Getting rid of fat with L-carnitine

Side effects

During a training session, muscle tissue loses up to 2 g of substance, which can cause slow muscle shrinkage.
Creatine is a source of energy that helps muscles recover faster and get less tired from exertion. With large energy expenditures, the body begins to take energy reserves from additional sources: muscles, adipose tissue. Muscle tissue gives in more easily, so it is the one that suffers first when losing weight. With the correct intake of amino acids, this will not happen and the muscles will remain intact, and the process of rapid fat breakdown will begin. During exercise, the body uses creatine as an energy supplier without depleting tissue.

With the correct schedule of exercise and nutrition, the body will spend not only the energy obtained from food, but also the fat layer to restore muscle fiber. In order for excess weight to go away, you need to regularly load your body to burn calories.

The substance has a cumulative effect and requires regular use. It acts in a complex manner, but its main function is to maintain phosphocreatine reserves in muscle tissue. This substance is the main source of strength and helps:

  • increasing endurance;
  • decrease in myostatin levels.
  • increase in anabolic hormones;
  • increasing the level of water content in cells;
  • reducing the level of protein breakdown;

Creatine also helps: stabilize heart function, improve the condition of blood vessels and the central nervous system, and help preserve joints and tendons during intense training. Without frequent physical activity, non-protein nitrogen has no effect on the body and does not by itself help in weight loss.

The drug itself is safe, but side effects can be caused by the components included in the composition or by an incorrectly calculated dosage that exceeds the recommended standards.

Due to fluid retention in the muscles, swelling and dehydration of other parts of the body may occur. This can interfere with the removal of calcium from the kidneys and lead to the formation of stones. Taking the drug in large doses - up to 10 g at a time - can lead to polycystic kidney disease.

Due to the effect on muscle tissue contractions, cramps are sometimes observed; they occur not only during exercise, but also on fasting days. This side effect is observed in 4% of cases. It has been found that regular use of the drug increases the level of dihydrosterone, a powerful androgenic hormone that helps increase strength.

Biological functionality of the substance

Creatine is a natural compound found in muscle fibers of the human body as well as animals. The main function is to provide muscles with energy. On average, tissues accumulate up to 150 grams of this substance.

Creatine plays such an important role for health and beauty as proteins, fats and carbohydrates or vitamin fractions with mineral compounds. The human body is capable of independently synthesizing creatine using three amino acids as “raw materials”:

  1. Glycine,
  2. Arginine,
  3. Methionine.

Creatine reserves are concentrated in the muscles. They are consumed relatively slowly, but with increasing physical activity, the amount of acid fractions can sharply decrease. To remain energetic and able to work, it is important to adhere to a specific diet and ensure that the body has the resources to produce “native” creatine.

What do we know about creatine and what is it for?

Since creatine is actively used by athletes, it means it really works. And here are the positive effects it has:

  • Increase in strength indicators.
  • When an athlete performs exercises that require special energy expenditure, the need for a nucleotide such as adenosine triphosphate increases sharply. It is a universal source of energy. In order for muscles to work as hard as possible, the supply of ATP must be constantly replenished. How can this be done? That's right, adding creatine as a food supplement. After this, the level of adenosine phosphate nucleotide will be normal, and the endurance and strength of muscle tissue will increase.

  • Increased muscle volume.
  • Bodybuilders know that with the help of creatine they can increase their strength, since the volume of muscle tissue increases with proper intake of the substance. It often happens that dry mass increases by several kilograms. And this is in just thirty days of admission! This is simply an excellent result! The main thing is to focus on a balanced diet and regularly visit the gym. Recent research has shown that an athlete can increase athletic performance in just a week of taking creatine! However, this is more the exception than the rule. The main thing here is that the body is highly sensitive to creatine.

  • Improving muscle definition.
  • Creatine is directly involved in giving muscles relief. It helps fill cells with water, which is the basis. Externally, well-hydrated muscles look more attractive and powerful.

Weight loss and creatine

The positive qualities of creatine do not end there.

It helps reduce bad cholesterol levels, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and protects the central nervous system from disorders.

Doctors prescribe protein when it is necessary to relieve the patient from diseases that provoke muscle disorders. It is actively prescribed for heart surgery, as it has been shown to reduce cardiac arrhythmias.


Since these two substances have opposite effects on fluid levels, an unpleasant effect such as dehydration is possible, and therefore when combining these components, increased water consumption is necessary, much higher than during free time from training.

Concomitant use inhibits creatine's ability to enhance strength. This means the maximum effects of creatine are reduced.

However, there are ways around this. For example, alternate them alternately. In this case there will be a positive result.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among professional athletes, the non-protein supplement is very popular because it is not a steroid. The content of the right amino acids nourishes the body even during severe cutting and preparation for competitions. In addition, creatine helps:

  • reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • increase muscle mass without increasing fat tissue;
  • reduce the likelihood of developing coronary disease;
  • remove inflammatory processes after minor tissue tears;
  • protect the nervous system from lack of oxygen;
  • improve the contractile function of the heart muscle;
  • for men, increase testosterone levels;
  • avoid muscle atrophy;
  • increase energy reserves during drying;
  • reduce inflammation in arthritis;

The main disadvantage of a creatine supplement is that it retains water in the body. On the one hand, this helps muscle growth and protects the body from overheating during intense exercise, but on the other hand, it makes life more difficult for those who are prone to swelling. When you stop taking it, the fluid goes away quickly, but in some cases it is necessary to take a course of urinary medications.

creatine formula

This situation may affect the functioning of the kidneys, so before starting to use the supplement, it is recommended to consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo tests.

Regular consumption can lead to calcium being washed out of the bones along with the liquid, which will lead to their fragility.

Briefly about the effects of creatine

The most basic effect for which creatine is so valued by bodybuilders is to increase strength potential. It is not surprising that combining creatine and caffeine, at first glance, can charge the body with vigor and energy. But in reality it's not that simple.

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It is worth noting other pronounced effects of this substance:

  • Increased muscle mass,
  • Improving the quality of muscle tissue,
  • Stimulation of the secretion of anabolic hormones,
  • Release of lactic acid fragments during intense muscle work,
  • Improving the overall blood picture (neutralization of “bad” cholesterol fractions),
  • Anti-inflammatory effect (noticeable in the presence of local tissue irritation or foci with chronic inflammatory processes in the body),
  • Protection of central nervous system structures during ischemic attacks and in conditions of mild or moderate hypoxia.

Creatine for gaining muscle mass

Weight lossNo
Study designDouble blind
Duration1-6 months
Number of subjects34
Age45-64, 65
Physical trainingAverage

Notes for this study: Creatine supplementation at 5 g/day for 4 months in individuals with myotonic dystrophy type I (DM1) did not improve muscle strength or pulmonary function (FEV1) compared with placebo, and there was no effect on function tests or biochemical parameters, body composition (muscle mass and body fat)

Creatine is the most effective supplement for increasing muscle size. To get results as quickly as possible, you need to eat right, and also work out the training process down to the smallest detail. You won’t be able to get the effect by simply taking creatine, just like any other amino acid.

When taken correctly, creatine can not only increase muscle gain. Endurance increases and mood improves. What else do you need for inspiration and the desire to lift more weight? In addition, the amount of lactic acid in the muscles is reduced, and the hydration of muscle cells improves.

Proper nutrition while taking creatine

In order for the body to quickly recover after training and replenish glycogen reserves inside the muscles, it is necessary to take carbohydrates - a gainer cocktail. Consuming it immediately after training helps build muscle rather than burn it. To build muscle mass, an athlete must consume more calories during the cycle than he can burn. It is very important that the days of the high-calorie menu coincide with training.

The supercompensation phase deserves special attention. As soon as the third week of the cycle ends, you need to take carbohydrates in minimal quantities. Three days will be enough. This contributes to the depletion of glycogen stores. During the third day, you need to completely get rid of glycogen stores in the muscles, which will help with unloading training. The diet should include plenty of protein to fill the calorie deficit. As soon as the fasting workout is over, you need to increase the amount of carbohydrates you take to 150%. The amount of protein consumed is also sharply reduced. This diet lasts for 2 days to provide supercompensation. After this, you can return to your usual diet.


Creatine monohydrate powder is the most researched dietary supplement. Researchers in the field of biochemistry claim that it has no harmful effects on the body. But this does not exclude individual reactions to individual components.

It is not recommended to use if you have:

  • allergic reactions;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • asthma or difficulty breathing;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • chronic kidney or liver disease;

creatine for training

Chronic stomach diseases may worsen due to insufficient water intake while taking the supplement. Digestive disorders can lead to indigestion, cramps, intestinal colic, or persistent nausea.

In addition, people with acne often experience an increase in the number of breakouts. Such complications can only occur in the event of a sharp increase in dosage or taking expired products.

Creatine use is contraindicated for minors.

Forms of Creatine

The most common and effective form of creatine is monohydrate. Therefore it is better to use it. But there is also creatine with a transport system. However, the reviews about the latter are not the best, so there is only one choice - monohydrate.

Taking creatine for weight gain.

According to research, no more than fifty milligrams of creatine are needed per kilogram of human weight. It will no longer be absorbed with a high degree of probability. It is enough to take from five to seven grams per day. But you can simply multiply the dosage of 50 milligrams by your body weight and get the required daily requirement.

The most appropriate time to take it during training is before the start of the training process. Can be diluted with juice or water. Additionally, you need to take fast carbohydrates. Duration of treatment – ​​no more than 2 months. Exact instructions are given on the packaging.

Do you want to lose weight or get rid of excess body fat? Hard training and sports nutrition will help you. The most effective sports nutrition aids in weight loss are fat burners. Read

reviews of fat burners for women


You can also use whey protein isolate for fat loss. See reviews of protein isolate for weight loss here.

Rules of application

Sports nutrition

Creatine itself is not a weight loss aid. Its actions are aimed at increasing the body's endurance during training. Thanks to it, an athlete can train much longer and more intensely, and only under such conditions lose excess weight.

The daily intake of creatine should not exceed 20 g. It is advisable to divide the dose of the drug into 4 times and use it throughout the day. The same applies to the use of creatine for weight loss by girls. If creatine is used simultaneously with fat burners, it will give a certain effect, since the fat burner is aimed at losing weight, and creatine is aimed at increasing endurance during training.

Creatine for cutting and weight loss

Weight lossNo
Study designDouble blind
Duration1-6 months
Number of subjects20
Physical trainingUntrained, Average

Notes for this study: Long-term creatine supplementation causes an increase in lean muscle mass.

Weight lossNo
Study designcohort
Duration2-4 weeks
Number of subjects19
Physical trainingTrained, overweight, average


Notes for this study: Differences between the two groups in terms of bench press (one repetition max), muscle mass, and fat mass were not significant.

Weight lossNo
Study designDouble blind
Duration2-4 weeks
Number of subjects20
Age13-17 years old
Physical trainingTrained, Average

Notes for this study: No changes in body weight were noted.

If all the above requirements are met, creatine can really help with weight loss. Here are the observations made by a group of researchers on volunteers who took creatine during weight loss:

  • By taking creatine, a person gets the opportunity to train more intensely, as a result of which energy consumption is significantly higher than during normal exercise, especially under conditions of caloric dietary restrictions;
  • Thanks to regular intake of creatine, there is a gradual increase in strength endurance, which leads to an increase in the functionality of the muscular system and an increase in calorie consumption, even with an average degree of load;
  • Creatine helps increase the production of testosterone levels in the blood, which in itself leads to the burning of excess fat;
  • Increasing the proportion of dry mass in the body, which is ensured by creatine intake, allows you to increase calorie expenditure to maintain weight, even in a state of complete rest.

Cutting is the process of burning fat. Experts have not come to a clear opinion whether it is necessary to drink creatine during drying, because it retains water in the body, which is why body weight sometimes begins to grow. The dangerous point is that moisture may be retained in the muscles, and other organs will not receive sufficient water.

Not all athletes agree with this. Drying depletes the body due to a reduction in calories entering the body, and this can affect strength indicators. The drug helps maintain strength for the required type of load.

As for people who are not involved in professional sports, but simply want to stay in shape or lose weight, creatine is not recommended as a way to quickly lose weight.

The non-loading phase (which is suitable in this case) does not involve sudden jumps in the amount of the drug taken. Consistent use of one dosage will help you increase the volume of work with heavier weights and engage in cardio exercises for longer, which contribute to weight loss.

Creatine is useful for weight loss. Since muscle energy and endurance increases, the training process can be continued longer and more intensely, burning excess fat. Creatine increases testosterone, which is also beneficial for weight loss. Plus, the growth of lean body mass increases.

Effect of use

The main function of the product is to increase endurance. With longer and more intense workouts, the weight loss process goes faster, and the results last a long time. The drug helps muscles recover faster, taking adipose tissue as the main source of energy.

Proper training involves not only a large number of approaches and a gradual increase in loads, but also the correct technique for performing the exercises. Rapid depletion of energy reserves makes it impossible to perform each subsequent approach correctly, which can lead to injury and not provide any effect from the load.

Increasing endurance does not only apply to one sport; this effect also manifests itself during fitness classes. Muscle growth occurs with any regular exercise.

The monohydrate substance is deposited in the tissue and attracts a large amount of liquid, which helps the fibers become more rounded and prominent. This effect is clearly visible when working on abdominal tone.

There is an opinion that monohydrate helps to gain muscle mass, but this is not true. It helps increase strength loads, which lead to increases. But without proper nutrition containing a large amount of protein, gain cannot occur.

  • Neves M Jr, Gualano B, Roschel H, Fuller R, Benatti FB, Pinto AL, Lima FR, Pereira RM, Lancha AH Jr, Bonfá E. Beneficial effect of creatine supplementation in knee osteoarthritis. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Aug;43(8):1538-43. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3182118592.
Weight lossNo
Study designDouble blind
Duration1-6 months
Number of subjects24
Physical trainingoverweight

Notes for this study: Creatine supplementation decreased knee stiffness (52%), pain (45%), and increased physical function (41%) and lower extremity muscle mass (P = 0.04).

Weight lossNo
Study designDouble blind
Duration1-6 months
Number of subjects10
Physical trainingTrained, Average

How to take creatine

Notes for this study: Fat mass increased after creatine supplementation (0.17 [-0.77 to 1.13] kg) (Z = 2.191, p < 0.028, p = 0.49). No other changes were detected.

Prices for creatine monohydrate

Number of doses per day - 4. Dosage - 5 grams per dose. Number of days of use - 20. Then for 25 days you need to take 10 grams of creatine per day.

When drying, it is advisable to take creatine, which weakly interacts with water molecules. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to other forms.

Valera The main thing is to invest well in training and use it correctly, complete the entire course and not be foolish. It is better to mix with a gainer, 4 kilograms in two weeks.

MaxYes, creatine really works, strength and power appear, although it doesn’t work that way on everyone. There are two training partners, so any creatine is not suitable for them, only some work.

SeregaCreatine works normally only during anaerobic exercise. Creatine can really give you strength and some stamina, so give it a try.

Let's see how much creatine costs. Depending on the manufacturer and volume, the cost varies. The price starts at 400 rubles and goes up to 2000 and above. You can purchase creatine monohydrate at an online pharmacy.

Loading phase. Large doses of monohydrate are taken for 5-6 days: 5 g 4 times a day. After the cells are saturated, the dosage is reduced to 3 g once a day. This method helps to quickly achieve the desired result, but there is a risk of side effects. To avoid an overdose, a large consumption of the product is required - training should be intense and with a short time interval.

Non-loading reception phase. In this case, there is no transition from a larger amount to a smaller one; the entire cycle of taking the drug is used once a day, 5 g. This helps reduce the risks of complications from an overdose and does not require large consumption of the product as in the first case. This option is more suitable for girls who want to lose a couple of extra pounds and tighten their muscles during a gentle workout.

Constant use leads to the fact that the body itself ceases to produce creatine in the required amount, so the total duration of use can be a maximum of 2 months with a break before the start of the next cycle of 3-4 weeks.

On days when no training is planned, it is better to drink the product in the morning, because at this time of day it is best absorbed. On a training day, it is recommended to drink it after pumping the muscles.

It is not recommended to abruptly stop taking the drug. A jump in daily dosage can have a bad effect on the removal of water from the body. It is best to gradually reduce the dosage, for example, 1 g per day, then it will be easier for the body to readjust and start taking the substance only from muscle tissue.

First, you need to say that the drug comes in the form of tablets or powder. It can be mixed with many liquids, it all depends on taste preferences. Most often, the tablets are taken with non-carbonated water or juice.

As for powder, there are many more options: water, juice, yogurt, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk and coffee. The only thing you cannot mix the drug with is alcohol. Its effect on the liver in conjunction with alcohol can have an unpredictable effect on the body and lead to many disorders.

There is a separate type of taking creatine - taking it together with fat burners. The non-protein nitrogen supplement itself does not interact with other substances. Many athletes take the drug in combination with fat burners, because the former give strength for training, and the latter burn fat 2 times more effectively.

The combination of creatine and protein supplements leads to severe dehydration of the body, so you need to drink a lot of water (up to 3 liters per day).

If we talk about food products with which it is recommended to use the drug, then these are:

  • lean fish;
  • citrus;
  • chicken's meat;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • porridge;
  • green vegetables;

It is forbidden to drink the supplement while taking medications for stomach ulcers and gout.

The question of whether creatine can help in solving various training tasks does not make sense if the basic conditions of the nutrition and training program are not met by those exercising. Therefore, we can talk about the benefits of such a sports nutrition drug only when a training person completes 100% of all planned exercises during classes, and his diet meets the needs of the body.

Creatine rating

Higher Power Micronized Creatine. Release form: capsules. This is pure creatine, and it is the most beneficial to take, since the fewer impurities, the more of the substance you will get, and the better the results will be. Take it this way: for the first five days, take five grams 4-6 times a day, then from days 6 to 21, take five grams twice a day. After this, you need to wait three days and repeat the course.

Optimum Micronized Creatine Powder. This monohydrate is considered the best by many athletes. It is absorbed into the blood as quickly as possible and begins to act actively. It consists of 99 percent pure substrate, and high quality is achieved thanks to the advanced purification technologies of the German company.

creatine on ear

Optimum Creatine. 99 percent pure creatine monohydrate. Can be drunk with water or juice, does not settle to the bottom. The most convenient time to take is after training.

ProMera Health Con-Cret. It is considered a very highly effective creatine. Through the use of the latest technologies in production, processing and purification, it was possible to increase the effectiveness of creatine several times compared to monohydrate! According to some sports publications, this particular creatine is the best at the moment. Available in capsules, this form is absorbed as quickly as possible.

Ultimate Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate. Monohydrate is very popular all over the world; it is actively used by athletes to achieve the best results. The dosage regimen is similar to the first creatine on the list – Higher Power Micronized Creatine.

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