The leg extension exercise in the simulator pumps the rectus (frontal) as well as the lateral (side) thigh muscle.
Benefits of swimming Contraindications Butterfly swimming technique Arm movements Body and leg movements Breathing Typical
Dumbbell flyes lying on a horizontal bench are a fairly popular exercise among both experienced and
Sports training and strength exercises are extremely varied. New exercises are constantly appearing that are aimed
Share: | | | An effective, reliable, affordable and fun way to get your body in shape,
Benefits of Triceps Bench Dips This is a great basic exercise that includes almost all
What muscles work? The exercise is basic, i.e. multi-joint, similar to regular lunges and uses the same
A very popular exercise now is the side plank. It helps to work the muscles of the abs, shoulders, arms
Squat machine Design features The HAKK machine is a steel frame mounted at an angle of about
Standards WPC-WPO Men WPC-WPO Weight category MSMK MS CCM 1 2 3 52 kg