Shoulder exercises in the gym for girls. Rules for performing the workout

Anatomy of the shoulder muscles

Shoulder exercises in the gym for girls. Basics of women's delt training

The shoulder is considered the most mobile joint in the entire human body. As a hinge, the shoulder capsule allows for a wide range of up-down, back-and-forth movements that we perform every day. The ball and socket joint of the shoulder is actually made up of many small parts - including smaller tendons, ligaments and muscles. Due to the complexity of the structure, the shoulder is not really a very stable or strong part of the body. The shoulders depend on soft connective tissue to remain stable and strong. Therefore, when connective tissue becomes inflamed or degenerates over time (very often due to age, osteoarthritis, or overuse), shoulder pain is a common result.

Anatomy of the shoulder muscles

The shoulder joint is covered by the deltoid muscle, which is divided into three bundles: the anterior one - has the function of flexing the arm and lateral abduction during external rotation of the shoulder, the middle one - horizontally abducts the arm, the posterior one - has the function of extending the arm. In exercises in which the arms perform frontal raises, the anterior delta is involved. The middle delta works during lateral abductions - swings, presses. The rear delta contributes to abductions - rows and swings of the arms back. In training, it is important to work all three parts of the deltoid muscle for comprehensive development. In shoulder training in the gym, a strong back, including the lower back, plays a huge role for girls. For athletes or those who exercise frequently, the shoulders are one of the most used parts of the body - they are involved in lifting heavy objects.

Shoulders like Rimbaud?

Deltas are probably the most often ignored area by girls. Although the beautiful lines of the arms largely depend on the shape of the shoulders.

Nevertheless, afraid of turning into Rambaud, girls simply forget (or forget?) to train them. And in vain. After all, embossed shoulders make the silhouette more curvy and look sporty.

Forming beautiful shoulders: delt training for girls

And I want to reassure you right away: you won’t be able to pump up “cans” like Schwartz’s: no matter how much you puff in the gym, you still won’t have enough testosterone! But you can “formalize” deltas. And it is necessary!

Features of women's shoulder training

Features of women's shoulder training

Gymnastics for girls and sets of shoulder exercises do not have much difference with men's training. Of course, shoulder exercises also have aesthetic benefits. Not only do shoulder exercises help improve the strength of your arms, but they are also designed for women to give their upper body a rounded and toned appearance. To do this, the weaker sex also needs to perform both basic and isolating exercises for all delta bundles. To build muscle, either gender needs a base with heavy weights, low reps (3-4 sets of 10-12). In this case, isolation can be performed with free weight, working each beam for 4-5 approaches of 15-20 repetitions. Shoulder and back workouts for girls should begin with a ten-minute cardio workout; the shoulder joints need to warm up well before heavy loads.

Typically, girls like to focus on their abs and thighs and neglect shoulder exercises. However, toned and rounded shoulders look great and make your hips and waist appear slimmer. They can also make your body more symmetrical, and since your deltoids are used in almost every exercise, strengthening them is important. If your shoulders are wide enough and you don’t want to widen them even more, remove the isolation exercises on the middle delta, the development of which is responsible for the width of the shoulders. Leave the development exercises mostly to the front and rear fascicles, but do basic exercises that will indirectly work the middle deltoids. For most exercises you will need to use free weights. There is no need to use heavy weights, especially on medium bunches. Additionally, using weights that are too heavy can also lead to injury. Choose ones that are hard enough to challenge your muscles but allow you to maintain proper form.

To get the most out of your workouts, you need to pay attention to proper technique. Move through the movements, slowly focusing on your shoulders. Avoid rocking and jerking. Finally, after your workout, spend some time stretching.

Girls are recommended to do shoulder training once a week, while combining it with other muscles. In shoulder training complexes in the gym, girls may additionally include their back. You can also combine the shoulders with the legs - for those who are more prepared, or on a separate day for all the muscles of the body. Exercises for arms and shoulders for girls in the gym can also be performed in one workout.

Beginners are recommended to perform circuit training, which works all muscle groups at once. Later, you can move on to a more advanced level of split training. The next set of classes in the gym for girls will already include arm and shoulder training in one day.

What should cardio workouts be like?

Cardio on machines

If your body mass index is higher than normal, you should not run on a treadmill: this will put too much stress on your joints. Instead, choose a brisk uphill walk (you can adjust the incline on the treadmill), exercise bike, elliptical, stepper or airbike.

Perform cardio at a moderate intensity so that you can last without slowing down. The main thing is to increase your heart rate and keep it at this level for the right time.

If long, monotonous cardio makes you sad, try doing it with headphones. If this doesn't help, choose intense circuit training with your own weight. They are also suitable for those who cannot go to the gym five times a week.

Circuit training

Circuit training is when you perform several exercises in a row on different muscle groups, usually with little or no rest, and then start over. Circular training is good because it allows you to reduce rest time: some muscles have time to recover while others are working, and your heart rate remains elevated, as does calorie expenditure.

Here's an example of a bodyweight circuit workout. You need to do 5 laps without a break. If you feel out of breath, rest for 30 seconds to one minute and continue exercising.

And another circular one. This time it’s interval, that is, with a clear time frame. You work for 30 seconds and then rest for the same amount. In total you need to complete 6 laps.

A set of exercises for deltas in the gym

A set of exercises for deltas in the gym

In this two-day complex, the deltoids are worked together with exercises for other muscles in three circles, performed sequentially. The program is intended for beginners for a month. Each exercise is performed for 15 repetitions.

Day 1

  1. Squats in Smith;
  2. Hyperextension;
  3. Block pull behind the head;
  4. Reduction of arms in a chest simulator;
  5. Seated dumbbell press;
  6. Reverse push-ups;
  7. Biceps with dumbbells standing;
  8. Lying crunches.

Day 2

  1. Seated leg curl;
  2. Seated leg extension;
  3. Pulling the block to the belt;
  4. Dumbbell bench press;
  5. Reverse flyes in the pectoral muscle machine;
  6. Triceps extension in the upper block;
  7. Lifting the barbell on a Scott bench;
  8. Lying leg raises.

The following shoulder workout for girls is designed for one day, and is intended for advanced athletes. Performed once a week.

  1. Army press 4x10-12;
  2. Front delt with two arms in Crossover 4x10-12;
  3. Seated dumbbell press 4x10-12;
  4. Chin row 4x10-12;
  5. Bent-over barbell row 4x10-12;
  6. Rear bundle with ropes in Crossover 4x10-12.

Sports nutrition for quick results

Sports nutrition for quick results

As you know, protein is one of the essential macronutrients you should consume in your diet. The amount of protein you need to consume is not the same for everyone, as many people have different fitness goals, body types, and activity levels. But in general, an active woman should consume 1 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Yes, that's a lot. And often too much to consume just whole foods. So protein supplements are super popular and convenient, not to mention delicious. By not consuming enough protein, you may lose muscle instead of fat. So reduce fat tissue and build muscle mass with the help of protein from sports nutrition.

On training days, you should take protein powder before and after exercise. Before training, consume it 30 minutes to an hour to allow it to be fully digested. You should also add some fast carbohydrates before your workout. You should then drink another serving within 40 minutes of your workout. For non-training days, continue to use it with food or as a snack.

When you exercise, you are actually tearing your muscles. BCAA (essential amino acids) will help minimize muscle breakdown and improve protein metabolism so you can see better results from all your hard work in the gym. BCAA will also help you recover faster. On training days, you should take BCAA's during your workout, either mixed or with water. You can also take them in the morning or throughout the day on an empty stomach. On days when you are not exercising, you can take them if you do not have time to eat a full meal so as not to destroy your muscles.

Sometimes we just don't have enough energy. This can happen quite often. When you need a little extra push to get to the gym and get your workout done, take a pre-workout that will provide you with a natural source of caffeine and improve blood flow, increase the amount of oxygen to your muscles, and help your body fight lactic acid. Take the complex 20-30 minutes before training.

Sometimes we do everything we can, but sometimes we still need something extra to increase fat loss. For this you need fat burners. They will help you in fat loss along with appetite suppression. In addition, they will give you energy thanks to natural caffeine. You can take up to two capsules per day. When you first take a fat burner, it is recommended that you start with one capsule in the morning before breakfast. Then, you can increase the dosage to two capsules per day. But do not forget to take a break of at least three hours between them.

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