How many times a week should you train your biceps?

What movements are the biceps responsible for? How many times a week and how many repetitions should you work this muscle. What to combine it with, exercise options. Almost all professional bodybuilders pay special attention to one of the most beautiful muscles in the body - the biceps. It so happens that a man’s strength is assessed precisely by the size of his biceps muscle. And indeed. When asked to show the result of training, many simply bend their arm at the elbow and show the size of their biceps. Of course, other parts of the body play an equally important role, but it is the biceps muscle that is an indicator and symbol of the quality of training.

All that remains is to figure out how many times a week you need to pump your biceps to get the expected result, as well as which exercises you should give preference to first. Let's look at these questions.

A little about biceps

As already mentioned, the biceps in its structure is a biceps muscle, which is fixed to the radius on one side and the humerus on the other. The main task is to ensure flexion of the arms at the shoulders and elbows. In addition, the hand is rotated using the biceps. In this case, it is in the latter case that the maximum tension of the biceps muscle occurs. Do not forget about another important point - achieving maximum amplitude.

In general, there are two main approaches regarding amplitude:

  1. Shortened movements involve working with more weight, which allows you to better load muscle groups and increase strength. The disadvantage of a small amplitude is the lack of stretching of the fibers and their work is actually under regular tension.
  2. The full amplitude provides the greatest stretch of the muscle, which forces the fibers to work to the limit. The only drawback of this type of training is that you won’t be able to use heavy weights.

muscle anatomy

How much and how can you pump up your buttocks?

If you want to achieve what you want in a week, forget it! But we can reassure you - your time will not be wasted. In 7-7 days, at least, the muscle tone of the buttocks will increase.

The muscles of the buttocks are covered with a layer of fat, and strength training alone will not give you an appetizing butt. Are you worried about the breeches zone? So it's just fat! And to the question, is it possible to pump up ideal buttocks, we answer unequivocally: Yes, but only in combination with proper nutrition, cardio and strength training.

Working your glutes should be part of your leg workout. Don't train your glutes at the end of your workout because you can overwork that area! Include two types of exercises: those that warm up and work small stabilizer muscles, and those that develop large muscle groups.

If you are forced to miss a workout in the gym or your gym membership has expired, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with 7 options for training your buttocks and legs at home for girls.

And even if you only have a water bottle and only 10 minutes of time, you can still get a great workout. See how in our Instagram post.

For a full butt workout, read our complete guide on how to pump up your butt.

Always finish your workout by stretching the muscle groups you worked. With flexibility, you will be able to work at your full range of motion. Think about it: if you can’t do a deep squat, how can you get beautiful buttocks?

What should be the number of repetitions?

As practice shows, the best development of the biceps muscle is possible only with repeated repetitions. Therefore, there is no need to immediately load the barbell and throw maximum weight on it, because with this approach, other muscle groups will be involved in the work, such as the trapezius, abs, leg biceps and others. With a lot of weight, the whole body will work, and the biceps muscle itself will receive minimal load.

To achieve results, the weight should be moderate and the number of repetitions should be no more than 12-15. A greater effect can be obtained if you work near a wall in the gym or at home, which will not allow you to lean back too much when performing the exercise.

How to get pumped up in six months

Many people dream of sculpted muscles. However, if they don’t see immediate results after a week or two, they quit training. The path to a beautiful body requires determination, willpower and dedication. With the right approach, it is quite possible to pump up in 5-6 months.

Asking the question - how long can it take to pump up - in principle, is not very true, because the main thing is not philosophizing in inaction, but what you actually do to achieve your goal. Unfortunately, the common practice of beginners is to spend a lot of effort on choosing sports nutrition, an ultra-fast training program, the desired muscle size - and actually do too little for this.

A little theory

If you are still interested in specific numbers, you should delve a little deeper into the field of anthropometry and determine your anthropometric type, which will allow you to set the right goals, but this is half the success. To make the task easier, here is a picture illustrating the different body types.


The goal of training for ectomorphs is to become big, to gain weight mainly through muscle growth. A nice bonus is that muscle definition is achieved quite easily, since there is almost no subcutaneous fat in the body, and therefore all that is required of you is just to add “muscle meat”. By the way, to the chagrin of the fair sex, it is usually more difficult for ectomorphic women to build muscle mass than for men; The goal of training mesomorphs is to create relief and gain weight. Although there is a little excess fat, it is not nearly as much as an endomorph. The same applies to training for mesomorphic women; During training, endomorphs need to work on drying their muscles and sculpting their body.

It is especially important to correctly design a training program for endomorph women.

It's best to seek advice from a personal fitness trainer - this has been proven to seriously increase motivation. However, it is also possible to pump up at home, provided that you are ready not to shirk your studies and devote time to studying the theoretical side of the issue.

We suggest you take a simple test that will help you determine how much time it takes to pump up for you personally.

Let's get down to business

To properly organize your loads, choose a training program in accordance with your body type. It is worth remembering that, regardless of the type, strength training is the basis for muscle growth, so be sure to include weight exercises in your complex, and this applies to both men and women.

Helpful advice!

In the gym, we recommend paying attention to the barbell; at home you can exercise with dumbbells. Required number of workouts: three times a week

You should not try to pump up individual muscles in isolation.

It is optimal to train the largest muscle groups: chest, abs, biceps, latissimus dorsi, quadriceps, buttocks. They are ultimately responsible for the formation of a beautiful athletic silhouette.

We work with weight

Choose free weights depending on your physical capabilities. And don’t shy away from lifting a barbell—this way you’ll work all the major muscle groups and also speed up the production of growth hormone, which is necessary for building muscle.

Another important point is age. The highest levels of growth hormones and testosterone are typical for men under 27 years of age, after which metabolic processes steadily decline, as a result of which muscle pumping slows down.

Happy training!

Training frequency

Another question for beginners concerns how often to train a given muscle group, and what to pay attention to first. Everything is simple here. The optimal number of workouts is 2-3 times a week. In this case, you don’t have to worry about possible overtraining. The good thing about biceps is that it recovers much faster and is ready for new loads within a day. But this does not mean that you need to forget about the other components of success - good sleep and proper nutrition.

nuances of training


The deadlift is one of the most popular compound exercises that works most of the muscles throughout the body, especially the legs and back muscles. Among other things, this is one of the main exercises in the sport of powerlifting (powerlifting). There are many varieties of deadlifts - for example, deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, sumo or classic deadlifts, snatch deadlifts. For every taste - according to capabilities and abilities. You can include it in a set of exercises in your training program, the main thing is not to do it too often (we recommend doing it no more than once a week).

The recommended number of repetitions for gaining mass is from 6 to 12. The recommended number of approaches for gaining mass is from three to five

At the same time, it is important to correctly cycle the load, do training with more or less heavy weights, and subdivide training by volume and intensity if you want to achieve success in this direction. For an exercise such as the deadlift, this approach is considered especially relevant and competent.

So how long does it take to pump up your buttocks? Is it possible to do this at home? How many months will this take? If you take this issue seriously, then you will need at least several years to achieve success in this area, because that is the time it takes to create a good foundation in the main basic exercises. If you can build good legs, then your gluteal muscles will grow in proportion to them. You can't do one without the other. You won't be able to develop powerful buttocks before you can develop powerful legs. Be patient - it may take you at least several years to achieve your goal. At home, you are unlikely to be able to pump up unless you can equip a gym at home, which is unlikely.

As usual, we wish our readers to adhere to a predominantly healthy lifestyle and instill it in the younger generation. We are an example for our children. It is by looking at us that they decide what they want to become in adulthood. Remember this simple fact from psychology and behave with dignity! Be devoted to the ideals of the sport to the end, but at the same time do it without much fanaticism. Recovery from injuries is always a long and very unpleasant process. Why strive to get injured when you can simply avoid them? Sport should discipline you and make you happy, but it should not cripple your health for the sake of results.

What to combine with?

Most programs involve an integrated approach to training, that is, combining several muscle groups at the same time. But what about biceps? The ideal would be to dedicate a separate day to the biceps, but in practice, of course, this is very difficult to implement. One of the best options is to combine triceps and biceps, which you can focus on on the same day. The sequence of processing may be different. For example, you can start with the biceps muscle and then move on to the triceps or vice versa.

A great option is supersets. The only downside is that organizing such a workout requires an excellent level of training, powerful lungs and a strong heart. The reason for all these requirements is that the intensity of supersets is maximum, and not every body can withstand it. At the initial stage, you can cheat a little and give the body a short break between approaches (for 30-40 seconds).

It is possible to combine the biceps with another muscle - the chest. The advantage of “pectoral” exercises is that they practically do not require the work of the biceps muscle. As a result, energy is not wasted.

Some athletes combine biceps work with back exercises, which can be used as a “finisher” for the main group. For example, you can do several exercises for the biceps, 3-4 sets each, and then set aside time for several sets for the back.

biceps combination

Thus, the optimal amount of biceps training is no more than three times a week. If possible, pay special attention not to increasing working weights, but to working the biceps muscles for pumping, which involves working the muscles with light weights, but with maximum repetitions. An important point is the combination of regular training with pumping.

How to pump up your arms quickly

Now, I propose to move on to the most interesting thing, how to pump up your arms quickly and competently, and in general, how to organize effective arm training, what exercises to use, what techniques, etc.

How to pump your arms

But first, I will list the main mistakes beginners make when training their hands:

  1. The desire to pump up your arms separately from large muscle groups. Almost everyone who starts training thinks that they only need to train their biceps and abs, and everything will be “fire,” but this is a mistake. Training small muscle groups does not contribute to the production of large amounts of anabolic hormones, which are so necessary for high-quality growth, so you can forget about the impressive size of your arms and body with this approach.
  2. Undeveloped muscle sense. I have already written about him in many articles. If you don't feel the muscles you are training, then the load will fly by.
  3. Too heavy and high volume arm workouts. The arms are a small muscle group and are very easy to overtrain. If you do a bunch of arm exercises with a lot of sets, then this will most likely limit your progress (unless, of course, you are using anabolic steroids). The rule: “take more, throw further...” does not work here.
  4. No load progression. The arm muscles follow the same growth rules as other muscles. There is no increase in load - there is no point in increasing the energy-consuming muscles for the body, it’s simple.

Proper layout for training arm muscles

There are simply a huge number of options for arranging arm muscles with other muscles. Each method has its pros and cons.

Here are the most popular split schemes for arm training:

  1. Back + Biceps, Chest + Triceps . T.N. “Push-pull” split, one day you train the pulling muscle groups (back and biceps), and the other the pushing ones (chest and triceps). While the pullers are working, the pushers are resting. Not a bad combination, but it has the following disadvantages: you load a large muscle group (back or chest), after which the smaller synergist (biceps or triceps) is already tired and cannot work at full strength.
  2. Back + triceps, Chest + Biceps . I like this option a little more, because by training a large muscle group, we do not affect the “small antagonist”. When training the back, the triceps do not work, just as when training the chest, the biceps do not work. There are disadvantages, but not the same as in the first case, and they relate to the frequency of training. For example, today you train your back and triceps, and tomorrow you decide to go train your chest and biceps. Your biceps are already partially tired today (because you had a back workout), and instead of rest, it gets a workout the next day. Although, despite this, I like this layout method more than the first, as I said.
  3. Biceps + Triceps . It seems to be the most logical layout for training arm muscles. Benefits: You set aside a separate day for training your arms, so you focus only on your arms and direct all your strength there. But, with this method of arrangement, as elsewhere, there are disadvantages. A separate day for arm training, in my opinion, is good for an athlete using anabolic steroids, but not for a straight person. Why? Yes, because for a natural, an anabolic surge (production) of hormones after training is important, and after training a small muscle group it is minimal, and accordingly, growth will most likely be small. For example, I trained 5 times a week all last year, training my arms separately. Do you know what's most amazing? I added almost no volume to my hands!!! Why? Yes, because my arms already work in almost every workout of any muscle group, and I also finished them off with 5-7 exercises of 6-7 approaches once a week. Accordingly, the recovery potential, which is somewhat limited in natural, was not enough for proper recovery.

Super techniques for training arm muscles

There are a huge number of super moves! These include dropsets, forced repetitions, cheating, negative repetitions, etc. But! We must remember that the arms are a small muscle group that can be easily killed by heavy loads.

In my opinion, the most optimal option for complicating the load would be to use supersets.

A superset is performing two or more exercises in a row on antagonist muscles without rest.

Antagonist muscles are muscles that perform opposite functions (like biceps and triceps, or chest and back, or abs and spinal extensors, etc.).

We can perform supersets in two modes:

  1. Alternating exercises (several sets of biceps exercises, then several approaches of triceps exercises).
  2. Alternate sets of the exercise (biceps set, then rest 30-90 seconds, then triceps set, then rest 30-90 seconds...).

Why do supersets work well?

For three reasons:

  1. More rest between sets. We give the muscle a little more rest after an approach or exercise, because... after this comes work for the antagonist. A resting muscle recovers better due to more time between sets and is able to generate more force.
  2. Active recovery. While one of the antagonist muscles is resting, the second is at work. Due to the fact that our blood flows into the working muscle, we thus arrange active recovery for the resting antagonist (the nutrients in the blood contribute to better recovery).
  3. Pumping. Blood supply to the muscles is constantly increasing, and this effect has a lot of useful properties, which Arnold Schwarzenegger and other famous athletes always spoke about with great enthusiasm. In addition, pumping promotes the development of slow muscle fibers. Pumping improves tissue capillarization, activates growth factors, gives the muscle a more aesthetic appearance, etc.

What to train first: biceps or triceps?

You can often hear a clear opinion on this matter: if you train the triceps first, then the residual tension in this muscle will not allow the biceps to be properly loaded.

But, we must take into account that in bodybuilding there are no 100% schemes that work equally for all people. Everyone has different genetic capabilities, body structure, attachments, muscle shape, etc.

Usually, yes, you need to start with the biceps, but this is just a theory. If you feel that by training the triceps before the biceps you are putting unfamiliar, additional stress on the muscle, then do exactly as your intuition tells you.

Conclusion: It is better for beginners to train the biceps before the triceps; experienced athletes look at how they feel.

Hand muscle training. Sequence of exercises

Now, specific examples of the sequence of exercises when training arm muscles.

I even have a detailed article on this topic here.

To train the triceps, the main basic exercises are:

  • Barbell press with a narrow grip (can be done on a Smith machine).
  • Dips.

Conditionally basic (isolating) exercises for triceps:

  • French bench press.
  • French press behind the head of a barbell/dumbbell while standing/sitting.
  • Extensions at a vertical block or crossover.

For biceps, the basic exercises will be:

  • Standing biceps curl (one of the best biceps exercises).
  • Raising the barbell for biceps with a reverse grip (brachialis).
  • Hammer curls with dumbbells.

Conditionally basic (isolating) biceps exercises:

  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting or lying down.
  • Larry Scott Bench Curls.
  • Concentrated lifts.

Training program for arm muscles

Training program for arm muscles

There are a huge number of options for training programs for arm muscles.

I trained my arms in different ways.

And he stuck them into full-body training, and to individual muscle groups as part of a split, and trained them separately, and trained both the slow muscle fibers of the arms and the fast ones.

I remember how in the army, after a long break, I made it to the gym and did 7 exercises for my arm muscles (5 exercises for fast muscle fibers and 2 for slow ones). After which, the next day, I could not put on the jacket myself.

My hands have never hurt so much. I walked like a T-rex with bent arms for the next 3 days, and this is not so easy in the army)) So don’t overdo the load, friends.

The arm training program for a beginner will look like this:

  1. Basic biceps exercise: 2 sizes. + 3-4 x 6-12 repetitions.
  2. Basic triceps exercise: 2 sizes. + 3-4 x 6-12 repetitions.
  3. Basic biceps exercise: 2 sizes. + 3-4 x 6-12 repetitions.
  4. Basic triceps exercise: 2 sizes. + 3-4 x 6-12 repetitions.

The arm training program for an advanced athlete is as follows:

  1. Basic biceps exercise: 2 sizes. + 3-5 x 6-12 repetitions.
  2. Basic triceps exercise: 2 sizes. + 3-5 x 6-12 repetitions.
  3. Basic biceps exercise: 2 sizes. + 3-5 x 6-12 repetitions.
  4. Basic triceps exercise: 2 sizes. + 3-5 x 6-12 repetitions.
  5. Isolation exercise for biceps: 3-4 x 8-12 repetitions.
  6. Isolation exercise for triceps: 3-4 x 8-12 repetitions.

And here are specific examples of hand training for beginners and “experienced” ones.

A specific example of hand training for a beginner:

  1. Standing biceps curl (possible with EZ bar): 2 sizes. + 3-4 x 6-12 repetitions.
  2. Bench press with a narrow grip (the angle of the bench is 15-20 degrees below the horizontal), or in a Smith machine: 2 sizes. + 3-4 x 6-12 repetitions.
  3. Hammer curls with dumbbells lying on an incline bench: 2 sizes. + 3-4 x 6-12 repetitions.
  4. Dips: 2 sizes + 3-4 x 6-12 repetitions.

A specific example of hand training for the “experienced”:

  1. Standing biceps curl (possible with EZ bar): 2 sizes. + 3-5 x 6-12 repetitions.
  2. Bench press with a narrow grip (the angle of the bench is 15-20 degrees below the horizontal), or in a Smith machine: 2 sizes. + 3-5 x 6-12 repetitions.
  3. Raising the barbell for biceps with a reverse grip: 2 sizes. + 3-5 x 6-12 repetitions.
  4. French press behind the head of a barbell/dumbbell standing/sitting: 2 sizes. + 3-5 x 6-12 repetitions.
  5. Hammer curls with dumbbells lying on an incline bench: 2 sizes. + 3-4 x 6-12 repetitions.
  6. Extension in a crossover or on a vertical block: 2 sizes. + 3-4 x 6-12 repetitions.

Best exercises

The most popular exercises that allow you to quickly and efficiently work your biceps include:

  • lifting the barbell (standing position). The advantage is the development of all muscle groups that are involved in flexing the arm, with maximum load on the head of the biceps muscle;
  • grip from below. In this case, the barbell is at hip level, and the knees are slightly bent. Watch your spine - it should be as straight as possible. Gradually bend your arms and lift the apparatus to shoulder level. Press your elbow joints to the side of your torso. In the top position, the pause should be as short as possible so that the biceps does not have time to relax. Next, slowly straighten your arms, returning them to their starting position. Throughout the entire exercise, the body must be properly fixed without leaning back;
  • Curling your arms on an incline bench. The advantage of this exercise is the ability to stretch the biceps muscles as much as possible. This is real thanks to the abduction of the arms and the slight inclination of the bench. An important point is the load, which should not be too heavy when performing this exercise. In this case, pay attention to technique, and not to stretching muscle groups;
  • standing dumbbell curl. In this case, the lifts are carried out alternately, the spine is as straight as possible, the arms are near the torso. The advantage of this exercise is the ability to effectively work out your biceps in a short time.

barbell curl


  • Remember about nutrition . Muscle pumping is an anabolic process that is only possible with a calorie surplus. You should consume 300-1000 calories more than your daily requirement;
  • Healthy sleep is a storehouse of anabolism . A good night's rest is the key to success in muscle growth;
  • Don't forget about warming up . The elbow joint is quite fragile. An injury will make you forget about pumped up arms for a long time. Performing a cool-down will increase the recovery rate by 10-20%;
  • Perform the exercises technically correctly . Don’t chase imaginary progress at the expense of technology;
  • The same workout can be repeated several times . Do not move to the next step in the progression of loads until the previous one is completely “closed”.

Still not sure how to pump up your triceps? Write your questions in the comments, we will help you.

Don't forget to share the material with your friends if you find it useful.

We will tell you how to pump up your triceps at home in the next article.

See you again!

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Optimal workouts or how to properly build muscles

When playing sports, one way or another, we all face the question “how to properly build muscles?” However, not all of us know the answer to this question. Moreover, I would venture to assure you that only a few know the answer to this question - true bodybuilding professionals and competent physiologists.

Moreover, if the former are faced with this question directly and learn from their own experience “what is good and what is bad” without understanding why it happens this way and not otherwise, then the latter have absorbed the answer to this question along with many hours of anatomy classes and physiology.

By turning to both, we found the answer to the question “how to properly pump up muscles?” and now we are ready to share with you.

So, the basis for the growth of muscle tissue is “training”. It is this exercise, performed correctly, of a certain duration and intensity, that can bring you the desired result - a beautiful and pumped up body.

We will not go into specifics, since distinctive and significant features for us are inherent in all muscles, regardless of their location. It is for this reason that you will not find here the answer to questions like: “how to properly pump up your buttocks?” and the like.

However, here you will find clear instructions on how to do it and what it doesn’t make sense to do.


Let’s move on to the first step “how to properly pump up muscles.” The first thing that needs to be done is to get rid of the misconceptions that reign among crowds of athletes: if a muscle is larger, it means it is stronger. The more you train, the better the result.

More than once I have seen how in arm wrestling guys from a weight class of up to 75 kilograms defeated large and pumped up guys from 90 and even absolute weight, while the size of their muscles differed significantly. However, the result has repeatedly shown and proven the “false power” of size.

To prove to you the falsity of the second statement, I can give an example of how young people, when they first came to the gym and acted on the principle of “take more and lift longer,” worked out for years and could not build up more than 2-3 kilograms of muscle. In contrast, a knowledgeable athlete visits the gym no more than 3 times a week and has excellent results, gaining 10 kilograms of pure muscle mass.

So, the myth-busting is over.

It's time to give specific advice on how to properly pump up your muscles.

  • Do three workouts per week.
  • Distribute the exercises to different muscle groups, combining them like this: back-biceps, chest-triceps, legs.
  • Abdominal exercises should be done at the end of each workout.
  • Duration of training – 1 hour.
  • Perform all exercises as clearly as possible, without cheating.
  • Drink water during training only as a last resort and in small quantities.
  • Perform each exercise with a weight that you can do 10 times, while doing 12, but trying to do the last two times clearly and slowly.
  • Perform the exercises slowly, controlling the dynamics throughout the movement, and not letting your hands fall into free fall.
  • You need to perform three approaches for one exercise.
  • One muscle group should have at least three different exercises performed on the same day.
  • The break between approaches is 1 minute.
  • The break between different exercises is 3 minutes.
  • During the break, constantly walk and do not talk (do not lose your breath, but restore it).
  • Choose dumbbell exercises over barbell exercises when there is an alternative. When performing this or that exercise with dumbbells, your hands are independently coordinated and one hand will not “take” more load than the other. In addition, during exercises with dumbbells, additional muscle groups are used that control the position and position of the arm. This feature will help you develop a strong and resilient muscular system of the shoulder girdle.
  • When performing the exercise, stand in front of the mirror so that you can see whether you are performing it correctly or not.
  • And most importantly, eat properly and in large quantities, and also do not forget about proper rest (you need to sleep for at least eight hours so that the body has time to recover for the next workout).

So, we have given the answer to how to properly pump up muscles and introduced you to the main features and rules, the observance of which will allow you to become “bigger”.

In addition, in one of the points, we answered the question “How to swing dumbbells correctly?”

Biceps training program

A productive workout includes exercises that can pump up all the components of the biceps muscles.

Be sure to warm up before exercise. This will allow you to warm up your entire body and prepare it for the upcoming stress.

  • Barbell curl

3 sets of 4–6 reps;

  • Hammer dumbbell curls

3 sets of 4–6 reps;

  • Dumbbell biceps curl

3 sets of 6–8 reps.

Don't be surprised that you only need to do 9 bicep curls for the entire workout. There is no need to lift weights to the point of exhaustion.

Over the next 8 weeks, try the training program described above for yourself and see if it really works.

After 8 weeks, modify your training program slightly to include other exercises.

  • Reverse grip pull-ups

3 sets of 6–8 reps;

  • Barbell curl using an EZ bar

3 sets of 4–6 reps;

  • Hammer dumbbell curls

3 sets of 6–8 reps.

Alternating the type of load is necessary for the muscles to continue to grow.

How often should you train your biceps?

Most beginners have the idea that the more often you train a particular muscle or muscle group, the faster it will grow and become stronger. This approach especially concerns training the biceps. Therefore, in this article we will examine the question - How often should you train your biceps?

Optimal load for muscle growth

Before answering this question, let’s remember what kind of load is needed for hypertrophy (growth) of muscles, and in particular biceps.

It has been scientifically proven that in order to activate the mechanism of muscle growth, it is necessary to create conditions for this. And first of all, it depends on the nature of the load you receive in the gym.


It is high-intensity exercise in which you perform a small number of repetitions (6-8) with heavy weight that grows muscles.

Learn more about the mechanism of muscle growth - The scientific basis of muscle growth.

Why can't you train your biceps every day?

The fact is that the higher the intensity of the load received, the more time the body needs to recover from it and turn on adaptation processes (one of them is muscle growth).

Too frequent intense load on the biceps will lead to their rapid overtraining and, as a result, a drop in working weights and increased catabolic processes (muscle destruction).

Thus, in the opinion of beginners, a paradoxical situation will be observed - the more often you pump your biceps, the worse they grow and the harder it is to maintain the initial level of training intensity.

How often can you train your biceps?

This training mode is optimal from the point of view of muscle hypertrophy, allows you to completely restore energy reserves inside the muscles and constantly progress in working weights, increasing the intensity of the load.

Sample exercises

Among the exercises for biceps, standing barbell lifts should be noted. The task will be effective if performed correctly, so your feet should be positioned shoulder-width apart. It is recommended to lift the barbell above your head in jerks and lower it slowly to your shoulders. This exercise is just useful for gaining muscle mass and pumping up the biceps head.

Another option with a barbell is performed with an underhand grip, with your hands positioned shoulder-width apart. In the starting position, the bar is set at hip height, and the legs remain slightly bent at the knees. Bending the arms is done slowly, and the elbows are fixed on the sides of the body. In the raised position, stop for 5-6 seconds without relaxing the muscles, then slowly lower the arms.

Bicep curls with a plate

Technically, it is very important to pump without bending your back or tilting your body. This not only worsens the technique, but also puts a lot of stress on the spine, so it is not particularly important how many times a week you can pump your biceps.

From a standing position, you can lift not only a barbell, but also dumbbells. This exercise is useful because it can be performed with one hand. The other limb can be held simply at the seams or fixed to the body.

You can achieve good growth results with dumbbells, but it is important to use the correct weight. A modification of the bench press is also available: you can rest your hand on something stable. The dumbbell is held near the hip, with the arm turned inward. It is advisable to raise your hand up slowly; during the movement, the hand should be turned away from you. At this moment, the muscles receive maximum tension. Returning to the original state is carried out in the same order.

Alexander Shestov

TRX Certified Trainer

Ask a Question

Lifting dumbbells can be done from a lying position. Bending at the elbow is performed slowly, until you feel serious tension in the muscles. These simple home exercises can be performed by any man with available tools. The main condition for pumping up is personal desire.

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