The average step length of an adult is 70 cm, and the step length of a child is 35 cm. How many times is the step length of an adult greater than the step length of a child?

People come to study the issue of frequency and length of steps either due to a lack of a comfortable state when running, or due to injury, or in order to improve athletic performance.

As practice shows, there is no obvious relationship between injuries and cadence in marathon runners, so this point can be left alone. And to prevent injury, you need to study landing techniques more deeply. As for the athlete’s well-being and the possibility of increasing running speed, cadence has a direct bearing on this.

The length of a person's step depending on height

There are a number of special devices that count steps while walking; various smartphone applications and fitness bracelets help to do this. But often people are faced with the need to convert the number of steps into distance; this conversion is not as simple as it might seem, since the length of the step is individual.

First of all, this length depends on height; taller people have a longer stride. The size and type of footwear of a pedestrian matters; for example, the step length of the same woman in sports shoes and high-heeled shoes will have large differences.

Myth No. 1. You can't eat at night

Fat cells are containers that can hold quite a large amount of fat. Filling them is easy: all you need to do is eat carbohydrates. In response to the intake of carbohydrate products, the body produces insulin, one of whose duties is precisely the creation of energy reserves.

But extracting these accumulations from cells is much more difficult. This is done by somatotropin (growth hormone), it opens “containers” and releases their contents into the blood; the hormone is produced in response to the intake of protein foods.

Therefore, you can eat before going to bed. But it’s better to eat something protein (omelet, fish, cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, etc.) - this will stimulate the secretion of growth hormone, which will cover all the energy needs of the body solely through the consumption of subcutaneous fat. You should not eat carbohydrate foods at night if you are trying to lose weight. Otherwise, released insulin will “ruin our whole holiday.”

How many steps are there in a kilometer?

The rule, which is most often used for rough calculations, equates 1 step to 1 m. But such a correspondence is possible only for people with a height significantly above average, walking with a wide gait in comfortable shoes. The most correct way to calculate the length of your own step is to use a navigator in conjunction with a pedometer. Having walked exactly 1 km according to the navigator, you need to see how many steps you have taken.

You can walk a shorter distance, for example, 10 m, and calculate the result, but the longer the distance traveled, the more correct the values ​​are obtained, since the longer distance allows you to avoid rounding numbers and take into account all fluctuations in the pace of walking.

A healthy person 170 cm tall needs to take 1417 steps (hereinafter referred to as W) to cover a distance of 1 km on foot. With a height of 175 cm, to move 1 km, you need to cover 1377 Sh. With a height of 180 cm, the same distance is covered with 1220 Sh. Statistics allow us to take 1250 Sh per 1 km as an average value for men.

The average values ​​for converting kilometers into steps are:

  • 2 km is 2500 Sh;
  • 3 km – 3750;
  • 4 km – 5000;
  • 5 km is 6250;
  • 10 km – 12500.

It is not at all necessary to remember these values; the recalculation is simple and does not require special skills. For example, having heard the phrase “600 meters on foot,” you can easily calculate that this distance consists of approximately 750 Sh.


How is the average speed of a person determined when walking and running?
During running, almost the same body movements are performed as when walking, but there is a flight phase (moments when the legs do not rest on the surface), and leaning on two legs at the same time is excluded.

As you run, the gravity of the earth is rhythmically overcome and your blood flow resonates with your running.

This allows all capillaries to be filled with blood as much as possible, which improves the functioning of the entire body.

Based on the distance, running is divided into the following types:

  • Run in place. Its effectiveness is significantly lower than classic running, but its clear advantage is the ability to perform it under any conditions. No rough terrain or stadium needed, one square meter is enough.
  • Sprinting does not require much endurance, but the athlete's maximum dedication is important in order to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.
  • The average distance is from 600 meters to 3 km. It is impossible to run a long distance at top speed. Therefore, the tempo is chosen to be slightly above average.
  • The long distance is defined from 2 miles to marathon 42 km. It is better to jog for such a distance.

Human running speed:

  • Light running is not much different from walking. Travel speed is 5–6 km/h. This pace is suitable for people with musculoskeletal disorders, overweight and the elderly.
  • Medium running pace is most often used for morning jogging by non-professional athletes. Its speed is 7–8 km/h.
  • Jogging is used to improve the health of the body. The speed reaches 12 kilometers per hour. You can run at this pace for medium or long distances. During movement, the heart pumps a large volume of blood, which helps strengthen the heart muscle and saturate the entire body with blood. Jogging has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and immune systems.
  • Sprinting involves developing maximum speed with full dedication. Of course, it is impossible to run at a fast pace for a long time, so it is used only for short distances up to 200 meters.

Attention! The maximum speed a runner can reach is 44.72 kilometers per hour. This result was shown by the Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt.

How is the average speed of a person determined when walking and running?
Definition of speed

The simplest but most accurate way to determine your running or walking speed is to use a treadmill.

If you don’t have it at home, then any gym definitely has it. In order to use it, it is not necessary to buy a monthly subscription; one day will be enough.

You can determine speed using simple arithmetic calculations. To do this, you need to select a specific section and find out its length. Then note the time of movement from point A to point B.

Suppose a distance of 300 meters was covered in 3 minutes. This means that 100 m were covered in 1 minute (300 / 3 = 100). Multiplying by 60 minutes (1 hour), we get the distance traveled in an hour (100 * 60 = 6000 meters). Thus, the pedestrian walked at a speed of 6 kilometers per hour.

How leg muscles work when walking

Benefits of walking

How long does it take to walk 1 kilometer?

The speed of movement, like the length of the step, depends on many parameters: pace, gait, physical fitness of the pedestrian, type of shoes, terrain. It is generally accepted that the average walking speed for a healthy adult is 5 km/h. A simple recalculation shows that the average person covers 1 km in 12 minutes.

But the walking pace can be increased. If you walk quickly with a sweeping gait, then the increased speed will allow you to walk 1 km in 10 minutes, and a well-trained person can do it in 7-8 minutes.

How many calories do 10,000 steps burn?

Many people strive to lose weight by walking. Since walking can be equated to long-term aerobic training that affects the breakdown of fat, this result is achievable (in combination with the right diet).

The pace of walking and the amount of excess weight are important (the more weight there is, the faster calories will be burned). Some pedometers have a calorie counting function, but you can do this calculation yourself using a specially developed formula. To do this, multiply the length of one step (in meters) by their number, then multiply by the person’s weight in kilograms, divide the resulting value by 2. The result will show the number of calories burned.

For example, a person weighing 80 kg with a stride length of 0.7 m walked at an average pace of 10,000 steps. Multiplying the last 2 numbers, we get the distance traveled - 7000 m. Multiply by weight 80 kg, and divide the result by 2. It turns out 280,000 cal or 280 kcal. This is the amount of energy a person burns after walking 10,000 steps. When walking fast, the same person can burn about 2 times more.

The effectiveness of losing weight through walking can be increased by using Nordic walking with poles. This style of physical activity has a number of advantages, since it loads not only the legs, but also the arms and shoulders. Involving the upper limbs in the walking process evenly loads most of the body's muscles.

Nordic walking is good not only for more efficient burning of calories, it improves cerebral circulation, relieves tension from all parts of the spine, strengthens the muscles of the shoulders, arms, back and ligaments in this area, increases coordination and concentration.

How many steps should you take per day?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the average healthy person take 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day. This indicator appeared in the 60s. last century in Japan, after active advertising by a pedometer manufacturer, the creators of the electronic device presented 10,000 steps as a daily norm. Although the 10,000 number has not been backed up by any research, many walkers around the world have begun to aim for this number when walking.

Subsequently, noting positive results in people taking 10,000 steps per day for a long time, WHO reflected this parameter in its recommendations. Skeptical experts believe that such a norm was correct for the middle of the last century, when people ate more restrainedly, and in the process of life they moved much more than today, so the modern value of the norm is proposed to be doubled.

Other critics believe that walking is not as important as physical activity itself, which can be achieved in any way, for example, in the gym, swimming pool or even at home. But proponents of walking believe that this method has many benefits, combining benefits with the opportunity to spend quality time outdoors. Whether you take 10,000 or 8,000 steps, or even 5,000, it’s better than nothing, every thousand makes an undoubted contribution to health benefits.

Norm of steps per day for men

10,000 steps per day is an average recommended value, which is not universal. In addition to differences when taking into account age, weight and health status, this indicator differs for men and women. So, healthy adult men under 50 years of age should walk at least 12,000 Sh per day; after 50 years, this number can be reduced by 2,000, and then be guided by individually selected values.

Norm of steps per day for women

The recommended number of steps per day for women differs slightly from similar values ​​for men:

  • for women aged 18-40 years – 12,000 Sh;
  • 40-50 years -11000;
  • 50-60 years – 10000;
  • after 60 years – 8000.

At an older age, the concept of the norm is significantly adjusted taking into account individual characteristics. Children from 7 to 10 years old can walk 15,000 steps a day (or more), regardless of gender.

Do not forget that in the process of life we ​​make many more movements than a pedometer allows us to take into account. If a person at work is engaged in physical labor or often moves on his feet, then daily walking can be reduced to 7,000 or 6,000 steps. The number of steps must also be adjusted when visiting the gym, swimming pool or exercising at home.

How to correctly measure your physical parameters to select the frame size

In this article, we will try to guide you through a system for calculating the size of the frame and other components according to your height, the size of your arms, legs, etc. The system was developed by Competitive Cyclist.

In order to select the size of all components you will need time, an assistant, a ruler, meter, level, pen and paper.

STEP 1: Select the type of bike

Different types of bicycles have their own frame size scales, characteristic fit and other features. Choose the right type of bike for the type of riding you want.

The following selection is made in the illustration: man, road bike, body measurements will be in centimeters.

After making your selection, press the CONTINUE button and go to the next page.

STEP 2: Take measurements and fill out the form

You need to measure the following measurements in centimeters, look in order (click on the photo and see the description under the photo). On the website, you can also watch a video, but it’s better to read the description of the photo.

Inseam - Measure the length from the floor to the groin line Torso length - Measure the length of the torso from the chair line to the line from the hump on the shoulder Forearm length - Length from the center of the axis of the tube in the hand (hold the saddle) to the hump on the forearm Arm length - Length from the center of the axis object in hand to the hump on the arm in the area of ​​​​the collarbone length of the thigh - Sit upright. The pelvis touches the wall. Measure the length from the wall to the knee line. Shin length - Length from the floor to the line of the top edge of the kneecap. Measure 2 values ​​and take the average. growth to the pectoral notch - Locate the notch under the Adam's apple, the beginning of the sternum. Measure your height from this point to the floor. Overall height - Place the book on your head parallel to the floor and make a mark on the wall. Measure the length from the mark to the floor. When measuring, keep your legs apart, at an angle of 30 degrees.

Fill in the values ​​in the table and press CONTINUE.

STEP 3: Receive, interpret and store values

On this page you will see frame sizes, stem sizes and other settings that can help you customize the fit on your bike.

Below, you can either change the values ​​(go back) or send the results to yourself by email.

Good luck with your measurements and choosing the frame size and stem length.

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