Food for the mind, or how does nutrition affect brain activity?

What should you eat to become smarter?

So, nutrition for the brain should be based on the following beneficial microelements, vitamins and other components:

  • Vitamins (especially C and B).
  • Microelements (iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium, calcium and many others).
  • Omega acids.
  • Fats.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Squirrels.
  • Glucose.

Thanks to the optimal combination of these components, you can prevent the development of nervous diseases, improve brain activity and memory. In addition, such a “diet” will strengthen your overall health and build real immunity.

Mind-saving food

Every day a person is faced with a huge number of situations when it is necessary to make a decision: from the very simple (should I eat an extra portion of sweets) to complex life-changing decisions (is it really necessary to start a new life). The brain predetermines the meaning of any action and analyzes the risk or benefit of performing it. How can you keep your mind sharp and your brain healthy through food?

Are there any foods that improve memory? Which ones are useful and which are harmful to the human brain? Does he have any taste preferences?

David Perlmutter, renowned neuroscientist and author of Food and the Brain, believes the connection between food and the functioning of the human brain has been established. A rich diet will help cope with dementia, stress, insomnia and bad mood.

What kind of products are these that can “charge” the brain?

Nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews)

It’s not for nothing that walnuts look like the human brain. They contain glycine (except for the “explosive protein-vitamin mixture”), thanks to which the human brain works better.


An oatmeal breakfast is the perfect start to the day. Oatmeal contains “good” carbohydrates, and they, in turn, are “fuel” for the brain, so the morning is the best time to get fuel. The brain, during periods of its highest activity, consumes up to 25% of the fuel of the total energy expenditure of the entire body. The glucose contained in oatmeal is used to create the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which, in turn, is responsible for memory and learning.

Expert commentary

Tatyana Parkhomenko, technologist

Oatmeal cookies are an optimal source of energy due to easily digestible healthy carbohydrates necessary for brain function. They burn slowly in the body, feeding it with energy for a long time and giving a feeling of satiety.

Oatmeal cookies contain oatmeal, which contains many benefits for brain function:

  • microelements and vitamins;
  • B vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, selenium;
  • the entire list of amino acids important for humans (isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, valine), as well as nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber).

Oat oil contained in oat flour has a high concentration (up to 70%) of fatty acids (linolenic and oleic), called Omega-3.

Omega-3 acids and vitamin E improve cognitive functions of the brain: memory, clarity of thinking, concentration.

Oatmeal cookies enriched with natural ingredients (almonds, chocolate, hazelnuts, raisins, cranberries, etc.) are not only tasty, but also healthy. Thus, almonds, due to their high content of B vitamins and vitamin E, and minerals and trace elements, stimulate brain function. Chocolate lifts your mood. Raisins calm the nervous system. Cranberry reduces fatigue and improves performance.


Lutein, found in eggs, is essential for brain support. It reduces the risk of heart attacks. Nutritionists advise using proteins because... In addition to useful components, the yolks contain cholesterol, but men need it to produce testosterone. Choline, contained in egg yolks, creates acetylcholine, which is responsible for memory. Phospholipids strengthen nerve cells. The stronger they are, the greater the hope of preserving the memory.

Fatty fish

Fish is a treasure trove of healthy proteins and fats. How much fish oil does a person need to be healthy? 100 g of freshly cooked sea fish contain 100 mg of useful substance. A person needs 1 g, i.e. up to three fish dishes a week is an excellent brain booster.

Green tea

It is large-leaf green tea that is beneficial, and not the dust from it, which is sold under the guise of green tea in bags.

Green tea extract is interesting for the brain. It speeds up reactions, improves memory, brain creativity, improves relaxation and speeds up recovery time.


“Red-haired girl” is useful not only for visual acuity, but also for preserving brain cells from destruction with the help of luteolin.

Sea kale

This inhabitant of the water depths contains iodine in huge quantities. Cabbage helps avoid memory disorders and depression.


Blueberries are high in vitamins and antioxidants, which are extremely beneficial for stimulating the brain. Blueberries can fight short-term memory loss.


With the help of ordinary mineral water, the brain will work 10% better. To maintain it in working condition, a person will need up to 8 glasses of still mineral water per day.


Carnosic acid, which is contained in this beneficial plant, promotes the expansion of cerebral vascular tissues. Everything about rosemary is beneficial. Even its smell improves memory performance.


Cabbage is a valuable source of boron, vitamin K and magnesium. All of them improve brain function and help increase its activity.


Dark chocolate (“a balm for the soul” for those with a sweet tooth) contains the so-called “two A’s”: antioxidants and antidepressants. There are more of them in chocolate than in apples and green tea. Flavanol, for example, improves blood supply to the brain and protects it from oxidative processes.


The content of monounsaturated fatty acids and minerals in avocado is such that it can “organize” the blood supply to the brain.


Vitamin C, contained in wild berries in sufficient quantities, helps protect the brain. Cranberry holds the lead in antioxidant composition.

A drink made from wild berries will eliminate fatigue, provide the brain with energy, improve memory and increase attention.


Helps maintain a clear mind thanks to the presence of antioxidants.


Melatonin, present in tomatoes, will prevent the aging of brain cells and improve the condition of blood vessels.


The content of phytoncides in garlic prevents age-related changes in brain cells by killing pathogenic microflora.


Natural coffee is good for brain function.

Caffeine can:

  • prevent dementia;
  • improve brain activity;
  • influence the speed of decision making.


100 g of shrimp per day will help saturate the brain with the fatty acids it needs to function. This amount is enough to improve the acuity of reaction and perception of information.


The zinc contained in mussels is needed for the functioning of those parts of the brain that are responsible for memory, instincts, emotions and sleep.


An extremely useful plant for the development of intelligence.


Chicken meat (a delight for nutritionists) contains B vitamins. They help develop memory and strengthen nerves.


Memory tenacity is developed by glucose, which is necessary for good brain function. A spoonful of honey added to your morning porridge will have a good effect on your performance.


One slice of lemon in tea - and memory improves thanks to vitamin C. It is found in abundance in lemons and is the first enemy of forgetfulness.

General recommendations

Any diet is associated with restrictions. This will not happen with a “smart” diet if you implement a few tricks in nutrition management.

  1. To avoid the temptation to eat something inappropriate while following MIND, it is better not to go to public catering. It is also advisable to always have lunches on hand, loading them into convenient lunch boxes.
  2. For convenience, some vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, etc. can be ground into smoothies by adding curdled milk or homemade yogurt. It will be convenient to pour it into special shaker mugs and take it with you outside the home. Plus, it can turn out very tasty.
  3. The entire daily diet can be divided not into three meals, but more, highlighting snacks. For example, fruits, berries and nuts can not always be added to porridge, but consumed separately.
  4. To diversify your diet, you can prepare simple desserts from healthy ingredients. For example, grind and mix nuts, seeds, dried fruits, citrus fruits and brain-friendly honey, forming healthy “candies” from them. They are also convenient to take for snacks.
  5. On the road, you can also prepare sandwiches from whole grain bread and nut butter, from bread and greens with vegetables, from bread and hummus, etc.

The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord, which are riddled with nerves.

So what foods strengthen the nervous system?

  1. Omega - 3. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are one of the components of the membranes of the nerves and brain. Large amounts of Omega-3 are found in salmon, tuna, almonds, walnuts and many vegetable oils.
  2. Magnesium. This microelement helps a person cope with stress. It is found in grain bread, beans, buckwheat, etc.
  3. Lecithin. Neutralizes free radicals, which allows the brain to function efficiently. It is found in chicken eggs, soy, and poultry meat.
  4. Calcium. Takes part in muscle contraction and excitability of nerve tissue. Dairy and fermented milk products are rich in it.
  5. B vitamins. They stabilize brain function. These vitamins are found in poultry meat, offal, cheese, eggs, and green vegetables.
  6. Iron. Its deficiency in the body causes anemia, which affects brain performance and human fatigue. Apples, red meat, and greens are rich in iron.
  7. Vitamin C. Transport of glucose to the body's cells is impossible without this element. Therefore, in order to restore brain activity, you should include citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, black currants, and kiwi in your diet.
  8. Glucose. It is the main component of proper brain function. Therefore, it is necessary to consume a moderate amount of dried fruits and fruits daily, as well as some quality chocolate.

Food must enter the body in a timely manner, so you should not skip breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

To improve the nutrition of brain cells and brain function, foods to strengthen the nervous system are included in the diet. Nutritionists recommend maintaining a balance of nutrients:

  • Proteins – 20% of the total diet.
  • Food of plant origin – 60% of the total diet.
  • Carbohydrates – 35% of the total diet.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of animal proteins. Meat dishes are consumed no more than 3 times weekly. Recommended animal fats are lard, butter. If possible, replace chicken eggs with quail eggs (up to 7 eggs weekly).

What foods are harmful to the brain and nervous system?

In order to recover faster from various disorders of the brain, you need not only rest and medications, but also a certain nutritional system. It will help you recover quickly.

Since a stroke or concussion requires bed rest, it is extremely important for a person to eat foods that are easy to digest. You should not overload the body, much less overeat. The best option would be to eat a little, and fresh, boiled or steamed food.

It undermines the functioning of the entire body, not only the memory and nervous system - overeating, alcohol abuse, drug use. This puts excessive stress on the entire body system, after which the body has a hard time regaining its balance. This is often accompanied by the destruction of one’s own cells.

Salt has a negative effect on the functioning of the body, as it retains moisture, which leads to increased blood pressure.

Excessive consumption of fatty meat is undesirable for our body. Animal fats clog blood vessels in the brain.

Long-term storage products are harmful to the functioning of the central nervous system and the whole body. To prevent them from spoiling, various preservatives are artificially added to them, which subsequently poison the body.

What should you eat to restore your brain and memory?

Products with B vitamins (meat, milk, legumes, yolk, whole grain bread, brewer's yeast, buckwheat porridge). It has been proven that all these products contribute to the rapid restoration of brain activity and, in general, have a very good effect on its functioning.

Also, for the functioning of the most complex organ of our body, iron is necessary, which ensures maximum absorption of vitamins of this group. Iron is found in cereals, as well as in poultry meat, legumes, and liver.

Lecithin is essential for the brain. It is found in chicken, soy, liver and has a good effect on brain activity. To improve the functioning of the brain, blood vessels, and central nervous system, polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular Omega-3, are needed.

Vitamin C is critical for the functioning of the whole body. It helps to cope with stress faster and has a positive effect on the functioning of the whole body.

To quickly restore the brain and strengthen memory, magnesium is needed (seaweed, buckwheat, nuts, oatmeal, millet).

The brain works normally in the presence of glucose, so it is important to eat natural sweets - fruits, dried fruits, honey.

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The benefits of proper nutrition

Nutrition for the brain should be based not only on certain products, but also on special rules for their use. Compliance with the basic principles is quite important and not at all difficult; they will help enhance the positive effect of vitamins and consolidate your excellent results. First of all, these include the following requirements:

  • Refusal of diets for weight loss (conscious refusal of fats or carbohydrates in full can lead to deformation of brain cells; to prevent this, form a healthy, not a defective diet).
  • Refusal to fast (for the reasons stated above).
  • Create a nutrition schedule and strictly adhere to it (the minimum number of meals is 4 times, food should be consumed at approximately the same time).
  • Breakfast is the basis of proper nutrition and should always be there.
  • Remember moderation. When overeating and subsequent processing of food, a large amount of oxygen is consumed, which, in turn, provokes the formation of free radicals, which contribute to the destruction of brain cells.
  • Combine dishes correctly; if there is an excess of white, an excessive amount of energy is spent on its processing, this can also have a negative impact on mental activity.

Proper nutrition for the brain is a preventative measure that helps prevent or slow down the progression of neurological diseases. These include Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, demyelinating pathologies and mental disorders.

Scientific research shows that a balanced diet is one of the factors that prevents the development of diseases of the nervous system, including depression, dementia, regular pain in the head area of ​​various etiologies, sleep disturbances, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. Other factors that contribute to maintaining health:

  1. Active lifestyle, moderate physical activity.
  2. Active mental activity - reading literature, solving logical problems, puzzles, puzzles.
  3. Timely treatment of somatic diseases (vascular diseases, heart diseases, other organs).

A balanced diet is indicated in the treatment of neurological and psychiatric pathologies - stroke, infectious lesions of the central nervous system, brain tumors, neuropathies, seizures. Food is the main source of nutrients (substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body).

The absence of one of the nutrients in the body leads to the development of the disease. If nutrient deficiency lasts for a long time, death can occur. Essential (essential, irreplaceable) substances include vitamins, aminocarboxylic acids (amino acids), and mineral compounds. Some substances are synthesized in the body under the influence of intestinal microflora.

How to eat after a traumatic brain injury?

In case of TBI, the specialist prescribes bed rest and recommends eating easily digestible food. Overeating should be avoided so as not to further burden the body.

With TBI, the diet directly depends on the medications taken. If the patient is taking diuretics, then the amount of potassium-containing foods consumed should be increased. Therefore, your diet should include bananas, dried apricots, dairy products, baked potatoes, and nuts.

You should eat fatty fish, fermented milk products, and fruits. They will help boost immunity and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system.

Accordingly, the patient’s diet should be based on cereals, fruits, oils, vegetables, dried fruits and animal proteins.

Food restrictions

Proper nutrition for the brain does not include so-called junk food and drinks. First of all, these include alcohol of any strength. The thing is that it provokes vascular spasms, and because of this, cells die. Various pickles and marinades harm not only your figure. Fluid retention in the body and the appearance of edema contribute to increased blood pressure, which also leads to spasms and stroke in the future.

Among other things, you should definitely avoid products containing harmful chemicals, because they destroy the human brain. These can often be found in sweet, carbonated water, and semi-finished products that have a long shelf life. Remember: good food must be of high quality, be sure to check the composition of the products, try to purchase them from farms.

The Brain's Best Friend

There are hardly any adults whose parents did not feed them fish oil in childhood. Eating a tasteless but healthy product was usually accompanied by snorting and grimacing, but the adults convincingly insisted that it was healthy and would not accept excuses. And they did the right thing, because fish oil is the best friend of the human brain.

Scientists confirm that fish “gave” people an unusually useful natural medicine that can work miracles.

Fish oil can:

  • Minimize the harm that unhealthy foods have on the brain;
  • prevent blockage of arteries;
  • improve brain function at any age;
  • helps fight depression;
  • reduce aggression during stress;
  • reduce brain damage;
  • increase mental abilities;

Why does it have such a beneficial effect on the brain? The thing is that fish oil can increase the amount of serotonin in the body, which, in turn, is responsible for a good mood. That is why scientists are sure that fish oil, like your best friend, protects the brain and helps it remain clear into old age.

Features of nutrition of knowledge workers, students and schoolchildren

A large number of people in the modern world work in the field of mental work, and their nervous system is subject to a lot of stress every day. Office workers do little physical activity and lead a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to physical inactivity. These processes entail metabolic failure, which affects the functioning of the central nervous system.

The answer to the question of what foods are good for the nervous system of students, schoolchildren and mental workers is based on the fact that intense activity of nerve cells causes an increase in the consumption of proteins and water-soluble vitamins, due to which the need for vitamins C and group B increases by 25 -thirty %. Accordingly, you must follow the following nutritional rules:

  • normalize the daily calorie content of foods relative to a person’s age, gender, weight and energy consumption;
  • eat food with vitamins and beneficial microelements every day;
  • ensure that the body receives proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates every day;
  • eat fiber;
  • have a variety of foods in your diet;
  • eat food at least 3 times a day.

Mental work requires compliance with the following standards:

  • protein – 1.5 g/kg per day;
  • fats (vegetable and animal origin) – 0.5 g/kg of human weight per day;
  • carbohydrates – 1.5 g/kg per day.

Lack of free time affects nutrition. People increasingly prefer instant food products. However, the harm of fast food is explained by its poor composition. Most products in this category do not contain the necessary amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, microelements and fats. In view of this, a person’s initiative, activity, “thirst” for achievements and originality of thinking decreases.

What foods are good for the nervous system of an adult? Meat, fish, dairy products and poultry are healthy because they contain glycine, which is necessary for brain activity. It is found primarily in animal products, including meat, fish, poultry and dairy foods.

The drug "Glycine" is sold in pharmacies and as a medicine, but its absorption is higher when obtained from food. Glycine is the main component of the cell membranes of nerve fibers. It improves the nutrition of brain cells and normalizes metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Its deficiency increases blood pressure, creates psycho-emotional stress, aggression, and reduces performance.

Patients with functional disorders of the central nervous system are traditionally prescribed a diet known as “Table No. 12.” The diet is characterized by a reduced content of carbohydrate and fatty foods, limiting the amount of salt, and avoiding foods and drinks that stimulate the nervous system. Psychoactive products include nutmeg, alcoholic beverages and coffee.

Meal plan: five meals a day. The number of calories is about 2400 daily. The amount of salt does not exceed 6 g daily. The daily diet includes 90 g of proteins (50% each of plant and animal origin), 70 g of fat (70% of animal origin), 350 g of carbohydrates (70% slow - with a low glycemic index). The glycemic index reflects the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down and converted into glycogen.

Carbohydrates with low glycemic index values ​​maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, provide the body with energy, and promote normal food absorption. Slow carbohydrate foods are those with a glycemic index below 55. Carbohydrate foods that are useful for strengthening nerves include:

  1. Buckwheat, pearl barley, barley (consumed in the form of porridge).
  2. Brown rice (consumed boiled).
  3. Soy flour.
  4. Vegetables and greens (cucumbers and tomatoes, olives and spinach, leeks and onions, lettuce and dill, asparagus, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli).
  5. Fruits and berries (cranberries and grapes, tangerines and gooseberries, pears and apples, plums and peaches, strawberries and blackberries).

When understanding the question of what the brain feeds, do not forget about B vitamins, which stimulate and restore the functions of the central nervous system. Of particular importance are B1, B6, B12, known as thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. The listed artificially synthesized substances are classified as neurotropic drugs, which are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system.

Natural B vitamins are present in high concentrations in potatoes, asparagus, nuts, beans, sunflower seeds, sea fish, buckwheat, beef liver, sprouted grains of wheat and barley. A sample list of foods that are beneficial for nourishing the human brain includes:

  1. Dried bread baked from 1st grade flour or coarse flour.
  2. Lean, fat-free meat - veal, beef, rabbit.
  3. Low-fat fish (cod, pollock, hake, pike, perch).
  4. Dairy products with reduced fat content (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, soft cheeses).

Foods suitable for stimulating the brain and nervous system include vegetable oils, black olives and olives. Vegetables and fruits are consumed daily raw, as well as after heat treatment by boiling, stewing, and baking.

For drinks, green or weak black tea, rosehip infusion, and juices made from vegetables and fruits are preferable. When choosing products to strengthen the nervous system, it is important to remember the role of high-quality water in maintaining health in adults and children. Nutritionists recommend drinking about 2 liters of clean water daily - artesian or mineral table water.

Many parents are interested in how to nourish their child’s brain in order to avoid disturbances in mental and physical development and prevent the occurrence of neurological diseases. The baby's brain tissue is susceptible to the negative effects of hypoxia and nutritional deficiency. A lack of iodine and zinc in the diet leads to mental retardation; the process of cellular metabolism of neurons depends on the content of B vitamins in food.

Vitamin PP deficiency negatively affects the cognitive abilities of a child who exhibits corresponding signs - memory impairment, decreased academic performance, difficulties in learning new material. Caring for a child begins from the moment the fetus is gestated. The nutrition and lifestyle of a pregnant woman affect the health of the unborn baby.

Foods necessary for the nervous system of a pregnant woman contain folic acid (vitamin B9). Folic acid prevents the formation of neural tube defects in the embryo, which are associated with toxicosis, anemia, placental abruption, and spontaneous abortion. Folic acid is found in by-products (liver, heart and stomach) of poultry, legumes, spinach, asparagus, wheat grains and flaxseed oil.

The newborn's diet mainly consists of breast milk. The composition of milk depends on the mother's diet. To strengthen the baby's nervous system, the mother should eat vegetables and fruits rich in plant fiber, natural antioxidants and vitamins. Starting from 6 months of age, additional products (ready-made purees, juices, cereals) are introduced into the baby’s diet.

Typically, factory-made baby food is enriched with vitamins and microelements. Iron is of great importance during this period. The restorative properties of iron have a beneficial effect on the functions of the nervous system, due to its role in oxygen transport. Iron forms the core of the hemoglobin molecule, which reversibly binds to oxygen and delivers it to parts of the brain.

School-age children are provided with a full meal, which includes dishes from boiled poultry, sea fish (salmon, salmon), avocado, and seaweed. The benefits of walnuts in childhood are due to the presence of vitamins A, E and B, microelements - iodine, iron, potassium, zinc.

Oatmeal is a good breakfast that will fill a growing body with energy, provide a feeling of satiety, and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal contains an optimal set of vitamins and microelements that strengthen the nervous system. It is no coincidence that oatmeal is the national dish in Great Britain and Scotland.

Cranberries and blueberries, which contain antioxidants, are beneficial for the brain and nervous system of a growing organism, which has a positive effect on mental activity and memory function. Blueberry seeds and sea fish contain polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for brain function.

American scientists under the leadership of Dr. Zaldy Tan conducted a study and published the results in the specialized medical publication “Neurology” (published by Lippincott Williams {amp} & Wilkins), where they proved the leading role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the development of visual memory function and abstract thinking , as well as in the implementation of executive functions of the brain.

Ginger, blueberries, nuts, sage, salmon and other foods stimulate brain activity. However, some rules must be followed:

  • Food must be environmentally friendly;
  • There should be no contraindications specifically for you;
  • They need to be consumed in moderation.

So, here is a selection of ideal remedies for increasing mental abilities and brain activity.


Blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, black currants, and raspberries are considered “berries of intelligence.”

They all contain antioxidants that increase blood flow to the brain, improve memory and delay brain aging.

And blueberries are additionally used to enhance visual acuity, increase learning ability and mental activity.


Sea fish contains Omega-3 acids necessary for the brain, as well as phosphorus and iodine. They saturate our “central processor” with oxygen, increase the speed and efficiency of its work, help remember old information and assimilate new information.

Red fish (salmon, salmon), tuna, and herring are especially useful. Tuna is even included in the list of must-have foods in some countries.

Seafood like oysters contains a lot of zinc and iron. With these microelements, you will easily remember the necessary facts, maintain a sharp mind and focus on the task at hand. A lack of zinc and iron results in memory loss and poor concentration.

Nuts, seeds

Food for the mind: foods that improve brain function

Age does not spare not only appearance, but also the most valuable thing we have - our brain.

And no amount of lifting or surgery can restore him to the clarity of his youth. But there is still a way out.

By choosing certain foods, we can become smarter, more attentive, and more savvy even in old age. Of course, it is better to “feed” the brain correctly throughout life, starting from prenatal life.


Although our brain is only the size of a small head of cauliflower, it is the most voracious part of the body. By weight, it makes up only 2.5% of our total weight, and absorbs up to 20% of the calories we consume. There are several types of important foods, the regular consumption of which throughout life improves brain function, supplies it with high-quality raw materials for the formation of new cells and thereby preserves our intelligence, preventing a decline in mental abilities. To satisfy your brain hunger, you need two types of food. Firstly, the fuel necessary for the daily functioning of brain cells and replenishing energy reserves. And secondly, substances that would support his daily activities.

The nutritional recommendations below will help extend the full life of our brain.



Today's children are often diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Scientists have found out how the quality of a pregnant woman’s food affects the development of this syndrome in the unborn child. In particular, they paid attention to omega-3 fatty acids. One of the leading experts on ADHD, Dr Alex Richardson from the University of Oxford, says there is no specific treatment or diet for this type of disorder yet, but foods rich in omega-3s can help relieve symptoms and improve overall health. After all, in order for the 100 billion brain cells with which a child is born to develop, a sufficient supply of folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, iron and zinc is required.


Bread, cereals, green vegetables, oranges or fruit juice are needed during pregnancy, as these foods are rich in folic acid. Doctors also recommend that pregnant women take 0.8 mg of folic acid every day until the 12th week of pregnancy, and preferably at least 4 weeks before conception. Since some women require higher doses, it is best to discuss this with your doctor.

Fatty fish such as sardines, tuna, salmon, mackerel are the best source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA, DPA). And canola, flaxseed and nut oils provide us with ALA, another type of these fats.

Use iodized salt. Table salt is recommended for cooking pasta and vegetables, and sea salt can be added to ready-made dishes. Other sources of iodine include fish, dairy products, eggs, and baked goods with iodized salt.

Red meat is the most accessible source of iron. If you don't eat meat or fish, include more legumes, fortified breads and grains in your diet. To better absorb iron from these foods, drink them with fruit juice, but not tea - it impairs the absorption of iron. Most of these foods will also provide you with zinc.

Be careful! Meat is a great option, but don't overdo it with liver. It is an excellent source of iron, but it contains too much vitamin A. Too much of it can harm the development of the unborn baby's brain. It is enough to eat liver dishes once a week. And be careful with fish oil supplements, they also contain too much vitamin A. Check with your doctor before taking them during pregnancy. Smoking and alcohol abuse are also dangerous for a child’s brain development. During pregnancy, it is really important to give up bad habits.



By the time of birth, a child’s brain has about 100 billion cells, but it is only 15% developed. As they say, “the lights are on, but no one is home.” There are already cells, but there are no connections between them yet. The brain will be almost fully developed by the baby's third birthday, and in the first 3 years of life, impulses should begin to travel from one cell (neuron) to another. To ensure proper development of the baby, the process of connecting these brain cells must begin in newborns. For this to happen, children need omega-3s, iron and zinc.


Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for young children because it supplies them with everything they need during active growth, including omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA.

Iron-rich foods are just as important, if not more so, for babies than they are for pregnant women. Children are born with a reserve of iron that will last about 6 months. After this, they require dietary sources of iron. Meat purees should be introduced at the age of 6-7 months. Baby cereals, vegetables, beans and lentils also provide iron, as does fish, which can be introduced from around 8 months. Most of these foods also contain zinc.

Eating these foods during the first 3 years of life and beyond is very important so that your brain cells can function at their best. You should not rush to switch your child from breast milk or infant formula to cow's milk, which is low in iron - this may affect his health in the future.

But food for a child's brain is not only food. All the experiences a child accumulates over 3 years influence his learning ability and behavior in the future. Children need a safe and comfortable home with a variety of options for intellectual stimulation. Talk, read, sing and play with your children and make them feel that you love them.



At this age, the brain processes a lot of new information every day. Proper nutrition has a positive impact on children's performance in school. These are the conclusions reached by researchers from Canada who studied the diet of 5,200 excellent students. Children whose diets were rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, dietary fiber, protein, iron, calcium and vitamin C performed better in reading and writing than those whose diets were high in saturated fat, salt and empty carbohydrates. Previous studies have shown that undernourished children were disorganized and performed worse in school. Conclusion: during school years, the brain needs proteins, carbohydrates, omega-3 and various vitamins and minerals.


Breakfast, hearty or not, gives the brain fuel to work. Toast, porridge, eggs, fruit or yoghurt are a great start to the school day.

Any protein food, such as meat, fish, nuts, cheese or milk, makes the student attentive. It stimulates the feel-good hormone dopamine, helping him enjoy lessons he might not normally enjoy.

A peanut butter sandwich helps transmit impulses from neuron to neuron as quickly as possible. If a student cannot tolerate peanuts, replace them with an egg, lean meat or cheese.

Fatty fish are important for both academic success and growth. Canned fish is suitable for sandwiches or rolls that you can give your child to school.

Try adding fruits and vegetables to all your meals to ensure you're getting a full complement of brain-healthy vitamins and minerals. This is also a good solution for a healthy snack during recess. No amount of proper food can replace a full night's sleep. In a lesson, at the stadium or in an exam, a child will succeed much more if he has had enough sleep.



Each brain cell is approximately 2/3 fat. To effectively send messages, its walls must be flexible, which depends on their omega-3 content. If there are too few of them, the cell walls become rigid; if there are too many, the cell walls become soft and flaccid. It all depends on the right quantity. The ratio between omega-6 and omega-4 is also important because these two types of fats compete with each other. Omega-3s will be neutralized if omega-6s dominate them. Since we get a lot of omega-6 from food (from vegetable oils), it is recommended to eat more foods containing omega-3, such as fatty fish.

Throughout our more than 40 years of working experience, we want to think as clearly and quickly as possible. To perform at its best, the adult brain needs a continuous supply of energy throughout the day. Only starchy carbohydrates can provide this.


Whether you eat at home, in the car or at work, breakfast is just as important for an adult as it is for a student. Eating only air, you will not be able to work fully.

If morning tea is part of your routine, complement it with a fruit muffin, sausage roll, or large biscuit from your local café.

Drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee and tea, will prove beneficial throughout the day. The caffeine rush will help you in meetings and conferences, but keep in mind that it only peaks an hour after you drink coffee or tea.

Eating at regular intervals throughout the day will help keep your brain fuel up to par. Make time for lunch. Keep an emergency supply of provisions in your desk in case you can't go out to lunch. Canned fish, beans, fruit pudding or rice pudding keep well, as do crackers, nuts or low-calorie granola bars.

Avoid chocolate or baked goods in the middle of the day when energy reserves are low. But don't give up sugar altogether. After lunch, take a walk around the office or get some fresh air to stimulate your brain. If you couldn't have lunch, eat a sandwich or fruit for a long-lasting energy boost.



As we age, our brain becomes more and more like a sieve. Memory and reactions fail. It is more difficult for us to remember, and even more difficult to remember, analyze, and concentrate on the thought process. And this, in essence, is a natural phenomenon: our gray matter, like the entire body, is subject to the process of oxidation - the same one that corrodes metal with rust, or covers an overripe apple with brown spots. That's why as we age, our brains need antioxidants and B vitamins, especially choline, more than ever.


The main allies in the fight against brain aging are fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants. By the way, they also help slow down oxidative processes throughout the body, and without any plastic surgery. Include carrots, beets, broccoli, tomatoes, kiwi, blueberries, and avocados in your diet. In addition, the “menu” of a mature brain must include nuts and seeds, cereals, butter and dark chocolate (necessarily of high quality). These products inhibit the oxidation processes of gray matter.

To get the B vitamins necessary for normal brain functioning in old age, you need to eat various types of meat, citrus fruits, vegetables, and grain bread. The most useful product for the brain of an aged person is an egg, a source of choline. It has been scientifically proven that people with Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia have lower levels of such an important substance for brain function as acetylcholine in their bodies. You can prevent its decrease in the body by consuming eggs, milk, liver and red cabbage. There are a number of studies showing that older people benefit from the so-called “Mediterranean diet” (fatty fish, fresh fruits and vegetables) to prevent the development of senile dementia.

Don’t forget about the benefits of an active lifestyle in adulthood - no matter how good your diet is, adequate physical activity for the brain is also important.


  • Blueberry
  • Cranberry
  • Fatty fish: mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon
  • Red meat: beef, lamb
  • Nuts: hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews
  • Cereals and muesli
  • Bread
  • Eggs
  • Red cabbage
  • Yogurt

Sweet help

So, let's talk in more detail about which foods are most useful for feeding the brain. One of the leading places in this list is occupied by dark chocolate. Healthy and tasty, it actively nourishes our cells and is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. They promote blood flow to the brain, and therefore stimulate its activity. Among other things, chocolate contributes to:

  • Vasodilation.
  • Prevention of oxygen starvation.
  • Relieving symptoms of fatigue.

Healthy foods for children's mental health

If the child’s psyche is disturbed, then the reason for this may lie in an inadequate breakfast. Children who skip breakfast suffer from nervousness. The child may experience fatigue, irritability, and even exhibit aggressive behavior.

Also, according to a study from the University of Pittsburgh, children exposed to lead poisoning are more likely than others to display aggressive and antisocial behavior. Meat from chickens, pigs and fish raised near industrial areas has a very high degree of lead contamination. Therefore, you should pay attention to the origin of the product when purchasing it.

The question of which products restore the child’s nervous system is relevant for many parents. You should increase your consumption of whole grain bread and cereals, which can improve the functioning of the nervous system. However, it is necessary to exclude food additives and white sugar.

Restoration of the nervous system and normalization of the emotional background can be achieved by drinking chamomile tea.

Food for a healthy nervous system

The B vitamin group is most important for the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system. For example, a lack of vitamin B1 leads to irritability and depression, and a lack of vitamin B6 leads to nervousness and fatigue.

Minerals are directly related to neuronal activity. Thus, a lack of magnesium leads to nervousness and anxiety.

Unsaturated fatty acids, such as linolenic acid found in nuts, are essential for the development of the nervous system and brain in children.

On the other hand, excessive consumption of sugar and additives such as dyes affects the nervous system and changes behavior.



The nervous system reacts inappropriately to normal stimuli when it is excited or irritated.


All drugs affect the nervous system and cause or worsen nervousness. However, in some cases they can provide a feeling of short-term relief, although the negative effect will soon appear with renewed vigor. Alcohol, coffee and other stimulating drinks, tobacco are the most common causes of nervousness and imbalance of the nervous system.


In addition to consuming the recommended foods, you should develop the following healthy habits to help combat nervousness:

  • Eat a good breakfast to avoid hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which usually occurs mid-morning and can make you feel nervous and irritable.
  • Eat regularly to avoid sudden drops in blood sugar.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Get regular exercise, especially walking or hiking.
EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
OatsStimulant drinks
Sprouted wheatAlcohol
Sunflower seedsWhite sugar
Brazilian nut
Green pea
passion fruit


Hyperactivity and aggressiveness


Childhood hyperactivity is a pressing problem in developed countries. Also, aggression and violence are observed equally among young people and adults.

Dietary and other reasons

The close connection between diet and behavior problems is becoming increasingly clear (Breakey, J. The role of diet and behavior in childhood. J. Paediatr. Child Health, 33: 190–194 (1997)). In addition to foods that should be reduced or eliminated, there are other causes of hyperactivity and aggression:

  • Inadequate breakfast. Children who do not start their day with a full and healthy breakfast suffer from nervousness, overtiredness, irritability and even aggressive behavior. The same can be said about adults.
  • Lead contamination. Research conducted at the University of Pittsburgh (USA) showed that children who were exposed to lead poisoning were more likely than others to demonstrate aggressiveness, antisocial behavior and commit crimes. Meat from animals and fish raised near industrial areas tend to have the highest levels of lead contamination.
EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
Whole grain breads and cerealsNutritional supplements
Sprouted wheatWhite sugar
Vitamin B1Stimulant drinks
Baked goods made from refined flour



Foods or Nutrients

Food choices affect a person's ability to sleep well. The timing of meals also plays an important role.

Large meals, even healthy ones, can disturb sleep. It is ideal for both sleep and digestion not to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Those suffering from insomnia can take a glass of malt drink or a decoction of sedative herbs with honey before bed.

EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
OatsStimulant drinks
Malt drinkChocolate
CarbohydratesMeat and proteins
Mature cheeses
Non-alcoholic soft drinks


Anorexia nervosa


This is a psychological disorder that is quite common among teenagers who refuse food in an effort to quickly lose weight. The disorder is caused by low self-esteem and is accompanied by varying degrees of malnutrition.

EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
CarbohydratesWhite sugar
ZincWheat bran


Foods or Nutrients

As a preventative measure, the following will help:

  • a balanced diet from infancy and childhood;
  • selection of traditional dishes such as salads, cereals, legumes, potatoes;
  • refusal of fast food, sandwiches, chocolate, sweets and ice cream.


Foods or Nutrients

People prone to depression usually gravitate toward sweets (confectionery, candy, chocolate, etc.) that have low nutritional value. They may also have a tendency to consume sausage and other meat products that are high in fat.

All of these foods can worsen depression, placing the patient in a vicious cycle. It takes special effort on the part of the patient and his environment to select healthy and attractive foods.

If you have an irresistible desire to eat sweets, give preference to dried fruits, honey or black molasses. These products contain not only sugar, but also various vitamins and minerals necessary for its absorption.

Whole grains, legumes, nuts and vegetables, cooked simply, provide more energy than any culinary masterpiece.


Antidepressants do not replace the need to eat a healthy diet and abstain from all types of drugs, including legal ones, since they all affect the nervous system.

EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
OatsWhite refined sugar
Sprouted wheatSaturated fats
Chickpeas and almondsStimulant drinks
Brazilian nut
Pine nut
Brewer's yeast
Royal jelly
Vitamins B1, B6 and C
Folic acid




Stress occurs when life events exert physical or psychological pressure that a person is unable to withstand.

Psychological stress can be caused by positive reasons (new job) or negative reasons (loss of job). All cases of stress have the same effect on the body.


Stress can affect all organs and functions of the body, but the most susceptible to its impacts are:

  • the heart and cardiovascular system, which are under double load;
  • an immune system that is weakened to enhance other body functions. Resistance to infections, cancer and other diseases decreases.

Foods or Nutrients

Certain foods can help the body adapt to or reduce stress.

EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
Proteins and carbohydratesStimulant drinks
AlmondWhite sugar
Pine nut
Sprouted wheat
B vitamins
Vitamin C


Headaches and migraines


Headaches are general painful sensations. Migraine is a type of headache, sharp and throbbing, that occurs suddenly and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and blurred vision.


There are many causes of headaches. In some cases, they can be caused by unimportant factors. However, headaches can also be the first sign of a tumor or serious brain damage.

In addition to food, there are other known factors that can trigger or aggravate pain:

  • allergy;
  • nervous tension or stress;
  • approaching menstruation.

Foods or Nutrients

There are no known foods that can prevent or cure headaches and migraines. But certain foods can trigger them. These foods should be avoided to reduce the likelihood of headaches unless you are confident that other possible causes, such as arterial aneurysms or tumors, have been ruled out.

Reduce or Eliminate
Ripe and dried cheeses
Nutritional supplements
Stimulant drinks
White sugar
Ice cream


Mental fatigue

Foods or Nutrients

Those involved in intense mental work require a number of nutrients. The needs of such people are most met by whole grain cereals (especially oats) and oil-containing nuts (especially almonds and walnuts).

Sprouted wheat


Anxiety states


This is an unwanted and unjustified emotional state, mainly psychosomatic. It primarily affects the brain, and then other organs of the body, causing tachycardia, abdominal pain, and intestinal disturbances (alternating constipation and diarrhea).

Worsening factors

Anxiety conditions are aggravated by:

  • an unbalanced diet for weight loss, as a result of which the body does not receive enough carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the nervous system;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages, stimulants (caffeine) and tobacco. After a short period of relief, anxiety usually becomes even worse. Since all of these substances are essentially drugs and are addictive, they all have a detrimental effect on the nervous system.
EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
Sprouted wheatStimulant drinks
Whole grain cerealsMeat
Vitamin B6




It's the opposite of anorexia: a disorder characterized by uncontrollable appetite. Bulimia tends to alternate with anorexia and is one of the common eating disorders.

Foods or Nutrients

Eliminate all sweets and fatty foods from the diet of a person suffering from bulimia. Replace these foods with whole grains, salads, and other healthy foods.

EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
Whole grain cerealsWhite sugar




This is a disease of the sensory nerves that causes acute, burning pain in the area where they are located. In some cases the cause of the irritation is known, in others it is not.

Foods and Nutrients

Foods rich in vitamin B can relieve neuralgic pain.

EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
Sprouted wheatAlcohol
Vitamins B1 and B12




This disease of the central nervous system manifests itself in the form of attacks of varying intensity (from memory loss or absent-mindedness to severe convulsions with loss of consciousness).

Foods and Nutrients

Lack of B vitamins and certain minerals, stress, fatigue, high fever and consumption of alcoholic beverages are the factors most often triggering attacks.

EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
B vitaminsAlcohol
Folic acidSugar substitutes
MagnesiumPrimrose oil


Multiple sclerosis


This disease usually appears between the ages of 25 and 40 and most often affects women.

The reason is the restructuring of the myelin sheath covering the nerves. Depending on which nerves are affected, the disease is accompanied by different symptoms: deterioration of vision, speech, loss of skin sensitivity, and motor impairment.

Related factors

The course of this disease alternates between periods of deterioration and improvement. Although the causes of multiple sclerosis are not well understood, it has been observed that some foods aggravate the disease while others improve it. The use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages worsens the condition.

EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
Vegetable oilSaturated fats
Whole grain cerealsMeat
SaladsWhite sugar


Parkinson's disease


This disease usually appears over the age of 50 and is characterized by three main symptoms: muscle inelasticity, akinesia (loss of voluntary movement) and tremors. The reason is partly the fact that the brain stops producing enough dopamine, a substance involved in the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons.

It has been noted that eating plant foods rich in vitamins B, C and E slows down the course of the disease.

EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
Whole grain cerealsSaturated fats
FruitsWhite sugar
VegetablesStimulant drinks
Vegetable oil
Vitamins B1 and E
Folic acid



It is a progressive and irreversible loss of mental abilities caused by many factors.

Studies have shown that regularly consuming certain foods throughout life, mainly animal fats and meats, increases the risk of dementia.

Reduce or Eliminate
Saturated fats


Alzheimer's disease


A type of progressive dementia due to degeneration of brain cells. The disease begins with memory loss, followed by mental insanity, apathy and depression.


The causes of the disease are not fully understood. It has been proven that large amounts of aluminum entering the body contribute to its onset. Aluminum is toxic to nerve cells. Increased levels have been found in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. There is unproven speculation that mercury may also cause Alzheimer's disease.


To prevent illness you should avoid:

  • using aluminum cookware, especially when preparing acidic foods such as tomatoes;
  • use of antacid medications containing aluminum;
  • drinking soft drinks in aluminum cans;
  • tap water if it contains large amounts of aluminum.
EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
Green leafy vegetablesAlcohol
Brewer's yeastDried cheeses
Vitamin E




It is an inherited mental disorder characterized by personality changes and hallucinations. Although this disease has a hereditary factor, the causes of its occurrence are unknown. Perhaps schizophrenia is caused by chemical changes in brain neurons.

Foods or Nutrients

Diet can improve or worsen the course of the disease. In the absence of specific data, the following is recommended:

  • Eat enough simply prepared plant foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes and nuts.
  • Avoid any foods that may cause allergies.
  • Avoid situations that lead to hypoglycemia, in which the brain suffers from a lack of glucose. Irregular meals, poor breakfasts or a diet with insufficient carbohydrates are the most common dietary causes.
EnlargeReduce or Eliminate
Sprouted wheatAlcohol
FruitsStimulant drinks
VegetablesNutritional supplements


Based on materials from the book “Healthy Food”


You can buy healthy foods to nourish your brain in almost any store, such as fish. Some of its varieties contain a huge amount of omega acids, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body. When choosing fish, focus on herring, mackerel, tuna and salmon. Their benefits are:

  • Prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Normalization of cholesterol levels.
  • Strengthening brain cells.
  • Improving memory.
  • Ensuring the flow of oxygen.

Don't forget about other seafood. Mussels and anchovies are especially beneficial.

Dark chocolate and cocoa

Cocoa beans contain natural antioxidants flavonoids , which have a positive effect on brain function and blood circulation. Chocolate and cocoa also help avoid depression, lift your mood and improve your overall well-being.

Time of use : Not important.

Daily value : 25-40 g.

It is important to remember that white chocolate does not contain cocoa beans , so it does not benefit the brain.

Harmful products

Based on what is beneficial for the body’s nervous system, you can make a list of harmful foods. Nervousness is caused by:

  • sugar and sweets;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • smoked products;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcohol;
  • poor quality coffee.

A person becomes much more nervous when he drinks a lot of coffee during the day, as it excites the nervous system and also blocks the body's signals about the need for rest. Caffeine can increase feelings of anxiety.

Alcohol creates a deceptive calm. It depletes the nervous system, impairs memory, the ability to think logically, and weakens willpower. The brain begins to work worse when a person consumes confectionery and baked goods. Simple carbohydrates can help improve your mood and give you more energy.

It is safe to say that nutrition has a primary impact on a person’s condition, the functioning of his nervous system and his emotional background. Everyone knows that all diseases are caused by nerves. To stay healthy and happy for as long as possible, you need to consume foods that strengthen the nervous system.

Unhealthy foods include high-calorie, high-fat foods, which are associated with increased body fat and obesity, a condition that is potentially harmful to the brain. Excess weight correlates with pathologies such as atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, and diabetes. The listed diseases are among the factors that provoke the development of stroke. It is necessary to limit or completely exclude from the menu:

  • I eat foods with a high salt content.
  • Dishes prepared by frying.
  • Food prepared by smoking.
  • Confectionery products (baked goods, pastries, pies, chocolates).
  • Bakery products baked from white wheat flour (highest grade).
  • Carbonated drinks with added sweeteners.

The best food for the brain is steamed or boiled vegetables, legumes, lean meat, fish and poultry. Nutritionists advise introducing protein omelettes, low-fat cottage cheese and fermented milk products, herbs and fresh fruits into your diet.

The use of products that restore normal activity of the nervous system is a mandatory measure in the complex therapy of neurological and mental diseases.


How to feed your “gray cells” to increase your performance and make it easier to bear mental stress. You will learn about this by reading the list of the most beneficial foods for the mind.

From childhood we are taught that books, intelligent conversations, solitary reflections, and exposure to beauty serve as food for the mind. But no, say the authors of a study published recently in The Psychology Today magazine. The point is not at all about spiritual food, but about banal food. Six smart products. The brain makes up only 2 - 3% of body weight by weight, but consumes about 20% of all energy received from food.

In an effort to improve the functioning of your intellect at all costs, it is important not to overdo it. After all, any product, like any medicine, can be more harmful than useful for someone. Thus, sour berries and citrus fruits should not be eaten in large quantities by those who have increased acidity of gastric juice, and especially if there is gastritis or ulcers associated with this. Foods high in vitamin C, as well as beets, cabbage, spinach and - alas! - chocolate is contraindicated for those who have urolithiasis and form oxalates (that is, stones consisting of oxalic acid salts). Fresh beets and cabbage should not be eaten by those who suffer from colitis (inflammation of the intestines). Fatty fish are contraindicated for peptic ulcers and some blood diseases. According to experts, the following products should now be considered the most beneficial for the brain, and therefore the mind.

1. Cranberry is a taxon of the Ericaceae family, uniting evergreen creeping shrubs growing in swamps in the Northern Hemisphere. The taxon Oxycoccus is understood differently in various sources: both as an independent genus Oxycoccus Hill (1756) (in Russian-language literature this view is widespread to this day), and as a subgenus of the genus Vaccinium - Vaccinium subgen. Oxycoccus (Hill) A.Gray (1848)[3], - and as a section of the same genus - Vaccinium sect. Oxycoccus (Hill) W. D. J. Koch (1837). Fruit drink lovers, rejoice—cranberries are extremely rich in antioxidants, which may help minimize the negative effects of stroke on the brain. We hope you don’t face such horrors, but it never hurts to be on the safe side.

The richest source of antioxidants - substances that resist so-called free radicals (FR). These are molecules of different substances that are missing one electron, so they everywhere strive to “bite off” the missing electron from other molecules. In our body, this leads to the death of cells exposed to SV attack and to the development of various diseases. Thus, SVs are considered to be the culprits of atherosclerosis. Antioxidants bind carbon dioxide and prevent them from damaging the vessels supplying blood to the brain.

2. Blueberries - this berry reduces the risk of deterioration of brain function due to aging. Blackberries and raspberries have this property to a lesser extent, but all three mentioned berries help to think well and absorb acquired knowledge well at any age.

The same antioxidants, as well as substances useful for visual acuity and hearing.

3. Beetroot and cabbage

Beetroot is rich in betaine, a substance that helps improve mood, well-being, reaction and ability to concentrate. It is advisable to eat raw beets, for example, grate them into a salad, sprinkle with oil and vinegar.

Red cabbage is an excellent source of polyphenols, antioxidants that help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Make your own brain salad by tossing raw cabbage, carrots and green onions with a dressing of balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

4. Spinach

Preserves the youth of nerve cells and also helps in the cognitive activity of the brain.

5.Fish (salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, cod, anchovies). It contains large quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which participate in metabolic processes in the brain, increase the content of “good” cholesterol and reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol. Sea fish also contains phosphorus, which improves tissue respiration. Salmon is one of the best sources of our beloved omega-3 fatty acids, which improve communication between brain cells. Which has a beneficial effect on all brain functions without exception - from controlling arms and legs to solving integral equations.

Cod , a diet rich in selenium, has a beneficial effect on mood, preventing depression, and therefore increasing performance. This northern fish is very rich in the above-mentioned mineral. Dip the cod in flour, fry on both sides and serve, for example, with buckwheat and boiled vegetables. Don’t forget about phosphorus, which any fish is rich in; you were told how good it is for the brain as a child.

Anchovies - dimethylethanolamine - that's why you should appreciate these little fish. This substance improves the brain's ability to learn, improves concentration and prevents mental fatigue, say German scientists.

6. Dried apricots. Dried fruit is rich in iron and vitamin C. Iron stimulates the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for analytical thinking, and vitamin C helps iron be better absorbed. Eat three to four dried apricots a day.

The following are equally useful products for the mind. Avocado. Scientists at the University of Maine have established a link between high blood pressure and deterioration of the brain's cognitive function (its ability to perceive and analyze information). Regular consumption of avocados normalizes blood pressure. You can add a few slices to the salad from the paragraph about red cabbage.

Eggplant. Eggplant peel contains anthocyanin - a dark pigment and at the same time an antioxidant. It helps maintain the required amount of fat in the membranes of brain cells, thus protecting them from damage.

Chicken. Those who like to eat chicken breast strengthen not only their muscles, but also their brains. Chicken meat is rich in vitamins B2, B6 and B12, which strengthen the nervous system, improve memory, and prevent depression and insomnia.

Coffee. Caffeine stimulates brain activity, affecting the speed of decision-making. The same caffeine strengthens the blood-brain barrier, which protects the nervous system from toxins, harmful microorganisms and cholesterol found in the circulatory system. Read more about coffee here Coffee as an stimulating drink

Kiwi. Just one furry ball contains the daily requirement of vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant protects the brain from free radicals, which impair memory and negatively affect the ability to make decisions.

Green pea. A lack of thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, can lead to poor attention, memory and mood. Green peas will help you avoid these horrors: fresh, frozen or canned - it doesn’t matter. Any will do.

Veal liver. A product rich in B vitamins. We have already talked about their benefits, so we’ll tell you how to simply and tasty prepare liver. Simmer it over low heat with beans, thyme and basil. Wash it down with dry red wine.

Mussels and other shellfish are rich in vitamin B12 and zinc. This mineral promotes the transmission of nerve impulses throughout the body and is involved in the areas of the brain responsible for emotions, memory, instincts and sleep.

Shrimps. A lack of vitamin D, which these crustaceans are rich in, can lead to, at best, bad mood and impaired cognitive function of the brain, and at worst, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's.

Red beans. An excellent source of proteins and carbohydrates, it normalizes blood sugar levels, which is important for normal brain function. A salad of vegetables and boiled beans is a good snack halfway from lunch to dinner.

Grape. Both white and black contain epicatechin, a polyphenol that increases blood flow to the brain and improves memory. Black also contains the pigment anthocyanin, which we remember from the paragraph “Eggplant”.

Sea salt. Read about the benefits of iodine in “Sea kale”. And here we emphasize that iodine is a very unstable element. It quickly evaporates from food and even in a pack of salt lasts no more than three months from the moment it is opened.

Sea kale. Algae is one of the champions in iodine content. The lack of this chemical element weakens the nervous system and is fraught with insomnia, irritability, depression and memory impairment.

Pistachios , as well as almonds and walnuts. There is a legend that Babylonian priests forbade commoners to eat nuts so that they would not become too smart. The priests were afraid for good reason: nuts for the brain. All thanks to the high content of fatty acids, phosphorus and iron. Read more about walnuts in the topic Magic Walnut

Sage. Back in 1597, the botanist John Gerard wrote about sage: “Definitely good for the head, strengthens the nerves and memory.” This is confirmed by research from Newcastle University. Add seasoning to pasta, risotto and fish dishes.

Carrot. Beta-carotene slows down the aging process in the brain and prevents cell destruction caused by free radicals, say scientists at Harvard University.

Whole wheat bread. And also pasta made from wholemeal flour, muesli and porridge with bran and similar cereal foods. Most of the vitamins (including B vitamins) are contained in the shell and outer layers of the grain, which are mercilessly peeled off during grinding to make regular flour.

Pumpkin seeds. Here you have a full range of healthy fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6, vitamins A and E, and zinc - all invaluable substances.

Bitter chocolate. Cocoa beans contain magnesium, a trace element necessary for normal memory function. We emphasize that we are talking exclusively about dark dark chocolate. Sweets, cakes and soufflés contain negligible cocoa and too much butter and sugar. Read more about chocolate here Chocolate as a way of sweet life

Oatmeal . Oats are considered one of the healthiest grains. It stimulates blood circulation, including in the brain. Don't forget about B vitamins, which are abundant in oats, as in all grains.

Green tea. More precisely, a drink called “matcha” - tea leaves ground into powder and brewed with boiling water (this way you not only drink the infusion, but also eat the tea itself). However, regular green will do. Tea is a strong but harmless (if not abused) stimulant of the nervous system, allowing your brain to solve the tasks assigned to it faster and more efficiently.

Proper food is not a guarantee of uninterrupted brain function, as well as health in general. An equally important condition for the body is movement, and for the head - constant loading. If your brains are properly fed but not trained, they will become filled with fat just like a body that is constantly lying on the sofa. If, due to the nature of your work, you do not have to constantly strain the contents of your head or you have been politely “retired”, but you do not want to join the army of people who have never used their gray matter in their lives, you should take care of constant exercise for your brain. It can be anything: solving crosswords or puzzles, chess problems or memorizing poetry, writing memoirs or mastering a completely new profession - any intellectual activity keeps the brain in good shape, trains memory and preserves youth. Charge and train your brain. Good luck!

About chicken eggs

Chicken eggs, or rather their yolks, provide excellent nutrition for the brain. Eat just 2 pieces a day, and you won't have to deal with Alzheimer's disease or strokes in old age. The thing is that eggs contain vitamin B12 and a beneficial substance called lecithin. With their help you can:

  • Prevent brain atrophy.
  • Improve memory.
  • Start the process of cell regeneration.
  • Reduce the risk of blood clots.
  • Provide necessary nutrition for blood vessels.
  • Overcome fatigue.

When consuming chicken eggs, be as careful as possible. It is not recommended to eat a dozen a day, because they contain quite a lot of cholesterol. This rule is also mandatory.

What vitamins does our brain need?

Many products cope with rapid fatigue, constant tension, and apathy. To do this, they must contain the following substances:

  1. Omega-3 and monounsaturated fats. They can be compared to real fuel for the brain. They are needed to combat inflammatory processes, transport and absorb various vitamins.
  2. Cholesterol. Forms vitamin D, protects against the effects of free radicals, prevents multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  3. Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Has a positive effect on cognitive function and improves memory.
  4. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Relieves constant drowsiness and lethargy.
  5. A nicotinic acid. Produces energy needed by nerve cells in the brain. Improves memory, relieves fatigue.
  6. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). To increase intellectual abilities.
  7. Folic acid. Provides high speed of thinking, improves memory

Glucose: friend or foe for the brain?

Why is it that during a diet your head is slow to think, and your mood is below the baseboard? The reason is a lack of glucose. In the body, this monosaccharide is instantly converted into energy, and about 50% is taken by the brain. Hence the strong desire to eat a piece of chocolate or a bun before starting the working day.

Important! When consuming foods with a large amount of “simple” carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods), the glucose level first increases and then drops sharply. As a result, a person becomes tired, irritable, and mental abilities decrease.

Nutrition will have a good effect on mood and mental activity if glucose is absorbed gradually.

Therefore, you need to eat foods rich in “complex” carbohydrates and fiber:

  • products made from whole grain flour;
  • cereals (especially pearl barley, buckwheat, oats, brown rice);
  • legumes: soybeans, beans, lentils;
  • dried fruits.

The brain should receive glucose replenishment in the first half of the day. Otherwise, the body will not have time to consume energy from carbohydrates, which will have a bad effect on the figure. In addition, glucose can cause insomnia, as it tones the psyche.

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Koltyrina @dietolog_nadezhda

Expert, nutritionist-nutritionist. Pskov

“Like any other organ, our brain needs a good, balanced diet containing a variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. By properly composing your diet, you ensure not only your overall health, but also help your brain stay in good shape.

Among the most useful products that affect brain function are the following: fish, preferably red (salmon, tuna, salmon) as a source of omega-3 and omega-8 fatty acids, phosphorus and iodine. Spices (many underestimate them, but in vain) - cinnamon, saffron, turmeric - are simply a storehouse of useful antioxidants, minerals and acids, which in turn perfectly tone and activate our brain, including in the fight against the main enemy - aging! Vegetables - I think everything is clear here. Beets, carrots and cabbage (absolutely ALL types of cabbage) are especially good. Let's not forget about nuts and seeds, again, much-needed omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

And last but not least, berries and fruits: blueberries, raspberries, blueberries, as well as apples, pears, apricots will help you and your brain more easily cope with the daily dizzying flow of incoming and outgoing information.”

Useful recipes for blood vessels

Proper nutrition for the blood vessels of the brain is extremely important. With the help of healthy food, you can significantly improve your health and overcome many problems in old age. By the way, in addition to food, it is very important to pay attention to drinks. A number of homemade decoctions, prepared on the basis of the simplest ingredients, are considered not only excellent preventive, but also therapeutic agents.

  • Bay leaves. Place 5 bay leaves in a container and pour a glass of boiling water over them, put on high heat and cook for 3-5 minutes, then leave the broth to steep for several hours. The finished product is consumed for three days, approximately 50 ml per day (treatment based on it is repeated 2 times a year, it is contraindicated for pregnant women).
  • Tangy citrus juice. Grind two medium lemons and a head of garlic until smooth. This can be done either using a blender or an ordinary grater. Pour the resulting mixture with 4 cups of boiled water at moderate temperature. The product should be infused for two days, after which it will need to be strained and used as directed. So, the course of treatment with such a tincture lasts for two weeks; you should drink one tablespoon three times a day.

Proper nutrition for the blood vessels of the brain is extremely important for every person over the age of 30. To improve your health, memory and mental performance, try treating yourself to an original combination of foods. Every morning, before breakfast, you should eat walnuts, raisins and tangerines.

What should you give up?

Some foods harmful to the brain, when consumed frequently, not only do not have a positive effect on the mental activity of the brain, but even cause a reverse reaction. What food should you give up or at least reduce the amount you eat?

  1. Alcohol. Their danger lies in the fact that they cause vascular spasms. These, in turn, lead to cell destruction. Thus, alcohol literally destroys the brain.
  2. Fat meat. It is the cause of cerebral atherosclerosis.
  3. Oversalted and very salty foods. By retaining moisture, salt can increase blood pressure and lead to strokes.
  4. Long lasting food. Due to the presence of preservatives in them, they negatively affect intellectual activity.

Overeating the brain redirects energy to digestion. Exhaustion from the diet affects behavior: inattentiveness and absent-mindedness, and sluggish reactions appear. But short-term fasting, on the contrary, awakens creative abilities by cleansing the body.

List of natural antioxidants

Nutrition of the human brain must necessarily be based on natural antioxidants. These substances, which stop internal oxidative processes, are found in a fairly large number of useful products. Among them are fruits and berries - the basis for your future dessert. Most of them are found in red apples, raspberries, lingonberries and cherries.

They are also found in large quantities in vegetables (such as broccoli, peppers, tomatoes and onions). Based on them, you can make excellent salads that serve as a side dish for lean meat or poultry. Don't forget also about healthy grains, rolled oats and brown rice, they are especially good for eating in the morning and at lunchtime.

The most useful foods for brain activity

For normal functioning, the human brain requires polyunsaturated fatty acids, the best sources of which are fatty fish (for example, catfish, mackerel). From fatty acids, our brain synthesizes myelin, a substance that quickly transmits information from one cell to another.

If you add 100 grams of such fish per day to your diet, it will help speed up your reaction and progress your brain function, and, consequently, make it more functional. In addition, fish also contains protein, an essential building material for the brain.

The third component that affects the functioning of this organ is antioxidants. These substances free the human brain from toxins that clog intercellular membranes. A record amount of antioxidants is contained in berries - blueberries and blueberries, so they should be consumed as much as possible during the season, and also stored for the winter.

In addition to antioxidants, berries also contain vitamins - in large quantities - C, as well as vitamins B1 and B6, and microelements.

Eating nuts is also beneficial for brain activity. They contain protein and fatty acids, and also contain serotonin, a substance that helps prevent depression. Nuts should be consumed regularly for memory and brain activation. To think faster, eat the norm of walnuts - 5 kernels.

Well, of course, your diet should include natural chocolate with a high cocoa content or directly cocoa beans. They also contain antioxidants that improve blood flow and protect blood vessels from oxidation. Chocolate takes part in the formation of hormones responsible for high mood and satisfaction with life.

Products and elements in them

No less important than vitamins for the brain are useful micro- and macroelements. How to understand the abundance of products and choose the best ones? Perhaps the short list below can help you in this difficult matter:

  • Iron. It is present in large quantities in liver, green apples, legumes and grains, and cottage cheese.
  • Selenium. Improves mood. Present in fish and seafood, rice and cereals.
  • Magnesium. Helps with stress. Presented in products such as buckwheat, rice, leafy greens, almonds, olives, potatoes, pumpkin.
  • Phosphorus. Responsible for the formation of brain cells. Contained in legumes, cucumbers and cauliflower.
  • Sulfur. Helps saturate cells with oxygen. Noted in foods such as figs, carrots, and onions.
  • Potassium. Also responsible for supplying the brain with oxygen. Found in dried apricots and raisins, as well as red tomatoes.

A healthy diet for those who work with their heads

What food will be equally beneficial for the body and mind? How can knowledge workers improve productivity and children improve school performance? Please pay attention to the following substances in the products.

B vitamins

Products with vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are healthy nutrition for muscles, mind and body at the same time. The substances are included in many dietary supplements to improve brain activity. What beneficial properties do they have?

Vitamin B1

Stimulates the production of red blood cells and improves blood microcirculation in the brain. Takes part in the absorption of glucose, protects nerve cells from oxidation. Vitamin B1 is present in large quantities in pine nuts and walnuts, brown rice, pork, buckwheat, and sunflower seeds.

Important! Vitamin B1 is poorly absorbed if coffee and alcohol are present in the diet.

Vitamin B6

B6 is a very important vitamin.

It is involved in the production of substances responsible for signal transmission in the brain:

  • adrenaline;
  • norepinephrine;
  • dopamine;
  • acetylcholine.

Helps to remain calm in stressful situations, improves mood and stimulates memory. Vitamin B6 can be found in the following products: brewer's yeast, wheat bran, offal, chicken eggs.

Interesting fact. Elena Pyatibrat, author of the training “Nutrition wisely”, who at 61 has the figure of a young girl, eats 2 eggs with yolks for breakfast every morning.

Vitamin B12

This substance affects the speed of thinking and memory. It is part of the myelin sheath, which covers neurons and improves the conduction of nerve impulses. With a lack of substance, a person becomes distracted, forgetful and inhibited.

Natural sources of vitamin B12 include beef, pork, organ meats, eggs, cheese, fish and seafood. Such nutrition has a positive effect on the growth and mental development of children.

Omega-3 fatty acids

In 2020, the results of a joint study by scientists from the universities of Oxford, Cape Town, Oslo and the UAE were published. They found that Omega-3 fatty acids enhance the effects of B vitamins, slowing the rate of brain atrophy.

In addition, these substances have anti-inflammatory properties and reduce the risk of pathological changes in blood vessels. Omega-3 is found in fatty fish (salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel), cod liver, and vegetable oils (olive, soybean, sunflower, flaxseed).

Tip: the most affordable way to get Omega-3 is to take fish oil capsules.


These include vitamins A, C, E. Antioxidants stop oxidative processes in cells and increase cerebral circulation.

Food for the mind includes the following products:

  • greens: dill, parsley, spinach;
  • vegetables: leafy vegetables, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, beets;
  • fruits: citrus fruits, kiwi, bananas, apples and pears, apricots;
  • berries: blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries.

During the cold season, you can buy frozen vegetable mixtures and grow greens on the windowsill. This way you will always have food to fuel your mind.

Interesting fact. Researchers from Rush University Medical Center (USA, 2020) analyzed the nutrition and IQ of 960 experiment participants. As a result, the mental abilities of people who leaned on greens turned out to be higher than those of others.

Macro and microelements

Iron is considered an important microelement for the brain. The substance is involved in the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body's cells, including neurons. Iron is present in seafood, legumes, beef liver, spinach, and dark chocolate.

In addition, the brain requires calcium, magnesium and zinc to function properly. Once again, the list of suitable foods includes eggs, seafood, cheese, tomatoes and beans.

Tip: Many books have been written about the effect of food on brain activity. In particular, “Nutrition for Body and Mind” by Faleeva A.V., “Food and the Brain” by David Perlmutter. If you wish, you can go deeper into the topic and find a lot of useful information. The book “Nutrition for Body and Mind” is currently only available in electronic form (on the author’s website).

Is lard healthy?

Nutrition of brain cells with vitamin D is possible with the help of lard. It is not necessary to exclude such a controversial product from your diet forever; it also has certain advantages, which we will talk about.

Among them is the presence of such useful components as oleic acid (a fat that prevents the appearance and development of depression), as well as the very vitamin D that protects us from dementia. In order to purchase a product of excellent quality, visit farms; lard purchased at the market or in a store is unlikely to bring you much benefit.

The human brain is a unique organ that ensures the functioning of the entire organism. To prevent serious health problems, ensuring proper nutrition is the task of each of us. Following simple rules and a healthy diet will help you improve your speed of thought, cleanse your blood vessels, and normalize your sleep and mood. Teach yourself and your children to eat properly, because this is the best prevention of all diseases.

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