Deadlift or Romanian: correct technique and tips for beginners

Hello, dear friends! Today we’ll talk about an exercise for developing the muscles of the back, buttocks and back of the thigh, like the deadlift. Why about him?

This exercise is recommended for beginner bodybuilder programs; it is also suitable for girls building a muscular frame to strengthen the main supporting muscles. The exercise is simple but effective.

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What are the benefits of deadlifting for women?

Romanian deadlift

Many girls may not think about deadlifts as an effective exercise for their hips, buttocks, and back. However, deadlifts are one of the best exercises for strengthening, building muscle and improving definition for both men and women. The main problem is that when it comes to the gym, most women are still caught up in the "I'm the weaker sex" mentality and don't actually believe that they are strong enough to perform heavy deadlifts.

Strength development

Strength and confidence can't really be separated, they are linked together when it comes to women deadlifting. This is due to the fact that society tends to treat women as the weaker sex and instills in many that they must perform all exercises with very light dumbbells that even children can handle. Weight training not only increases strength, but also builds self-confidence, which is a valuable tool today. Most women who regularly do barbell rows are much more confident in other areas of their lives.

Many girls also mistakenly believe that they will immediately turn into the Hulk if they decide to lift too much weight. This misconception occurs mainly due to pictures of male bodybuilders or large female bodybuilders who usually resort to steroids. Testosterone is the main hormone responsible for building muscle mass. And although the female body produces testosterone, it is only in small quantities unless you have a hormonal imbalance. Therefore, women can train as much as they want without fear of gaining more muscle mass.

Acceleration of metabolism

Another powerful benefit is that cravings improve metabolism. When you speed up your body's metabolism, fat burning is much more efficient. The more fat you burn by performing regular pant rows, the better you will look and feel. Plus, muscles require much more energy than other parts of the body, so the more muscle you build, the more fat you'll burn throughout the day to keep those muscles toned. Since free weight training generates more muscle than most other lower body exercises, you'll lose a lot more fat doing deadlifts than you will with various leg exercises.

Developing seductive curves

Since women don't build muscle like men, they tend to get pretty luscious while doing deadlifts. This is because the deadlift involves the major muscle groups of the lower body as well as various surrounding stabilizer muscles. By doing this one exercise, you can train your thighs, buttocks, lower back and abdomen. And these are the results you can get with just one exercise, rather than spending two or three times as much time doing multiple lower body exercises.

You can learn more about how to tone your body and improve the appearance of your muscles.

How to Add Deadlifts to Your Current Training Program

So now you might be wondering how to incorporate barbell rows into your current strength training program: To get started, simply perform rows instead of other lower body exercises. Proper form is very important when performing any exercise, so stick to the following deadlift technique and seek help from a trainer if necessary.

Barbell row

Confusion in concepts

Please note that there are a lot of exercises for the lower back and back of the legs. See for yourself:

  • Deadlift (and all its variations).
  • Romanian deadlift (with slightly bent legs).
  • Deadlift or straight-legged deadlift.

It would be more correct to say straight-legged deadlift, just like the Romanian deadlift.

Because there are different types of rows, maybe, for example, bent over rows of barbells or dumbbells. And to be even more precise, this is, for example, a deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells. Simply saying deadlift with a barbell is not enough.

So, you understand that these are slightly different exercises. Next, we will list the main differences between them.

Now let's look at what the correct deadlift technique should be.

Differences between types of traction

Below we will look at how the straight leg deadlift, the Romanian deadlift and the classic deadlift differ from each other.

This reasoning applies to both men and women, so women: it's time to enter the weight room. In this article, we will see four of the best exercises that every woman should do at the gym to match their fitness routine to see extraordinary results in a few weeks!

Rods or landing with rocker arms

If we want to build beautiful shoulders and toned arms, we have no choice, we must also include impulse jerks in our training programs. The image above shows the technique perfectly, but in the video below we can see it in detail. Even for impulse we have the opportunity to launch them first with two dumbbells and only after learning the technique with Olympic balance.

Deadlift on straight legs from Romanian

The Romanian lumbar lift has a number of differences from the type of deadlift we are discussing:

  • Knees bent. And the lower you bend, the greater this angle. You compensate for the pelvis moving backward by bending your knees. This does not mean that you should bend your knees too much, no. The angle is small - up to 10-15 degrees. This is enough to complete the exercise.
  • We begin to move by moving the pelvis back. In the deadlift we tilt the body, but here it’s from the pelvis. He walked backwards, initiating lumbar flexion.
  • We lower the barbell just below the knee, because it will be difficult to keep your back straight. In general, we go as low as our back allows. The Romanian deadlift is less dependent on your stretch because you bend your knees.
  • The Romanian get-up puts a lot of stress on the glutes because when you return to the starting point, you have to squeeze them and push your pelvis forward. This is a good visual difference between the two exercises.

The Romanian barbell deadlift, like the stiff-legged deadlift, is more suitable for girls.

The guy couldn't miss such a routine. Alone, this exercise is a complete workout for the entire muscle of the body, in addition to being exceptional as cardiovascular training or aerobic training. In this video we see the correct execution of a swing.

Kettlebell swings are a fantastic exercise and are ideal for defining the muscles in your shoulders, back, legs and butt. We learn to do this, let's do this and the problems with excess fat will disappear like magic. All clear? Four exercises that are perfect for everyone and perfect for any woman who wants to achieve a toned and harmonious body.

Romanian version - knees slightly bent to maintain a straight back position.

Romanian from classical

The Romanian get-up is not designed for footwork. The knees bend so that your flexibility does not interfere with proper bending. With a deadlift, you squat down to apply the load to your back and legs. Thanks to this, both legs and back work when lifting and lowering the weight. This allows you to lift much heavier weights than the Romanian lift. Therefore, this is the base. And for girls it’s only suitable if they want to seriously increase their strength.

Sitting is a multi-purpose exercise, perhaps the most important one for the human body. Yes, because it is not only the legs that need to be emphasized, but all the muscles of the back, lumbar, trapezius and even the arms have a really big impact. That is why this is a very tiring exercise, which therefore requires the correct technique.

But if done well and with the right loads, there is a strong shock to the entire muscle, with a hormonal response that is very beneficial for training and improvement, like squats. Getting off the ground is an exercise where a person can lift heavy loads. If you lift a 200kg squad, you will therefore end up with a 170kg squat ball and 140kg on a flat bench. Let's start by describing the correct execution technique, and we'll go through common mistakes to avoid.

Classic execution: in the starting position, the legs are bent. The weight also rises due to the extension of the legs.

Dead from classic

It seems that everything is obvious here - legs. Straight or bent - that's the difference. Let us remind you that the classic deadlift on bent legs means squats to an incomplete amplitude, and not just their bent state. The latter is observed in the Romanian deadlift. But deadlifts with straight legs do not allow bending of the legs. Although, the knees cannot be kept locked. You should relax them a little. There will still be an angle of 1-2 degrees. From the outside it looks like straight legs.


First of all, let's look at the back: it should be well stretched and taut.
A curved back causes an increase in spinal load, which is truly remarkable and dangerous, therefore, before looking for the inherent load requested by the technique, viz. This helps keep the trapezius alive and thus does not create a weak ring in the back muscle chain. It is better to use a grip with hooks if the handle does not develop. The distance between the hands is slightly higher than the width of the shoulders, however, this depends on the position of the legs. Earthing is avoided like the plague in gyms because it is unclear how beneficial the movement is.

Advantages and disadvantages

This exercise is not ideal and has its drawbacks. But most of them are associated with the inability to do it correctly or the desire to lift heavy weights.

Let's start with the shortcomings. So:

  1. Places high demands on performance technique and the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, I do not advise completely inexperienced beginners and fragile girls to start with this exercise. First you have to strengthen your muscles through simple movements.
  2. Deadlifting is difficult to do at home, because the best weight for it is a barbell.

That's probably all. And now about the benefits.


Not everyone can do the deadlift. In some cases, even with the correct technique, an exercise can be harmful!

Who is at risk?

  1. People with herniated discs and lower back pain. In sports, there are common cases where athletes train even despite this illness. But we are for health!
  2. In addition to intervertebral hernias, there are hernias of the abdominal wall - organs are pressed through the layer of abdominal muscles.
  3. Those who have diastasis - stretching of the fibers of the white line of the abdomen. The one that connects two vertical rows of abs. Often occurs in women after pregnancy.
  4. People with cardiovascular diseases.
  5. People with poor posture.

The main reasons for contraindications are that:

  1. The back muscles work in a static mode. The load from them is transferred to the intervertebral discs, compressing them. The spine of a healthy person tolerates such a load well. What can't be said about an unhealthy back?
  2. When performing barbell lifts, you need to retract and tense your abdominal muscles. And this leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which also increases blood pressure. This is normal for strength exercises, but it is dangerous for the above categories of people

What muscles work

Since the main movement occurs in the hip joint, the gluteal and hamstring muscles receive the main load.

In the classic version of the deadlift, in addition to the hip joint, the knee joint also bends. The movement resembles a half squat. Therefore, you can’t do without working the quadriceps.

The back extensor muscles work in a static mode, that is, they do not change their length throughout the entire exercise.

How to do deadlifts for girls correctly so as not to hurt their backs?

But, I remember, I said that the deadlift affects almost the entire body. And indeed it is! To hold the barbell in your hands, you need to tense the muscles of your forearms. And to stabilize the shoulder girdle, the rhomboid and trapezius muscles are included in the work. You see, deadlifting will not let you relax!

What kind of exercise is this

To explain it in a very primitive way, deadlift is lifting a load from the ground. A movement that is often found in everyday life.

To explain it more scientifically, the deadlift is a combination of two movements: extension in the knee and hip joints. And the heavy barbell you hold in your hands prevents this extension.

How to do deadlifts for girls correctly so as not to hurt their backs?

The exercise in question has long been ingrained in the training regimens of athletes in many sports. Yes, yes, its application goes far beyond fitness and bodybuilding.

Main mistakes

  • We are not doing a Romanian lift, so our legs are straight. Stretch to perform the exercise correctly and deeply. You can pre-train on a hyperextension machine. Try to make the deepest possible movements in it with a straight back. We find this to be a very effective preparation for stiff-legged deadlifts combined with stretching.
  • Don't put your head down. Let's look ahead. It is advisable to stand in front of a mirror.
  • When you take on a lot of weight, you begin to round your back. Because the weight is pulled not by the lower back, which lacks strength, but by the entire back. This is where all the injuries begin. It is enough to round your lower back and your entire back will follow suit.
  • Shrugs should not be done together with deadlifts. Initially, fix your shoulders so that they are in a normal straightened position, and not raised up. We are pumping not the trapezius, but the lower back.

First of all, the bent leg deadlift is designed to increase mass and strength, and this is the base. The Romanian get-up (aka Romanian deadlift) and straight-legged deadlift are designed to work isolatedly on the buttocks and hamstrings, which is extremely important for girls. They don't put as much stress on the spine, but can lead to injury if you forget how to do the exercises correctly.

In addition to hormonal speech and global mass, this exercise will make you look like other light exercises such as the feather. After a break try to do your normal rower and your trains on the bar, you will feel like flying. Your mind has recorded a huge workload with the squad, and the rest will be an easy game!

Exercise "Deadlift"

Landmine training: how to launch them. In this guide we will find all the exercises and different training tables that can give excellent results. This training method consists of using a rocker bar with one end fixed to the ground and the other between the hands of the athlete, who is free to oscillate the instrument in any direction based on the exercise.

Before doing a classic deadlift, you need to work with simpler exercises to strengthen your back. And before them is a month of hyperextension and stretching.

So, when your stretching for some reason does not want to progress, you can stop at the Romanian deadlift. And if you can stretch enough, then do deadlifts with straight legs.

What to replace it with?

If it hurts to do deadlifts, then for the back of the thighs and lower back, try the following:

  • Pulling your legs back with weights.
  • Reverse hyperextension.
  • Leg press on the back of the thigh.
  • Regular hyperextension.

Strengthen your lower back and leg muscles with these exercises, then try deadlifts. You can use an orthopedic belt if you have one. Or your doctor will prescribe it for you. A rigid athletic belt is not effective in this case.

Deadlifts for girls are an exercise that not only forces the gluteal muscles to contract, but also stretches them well. There is a classic deadlift, but you are not going to compete, so there is a slightly modified technique. And although it is called a straight-legged deadlift, this exercise must be performed so that the legs are bent at all times. They, as in previous exercises, should constantly experience tension. Moreover, at the bottom of the movement the knees should be even more bent than at the top.

This position of the legs protects the joints from possible injury during exercise. And this helps maintain the arch in the lower back. If you bend over with straight legs, then in order to maintain a straight back you will have to bend over due to the curvature of the spine.

You can choose the position of your legs at your discretion. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. In the classic version, they believe that the legs must be together. But let those who are truly comfortable standing in this position think so.

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