Basic aerobics. Activities and benefits. Contraindications and features

What is aerobics

Aerobics was developed by the famous American physician Kenneth Cooper in the mid-20th century. Aerobics was a set of exercises accessible to all masses of the population aimed at the overall health of the body. Very quickly this complex gained the trust of the population around the world.

The name comes from the Greek "aero", meaning "air". The complex developed by Dr. Cooper actively saturates the body's cells with oxygen, which helps to better cope with stress, overexertion and extra pounds.

During training, there is an active influx of oxygen, which provides a significant increase in the reaction in cells. More energy is consumed. Having used up all the glucose reserves in the cells, the body begins to look for new sources of energy replenishment and finds them in fat deposits. That is why aerobics is useful not only for those who want to improve their body health, but also, without a doubt, for those who want to lose weight. Nowadays, many people prefer complex physical training to aerobics; after all, performing simple exercises to music is much more enjoyable.

Organization of a physical education program for preschoolers

The program clearly regulates what training should be, when and where to conduct it, and for what age audience. Each workout should consist of 3 stages: warm-up, main and final part. Warm-up is the most important stage, since without it you cannot do any physical activity, otherwise injuries may occur.

The teacher gives simple movements that prepare muscles, joints and other organs for more complex elements. The progress of the main part of the training depends on the direction of fitness that is given in a particular period.

In the last part of the lesson, teachers mainly use a game form - this relieves tension, children restore their breathing, their heart rate normalizes, and the training ends on a positive note, after which the students want to attend classes again.

Children's fitness. Program for preschoolers, exercises and games, physical education, gymnastics to music

The program for preschoolers is focused on working with children, regardless of whether they have special physical abilities, the only condition for classes is the absence of medical contraindications. Therefore, children from 3 years old can attend training.

The teacher outlines the “children’s fitness” program, and then conducts classes according to it, dividing children into age groups, because the training duration is different for each age. So, for children 3-4 years old its duration should not be more than 20-25 minutes, for children 4-6 years old the training can be increased to 30 minutes, and for children 6-7 years old – 35 minutes. Classes are held 2-3 times a week.

To organize the activities of pupils, taking into account the individual characteristics of each age period, the group size should not exceed 10-15 people. This number of children is optimal for the individual development of each child.

Children's fitness (the program for preschoolers includes, in most cases, general strengthening exercises) and for the full implementation of this program, special equipment is required.

Namely :

Children's fitness. Program for preschoolers, exercises and games, physical education, gymnastics to music

  • gymnastic benches;
  • mats;
  • exercise bikes;
  • Treadmills;
  • step platforms;
  • fitballs;
  • dumbbells;
  • gymnastic sticks;
  • jump ropes;
  • hoops;
  • balls of different sizes;
  • gymnastic mats.

The teacher conducts classes in a well-lit, dry, ventilated and clean gym; the floor covering should not be slippery, have uneven surfaces or cracks.

What exercises, complexes, games to music are recommended by child development specialists?

The teacher can give various general developmental tasks, types of walking, running, jumping, skipping, including elements from dances (ropes, pick-ups) and movements (polka, variable step, step with stomp).

Benefits of Aerobics

Aerobics exercises heal the entire body, and among the main benefits are the following:

  • As a result of regular exercise, metabolism normalizes. The body begins to reproduce calcium, due to which the skeletal system is strengthened;
  • The functioning of the cardiac and circulatory systems improves. This is due to rhythmic movements accompanied by uniform breathing, which significantly strengthens the heart muscle and also destroys cholesterol plaques;
  • Regular exercise will help relieve muscle tension and also relieve stress. Improves well-being and mood;
  • Helps improve lung function;
  • Aerobics is one of the most accessible and easiest ways to work out all muscle groups. thanks to exercise, the body gains endurance and strength;
  • Aerobics is a great way to burn extra pounds. Thanks to training, you will very quickly gain a beautiful and elastic body.

Children's fitness areas

The following main areas of children's fitness are distinguished:

  • Rhythmic gymnastics . The movements are performed to musical accompaniment. Children learn to perform them to the beat of the music.
  • St. John's wort . This direction is suitable for children under 3 years of age (junior preschool age). Pupils repeat exercises after the teacher that copy the habits of animals.
  • logorhythmics . Here exercises are performed and sounds and small poems are pronounced at the same time. The speech apparatus is trained, physical strength, endurance and proper breathing develop.
  • fitball gymnastics . The movements selected by the teacher relieve tension from the spine and train the muscles of the back, abdominals and pelvis. The exercises are performed using a special ball - a fitball.
  • step aerobics . Exercises are done to rhythmic music to develop and strengthen large muscles; they are performed continuously, developing endurance and coordination of movements.
  • game stretching . In the form of a game, the teacher gives stretching exercises for various muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Exercise increases joint mobility, elasticity and flexibility of muscles, thereby reducing the risk of injury.

Who is aerobics for?

This set of exercises is most often chosen specifically to combat extra pounds. In a short time you can achieve very tangible results.

It is important to consult your doctor before starting exercise. So classes are contraindicated:

  • For chronic diseases,
  • For heart diseases,
  • With an increased body mass index.

No special knowledge is required to start training. Ideal for those who do not have a lot of time to spend. It does not require visiting the gym; you can study at home using video lessons.

A little about the musical accompaniment

Music during training is not just background. It sets the pace, rhythm, invigorates, gives strength and adds a good mood. Therefore, music for children's aerobics plays an important role in the structure of the lesson.

The music is selected by the trainer, based on the age of the group and the type of aerobics. First of all, you need to choose a tempo. The speed of execution of elements depends on this:

  1. Dance aerobics involves upbeat, cheerful music to which you can dance happily;
  2. For sports, calmer music is suitable, allowing you to concentrate on doing the exercises;
  3. It is better to choose musical accompaniment for step aerobics with a clear rhythm and a fairly high tempo.

For small children, the playlist is made up of children's songs, including familiar melodies from cartoons.

There are also special songs with movements for kids, when you need to listen to what is being sung and repeat.

The main thing is that children enjoy music and classes in general and go to the gym with joy.

Tips for beginners

Before starting training, we recommend considering the following factors:

  • A standard set of aerobics exercises strengthens the overall tone of the body and burns excess calories without focusing on certain areas. If you want to focus on a specific problem area, then you need to select the appropriate set of aerobic exercises;
  • Before each workout, a warm-up is required. Warming up will help avoid injuries and muscle strains;
  • Before you start exercising, make a clear training plan. Any sport loves a clear and thoughtful approach.

Step aerobics: program for the buttocks

Toned buttocks of an attractive shape are the dream of almost every girl. And if the purpose of squats is to train muscles, then lunges will give your butt an appetizing apple shape.

  • Stand with your back to the platform. Take a step forward, further away from the machine. Step your right leg back, toes resting on the board. Bend your left leg at the knee so that there is a right angle between the thigh and shin. Repeat 10 such squats, alternately, first for one leg and then for the other leg.
  • Face the stepper. Step onto the platform with your right foot. Using your gluteal muscles, you push yourself up onto the board. Raise your bent left leg over the platform. Next, you lower yourself to the floor - barely touching the toe of your left foot to the floor, you go back to the board. Perform 10 repetitions and change legs.
  • Lie on your back, place your feet on the bench. Push your pelvis out with your buttocks, fixate at the top point for 1-2 seconds and lower your butt to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Types of aerobics

Aerobic training consists of various physical training exercises. Aerobics is the most widely used exercise for weight loss. Let's look at the most popular types of aerobics.

Aerobics for weight loss

Step aerobics

This type of aerobics is performed using a step platform. Sometimes additional weights are used. This complex combines aerobic and strength exercises, which allows you to burn more than 600 kcal in an hour of exercise. This complex is designed for classes at any age. Step aerobics allows you to get rid of excess fat in the shortest possible time. Helps in the prevention of arthritis and osteoporosis, strengthens the overall tone of the body and joints.

Aerobics for weight loss

Slide aerobics

Training is carried out on a special mat or slide. The slide is equipped with a sliding surface and sides. Like step aerobics, it combines aerobic and strength training. Slide aerobics does not put stress on the spine, so it is suitable for people who are significantly overweight. Very effectively pumps the gluteal muscles, as well as the internal and external muscles of the thighs. A very effective complex for weight loss.

Aerobics for weight loss

Aqua aerobics

A set of exercises in water. Suitable for people of any age, as well as for pregnant women. Training in water helps prevent overload on the muscular corset. At the same time, they are no less effective than other types of aerobics.

Aerobics for weight loss

Dance aerobics

The best option for those who want to gain slender legs. Perfectly strengthens the buttocks, legs, and also develops flexibility and flexibility.

When choosing aerobics for weight loss, keep in mind that results can only be obtained with a serious approach to training. It is important to combine exercise with proper nutrition. If all conditions are met, you can get the desired result in the shortest possible time.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with activities such as running for weight loss, here.


One of the main limitations for aerobic exercise is high blood pressure. Excessive stress on the cardiovascular system can cause serious illness. It is also worth refraining from training during periods of exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

It's never too late to start aerobics; they can give a person a boost of energy and significantly improve their physical condition. There are now so many varieties of aerobics that choosing the most optimal course will not be difficult if you take an objective approach to your own health and level of physical fitness.

Tags: physical training, aerobics, aerobics

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