On the topic: “Basic terms of gymnastic exercises”


The health circle is made in the form of a pair of pancakes made of iron or plastic, which are connected using a washer. These pancakes rotate. Between them there are special tracks equipped with steel bearings. They are needed to ensure that rotation is soft and comfortable. Modern modifications are complemented by an expander and a foot massager. But even the simplest “grandmother’s” disk will be effective if used correctly.

Why is a health circle necessary, and what effect does it have on the body? When you rotate on it, the muscles in the hips and waist work well - where fat deposits most often accumulate. As a result, their contours are significantly improved.

Let us specify the benefits of simple exercises on the disk:

  • Weight loss, general relaxation, muscle tension relief and mood improvement. That is why it is recommended to use the circle for those who are forced to spend many hours in a sitting position.
  • Vestibular apparatus training - you will be able to better feel your body in space and more clearly coordinate its movements. This will be useful for fitness activities in the future.
  • Increasing flexibility, developing plasticity and improving mobility of the spine.
  • Shaping the waist, strengthening the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and abdominals.
  • Optimal load on the cardiovascular system. Exercises performed on a circle are a simplified version of cardio training.
  • Twisting massages the organs located in the abdominal cavity. This way you can keep them in good shape. And thanks to improved blood circulation, metabolism is put in order.

How a disc machine helps you lose weight

Health disk, health circle, Grace disk - this projectile has many names, but its design is always the same: two fastened metal disks or a metal and a plastic one with edges curved towards each other, which rotate due to steel balls inside. Its diameter is about 30 cm.

The health disk has several modifications:

  1. classic metal circle,
  2. plastic surface with additional points for foot massage,
  3. plastic with expanders,
  4. plastic with music and sensors.

The classic disk model is made of two metal plates. Modern versions have a plastic covering interspersed under the feet. They provide an additional foot massage. Also, there is a model with expanders for additional training of arm muscles, as well as with various sensors to track weight loss and calories.

The health disc trainer is quite compact. No additional space is needed to store it - the projectile is placed under the furniture. And it is also easy to transport.

To train with it, you don’t need a lot of space; it is important that the disc and arms bent at the elbows fit. You can use it in the gym, at home and even in the office. In the latter case, this is necessary, given that office employees lead a sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects their health.

The health disc is used for training for weight loss, as well as for warming up before heavy and intense exercise. Classes are conducted barefoot or wearing thin socks. In a week of exercises on the health disk for weight loss, you can lose up to 1 kg of excess weight. There will be no quick effect from this simulator; you need to be patient and persistent.

Is it realistic to lose weight

Many people, when they first look at the exercise machine, express doubts about whether it is really possible to lose weight using a simple disc design. The first results can be noticed after a month of regular exercise. The weight loss disc allows you to burn 250 kcal or more in 30 minutes of exercise. The number of calories burned depends on the type of exercise and the intensity of its implementation, while the simulator allows you to simultaneously work out a large number of zones.

The rapid effect of weight loss is explained by the complex effect on the body that regular exercise provides. The benefits of a gymnastic disc are associated with the following effects:

  • the performance of all vital systems increases;
  • the abs are strengthened, the hips, buttocks and waist become thinner, fat deposits are reduced;
  • Stress is relieved, mood improves and nervous system function is normalized;
  • coordination of movements and functioning of the vestibular apparatus improves;
  • The mobility of the spinal discs and joints is normalized.

By improving blood circulation, metabolic processes are activated, the tone of muscle fibers increases, and intestinal motility is normalized. When performing exercises on the health circle for weight loss with a massage effect, the biologically active points of the foot are affected, which also has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

By improving blood circulation, metabolic processes are activated

Despite the huge list of advantages, doctors warn about the existing contraindications of the disc simulator for weight loss. Exercises on rotating circles are prohibited for persons with problems with the spine and cerebrovascular disorders.

Important! Pregnant women are prohibited from exercising on the sports circle after the first trimester. People over the age of 50 and people with problems with coordination and balance disorders should use the spinning disc carefully for weight loss.

The classic technique of performing weight loss exercises on a health circle involves placing it on the floor and performing rotational movements using the muscles while standing on the machine.

The list of possible exercise options with a gymnastic circle is quite wide. Depending on the chosen technique, you can work not only the abdominal muscles, but also the legs, arms, back and shoulder girdle. Health drive exercises for weight loss:

  • execution with support. The legs are placed on the simulator, the hands are placed on a chair or another stable object is used, rotational movements are performed;
  • change in hand position. You can fix your arms straight in front of you, spread them to the sides, fold them on your chest, put them on your hips, lock them behind your head or stretch them up; disc movements are performed;
  • holding in hands. The disc should be placed in front of you and performed in circular movements, tensing the muscles of the hands;
  • with support on the leg. One leg should be placed on the machine and, using the tension of the foot, set it in motion.

Important! It is necessary to work on the disk in compliance with safety precautions. It is important to control the intensity and speed of movements, otherwise dizziness and falls may occur. It is important to ensure stable fixation of the circle, so slippery surfaces are not suitable for exercise.


If you use the spinning health disc for weight loss for 30 minutes, you will burn approximately 250-300 kcal. It should be noted that this is a very decent result.

As already mentioned, it is most convenient to exercise on this simulator at home. At the same time, you can listen to your favorite music, watch a movie or TV show. In other words, combine it with other activities, thus saving time and spending it with maximum benefit.

If you train daily, then in a month of training you will be able to lose from 2 to 5 kilograms, and your waist will decrease by 2-5 cm, respectively. However, to get this result, you will need to supplement spinning on the circle with other sports and diet correction.


Probably the main advantages of the health disk can be considered its relative accessibility and ease of use. Almost everyone can afford the simplest model (just to rotate). It’s not difficult to figure out how to perform most of the exercises on it – even a child can master the simulator.

Let us emphasize once again that in the process of working with a circle, first of all, the waist and abdominal muscles are loaded. In addition, you will perfectly strengthen and tighten your legs, thighs and buttocks, make your spine more flexible, increase overall performance, improve blood circulation, metabolism and intestinal function. All this contributes to weight loss. Of course, not on its own, but in combination with other methods of reducing body weight.

It is important that while exercising, you can arbitrarily choose the rotational amplitude and determine the duration of each approach and the entire workout yourself.

The longer you exercise, and the higher your motor amplitude, the more energy will be spent and the faster your muscles will become toned. Just imagine: just 30 minutes a day – and you’ve already started losing weight.

Sports disc for a small waist

Designed for training not only in the fitness room or at home, but also in nature, during a lunch break in the office - wherever it is convenient for you. Regular exercise gives the following effect:

  • strengthening the spine;
  • training the oblique and rectus abdominal muscles;
  • tightening the muscles of the arms, buttocks, thighs and legs;
  • improving the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • beneficial effect on intestinal motility and coordination of movements;
  • calorie burning: half an hour of exercise will allow you to get rid of 250 calories.

The simulator is compact, so you can take it with you even when traveling. It is also easy to store - for example, under the bathtub or under the sofa. Exercises performed using a disc are an excellent addition to a set of measures for weight loss. It will also come in handy if you don’t need to lose weight, but want to make your waist slimmer.


To achieve the desired result and not get injured while performing exercises on the simulator, you must adhere to a number of rules.

  • Before standing on the circle, it must be placed on a flat surface. It shouldn't be slippery. To increase safety, you can place a rubber training mat or travel mat under it.
  • If you have never used such exercise machines before or have problems with the vestibular system, it is better to place a chair next to the circle. It is needed so that you have time to sit down if you feel dizzy. You can minimize the risk of fainting by avoiding sudden movements.
  • To reduce your waist, you need to make sure that only the lower part of your body rotates. You can't move your shoulders. If you ignore this rule, you can’t even count on results.
  • To increase blood circulation and accelerate metabolism, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water at room temperature 20 minutes before the start of training.
  • Exercise should be moderate. You shouldn’t immediately load yourself to the maximum. The load and duration of training should be increased little by little. Let the duration of the first lessons be from 10 to 15 minutes per day.
  • Before you start practicing, you need to ventilate the room.

Set of exercises

For quality weight loss, simply standing on a disk and spinning on it is not enough. It is necessary to perform a complex consisting of several exercises daily. And do them right. Then the effectiveness of the lesson will increase significantly.

When performing exercises 1 – 7, take the starting position: stand in a circle, bend your legs in a half-squat and turn them to the left.

  • Take a couple of chairs and place them straight in front of you with their backs facing you. Holding your backrest with your hands, make a turn to the right (the abdominal muscles should be tense), and then to the left. Perform 5 repetitions.
  • Stand near a wall and lean your hands on it. Spin in both directions. Make 7 such turns.
  • Turn with your arms outstretched 9 times to the left. Repeat the same thing - only this time turn to the right.
  • Place your hands behind your head and make a lock out of them. Alternately turn your legs in different directions - 6 times each.
  • Place your hands on your ankles and twist left and right 3 times.
  • Slightly squeeze your knees and turn both legs to the right at once, and move your arms to the left. Then it’s the other way around. Do 10 rotations.
  • Fold your arms across your chest so that your left palm is on your right shoulder and your right palm is on your left. Keep your back straight. Slowly turn 10 times in each direction.
  • Place the exercise machine on a chair and sit on it. Let your hands rest on your knees. Rolling from heel to toe, rotate first in one direction, then in the other. Perform 5 such turns.
  • Place the machine on the floor and sit on top of it. Your legs should be bent at the knees and your hands should be placed on your waist. Using your feet, move left and right. Repeat 4 times.
  • Place only one leg on the circle and place your hands behind your head. Turn your entire torso to the left. In this case, your hands should be separated. Then change your supporting leg. Do 8 repetitions in total.
  • Take a 2-kilogram dumbbell in each hand and extend them in front of you. Step onto the disc and level yourself. Perform smooth rotations with your hips, first to the left, then to the right. You have 3 minutes to complete the exercise.


Numerous positive reviews indicate the effectiveness of the health disc. Those involved in it are advised to make the first training short-term and enjoyable. It is best to develop the habit of spinning on a circle twice a day. For example, if you spin after waking up in the morning, it will be an excellent exercise, and in the evening it will be an excellent reliever and relieve tension. You can spend 3 minutes on one approach. This schedule is ideal for those who work.

Some people, after working out for a while, begin to doubt that using a disc can help them lose weight. Of course, you won’t be able to remove 10 kilograms with just spins. But a couple or three are easy.

In addition, such training helps to work out the oblique abdominal muscles well. This means that the waist will become thinner and more attractive.

Mainly among the achievements of the trainees are weight loss of 1-3 kg, strengthening of the muscles in the waist area, reduction of its volume by 1-3 cm, respectively, and improvement of flexibility. The main thing is to exercise regularly and not miss a day. There are also recommendations to first consult a doctor if the spine has been previously injured.

Contraindications for exercise

The disc poses absolutely no harm to health. You just need to perform all the exercises on it correctly. If a gymnastics machine is designed for a weight of 100 kg, then people with a large weight are not recommended to use such a unit. If you have an old metal disk, it is advisable to periodically lubricate it with oil.

Many people say that such a simulator is ineffective. But its effectiveness will directly depend on the individual approach. If you want to lose weight, then you need to approach this issue comprehensively. First, adjust your daily diet and change your bad habits. It is possible to adjust your daily routine.

It is necessary to remember that you cannot exercise on this type of device if you have the following problems:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • hernia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • chronic diseases.
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