Model diets. What do the cover girls eat?

Lose weight up to 4 kg in 3 days. The average daily calorie content is 370 Kcal.

The profession of models obliges them to always look their best, showing off their beautifully chiseled body shapes on the catwalk and in photographs in fashion magazines. And this is not surprising. After all, by adding just a couple of centimeters in volume, a girl could be removed from the show under the strictest criteria and, as a result, lose her job. Especially for emergency situations, when you need to instantly correct your body, a weight loss technique was developed, which is called the model diet. The most popular and effective options are designed for 3 and 7 days.

Diet requirements of models

The first version of the three-day diet of models

is based mainly on nutrition in the first half of the day. A complete absence of evening meals is assumed. This makes such a short dietary period very effective in terms of weight loss, allowing girls with great willpower to lose from 2 to 4 kilograms. These days you need to eat protein foods, namely chicken eggs and low-fat cottage cheese. It is worth planning your meal schedule so that after 15:00 you do not eat anything, but only drink water and unsweetened green tea or herbal decoctions. But now you will need to give up drinks containing caffeine. If you really have a hard time without your favorite coffee, allow yourself a cup of this drink for breakfast, but no more.

If, despite your meager diet, you still have the strength to do physical activity, just great. Do any sport that you like. Surely this will help achieve more significant weight loss results. By the way, moderate exercise in the evening is a great way to distract from thoughts about food. But do not overdo it with loads, otherwise the effect may be exactly the opposite. Or, if you engage in sports shortly before bedtime, there is a high probability of having problems falling asleep. And this can further increase the feeling of hunger in the evening.

Since this diet prescribes significant restrictions, it is definitely not worth repeating it for more than the specified period in order to avoid health problems. In addition, if you continue to lose weight in this way, you will probably have to face disappointment. Most likely, after three days (or very soon), your body will begin to work in economy mode, not wanting to lose excess weight. As a result, you will understand that your infringements and torments are in vain. It is much more reasonable to eat healthy with caloric restriction, but not with severe cutting. And if necessary, simply repeat this diet again.

The second version of the model diet

It is also designed for 3 days (maximum, you can extend this regime for another day). It is more nutritionally friendly and promises the loss of one or two extra pounds (the average daily calorie content of this option is 530 Kcal). This mini-diet can be used if you want to relieve the body a little after a heavy feast. According to the rules of this diet, you should eat three times a day at approximately the same time, giving up food at least 4 hours before bedtime. Drink water and herbal teas between meals. It is recommended to drink slightly warmed water. The diet of allowed foods under this option includes chicken eggs, lean meat, fish, toast from rye or whole grain bread, non-starchy vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to avoid eating salt for this short period. Other products are now prohibited. As in the previous case, it makes no sense to increase the duration of the diet, as nutrition experts note. It is better, if necessary, to repeat it later.

A longer model diet is designed for 7 days

. Even famous fashion models often adhere to it to make their body perfect before an important show. If you also decide to follow the example of the catwalk stars, be prepared for the following. You will have to eat vegetables, various cereals, low-fat dairy products, and chicken eggs three times a day. As for serving sizes, they are not clearly stated. It’s easy to guess that you don’t need to eat a lot; servings of 200-250 grams (the entire meal is taken into account) are quite enough.

As in previous cases, it is recommended to drink water, green and herbal teas. Coffee is not recommended. Salt is allowed, but in small quantities. If you spend a couple of diet-days without it, it will be good. This will free the body from excess fluid. A more detailed diet for each day of a weekly effective model diet is described in the menu. During this period you can lose up to 4-5 kilograms.

To increase your chances of maintaining the results obtained after any diet option, we recommend paying attention to model tips that will help you maintain your figure in everyday life.

  • Try to eat at least 5 times a day, since with fractional meals, calories are burned evenly throughout the day, and hunger has less chance of knocking on your door.
  • Eat minimal amounts of fatty, sweet and fried foods.
  • If you feel hungry out of hours, chew an artichoke. According to top models, it suppresses a raging appetite well. Also, to relieve hunger, you can simply chew a sprig of parsley.
  • Include more pineapples in your menu, which contain the enzyme bromelain, which reduces the chances of calories entering your body being modified into fat folds. For this purpose, it is recommended to include ginger-based seasoning in the diet.
  • Do not eat too salty foods or add too much salt to your food, as this process can retain salt in the body and cause swelling.

Finally, speaking about the basics of the model methodology, we note that it is important not only to correctly exit this type of diet, but also to enter it. To ensure maximum results and minimize the chances of causing harm to the body, you should prepare in advance. So, if you had a place in your diet for high-calorie and fatty foods, eliminate them at least two or three days before you start losing weight. On the last pre-diet day, dinner should be before 18:00 and consist of healthy light foods in small quantities.

Menu and meal plan for 3 and 7 days

A three-day diet can be followed once a month. At the same time, after 4 pm it is forbidden to eat, you can only drink liquid. To dull the feeling of hunger, you can slightly heat the water. Diets of models for 3 days are strict and moderate. The first option provides 3 meals, which consist of foods such as:

  • 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • cottage cheese;
  • tea.

A more gentle option includes:

  • 2 soft-boiled eggs or cereal porridge;
  • fish and salad;
  • dried fruits;
  • green tea;
  • cottage cheese;
  • boiled chicken;
  • fruits;
  • rye bread with butter;
  • herbal decoction

Products can be varied depending on what suits your taste. The diet that should be followed for 7 days is more strict. You can repeat the diet no more than once every 2 months. For breakfast you can eat:

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • salad;
  • pearl barley

Lunch includes vegetable soup or stew with rye bread. Before dinner, you can drink herbal tea and fruit. In the evening you can eat buckwheat with stewed cauliflower or rice with broccoli. How do models lose weight?

  • during attacks of severe hunger, drink a glass of jelly without sugar;
  • vary the diet, avoid eating the same dishes (focus on the list of allowed foods);
  • do not become overloaded physically and mentally while following strict diets.

Diet of the 3-day model diet - option No. 2

Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled chicken eggs or a piece of lean meat (about 50 g). We complement any of the breakfast options with toast, thinly spread with butter, and unsweetened tea (green or herbal). Lunch: boiled or baked piece of lean fish or meat (about 100 g); salad of green vegetables, legumes and herbs, sprinkled with olive or other vegetable oil (up to 300 g); any fruit (bananas are not advisable due to their high calorie content and starch content); Cup of tea. Dinner: 300 gram portion of green vegetable salad; one or two toasts from approved bread or just rye crackers; herbal or green empty tea. Before going to bed, drink an unsweetened herbal decoction. This will help you relax and fall asleep faster.

Diet of the 7-day model diet


Breakfast: a portion of pearl barley cooked in water (you can season it with a little butter or vegetable oil); a few tablespoons of vegetable salad (white cabbage plus greens). Lunch: vegetable stew (without potatoes), to which you can add a little vegetable oil when cooking, or just stewed cabbage, or fresh cabbage with herbs, sprinkled with vegetable oil. Dinner: a portion of buckwheat; cabbage and carrot salad with a drop of vegetable oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.


Breakfast: barley seasoned with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil; fresh cabbage salad with herbs. Lunch: oatmeal (to prepare it, use water or a mixture of water and low-fat milk). Dinner: lean wheat porridge and beet salad.


Breakfast: a portion of pearl barley porridge and grated fresh carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice. Lunch: vegetable soup in water without frying or baked non-starchy vegetables. Dinner: 1-2 medium-sized boiled potatoes and white or Chinese cabbage as a salad.


Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir or drinking yogurt without additives. Lunch: boiled chicken meat without skin; vegetable salad from non-starchy products. Dinner: cauliflower with tomatoes, stewed or baked; one baked apple.


Breakfast: a portion of lean buckwheat plus a salad of green vegetables and herbs. Lunch: pickle without adding meat products; salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. Dinner: rice porridge without oil and boiled non-starchy vegetables.


Breakfast: lean barley and a few tablespoons of sauerkraut. Lunch: a plate of low-fat vegetable soup; braised cabbage. Dinner: salad of green vegetables and various types of herbs.


Breakfast: empty oatmeal. Lunch: vegetable soup without frying. Dinner: a serving of green vegetable salad and one boiled chicken egg.

Authorized Products

In addition to the specified diet, there are several recommendations from supermodels on choosing foods that prevent the deposition of fat folds. You can afford these products when hunger is absolutely unbearable:

  • appetite for a while ;
  • split meals - don’t rush into food right away, eat porridge separately, then half an hour later a salad, this way the body will be better satiated and take the maximum benefit from the food;
  • balsamic vinegar, lemon or lime juice are additives that speed up metabolism and add flavor to food;
  • Include pineapples in your diet, at least once a week, so its special proteolytic enzyme , bromelain, will break down excess fats entering the body and prevent the formation of fat folds.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

boiled broccoli3,00,44,027
Brussels sprouts4,80,08,043
salad pepper1,30,05,327
iceberg lettuce0,90,11,814
boiled beets1,80,010,849


baked sweet apples0,50,324,089

Cereals and porridges

viscous buckwheat porridge on water3,20,817,190
oatmeal with water3,01,715,088
millet porridge viscous on water3,00,717,090
boiled wild rice4,00,321,1100

Raw materials and seasonings

balsamic vinegar0,50,017,088


skim milk2,00,14,831
kefir 0%3,00,13,830

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0% (low fat)16,50,01,371


boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137


soft-boiled chicken eggs12,811,60,8159

Oils and fats

olive oil0,099,80,0898
* data is per 100 g of product

Model diet contraindications

  1. Contraindications to any model diet are diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, viral diseases, chronic diseases (the period of their exacerbation is especially dangerous).
  2. Also, children, teenagers, and elderly people should not go on such a diet.
  3. Do not test your body's capabilities in any situation when your immune system is weakened.
  4. A low-calorie and rather strict dietary pattern can now become a serious test for your health.
  5. Of course, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not diet.
  6. In any case, it is highly advisable to consult with a qualified doctor before starting your modeling life.

Disadvantages of Model Diets

  • People on such a diet often feel hungry.
  • As a rule, those who have strong willpower can bring it to the end.
  • Also, due to the low calorie content of the proposed menu, the model technique can contribute to increased fatigue and decreased mental and physical activity. Therefore, it is advisable to diet in this way on weekends, during vacations or at the least busy times.
  • As nutritionists rightly point out, none of the described weight loss options for fashion models are diverse. The incoming substances may not be enough for the body to function normally. For this reason, you can go on a model diet if you are confident in your health and are psychologically determined to quickly and effectively fight with extra pounds.

Techniques to help cope with hunger

In all tough, crash diets, great importance is given to the right attitude. It is necessary to know that a person cannot suffer greatly or die from hunger in a week. Therefore, you should relax, get rid of anxiety, relieve tension, and lose weight easily and with pleasure. Simple, but quite well-working techniques will prepare you for this:

  • Eat slowly, chew slowly, enjoying the taste and aroma.
  • Cut solid foods into small pieces and put them in your mouth one at a time, chewing each one thoroughly.
  • For cottage cheese, take a dessert fork or teaspoon.
  • Drink 200-250 g of water or herbal decoction immediately before meals.
  • Distribute your meal times throughout the day in advance, set a timer for each time, do not count the minutes with your eyes glued to the clock hand, and try not to think about food between calls.
  • In order not to tempt yourself with endless culinary delights, turn off channels with culinary advertising and do something that is not labor-intensive, but quite complex, requiring concentration to distract from unnecessary thoughts.
  • Splurge on something you've been dreaming of for a long time, but 1-2 sizes smaller, hang it in a visible place and imagine how perfectly it will fit your new figure after the diet.
  • If possible, try to live separately from your man during the diet. This will prevent you from ruining your relationship with him by hungry breakdowns and will additionally motivate you with the opportunity to impress your loved one.

Look at the same topic: Cleansing the body of waste and toxins using a fish diet

When you feel completely nauseous, dream about how all your girlfriends will exclaim “Wow!” when they see you, losing weight literally before your eyes, remember that there is not much left, then take a deep breath, purse your lips, exhale slowly and drink a glass of mineral water.

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