Step platform for aerobics: how to choose the size and height and what can be replaced at home

Exercises on the step platform are traditionally considered one of the most effective in the area of ​​body shaping and are great for doing independently.

The step platform is a unique and extremely simple simulator that allows you to organize a full-fledged fitness training without leaving your home. At the same time, the step platform does not take up much space, and when it is not needed, it can always be put away in a closet or on the balcony.

A DIY step platform can almost completely replace a purchased one.

Steps are available in almost every fitness club, and many women, when attending training, think about how to replace the step platform at home. After all, having a step platform is great, but it’s not always possible to purchase it.

Residents of small towns especially often face this situation, where sports stores do not have such equipment, and when ordering online, the delivery cost is more expensive than the platform itself.

The logical way out of this situation is a step platform, also known as a step board, with your own hands. Well, or with the hands of my husband, if he doesn’t mind.

Before we start manufacturing, let's figure out what a step platform is and what qualities a good platform should have.

Why do you need a step platform?

In order to make a complete and, most importantly, safe structure for humans, you need to know what it is and what qualities it has.

This simulator is designed for the comprehensive development of the muscles of the buttocks, legs and cardiovascular system. Exercises on this equipment represent an imitation of walking up steps with the inclusion of dance elements. The board can also be used as a sports bench.

Sports equipment and equipment intended for active activities must initially be durable and stable. The same applies to the platform. This simulator resembles a step or an ordinary box with a rectangular shape. Industrial platforms are made of high-quality plastic with a rubberized surface and are sold at any sporting goods store.

For safe practice when making a board yourself, it is important to comply with a number of requirements.

Fitness at home: step aerobics without a platform

step aerobics without platform

step aerobics without a platform
Firstly, it makes it possible to quickly lose weight and work out the muscles of the lower body well. Secondly, step aerobics trains the cardiovascular system and increases the endurance of the entire body.

Thirdly, this type of fitness does not require significant financial investments. If you don’t have money for a gym membership, you can train at home.

Fourthly, the exercises are rhythmic and varied, so the workouts won’t be boring and won’t get boring after a couple of days.

So, you've decided to do step aerobics at home. Exercises and even training videos can be found on the Internet. But what to do with a special platform for classes? After all, it is this that is the main element of training.

Requirements for classes and platform for step dance

Step aerobics is similar to sports dancing, with the only difference being that in step the movements are performed around a platform, with ascent and descent from it, which imposes certain requirements on the classes.

  • It is necessary to exercise in light sneakers with ventilation (mesh) and non-slip soles.
  • The space for performing exercises should be sufficient so that you do not have to touch nearby objects during the dance.
  • The platform must be installed on a flat surface to prevent it from loosening and shifting during movements.

A correctly calculated step design will make it possible to avoid sprains and injuries and allow you to enjoy your workout.

A do-it-yourself step platform must meet the following requirements.

  • Good strength characteristics. This is important, especially if a person is overweight. The board must not break or be damaged in any other way during class.
  • Non-slip surface. This requirement applies both to the upper surface, which is directly involved in performing the exercises (that is, the leg should not be able to slide off the board), and to the lower part (that is, the platform itself should not slide on the surface on which it is installed).
  • Excellent stability. This quality will not allow the board to turn over if the athlete steps on the edge of the simulator.

These requirements are met by the correct selection of the material from which the platform will be made, as well as by the choice of its design and weight.

"Magic bumps." DIY step platforms (photo report)

Olesya Elmesova

"Magic bumps." DIY step platforms (photo report)

Every day, a kindergarten teacher has to come up with something interesting for his students . Once I visited a kindergarten for a class on step platforms , but they were bought in a store. I really wanted to purchase this cool attribute for my kindergarten. I went around several stores and compared prices, but it turned out to be very expensive and I was inspired by the idea of ​​making non-standard physical education equipment with my own hands .

In order for the baby to always remain healthy, he must develop his physical abilities . A step platform for children can handle this . Aerobics on a support has a positive effect on the body, developing endurance and improving the child’s concentration. When making equipment yourself, it is worth considering its parameters: height – 10 cm, length – 40 cm and width – 20 cm.

Our kids are happy to run to exercise, they even came up with their own name for this non-standard physical education equipment: “ Magic hummocks ”.

The advantages of using step aerobics when working with children:

The first plus is the huge interest of children in step aerobics , which does not dry up throughout the school year.

The second plus is that children develop stable balance because they exercise on a reduced support area.

The third plus is the development of the child’s confidence, spatial orientation, general endurance, and improvement of the accuracy of movements.

The fourth plus is the development of physical qualities: agility, speed, strength, etc.

The fifth plus is an increase in endurance, and subsequently the body’s resistance.

And of course, at the end of classes on the platforms, relaxation is required

But the most important advantage of step aerobics is its healing effect.

Thank you for your attention!

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What is the difference

A do-it-yourself step platform still has a number of differences from industrial products that you need to know. She does not have the following qualities.

  1. Cushioning of foot impacts on the surface. This applies to jumping and vigorous steps. Purchased boards are made from special springy plastics that are not available for sale. Therefore, it is dangerous to jump on a home board, as you can twist your joints. You should try to do exercises that do not involve jumping and skipping.
  2. Height adjustment. This feature is designed to increase or decrease the load during exercise. This is especially important at the beginning, when the beginner must have a lower platform. There is no point in complicating the home structure for the sake of this. Moreover, you cannot pile parts of the simulator on top of each other. It's easier to make a taller board over time.

Basic types of steps

There are two types of step platforms: adjustable and combined (multifunctional).

Adjustable step is the most common option for fitness. As a rule, this is a 3-level platform with height adjustment. The height of the step changes due to connecting/disconnecting sections of supports or their reconfiguration (sections are rearranged as in a constructor). The second option is more convenient in that the sections will not get lost anywhere, because they all participate in step configurations. The height set is usually standard - 15/20/25 centimeters.

Read more: Cardio training at home for losing weight and heart, without a machine

If you want to do regular step aerobics, feel free to choose the first option. If you want to complicate your classes and increase the load, you can try combined platforms. But at the same time you must be sufficiently prepared physically.

There are two types of step platforms: adjustable and combined (

step is the most common option for fitness. As a rule, this is a 3-level platform with height adjustment. The height of the step changes due to the connection/disconnection of support sections or their reconfiguration (

). The second option is more convenient in that the sections will not get lost anywhere, because they all participate in step configurations. The height set is usually standard - 15/20/25 centimeters.

If you want to do regular step aerobics, feel free to choose the first option. If you want to complicate your classes and increase the load, you can try combined platforms. But at the same time you must be sufficiently prepared physically.

Platforms, depending on the design, can be divided into four types: unregulated, adjustable, balancing platforms and combined - transforming platforms

1) Non-adjustable - is a low portable bench with a fixed height. Rarely found on sale, they cost from $10 to $20.

2) Height-adjustable step steps, due to their lower cost and their targeted functionality, are the most common sports equipment for stepping aerobics. Usually this is a flat flat platform with interchangeable stands, having two or three levels of standard height equal to 15, 20 and 25 cm.

3) Balancing platforms are an inflatable silicone hemisphere. The elasticity depends on the air pressure inside the hemisphere and is adjusted using a pump. Hemispheres are used on both the convex and flat sides. Cost from $40 to $70. Balancing step platforms and their use

4) Combined platforms, unlike conventional ones, are not static and can be modified into a variety of additional sports equipment, for example, a bench with a folding back and hooks for attaching power expanders or a folding hook for legs when training abdominal muscles. Cost from $110 to $170. Combined step platforms and their application

The platform of such a platform can be extended along its length, forming a bench for exercising with dumbbells. The two-level height of such platforms is 20.5 and 35.5 cm, which is quite high for beginners who have recently been involved in step aerobics. In addition, such an expensive platform for step aerobics - how much does three or four regular ones cost?

In addition to classic aerobics classes, a regular adjustable step platform can also be used to perform other physical exercises, such as push-ups with different heights of hand support, exercises with dumbbells while lying down and sitting, stretching and training the abdominal muscles.

The variety of possible physical exercises using the step significantly expands its functionality and allows you to work out all muscle groups. However, at the initial stage of training, you should not strive to cover all the exercises in one lesson, but entrust the program to an experienced instructor who will select loads that suit your level of training.

Before choosing a step platform, you need to know the basic requirements for its design and the materials from which it is made.

1) Stability - the first important requirement will be its stability, since tipping over and even simple swaying can lead to a fall and serious injury during exercise. In addition, the platform should not slide on the floor, even on linoleum, laminate and tiles.

2) Durability - the second important quality of this sports equipment is the strength of the structure. The platform must not only withstand the weight of a calmly standing person, but also be designed for jumping on its surface. At the same time, during jumps it should not sag or spring.

3) Good grip on shoes - the next test when choosing is determined by the quality of grip on shoes. The surface of the steppe can in no way be slippery. The best grip is provided by corrugated rubber with shallow grooves or a mesh. The use of certain types of plastics is permitted. But smooth surfaces or the use of slippery plastics pose a risk of possible injury from falling.

4) Reliability of the design - in some models, the height is changed by increasing the number of stands for the support platform. It is necessary to carefully check how well and securely these stands are connected to each other, so that during classes this entire structure does not fall apart.

5) Platform height - as already mentioned, the height of the platform for beginners is 15 or 20 cm; for more experienced athletes, the height can reach 35 cm in combined products. The width should be 5 cm greater than your foot, and the length 20 cm greater than your feet shoulder-width apart. The numbers given here are minimums and may make a larger difference, but wearing a platform that is too large is awkward and cumbersome.

The cost of the simplest non-height-adjustable platform of low quality starts from $17-20. Adjustable step shoes from well-known manufacturers such as Kettler, Reebok or FitnesSport will not cost less than $70-80. Although price fluctuations in different online stores for the same product are quite noticeable.

For example, the minimum cost of the simplest two-level step Torres AL1005 is $16.5, and the three-level Aerofit is $54.8. More serious and reliable platforms are more expensive.

For safe and comfortable step aerobics classes, in addition to the correct choice of platform, you also need to think about the issue of choosing shoes suitable for classes. The best option in this case is lightweight non-slip dance sneakers, the size of which should be chosen strictly according to your foot, because in tight shoes your feet will quickly get tired, and in too loose ones you risk twisting your foot.

Do not try to achieve maximum results in the first training sessions; loads should be increased gradually, in accordance with the recommendations of an experienced consultant. And the most important thing is your desire to play sports. As long as you have it, there will be results!

The design must be calculated correctly to avoid injury during training.

Here are the main criteria that help make really good equipment

  • Strength. This is the most important quality, especially if the athlete is overweight. A do-it-yourself step aerobics platform, the dimensions of which are selected individually, must withstand the load and not break during jumps.
  • Sustainability. This setting will hold the wooden support and will not allow it to tip over, even if the trainee steps on its edge.
  • No slipping. The simulator must be designed so that the foot does not slip off the surface and it does not move along the surface.

Platform options

The size requirements for the manufacture of this simulator are as follows:

  • The width of the upper working surface must be such that the athlete’s foot can freely fit on it. At the same time, it should not be too wide so that one can easily step over it. The optimal width, depending on the size of the leg and height, will be from forty centimeters to half a meter.
  • The height of the step platform depends on the level of training of the athlete. For beginners, this size should be from ten to fifteen centimeters, over time it increases to thirty. It has been proven that increasing step height by five centimeters adds up to 12% strain on muscles.
  • The length of the board is one to one and a half meters. The parameter depends on the comfortable position of “legs slightly wider than shoulder width.” With this positioning of the body, the feet should not hang over the edges and should stand straight. This way you can choose the optimal length.

Choosing a step

Step platform Torres AL1005, step with 3 height levels (10/15/20 cm) from Aerofit, adjustable step platform Oxygen 690
The simplest step, not the best quality, can be bought inexpensively, about 1,000 rubles. Prices for platforms from such manufacturers as Reebok, Kettler, Oxigen start from 4,000 rubles. Any sports online store can offer a fairly wide selection of steps for any budget.

For example, a small (length - 64 cm, width - 28 cm) step platform Torres AL1005 with 2 height levels (10/15 cm) costs 800-900 rubles.

A step with 3 height levels (10/15/20 cm) from Aerofit has a non-slip surface, is easy to assemble and disassemble, making it very popular in fitness clubs. The price for it fluctuates around 3,000 rubles.

The adjustable step platform Oxygen 690, costing about 5,000 rubles, has 2 height levels (10cm and 20cm), and the kit also includes an expander with 4 handles.

  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • Losing weight In an hour of exercise on the step platform, you lose about 300-500 calories
  • Muscles are strengthened
  • Prevention of arthrosis and osteoporosis
  • Step aerobics classes are classified as cardio exercises. This means that they normalize blood pressure, increase the volume of the heart muscle and generally improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In a word, if you want to avoid hypertension and heart attack, get up on the step! A strong heart better supplies tissues with oxygen and nutrients, which is beneficial for the whole body.

    An additional effect is the prevention of arthrosis and osteoporosis, accelerated recovery of joints after injuries. Do you dream of a beautiful figure? Then step aerobics is also your choice. In an hour of training on a step platform, you lose about 300-500 calories - great news for those who want to lose weight. At the same time, the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks are strengthened, the legs become strong and slender.

    According to their design, steppes are divided into adjustable, unregulated and combined.

    AdjustableAdjustable platforms, on the other hand, are the most popular among fitness enthusiasts. The prefabricated design of the projectile allows you to adjust its height. Depending on the model, two or three levels are possible in the projectile (for example, 10−20 cm or 15−20−25 cm).
    UnregulatedThe non-adjustable platform has a monolithic design. Such models are the most affordable, but due to limited application possibilities and low demand, they are rarely found on sale.
    CombinedRecord holders for multifunctionality are combined step-steps with hooks for expanders and two height adjustments (most often 20 and 35 cm). Thanks to the transformable design, such a projectile can easily be converted into a bench with a backrest.

    Standing apart among the steps is a balancing platform with a surface in the form of an inflatable rubber hemisphere. Resistance bands are usually sold along with standard balance steps, and, less commonly, gymnastic balls. The best option for beginners is an adjustable step platform. If you're looking for a cheaper option, look for a non-adjustable model, but keep in mind that it won't allow you to increase the load.

    In addition to classic step aerobics, both types of platforms are suitable for performing other physical exercises, such as push-ups and abdominal exercises. For experienced fans of step aerobics who strive for increased loads, we recommend combined step. And if you are focusing on developing flexibility, reaction and a sense of balance, take a closer look at balancing platforms.

    Have you decided on the type of step platform? Now let's move on to other parameters for selecting this projectile. These are its size, strength, stability and surface features. When choosing the length, focus on the distance between your feet when you keep your feet shoulder-width apart, plus a few more centimeters. The optimal platform width is about 40 cm.

    The strength of the step platform depends on the maximum permissible weight. The platform must withstand your weight not only when you just stand on it, but also when you jump. If you weigh less than 90 kg, any platform is suitable for training. If the weight exceeds this mark, the choice is limited to models designed for the required load.

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    Now about sustainability. A high-quality step stands securely on the floor, regardless of the pace at which the exercises are performed, and does not rise, much less tip over. And the last thing is the surface of the platform. The most comfortable and safest for exercise are models with a non-slip surface made of corrugated rubber. An acceptable alternative is a plastic surface with corrugation, like budget models. But it is better to refuse to buy a platform without corrugation due to the risk of injury.

    The simulator is designed to complicate or increase the efficiency or convenience of performing exercises. In this case, the fitness step performs the following functions:

    • Bench. An additional purpose of the step board is a lightweight mobile platform for doing strength exercises (dumbbell or bench press). The projectile helps to greatly increase the amplitude.
    • Step for step aerobics (from the English step - step). The original purpose of the platform. A type of cardio exercise for beginners that does not require much physical training.
    • The platform is used as a step for support during push-ups, planks, and lunges. Increasing the height of the supporting leg makes it easier for beginners to perform exercises.
    • The apparatus is used in jumping exercises with a stand. The step is placed in front of the athlete, and its height is adjusted to suit the current technique.

    A simple two-level exercise machine is suitable for regular step training. As standard, the step platform can support up to 95 kg:

    • product name: TORRES;
    • price: 1400 rub.;
    • characteristics: polypropylene two-level body, linear dimensions – 64/28/10(15) cm.

    An inexpensive step board designed for beginner athletes. It has a simple design, compact dimensions, and light weight. The maximum load has no restrictions:

    • Product name: Leco;
    • price: 900 rub.;
    • characteristics: two-level case made of ABS plastic, linear dimensions – 68/28/15(10) cm.

    The advanced platform has a high-quality coating that prevents the athlete’s feet from slipping. Rubber pads under the legs help with shock absorption and stabilize the machine:

    • product name: FT-STP-340, PROFI-FIT;
    • price: 2500 rub.;
    • characteristics: non-slip textured surface, additional stabilizing rubber inserts, three height levels, linear dimensions – 70/28/13(18/23) cm.

    The simulator is characterized by increased “survivability” and can withstand heavy loads. Large dimensions, high build strength and material quality are suitable for most athletes:

    • Product name: Starfit SP-202;
    • price: 2100 rub.;
    • characteristics: the body is made of polyvinyl chloride, there is a choice between 3 height levels, dimensions - 80/30/10(15/20) cm.

    The platform body has a low center of gravity and is equipped with wide, stable legs. The machine is perfect for active cardio training or various types of fitness:

    • Product name: Atemi, APS02;
    • price: 1900 rub.;
    • characteristics: three-level step board made of durable flexible plastic, maximum load 120 kg, dimensions - 78/29/10(15/20) cm.

    The professional simulator is distinguished by good body stabilization and large, convenient dimensions. It can be reconfigured for any type of workout. Elastic plastic provides high-quality shock absorption that protects the athlete’s knees and back during training:

    • product name: Original FitTools professional, 3 levels;
    • price: 4500 rub.;
    • characteristics: body is molded from ABS plastic, 3 levels of height adjustment, product dimensions – 108/41/10(15/20) cm.

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    Compact, durable product, ideal for home workouts. Stabilization is well done - the machine does not wobble during exercises:

    • product name: Torneo;
    • price: 3000 rub.;
    • characteristics: three-level simulator, made of high-strength flexible plastic, maximum load 120 kg, dimensions - 70/28/12(17/22) cm.

    The platform is intended for beginner athletes. Stable, comfortable, durable:

    • Product name: STARFIT 2-level;
    • price: 1900 rub.;
    • characteristics: two-level sports equipment made of PVC plastic, maximum permitted user weight 100 kg, platform dimensions - 75/36.5/10(15/20) cm.

    The product from the famous brand is covered on top with special non-slip hemispheres. These elements prevent slipping and make activities more comfortable and safe:

    • Product name: Reebok step;
    • price: 9000 rub.;
    • characteristics: three-level step board, linear dimensions – 90/35/15(20/25) cm.

    The platform has a lower center of gravity, which helps maintain balance when performing cardio exercises. The upper part of the exercise machine has an additional embossed non-slip coating:

    • Product name: Fitex Pro FTX-1710;
    • price: 8000 rub.;
    • characteristics: the product is made of high-strength plastic, has three height levels, dimensions - 109/41/15.5(21/26).
    • Non-adjustable are platforms of monolithic construction and unchangeable height. Such models are quite rare on sale. They cost approximately from 600 to 1500 rubles.
    • Adjustable - prefabricated platforms. To adjust the height, supports of variable configuration or with several detachable sections are installed on them. Allows you to set 2 - 3 height levels. The price range for most of these step platforms is from 900 to 4000 rubles. There are also more expensive models.
    • Balancing platforms (balance-step). Their surface is an inflatable silicone hemisphere. Usually equipped with pumps and expanders, sometimes with gymnastic balls. Sold for 3000 - 5000 rubles and more.
    • Combined - multifunctional, transforming types of step platforms. They allow you to lift part of the board, forming an angle to the horizontal surface and turning into a seat with a back. Their kit sometimes includes expanders. The price for such models varies from 7,500 to 12,000 rubles.

    Materials for production

    To meet all the requirements for this simulator, a step platform can be made with your own hands from wooden boards of appropriate sizes. You will also need small nails and PVA glue.

    It would also be nice to have a rubberized canvas or drape fabric to cover the working surface and rubber lining for an improvised bottom or legs.

    If a solid board of appropriate height is taken for production, then you only need to process all sides and glue the coating to the top of the board and rubber strips to the bottom.

    In order to accurately measure dimensions, you will need a ruler, and to measure evenness, you will need a level. The platform must be made without distortions and not wobble.

    How to make a step platform yourself

    In order to make your own step platform, you need to take the following steps.

    1. You need to prepare a board one meter long and forty centimeters wide for the working surface. If you want to make the simulator larger, then the sizes are selected individually.
    2. Using a timber, knock together the four sides and the work board so that you get a box about twenty centimeters high.
    3. Measure out a perfectly horizontal surface and, if necessary, process it so that the step board stands firmly and does not wobble.
    4. Sand the outer parts of the machine.
    5. Sports equipment and equipment for active sports must be stable and safe, so non-slip material is glued to the top surface and nailed along the edges with nails or a mounting gun.
    6. The same material is similarly attached from below along the edges or along the entire length, as desired.

    The platform is ready. On Internet resources you can find many interesting exercises for practicing on this simulator. If made independently and correctly, it will bring a lot of benefits and pleasure to the body.

    The benefits and benefits of step aerobics for weight loss

    Not one-time, but regular exercises will help you find a thin waist and eliminate excess fat deposits from the sides. For people with poor physical fitness, there is aerobics for beginners, and for different goals, you can choose water aerobics, step interval, recreational, step aerobics. Dance aerobics for weight loss is very versatile; even pregnant women can do it, if there are no contraindications. The benefits of each set of classes are justified, because they are all designed for people of different sizes and ages.

    What are the benefits of step aerobics for weight loss at home?

    • For training, special equipment is used in the form of a step-elevation (not to be confused with a stepper). The height of the platform is selected based on the person’s preparedness and height: 15-30 cm for beginners and over 30 cm for experienced ones. The width of the elevation is about 50 cm.
    • The duration of the workout does not give a person a feeling of rapid fatigue, so you can practice the step for a long time.
    • Step aerobics classes burn between 250 and 500 calories.
    • You can always improve the efficiency of burning fat deposits by exercising with dumbbells and weights.
    • Feeling that you have already coped with the load of a beginner, you can complicate the movements on the steppe and/or extend the time of aerobics training for weight loss.
    • Rhythmic favorite music is another bonus; it’s easier to conduct classes to fiery melodies. 120-130 accents per minute will be just right for training.
    • If it is not possible to attend classes at a fitness center, you can always repeat the step aerobics complex at home using an ordinary small bench and even with an online teacher.

    What does step aerobics give?

    • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system
    • Losing weight
      In an hour of exercise on the step platform, you lose about 300-500 calories
  • Muscles are strengthened
  • Prevention of arthrosis and osteoporosis
  • Step aerobics classes are classified as cardio exercises. This means that they normalize blood pressure, increase the volume of the heart muscle and generally improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In a word, if you want to avoid hypertension and heart attack, get up on the step! A strong heart better supplies tissues with oxygen and nutrients, which is beneficial for the whole body. An additional effect is the prevention of arthrosis and osteoporosis, accelerated recovery of joints after injuries. Do you dream of a beautiful figure? Then step aerobics is also your choice. In an hour of training on a step platform, you lose about 300-500 calories - great news for those who want to lose weight. At the same time, the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks are strengthened, the legs become strong and slender. For greater effect, complement your step classes with training programs from other types of fitness. It's simple, because the step platform perfectly copes with the role of a sports bench, and with additional accessories it is suitable for performing strength exercises and stretching.

    What you need to study at home

    A sports set of step aerobics for weight loss at home consists of the following components:

  • Stepping platform
  • In other words, the step or elevation is selected taking into account the level of training and height. A beginner will find a platform up to 30 cm comfortable, but a more prepared person will need a step higher. The price of sports equipment is affordable, you can choose one to suit every taste and budget. There are platforms whose height is adjustable. A beginner should not buy high equipment, even if he wants to quickly lose excess weight from his hips and waist. This rather threatens rapid fatigue and short exercise.

    The width of the step platform is 40-50 cm, and the length is 1-1.5 m. The surface should not be slippery, but should be well fixed to the floor from below. Safety during exercise must be observed so as not to harm yourself, so choose step pads with a rubberized or slightly embossed surface, from which the shoes will not slip. You can even replace a step platform at home with a small stool, but only a comfortable one.

    • Aerobic dumbbells

    Exercises on the steppe can be carried out with an additional load in the form of dumbbells from 1.5 to 2 kg. This way, a person will be able to maintain his aerobic pace and make the activity more difficult.

    • Sneakers with rigid soles and cushioning

    Shoes should be comfortable, properly support the foot during aerobics, and not constrict. Thanks to shock absorption, the load on the joints is reduced, reducing the risk of spraining the foot.

    • Special clothing

    A tracksuit should “breathe”, fit exactly in size, and not restrict your step and movements of your arms and legs.

    What are the benefits of training with a step platform?

    For a good result that will benefit the health and condition of the body, during training on the steppe it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Firstly, you should not drink too much liquid, as this puts additional stress on the heart. Secondly, the exercises themselves must be performed correctly, evenly distributing the load.

    That is, load each leg for no more than one minute. In order to reduce the risk of injury and achieve maximum effect, the foot must be placed completely on the platform. If you want to pump up your gluteal muscles, it is better to place your heel first. You should keep your back straight, do not bend over and keep your balance. Soft steps and movements help preserve joints.

    Both cardio classes and strength training using the platform pump up all the muscles of the lower body and improve coordination. “They develop the cardiovascular system, coordination and reaction speed. During one workout, you can burn from 200 to 450 kcal, depending on the intensity of the lesson,” notes Olga Savitskaya, head of group programs at the Fitness Practice - Dynamo club.

    The schedule of almost any club includes step aerobics, that is, cardio training with this equipment. “Such classes are usually built on the principle of learning a dance combination from simple to complex. Usually, a lesson is divided into several levels according to the degree of difficulty: at basic step aerobics, only the basic steps and the technique of performing them are honed, and at the intermediate and advanced levels, the training becomes more and more reminiscent of learning a special dance on a platform,” explains Olga Savitskaya.

    For those who don’t really like dancing, we can recommend strength exercises on the platform. These are basic movements - lunges, squats, push-ups and their variations, in which the platform acts as a kind of “complicator”. “They are aimed not so much at burning fat, but at strengthening and growing muscles, but nevertheless they help you lose weight,” says Stepan Proshin, trainer at the personal training studio Fitness Studio 29. “In this activity there are no jumps and complex coordination movements, unlike step - aerobics."

    Strength exercises for step can be done without music. “It is only important to maintain a uniform pace of the lesson; this can be done, for example, by counting,” notes Stepan Proshin. “The main thing is to perform the exercises correctly, technically and do the required number of repetitions and approaches.”

    Step classes are suitable for beginners and experienced fitness practitioners. Observing safety precautions, they can be carried out not only in the gym, but also at home.

    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the dosage of vitamin D for women

    Rules for doing exercises at home

    Aerobics is a sport in which the basic rules are taken into account. It is imperative to follow the correct training for weight loss in order to achieve maximum results. Basic Rules:

  • You need to keep your back straight, do not hunch, and pull your stomach in. The step should be springy, stand on the platform with only the whole foot.
  • You cannot stop abruptly during aerobics, just gradually reduce the pace, switch to a walk and after a couple of minutes restore the pace of exercise.
  • A set of classic movements on the step platform includes warm-up – work with the step – step-touch – step-knee – swing. There are other step aerobics exercises, but warming up and preparing the muscles should be mandatory.
  • Exercises for weight loss are repeated for each leg 20 times.
  • The final stage is walking in a normal step on the spot, restoring breathing with exercises and deep inhalation and exhalation.
  • Features of the classes

    • For beginners, it is recommended to practice on a platform 15 cm high, for those who are more advanced - 20 cm and higher. Every additional 5 cm of step height increases the load by 12%.
    • To achieve maximum effect, you can train with dumbbells in your hands or weights on your wrists.
    • It is important to choose comfortable shoes for exercise that will fit snugly on your feet.
    • If you practice on your own at home, increase the training time and difficulty gradually.

    During step aerobics classes, exercises are performed that resemble going up and down stairs. You can find out by using step machines which muscles work. Basically, the load is placed on the buttocks, thighs, legs, and the heart muscle, which is involved in the aerobics process, is also trained.

    A set of step aerobics exercises can correct your figure, remove excess fat, tighten sagging skin, giving the body energy, vigor, strength and a positive charge for the whole working day. A step platform is used as the main equipment, a photo of which can be viewed in advance on the Internet.

    To make it easier to perform rhythmic exercises, use music. She should have a maximum BRM of 140. What is this BRM in step aerobics? This is a clearly defined pace that must comply with the rules of work in this area of ​​the sport. Thanks to music, the mood is set, and working on the muscles becomes much easier and more enjoyable.

    For beginners, it is recommended to practice on a platform 15 cm high, for those who are more advanced - 20 cm and higher. Every additional 5 cm of step height increases the load by 12%.

    To achieve maximum effect, you can train with dumbbells in your hands or weights on your wrists.

    It is important to choose comfortable shoes for exercise that will fit snugly on your feet.

    If you practice on your own at home, increase the training time and difficulty gradually.

    Educational video lessons for beginners

    Healthy fitness with a step platform is an effective method of burning calories and losing excess weight. With regular exercise, intense step exercises will become a real pleasure for a person who wants to get rid of subcutaneous fat. A set of elements of breathing exercises and the right steps will help a person who cannot go to the gym to train at home. Watch the videos to enhance your practice.

    Basic exercises on the step platform for beginners

    Advanced class

    Best dance aerobics

    Reviews about weight loss results

    Christina, 27 years old

    I decided to get rid of extra pounds - I started working out with a step stand, and after a month I saw the result. I lost weight in my legs and tightened my buttocks. For me, the goal was not the mark on the scale, but appearance. The name step aerobics is associated with the word “step”, which means “step”. By performing rhythmic steps to music, I achieved weight loss. I really enjoy attending classes.

    Valentina, 31 years old

    I took up step aerobics to lose weight to improve my physical fitness. Thanks to the classes, I no longer have shortness of breath when walking, and I have lost one size. I’ve been working out at home for 5 months now, increasing the intensity of my athletic ligaments with dumbbells, because I want to look slim, like in the photo in my student years.

    The benefits and benefits of step aerobics for weight loss

    Not one-time, but regular exercises will help you find a thin waist and eliminate excess fat deposits from the sides. For people with poor physical fitness, there is aerobics for beginners, and for different goals, you can choose water aerobics, step interval, recreational, step aerobics. Dance aerobics for weight loss is very versatile; even pregnant women can do it, if there are no contraindications. The benefits of each set of classes are justified, because they are all designed for people of different sizes and ages.

    What are the benefits of step aerobics for weight loss at home?

    1. For training, special equipment is used in the form of a step-elevation (not to be confused with a stepper). The height of the platform is selected based on the person’s preparedness and height: 15-30 cm for beginners and over 30 cm for experienced ones. The width of the elevation is about 50 cm.
    2. The duration of the workout does not give a person a feeling of rapid fatigue, so you can practice the step for a long time.
    3. Step aerobics classes burn between 250 and 500 calories.
    4. You can always improve the efficiency of burning fat deposits by exercising with dumbbells and weights.
    5. Feeling that you have already coped with the load of a beginner, you can complicate the movements on the steppe and/or extend the time of aerobics training for weight loss.
    6. Rhythmic favorite music is another bonus; it’s easier to conduct classes to fiery melodies. 120-130 accents per minute will be just right for training.
    7. If it is not possible to attend classes at a fitness center, you can always repeat the step aerobics complex at home using an ordinary small bench and even with an online teacher.

    Training rules

    For beginners, it is recommended to practice on a platform 15 cm high, for those who are more advanced - 20 cm and higher. Every additional 5 cm of step height increases the load by 12%.

    To achieve maximum effect, you can train with dumbbells in your hands or weights on your wrists.

    It is important to choose comfortable shoes for exercise that will fit snugly on your feet.

    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Diet for lymphostasis of the lower extremities

    If you practice on your own at home, increase the training time and difficulty gradually.

    First, let's say a few words about equipment. This is a tight-fitting T-shirt, short pants or breeches, and high socks. Also, for step aerobics, you will need light sneakers that fit your feet tightly. Set the height of the platform correctly. If you are taking your first steps in step aerobics, your starting level is 10-15 cm.

    For every 5 cm increase in projectile height, the load increases by 12%. Choreography in step aerobics is based on ten basic steps. To learn them, use video tutorials that are easy to find on the Internet. Don’t force things, move from simple to complex, and everything will work out. Also, listen to the music carefully and try to keep up with the rhythm (counting to yourself helps with this).

    When performing movements, place your entire foot on the platform. You should not place only your toes on the step or allow your heel to hang down. The knee of the supporting leg should not protrude beyond the line of the toe, otherwise the load on the supporting joint will sharply increase. During exercise, listen to the signals from your body, avoid overexertion and shortness of breath.

    Don't end your workout abruptly—it's bad for your heart. Walk around until your breathing is completely restored, and only then sit down. The duration of one lesson starts from 15-20 minutes and gradually increases to 45-60 minutes. This way your heart and muscles will smoothly adapt to the load.

    What you need to study at home

    A sports set of step aerobics for weight loss at home consists of the following components:

    • Stepping platform

    In other words, the step or elevation is selected taking into account the level of training and height. A beginner will find a platform up to 30 cm comfortable, but a more prepared person will need a step higher. The price of sports equipment is affordable, you can choose one to suit every taste and budget. There are platforms whose height is adjustable. A beginner should not buy high equipment, even if he wants to quickly lose excess weight from his hips and waist. This rather threatens rapid fatigue and short exercise.

    The width of the step platform is 40-50 cm, and the length is 1-1.5 m. The surface should not be slippery, but should be well fixed to the floor from below. Safety during exercise must be observed so as not to harm yourself, so choose step pads with a rubberized or slightly embossed surface, from which the shoes will not slip. You can even replace a step platform at home with a small stool, but only a comfortable one.

    • Aerobic dumbbells

    Exercises on the steppe can be carried out with an additional load in the form of dumbbells from 1.5 to 2 kg. This way, a person will be able to maintain his aerobic pace and make the activity more difficult.

    • Sneakers with rigid soles and cushioning

    Shoes should be comfortable, properly support the foot during aerobics, and not constrict. Thanks to shock absorption, the load on the joints is reduced, reducing the risk of spraining the foot.

    • Special clothing

    A tracksuit should “breathe”, fit exactly in size, and not restrict your step and movements of your arms and legs.

    What types of step platforms are there - the most popular models in fitness clubs

    1. Reconfigurable platforms. The height of the step platform has three levels - 15, 20, 25 cm. The supports are rearranged depending on the desired height, that is, only two supports are adjustable to different heights. These platforms are available in lengths from 90 to 109 cm, and widths from 35 to 41 cm.
    2. Collapsible. The height of such platforms is regulated by special supports in the form of a square, placed on top of each other, the number of which is unlimited. The height of the platform itself starts from 10 cm, and with additional supports you can make it any height. The advantage of such platforms is that they can be used for strength exercises, such as a bench for bench presses, push-ups and jumping jacks. But the security of such platforms is worse than that of the former. The width of collapsible step platforms varies depending on the manufacturer's design: from 69 to 110 cm in length, from 30 to 40 cm in width.

    Rules for doing exercises at home

    Aerobics is a sport in which the basic rules are taken into account. It is imperative to follow the correct training for weight loss in order to achieve maximum results. Basic Rules:

    1. You need to keep your back straight, do not hunch, and pull your stomach in. The step should be springy, stand on the platform with only the whole foot.
    2. You cannot stop abruptly during aerobics, just gradually reduce the pace, switch to a walk and after a couple of minutes restore the pace of exercise.
    3. A set of classic movements on the step platform includes warm-up – work with the step – step-touch – step-knee – swing. There are other step aerobics exercises, but warming up and preparing the muscles should be mandatory.
    4. Exercises for weight loss are repeated for each leg 20 times.
    5. The final stage is walking in a normal step on the spot, restoring breathing with exercises and deep inhalation and exhalation.

    Educational video lessons for beginners

    Healthy fitness with a step platform is an effective method of burning calories and losing excess weight. With regular exercise, intense step exercises will become a real pleasure for a person who wants to get rid of subcutaneous fat. A set of elements of breathing exercises and the right steps will help a person who cannot go to the gym to train at home. Watch the videos to enhance your practice.

    Basic exercises on the step platform for beginners

    Advanced class

    Best dance aerobics

    Reviews about weight loss results

    Christina, 27 years old

    I decided to get rid of extra pounds - I started working out with a step stand, and after a month I saw the result. I lost weight in my legs and tightened my buttocks. For me, the goal was not the mark on the scale, but appearance. The name step aerobics is associated with the word “step”, which means “step”. By performing rhythmic steps to music, I achieved weight loss. I really enjoy attending classes.

    Valentina, 31 years old

    I took up step aerobics to lose weight to improve my physical fitness. Thanks to the classes, I no longer have shortness of breath when walking, and I have lost one size. I’ve been working out at home for 5 months now, increasing the intensity of my athletic ligaments with dumbbells, because I want to look slim, like in the photo in my student years.

    Step aerobics is one of the types of fitness that was developed at the end of the twentieth century by the American Jane Miller. She needed to work out her knee after a serious injury. She simply used the steps that led to her house for training. The program she created helped achieve phenomenal results and almost completely neutralize the consequences of the injury. These results inspired Miller, and she tried to turn it into a new type of fitness that captivated millions of women around the world. Step aerobics at home has become an excellent solution to losing weight for many.

    Benefits of step aerobics and contraindications

    This type of fitness has many advantages. Firstly, it is beneficial for the body and body. Step is a set of very similar exercises that are found in regular gymnastics. And as you know, training of this type creates the main load on the heart muscle. This makes it possible to develop movement coordination. Well, of course, we are talking about losing weight. Step aerobics gives even faster results than gymnastics, since the loads will be more intense. It will make the human body more resilient, flexible and flexible, and will also greatly contribute to the development of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

    Another important advantage is that you can safely practice step aerobics at home. This is very simple, given the fact that on the Internet and in particular on YouTube you can find a large number of online courses and guides from fitness trainers who will tell you how to do certain exercises correctly and what you need to know.

    But you should understand that such exercises are still a burden for the body. And considering that we are talking about losing weight, it will be considerable. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor, as well as a fitness trainer, before even starting exercise at home. The following categories of people are not allowed to do step aerobics:

    1. with high blood pressure and everything related to hypertension;
    2. people diagnosed with joint disease;
    3. with varicose veins and sore legs;
    4. with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Another important advantage is that it simply requires minimal financial investment. If we are talking specifically about home exercises, then there is no need to go to the gym or buy any special uniform. You don’t even have to buy a special platform, but simply use a plastic or wooden bench. And now we will pay a little attention to this mandatory element.

    The role of the platform for step aerobics and its characteristics

    In this type of fitness, all movements are performed on a platform, which imposes a number of requirements on the training. It is best to exercise in light sneakers that have non-slip soles. You also need to have enough space around. The platform must be stable and on a flat surface to prevent it from loosening while performing tasks. After all, this entails a risk of injury. The design of this sports equipment should be such that you can avoid this and enjoy training.

    If you decide to make a platform for step aerobics with your own hands, then it must also meet the following criteria:

    • excellent strength. This is important, especially if the person exercising is overweight. The platform should not break during exercises;
    • good stability. It should not roll over if you accidentally step on the edge;
    • non-slip surface. The platform must be made of such material that the foot cannot slip off the board, and at the same time does not slip on the surface on which it will be located.

    That is, we can say that the correct selection of material, as well as a precisely calculated design and weight, is the key to successfully creating your own platform for step aerobics. At the same time, this do-it-yourself simulator will have a number of differences from the industrially made version. And you should know these qualities:

    • there is no shock absorption for foot impacts on the surface. In this case we are talking about jumping and energetic steps. The fact is that the boards that are sold in stores are made from certain springy plastics that are not commercially available;
    • no height adjustment. This feature is usually provided so that you can increase or decrease the load during classes. This is especially important at the very beginning, when you have just started doing step aerobics for beginners at home: the platform should be low so that the loads are not high at first.

    Platform parameters and how to make it yourself

    If we talk about its physical dimensions, then the width of the working surface should be in the range of 40-50 centimeters. Everything is individual here. The ideal width will be when the student’s foot fits completely on the platform. It is important not to overdo it, because it should be easy to step over.

    The height depends on the degree of preparation. Since we are only talking about starting classes, the ideal platform size for beginners will be somewhere around 10-15 centimeters. As experience and preparedness increase, the figure is increased to 30 cm. It has been scientifically proven that by increasing the height every 5 centimeters, we add 12 percent to the load on the muscles. Well, the length of the board should be somewhere around 1-1.5 meters. This parameter will depend on the comfortable position. The optimal formula here would be “legs slightly wider than shoulder width.”

    When we know all the necessary parameters, all that remains is to manufacture it. To do this, it is best for us to take thick and strong boards to ensure the strength of the structure. This way it won’t break, and stability and heaviness will be ensured so that it doesn’t “ride” on the floor. Now, based on the boards, we knock together something similar to a box so that the height of its sides is 10-15 centimeters. It depends on the person’s load requirements. The box must be made well so that it stands firmly and level. Now we take sandpaper and sand the structure on all sides except the inside.

    Now you need to make sure that the working surface is not slippery. To do this, you can cover it with rubber or something similar. When this has been done, for a better effect, you can nail the edges of the material to the box with a construction stapler. We also glue and nail strips of rubber to the bottom of the sides of this structure from below so that it stands stable. This is how the platform is made in a simple way.

    Step aerobics for weight loss at home - exercises

    Now that everything is ready, all that remains is to start practicing. It should be understood that step aerobics at home for weight loss should begin gradually. First, do a few easy exercises and as your body gets used to it, you will need to add new, more complex elements.

    Any sport naturally begins with a warm-up. To do this, you should march in place for two to three minutes, raising your knees high. After this, the same number of springy steps should be taken, using slight bending of the knees. For example, we take a step to the side with the left one and put the right one next to it and vice versa. It is important to ensure that the step is as wide as possible.

    The second exercise is step on the board. It is performed simply: we place our left foot in the middle of the platform, after which we place our right foot next to it. Now we descend first with our left foot, and then with our right. The third exercise is called the “step-knee”. To perform it, you need to step with your right foot onto the platform. You need to stand on one leg, lifting your left leg off the ground, bend it at the knee and hold it above the platform. You should try to keep your knee as close to your chest as possible and try to touch your buttock with your heel. After this, the left leg lowers to the floor without touching the platform, and the right leg follows it. Exercise four - “step-touch”. Stand on the platform with your right foot and place the other one against it. Now the right one turns into a supporting one. The left one slightly touches the toe of the board and immediately put it on the floor, after which we also go there with the right one.

    Another element is the swing. To perform it, we stand on the board. Keeping your weight on your right leg, lift your left and swing. At this moment, she should be bent at the knee. We try to reach the buttocks with the heel. Now we lower it to the floor without touching the platform, after which we step down with our right foot. All mentioned exercises from the second to the fifth inclusive must be performed forty times - twenty times doing it on the right leg and twenty on the left.

    And most importantly, all the initial elements of step aerobics are always completed with a step on the spot, as well as deep inhalations and exhalations until smooth breathing is completely restored. Note that all these elements can be performed with dumbbells in your hands. Their weight is calculated individually. But it’s best to first let your body get used to the basic loads, and only then start alternating and combining different elements. This will make step aerobics for weight loss at home more interesting and varied. In addition, this will not cause any painful sensations for muscles that are not accustomed to stress and will allow you to receive only positive emotions from step aerobics.


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    Advantages and disadvantages

    Step aerobics has a number of benefits that have made it one of the most popular group classes. But step exercises also have a number of disadvantages and contraindications, so they are not suitable for everyone.

    1. Step aerobics is one of the most effective types of cardio exercise for losing weight and getting rid of excess fat. In 1 hour of exercise you can burn 300-500 kcal.
    2. Step aerobics classes are much safer for joints than, for example, running, plyometrics, and jumping rope. With comparable results and energy costs, you will get a relatively low impact on the leg joints.
    3. This is an excellent workout for the lower body, which is the most problematic for the fair sex. You will tone the muscles of your thighs and buttocks, tightening and improving their shape. Moreover, steps on the steppe help dry out the legs and reduce their size.
    4. Step aerobics classes are suitable for the prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis, which is especially important for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
    5. When you do step aerobics, you force your heart and lungs to work more efficiently and make them healthier. Such training reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases several times.
    6. Regular step aerobics classes will help you maintain a healthy weight, avoiding problems associated with excess body weight: diabetes, stroke, metabolic disorders, joint pain, heart problems.
    7. Step aerobics will help you develop endurance, which will be useful not only during training, but also in everyday life. For example, when climbing stairs to a high floor, during long walks, or climbing uphill. Step aerobics also develops coordination, agility and a sense of balance.
    8. You can independently adjust the difficulty of the workout by changing the height of the step platform. The higher the platform level, the stronger the load you will receive.
    9. Step aerobics consists of weight-bearing exercises that are ideal for increasing bone density and maintaining bone tissue. This will not only make you more mobile, but will also help prevent bone disease in adulthood.
    10. You can do step aerobics not only in special classes, but also at home. There are also free video lessons for beginners, thanks to which you can learn the basics of aerobics on the steppe.
    1. Stepping exercises are less impactful on your joints than running and jumping, but if you are worried about your knee joints, then this type of fitness can aggravate this problem. If the problem with the joints is acute, then it is better to pay attention to Pilates classes.
    2. Step aerobics is very diverse and has practically no single template. Each instructor brings his own characteristics to the teaching of lessons, so not all classes are equally effective and of high quality.
    3. Exercises on the step involve the muscles of the legs and buttocks, while the muscles of the upper body will not receive enough load. In addition, step aerobics must be supplemented with strength training to comprehensively improve your body.
    4. Step aerobics puts stress on the Achilles tendon, which is located just above the heel of the foot. If proper technique is not followed, platform steps can cause injury or rupture of the Achilles.
    5. Step aerobics uses combinations of steps and sequences that can take time to learn. During the first lessons, students often get confused in their steps and do not keep up with the trainer, which discourages them from doing step aerobics.
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
    • Diseases of the joints of the legs
    • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
    • High blood pressure
    • Phlebeurysm
    • Large excess weight
    • Pregnancy and postpartum period (3 months)
    • A long break from fitness activities (it is better to start with regular walking of 5-7 km per day)

    If you have other medical conditions that may prevent you from exercising, it is best to further consult with your doctor.

    Is step aerobics effective for losing weight? Before answering this question, let's remember the basic principle of losing excess weight. Your body begins to lose weight when you consume fewer calories than your body can burn. Regardless of training, if you eat less than your daily calorie intake (creating a calorie deficit), your body begins to use fat from its reserve reserves for energy.

    Cardio exercise is a great way to burn calories, which is why step aerobics is effective for weight loss. In one hour-long session you can burn one full meal, which means it will bring you closer to your desired goal faster. In addition, step aerobics tones muscles, affects subcutaneous fat by increasing blood circulation, gives energy and relieves stress (which will help avoid overeating).

    Of course, there are more energy-intensive workouts that will help you burn more calories in an hour of exercise than during step aerobics. But you need to understand that they will probably be more impactful and traumatic than step classes. In addition, step aerobics specifically reduces volume and dries out the lower body, rather than making it heavier.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with Effective exercises with dumbbells for the arms at home for women

    1. Be sure to remember the correct body position while performing step aerobics exercises: knees slightly bent, back straight, stomach tucked in, buttocks tense, shoulders straight, gaze directed forward.

    2. Steps must be taken with the entire foot on the platform so that the heel does not hang down.

    3. In step aerobics there are no steps in two counts - at least four. This is due to the fact that you not only need to move along the floor, but also climb onto the platform.

    4. In step aerobics, unlike classical aerobics, there are no reverse steps.

    5. At first, in step aerobics classes, it will probably be difficult for you to repeat the exercises after the instructor. You may even get lost and confused in your steps. This is absolutely normal, after 3-4 lessons you will feel much more confident.

    6. The higher the step platform is located, the more intense the load. Beginners should choose a height of 10-15 cm. More experienced practitioners should choose 20 cm. Gradually, the height of the projectile can be increased. It has been established that every plus 5 cm added to the height of the step platform will provide an additional 12% of the load.

    7. You can make your step workout more challenging by using dumbbells or weights on your legs or arms.

    8. Half an hour before your workout, drink a glass of water and be sure to take a few sips of water every 10 minutes during your workout.

    9. If your gym offers step aerobics of several difficulty levels, then it is better to choose a class for beginners, even if you have good physical fitness from other workouts.

    10. Remember the movements first with your “legs” and only then with your “hands”. Engage your arms only when the lower body has fully mastered the movements.

    To make it easier for you to master step aerobics, we offer you several basic step aerobics exercises in visual pictures.

    1. Basic Step

    Step onto the step platform with both feet alternately. Performed in four counts.

    2. V-steps or V-steps

    Step one step at a time with both feet on opposite corners of the step.

    3. Step with shin overlapping or Curl

    Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform and swing your left foot back. The heel should touch the left buttock. Then do it on the other side.

    4. Step with knee lift or Knee up

    Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform, bend your left knee and pull it towards your stomach. Then do it on the other side.

    5. Step with leg lift or Kick up

    Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform and throw your left foot forward. Then do it on the other side.

    6. Touching the floor

    Standing in the middle of the step platform, alternately touch the floor with one foot and then the other.

    7. Pull your leg back

    Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform, and take your left foot as far back as possible, without bending it at the knee. Raise your arms in sync with your legs. Then do it on the other side.

    8. Leg abduction

    Step your right foot onto the step platform and take your left foot to the side without bending it at the knee. Move your arms to the side synchronously with raising your legs. Then do it on the other side.

    From the photo of the exercises on the step platform, you can see that this device looks like a small bench that serves as a “step” to simulate going up and down the stairs.

    Working with such a projectile has a number of advantages:

    • Burning 200-400 kcal per hour of exercise;
    • Gentle loads;
    • Increased body endurance;
    • Strengthening the leg muscles;
    • Lift height adjustment;
    • Improvement of the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems;

    — weight loss due to intense calorie burning;

    - strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, back and arms;

    — strengthening the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems;

    — stabilization of blood pressure;

    -development of the vestibular apparatus;

    - improved mood.

    However, the step platform and classes on it have certain contraindications. They are mainly associated with a high pace of training, which puts significant stress on the heart. That is why such activities are not recommended for people with diseases such as hypertension, arrhythmia, tachycardia, varicose veins, liver and kidney diseases. Also, people who have problems with joints should normalize their loads.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with Fitness clubs and yoga centers in Balashikha - 35 companies with addresses on the “KIR” project

    Adding weight

    Exercises with additional weight help develop muscle mass, as well as strengthen joints and ligaments, and get rid of excess weight. “Aggravating” equipment includes dumbbells, body bars, weights for arms and legs, and barbells. But for most exercises, only simple dumbbells are enough. Or their substitutes. At home, ordinary plastic bottles will be an excellent analogue of dumbbells. You can fill them with water or cereals, and by changing the amount of filler, you can adjust the weight. “The weight is selected depending on the number of repetitions. If you perform an exercise 15-20 times, then the weight of the weight should allow you to do exactly this number of repetitions. If you are doing strength training, then the weight should be much higher, but then the number of repetitions will be less,” says Marina Starostina, trainer of the personal training studio of the Planet Fitness network of clubs. At the same time, people with significant excess weight do not need to burden themselves with additional load, but should exercise using their own weight. Only after working on stretching, stabilizing the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system can you move on to more complex exercises.

    Get in shape with a training program for perfect buttocks from Ekaterina Krasavina. Read more here.

    With dumbbell substitutes, you can perform various bends, lunges, and arm raises. And to make it convenient to hold such homemade equipment and not be distracted during exercises, carefully choose a bottle - the most optimal would be a vessel with an hourglass shape.

    For squats, Marina Starostina advises using a backpack filled with heavy objects. The weight will be distributed evenly, and you won’t have to hold anything extra in your hands.


    The disadvantages of step aerobics are some contraindications to such activities. After all, the step board for aerobics is designed for rhythmic intense exercise, which can put a lot of stress on the heart. That is why those who have pathologies in the functioning of the cardiac system should refrain from exercising. Contraindications include:

    • persistent high blood pressure;
    • disturbances in the frequency, rhythm and contraction of the heart, poor blood supply and pain in the chest area;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • various diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system.

    If you have no health problems, a preliminary consultation with your doctor gave a positive answer, you can safely go to step aerobics classes.

    To find out which muscles work on the stepper machine, you need to try at least one lesson. You need to take care of comfortable clothes that will not restrict movement and avoid various injuries, as well as shoes that will not only be comfortable, but also optimal for physical activity.

    It is recommended for unprepared people to start with 20 minutes of intense exercise so that the muscles that swing on the stepper do not become overstrained, because it is better not to know what unpleasant sensations they cause the next day. Starting with small loads, you will gradually come to your norm, increasing the training time to an hour.

    For a comfortable workout, the optimal height of the step platform is selected, which can be adjusted during training and improving your achievements.

    Overcoming resistance

    There are a number of exercises that do not require additional weights. The load on the muscles here is ensured by maintaining balance in an unstable position and overcoming the resistance of the equipment itself. For example, to work out the abdominal and lower back muscles, athletes often use a gymnastic roller. By rolling it forward, it is possible to achieve a position in which the core muscles are maximally tense, which means they are better developed. A similar technique can be used at home, using instead of a roller a rolling pin with rotating handles or towels that will easily slide across the floor. You can also replace slides with towels - special sports tracks on which you can imitate sliding movements like a speed skater or roller skater, while working your leg muscles. Marina Starostina advises placing your palms and feet on towels and performing various planks and lunges: the sliding surface will make the position even more unstable and force more muscles to work.

    Instead of a sports expander, you can use a regular elastic bandage. By stretching it and overcoming resistance, you will be able to work out the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle, back and even legs. “For overweight people, expanders are especially suitable for working out all joints, especially the shoulder and hip,” notes Marina Starostina.

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