Protein-fat diet: create the right menu and lose weight in a week

Incredible! On a fat diet, you can easily eat pancakes, roast meat, and other delicious dishes and lose weight! Without hunger and strict portion size restrictions! Find out more about this super diet and get the menu!
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Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 12/27/2019

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With a healthy lifestyle or while following most weight loss diets, the intake of fatty foods is limited as much as possible. This is due to the fact that reducing the amount of fat in the diet significantly reduces its daily calorie content and has a positive effect on health. Most nutritionists believe that the first step is to minimize the consumption of fatty meats, high-fat dairy products and other sources of animal fats. And to ensure normal functioning of the body, it is enough to take a little healthy vegetable oils. Contrary to all these dogmas, there is a completely absurd at first glance so-called fat diet, which involves switching to eating the most fatty protein foods and an almost complete rejection of any carbohydrates - not only harmful simple ones, but also healthy complex ones.

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Why do we need fats?

Unfortunately, many girls and women have a misconception about this food nutrient. To those losing weight, it seems to be enemy No. 1, because, in their opinion, this particular element is a direct road to increasing the subcutaneous fat layer. But in fact, fats are one of the main food nutrients that take part in all metabolic reactions. They participate in the construction of cell membranes, are one of the sources of energy and create conditions for the absorption of vitamins such as A and E.

benefits of fats

First of all, fats are a source of polyunsaturated acids. This includes omega-3 and omega-6, which are necessary for the synthesis of a number of hormones, the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, and maintaining the function of the cardiovascular system. A 100% fat-free diet entails negative consequences and ultimately causes irreparable harm to health. However, almost all products contain a certain amount of the described nutrients of plant or animal origin. Therefore, creating a menu for a “no fat” diet can cause certain difficulties. It turns out that it received its name purely conditionally. In fact, it would be more correct to call it low-fat.

Effect on the body

Protein-fat diet

How does a protein-fat diet for weight loss work? The mechanism of its action on the body is not much different from other methods of losing excess weight:

  • due to a decrease in carbohydrates in the diet, subcutaneous fat is consumed, which helps to reduce the volume of the waist, abdomen, and hips;
  • fats become the main source of energy;
  • they also trigger the mechanism for spending the glycogen “reserves” accumulated by the body;
  • weight is normalized, and with the help of a protein-fat diet, fat people lose weight, and thin people gain the necessary kilograms;
  • with diabetes mellitus, kidney function improves;
  • the condition of bronchial asthma, allergic reactions, and hormonal imbalances is alleviated;
  • activity and endurance increase.

On the one hand, everything seems ideal, although in fact not everyone can afford a protein-fat diet. Many people's bodies cannot withstand the abundance of such food with minimal carbohydrate intake. Among the disadvantages are:

  • discomfort in the stomach due to the abundance of fatty and protein foods;
  • deterioration of health at different stages of the diet: weakness, general malaise, dizziness.

Due to the fact that not everyone can withstand the protein-fat diet, it is subject to severe criticism. However, the fact remains: people who found it suitable lost weight with its help and achieved amazing results. This means that it’s all about individual tolerance to such food. What is recommended to include in the diet during such an unusual fast?

Interesting fact. Kwasniewski argues that a protein-fat diet is ideal for athletes involved in weightlifting and bodybuilding, as it promotes weight gain.

First steps

Before you begin the weight loss procedure, you need to understand why you are doing it. Once you have decided on your goal, you can begin. But how is the start set correctly? To begin with, you should pay attention to your daily diet, as well as the number of meals (including snacks). Before you go on a strict low-fat diet for weight loss, you should accustom yourself to eating on a schedule (five times a day every two hours), eliminate all snacks, and reduce the portion size. The second step is to identify foods high in fat in your diet and remove them from your table.

Diet price

The most strict version of a low-fat diet involves reducing the amount of fat to 10% of the daily diet.

A low-fat diet involves excluding the following foods:

  • fat meat;
  • fried foods;
  • chocolate;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • sugar and sweet baked goods;
  • fatty sauces;
  • condensed milk;
  • margarine, spread, back fat;
  • sausages, wieners, bacon;
  • fast food.

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The low-fat diet includes regular, inexpensive foods. Cost calculation based on the weekly menu showed that the financial cost of purchasing all products for the week is 1300-1400 rubles.

Diet “no fat” - features of the method

The advantage of the described diet is the ability to significantly reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, improve the general condition of the body and lose those hated pounds. The dietary course is one of the few methods that not only have a positive effect on the appearance, but also on the human body.

fruits on a diet

The effects of a low-fat diet can vary. Abuse of this technique can result in dysfunction of the reproductive system. In addition to decreased libido, the development of infertility can be triggered. Consequences of this nature arise against the background of a lack of cholesterol intake, which our body needs to form the sex hormone.

The low-fat diet menu is strictly contraindicated for growing organisms (this includes children and adolescents). Before you start losing weight, you should always consult your doctor. According to medical reviews, a low-fat diet can be classified as a “therapeutic diet”: it can bring health benefits only under the strict supervision of doctors and nutritionists.

Basic principles

When following a protein-fat diet, you must adhere to certain rules that will promote faster and more effective weight loss, and will also prevent your health from deteriorating during the hunger strike.

  1. Only fatty foods are allowed, which are a natural source of vegetable fats and protein.
  2. Carbohydrate consumption is kept to a minimum and, if possible, completely avoided.
  3. Balancing nutrition is expressed in the following scheme of a protein-fat diet: 1 part protein // 2.5-3.5 parts fat // 0.8 parts carbohydrates.
  4. The weight loss method involves two meals - breakfast and lunch. Dinner is allowed but not recommended.
  5. You need to eat in a calm environment, silence, without distractions. During this time, you cannot read, sing, talk, watch TV, or listen to music.
  6. After eating, Kwasniewski strongly recommends lying quietly for 20 minutes. Physical activity is allowed only after 2.5 hours.
  7. You can eat without a regimen, that is, at any time of the day, whenever you want, but only 2 or 3 times.
  8. There are no restrictions on the portions of food consumed, but the diet is so cleverly designed that you won’t be able to eat much.
  9. Throughout the protein-fat fast, you need to regularly donate blood for analysis, tracking your indicators in order to avoid deterioration of health.
  10. Snacks are prohibited.

You need to understand that the protein-fat diet is very unusual, and therefore cannot be treated like all other weight loss methods. Here you need to strictly follow all the recommendations of nutritionists and doctors, otherwise the result will not be lost pounds, but serious health problems. And one of the most important points is proper menu planning.

How it works?

When we reduce the amount of fat we consume, the liver stops producing large quantities of cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and is the cause of heart attacks and strokes. Research shows that consuming minimal amounts of fat allows the body to become more resistant to cancer. Provided the food contains a sufficient amount of beneficial micro- and macroelements and vitamins, a low-fat diet can have a positive effect on the human immune system.


In the modern world, there are a large number of diets with their own principles and basics. Some recommendations can be analyzed using the example of one of them.

The founder of one of these diets is Dr. Dean Ornish. It offers an almost complete elimination of the presence of fats in the diet. Ornish divides foods into subtypes:

  • those that can be consumed without any restrictions;
  • which should be present in the diet in small quantities;
  • strictly prohibited.

The first group includes all legumes, grains, vegetables and fruits. He lists low-fat dairy products, corn flakes, egg whites and crackers as foods that should be consumed in limited quantities. Prohibited foods include meat, butter, mayonnaise and all kinds of sauces, cheeses, egg yolks, avocados, olives and black olives. It is also strictly unacceptable to consume pure sugar and food that contains it in very large quantities. This also includes alcohol and hot spices.

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That is, we can conclude that his diet is based on vegetarian products, but rare consumption of egg whites and low-fat dairy products is acceptable.

The ease of the diet is determined by the unlimited number of meals, as well as its volume, but you need to be careful and not forget about the balance of what the body takes: proteins, iron and vitamins should be normal; a deficiency of such components should not be allowed.

Protein in such a diet is replenished with legumes, and there is a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, and those that are healthy.

Dean Ornish, in his recommendations, points out that, of course, it is necessary to adhere to such a nutritional system for the rest of your life to constantly stay in shape. The results of such a diet cannot be achieved quickly, but they are stable. At first there will be a slight weight loss, but soon everything will return to normal.

This nutritional system will benefit people with coronary heart disease and become therapeutic. According to Dr. Ornish, the cholesterol and fat content in food for such health problems should be reduced immediately. And there will be two methods of treatment: strict and a little loyal, the second will be more related to prevention.

The Ornish diet is also a prevention of diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes and cholelithiasis;
  • breast and prostate cancer.

So, when eating according to this system, you don’t have to limit yourself in the amount of food you eat, since the body still receives the bulk of calories from consumed fats, and when they are eliminated or reduced, they are replaced by proteins and carbohydrates.

Dr. Ornish’s therapeutic nutrition system looks like this:

  • Consumption of foods with minimal fat content, which should be completely free of cholesterol.
  • Calorie content - no more than 10 percent.
  • Oils and foods of animal origin are strictly prohibited, except for low-fat dairy products and egg whites.
  • The predominance of dietary fiber in food.
  • Avoiding drinking alcohol and coffee.

The preventative diet looks about the same, only with a more gentle diet, where the consumption of fats is allowed.

Diet for pregnant women for weight loss

What can and cannot be eaten on a diet?

During the diet, it is recommended to include the following products in the diet:

  • natural coffee and tea;
  • baked or boiled mushrooms;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • any vegetables;
  • fruits and berries (except for grapes and bananas);
  • lean meats (poultry, horse meat, beef);
  • low-fat fish (cod, trout, pike, flounder).

What should you not eat?

salads on a low-fat diet

The following types of foods are excluded from the diet:

  • fatty meats (lamb, pork, veal);
  • poultry with a high fat content (goose, duck);
  • sugar;
  • meat by-products (liver, lungs, kidneys, heart);
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • sausages;
  • fatty fish (herring, tuna, salmon, carp).

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After many years of research, Dr. Kwasniewski concluded that a person should consume only animal proteins and fats, because they are easily digestible and provide a lot of energy. Everything else should be significantly limited or excluded from the diet. The nutritionist considers vegetables and fruits to be especially useless, since they consist mainly of water, so they only burden the stomach with unnecessary work, without giving the body anything nutritious. And the vitamins necessary for normal life, according to the doctor, are found in sufficient quantities in meat, milk, eggs and especially in offal. He says the same thing about fats, considering lard to be much healthier than vegetable oils.

ketogenic diet diet

Kwasniewski also recommends categorically avoiding fiber, which is found in whole grain flour, bran, and cereals. Contrary to the established belief that dietary fiber improves digestion and cleanses the intestines, the Polish nutritionist considers it a completely unnecessary ballast.

Thus, when switching to a fatty diet, the basis of the menu should be the following products:

  • meat and fish of fatty varieties, lard, offal - unlimited;
  • eggs – up to 8 pieces per day;
  • high-fat dairy products (especially butter, cream, cheeses) - also without restrictions.

Additionally, a small number of foods containing a minimum (no more than 50 g) of net carbohydrates should be included in the diet. It is best if these are vegetables (preferably potatoes), pasta and durum wheat bread. A day is enough to eat 1-2 potatoes, 2-3 tablespoons of pasta or 1 slice of bread. Any other products are strictly prohibited.

Creating a menu for losing weight on a low-fat diet

Entry into the described diet should be gradual, the weight loss procedure should be as comfortable and harmless as possible.

A diet based on low-fat foods means consuming permitted foods in raw, boiled or baked form. During the diet, eating fried foods is prohibited, otherwise the beneficial effect will go down the drain.

diet menu

Before you start losing weight, you need to understand that with a low-fat diet, the menu for the week can turn out to be quite monotonous and quickly get boring (those who are losing weight are especially depressed by the lack of sugar, salt, and spices in their diet, which, by the way, stimulate appetite).

As numerous reviews from athletes show, the diet really helps to lose extra pounds in the shortest possible time. But everyone unanimously insists: the main thing in this matter is the correct way out of dietary nutrition. You only have to fail once at the end of the course to cover several weeks of strict restrictions with this failure. But, by overcoming sudden attacks of hunger in the first days after completing the diet, you can consolidate the results obtained and develop an improved nutrition system that will keep your body in shape.

Recipes for following a fat diet


Is one of the main products of the fat diet

First of all, you need to choose the right product when purchasing:

  • The lard should have a uniform whitish color (without blood streaks or yellowness);
  • The piece should not be very thick, optimal - 2-3 cm;
  • You should choose lard that is elastic, not hard, without a loose structure (you can press on it: the hole that appears should quickly level out);
  • It is necessary to focus on the skin, there should be no stubble.

We cut the purchased fresh lard into pieces and put them in the freezer. Adding spices is allowed (garlic, cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander, cloves). You will need to take it out of the refrigerator and eat one piece a day.

Roast pork

Ingredients: 300 gr. meat, 1 chicken egg, breadcrumbs and vegetable oil.

Cut the meat into several parts and place in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil.

Fry for about 20 minutes.

During this time, beat the egg with a whisk or blender and mix with breadcrumbs.

After the meat is fried until golden brown, brush the pieces with the resulting mixture.

Cook the meat for another 10 minutes, turning occasionally.

Omelet with bacon

Ingredients: 2 chicken eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 100 gr. heavy cream, salt and red pepper.

Fry the bacon in a frying pan over high heat for a few minutes on each side.

Beat the eggs and cream with a whisk or blender, add a little salt and pepper.

Pour everything into a frying pan with bacon and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Scrambled eggs with sausages

Ingredients: 2 chicken eggs, several sausages, 40 gr. hard cheese, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, fresh herbs, salt.

Cut the sausages into small pieces and fry them in vegetable oil.

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Beat the eggs and add to the sausages. We grate the cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle it on top of our dish.

Fry over medium heat for about 3 minutes.

Sprinkle with herbs.


Ingredients: 3 gr. wheat flour, 1 chicken eggs, 500 gr. full-fat cottage cheese, 50 gr. butter, salt.

In a bowl, mash the cottage cheese with a fork, add the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

We form neat balls, roll in flour and fry in a heated frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil.

You can eat it with jam, sour cream or condensed milk.

Example of a low-fat menu for one day

Here you will learn how to create a one-day menu on a low-fat diet. A week or two of such nutrition will allow you to evaluate the capabilities of your body, re-experience the taste of foods devoid of additional taste effects, and improve your immunity.

It is necessary to remember that all fermented milk products included in the diet must have a minimum percentage of fat content.

benefits of diet

For breakfast you can prepare the following: an omelet (we make it from two whites and one yolk in the oven or steamed), one glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice (not canned), a slice of whole grain bread (can be replaced with 100 grams of cottage cheese with yogurt and fruit).

Dishes for lunch: for the first - vegetable soup from any vegetables without potatoes and meat, for the second - 150 grams of boiled chicken breast or other lean meat, as a side dish, boiled buckwheat without salt or a light vegetable salad with the addition of a small amount of olive oil, a piece rye or bran bread.

For an afternoon snack, take the following: 200 grams of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk, one allowed fruit, 50 grams of hard cheese.

For dinner we prepare: Option 1 – 200 grams of cottage cheese casserole, to which you can add fruit; Option 2 – 150 grams of stewed cod or flounder with stewed or fresh vegetables.

As you can see, “no fat” diet recipes are extremely simple.

Two hours before bedtime, you are allowed to drink one glass of low-fat kefir.

Such a therapeutic and dietary diet must be maintained with adequate water balance. Throughout the day you need to drink about two liters of water, water with ginger or lemon juice, tea without sugar or herbal infusions.

Basic principles of low-fat nutrition

When following a protein-fat diet, you must adhere to certain rules that will promote faster and more effective weight loss, and will also prevent your health from deteriorating during the hunger strike.

First of all, you need to know that when switching from your usual diet to a diet without meat, swelling of the limbs may occur, as the body begins to retain water. All salty foods contribute to this, so in the first week of the diet you should limit them and try to drink up to two liters of water (and other drinks) per day.

In addition, it will be more beneficial to reduce the consumption of drinks containing caffeine and give up carbonated and canned sweet juices.

Excluding meat products does not mean that you need to completely eliminate main dishes containing protein and use only side dishes. This leads to the fact that the body begins to deplete, metabolism is disrupted and the immune system is weakened.

Very often, when following a meat-free diet, people mistakenly try to eat exclusively vegetables and fruits, which do not give a feeling of fullness for a sufficient time. Therefore, without even noticing it, they begin to consume foods in double quantities and much more often, and an excess of carbohydrates does not have the best effect on their figure.

The general principle of nutrition for this diet will also be to avoid alcoholic beverages, ketchup and mayonnaise, fried foods, baked goods and sweets, bananas and grapes.

Cottage cheese and other dairy products should be consumed low-fat; lemon juice or vegetable oil should be used for salad dressing.

A serving of cereal is no more than 50 grams.

• strict vegetarian, which is mainly indicated for overweight people with high levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood;

• fish diet, in which it is advisable to eat any fish and seafood;

• not a strict vegetarian diet, in which, in addition to seafood, it is allowed to consume dairy products, cereals, eggs, fruits and vegetables, etc.

Option for a strict meat-free diet. For breakfast, it is advisable to prepare oatmeal with any berries in water, any fruit, fresh squeezed juice.

For lunch it is better to cook vegetable soups, for the second course buckwheat porridge, cabbage or beetroot cutlets, or stewed green beans, as well as vegetable stew and always nuts. For dinner, we recommend a vegetable salad seasoned with olive or flaxseed oil or boiled vegetables, sprouted seeds and green tea.

Sample menu for a meat-free diet that includes fish products. When following a fish diet, it is advisable to drink a glass of still water in the morning before meals.

For breakfast, it is advisable to have stewed vegetables or porridge, green tea or chicory. For lunch you can have mushroom soup or fish soup, boiled rice with baked fish, and berries.

For dinner, you can treat yourself to a vegetable and seafood salad, fruit juice or ginger tea.

A menu option for a non-strict, fairly varied vegetarian diet. You can have breakfast with a two-egg omelette or oatmeal, buckwheat with milk, or cocoa.

For lunch, premium pasta with grated cheese, beans or boiled rice, fish soup, lean soups, bread and a glass of kefir, and any fruit would be appropriate. For dinner, cottage cheese (about 100 grams), fresh vegetables or vegetable stew, one boiled egg, a sandwich with lettuce and cheese, and green tea are suitable.

Thus, in all three of these variations, the menu is quite varied and not at all difficult to prepare. And the results of a meat-free diet will not take long to arrive.

So, by following a strict vegetarian menu, you can lose up to 8 kg of excess weight in about a week. The fish version of the diet will allow you to get rid of two to five kilograms in a week.

And a non-strict menu makes you lose from one to three kilograms per week.

The meat-free diet lasts three to four weeks, during which time the body gets into amazing shape.

A low-fat diet is not a complete rejection of fats, but a reduction in them in the diet to 40-50 g per day. Fats are one of the main macronutrients that supply energy.

Insufficient supply of lipids forces the body to use up its reserves, which it reliably stores in fat cells. With short-term adherence to the diet, blood vessels are cleansed, blood composition is improved, and weight loss is up to 5 kg per week.

At first glance, it may seem that a low-fat diet requires only abstinence from fat, but upon closer examination, a not so rosy picture emerges. The authors of the diet are disingenuous when they say that all fat-free foods can be eaten without restriction.

The amount of proteins and carbohydrates is also limited. Carbohydrates are no less important suppliers of energy than fats.

The human body cannot be called wasteful and it stores every unspent unit of energy as a reserve in the form of fat deposits. The formula for losing weight always remains the same: calorie expenditure should exceed calorie intake.

Often, people, having read the diet slogan: “You can eat everything except fat,” begin to intensively consume baked goods, sweet products and all food without fat in unlimited quantities. As a result, new sweet fat appears on the stomach and thighs and low-fat nutrition undergoes a complete fiasco.

Only moderation in portions and choosing the right foods for your diet will help you get rid of extra pounds.

What are the disadvantages of such a diet?

Already in the first days of therapeutic dietary nutrition, significant weight loss will be noted. However, by the end of the first week, a “weight stop” effect may be observed. Don't despair if you notice that the weight has risen. This happens for several reasons.

Probably, many of us are aware of the following myth: if we exclude a certain type of food from the diet for a long time, the body immediately begins to use its internal “reserves”, that is, to lose weight. In fact, our body is somewhat more complicated: it makes a lot of efforts to preserve the “stuff” acquired over the years.

With a dietary diet, our body does not receive enough of the necessary substances and goes into saving mode, usually replenishing the energy deficiency due to the destruction of muscle mass rather than fat cells.

As a result of such stressful weight loss, sagging skin, cellulite, wrinkles, folds, and sagging appear.

To avoid such side effects, nutritionists recommend not going beyond the duration of the diet and be sure to include physical exercise (swimming, running, fitness). If you lose weight incorrectly using the fat-free method, you may experience drowsiness, decreased concentration, irritability, lethargy, and the body becomes more vulnerable.

By carefully studying the pros and cons, you can come to a very important conclusion: the full functioning of the body requires the presence of all biologically significant elements. A low-fat diet is rather a short-term method of express weight loss. The maximum duration of such a diet, according to nutritionists, is one to one and a half weeks. But some people who are losing weight resort to desperate measures and sit on such a diet for several weeks in a row, and then are surprised that they have loose skin and other side effects.

You can create a weekly diet yourself, or you can seek the help of a nutritionist.

If you decide to lose weight, then do it right. Try to include sports in your schedule, and soon you will be able to see good results!


Fatty foods are already limited in a healthy lifestyle. If you consume it in large quantities without carbohydrates (the same bread), you can drive your own body into a state of stress, from which it will be very difficult to remove it. If you have health problems in such a situation, everything can become seriously complicated. Therefore, you should not lose weight on a protein-fat diet if you have the following contraindications:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • serious stomach diseases;
  • hereditary diseases associated with metabolism.

There are many people who want to lose weight on lard and meat, but in reality, not everyone can sustain a protein-fat diet. And the first warning sign that this is impossible is the presence of one or more contraindications. If they are not there and the nutritionist has given permission, you first need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of this technique.

Unfortunately, in addition to its good qualities and effectiveness, the diet has many disadvantages. Long-term use of the diet can lead to a deficiency of fatty acids in the body.

As a result, you may experience: depression, dyspepsia, fatigue, irritability, decreased metabolism, muscle atrophy, rash, changes in emotional status, dehydration. Also, if you go on a diet for a long time, you will experience a lack of B vitamins, vitamin A, K, D.


  • Pregnancy;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Acute disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Lactation period;
  • Elderly people;
  • Anemia;
  • Kids.

This diet has many contraindications. People whose many organs are not functioning properly are prohibited from eating foods high in fat. Therefore, you should definitely undergo a full examination and make sure that everything is in order with your health, and you can lose weight this way.

Of course, people who have been prescribed special nutrition due to a certain disease should not lose weight on a fat diet. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children should not lose weight using the Kvasnovsky system. In general, you should approach such controversial methods of losing weight with extreme caution.

The fat diet has received a lot of positive feedback. Some claim that they managed to lose 5 extra pounds in 2 weeks without feeling hungry. Despite the fact that such a diet includes foods high in fat, those who are losing weight not only lose extra pounds, but also get fuller.

Reviews of those losing weight

Reviews about this technique vary: some praise the express diet, while others call for attention to more gentle ways of losing weight.

Positive reviews say that the effect of a low-fat diet is visible “on the face”: the double chin disappears, puffiness disappears, the body becomes more flexible and slender.

Others say that the result of losing weight was not impressive: in a week they managed to lose only 1 kilogram, and even then after a week it returned to its place.

Some note constant fatigue of the body and the inability to do usual activities. And this is easy to explain - the body is under stress, it has no time for routine!

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