Intermittent fasting for weight loss for women menu

Intermittent fasting or, as it is called, intermittent fasting, is today one of the most popular hits in the field of weight loss and self-healing of the body. What is this technique that has caused a stir throughout Hollywood and Silicon Valley? It turns out that this is a real alternative for those who want to lose excess weight, but are not ready to go on diets, count calories or eat a fractional diet. And it is based not on the secrets of “stellar” harmony, but on a grandiose scientific discovery, awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Intermittent fasting as it stands

Literally translated, Intermittent fasting (IF) means “intermittent fasting.” Since the power system began to be used not so long ago, it is still shrouded in some mystery and has both supporters and ardent opponents.

The essence of this method is to correct the diet by regulating the timing of nutrient intake and reducing the number of meals. Intermittent fasting was popularized by the 5/2 diet, which involves eating regular meals combined with fasting days. However, in this case, weight loss occurs due to narrowing the eating window.

The IF format system will be the optimal solution both for lovers of hearty breakfasts and for those who cannot refuse an evening meal after six. The main thing is that the break between the last and first meals is a certain number of hours.

Discovery of a well-forgotten old

Fasting, as one of the most effective ways to get rid of excess weight and related diseases, began to be used in ancient times. It is mentioned in the works of Hippocrates, medical treatises of Ayurveda, Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Holy Roman Empire and the countries of the Far East. In addition, abstinence from food has long been practiced as a religious rite and a means of repentance among almost all peoples of the world.

With all this, “fasting for health”, as a non-drug treatment method, began to be actively used only at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. History knows many eminent medical figures who made a significant contribution to the development of this technique and its subsequent use in the treatment of obesity, bronchial asthma, hypertension, gastric and duodenal ulcers and more.

There is a lot of scientifically substantiated and experimentally confirmed evidence that fasting-dietary therapy (therapeutic fasting) is a truly unique method of preventing diseases and restoring health. It has long been noticed that sick animals often refuse food. This is nothing more than a manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, aimed at saving energy and prolonging life. It is also known that many living creatures, under unfavorable conditions, hibernate for a long time, using up their own fat reserves.

Thus, scientists have known for a long time about switching the body to internal nutrition, which is a better option that can start the process of cleansing and healing. However, the benefits and effectiveness of intermittent fasting became known only in 2020, after the publication of the results of a study on the mechanisms of macroautophagy. Its author was Nobel Prize winner, Japanese biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi, who proved that periodic fasting is really beneficial.

Autophagy, or self-eating for health

The term autophagy (self-eating) is of Greek origin. It was formed as a result of the merger of two words: (αὐτός - himself and φαγεῖν - is). To be more precise, this is the physiological process of processing unnecessary cell components into the energy the body needs.

During caloric restriction or complete fasting, self-criticism becomes a means of adapting to hunger. During “cellular cannibalism”, long-lived proteins (so-called “long-lived proteins”), damaged or outdated organelles and macromolecular compounds are digested. In addition, thanks to the mechanism of collective digestion, foreign microorganisms and viruses are destroyed, as well as incorrectly packaged proteins that can cause mutations. Thus, autophagy creates optimal conditions for normal cellular growth and development, is one of the participants in the formation of the immune response, and protects against dangerous diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and immunological reactions.

Cellular organelles and lysosomes process unnecessary contents. Previously, all the “garbage” is packed into membrane bags (primary autolysosomes). They envelop dying or degrading components and deliver them to the “storage bunker”.

For his revolutionary discovery of the lysosomal autophagy pathway, Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi received his prestigious award. And adherents of a healthy lifestyle took advantage of his discovery to lose weight and increase their own productivity. Intentionally introducing the body into a state of hunger really speeds up the renewal process, increases mental activity and helps you get rid of extra pounds without much difficulty and grueling diets. Of course, we are not talking about a long hunger strike, which is a very dangerous type of stress, but about periodic food abstinence.

How can autophagy be activated?

The key to activating autophagy is limiting the supply of nutrients. In other words, to stimulate the metabolism of subcutaneous fat, which is necessary to obtain vital energy, you should abstain from food for some time. In this case, the cells will be forced to feed on their own components, that is, they will switch to internal (endogenous) nutrition.

During a food break, the level of the hormone glucagon (fat burner) increases. In a state of energy starvation, the glucose concentration drops and it begins to extract energy from fat stores. But what is needed for this? It turns out that to stimulate “self-eating” you need to eat according to the Time-restricted feeding scheme, which works on the principle: a period of hunger, a period of the eating window.

What is the power window and how long should it be? This is the time interval during which you need to eat your daily calorie intake. Of course, if you need to lose weight, the “window” should be narrowed as much as possible. However, in order for weight loss to be truly effective, you should calculate the most suitable time for eating, taking into account your own biorhythms. It is this rhythm that governs the work of the digestive organs.

For many people, the largest amount of bile, which takes an active part in the digestion of proteins and fats, is produced in the first half of the day. The released bile acids activate lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fat). In addition, the greatest amount of glycogen is consumed in the morning (from 3 to 15 hours). Well, towards evening all digestive processes slow down.

The hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger, is also released cyclically (at 8, 13 and 19 hours). After the peak of hormonal activity, regardless of whether a person has eaten or not, the obsessive need for food is dulled. Therefore, the narrower the eating window and the longer the periods of abstinence from food, the more active cleansing and weight loss occurs. Of course, the body must get used to such a change. This may take 7-10 days. And to make it easier to endure this period, experts advise deceiving your appetite with water or snacking on vegetables or fruits.

intermittent fasting

The principle of interval fasting

The nutrition plan for intermittent fasting is quite simple: 24 hours are divided into 2 unequal parts. During a shorter period of time, you are allowed to eat, and the rest of the time you are allowed to fast. The main advantage of this technique is that there is no need to count calories or completely give up food. In fact, breakfast or dinner is skipped, due to which the body gets time to break down its own fat reserves. Another positive nuance is that you can eat anything (within reasonable limits, of course). This means that during the “well-fed” period you can indulge in your favorite treat.

Changing the rhythm of nutrition reduces the load and stabilizes the functioning of the pancreas. Periodic controlled “fasting” leads to normalization of insulin production and increased carbohydrate metabolism. Due to the lack of nutrients supplied from outside, adaptive mechanisms are triggered, and the body switches to internal (endogenous) nutrition. And, as research confirms, even with a one and a half day fast, metabolism does not slow down, and calories continue to be consumed at the usual speed.

There is now evidence that periodic fasting not only helps you lose weight, but also enhances cognitive function. In addition, physical hunger normalizes sleep, has a positive effect on performance and sexual activity, and also slows down the aging process. Dietary restriction and reduction in the amount of calories consumed leads to the production of biologically active metabolites that have powerful anti-inflammatory and antitumor activity.

Most intermittent fasting protocols involve shortening periods of food consumption (up to 4-8-12 hours) and increasing fasting intervals (up to 16-24-36 hours).

Proponents of such a nutrition system argue that longer fasts (from 36 hours) provide maximum health benefits. However, each organism is individual and in some cases, prolonged refusal to eat can not only adversely affect appearance and performance, but also have more serious consequences. Therefore, for those who want to get rid of extra pounds using intermittent fasting, it is better to choose schemes with short periods of fasting (from 16 to 20 hours). And finally, you should not lose touch with reality and, before trying this or that technique on yourself, consult with your doctor.

What are the benefits and harms of intermittent fasting?

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting:

  • reduces the risk of breast cancer;
  • reduces the risk of heart disease due to its ability to lower triglycerides and blood pressure and increase levels of healthy HDL cholesterol;
  • A fasting-mimicking diet of up to 1,000 calories per day over three-day cycles improves symptoms associated with autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis and lupus;
  • insulin resistance decreases and metabolism increases, thereby normalizing blood sugar levels;
  • promotes weight loss. Difficulties in losing weight can often be caused by hormonal imbalance. Leptin resistance occurs when the brain stops recognizing leptin signals to use fat stores. This causes the body to continually store fat instead of using it. Cyclic fasting improves the functioning of areas of the brain with leptin receptors;
  • curbing cravings. Intermittent fasting reduces the amount of the hunger hormone ghrelin, which in turn can increase dopamine levels in the brain. Fasting can help eliminate emotional eating by shifting your metabolism from erratic sugar burning to steady fat burning;
  • increases cognitive functions. Slows down the aging process, maintaining mental stamina and health. Degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease are reduced;
  • Improved lung health - reduced asthma symptoms and reduced oxidative stress;
  • helps heal the intestines. Reduces inflammation, improves problems such as IBS, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease;
  • improves memory and learning abilities;
  • helps with mood disorders such as depression;
  • fasting promotes longevity.

Intermittent fasting has some disadvantages and may not be suitable for everyone.

  1. Limiting food intake to a few hours a day leads some people to eat more food than usual during the allotted hours, trying to compensate for the time spent on an empty stomach. This can lead to weight gain, digestive problems and the development of bad eating habits.
  2. It must be remembered that prolonged abstinence from food is a powerful stress for the female body. Therefore, during IH, women may experience nervous breakdowns, insomnia and increased irritability.
  3. Another negative point is the adverse effect on hormonal levels. As a result, menstrual cycle disruption is possible.

Basic rules of intermittent fasting

Unlike fasting-dietary therapy, which lasts quite a long time and is used purely for therapeutic purposes, intermittent fasting is a diet with strict time restrictions.

All currently known intermittent fasting systems obey the same rules:

  • refusal of food for short periods of time;
  • optimal drinking regimen (pure still water, unsweetened tea, coffee);
  • no need to select special products (if possible, they should not contain flavor enhancers or food additives);
  • control of a sense of proportion while eating (do not overeat);
  • taking into account the presence of contraindications.

Cyclic fasting for weight loss goes well with sports training (fitness, bodybuilding, powerlifting). With proper nutrition, the body, due to increased metabolism, does not accumulate excess. At the same time, subcutaneous fat is burned and muscle mass increases. In this case, it is recommended to take food breaks in the evening, after dinner. You can skip breakfast, or breakfast and lunch. On rest days, the diet should contain mainly high-protein foods, and on training days – complex carbohydrates. And for those who want to lose weight, it is necessary to maintain a given daily calorie intake. Otherwise, the body may “turn on” energy saving mode and stop converting hated fat into fuel for its vital functions.

Alternative Interval Diet

The 16/8 scheme is not the only one; there are also alternative options for intermittent dieting, which makes it possible to individually select a nutrition/fasting schedule. For example, the frequency of 12/12 is considered quite popular. The period of hunger strike also includes the usual night sleep, due to which the body easily tolerates temporary deprivation.

Don't eat 14 hours a day

Not eating 14 hours a day means that the “eating window” is 10 hours, and this is convenient for beginners and men who are engaged in physical labor or regularly carry out strenuous training. This option suits absolutely everyone, meal schedule:

  • breakfast – 8 am;
  • second breakfast – 11 am;
  • lunch – 14-00;
  • afternoon tea – 16-00;
  • dinner – 18-00.

Intermittent fasting 20/4: scheme

The 20/4 intermittent fasting scheme is called the “warrior diet” and is suitable only for those who have been practicing the technique for a long time and whose body calmly reacts to the complete exclusion of food. It is understood that the “eating window” is open only 4 hours a day, and during this period it is recommended to have 2 full meals - for example, at 8-00 and 12-00 or 14-00 and 18-00.

This diet plan can be used no more than 2 times a week.

“Eat/don’t eat”, or daily fasting

Everything is simple here: the period of complete refusal of food is 24 hours - after breakfast at 8-00, the next meal can only be taken the next day at the same time. Such unloading for the body can be done 1-2 times a week.

Post 36

A 36-hour fast is considered the most effective method for losing weight, but it is difficult to maintain. You can follow two options for the scheme:

  • breakfast at 8-00, then fast until dinner the next day at 20-00;
  • dinner at 19-00 and fasting until the second day (breakfast at 7-00).

You can follow this scheme no more than once a week.


The author and developer of the fasting scheme, Dr. Michael Mosley, suggests eating properly and nutritiously 5 days a week, and completely fasting for 2 days. But he allows concessions during periods of fasting: you can eat 500 calories worth of “light” foods per day, dividing them into several meals or eating them at once.

This scheme was used for a long time on an experimental group of human volunteers at the University of Florida. 24 people participated in the study. After just 70 days, there was steady weight loss, strengthening of the immune system, slowing down aging, accelerating regenerative processes and reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Watch this video about intermittent fasting methods:

How can you fill the “well-fed period” of intermittent fasting?

Among the many benefits of interval fasting, one should highlight its ability to change eating habits. In the case when a person is allowed to eat only 8 (or even 4) hours, he begins to approach the choice of food more selectively. Of course, each “convert” has his own preferences. Some prefer a low-carbohydrate diet, which includes foods rich in fat, while others prefer moderate protein.

The main thing in this situation is to minimize or completely eliminate fast carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods) from the diet. They should be replaced by fermented milk products containing probiotics (beneficial lactobacilli). Experts also recommend giving preference to products that increase the level of neurotransmitter hormones, which are responsible for the psycho-emotional background and the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. For example, pomegranate juice, blueberries, bananas, strawberries, apples, spinach, asparagus, legumes, whole grains, white meat and fish.

It is very important to include foods in your diet that not only give you a long-lasting feeling of fullness, but also normalize insulin levels. These include oatmeal, avocado, paprika, broccoli, dried fruits, seafood, nuts, cinnamon, green tea.

Regular training, swimming or walking (about 8 km) will help enhance the effect of losing weight. But it is better to avoid dietary supplements (dietary supplements), which have a certain calorie content and can inhibit the autophagy process.

Benefits of eating on a schedule

The Leangains–Intermittent fasting nutrition system (intermittent fasting according to the Leangains protocol) is a well-organized process that has a number of obvious advantages:

  • helps keep yourself toned and in good shape;
  • enhances fat metabolism (during fasting, the oxidation of fatty acids increases);
  • activates the autophagy mechanism and increases the ability of cells to regenerate and rejuvenate;
  • helps reduce glucose levels and improves insulin sensitivity (including in uncomplicated type II diabetes mellitus);
  • improves the functioning of the immune system, reduces inflammatory markers;
  • heals the intestines and normalizes stool;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  • stimulates mental performance and increases resistance to cognitive impairment in old age;
  • helps control appetite and prevents the consequences of overeating;
  • reduces oxidative stress and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer;
  • lifts your mood and normalizes sleep;
  • increases energy balance and cellular adaptation to various disorders.

The only disadvantage of intermittent fasting for weight loss is the lack of quick results. Therefore, for those who want to quickly lose weight, this technique will seem ineffective.

Breaking out of fasting

We not only enter, but also exit from intermittent fasting correctly. According to numerous reviews, recommendations for ending the “diet” cannot be ignored. Overeating the next day can lead to serious poisoning and hospitalization.

  • Reduce the number of servings. You can’t immediately after fasting eat the same amount of food that you took before you started losing weight.
  • In the evening we refuse food. If you want to have a snack, it is best to replace a full dinner with a glass of low-fat kefir or some fresh vegetable.
  • We continue to refuse fast food. If you want to maintain the results, it is best not to add harmful foods back into your normal daily diet.
  • Gradual increase in daily caloric intake. The maximum amount of kcal is 3000. We prepare the diet taking into account healthy foods with negative calorie content.
  • We try to process products to the maximum, so that it is easier for the body to digest them after a long period of fasting.
  • We continue to play sports. Any physical activity will do.

By following simple recommendations, you will not only lose unnecessary pounds, but also maintain your health.

Contraindications and side effects

Periodic fasting, like any other nutrition system, has a number of contraindications. Therefore, before voluntarily giving up food, you need to consult a specialist. Intermittent fasting is strictly contraindicated in the following situations:

  • endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus type I, thyrotoxicosis, adrenal diseases);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver and gallbladder dysfunction);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia, compulsive overeating);
  • malignant neoplasms of any location;
  • age under 16 and after 65 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Everything is individual, and not everyone easily tolerates hunger. Some people who lose weight by periodically avoiding food may experience side effects such as dizziness, stomach discomfort, decreased performance and concentration. Therefore, you should listen to the signals of your own body and use this technique thoughtfully and carefully.

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