetics. Supersets for the buttocks can help in transforming various areas, both in the direction of decreasing and exaggerating the parameters.

Benefits of superset training:

  • saving time;
  • acceleration of results;
  • the possibility of exaggeration of underdeveloped areas on the buttocks;
  • reduction of excess waist and abdominal parameters;
  • deep work in the muscle layers.

The result of changing parameters when using techniques with such an effect on muscle fibers as supersets depends on several conditions - the pace of execution, the weight of the weights and the number of repetitions. Women are more often characterized by the desire to acquire an elastic, but not hypertrophied gluteal area. Therefore, when planning your supersets, it is worth emphasizing the execution of exercises on speed and adherence to repetition technique

And if you want to increase volume in any zone, pay attention to the weight training parameters

It is also important to monitor the intake of nutrients. The lack of proteins and total caloric mass will be the key to starting degradation processes in the muscles

Those who want to add centimeters in the gluteal area must provide their body with a supply of amino acids involved in the synthesis of new cells.

How to create an effective abdominal training program

  1. Select 1 exercise for each part of the abs - upper, lower and oblique muscles. Below you will find 3 examples of abdominal training programs and links to a detailed description of the exercises
  2. The order of exercises in a typical ab workout is: lower abs, upper abs, obliques, core. The lower abs are usually the weakest part, so it’s best to do exercises for them at the very beginning. Train the “core” (which includes all the muscles from the chest to the lower abdomen) at the end, otherwise there will be less strength left for individual zones.
  3. If you want to focus on a certain area of ​​the press (obliques, for example), then move the exercises to it closer to the beginning and do 2 exercises instead of 1 (for example, low-oblique-oblique-upper-core).

Is it possible to start a workout with abdominal exercises?

If you put exercises for the abdominal muscles at the very beginning, then there will be less strength left for the basic exercises, which will affect the results in the base - the working weights will fall, the number of repetitions performed will decrease. So always do abs at the end of your workout.

How to train your abdominal muscles most effectively?

Circuit training is a very effective way to increase intensity and, accordingly, energy expenditure. As a result, fat will be burned faster. Do all exercises (3-4) one after another in one approach with a minimum break. Then rest for a minute and do 2 more such circles.

How long should you rest between sets?

6 pack abs in just a minute

The abdominal muscles are a relatively small group of muscles that help keep the body upright. They recover quite quickly - rest between approaches should not be more than 1 minute.

Number of reps per set?

If you use heavy weights, reduce the number of repetitions (8-10), medium weight - 12-15 repetitions, light weight or no weight at all - 15-25 repetitions.

At what pace should you perform the exercises?

At the fastest possible pace, more muscles are worked than during slow, controlled exercises. Alternate explosive style exercises with slower ones - change the pace for different workouts. Working out in the same style every time in the gym can reduce the effectiveness of your training.

Do I need to use additional weights during exercise in the gym?

Yes, whenever possible. To stimulate muscle growth, you need to increase the load. The number of repetitions can be increased to a certain limit. Then you will need to add weights. Don’t be afraid to build huge muscles - the abs grow to a certain limit.

How often should you do abdominal exercises?

Should you train your abs every day? 48 hours is the minimum time required to restore the abdominal muscles. You can train them every other day, each time doing different exercises for each abdominal area. It makes no sense to pump up your abs every day.

Workouts for girls

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Girls who train in the gym most often focus their exercises on the lower body. It is the bottom that is the problem area in most cases. There are several training options. You can do circular workouts, or you can focus on a specific muscle group. The training plan should include different exercises. This is due to the fact that the muscles get used to the load, and then there is a need to increase the working weight or the number of repetitions. If, however, the situation is such that standard basic exercises do not bring the desired effect, then in this case you can try training with supersets. A superset is two exercises that are performed without rest on the antagonist muscles.

Circular superset for the buttocks area

Circular training for the buttocks and thighs is carried out no more than once a week, since it is necessary to allow the muscle tissue to recover from aggressive effects on them and complete the biochemical process of synthesizing new cells. Mandatory conditions for a superset are the dynamics of movements, the absence of inertia in them and adherence to exercise technique. The training is carried out without rest between exercises. A short break to restore breathing is possible between blocks, the number of which they try to increase to 4-5.

Exercise No. 1 – Squat with a side step

Starting position: standing, body straight. Taking a step to the side, squat until the thigh reaches a position parallel to the floor. You should try to keep your back as straight as possible, but a slight forward bend is allowed without bending the spine. Hands are clasped in front of you to maintain body balance.

It is important to follow the correct squatting technique and not to focus the movement on one hip. Having taken a step and leaving your buttocks down, keep your body vertical

Watch the position of your knees. When they are pushed inward, the effort directed at tensing the gluteal muscles decreases, which interferes with the effectiveness of the exercise. The exercise is performed 20-25 times in one direction and the same amount in the other, while combining a high tempo and the correct training technique.

Exercise No. 2 – Lunge-Curtsey

To perform the exercise, take a step back so that you can sit down in a position that simulates a curtsey. Keeping the body tilted forward, squat so that the leg going down does not touch the floor with the knee. The hands are clasped in front for balance. The correct technique is to perform the movement with emphasis on the gluteal area

To push, it is important not to shift the emphasis to the quadriceps of the limb that goes down, but to use the force of the front thigh. A wide range of stretching between the body and the knee will allow maximum load on the gluteal muscles

For experienced athletes, an option is possible when the movement is performed with alternating changes of legs. However, it is difficult for beginners to maintain balance and follow the movement technique, so they first perform 20-25 lunges on one leg, then change position and repeat the movement for the second.

Exercise No. 3 – Bend forward on straight legs

The exercise is aimed at the upper zone of the buttocks. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, but not too wide, resting on the heels, hands clasped near the chest. Tilt the body so that the back remains straight and the hip muscles receive maximum stretch. The movement is performed by stretching the muscles of the gluteal area. You can diversify the exercise by using a barbell or bodybar, holding them on your shoulders. The forward bend is performed as low as the amplitude of stretching the buttocks allows, but without bending the back - this removes the effort from the area being worked. The number of repetitions is 20-50 times. This exercise is necessary to obtain a pumping effect, so the number of bends should be as large as possible until a characteristic burning sensation appears in the area.

Exercise No. 4 – Leg swings

The exercise improves the inner and outer thighs. Starting position: lying on your back, hands clasped behind your head, legs raised up and knees bent, toes pointing down. Simultaneously lift the legs vertically upward, then make a sharp swing with the legs to the sides, fold them back together vertically and lower them to the starting position. Execution technique - when lifting up, the knees should be straightened and tense; weakening the muscle tension worsens the result. The number of repetitions is 20-30 times. At the same time, the raised upper part of the body in constant tension will ensure the development of the abs.

Double deep goblet squats sumo style with weight

The technique is in the main article: “Goblet squats for the buttocks.”

First of all, note that these should be deep squats.

This is what deep squats mean (this is how it really should be):

These are not deep (this is up to parallel) (here the buttocks are not even included in the work):

You don’t need to squat like this, you need to try as deeply as possible - because the buttocks begin to engage to the maximum only when you squat below parallel.

Up to parallel, the buttocks practically don’t even work...

I also point out that these are double squats (not singles)!!!

Regular squats are when you squat deeply down and stand at the top point.

And double is when you:

  • squat deep down
  • then you lift yourself up slightly (by half the amplitude)
  • and again you squat deeply down
  • and only then do you rise to the top point.

2 such squats are only 1 repetition, but you need about 10 minutes (essentially 20 repetitions per set).

You can use a bottle of water as a weight, dumbbell, or at home:

Rest between approaches in this exercise: 1-2 minutes (no more).

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