English and learning the days of the week: exercise for children

Features and specifics of work

In order to start working hard on your own body, you should familiarize yourself with basic knowledge on the topic. Mindlessly and uncontrollably performing the most effective movements will not produce any effect, so remember the following.

  • The complex involves working with such a load that you could lift 6-12 times, depending on your physical fitness and body capabilities. Isolation exercises can be repeated up to 15 times.
  • Strictly follow the prescribed numbers, because if you do less than 6 times, the result will be an increase in strength indicators, but not in volume. If you add repetitions above 12, the effect will manifest itself as an increase in muscle endurance.
  • To build mass, exercises should be done to failure. This means that if you do it the 8th time, but you physically can’t do the 9th, this is a refusal. If you don't train to failure, there will be no muscle growth.

  • The result also depends on the number of approaches. If you are a pro, then there should be 2-4 of them, and for beginners we recommend stopping at 1-2 sets.
  • Bodybuilding involves working in the “negative” phase. This means that, for example, when lifting a barbell with weights for biceps, the lifting phase will take 1 second, but the lowering phase should be extended to 3 seconds. This regime is due to the fact that in the “negative” phase, muscle fibers receive more microcracks. Injury causes muscle growth.

Features of muscle building practice

  • Before you start practicing, remember that there is no point in feeling sorry for yourself while working in the gym. The mass training program involves maximum impact, energy and effort expenditure.
  • The layout of the exercises is a pair of muscle groups for each. You also need to allow your muscles to rest. Each athlete has their own recovery period. On average it is 48-72 hours. This means that you need to exercise about 3 times a week.

  • Switch to a protein diet, about 30 minutes before the start of your workout and drink a protein shake after it. As “Iron Arnie” said, a jock should consume 2-2.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. You can take creatine, which will help increase strength, “desire to train” and body size faster.
  • Even in the gym, don’t immediately hit the iron; spend the first 10 minutes warming up your body. At the end of working on yourself, also smoothly transition to a state of rest with a 10-minute completion.

A set of weight training exercises for a week

Follow the proposed plan to achieve pleasant results in the shortest possible time.

Monday - pumping the pectoral muscles and biceps

  • We press a weighted bar on an inclined bench with a wide grip (4 sets of 8-12 times). Consider the first time as a warm-up. For this, take 50% of the working weight. The remaining approaches are with standard weight.
  • Bench press on a horizontal bench with a wide grip (4 sets of approximately 6-9 or 8-12 reps). Rather, it is suitable for men who are not new to bodybuilding. Therefore, if you feel that your general level of preparation is not up to par, then it is better to skip this option. Include it in the program as soon as you improve your physical condition.

  • On an inclined bench, dumbbell raises to the sides (3-4 sets of 12 reps). This variety is characterized as formative and isolating, so a greater number of repetitions per set is recommended.
  • Standing biceps curl with a weighted barbell. As in the first exercise, the first test is a warm-up test. Afterwards with a working weight of 2-4 lifts. 9-12 reps. to failure.

  • Hammer. It’s not for nothing that this option is called expanding, since it will make the biceps grow wider. Soon after the start of training, you will be able to visually see the grown muscle when looking from the front. The number of repetitions is standard.
  • Biceps curl in concentration (4/12-15). Isolation training again. Suitable for shaping biceps, which is very popular among male athletes.

Wednesday - back and shoulder pumping

  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (4/12). Excellent for developing the width of the back. If a variation is too difficult, skip it and move on to the next ones.
  • Deadlift (pull) (6-9/8-12). The first time is a warm-up, so half the load. Give it your all, but only once every two weeks.

  • Bent-over barbell row (6-8/10-12). The most successful movement for growing the latissimus dorsi muscles. For non-professionals, we recommend alternating this type of deadlift with a deadlift so as not to overload the body.
  • Pull the upper block to the chest area (3/10-12). Finishing after pulling. If there were no pull-ups, then pulling the block from above to the chest will become one of the most popular for the back muscles. Minimum for beginners - 2 times.

  • Traction of the lower block to the waist area (4/7-9). This activity is sometimes called rowing. As an alternative to the previous exercise or as a follow-up to it. The number of repetitions depends on the quality in which you use this complex.
  • While standing or sitting, press the barbell from your chest (military press). For gaining weight and increasing shoulder volume. The first is a warm-up, and the remaining 3-4 are main.

  • Pull the bar with weights up to the chin. The next basic action from the entire complex. The difference is in the emphasis of the load. In this variant, the accentuated load is directed to the posterior bundles of the deltoid muscles. Alternate this action with the barbell chest press. The number of sets is standard.
  • Reverse bent over dumbbell fly. It is a must for working out the shoulders. Repeat 10-12 times, performing 4 complexes.

Friday - pumping legs and triceps

  • Squat while holding a weighted bar on your shoulders. The squat requires a partner to provide protection for the athlete. The first time is half the working weight, and subsequent attempts are already with a full load. Standard number of actions.
  • Leg Press (4/9-11). It will be difficult to carry out this bench press at home; it is more likely for the gym. Suitable both as a main movement and as an additional movement if for some reason you are unable to perform squats.

  • Deadlift with dumbbells (deadlift) - standard number of repetitions. The back of the thigh is involved. We use dumbbells, since weighting provides the correct trajectory of the athlete’s movement and the desired load vector. In the next workout, you can replace the dumbbells with a barbell.

  • Leg bending in a lying position. An excellent workout for the thigh muscles, finishing off the legs with the correct technique. Repeat according to the basic pattern.
  • Barbell press with narrow grip (4/10-12). The basis for working out the triceps. After the first warm-up set, work in the standard mode until failure.

  • French press (4 to 13-15). Perform both while lying down and sitting, or you can do it while standing. You can alternate execution options if you wish. Note! This exercise loads the elbow joint, so if you feel discomfort in your elbows, then eliminate it or perform it once every 2 weeks.
  • Bent-over arm extension (4 times 13-15). Working out the triceps for relief, running and saturating it with blood. For a week, 1 day of such work is expected with low weight, but with the most correct technique. If done correctly, you will feel a burning sensation and tension in your triceps.

This complex is perfect for gaining weight for an ectomorph (a person with an accelerated metabolism who is not prone to gaining weight). The only difference is that the ectomorph will have to “work” harder at the beginning of his “career” to give impetus to muscle development.

This training program for gaining muscle mass involves basic exercises + some isolating exercises for greater visualization of the effect. Don’t feel sorry for yourself, then soon the contours of your body will please you and cause a flurry of admiring compliments from the outside.

Materials to help you learn names

When learning the months in English, for children the days of the week in the language are as follows: Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday. As you can see, all days are formed using the word “day”. The word “week” itself is translated as “week”, and weekend as “weekend” (end of the week). The days of the week must be preceded by the preposition “on”.

Pictures for sticking on the door

For your information! Even 3000 years ago, scientists associated the names of the day with the astronomical names of the planets, while the planets themselves were named in honor of the Scandinavian gods.

A good way to learn the days of the week is to create flashcards. You can find pictures associated with a certain day, or draw it yourself and sign the name of the day in English on the photo. After the cards are ready, hang them on the front door (for example, the kitchen). You need to change the days of the week according to the relevance, and the baby will gradually remember all the days in the week. You can also add a month along with the day.

Catchy songs for kids to make dancing fun

You can use tables with translations and decoding for easier perception and memorization. In them, each day of the week has its own meaning:

  • Sunday (Sunday, abbr. Sun) literally translates as “sun”. This day is dedicated to the Sun God (San). He was the main God, so in his honor the week in Britain begins on Sunday.
  • Monday (Monday, abbr. Mon) is formed from the words “moon” (“moon”) + “day”, that is, this day is dedicated to the night luminary, the goddess Moon, who followed San in seniority.
  • Tuesday (abbr. Tue) is derived from Tyr, who was the God of War in Scandinavia. The northerners revered him and bowed down to him on the third day.
  • Wednesday (Wednesday, abbreviated Wed). Odin was considered the “First Father” of the Gods. His numerous exploits in myth made him the greatest and most respected god.
  • Thursday (Thursday, abbr. Thu) was dedicated to the mighty warrior God, who was the son of Odin and Friga - Thor. He is depicted on a throne with a crown and a scepter in his hand.
  • Friday (abbr. Fri) is named after the goddess of beauty Freya (Friga).
  • Saturday (Saturday, abbr. Sat) comes from Saturn (God Siter).

Note! All names of the day in English are written with a capital letter, because in fact these are the names of the Gods.

Now that the history of each day is known, you can move on to poems with which children can quickly and easily learn the names of the days of the week in English. The child should try to pronounce the words clearly; if desired, poems can be memorized. There are many poems you can find online that you might enjoy.

Children's sayings are very helpful in learning words. It is not necessary to learn them by heart, you just need to read them a few times.

After listening to a children's song about the days of the week, the baby will strive to sing the names of the day in English as a training without outside help.

Important! It is imperative to train diction; the baby must sing the days along with the audio.

There are a large number of counting rhymes on the Internet with different tempos. You can choose and study those that you like.

Mass training program

A mass training program has only one goal - to build muscles and increase their volume. Of course, this will be much easier for beginners, since at the beginning of the journey the body has a large margin for growth. But professionals have to sweat for every new millimeter of muscle. To achieve the goal in mass recruitment, two things are needed:

  1. A well-designed training program
  2. And a lot of muscle building calories

Mass training program
Without them, you won’t see results, and if there are any results, it will take much more time and effort.
And our task with you in training is to give it your all. As one of the greatest natural bodybuilders, McRobert Stewart, said: “If you take the time to train, you will get the most out of it.” This does not mean spending several hours in the gym and doing all the exercises you know. It's about the effectiveness of the workout itself, choosing the right exercises and performing them with the right technique. But not all people are suitable for mass training. We are talking about overweight people. At the beginning of their journey, they need to get rid of excess fat. Therefore, they are more suitable for fat-burning workouts. And then they themselves will decide whether they need muscle mass or not.

Fundamental Training Principles

Warm up before a tough workout

Before you begin the training program, you should do a warm-up. It will help to properly warm up the muscles, joints and ligaments, preparing them for work. A little cardio activity, such as a treadmill or exercise bike, is also good. Of course, if you got to the gym on foot or by bike, then consider that you have already completed cardio training. Don't forget about stretching the muscle groups you are going to work on. Especially such as elbows, knees and shoulders. All this will help you avoid unnecessary injuries.

More is not better

You don't need to do a bunch of exercises in one workout. Gaining mass involves an hour-long workout with 5-6 exercises. Consequently, a long workout will only tire the muscles, and instead of growing, they will begin to self-destruct. This phenomenon is called catabolism.

Warm-up approaches

Be sure to use 1-2 warm-up approaches before the main ones. This will prepare the muscles for work by filling them with blood. And along with it, nutrients, oxygen and vitamins enter the working muscle. Also, by performing such approaches, you will create a kind of neuromuscular connection and practice the correct technique.

Do many sets of basic exercises

This is a key point in mass training. Instead of the standard 4 sets of 10 reps. When working on mass, it is better to use 7-10 sets of 3-5 repetitions. Of these, 1-3 are warm-up. This is done so that your muscle has time to properly prepare for the next approach. During rest, the muscle is filled with blood and thus warms up well. Also, a small number of times in the approach we will reduce the amount of lactic acid formation. This will have a beneficial effect on muscle growth. Since a large abundance of lactic acid is accompanied by muscle weakness and pain, especially in those parts of the body that we affected.

Work to the max

Another important point. In the last two approaches, you should select such a weight that it is not easy for you. Ideally, ask someone for help to get the most out of it.

Proper diet

For many, it’s no secret that in order to gain weight you need to eat right. To achieve this, a large amount of calories, nutrients and vitamins are consumed. Also, don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids. You can learn more about nutrition from the article “Principles of Proper Nutrition“

Rest between workouts

You should also know that muscles do not grow during training, but during rest. Therefore, you should not start the next workout if you have not recovered properly. Firstly, you will achieve nothing except overtraining. And secondly, this can have a very strong impact on the psyche and you simply don’t want to go to the gym and subject yourself to such stress. And this is where your training ends. But the worst thing is that lack of rest can lead to injuries.

These points are mandatory. Without them, muscle growth is impossible. Therefore, pay special attention to them. And it is advisable to find a training partner who will share your goals. It will also help you achieve the desired result. If there is no such person, then you can turn to the services of a trainer or people who work out in the gym. The next step for you is to break down your body into muscle groups.

Recovery after training

Beginners are mistaken in believing that the key to muscle growth lies only in proper training. In fact, to create the body of your dreams, you will need to follow a routine and get enough rest. Remember - muscles do not grow in the gym, but in breaks between classes, during the recovery process.

The optimal number of workouts per week for gaining weight is 3; if the body does not have time to renew its strength, it can be reduced to 2. It is important to know that large muscle groups recover in approximately 72 hours, small ones – 48. But keep in mind that each person is individual.

The goal of training in the gym is to cause microtrauma to the muscles. That's why volumes only increase during rest - muscle fibers gradually heal, recover, become larger and stronger.

How to properly recover after training

Don't forget about your sleep schedule: proper training is good, but your sleep schedule is no less important. Therefore, you need to ensure that you get adequate sleep. Lack of sleep inhibits muscle growth.

Breakdown of muscles into groups

The human body can be roughly divided into several muscle groups. These are large muscles such as: pectoral muscles, back, legs and abs. And also small secondary muscles: biceps, triceps and deltoids.

This is done so that we can combine several of them on each training day. Because we cannot pump up the whole body at once. This would violate one of the principles of “More is not better.” And it’s unlikely that any person will have enough strength to train all muscle groups in one day. But what muscles can be trained locally?

There is an opinion that it is better to train the muscles of the same name. That is, those who participate in the same movement. For example, pecs and triceps. If you do any chest exercise, barbell press or dumbbell press, the triceps will be directly involved in the work. Since its main function is to straighten the arm. And if you train these muscles in one day, then the triceps, which are already involved in work during chest training, can be hammered with several isolated exercises.

On the one hand, everything sounds logical if not for one “But! The triceps is not a large muscle group, so it does not require much training. But if we train it together with the muscle of the same name, we can overwork it. And when it comes to training it, you simply won’t have the strength to do it!

Therefore, a more correct solution would be to train antagonist muscles. That is, those that perform different functions and are not involved in training against each other. For example, the same pectoral and biceps or back and shoulders.

It is also best to combine large muscle groups with small ones. This is also done so that you do not run out of strength in the middle of the workout.

So I advise you to use the classic version of breaking muscles into groups:

  • First workout: chest, biceps and abs
  • Second day: back (including trapezius) and deltoid muscles.
  • Day three: legs, triceps and abs.

With this breakdown, we have 3 training days and will be able to load the whole body during them.

The first stage includes the main training program:

On Monday you need to do exercises for the chest, abdominals, and back.

On Tuesday you need to do exercises for your shoulders, upper and lower forearms, and abdominals.

On Wednesday you need to do exercises for the hips, lower legs, lower back, and abdominals.

On Thursday you need to do exercises for the chest, back, and abdominals.

On Friday we do exercises for the shoulders, upper and lower forearms, and abdominals.

Rest between workouts

Between each workout there should be at least one day of rest, ideally 2, and preferably 3. This applies to people who train naturally, without anabolic drugs. We will also introduce you to the concept of a training week. This is the time during which the training cycle takes place. In our case, these are 3 workouts with 2 days of rest between them. Traditionally, they decided to take a week and divide it into training and rest days. It looks something like this:

  1. Training days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Rest days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
  2. Training days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Rest days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.

You can, of course, choose one of the proposed options, but personally I like this one better

Training days: Monday, Thursday, Sunday. The rest of the weekend.

Thus, we have the same 3 workouts, but at the same time we have increased the rest between them.

Features of the English week

It is no coincidence that the story about the origin of the names of the days of the week began with Sunday. In most English-speaking countries, Sunday is considered the first day of the week, that is, the week begins with a day off (Sunday). There are different versions of why this order of days historically developed. Some sources find the reason in the Bible, Jewish and Christian calendars, and some in ancient superstitions. Monday, according to the ancestors, is a difficult and unlucky day, which means it is completely unsuitable for the beginning of the week.

So, in the established order of days in the English week, weekends are the first (Sunday) and the last (Saturday) days. But, nevertheless, the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) together in English are called weekend. Literally translated, it’s the end of the week. That is, in fact, English weeks also end with weekends.

Working days of the week in English (Monday-Friday) can be called in one word - weekdays/workdays. In addition, the phrase days of the week is found in speech. Unlike weekdays, this combination includes the entire seven-day week: both workdays and weekends.

Example training program

First training day

On the first day we train the pectoral muscles and biceps, with greater emphasis on the chest.

  1. Bench press on an incline bench . 2 warm-up sets and 6 work sets of 5 reps. Rest between sets for at least 3 minutes
  2. Incline dumbbell press. 1 warm-up and 3 working sets of 8-12 reps.
  3. Raising your arms to the sides on a horizontal bench. 1 warm-up and 3 working sets of 10-12 reps.
  4. Standing barbell curl. 1 warm-up and 4 working ones for 10-12 repetitions.
  5. Seated dumbbell curl . 1 warm-up and 3 working sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  6. Abdominal crunches as many times as possible.

The duration of the workout including rest will be 60 minutes ± 10. The main thing is not to rush anywhere and to restore strength well before each approach. Basic strength exercises and several hammering exercises have been selected for each muscle group. Thanks to this approach, every muscle will give its all. And this in turn activates muscle growth. Also, targeted work goes to the top of the pecs, since this part lags behind in most bodybuilders. Especially for beginners. And two biceps bundles are also worked out. At the end we do an abdominal exercise. One will be enough, you can add weights.

Second training day

The second day we will work on the back and deltoid muscles. We focus on working the back.

  1. Deadlift (classical). 1-3 warm-up sets and 6-7 working sets of 3 repetitions. Rest between sets for at least 3 minutes.
  2. Pull-ups on the bar with weights . 1 warm-up and 3 working reps of 8-12 reps.
  3. Bent-over barbell row . 1 warm-up and 3 working sets of 8-10 repetitions.
  4. Shrugs with a barbell. 1 warm-up and 3 main sets of 8-12 reps.
  5. Seated dumbbell press. 1 warm-up and 4 working sets of 8-10 repetitions.
  6. Standing dumbbell lateral raises. 1 warm-up and 3 working 10-12 times.

The second day involved all the back muscles. Starting from the broadest to deep muscles such as the erector spinae. We also worked on the trapezius and deltoids. The press was not used, because it also needs rest. We try to perform deadlifts without additional equipment such as straps, belts, elastic bandages. They just simply interfere with progress. In each approach we increase the working weight until we reach the maximum.

Third training day

On the last training day we will work on the leg muscles, triceps and pump up the abs again.

  1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders . 1-2 warm-up approaches. And 7 workers, 3 repetitions each.
  2. Bench leg press in the simulator. 1 warm-up and 4 working reps of 8-12 reps.
  3. Close-grip bench press on a horizontal bench. 1 warm-up and 4 working repetitions of 10-12 repetitions.
  4. French press with a barbell. 1 warm-up and 3 working reps.
  5. Press crunches. Maximum number of times for 3 repetitions.

Although the third day includes only 5 exercises, it is more difficult than the rest. This is because squats with a barbell are a very energy-intensive exercise. And when performing it, all the muscles of the body will be involved.

Mass training lasts from 8 to 12 weeks. Then you need to rest for a couple of weeks and let your body recover.

I also suggest watching a video about a 4-day weight training workout. Its duration is 11 minutes

Training program 6 days

6-Day Workout Program by Eric Falstrault.

Eric Falstrault is a coach with 15 years of experience, the founder of a resource dedicated to sports www.bodhifitonline.com. He specializes in the physical training of hockey players. Works with both young athletes and NHL professionals.

On New Year's holidays, most people eat as if they will not be fed for the entire next year. The sad truth is that such behavior does not lead to good. Of course, it would be better to lose weight and become healthier, but we... As they say, we will try to take control of the matter.

Holiday Preparations Haven't planned your diet in advance? Devoting a little time to menu planning is a great idea. ERIC FALSTRAULT recommends taking advantage of the military camp experience: eating healthy and exercising at least four times a week.

Nutrition Eliminate all processed foods. Food should be lean: high-quality lean meat and healthy fats for every meal. Don't get hung up on counting calories. 4 meals for ladies and 5 for gentlemen.

Workouts During the holidays, Eric is used to loading himself up with workouts. Typically, this program produces the best results when used for more than two weeks. 4-6 weeks is the optimal time to work. However, if you only have 14 days, you will have to work hard. Delay has a huge cost. Do you, like Eric, have time pressure? Trying to get in shape and respect old school bodybuilding? In this case, the training program below will suit you. It suits everyone. Training one or more muscle groups per day is up to you.

For those who have just come to iron sports, we have included educational videos “Created by Science” in the program, which analyze muscle structure, biomechanics of exercises and technique of part of the exercises from the training program for 6 days.

The first day. Chest muscles. 1. Incline dumbbell press, 5 sets of 8, 10 seconds rest between sets. 2. Bench press on a bench, 5/, rest 10 seconds. 3. Dips, 5/8, rest 10 seconds (Parts can be replaced with a bench). 4. Incline dumbbell flyes, 5/12, rest 10 seconds. 5. Crossover. Bringing your hands together on blocks. 5/15, rest 2 minutes. Make sure the block rollers are in a high position. 6. Bringing the arm, bent at the elbow, to the press, 3/6, rest 30 seconds. Make sure the block rollers are in the middle position. 7. Lying emphasis, feet on the ball. Twisting with knees bent. 3/10, rest 1 min.

3-day training program for mass

Especially for those who can only train one day a week, we have prepared a three-day set of exercises for maximum muscle growth.

The purpose of this training set

This 3 times a week muscle building workout program lasts for 12 weeks and is ideal for those who really want to build muscle and get bigger.

Two-day split for beginners

Beginners should not immediately rush to powerful loads, because at the end of the week they will have neither the strength nor the desire to continue such tests further. The body first needs to be prepared - sit on a two-day split for 1-2 months.

Monday - bottom

Two-day mass split for beginners, bottom

Thursday - top

2-Day Mass Split for Beginners, Top

Each muscle group is pumped deeply, but only once a week. During this break time of 2-3 days, the body has time to fully recover, so training according to this scheme is as effective as possible.

3-day training program for mass

This is a fairly basic workout, designed for 3 days a week. There won't be any crazy exercise variations here. The main goal is to complete the required number of repetitions.

A competent approach will allow you to achieve amazing results.

Training schedule

  • Monday - chest, triceps, abs
  • Tuesday - rest
  • Wednesday - back, biceps, trapezius muscles
  • Thursday - rest
  • Friday - legs, shoulders, abs
  • Saturday - rest
  • Sunday - rest

If your schedule doesn't allow you to stick to the schedule above, just go to the gym on days that suit you 3 times a week.

The advantage of this schedule is that each training day is followed by at least one rest day.

The main advantage of this approach is that it allows you to achieve goals in various ways.

Simply put, you have a target number of repetitions that you need to complete in a certain number of sets.

For example, you have 5 approaches for which you need to complete 30 repetitions. Don't think of it as 5 sets of 6 reps. Instead, perform each set to failure, keeping the 30-rep goal in mind.

For example, an exercise might look like this: 12 reps, 10 reps, 6 reps, 2 reps. This way you perform 30 repetitions and fit into 5 sets.

It's easier to keep a running score for the entire exercise.

For example: In the first approach you did 12 repetitions, in the second approach you start counting from 13 and end, for example, at 22, the third approach starts from 23 to 28, the fourth from 29 to 30.

First day

Chest, triceps, abs

ExerciseApproachesNumber of repetitions
Bench press430
Incline Dumbbell Press535
Hummer Chest Press435
Close grip bench press325
French triceps press330
Crunches on the upper block330
Plank3As long as possible

Second day

Back, biceps, trapezius muscles

ExerciseApproachesNumber of repetitions
Bicep curls alternately with one arm425
Wide grip lat pulldown to chest425
Barbell curls on a Scott bench330
Biceps curls with Hammer dumbbells330
Chin pull440
Shrugs with dumbbells560

The third day

Legs, shoulders, abs

ExerciseApproachesNumber of repetitions
Leg Curl330
Hack squat425
Army press430
Lateral raises with dumbbells425
Extension of arms in the butterfly simulator430
Side bends350
Weighted crunches350

Six day split rules

Intensity is a parameter that characterizes the maximum load, this parameter is usually used in powerlifting and is calculated from a personal maximum in a competitive lift for repetition. In this case, we are talking about achieving positive failure, when the athlete is no longer able to perform a single repetition without breaking the technique or with the help of a partner. During a six-day split, a straight pyramid is used, where the athlete increases the working weight from set to set, while only one “failure” repetition is allowed in the last approach. At the same time, “failure” is not at all necessary in all exercises, for example, in isolating exercises it is not at all necessary, but in basic exercises that stimulate strength indicators and ensure progression of loads, the last repetition in the last approach should be “failure”.

KPS is an abbreviation for the number of barbell lifts, or, more simply, training volume. This indicator, in combination with intensity, allows you to manipulate the magnitude of the load, that is, in essence, use microperiodization. In this case, it is recommended to use 3 to 5 working sets, starting with 12 repetitions per set and ending with 6. For intermediate sets, you can use any number of repetitions from 6 to 12, but we recommend gradually reducing them and increasing the working weight. The point is that you can perform, for example, 4 sets of 12 repetitions with less weight than performing the final approach of 6, and this is too big a “step” that limits your final result. The fact is that the larger the “step”, the worse the muscle innervation, since the central nervous system simply will not allow the creation of a nerve impulse of sufficient strength.

Diet is the main recovery factor that ensures muscle growth, although you should take into account that without 8-9 hours of sleep a day, it is almost impossible to recover even with the help of very competent nutrition. In general, the diet is quite simple, you need to eat as much as possible, the main thing is to eat no less than the minimum. Usually everyone pays attention to the amount of protein, which should be 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. This parameter is often overestimated because it is beneficial for sports nutrition manufacturers, but in fact, what is truly important is the amount of carbohydrates, which should be 3-5 grams per kilogram of body weight. Fats should make up about 10-15% of the total diet, but they do not need to be counted, because if you eat meat, fish, use sunflower or olive oil, then you get it in sufficient quantities. The only thing worth paying attention to is fish oil, which we recommend that you take 2-3 times a year for a month.

Specialization is the practice of prioritizing training one muscle group more than others. A six-day split allows you to use specialization, but you should take into account that although all other muscle groups can theoretically be trained with the same intensity, nevertheless, since the adaptation reserve is limited, you should reduce the load. The priority muscle group is trained twice a week, dividing the workouts in such a way that on one training day you give more load to one part of the muscles of the priority muscle group, and on another training day to another part of it. The legs are divided into training the quadriceps and hamstrings, the latissimus dorsi into rows and rows from above, the chest into the lower and upper parts, the arms into biceps and triceps, the shoulders into the middle and rear deltoids. You can also specialize on the long back muscles, but it looks different, this is a strength program for working on deadlifts. One way or another, no matter how you group the muscle groups, you must consistently train the antagonist muscles, for example, after the chest, the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Classic six-day split

Monday – Legs Barbell Squats – 4 sets of 12-6 reps Leg Press – 4 sets of 8 reps Hack Squats – 4 sets of 10 reps Romanian Deadlifts – 4 sets of 12-6 reps Leg Curls – 4 sets of 12 reps

Tuesday – chest Bench press – 4 sets of 12-6 reps Incline press – 4 sets of 12-6 reps Dips – 4 sets of 8 reps Dumbbell flyes – 4 sets of 10 reps

Wednesday - latissimus dorsi Barbell rows - 4 sets of 12-6 reps Lat rows - 4 sets of 10 reps Wide grip pull-ups - 4 sets of 12-6 reps Lat rows - 4 sets of 10 reps Dumbbell rows – 4 sets of 8 reps

Thursday – long back muscles Hyperextension – 4 sets of 10 reps Deadlift – 4 sets of 12-6 reps Bent-overs – 4 sets of 8 reps

Friday – shoulders Barbell rows to the chest – 4 sets of 10 reps Standing dumbbell swings – 4 sets of 12 reps Lying barbell rows – 4 sets of 10 reps Bent-over dumbbell swings – 4 sets of 12 reps Crossover swings – 4 sets of 12 reps

Saturday – Arms California Press – 4 sets of 12-6 reps Bicep Curls – 4 sets of 12-6 reps Reverse Grip Press – 4 sets of 8 reps Hammer Curls – 4 sets of 10 reps

Food for mass

During this effective 12-week training, you will gain muscle mass and some fat, and also significantly increase muscle strength.

Increase volumes gradually to get maximum benefits. A much easier option is to lose some fat after training rather than trying to achieve significant results while in a deficit.

If the weight persists, here are some simple ways to add a good amount of calories to your diet:

  • Butter
  • Cream cheese
  • Sour cream
  • Whole milk
  • Cream
  • Cheese in combination with any food
  • Protein shakes
  • Peanut butter
  • Olive oil
  • Extra salad dressing

All these products allow you not only to diversify your diet. but also add a significant amount of healthy fats. When achieving a goal, this option is more preferable than going to McDonald's.

By eating clean and healthy, you will feel better and have more energy to exercise. Your stomach will tell you: “Thank you!”

The main “focus” of this system is not training, but appropriate nutrition and recovery.

This bulking program may be a little overkill, after the end of 12 weeks you may want to cut back on your calories a bit. But the strength and muscle size gained is definitely worth it.

Eat more

As part of this training, you will be eating 400 calories more than your basal metabolic rate. That is, if your progress has stalled, add another 400 calories to your diet and you will begin to become stronger and bigger.

Cardio training helps keep the body from gaining excess fat, but if you are looking for an effective training program for mass, then be prepared for this.

It's time to give up some of your favorite foods. If you eat right, it will be quite difficult to gain 400 calories.

Before using a training program to gain muscle mass, it is worth studying the basic principles, without which it will be difficult to achieve impressive results.

Recommended Supplements

No matter how strange it may sound in the context of an article about a training program for gaining muscle mass, it is better to spend money on quality meat than on a package of protein.

If everything is in order with your nutrition, then the following supplements will definitely benefit you and your muscles.

Pre-workout supplements

Here you have your choice, but not everyone needs them. The best pre-workout option is any complex without an excessive amount of stimulants.

Whey protein is considered by many athletes to be the best supplement for muscle growth. Since it contains a full set of amino acids and is absorbed quite quickly. The cocktail can be taken immediately after training, as well as in the morning. And if there is not enough protein in your diet, you can drink one serving between meals. Whey protein is one of the best sports supplements that has proven its effectiveness.

Read more about what protein is and why the body needs it, especially during training for muscle growth.

This supplement consists of three amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine, it protects muscle fibers from destruction by cortisol. It can be taken before, during or after training. It all depends on what kind of food you had before classes and how long ago it was.

A truly high-quality supplement for gaining mass and strength. Improves endurance and speed of recovery of the body. Perfect for intense weight training.

Cardio workout

For cardio workouts, choose at least two different machines at the gym and at least one activity outdoors.

Yes, when training, you need to consume more calories than you expend and try to avoid unnecessary energy consumption. All this is true, but when you supplement the complex with cardio exercises, you will improve your metabolism, which means faster protein synthesis.

It is advisable to warm up well before training. 10 minutes of cardio will do this.

Don't get carried away, you will need energy during the main workout. The main goal of this warm-up is to speed up the pulse and raise body temperature in order to maximally protect the body from the risk of injury.

Immediately after your workout, return to cardio.

You can either continue working on the same machine you warmed up on, or choose another one.

After your workout, do 20-30 minutes of cardio.

You can choose either a constant load or an interval load.

We advise you to opt for interval training.

Outside the gym

On non-training days, spend time being active in the fresh air.

Choose what you like. This could be playing football, climbing mountains, a simple walk, cycling and much more. The possibilities are endless.

There's no point in spending all your time going to the gym when you can just get out of the house and enjoy life.

Clarification by seasons and seasons

1. The word season can mean not only “time of year” (summer, winter, spring, autumn), but also “season” as a part of the year suitable for some activity or work:

  • Spring is my favorite season. – Spring is my favorite time of year .
  • Tomorrow is the opening day of the duck hunting season . – Tomorrow is the opening of duck hunting season

2. In some tropical countries, for example, in Singapore, there are only two seasons (times of year):

  • Raining season - rainy season.
  • Dry season – dry season.

3. Seasons, except autumn, can also be named with the addition of the root time:

  • winter - wintertime.
  • spring - springtime.
  • summer - summertime.

These words are translated into Russian either in the same way as the original ones (spring, summer, winter), or: spring time, summer time, winter time.

Some useful tips

Deadlift. Your goal is 20 repetitions in 10 minutes. Treat each rep as if it were a single rep. Don't feel sorry for yourself, try your best.

Plank. Stay in the plank position for as long as possible until you fall.

Time relax. Decreasing rest time increases the intensity of the workout by increasing blood flow to the muscles. Rest no more than 45 seconds between sets. But if after this time you feel that you are not ready for the next set, do not push yourself, otherwise you risk injury.

Remember these tips and train 3 days a week with this program to gain muscle mass. If you're still seeing steady weight gain after 12 weeks, rest for a couple of weeks, target cardio, and cut back on calories a bit to lose some of the fat you gained during this cycle.

By following all the recommendations, you can increase strength and gain muscle mass. Train and the results will not be long in coming.

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