How to do dumbbell flyes while lying down (Video)

Dumbbell flyes lying on a horizontal bench - an exercise quite popular among both experienced and novice athletes. It is included in the main training program for those who want to work their chest muscles. In the gym you can see that during the exercise someone tries to bring their shoulder blades closer together, someone tries to spread their arms as far apart as possible. To achieve the desired effect and avoid injury, you need to know how to do dumbbell flyes correctly. This is exactly what this article will discuss.

Lying dumbbell fly

Muscles involved:

Due to the different angles of the bench, this exercise can pump up all areas of the pectoral muscles .

1) The target muscle group is the pectoralis major or pectoralis major muscles. The deltoids (front and middle bundles) work as assistants 3) Biceps, triceps and forearms help keep your arms with dumbbells in a fixed, slightly bent position. 4) The muscles of the abdomen, legs and buttocks stabilize the body.

Dumbbell flyes are an isolated exercise; they involve only one joint - the shoulder .

IMPORTANT : Typically, dumbbell flyes on a bench immediately follow the bench press. There is no point in starting your workout with flyovers, even if you have an easy program that day. But sometimes it’s even necessary to finish.

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What muscles work when lying down on dumbbell raises?

  • The main load falls on the pectoralis major muscles.
  • Static load falls on the abs, biceps and triceps.
  • The anterior deltoid muscles and serratus muscles are also involved in the work

Why does a girl need a dumbbell lift while lying down?

Many girls are extremely afraid to pump up their breasts because “they will lose weight.” And many people wonder:

But in no way, when you LOSE WEIGHT, the breasts become smaller, because the female breast itself consists of adipose tissue ! I hope this is no longer a secret to anyone.

Contrary to popular misconceptions, it is IMPOSSIBLE to increase the volume of your breasts, make them more elastic, or change their shape with the help of physical exercises. The main reason for this is the lack of muscle fibers in the chest. Meanwhile, chest exercises will help maintain your breasts as well as improve their muscle tone. Of course, with the help of plastic surgery you can achieve a more impressive result, but you and I will not take this easier/dangerous/expensive route!

So face it, your breasts ALWAYS get smaller if you lose weight. So don’t be afraid to “download” it (as many people put it). There are no cases yet where fat is burned only in one place - no matter what you load: your back, butt or chest, fat will disappear from the entire body.

An article that clearly and simply describes the processes of fat burning and muscle growth “Is it possible to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time?”

Bench angle in lying dumbbell fly:

1) If the bench is located horizontally , you focus the load on the middle part of the pectoral muscles. 2) When the head is higher the upper works more . 3) The head end of the bench is lowered down - you are working on the lower section of the pectorals .

Most often, first, the arms are raised with dumbbells on a horizontal bench, then the dumbbells are raised while lying on an inclined bench. If you want to do 3 lifts at different angles in one day, reduce the number of approaches from 4 to 3, or even to two. Don’t forget, dumbbell flyes on a bench require a warm-up approach.

TIP : ideally, dumbbell flyes should always be done with insurance, and choose the most handsome man in the room as the belayer

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