How to quickly boost an adult’s immunity at home. Useful tips

Ivan Vdovin

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This article was written during the nationwide self-isolation of April 2020. Many people panic and wonder how to quickly boost an adult’s immunity at home. Let’s talk about this, how you can boost your immunity, the better way to boost your immunity. Let's touch on the psychological aspects of diseases. Simply put, everything is as usual.

Features of the immune system

To accurately answer how to boost an adult’s immunity using folk remedies, you need to know what the immune system is and when you need to strengthen it. Natural protection against pathogens and viruses operates constantly. Its mechanism is quite complex and not fully understood.

Strengthening the immune system

Blood contains not only red blood cells, but also white blood cells in various manifestations. Mature cells constantly fight against parasites. In addition, there are macrophages, which are single-celled organisms that hunt bacteria, in particular streptococci and staphylococci. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that suppress cancer cells.

When a person is sick, white blood cells actively multiply, suppressing viruses, bacteria and fungi. This is the work of the immune system. This is why foreign cells do not take root. During organ transplantation, a person is forced to take drugs that suppress the immune system all the time.

Reasons for decreased immunity

The human body is quite complex and intelligent. It has hidden reserves that will be used at a crucial moment. However, sometimes the defenses need a little nudge to activate. In this case, you need to know exactly how to boost the immunity of an adult using folk remedies in order to normalize your well-being and prevent the development of diseases.

There are several reasons why the immune system stops working normally. Among them it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • disruption of intestinal function;
  • prolonged use of hormones or antibiotics;
  • lack of plant fiber in the diet;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • stress;
  • frequent infections;
  • coffee abuse;
  • consumption of junk food;
  • bad habits.

It is not enough to know how to strengthen the immune system of an adult using folk remedies, since all of them will only give a temporary effect. It is very important to initially determine the reason why the immune system has decreased, and also to eliminate the impact of negative factors on your body. Because only in combination with such changes will traditional methods really be effective.

Symptoms of decreased immunity

There are certain signs by which you can easily determine that the immune system has failed and is not working properly. If all these symptoms are detected, urgent measures must be taken. Among the main features it should be noted:

  • loss of strength, drowsiness;
  • frequent colds;
  • boils and pustules appear on the body;
  • tonsils often become inflamed;
  • exacerbation of viral and fungal diseases;
  • problems with the digestive system.

All these symptoms indicate that the body needs help - it urgently needs to boost immunity. The issue is especially acute for people who have serious injuries or have undergone surgery, infectious diseases, or treatment for cancer.

What is immunity?

Our immunity is a set of protective measures to maintain the body and its performance, as well as recognize and remove foreign substances.

Simply put, immunity is a kind of army, the maintenance of which requires good contentment in the form of rest and vitamins; if they do not have enough of this, then the immune system will be constantly pierced and all these missing resources will still be spent on restoring the fortress, and you will lie with fever and get enough sleep. Therefore, the less you harm yourself, the better your body’s defense reaction.

How to boost your immunity

To strengthen your defenses, you must initially give up bad habits, since they not only lead to deterioration of health, but also provoke the development of dangerous diseases. In addition, it is important to change your usual lifestyle by devoting enough time to physical activity.

Healthy eating

It is recommended to take walks before bedtime and also visit the pool. Morning jogging, going to the gym, and active recreation help a lot.

To improve immunity, it is necessary to normalize the stage of sleep and rest. Lack of sleep leads to the development of nervous diseases, lethargy, poor performance, and irritability. Your well-being is affected by your diet. You need to give up unhealthy foods and carbonated drinks.

What increases defenses

Effective mechanisms for increasing immunity must operate at all levels, enhancing the production of immunoglobulins, increasing the activity of lymphocytes and phagocytes, accelerating nonspecific responses to “strangers.”

Ways to boost immunity:

  • regulation of activity and rest regimes;
  • quality sleep;
  • adequate physical activity;
  • hardening procedures;
  • walks;
  • sunbathing;
  • varied nutritious diet;
  • elimination of stress factors;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • taking medications;
  • use of folk remedies.

PP to boost immunity

Stimulating the immune system with pharmaceuticals for every cold without consulting a doctor is dangerous to health, since some drugs have a number of side effects and contraindications. A more effective, but long-lasting way is to reconsider your entire lifestyle, change your diet, include workouts and work on your psycho-emotional state.

Traditional medicine recipes

Not only a correct lifestyle helps in the fight for strong immunity. If, after consultation with a doctor, no contraindications were found that prohibit the use of unconventional treatment methods, then you can use popular folk remedies. Simple recipes that you can easily prepare yourself help strengthen a person’s defenses. Answering the question of how to boost an adult’s immunity using folk remedies, we can say for sure that they help a lot:

  • teas;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • natural juices.

They are much cheaper than drugs and vitamin complexes, but are in no way inferior to them in effectiveness, allowing you to restore your defenses. Among the medicinal plants, echinacea, St. John's wort, ginger, and rose hips help well.

Before using medicinal herbs, consultation with a specialist is required. After all, not everyone may be suitable for one or another composition.

Plants to boost immunity

Many people are interested in how to strengthen the immune system of an adult using folk remedies, since they are affordable and safe. Ginger has good qualities. It has immunostimulating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects. Ginger root is used to prepare infusions, teas, and mixtures to enhance immunity. In addition, it can be added to various dishes when cooking. It is recommended to buy fresh ginger, as it is richer in nutrients.

Ginger with lemon

To make a healing drink, ginger root needs to be peeled and grated. Omit 2 tbsp. l. ginger in 2 liters of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the finished drink a little, add half a lemon and 2 tbsp. l. honey or sugar. Drink 200 ml 2 times daily.

To enhance the effect on the body, it is recommended to use ginger with other products that have a similar effect. Take 200 g of grated root, mix with 2 chopped lemons, finely chopped figs and dried apricots, each of which take 100 g. Add 100 g of mashed cranberries. Combine all ingredients, pour in 200 ml of natural honey and mix well. Eat 1 tsp. It is strictly forbidden to consume ginger:

  • during lactation;
  • with ulcerative colitis;
  • gallstone disease.

Answering the question of how to boost the immunity of an adult using folk remedies, we can say for sure that rose hips help a lot. It increases efficiency, normalizes the functioning of organs and systems. Rose hips contain many vitamins and microelements that stimulate the production of enzymes required to improve health.

Application of garlic

Garlic has a wide range of effects on the body. It contains vitamins and microelements. Garlic improves immunity, preventing the development of many diseases, including cancer. How to boost an adult’s immunity with folk remedies for tuberculosis is a question that interests many people suffering from this disease. Garlic, which acts as an antioxidant and antibiotic and increases the number of lymphocytes, helps to cope with this problem well.

Garlic should be taken fresh and peeled right before use. You can get rid of the specific smell by chewing parsley, a piece of lemon, or rinsing your mouth with milk. It is contraindicated to consume garlic if you have diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, or kidneys.

Cinnamon is a good remedy, as it contains essential oils, micro- and macroelements, and vitamins. It helps normalize the functioning of organs and systems, helps reduce weight, and also saves from depression. In addition, cinnamon normalizes brain function, but excessive consumption can cause loss of energy, depression, and severe headaches. The daily norm is no more than 250 mg of spice. It is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

For therapeutic purposes, cinnamon is added to tea, infusions are prepared from it, used in aromatherapy, and also added to baths. Stir in ¼ tsp. cinnamon with 1 tbsp. l. a little warmed honey and take the prepared remedy 4 times daily.

Boosting an adult's immunity at home. How sleep affects immunity

Sleep affects the functioning of the entire body. Your immune system will not be strong without good sleep. It is easy for a person who lacks sleep and is tired to get sick.

Good sleep is the perfect cure for fatigue. It boosts immunity and normalizes the functioning of the body.

Scientists have proven that people who sleep less than 6 hours a day get colds almost 6 times more than those who sleep 8 hours. And all because lack of sleep makes the immune system weak and ages the whole body , in addition, it slows down the functioning of the brain.

Good sleep is the perfect cure for fatigue. It boosts immunity and normalizes the functioning of the body.

The generally accepted sleep norm for an adult is 7-8 hours a day. It’s worth listening to your body - and it will let you know, through frequent colds or fatigue and weakness, when it’s time to rest and get a good night’s sleep.

Some people sometimes do not have the opportunity to get a good night's sleep, but this is not a problem, the body, without sleep, has the ability to quickly recover. To do this, you just need to sleep longer after a sleepless night.

You can’t skimp on sleep ; then you may have to spend more time, effort and money on restoring the body and immunity.

You cannot skimp on sleep; then you may have to spend more time, effort and money on restoring the body and immunity.

Natural immunostimulants

Natural immunostimulants are plants that increase defenses. They are often prescribed not only to strengthen the immune system, but also for colds. Many people are concerned about how to boost an adult’s immunity using folk remedies, so that they can effectively protect themselves from diseases and normalize their well-being. In this case, Echinacea purpurea, which contains beneficial polysaccharides, helps well. It promotes the production of interferon and has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Flower pollen has good biostimulating qualities. It contains a lot of useful substances, tones, increases endurance, and improves mental activity. In addition, it is recommended to drink Chinese lemongrass tea, as it increases resistance to infections.

Folk remedies for immunity

Chicory root perfectly strengthens the immune system and protects against viruses. Read more about how to prepare chicory decoction and infusion >>

If you often suffer from colds and ARVI, try strengthening your body with Kalanchoe juice. Tincture recipe >>

Hardening will help strengthen the body's strength. The easiest way is to take a small foam mat, moisten it with a cold infusion of plants that enhance immunity, and stand on it barefoot. Read more about this hardening method >>

Nutritional yeast has a good immunostimulating effect, which is especially recommended for children. They should be taken for a month (at least 50 grams per week), diluting a small part in boiled water without sugar.

Of the plant substances that have a pronounced immunostimulating effect, it is worth paying attention to infusions of Eleutherococcus, ginseng and Chinese lemongrass.


Many people are interested in how to quickly boost an adult’s immunity using folk remedies using food. Whey is required to maintain the functioning of the immune system, as it contains vital substances required by every body. This drink removes excess fluid, toxins, waste and bad cholesterol. In addition, the serum improves attention, memory and stops the production of stress hormones. You need to drink it daily.

Goat milk

Goat milk is a good product. With regular use, it helps strengthen the immune system and restore defenses. Milk helps prevent the development of colds. It is contraindicated for use in obesity and various pathologies of the pancreas. You can drink boiled goat at any time between meals.

Raising adult immunity at home with proper nutrition

A comprehensive healthy diet is one of the most important conditions for maintaining good immunity. Vitamins, like minerals supplied with food, launch and activate the body's reserve forces.

Important! Even the healthiest foods will not help strengthen the immune system of a person who smokes or drinks alcohol frequently.

Even the healthiest foods will not help strengthen the immune system of a person who smokes or drinks alcohol frequently.

The most important foods that boost the immune system:

  1. Onion – helps the body fight microbes, helps stop the growth of cancer cells, and strengthens the immune system.
  2. Garlic – helps restore the body after stress, cleanses the liver, and is an excellent remedy for fighting inflammation and tumors.
  3. Vitamin C – strengthens the immune system. These products are: lemon, rose hips, orange, sweet pepper, black currant, etc.
  4. Ginger – contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins that quickly boost the immune system.
  5. Honey – consuming one spoon a day is good for health.

    The most important foods that boost the immune system are onions, garlic, lemon, honey and ginger.

Application of honey

What else can you do to boost an adult’s immunity using folk remedies? Honey. This is a very good immunostimulating agent. However, it is worth remembering that the quality of apitherapy largely depends on the quality of the product. It is best to purchase pollen, bee bread and honey from trusted sellers or directly from beekeepers.

Application of honey

Many people are interested in how to use it to increase the immunity of an adult. The folk remedy recipe - lemon, honey and dried fruits - is very effective. Take 300 g of raisins, dried apricots and nuts, 1 lemon. Grind everything in a meat grinder, add 1.5 tbsp to the prepared mixture. natural honey. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Eat 1 tbsp. l. 3 times daily. It is best to drink it with tea.

Another good natural biostimulant is aloe. It helps to increase immunity after surgery, serious illness, and also to quickly gain strength. To prepare the medicine, the plant must be no younger than 3 and no older than 5 years. Stop watering for 10 days, then break off the leaves and wrap in foil. Then put it in the freezer for a week. At the end of this period, defrost the leaves, rinse carefully and remove the skin.

Then grind the transparent base in a blender with the addition of a small amount of water. Pour lemon juice into the resulting mass in a 3:1 ratio. It is better to store the prepared medicine on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, taking 1 tbsp. l. several times a day.

Take 400 g of natural honey, add 0.5 tbsp. crushed St. John's wort and place in a dark place for 10-12 days. Drink 2 tsp. between meals. During treatment, you should not visit a solarium, as St. John's wort increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Honey and garlic help strengthen the immune system. You need to mix 5 cloves of crushed garlic with 10 tbsp. l. natural honey. Place in the refrigerator for 1 month. Eat 1 tsp. daily.

Answering the question of how to boost an adult’s immunity using folk remedies for HIV, we can say that ginger with natural honey and lemon is considered a good remedy. It helps enrich the body with antioxidants and vitamins, which increase resistance to infections. In addition, ginger helps improve performance, helps reduce excess weight and activates metabolism.

To strengthen the immune system, you need to take 100 g of ginger root, 100 ml of natural honey, 4 lemons. Peel the ginger and grate it carefully. Add lemon slices without peel. Grind it all in a blender and mix with honey. Store the mixture in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Use 1 tbsp daily. l. one hour after eating or before eating.

The easiest ways to boost your immunity

To be honest, I don’t even know how much easier it is to boost immunity than all the methods that we know from our parents and grandparents. All information is completely on the surface and everyone knows about it, so repetition is the mother of learning. But still, I will highlight some ways to boost immunity that are not obvious.

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Vitamin C

The more vitamin C you consume, the higher your body’s protective reaction. Vitamin C is found in almost all fruits and vegetables; you can eat it as much as you like. The vitamin is water soluble. That is, your body will take as much vitamin C as it needs, and the rest will be excreted in the urine. Accordingly, the vitamin also does not remain in reserve in our body.

The highest concentration of vitamin C is not in citrus fruits, as many people think, but slightly in other fruits and vegetables. For example, rosehip, sea buckthorn, black currant and parsley contain much more vitamin C than, for example, lemon. In any case, the more fruits and vegetables you eat, the more vitamins you get.

As a last resort, you can go to the pharmacy and buy ascorbic acid in any form there and take it every day or even more often than once a day.

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By the way, when I was 21 years old, my niece contracted chickenpox, and accordingly infected me. Knowing that the older a person is, the worse he tolerates the disease, I went to the pharmacy in advance and bought a lot of ascorbic acid. When the first pimples appeared, I ate a lot of ascorbic acid. And you know, my course of the disease was quite easy. I don’t know thanks to ascorbic acid or just luck.

Garlic, horseradish

Unfortunately, you can’t always get horseradish root right away, but if you buy store-bought horseradish, I think everything will be the same. But it’s still better to buy horseradish root or grow it yourself. Simply put, horseradish greatly improves immunity and it is advisable to eat it constantly, for example as a topping for meals. Personally, I eat constantly, and even make horseradish tincture, which doubles my immunity.

Garlic is generally the simplest thing, it’s easy to buy and it won’t be difficult to grow it yourself. Just eat it. For example, for a time when the virus began to rage, I took half a clove of garlic, cut it into small pieces and simply swallowed it like a pill, without even chewing. Helps well.

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Vitamin complex

Surely you know about vitamin complexes from various advertising sources, but few people know that there are sports vitamins. I recommend buying and taking them for several reasons:

  1. They are cheaper than pharmacy vitamins
  2. The amount of vitamins and nutrients is much greater than in pharmacy
  3. Dosages are higher than in pharmacies

You don’t have to worry about the dosage of vitamins; your body will take as many vitamins as it needs, and the rest will be excreted in the urine, so the urine from sports vitamins is yellower than usual. I would even say acid color.


These are herbal medicines that help the body easily cope with stressful situations, improve immunity and have a tonic effect. Simply put, come to the pharmacy and say that you need adaptogens, for example: tincture of ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Radiola rosea, Leuzea, etc. You can buy everything at once and take different ones in the morning and see what suits you best.

Read more: What is serotonin and why is it needed for success?

Also, all adaptogens can be purchased not only in the form of tinctures, but also in the form of tablets. But they cost more

Sports and training

Movement is life. Recently, the trend of sports development in our country is becoming stronger and stronger. Therefore, if you are not yet at least jogging in the evenings, then start, it will be very useful to keep yourself in good shape

Bee pollen and honey

Everything related to bee production has a strong positive effect on the human body. I very often take bee pollen along with honey, blood pressure normalizes, libido and immunity increase. I recommend that you try at least pollen.


Ninesil is a plant that has been known for a very long time and has a long list of medicinal properties.

At the moment, I myself am testing how the tincture affects the body. But I can say from my feelings that I began to get better sleep and my libido has increased. Of the minuses, the taste is very disgusting.

Herbal teas

What is a good folk remedy for boosting immunity in adults? This question worries many, since a lack of the body’s defenses is quite common. Herbal remedies help a lot. To boost immunity, you need to drink an infusion of herbs such as:

  • valerian;
  • oregano;
  • hop cones;
  • Melissa;
  • motherwort;
  • linden flowers;
  • Echinacea.

Take 1 tsp. plants, place in a teapot and fill with boiling water up to the neck. Instead of a kettle, you can use a thermos. Leave the herbal mixture to infuse overnight. In the morning, strain and drink the infusion 3 times daily, 0.5 tbsp. If you are not allergic, you can add honey to the warm infusion.

Chamomile tea

You can use ginseng to make tea, as it causes a surge of energy, as a result, a person begins to feel more alert and active. This is especially important for people who have suffered stress and infectious diseases. You can simply brew the plant with boiling water and drink it like tea.

Many people are interested in how to boost immunity in adults using folk remedies. Reviews regarding medicinal plants are mostly positive. Chamomile tea is a good remedy, as it stimulates the immune system and also helps cope with colds more effectively. You can brew it like regular tea, adding other anti-inflammatory herbs.

In what cases is it necessary to quickly strengthen the immune system?

The speed of modern life does not allow us to spend a lot of time on illness, treatment and recovery. Children and adults are especially bothered by frequent colds, which force them to miss school and work. More and more people are studying the question of how to increase immunity and endure acute respiratory infections and flu with fewer health consequences, not during the peak of the epidemic, but long before the dangerous period. For this purpose, vaccination and general strengthening measures are used.

In addition to external pathogenic factors that reduce the body’s defenses, there are several critical phases in a person’s life when the level of the body’s resistance drops and it is necessary to increase immunity:

  • neonatal period;
  • 4–6 months;
  • 2 years;
  • 5–7 years;
  • adolescence;
  • pregnancy and lactation in women;
  • elderly age.

Development of immunity in childhood

Breastfeeding baby

During intrauterine development and for some time after birth, the child's body is protected by maternal antibodies. As a protective mechanism, nature intends for infants to receive antibodies from colostrum in the first hours of life and breast milk. By 6 months of life, the level of protective factors in milk drops and the child’s immune system is activated.

At the age of 2 years, an active and mobile lifestyle leads to an increased risk of colds and helminthic infestations transmitted by airborne droplets and household contact. For a child to regularly attend children's educational institutions, he needs enhanced immunity against colds.

In children of primary school age, defenses decrease due to physiological changes, mental stress at school and prolonged stay indoors. During adolescence, a decline in immunity is associated with a growth spurt and hormonal changes.

Immunity during pregnancy

During pregnancy, immune responses are reduced so that the body does not perceive the fetus as a foreign object and does not reject it, resulting in an increased risk of early miscarriages. This increases the percentage of infectious and other diseases. The situation is complicated by the fact that treatment of the mother and the use of medications can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

Prolonged breastfeeding is beneficial for the baby, but depletes the mother's defenses. During lactation, you need to monitor your diet, enough sleep and rest.

In men

Bad habits reduce immunity in men

Physiologically, men have lower body resistance, which is associated with hormonal levels. A decrease in protective forces is provoked by difficult working conditions, bad habits, excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle.

With age, the strength of the body's resistance decreases due to natural processes and a person needs a more gentle lifestyle, proper nutrition and strengthening procedures. Physical activity and the use of medications help maintain health.

Recommendations from experts

The question of how folk remedies can be used to boost an adult’s immunity should be considered comprehensively. There is no universal recipe that would completely protect against all diseases and pathogenic microorganisms.

First you need to read the recommendations of experts and study reviews. You can boost an adult’s immunity using folk remedies quite quickly and effectively. In addition, you need to walk outside more often, play sports, and take vitamin complexes. There must be a good attitude.

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