How to pump up your wings at home

So, having decided on a training program for the biceps and pectoral muscles, you finally face the question of pumping up the wings (aka the latissimus dorsi muscles). If you are interested in the question of how quickly pump up your wings, then there is no magic remedy here.

Besides, “fast” does not mean 2-3 workouts. Approximately, pumping the latissimus dorsi muscles takes from 3 to 6 months, although you can feel the first visible results after a few weeks.

But, having achieved even the first victories, you will no longer want to stop there - which is why the time frame can stretch up to six months. Everyone looks for their ideals and strives for them, and this takes time.

Wing exercises: where to start?

What will you have to face in the near future? On a pleasant note: the program for pumping up the latissimus dorsi muscles includes many basic exercises, so at the same time other muscles will be involved during the workout, which will significantly speed up the process of forming a beautiful, slender body.

Another significant plus: you can swing your wings in any conditions . This could be a sports ground in your yard, a horizontal bar in your own home, or a well-equipped gym. There are many options, so choose the one that is most comfortable for you.

By the way, information on how you can pump up your back muscles at home can be found in the article “Back exercises at home.”

Here are some general recommendations before starting classes:

  • The wings will respond to loads only after a month of intense (and correct!) training. Therefore, it is better to immediately tune in to long-term work on yourself, aimed at a certain result. It's not that difficult if you don't focus on just one exercise and work constantly and diligently.
  • Remember - during back exercises, it is your back that should work! Your arms (and biceps in particular) should help you, but not steal the main attention.
  • You should not train your pectoral muscles and back muscles on the same day. These are antagonistic muscles, so it is better to exercise them separately and on different days.
  • Don't forget about proper nutrition. To grow and form muscles, you will need additional building material in the form of protein. If you are unable to enrich your diet with protein foods, then add protein shakes to it.
  • Before starting your workout, be sure to warm up! It doesn't matter where you do wing exercises: at home or in the gym. Many athletes ignore pre-warming up the muscles, but professionals never neglect a 5-minute “build-up”: this significantly reduces the risk of injury and stretching of muscles and tendons.

A workout that will give you pumped up wings

Perform this amazing giant set only once a week. After completing your wing workout, you can do some rear delt exercises, such as seated or standing dumbbell flyes. You will have to use a lighter weight because the rear delts have already received some work during the wing training. At the end of your workout, be sure to stretch. After 6 weeks, when you get the hang of it, you can add weight and perform fewer repetitions of movements per workout.


Start by warming up your latissimus dorsi muscles. For example, perform 2 sets of 10 reps. If you find it difficult to do 10 pull-ups, don't worry about it: just add one extra rep every two workouts. Pull-ups are very difficult for most athletes, so don't worry about the total number of reps you can do, just keep working on them. Since these are warm-up movements, rest 2-2.5 minutes between sets and begin your workout to pump up those impressive wings.

You can learn how to pump up big biceps with pull-ups on a horizontal bar in our article “Effective biceps pull-ups”!

Here the exercises are performed one after another without rest, all together they form one giant set. This program is specially designed to make you feel the work of the latissimus dorsi muscles!

How to pump up your wings at home

Push ups

A classic example of such exercises is push-ups using supports. These can be specialized sports equipment, ordinary stacks of books, or just stools. The main thing is that during push-ups you can go below the line of your palms.

During the exercise, be extremely careful and correctly assess your capabilities! Beginners are not recommended to take supports higher than 30 cm, because if there is a sharp lack of strength (and this happens quite often at the initial stage of training), you can injure your elbow joints!

How to do? Take a lying position, placing your hands shoulder-width apart. Look straight ahead, avoiding any arching of the spine. As you exhale, lower yourself down, and as you inhale, return to the starting position.

Try to do the exercise slowly, without unnecessary jerks. You should feel your muscles working. Start with 3 sets of 10 reps, increasing the number of repetitions from the next workout. Optimal scheme: 4 to 15.


Bent-over dumbbell raises

An exercise for those who want to know how to pump up their wings with dumbbells at home. A fairly simple exercise, which is considered one of the most effective, provided the correct technique is followed. The whole secret of effectiveness is in body position. The biceps are practically not involved here, so the main load will fall on the target muscles.

How to do? Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then lean forward so that you have an angle of 90 degrees, while bending your knees slightly. The back should remain straight at all times. As you inhale, spread your arms in different directions.

The higher you can raise them, the better. But remember: your arms, like your back, should also be straight - any bend in the elbow will ruin your entire workout.

As you exhale, lower your arms down. Correct execution scheme: 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Bent-over dumbbell raises

To avoid unnecessary bending, choose a weight that suits you: if this is your first lesson, do not hesitate to choose dumbbells with a lower weight (even a load of 4 kg for each hand will be noticeable). The golden rule of professional athletes: the load should increase gradually!

Tips for improving results

Do you want to have beautiful biceps? Find out how to pump up your biceps at home

Here you will find the best tips on how to pump up your forearms at home

How to pump up triceps at home


Before performing any exercises, you need to mentally prepare yourself for training. Working on wings is hard work that requires time and effort. To do this, it is necessary to defeat laziness, which every person has in different quantities. A good result can be achieved through several months of effective work, but the first visible results will appear after a month of systematic training at home and on the horizontal bar.


In addition to discipline, diligence and self-control, you will also need to increase the amount of food consumed. Any athlete involved in muscle training consumes significantly more food per day than the average person. Since the main material for building muscle is protein, you can consume protein shakes. Along with it, carbohydrates are also important, which will provide you with the necessary supply of energy. Therefore, do not be shy to visit your kitchen more often.

Push ups

For unknown reasons, some beginners believe that by doing push-ups they will be able to work their lats well - this is a misconception. Push-ups are not effective for back development. Remember the functions of the wings described at the beginning of the article, and you will understand that when you extend your arms at the elbows, they do not perform any work.

How to pump up your wings in the gym

Bent-over barbell row

While standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart. The selected position must be stable. Next, bend forward as much as your training allows you. Minimum tilt angle 30 degrees! Then take the barbell with a regular grip, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. A few nuances:

  • A slight deflection is allowed in the lower back.
  • You need to look straight ahead, the bar should be in front of your shins.
  • You cannot spread your elbows to the sides; they must move strictly along one trajectory “up and down.”

As you exhale, lift the barbell towards your stomach, but pull with your back! Minimize your hand work! At the highest point, squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold in this position for a couple of seconds. As you inhale, spread your shoulder blades and lower your arms down. Complete 10 reps.

Bent-over barbell row

Bent-over dumbbell row

Take the projectile in one hand, rest the other on the bench. The legs are a mirror image of the arms. What does it mean? If the dumbbell is in the right hand - the right leg is on the floor, the left leg (like the arm) rests on the bench and vice versa. Your back should be straight and parallel to the bench.

As you inhale, lift the dumbbell with your arm bent at the elbow (straining the target muscles as much as possible), moving it slightly behind your back. As you exhale, lower your hand down. Perform 10 repetitions for each arm. The minimum weight for an adult male must be at least 8 kg.

Bent-over dumbbell row

Latissimus dorsi training

Weighted pull-ups

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body Part: Lat Equipment: Other

Bent-over barbell row

  • 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Body Part: Press Equipment: Barbell

Pulldown to the chest on the upper block

  • 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Lat Equipment: Block

Belt row on the machine

  • 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Body part: Latissimus Equipment: Exercise machine

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When you lift any part of the body, be it your forearms, neck or wings, focus your attention on technique rather than on the weight you can lift. Loosen your grip on the barbell and use your hands as hooks. Remember that the first action in each exercise should be performed with the wings. Try to keep your shoulder blades touching and constantly focus on your latissimus dorsi muscles.

How to pump up your wings on the horizontal bar

The horizontal bar has been and remains a universal tool for pumping almost all muscle groups , and wings in this case are no exception. The most common pull-ups will help you develop your back in a fairly short period of time.

There are many types of pull-ups, but they all come down to a few general rules. If I may say so, even the secrets of professionals:

  • Before starting pull-ups, just hang on the bar for a couple of seconds, so your muscles will stretch a little and warm up.
  • Start your exercises by placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, gradually increasing the distance to the maximum possible. It's easy to remember: the latissimus muscles - the widest grip.
  • With a direct grip, touch the bar with your chest, with a reverse grip, touch the back of your head or shoulders (in this case, your head seems to “begin” behind the bar).
  • Avoid any body rocking. If you can't keep your balance, try crossing your legs at the ankles.
  • To achieve a faster effect, you can do pull-ups with weights. But for beginners, it is better to carry out the first classes only with your own weight.
  • You shouldn’t go down straight away – try to hold for a couple of seconds at the top point of the ascent. The key here is productivity, not speed.
  • Combine your favorite exercises with all the others. Remember that muscles quickly get used to the same loads , gradually ceasing to respond to even the most complex techniques.

How to swing wings correctly - video

In this video you will find a set of exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles in the gym (hammer row, pulling blocks down and towards the body). The technique of each exercise is examined in detail; using the example of an athlete, the coach also talks about possible mistakes and the consequences of incorrect execution technique.

Pay attention to the sequence of exercises: the stages from basic to final polishing are shown.

Inflating your wings is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is enough to exercise regularly, monitor your diet and follow all the simple rules and recommendations.

The most difficult thing is to overcome your own laziness and start doing something. If you are a purposeful person and are used to achieving your goals, then inflated wings will become a reality for you, and not a dream in the near future!

Have you already tried swinging your wings? Which exercises were more effective for you? Leave comments and share your invaluable experience with us!

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