Protein shake KSB-55: forward to sports achievements

There are sports nutrition products that are actively advertised absolutely everywhere, but they provide no real benefit to the athlete. Among such additives is whey protein concentrate, which is abbreviated as KSB-55. An advertising campaign to promote this concentrate began in 2020. The protein was mainly promoted through one-page websites; a lot of paid, that is, fake, comments about the high effectiveness of the product were written on social networks, and there were many commissioned articles written.

There is currently no accurate information regarding the specific manufacturer of this supplement. There are several different companies listed on the packaging. In addition, there are several spelling errors on the packs. This suggests that the protein was developed not by a domestic company, but by a foreign one. China is considered the most likely producing country.

Proteins are the building blocks of our muscles

Let's start with the trivial: why do people's muscles grow? We hope that both beginners and those who “already know everything about it” will learn something new from our material. So, almost everyone knows the fact: human muscles increase proteins, in other words, proteins. To the question: “KSB 55—a scam or true?” the tongue begs to be answered: “Yes, it’s true, because this product contains as much as 70 g of protein for every 100 g of powder.” There are many types of proteins, but only those that contain the necessary amino acids can be used as building materials. There are only 20 types of them, among which 9 are irreplaceable (enter the body only from the outside) and 11 are replaceable (produced by the body itself). For muscle growth, it is the irreplaceable ones that are important. For example, 100 g of gelatin contains almost 90 g of protein, but there are negligible amounts of essential amino acids and no tryptophan at all. Therefore, despite the highest protein content, gelatin is useless for bodybuilding. The most essential amino acid for muscles is leucine. By the way, trainers often recommend leucine-containing dietary supplements for athletes to quickly build muscle. Perhaps that “special” amino acid mentioned on the packaging of KSB 55 is leucine? It’s strange why manufacturers hide such important information?

KSB 55 reviews contraindications

Product Description

KSB-55 is:

  • An effective product that will help you quickly create a sculpted body and pump up muscles;
  • It increases your body's endurance;
  • Accelerates metabolism in the body;
  • It enhances speed and reaction;
  • Fills your body with energy;
  • There are no calories in it, and all components are completely safe for the human body;
  • Helps enhance the effect of training;
  • In just thirty days you will see how your body takes on excellent shape, and you become a more cheerful and confident person;
  • Completely natural energy drink;
  • Does not contain fat and sugar, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

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KSB 55 - what is it?

Let's try to decipher the name of the dietary supplement. The number 55, unfortunately, remains behind a veil of secrecy, because it is not associated with the protein content of the product, or with the age of consumers, or with price... with nothing at all. But WPC stands for simply - it is whey protein concentrate. Indeed, whey protein is a fantastically healthy thing. It contains a full set of essential amino acids, and in addition, it is an excellent antioxidant, that is, it also removes all sorts of waste from the body, plus it improves immunity, strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Unfortunately, whey protein is eliminated from the body just as quickly as it is absorbed. Therefore, to get the effect, it must be consumed before the workout itself and immediately after it. French scientists conducted experiments giving control groups of bodybuilders various proteins. The group that consumed whey protein showed the best results. Therefore, it is safe to say that KSB 55 is based on a wonderful product.

What is he doing?

This energy drink increases not only muscle mass, but also:

  • improves your body;
  • strengthens the body;
  • protects him from stress;
  • helps cope with weakened immunity;
  • improves potency;
  • improves brain function;
  • helps cope with vitamin deficiency.

Energy drinks should also be consumed by people who are simply unsure of themselves or are afraid of something. Nutrition seems to tune your brain into a positive wave, giving you not only physical, but also psychological strength. With it we will get rid of depression.

Full composition of the drug

Proven fact: protein alone is not enough for our muscles. Give them more fats and carbohydrates. Yes, yes, the very substances that are “to blame” for our fat deposits. The fact is that carbohydrates are converted into fats if you eat too much of them (for example, overeat on cakes every day), but normally they act as energy fuel, due to which the muscles withstand all the loads that are put on them in the fitness room. There will not be enough carbohydrates, the muscles will begin to consume proteins and forget about building their fibers. Answering the question: “KSB 55 - what is it?”, it is impossible to get around the composition. At first glance, it is perfectly balanced, because for every 70 g of protein there are 5 g of fat and 22 g of carbohydrates. Manufacturers decided to keep information about what vitamins and microelements it contains under seal, as well as the names of “special” amino acids. But perhaps this is a deliberate move by the packaging designers to intrigue people. In principle, the composition is not bad, and you can expect excellent results from this dietary supplement.

KSB 55 what is it


Intense physical activity, especially if a male athlete is trying to build muscle mass with its help, is impossible without additional energy costs. That is why sports nutrition must include foods rich in energy and proteins. It is not always possible to obtain the required amount solely with the help of products, and this is not a scam, but a proven fact. In such situations, it is often recommended to drink KSB.

The original product has the following composition, 100 g:

  • protein, 75 g;
  • fats, 5 g;
  • carbohydrates, 22 g.

The energy value of 100 g of KSB is 55 - 412 kcal. In addition, the cocktail contains vitamins, minerals, and glutamine, which plays a decisive role in the effectiveness of KSB 55. We will discuss this below.

Some athletes prefer to add self-prepared gainers to their diet as an additional source of energy and protein. However, the composition of such products is not always close to ideal. It is quite difficult to calculate the composition of a homemade gainer. In addition, KSB 55 is a protein concentrate, and not a mix of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The product is obtained using a special technology - sifting whey through ceramic membranes with holes of a certain diameter.

To be fair, we note that this technology does not lead to a high degree of purification of the concentrate, which is confirmed by reviews of specialists and doctors regarding KSB 55. The composition may contain lactose and fats, as indicated by the manufacturer. In some situations, lactose causes digestive disorders in male athletes, namely stool disorders. If this is the case, then nutrition must be arranged in a different way. There are protein products that contain virtually no inclusions. These are whey isolates or hydrolysates. Their composition will be more homogeneous, but the price of the products will be several times higher. We will tell you below how much KBS 55 and similar products cost.

measuring spoon with protein

Where is the dog buried?

Imagine the situation: someone picks up a can of KSB 55. Whether or not all the manufacturer’s assurances are a scam, he doesn’t know yet, he just reads the ingredients, studies the information about the positive effects of the product indicated on the packaging, and decides that this supplement is magical, and cheap at that. . The word “concentrate” is especially impressive. Many people believe that since it is concentrated, it means a lot. If it's a lot, it's good. But no. Do you know how KSB is produced? By passing regular whey through special ceramic membranes with microscopic holes. We have not yet learned how to make them the same diameter, so the membranes retain not only protein, but also fairly large particles of fat and lactose. This is the treasured concentrate. The lactose contained in it is “to blame” for the diarrhea observed in some users of this drug. It also has other side surprises that negatively affect the price. Therefore, to the question: “KSB 55 - what is it?” We can answer this way: one of the cheapest supplements on the world market for bodybuilding products. When the concentrate is subjected to more thorough purification, whey isolate (WI) and hydrolyzate (HSB) are obtained, which contain up to 95% proteins and no fat or lactose at all. WPI and GSB are much more valuable, and therefore more expensive than the concentrate, but if it is partially present in a high-quality dietary supplement, its price immediately drops.

Instant effect

The further you “dig” about the additive, the more “buried dogs” you find. On forums you often come across enthusiastic reviews about the consequences of taking KSB 55. Divorce can be suspected in these words: “The result is noticeable almost immediately.” The fact is that immediately after training or during training, muscles do not grow, no matter how much they are loaded. The increase visible to the eye is associated with an elementary rush of blood. Our muscles grow at rest, for example, during sleep. This does not mean that the more we sleep, the more prominent the bumps on the body are. Everything should be balanced, including rest. But the fact that neither KSB 55 nor any other supplement is capable of melting fat and bloating muscles “before our eyes” is a fact.

KSB 55 reviews from doctors


I’ll start with a short introduction, friends, but in order to understand where this widespread interest in such products comes from, I need to say this.

Sometimes I am surprised by how easy it is to sell a huge number of people the idea that you can achieve something serious (earn a million, win the heart of a stunningly beautiful girl, build big muscles, etc.) without much effort. Advertising works wonders, friends, atrophying the ability of many to think with their heads.

People really want to believe that everyone who has achieved great success in something got it for nothing or by knowing some special secret. This applies to absolutely any area of ​​life.

When a guy drives a cool car, the vast majority thinks that his parents gave it to him, because it’s easier for them to justify their position in society (it was a gift from my parents, which means the responsibility is not mine, I don’t have such rich parents). Yes, it also happens that parents really went broke on such a car, but why should they care?

When a beautiful girl walks next to a guy, most people think that he has a lot of money (again, from his parents), and she is a whore and is being taken advantage of by money. After all, it’s easier to justify themselves for the fact that they are LAZY to work on themselves, to develop themselves so that beautiful girls like them (that’s why I have a scary, angry wife, but she’s not with me for money).

When a guy has impressive muscle mass, what will most people whisper behind his back? That he’s just “eating steroids” and his muscles aren’t working (that’s why I’m a jerk and if necessary, I’ll definitely knock him out with one left heel).

The girl has an amazing figure, thin waist, round hips, pumped up ass. What will most girls drone on? That she looks like a man, that she doesn’t work, that’s why she looks like that, that her genetics are good, her constitution is such that men like fat women “with a body”, etc.

I can continue endlessly. But where does this reaction come from?

How long does it take for muscles to grow?

In addition to the obviously fake, although beautifully written reviews about the almost instantaneous effect of KSB 55 (we are now finding out whether all these comments are a scam or true), there are more adequate posts (and with photographs of achievements!), which report that the results did not appear instantly, but also quickly.

You can find reports from young guys that they were actively involved in sports for many years, but were unable to increase fiber mass until they started taking KSB 55. After a week, their muscle gain was 3 kg, and after a month - 10 kg.
Of course it's impressive. The only problem is that the mass, in principle, cannot increase so quickly. In any case, this is the opinion of Eddie Robinson, Alan Aragon, the main consultant on bodybuilding issues, collaborating with the popular magazine Men`s Health, and many others. Aragon cites such calculations, which have been repeatedly confirmed by practice. Muscle growth

training experience (years)gain per month (% of body weight)growth per year (kg)
0-1up to 1.5up to 13
2-3up to 1until 6
4 or moreup to 0.5up to 1.5

How did young people who have been involved in sports for many years manage to gain as much as 10 kg in a month? Unclear.

The result of whey protein concentrate KSB 55

On the Internet you can find a graph characterizing the growth of results with and without the use of CSB. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it below:

DO NOT TRUST THIS DATA! Firstly, we never found information about relevant studies.

Secondly, the experience of trainers from our editorial team shows that the increase in results (mass, working weight) when consuming whey protein is approximately 15-20% per month. Naturally, we are talking about novice athletes and beginners. If you train intensively for several years, the growth graph is noticeably more modest and an increase of even 5% per month can be considered an excellent result.

However, during the test month, KSB 55 showed pretty good results: it felt like it worked no worse than other whey proteins like Ultimate Nutrition or Dymatize during training.

Portions for results

So what is KSB 55 - a scam or a really worthwhile thing? An important factor here is the issue of dosage. Packages offered by the “real manufacturer” of these products must contain instructions for use.

KSB 55 scam or truth reviews

It says in Russian that the powder should be diluted in a glass of water (one of the few substances that practically does not contain its own proteins) in the amount of 1 teaspoon, and take this cocktail 2 times a day. Based on the fact that there are 70 grams of protein in 100 g of powder, and approximately 6-7 g in a heaped teaspoon, using simple calculations we find that 4.2-4.9 g of protein is eaten at one time. There is probably no athlete who does not know that in order to achieve results, the body must enter at least 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Ideally, 20-40 g at a time, provided that there are 5-6 such doses per day. So to the question of what KSB 55 is - a scam or not, the answer suggests itself.


According to the instructions for use of the cocktail, KSB has a number of advantages over other means. The manufacturer highlights the following positive aspects of the product:

  • If you take the cocktail regularly, a quick effect is guaranteed.
  • Does not contain hormones (steroids).
  • Has a balanced composition.
  • Stimulates immunity.
  • It is an additional source of energy for men.
  • No negative impact on health.
  • The cocktail can increase a man's stamina if taken correctly.
  • The original is safe for male athletes of any age as it has no side effects.

The instructions for use do not contain information that the protein complex has contraindications. However, doctors say that almost any nutritional cocktail can cause an allergic reaction, so a man should be careful when using it for the first time. Especially if a man is allergic to dairy products. This does not mean that protein concentrate is harmful to health. The negative impact of CSB can only have on men who are predisposed to allergies.

Delicious analogues of KSB 55

Everyone probably knows that the protein necessary for muscle growth is present in almost every food product. Even an ordinary banana contains 2.5 grams, not to mention cottage cheese, meat, milk, eggs and nuts, which contain more than 20 grams of desired protein per 100 g of product. Even a glass of skim milk contains 8.5 g. By consuming protein foods before and after training, you can significantly improve the appearance of your own body without dietary supplements, which is what many athletes do.

KSB 55 reviews scam
Honored bodybuilders advise beginners to eat a piece of boiled beef before and after training, to include nuts in their daily diet, especially peanuts and cashews, eggs, fish, and at night to eat cottage cheese, rich in casein protein. Helping products supply proteins to our body, and not completely replacing them, is the main task of KSB 55. Reviews from doctors indicate exactly this. The drug itself is not bad, but in order for the effect promised by the manufacturer to occur, you need to combine its use with proper sports nutrition.

Mechanism of action

The instructions indicate that whey protein concentrate KSB 55 has the following properties:

  1. Maintains proper protein concentration in blood serum. Everyone knows that proteins are the main building substrate for muscles. We are talking specifically about essential amino acids as components of protein, which are not found in all food products. Therefore, preparations and products that contain essential amino acids are the most beneficial for health, and sports nutrition is unthinkable without them.
  2. Additional intake of useful substances into the body.
  3. A positive effect on the immune system, especially if you take CSB together with eleutherococcus, wheat germ, and viburnum, as the manufacturer advises.
  4. According to data from the manufacturer, KSB 55, due to glutamine, has anabolic and anti-catabolic properties.
  5. Antioxidant effect due to the presence of albumins.
  6. Improved tolerance to intense training and increased adaptation to physical activity. Beta-lactoglobulin is responsible for this property.
  7. Weight loss. The effect is concomitant and is associated with a gradual redistribution of the percentage concentration of fat and muscle mass. Gradually, fat deposits are burned, which contributes to weight loss. Be careful: the cocktail itself does not burn fat. WPC is an additional source of nutrients and energy. Therefore, in the absence of a specialized diet, combining a regular diet with a cocktail can lead to the opposite effect - weight gain.

The official website presents interesting graphs demonstrating what will happen if you take the KSB 55 protein shake regularly. The manufacturer promises a noticeable effect in the form of a 30% increase in muscle mass after 3 weeks from the start of using the cocktail. Further results will only increase.

man drinking protein

It is difficult to understand whether such statements are true. The manufacturer did not provide links to officially conducted clinical studies. Also, there is no objective information online from practicing sports doctors who recommended the cocktail to their patients. Despite this, KSB works, as confirmed by real consumer reviews.

Protein for weight loss

Not only guys, but also girls leave reviews about the wonderful supplement KSB 55. Contraindications in this case apply only to pregnant women and those who are allergic to lactose. Girls most often take this supplement not to gain muscle mass, but to lose weight. Yes, yes, the magic powder not only increases the volume of biceps, but also dissolves fat! You can come across comments from girls who, having started taking KSB 55 after giving birth, not only lost about 13 kg of weight, but also got a wasp waist. And this, they say, is the holy truth! Reviews from doctors repeatedly indicate weight loss with the help of CSB 55. Unfortunately, very little is written about how to take the supplement to achieve this particular goal. Well, let's fill in the missing link in the instructions. It is important to understand that KSB 55 is still a food that has calorie content. If you simply use the powder as an addition to your regular diet, and even in higher doses (to quickly burn your fat), then your waistline may soon disappear altogether.

KSB 55 reviews from doctors how to take
In order for it to turn into a wasp, you need, firstly, to actively engage in sports (an annoying truism), and secondly, follow the following recommendations:

  • replace one or two regular meals with a serving of a protein shake with water;
  • instead of dinner, take only one serving of the supplement;
  • take dietary supplements before meals to reduce appetite;
  • use dietary supplements instead of snacks to kill hunger.

The technique, as we see, is very similar to conventional diets, only instead of products it uses “magic” WPC.

Recommendations for use

If you regularly consume protein, you can skip this paragraph.
For those of our readers who are not familiar with the cooking process, we will give basic recommendations. Preparing the concentrate is quite simple: take 200-250 ml of water or other liquid (milk is suitable, preferably skim milk) and dilute a teaspoon of KSB 55 protein powder in it. Take the drink 30-40 minutes before you start your workout. After finishing your workout, eat carbohydrates (at least a banana) and drink another serving of protein 30 minutes later.

There are no contraindications for taking the drug - the only exception is personal intolerance to the components of the cocktail.

Price issue

The cost of the product is what will accurately answer the question: “Is KSB 55 a scam or true?” Consumer reviews vying with each other about the cheapness of the product and its availability to all segments of the population. And so it is! A package of KSB 55 in Russia with an untimely discount costs only 1,190 rubles. But let's look at the situation from the other side. The KSB 55 package contains only 100 grams of “golden” product, designed for 10 servings. That is, one serving without delivery costs 119 rubles. Just for comparison, and by no means for advertising, let’s take the dietary supplement Whey Gold Standart, which has approximately the same advantages as KSB 55, and costs as much as 4,300 rubles per can, but it contains as much as 2.27 kg! A single dose of this supplement is 33 grams, that is, the jar contains almost 69 doses. How much does one cost? Divide 4300 by 69 and get 62.3 rubles. Only. This is despite the fact that 33 grams of the product includes 24 grams of protein, all essential acids, almost all non-essential ones and a bunch of microelements. If you look at other dietary supplements based on whey protein concentrate, the result will be approximately the same. The answer regarding the “cheapness” of KSB 55 suggests itself.

KSB 55 what is this composition


According to the information provided by the unknown manufacturing company, one spoon of the supplement contains about 412 calories. The ratio of BZHU (protein-fats-carbohydrates) in this amount of the supplement is 70-5-22 grams.

The list of components includes a variety of microelements, as well as vitamins, but the exact ratio of these ingredients is not prescribed. No fat-burning components are indicated in the protein mixture, but the advertisement claims that the supplement helps get rid of subcutaneous fat, which, of course, can be immediately questioned.


All of the above raises well-founded doubts: are the reviews praising KSB 55 sincere? The drug really has no contraindications. Only allergy sufferers, pregnant women and children should abstain from it, but such precautions apply to almost any dietary supplement. This means that the KSB 55 supplement is harmless and even beneficial, like all products containing whey protein. If you do not overdo it with its use, you can significantly improve the condition of many body systems, stabilize metabolism, and strengthen the immune system. As for the cheapness of this product, this issue is very controversial. Regarding its benefits and effectiveness in increasing muscle volume, the answer is negative. But these are the opinions of sports nutrition specialists. Where to throw your money is everyone’s personal business.


In the vastness of the global network one comes across a large number of positive reviews about the supplement. Most of them indicate that protein powder is suitable for men and helps in gaining muscle mass. In fact, it is clear that most of the comments are a publicity stunt .

Praiseful reviews are also given on the official website, where men share their delight at the results that KSB 55 guaranteed. If comments with negative content appear, they are promptly deleted by the site’s moderators.

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