Orbitrek simulator for weight loss: the right approaches at home

There are a large number of exercise machines, the regular use of which allows you to get rid of excess weight and strengthen muscle tissue. Orbitrack is extremely popular among such sports devices. This article will discuss the benefits and contraindications to its use, principles of selection for home exercises, and the effectiveness of its use in daily training.

  • What is orbitrek
  • What muscles work
  • Benefits and contraindications Benefits
  • Contraindications
  • How to choose for home use
  • How and how much to exercise to lose weight
  • Proper nutrition is the most important argument for losing weight
  • What is orbitrek

    This machine is also known as the “ellipse” (or “elliptical trainer”). It consists of a stand, two handles and movable pedals to which the handles are attached. Orbitrek imitates the basic trajectory of movement of a person’s arms and legs while running. Thanks to this, the load on the joints during exercise is minimized.

    Efficiency is increased due to the need to move the whole body intensively. Designed for users with different physical levels and is low in injury.

    Important! Orbitrek is suitable for training people of any weight. It provides natural movement and can be used at a minimum pace of steps (while the treadmill is contraindicated for those whose excess weight is more than 20 kg).

    All diets in the world

    This is a proven fact. One day I came to the hall early. There was no one in one part of the gym, and part of my exercises took place there, while in the second half a man and 3 girls were training. I easily completed some of the exercises in one half of the gym and moved on to the second.

    The Orbitrek elliptical trainer is a sports design that is designed to simulate skiing. A person exercising gets a load on all muscle groups of the arms, legs, back, and trains the endurance of the cardiovascular system.

    And there the picture was as follows: a man was calmly doing biceps exercises, and the girls were sitting on the exercise machines, sadly bowing their heads. But it was as if I was covered with all this negative energy of total boredom. All my results that day immediately disappeared. This is an example of how strongly the crowd influences a person entering the hall. That's why it's hard to study at home. It is important! Using orbitreks for slimming your hips and legs, you should consult your doctor if you have joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, sprains, and other pathologies.

    Perhaps the intensity of training needs to be reduced and the duration of training increased.

    What muscles work

    This universal simulator simultaneously works both the upper and lower shoulder girdles. From the muscles of the lower extremities, the hamstrings, quadriceps muscles, calf muscles, and buttocks swing on the ellipse.

    What muscles work on the orbit track?
    The pectoral and dorsal muscles are worked out from the core muscles. Among the muscles of the upper limbs, biceps and triceps are trained. The heart, as the main muscle of the human body, also strengthens - its endurance and volume increase.

    Benefits and contraindications

    Using this simulator has both advantages and disadvantages. The negative impact of orbitrek on the body is possible only if there are contraindications.

    Did you know? Development of the orbitrek began relatively recently.
    The first achievements in this area were presented to the general public at a conference at the American University of Purdue (Indiana) in 1988 .


    The beneficial effects of orbitrek on the human body cannot be overestimated.

    For those who are interested in what this simulator is for and how it is useful, the following list is offered:

    • training on the ellipse helps to work out the deep muscles, thereby reducing waist size;
    • intensive pumping of the thigh muscles eliminates cellulite and fat deposits on the inner thigh (the so-called “breeches”);
    • increasing the volume of the calf muscles and tendons located under the knees corrects the irregular (bent) shape of the legs;
    • the drying effect of this technical device on fat deposits helps to form a lean, athletic figure;
    • overall flexibility and endurance of the body, including the heart muscle, increase;

    Find out how to lose weight in different parts of the body: in the legs, in the stomach, in the thighs, in the back for women.

    • metabolism is stimulated, the functioning of the respiratory system is normalized;
    • unlike a treadmill, which has a negative effect on the knee joints due to the constant impacts of the feet on its surface, the orbitrek reduces the load on the joints of the legs;
    • Regular exercises help normalize nervous activity and improve mood by increasing adrenaline levels;
    • Changing the settings of the simulator allows you to alternately work out different muscle groups.

    How to lose weight using an elliptical trainer: video


    The elliptical trainer is not recommended for everyone. Here's what to consider:

    • Those who suffer from congenital diseases of the cardiovascular system, tachycardia, hypertension cannot exercise on the orbitrek;
    • People with joint diseases should use the ellipse sparingly. You should also be careful when training on it during pregnancy;
    • If you have low endurance and insufficient physical training, before getting on the orbitrek, it is recommended to sign up for a gym and go through an individual initial training program.

    Check out the sets of exercises for weight loss: for men, for girls.

    How to lose weight using an ellipsoid?

    Never forget about warm-up and relaxation exercises. Moderation and consistency are required to maintain lasting results. There are several programs that can help you gain consistency and make your workouts more effective. Each program corresponds to a certain level: intermediate, for beginners and professionals.

    The structure of the program indicates the required heart rate. To measure your maximum heart rate, you need to subtract your age.

    For example, you are 35 years old. The main task is to gradually increase the load over half an hour. The key to a beautiful and healthy figure is to follow just two rules: proper nutrition and regular exercise, which is enough once a week, depending on your physical shape.

    Working tips for effective training on an orbitrek for weight loss

    Proper nutrition does not mean cutting yourself off in everything, but eating only natural foods in such quantities that you do not feel hungry. And at the beginning of your work on yourself, you need to especially lean on protein foods.

    But we wrote about everything in more detail below? Most people, be it men or girls, prefer to go to gyms than to exercise at home. The reason for this choice is quite simple - too lazy to train at home.

    Only a few can force themselves to do something every day. But most people often lose motivation.

    Most often due to a bad or depressed mood. It also happens that a person comes home from work in the evening, starts changing into home clothes, looks at himself in the mirror, and it’s like he’s gained a couple of kilos in a day.

    And he stands so fat in front of the mirror, and he begins to underestimate himself in his own eyes. And self-esteem falls, and stress increases, and depression worsens or is just beginning.

    Well, how can you not start feeling sorry for yourself, devouring all the sweets and flour to the nines? So, in order to lose weight at home, exercising on an orbitrek, you need to be able to resist any negative mood. When you come to the gym, you are most often influenced by the environment of the trainees. Like on the dance floor, you feel the rhythm of the crowd, you start to rock like them.

    How to choose for home use

    There are three types of elliptical trainer designs:

    1. Mechanical.
    2. Magnetic.
    3. Electromagnetic.

    OrbitreksThey differ from each other in power sources and flywheel structure.
    The mechanical one does not depend on the presence of electricity and is driven by the power of the legs. The magnetic one runs on batteries - you can adjust the resistance of the pedals on it. Electromagnetic - the most modern and most complex type, powered by a network or generator. It is controlled by a laptop computer and has many options for different workout intensities.

    Important! When choosing an orbitrek, opt for models in the mid-price range. A too cheap one will turn out to be short-lived and unreliable, and an expensive professional one will be equipped with an excessive number of training options that may not be needed.

    When choosing an exercise machine for your home, be guided by the following characteristics:

    1. Step length. The taller you are, the longer the device should be. The optimal parameter for home use is 40 cm.
    2. Q factor. Indicates the distance between the pedals. The smaller this factor, the better the quality of the simulator is considered, since the movements are more organic.
    3. Flywheel. Check the weight of this part, since the intensity of pumping muscles and burning fat tissue depends on its weight.
    4. Permissible user weight. Typically this parameter ranges from 90 to 230 kg. When choosing, be guided by how many people will use the simulator.
    5. Display. Displays training information: number of steps taken, heart rate, current speed. The display can be simple electronic, liquid crystal, or touch. The more expensive the model, the better and more colorful the image will be.
    6. Functionality. If you are purchasing an elliptical for short, irregular workouts, choose the simplest model. Those who plan to adjust the intensity of the resistance, the inclination of the machine and other parameters should choose it with software.
    7. Sustainability. When using the ellipse, it should not become loose, slide on the floor or scratch it.
    8. Compactness. Elegant models that do not take up much space are the best choice for the home.

    Orbitrek at home

    Variety of models

    Trainers with a rear, front and central flywheel
    On the one hand, you can effectively work out on an orbit track in the gym, but such training has its drawbacks (travel time, extra eyes, you need to adapt to a schedule, etc.).

    Therefore, many people dream of purchasing this weight loss machine at home, where they can relax and have fun at any time of the day, without embarrassing anyone. When you go shopping, decide which model suits you more than the others.

    Classification by flywheel location

    The flywheel ensures continuous pedaling during training. The more it weighs, the smoother the movements become, the more comfortable the exercises are and the less damage it causes to the joints.

    • Rear wheel drive

    The classic type of orbitreks, when the flywheel is located at the rear. They are characterized by longer pedal travel and extremely smooth movements. Movable levers are mounted to the pedals and can also help slim your arms. Such designs are not cluttered with moving parts and are easy to maintain.

    • Front wheel drive

    When exercising on such orbitreks, you can see the flywheel in front of you. The weight is shifted towards the front, making the structure very unstable. The problem can only be solved by using a heavy flywheel.

    Interesting fact. The front-wheel drive design of ellipsoids is a necessity for many companies, since Precor has patented rear-wheel drive technology in its name. After such a cunning move, the rest had to redo the development and produce only front-wheel drive orbitreks.

    • With central flywheel

    This model appeared on the market quite recently. It has a short shape and excellent stability due to the wide base, which makes weight loss exercises very comfortable. The flywheel allows for optimal placement of the pedals on this design. It is compact and takes up very little space at home.

    Pulse measurement sensors (on the handles), mini computer and resistance load regulator of the exercise machine

    Classification by type of resistance

    • With mechanical resistance

    Orbitreks with a mechanical drive are the simplest and most affordable. For loading, a belt is used around the flywheel. Its system resembles a bicycle. The weight loss load of different parts of the body can be adjusted with a special handle located on the panel.

    However, such models have many disadvantages: lack of smooth operation, fragility of the belt, strong noise effect during operation. Among the advantages are low price, independence from the power supply, and compactness. After training, they can be folded and put away so that they do not take up much space.

    Models: Style SS-82001 or 822 (USA).

    • With magnetic resistance

    The load in orbitreks with magnetic resistance is carried out by the influence of magnets on the flywheel. It can be changed in any range. The model is characterized by smooth braking. The degree of resistance is adjusted manually or using a special servo drive. Such simulators belong to the middle price category.

    Models: Style SS-94E or 7788, Vigor AL602E (USA).

    • With electromagnetic resistance

    These are the most functional orbitreks, which are very convenient to use for weight loss. The load is carried out by the influence of an electromagnetic field on the flywheel. It is regulated by an electronic system. The built-in computer includes a large number of user programs that allow you to calculate the load based on the weight of the person doing the exercise. Pulse and motion sensors analyze readiness, warning of overloads.

    How and how much to exercise to lose weight

    The optimal time for training on the orbitrek is early in the morning immediately after sleep and evening training an hour before dinner. By this time, the body has depleted all reserves of carbohydrates that came into the body with food, and begins to burn fat deposits for energy.

    You need to start moving with slow steps (10-15 minutes). The walking speed should not exceed 70 steps, and the heart rate should not exceed 110-120 beats per minute. If you do everything correctly, then after this period you will begin to sweat.

    Find out how to use for weight loss: hoop, jump rope, dumbbells.

    Don't try to train to the limit of your capabilities. Remember that it is slow progressive movements that tire the body and contribute to the burning of fatty tissue. After a week of such exercises, increase the duration of the exercise by 5 minutes.

    Extend the distance weekly until the duration of classes reaches 55-60 minutes. While performing the exercise, tense your abdominal muscles; this contributes to the development of deep muscles and the appearance of a clear pattern with “cubes”.

    Orbitrek for weight loss

    Positive results of training on orbitrek


    If you listen to the recommendations of experts, then you should exercise on the presented ellipsoid for 30-60 minutes every other day. Then positive results will be achieved. Also, such training can be useful in many cases:

    • Orbitrek is an excellent cardio simulator that strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
    • blood flow to all muscle tissues improves;
    • can be used as a warm-up before strength exercises;
    • affects proportionally the development of the upper and lower body;
    • there is no load on the ankle and knee joints;
    • has a positive effect on movement coordination and endurance of the body as a whole;
    • this type of equipment is used during rehabilitation exercises after injuries due to its gentle effect on the spine and joints;
    • you can quickly get your figure in order, lose extra pounds, make certain muscle groups sculpted;
    • Immunity improves and mood improves with regular exercises on the orbit track.

    Everything together makes the body fit, and the body resilient and healthy.

    Proper nutrition is the most important argument for losing weight

    Regular exercise strengthens the body and promotes weight loss, but only proper moderate nutrition allows you to record the results.

    Did you know? Orbitrek is a recent invention that instantly gained immense popularity. The patent for it was registered in 1995 by the Precor exercise equipment company. Already in 1998, the first batch of elliptical trainers for home use was released.

    Follow these rules to improve your training results:

    1. Reduce your usual diet by 20%. This amount of calories stimulates the body to use fat deposits as an energy source. At the same time, muscle mass will not be involved in the process of breakdown, as happens with insufficient nutrition.
    2. Eat small and often. Organize five meals a day to avoid feeling hungry. The body perceives hunger as a signal to store fat, and the effectiveness of training decreases. Don't overeat to avoid stretching your stomach. It pushes the abdominal wall outward, and it will not be easy to eliminate such a defect.
    3. You can eat after physical activity. Even if you worked out late at night, eat something high in calories. The body will come out of stress and receive the energy it needs.
    4. Reduce the amount of fat in your diet by half. Consume twice as much protein, and leave carbohydrates at normal levels. Fats are a non-constructive food substance that promotes rapid weight gain. Carbohydrates, on the contrary, are a source of quick energy. Proteins become the building material for muscle tissue.
    5. Drink clean water. Avoid sweet teas, fruit juices, smoothies. They do not give you a feeling of fullness, and are high in calories.

    Orbitrek for weight lossOrbitrek is a training device that can be used at home for gradual and safe weight loss.
    No additional skills are required, and you can always choose the pace of exercise that suits your physical capabilities. Organize yourself the right diet, choose a quality exercise machine and lose weight for your health. Exercises Sports and fitness Exercises for weight loss Exercises on machines Elliptical trainer

    The benefits of orbitrek exercises for weight loss

    The first results of training on the orbitrack will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks, if you train at least 3 times a week. However, the exercise machine will become a good assistant in losing weight only if the training is combined with proper nutrition and adherence to the water and drinking regime. You can drink a lot of clean water both throughout the day and while working in the gym. It is advisable to take 1-2 sips every 5-10 minutes.

    In order for exercises on the orbitrack to bring maximum benefits to your figure, they must be combined with strength training. Your fitness program should definitely include various variations of exercises on the elliptical trainer. The most common types:

    • Normal walking. The simplest and most accessible type of load, in which the body does not lean forward. The movements are reminiscent of riding a bicycle, with the only difference being that they are performed while standing.
    • Walking forward with the body tilted. The hands are fixed on the handrail, the body leans forward, the main emphasis is on moving the legs. You need to try to “push” the floor with your feet; when working, you should feel the load on the gluteal muscles.
    • Walking backwards. The body also leans slightly forward when performing the exercise. During movement, the knees rise higher than during standard walking. Walking backwards not only stimulates weight loss, but also helps tone the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

    You need to start your workout with a warm-up. By spending just 5-10 minutes warming up, you can prepare your body for the load. Warm-up is necessary to prevent injuries. Then you can begin the exercise on the simulator, alternately practicing standard walking forward and then walking backwards with increasing and decreasing speed. The exercises should be completed with a cool-down and a stretching routine.

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