T-bar bent over row. T-bar row - features and technique of performing bent over and supported on the machine

Bent-over T-bar row exercise pumps up the latissimus and mid-back muscles. Gives definition and “striations” to the back. Isolation exercise.

The safest exercise for the back, which allows, without worrying about the stability of the body, to load the entire middle of the back to the maximum.

The T bar row is essentially a variation of the bent over row. The limited range of motion of the bar provides an opportunity to concentrate on your muscle sensations and monitor the quality of the exercise.

Used to reveal new details throughout the entire muscle mass of the back and clearly separate the back muscles from each other (definition). By regularly practicing the T-pull, you will improve your athletic performance in gymnastics, swimming, judo and American football.

Bent-over T-bar row - exercises for back muscles

How to do t-hyphae traction correctly

Hi all. In this article we will discuss one of the most important back exercises – the T-bar row. The exercise is considered basic; with its help you can develop volumetric back masses. Compared to the classic version - bent-over barbell row - it is not as difficult in terms of execution technique and movement mechanics.

This is realized by fixing the amplitude of movement along one of the direction vectors. If you take a barbell, then during the pull process it can move in all planes, go to the sides, forward and backward. You can’t do this with a t-bar; it is fixed and the amplitude of movement is known in advance. This specificity allows you to take a little more weight than in a barbell deadlift, because you don’t need to spend additional effort on stabilization and technique. The T-bar row is performed by bringing the shoulder blades together, where the target load goes.

What does a T-bar row with a narrow and wide grip look like in motion?

As for the technique for performing the T-bar row, it is the same as for all other apparatus rows.

T-bar row exercise: what, why and why

As you remember, in my previous post this I said that my mossy gym was closed for summer renovations. So, in connection with this, I decided to visit the camp of a competing company, i.e. to another rocking chair. I came, started training, and after the training I immediately ran to write this article - T-reef deadlift. And the thing is that in the hall I was simply stunned by how some people performed this exercise. We all know (or guess) that it is designed to work the middle of the back. The movement should be performed by bringing the shoulder blades together and moving the load to this target zone. In the options from the outside, I’ve seen enough that it’s simply dumbfounding. People loaded 60-80

kg per projectile and, groaning, they pulled with one hand, someone connected their shoulders, rounded their back, in general, it was quite a spectacle :).

And it’s okay if there were mistakes 1-2

out of
people, but the statistics reached
, and this is a serious hint at the complete lack of managerial control of the coaches.
As several readers recently wrote to me on: I came, paid, and they didn’t even give me 5
minutes, they treated me like a money bag. Well, okay, today we are not talking about that, but about a specific exercise.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why is the T-bar row an important exercise?

If through a man’s eyes it looks like an hourglass and a pear, then a man’s is a wide V-shaped conical back and a narrow waist. To achieve such proportions, appropriate accentuated exercises are needed. And dumbbell, barbell, and T-bar rows are some of them. In addition to developing the thickness of the back muscles, the athlete’s posture also improves and the risk of injury to this muscular unit is reduced. Also, the T-pull allows you to use smaller, deeper areas of the back that cannot be “hooked” when working with the classics of the genre - or. The result is a more detailed and deep back.

Benefits of Exercise

T-traction allows:

  • use a neutral grip (palms facing each other). From a biomechanical point of view, this is a stronger position for pulling, and the back muscles can be more stressed;
  • effectively outline the contour of the middle area of ​​the trapezius and highlight the “little things” of the back muscles;
  • use a lot of muscle mass. Although the exercise is isolated, in addition to the middle of the back, the lower back receives load, and the abdominal muscles are also well stimulated.

Muscle atlas

Rows involve the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, teres major, rear deltoids, and biceps. As for the T-bar row itself, the muscle masses that are involved in the work are as follows.

T-bar row: execution mechanics

Not many beginners (and not only) know that the main secret of a massive back is its volumetric load and working with extreme weights. Needless to say, I myself have sometimes been lukewarm about pumping up my back, but this is a large muscle group that requires either devoting a full-fledged separate day to it or working on it in 3

basic exercises with free weights (dumbbells, barbells). To work with extreme weights, you must first master the correct technique. Step by step it looks like this.

Step #1.

Go to the T-bar machine. Thread pancakes onto the free end. Stand so that he is between your legs. Grasp the handles (grip slightly wider than your shoulders), place your feet firmly on the footrests, bend your knees slightly, keep your back straight, and look forward. This is your starting position.

Step #2.

As you exhale (effort), begin to pull the T-bar towards you. At the end point of the trajectory, squeeze your back muscles together, pulling your shoulder blades towards each other. Inhaling, slowly return the weight to the starting position, without letting it touch the platform of the machine.

Step #3.

Complete the prescribed number of repetitions.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

Dynamically, the T-bar row with a neutral grip is...

Of course, not a single exercise can do without its subtleties; the T-shaped deadlift also has them. So remember:

  • in relation to the projectile, the body must be at an angle of 45
  • at the end point the bar should almost touch the chest;
  • control the weight throughout the entire range of movement, move it smoothly;
  • carry out the movement continuously along the entire trajectory of movement, without any stopping points or pauses;
  • a palm-facing grip will allow you to lift more weight;
  • at the top of the trajectory, squeeze your shoulder blades and hold them in this position for 2
  • string pancakes of a smaller diameter onto the bar, so the amplitude of movement will be greater;
  • perform the exercise in front of a mirror to monitor your technique;
  • carry out the movement by bringing the shoulder blades together, and not by pulling with the biceps;
  • When pulling, keep your hands as close to your body as possible;
  • at the beginning of the exercise, it is important to properly balance the stance so that when lifting the weight does not pull you forward, so select adequate weight and look for a stable position;
  • When you reach failure on the last set, reduce the weight by 20-30%
    and perform as many reps as you can.

T-bar row: variations

There are different types of T-bar rows, in particular, three main ones can be distinguished:

No. 1. Reclining row with chest pressed

An exercise with emphasis on the machine takes the load off the lower back and makes the exercise less traumatic. When performing, make sure that the chest is “sealed” to the support with the weight of the weight.

No. 2. Pull of one end of the bar

Not all gyms have a T-bar rowing machine. In this case, you need to take a regular barbell, push one end into a corner and fix it (so as not to move), and hang a weight on the other. Place your hands as close as possible to the plates of the plates and begin to perform rows to the chest. To increase the amplitude, you can use the step platform.

No. 3. Neutral grip row

In this variation, you use narrower, parallel to each other, handles on the machine. At the same time, the palms each look at themselves, the execution technique does not change.

Well, that’s probably all I’d like to report, all that remains is to sum up all this chatter and say goodbye.


Technical Note The T-bar row has come to an end. Now you know about the most effective back exercises and can start building it.

That's all, until we meet again, comrades, I was glad to see and hear everyone in good health, good luck in the hall!


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Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100
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With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov


In strength sports, the T-bar row has gained a reputation as one of the best exercises for the back. It allows you to work with heavy weights, perfectly develops the width and thickness of your back, and most importantly, it is characterized by increased safety compared to other movements. Nevertheless, it is very important to perform the deadlift correctly, otherwise its effectiveness will be significantly reduced, and the risk of injury, on the contrary, will increase. In this article, we will study in detail all the nuances of deadlifts, important features and the correct execution technique, the observance of which will allow you to get the maximum benefit from deadlifts.


Back position. The back should be straight during the entire range of movement; you can even do a slight deflection. If the back is rounded, its muscles do not have the opportunity to fully work and contract in the correct position.

To keep your back straight, you need to bend your legs a little and move your butt back. After all, when you place your legs straight and bend forward, your back begins to round; flexibility does not allow you to descend along such a trajectory. When bending the legs at the knee joints, it is much easier to maintain the desired deflection in the lower back and push the buttocks back.

Leg position. Many people ask how close to the apparatus, where should the weights be placed when lifting the bar? There is no single correct answer; in practice, it is necessary to select the optimal position using trial methods. Of course, you shouldn’t get too close, otherwise you won’t be able to perform the exercise; when lifting, the bar will hit parts of your body, your knees. The distance and position of the legs must be selected taking into account such that when positioned, there will be the largest amplitude of movement of the bar and a targeted contraction of the back muscles.

T-bar row to the back

Grab. In terms of optimal grip, the exercise is similar to the bent-over barbell row. If you take the bar narrowly, the biceps will actively begin to get involved in the work. When the grip is wide, these biceps are disabled, but the range of motion becomes shorter and the muscles contract less.

More on the back:

Romanian barbell row

It is necessary to try different grips directly in the gym, and settle on the optimal position in which you will feel the work of the back muscles, their contraction and the exercise will be comfortable.

Elbows. When performing the T-bar row at the bottom point of the movement, you do not need to throw the projectile, transferring the entire load to the shoulder joints. You need to keep the load in your back constantly, maintaining a slight bend in the elbow joint, without straightening your arms. At the bottom and top points of the movement, make grooves to stretch and contract the muscles, respectively.

What muscles are affected by training?

The heaviest load during movements using a T-bar will fall on the target muscles that are supposed to be worked well, that is, the latissimus. The correct technique allows you to wonderfully work out the area that is located between the shoulder blades. Due to this, the spine is perfectly strengthened. Thanks to static movements, the abs and buttocks are worked out.

When training, which involves pulling a barbell to your belt, several large muscle groups are used simultaneously. Thanks to this, there is an excellent opportunity to get an excellent load that helps achieve the desired positive results.

T-bar row what muscles work

Regardless of which exercise machine you choose or washes the barbell, you should understand that the principle of muscle work will still be the same. In order to fully understand the technique, you should initially consider one of the simplest options, which involves the use of a regular barbell. Once you have thoroughly mastered performing movements using a barbell, the machine will not be difficult for you.

Features of the exercise

Now you should proceed directly to the technique itself. Before starting the exercise, you need to stand and prepare:

  1. Before performing an exercise such as deadlifts in the gym, you should initially take your starting position by setting the weight on the barbell that is appropriate for your level. The second end of the inventory should remain empty and should be pushed into the corner as much as possible. Also, if possible, the most convenient option is to ask another athlete from the gym to perform fixation using the feet. If a handle is attached to the bar, it should be mounted on the bar at a fairly close distance to the weights.
  2. Next, you need to place the barbell between your legs, make a slight tilt, but make sure that your back is straight. Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees before exercise, as this reduces the load on the joints and reduces the risk of injury. You need to grip the bar as tightly as possible. If you want to work your abdominal muscles at the same time, you should tense your abs.
  3. The body must be raised so that the pancakes rise to the top. The main effort should be placed on the back muscles. It is important that the knees are bent and special attention must be paid to this. The fact is that this is the only way to maintain the correct arch in the lower back, and this is what contributes to the fastest achievement of the desired result.

Technique. Bent-over T-mane row

Execution Sequence

  1. Approach the apparatus, bend over, grab the bar with your hands with a comfortable grip
  2. bend your knees slightly, move your buttocks back, take a breath into your lungs
  3. Slowly begin to pull the t-riff towards your chest while exhaling.
  4. At the top point of the amplitude, hold for a second, contract your back muscles
  5. Smoothly lower the t-bar down without straightening your elbows to the end
  6. Pause at the bottom for a second to stretch your back muscles.
  7. Complete the required number of repetitions

Position No. 1

T-bar row - position 1

Position 2

T-bar row - position 2

T-bar or bent-over barbell row?

We have already said above how the classic barbell row differs from the bent-over T-bar row - it is a fixed amplitude of movement. Accordingly, the barbell row is more difficult to perform, it involves stabilizer muscles, you cannot lift a lot of weight, it is suitable for advanced athletes and athletes.

For beginners, our t-bar row becomes an alternative, both easier from a technical point of view and with setting goals - gaining muscle mass. After all, if you take more weight into the T-bar rows, hypertrophy will be many times higher. Therefore, we advise beginners to start with the T-bar in order to hone their technique. In terms of effectiveness, the exercises are very similar, and it is very difficult to single out one of them.

Contraindications for implementation

This exercise is not without axial load on the spine, therefore, if there are hernias, protrusions or degenerative changes in the spine, it is strictly prohibited to perform it. The alternative suggests itself: T-bar rows with emphasis on the bench. In this exercise, axial load is kept to a minimum. In addition, movement at a given amplitude practically does not give you the opportunity to use cheating, therefore you will not overload the spinal extensors.

If your gym does not have such a machine, use a regular bench, set the incline to 30-45 degrees and perform barbell or dumbbell rows on it. The movement will be almost completely isolated, and the latissimus dorsi muscles will work completely differently. Another option is to do horizontal rows on lever or cable machines with light weights. This load will be quite enough to make your back bigger and stronger.


  • »
    Don't chase the scales, but hit your equipment first. Many guys hang weights on the bar that they simply cannot lift; it’s unpleasant to look at this pitiful sight from the outside. In this case, the T-bar row is performed not with the back, but with the hands and everything else, just not the back muscles.
  • »
    Don't round your back - it's dangerous
  • »
    Perform T-bar rows to the waist after warming up well (for example, after 3 approaches on the horizontal bar)

Number of approaches and repetitions

  • » For men:
    8 - 10 repetitions of 3-4 sets.
  • » For women:
    6 - 8 repetitions 3 sets.

How can you replace t-hyphae traction?

The T-bar row can be replaced with a bent-over barbell row or a bent-over dumbbell row.

Key features and main mistakes

If we talk about the most important mistakes that can be made when performing deadlifts, then a rounded back will always come first. It instantly turns potentially one of the best exercises for the back muscles into an ineffective and harmful movement for the spine. Therefore, at the stage of mastering the technique, try to do deadlifts with a trainer who will point out mistakes, or near a mirror. Among other important recommendations that must be followed, it is worth highlighting the following rules:

  1. If stretching does not allow, you do not need to bend over so that your body is parallel to the floor. Increase the angle of inclination, but keep your back straight.
  2. Always move your pelvis back; without this, it is anatomically impossible to maintain the correct position of your back.
  3. The neck should be straight, that is, the gaze should be directed towards the edge of the bar.
  4. If holding the bar with both hands is difficult, use a towel. Place it under the bar and hold both ends with your hands. This will also help further strengthen your forearms, but it is important to maintain a full range of motion.
  5. To increase the amplitude, use stacked plates, a step platform, or any other protrusion.
  6. At the bottom, you should “open” your lats and lower your shoulders down, this will help stretch the back muscles and increase the efficiency of the deadlift.
  7. Start lifting the bar not with your hands, but using your back muscles and rear deltoids. To do this, squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible and push your chest forward. Only when you have reached the stop and the back muscles have contracted as much as possible, pull the bar with your hands.
  8. Remember that the movement of the bar towards you should be moderate or even fast if you work in an explosive style (not recommended for beginners), and the lowering of the bar should be done more slowly. The negative phase plays no less important role than lifting the weight.

Overall, it is important to understand that it is best to learn the correct technique from the beginning.
Considering that in terms of effectiveness, it has almost no alternative among exercises for the back muscles. Therefore, try to work with minimal weight or even an empty bar until you can perform the exercise correctly without a mirror. Then you can add weight and progress without problems or any obstacles. https://youtu.be/xgKjVpE9Tnc

Working muscles

The main load during movement falls on the latissimus dorsi muscles. The trapezius, teres major, rhomboid muscles, spinal extensors and rear deltoids work. The row perfectly works the area between the shoulder blades. The biceps are additionally involved, and the static load goes to the abs, forearms and thighs.

Deadlift load
Load distribution when performing the exercise.

Bent-over T-bar rows develop several large muscle groups at once. This allows you to get a good load and form a beautiful and wide back.

Common beginner mistakes and recommendations

There are the following rules, following which you can achieve the best results and avoid negative consequences:

  1. You should not place your feet wider than your shoulder line, as such a step significantly increases the risk of injury and complicates the exercise.
  2. The body should not be excessively tilted forward, but keeping it level is also not recommended.
  3. It is best to use an open grip, which will make it possible to achieve an isolated load on the back.
  4. The optimal position during the exercise is when the bar touches the lower abdomen.
  5. For proper distribution of the center of gravity, the feet should be slightly turned to the sides.
  6. Due to large diameter plates, the amplitude of the deadlift is significantly limited. For this reason, it is worth using similar weights with a smaller diameter.
  7. Elbows placed to the sides take the load off the latissimus dorsi muscles and increase the risk of injury.

When performing deadlifts on a machine, a lot depends on the width of the grip you use. A narrow grip allows you to significantly increase the amplitude, but it shifts part of the load to the biceps. A wide grip, accordingly, reduces the amplitude. The best option for comprehensive back training is alternating grips.

  • Common mistakes and recommendations
    Always keep your back straight with a arch in your lower back; when working with heavy weights, use an athletic belt.

  • Do not extend your arms all the way as you lower the T-bar to keep your back muscles constantly tense.
  • Choose a position so that when you row, the t-bar touches your lower abdomen.
  • Try to turn off your biceps and pull the barbell only with your back muscles. You can learn to do this only by working with small working weights.
  • Choose the optimal weight and position so that when you pull, you are not pulled either back or forward.
  • Keep your torso as low to the floor as possible, ideally with your torso close to parallel.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Nutrition for a drop in leukocytes. Diet to increase white blood cells. Products for leukopenia

T-bar row technique with emphasis

This design involves special support for the abdomen. There are 2 pairs of handles: horizontal - provide a wide grip and develop the width of the back, parallel handles - provide a narrow, neutral grip to develop the thickness of the back muscles.

  1. Place your feet on the platform and rest your stomach on the support.
  2. Grab the required handles with straight hands and select the desired grip, as in the previous options.
  3. Exhale and pull the bar toward your chest.
  4. As you inhale, return down, straightening your elbows completely.


This option is that it requires less effort to maintain the position, but
the downside
is that when working with a large weight, the chest is compressed and breathing worsens.

Bent-over T-bar row technique

Option 1

  1. Before taking the starting position, place weights of the required weight on the bar.
  2. Place your feet on a special platform.
  3. Bend your knees, keeping your back straight, grab the horizontal handles with both palms with an overhand grip and assume a stable 45-degree tilt position, maintaining tension in your abdominal and lower back muscles.
  4. As you exhale, without jerking, pull the T-bar toward your chest, bringing your elbows closer to your torso.
  5. As you inhale, gently lower the bar, straightening your arms at the elbows.
  6. Maintain the position of your spine, do not sway or round your back.
  7. At the end of the exercise, squat down and lower the bar down.

Option 2

You can also perform the reverse grip

, that is, grab the handles from below. This will transfer most of the load to the biceps brachii. In the upper range of motion, the load will be concentrated in the upper part of the trapezius, and not in the middle.

Option 3

Most T-bar designs have parallel handles for a neutral grip

, which is convenient for holding a large load weight and is comfortable for many due to its morphological features. This grip also reduces the load on the brachioradialis muscles. Neutral grip

Main mistakes in this exercise

  • Firstly, this is, of course, rounding the back <= this cannot be done, do not forget that the back must be flat (arched in the lower back).
  • Secondly, many people, at the top point (when they pull to the lower abdomen) straighten their torso too much upward, cannot restrain the same forward bend as it was (because the weight is too heavy), you cannot do this, throughout the entire movement your body (position, torso, body) must be fixed. Those. keep your back straight and your body parallel or slightly at an angle to the floor and do not allow your body to “go back and forth”, so to speak, thereby cheating at the expense of your hips and knees.
  • Thirdly, people very often complain that their biceps get tired, and all because they perform deadlifts solely using the strength of their arms, namely their biceps (so they get clogged, but their back doesn’t works, or does not receive enough load, in any case this is bad, try (learn) to feel the latissimus dorsi muscles, not the biceps). To do this, it may be worth reducing weight and honing the ideal movement technique.
  • Fourthly, as I already said, many people pull from the lower to the upper position not to the lower abdomen (as if along the legs), but to the CHEST.. This is not correct, if your goal is to train the back muscles, you need to pull the t-bar along your legs TO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR ABDOMEN!!!

If you don't mind/feel sorry, please share the link to this article on social networks (social buttons are below). This is the best you can do, I will really, really appreciate it.

Best regards, administrator.
Thursday, July 18, 2020 1 comments

Muscles that take part in the exercise:

  • Trapezius muscles (middle, bottom)
  • Rhomboid muscles
  • Latissimus muscles
  • Teres major and minor muscles
  • Infraspinatus muscle
  • Posterior deltoids
  • Brachialis, brachyradialis
  • Pectoralis major muscle
  • Biceps
  • Triceps

Learn about the structure of the back muscles in more detail by studying the Anatomy of the Back Muscles.

Working out the t-bar muscles

Contraindications and disadvantages of the exercise

One of the most popular alternatives to the T-bar row is the bent-over barbell row. This exercise is one of the core basic ones, and allows you to perfectly work the rear deltoids, as well as the latissimus muscles.

Bent-over rows are not recommended for beginner athletes, since if the technique is incorrect, it can lead to injuries to the joints of the elbows and wrists. Beginners can include this exercise in their training program, but only light weights must be used to perform it.

Cravings to the stomach in the block
Another replacement for the T-bar row is the cable pull-down, which targets the upper and mid-back, as well as the chest and biceps.

This exercise places stress on many different joints, stabilizers, and muscles. Therefore, before you start, you need to warm up well. To do this, it is best to do a warm-up and a couple of approaches with minimal weight or an empty bar.

For athletes with lumbar spine injuries, it is best to abandon the T-bar row, replacing it with a more gentle load. As a last resort, you can include in your program a variation of the exercise with emphasis and pressed chest.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with bent-over barbell row and what grip

In order to minimize the risk of injury, you should gradually increase the working weight and pay maximum attention to the execution technique.

Be sure to read about it

  • Exercise Pullover: technique, benefits and harm
  • Bent-over Dumbbell Rows for a V-Shaped Back
  • Shrugs with dumbbells on an incline bench

Exercise technique:


Before starting the exercise, equip the machine with the necessary weight. After this, take the correct position, sitting on top, while your chest should be pressed tightly against the machine. Grasp the handles and lift the bar from the rack, holding it at arm's length.


Inhale, and as you exhale, begin to pull your arms towards your chest, while squeezing your shoulder blades. Having reached the top point, take a short pause of 1 second. Inhale and return the bar to the starting position. Repeat the specified number of times.

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