How to pump up a girl’s butt: an effective complex for beautiful buttocks

Author: Timko Ilya - the ruler of the entire site and fitness trainer | more details >> Rod. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Author and creator of the site CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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This question quite often torments girls. The fact is that many women have hips of sufficient volume, but flat butts. And when such women begin to actively train their buttocks, they notice with horror that their legs grow along with their butt, and they don’t need this at all.

So, there are two news for you. The good and the bad. The bad news is that the most effective butt exercises also grow your legs. And the good news is that you can still pump up your butt without legs. But doing this is 2 times more difficult and takes longer than with legs.

Where to start classes? Tips for beginners

Find comfortable and beautiful clothes and shoes. Even if you study at home, beautiful and comfortable clothes create a good mood for studying. Choose a convenient place and time for classes (ideally in the morning).

Tune in to the fact that you will need to do these activities constantly, and not occasionally. Yes, at the beginning it will be a little difficult, but then, when you get the first results, you will understand that it is worth it. A beautiful butt and thighs are incredibly sexy and worth a little work.

In order to become the owner of beautiful buttocks and thighs, we do not need expensive exercise equipment or gyms. What you definitely need is a little time and hard work. Believe me, the result is worth it!

You can create a set of two or three exercises for yourself and perform it every day. You can work through all the exercises in one day, but take one-day breaks to recover your muscles. Choose a scheme based on your capabilities and preferences, and achieve the highest results!

Find a comfortable workout routine and try to stick to it.

Choose a scheme based on your capabilities and preferences, and achieve the highest results!

How to properly pump up your thigh muscles?

First of all, it is important to understand that there are a huge number of exercises that will allow us to get beautiful and pumped legs and toned buttocks. And the squat is not the most important thing.

Of course, squatting is important, but you need to do it wisely and, preferably, under supervision. In all exercises, concentration and precise execution of the technique are important - otherwise you may simply not pump anything up.

It is worth understanding that all exercises must be performed with progression in weight. We do 3-4 sets of 15 reps and gradually add weight.

It’s quite difficult to tell how to pump muscles - it’s better to show. But it is important to consider some aspects that must be present if we are talking about correct and effective training.

The trainer says: pump up the muscles of the thighs and buttocks correctly (tested by the editor I WANT). PHOTO lessons - photo No. 2

  1. Muscle imbalance - it appears when we are too enthusiastic about working out one muscle and forget about the other. Balance is important.
  2. Proper squat depth. As I said, the squat must be correct - do not stand on your toes, do not squat every once in a while, or do it jerkily. A correct and effective squat should be deep and thoughtful.
  3. Risk of knee injury. Most exercises for pumping up the thigh muscles are dangerous for the knees, so we will focus on those exercises that will be as safe, effective and suitable for everyone.

A set of exercises for a beautiful butt

Exercise No. 1 - “Classic squats”

It is generally accepted that the most effective exercises for the buttocks and thigh muscles are various variations of squats, or squats.

The most effective exercises for the buttocks and thigh muscles are various squats.

To get the maximum possible benefit from these exercises, you can increase the load using different types of weights - from barbells and dumbbells to ordinary plastic water bottles. In addition, you can vary the position of your legs and the angle of your feet: the wider and more horizontal you place your feet, the more noticeable the load on the inner thigh muscles becomes. As soon as you bring your feet closer and spread your toes to the sides, the gluteal muscles begin to work.

Classic squats for buttocks (step 1)

We squat, trying to keep our back straight. We do not try to sit too low; the maximum effect is achieved if the angle between the legs and knees is about 90 degrees.

Classic squats for buttocks (step 2)

Classic squats - execution technique

Single leg squats are incredibly effective for your glutes. We squat on one leg and try to keep the other in front of us. The exercise reminds everyone of the well-known “pistol”.

Single leg squats

100 squats will help you find perfect buttocks:

Exercise No. 2 - “Sumo squats”

Sumo or plie squats are great for working your buttocks, inner thighs, and legs.

Step 1 - stand straight, legs wide.

"Sumo Squats" (Step 1)

Step 2 - squat, trying to keep your legs at a right angle. Maintain the pose for 5-10 seconds.

"Sumo Squats" (Step 2)

Exercise for the buttocks “Sumo squats” technique

Watch the sumo squat technique in the video:

Exercise No. 3 - “Squats “with support on a chair”

Single-leg chair squats will make your thighs and glutes burn. We stand with one foot on the floor and place the other on a chair.

We stand on one leg, put the other one on a chair

We squat on our feet. We try to keep our back straight and maintain balance.

Squat on your leg

To make it more challenging, grab small dumbbells.

Chair squats with dumbbells

Squats for legs and buttocks with support on a chair (video).

Exercise No. 4 - Raising the pelvis and extending the leg

Another good way to work the gluteal muscle is to lie on your back and lift your pelvis. At the same time, one leg bends at the knee, the second straightens. After several (usually four or eight) repetitions, the legs change.

Raising the pelvis and extended leg

Exercise No. 7 – Raising the leg from a position “on all fours”

Weights will also make another classic exercise for the gluteal muscle more effective - lifting the leg bent at the knee upward while standing on all fours. If you complicate the exercise with a rubber band, you will feel all the muscles in your legs and buttocks. Several repetitions are performed, then the legs change.

Lifting your legs up from a position “on all fours”

From a standing position on all fours, we move our legs to the side. If desired, complicate the exercise with a rubber band.

Raising the leg to the side from a position “on all fours”

Exercise No. 9 - “Lunge to the side”

From a standing position, we move our leg to the side and bend it at the knee. Leave the other leg straight. We tilt the body slightly forward. We change legs.

Lunge to the side

You can take a little weight, then the effectiveness of the exercise will increase.

Side lunge with dumbbells

Exercise No. 10 - “Gluteal Bridge”

The glute bridge exercise will give your buttocks a toned and slender look. The glute bridge is a real diamond among exercises for the buttocks. It can be done even in cases where there is no energy or time for a full workout. This exercise is perfect for doing at home, as it does not require additional equipment.

We lie on our backs, bend our hands at the knees.

"Gluteal bridge" (step 1)

Raise your hips and hold the position at the top for several seconds.

"Gluteal bridge" (step 2)

“Gluteal bridge” (execution technique)

The glute bridge can be performed on the floor, bench, fitball, or gym machine. For a detailed analysis of the exercise, watch the video:

Exercise No. 9 - “Single Leg Glute Bridge”

"Single Leg Glute Bridge" (Step 1)

“Single Leg Glute Bridge” (Step 2)

“Gluteal bridge with one leg” (execution technique)
Change legs.

Exercise No. 10 for the buttocks - “Lunges”

Try this exercise and you will be surprised to find beautiful, round and firm buttocks.

“Squats and lunges” (step 1)

One leg is brought forward and placed at a right angle to the floor surface.

“Squats and lunges” (step 2)

The back is kept straight. The exercise is done dynamically.

Exercise for the buttocks “Lunges” execution technique

For greater efficiency, take a dumbbell in each hand (start with the lightest ones).

Lunge exercise for beautiful buttocks with dumbbells

Exercise lunges with dumbbells

The dumbbell lunge exercise is one of the most popular exercises. It works very effectively on problem areas and forms beautiful buttocks.

The effect of this exercise is enhanced by the same constant weight - a barbell lying on the shoulders or dumbbells.

What is important in proper training?

The most important thing is technique. Proper execution of exercises, compliance with them and the necessary (sometimes beyond measure) support. This requires the help of a trainer who will monitor the implementation and adherence to the technique.

In addition, motivation and an outside perspective are important. To tell you where you are doing right and where you are doing wrong. In addition, no one has canceled the power of the “magic kick” from the coach. There should always be someone who will correct the technique and give an educational kick. That is, even Arnold Schwarzenegger works out with a trainer, even though he knows the technique of doing the exercises.

Also, safety is important. When performing exercises with weights, it is easy to damage a muscle, strain your back, or even break your toe (you might find someone lucky who has dropped a dumbbell on their foot).

Beautiful butt and everyday habits

Don’t think that by going to the gym once a week you will immediately become the happy owner of beautiful buttocks. Much depends on our daily habits and lifestyle.

  • Try to watch your diet - less sweets and starchy foods and more protein and fiber.
  • Climb the stairs up and down. Just following this recommendation will give you a good workout on your buttocks and legs.
  • Walk more. You will be surprised at how easy it is to lose weight and get beautiful legs just by walking half an hour a day.

Walking and climbing stairs for beautiful buttocks

How to quickly pump up your thighs?

How to pump up your thighs in a week? To achieve a quick effect, you will have to add strength loads and more to the main complex.

A prerequisite for achieving success in such a short time is:

  • Proper and balanced nutrition;
  • Strength loads, dumbbells or any leg weights have proven themselves to be excellent here. If there is no such equipment in the house, you can use a regular backpack, filling it with something heavy;
  • Double the training time;
  • Additional daily runs.

By combining the complex, you will achieve results in just a week or a week and a half. Before you start, think about whether you can handle such a load? And don't forget about warming up before starting classes.

However, do not expect that the result will be rapid, and after a week of training you will have slender fitness legs. Understand: what you have been “accumulating” for months and years will not “burn out” in a week.

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