Exercises on a fitball: gymnastics for losing weight and strengthening muscles (57 photos + instructions)

Abdominal exercises on a fitball - video lesson


Abdominal exercises on a fitball - technique for performing the exercise

  • We take the starting position. We lie on our backs, wrap our feet around the fitball on its sides and lift our legs up.
  • Check your lumbar back so that it is pressed to the floor. Your palm should not fit under your lower back. To do this, you must keep your legs high enough and not move them too far forward. Simply put, do not lower it down to the floor.

Pay attention to your legs, they should be slightly bent at the knee joints.

With the crown of your head, stretch upward all the time. Do not press your chin too close to your chest, always maintaining a small distance between your chin and your chest.

As you inhale, move your hands back behind your head, touching the back of your hands to the floor. As you exhale, stretch your straight arms towards the fitball and take it from your legs.

Wherever your hands are, stretch them forward all the time, away from you.

The movement of the arms carries with it the head, shoulder girdle and thoracic region. You should definitely try to lift your shoulder girdle and chest off the floor, lifting yourself up to the lower edges of your shoulder blades.

They took the fitball from their feet and returned to the starting position, touching the fitball to the floor. Next, we stood up and returned the fitball back to our feet. We sank down empty-handed, moving our hands back behind our heads and touching the floor with the backs of our hands. We went up and took the fitball, repeating the whole exercise again.

Take your time, watch your breathing. Feel how your abdominal muscles engage. Some of you may feel tension in the muscles of the front of the thigh - this is normal, the rectus femoris muscle is included in the process.

Alexey Dinulov was with you. Subscribe to the channel, and see you soon in the very near future. Everyone, train!

what is crunch, pump and other strange words Fitness Guide

Fitness slang: what is crunch, pump and other strange words

The language of fitness is most often expressed, of course, by experienced professionals, but even among amateurs you can easily find experts in such slang. For many people, these words and expressions will seem strange, but for those who cannot imagine their life without training, they are simply everyday.


There is nothing complicated here; this term is familiar to many amateurs. This very word refers to a fairly popular exercise machine, where the main load is achieved by bringing the hands together, and is somewhat reminiscent of the movements of a butterfly. The simulator puts stress primarily on the pectoral muscles, as well as the deltoids.


This word can really scare someone. But this is just an exercise for the back muscles. Moreover, the exercise is very popular and effective. The rectifier muscles of the back and buttocks are included in the work. The feet must be fixed in a special platform, and then lower the body down, and at the end straighten the back again. In the final position, the entire body should represent a straight line.

Isolation exercise

If you need to load a specific muscle, then isolation exercises come to the rescue. They limit movement and do not engage other muscles. These single-joint exercises are often done at the end of a workout.


This concept is associated with performing two exercises in a row. Yes, without a break for rest. As a rule, this is a combination of a basic exercise and an isolation exercise. Everything is aimed at one muscle group. There is also such a concept as triset.


In fact, this mysterious word hides a good old exercise for the abdominal muscles, namely crunches. If you want spectacular abs, then lean on the crunch. But it is worth remembering that without proper nutrition, no amount of crunches will help achieve the desired result.


Training to failure is quite popular among many gym goers. Let's say you can do 8 or 9 reps of a certain exercise. Failure is a repetition that you do at the limit of your strength, which means that you simply cannot physically do the next repetition.


Most often this is an incorrect execution of the exercise from a technical point of view. In this way, you can do more repetitions, but due to errors in technique, such training becomes less effective and, in some cases, very dangerous.

Pump or pumping

These are repeated repetitions of an exercise on a specific muscle group using relatively light weights. For example, you can do 6 repetitions with a barbell that weighs 120 kg, and as a pump you can do 20 repetitions with a weight of 50-60 kg. The main goal of pumping is to stimulate muscle growth. This type of training is also often used by pros immediately before performing at a competition. This way they give the muscles the desired visual effect.


This designation is familiar to all pros. The athlete is actively gaining weight, and not only muscles are growing, but also the fat layer. Therefore, when the task of gaining muscle mass is completed, you should start cutting. Thus, the athlete begins to get rid of excess fat in order to emphasize the muscles and acquire a spectacular relief.

Photo: globallookpress.com

Fitball push-ups


Technique for performing push-ups on a fitball

Initial position. We kneel down, the fitball is located in front of us. We lie down with our chest on the fitball, rest our hands on the floor, and roll forward. The closer the fitball is to the base of your feet, the more difficult it will be for you to perform the exercise.

At the initial stage of training, I recommend holding the fitball in the pelvic area, this will make the exercise easier and allow you to better control your lumbar back.

Hands are located approximately shoulder width apart or slightly wider. While inhaling, we lower ourselves down, take a short pause and rise up.

What to pay attention to when performing push-ups on a fitball?

The first point is to control your lower back . Make sure that it does not bend downward excessively. To do this, keep your abdominal muscles tense throughout the entire exercise.

Remember that push-ups are a plank in motion. And in push-ups, it is important to take into account all the parameters that we must monitor while standing in the plank. The plank requires a separate discussion, therefore, in the next sets of exercises I will definitely analyze it.

Second point, watch the position of your elbows , do not spread them to the sides, they should always be slightly directed back, and be at an angle of 60 - 80 degrees relative to your body.

Third, pay attention to your palms , they should look straight ahead, or be slightly turned outward.

Watch your breathing, perform push-ups at an average pace, with a pause in the lower position. The body, shoulder girdle, head are located in one line.

Feel how your whole body is involved in the work, especially the muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle, back of the arm, and abdominals.

Squats with fitball


Exercises on a fitball for legs and buttocks - technique for performing the movement

  • Starting position: standing, legs spaced approximately shoulder-width apart. A couple of centimeters wider or narrower does not matter. With completely straight arms, hold the fitball. Hands and fitball are parallel to the floor. Make sure that throughout the entire exercise, your arms and fitball remain parallel to the floor.
  • As you inhale, move your pelvis back and begin doing squats. Lower yourself until your thigh is parallel to the floor or slightly higher. We take a short pause in the lower position, and as we exhale we rise up.

What should you pay attention to when performing squats with a fitball?

  1. First, don't lean forward. At the beginning of the exercise, stretch your buttocks back, as if there was a chair behind you that you want to sit on.
  2. Second, pay attention to your knees. Don't dump them inside. When rising from the bottom position upward, the knees and feet should be aligned; where the foot points, the log looks there. The feet should point forward or be slightly turned to the sides. When going up, you can shift the emphasis slightly to the outside of the foot, this will make it easier to control the knees. In general, you should distribute your body weight evenly across your entire foot.
  3. The third point, watch the position of your back, do not round it . Pelvis, back, shoulder girdle, head - everything should be lined up.

Take your time, perform the exercise at an average pace, feel how the front of the thigh, buttocks, and muscles of the lumbar back are involved in the work.

Alexey Dinulov was with you. Subscribe to the channel, and see you soon in the very near future. Everyone, train!


Exercises with a gymnastic ball for weight loss

Gymnastics with fitball is a relatively new sport. The apparatus can be used in different ways: for strength training, during dance classes, during yoga exercises. Exercises on a weight loss ball are an effective set of workouts that help improve coordination of movements, putting an even load on all muscle groups, which promotes weight loss. Let's look at how to choose the right ball for exercising at home, and how to use it to remove fat from the sides and make your stomach flat.

What muscles are involved?

Muscles of the thighs and buttocks that are involved:

  • gluteus medius and minimus;
  • tensor fascia lata;
  • gluteus maximus;
  • femoral lateral wide;
  • two-headed;
  • semitendinosus;
  • semimembranous;
  • adductor muscles of the thigh.

Regular gymnastics using a Swiss ball will quickly help train your hips and buttocks, making your shape round and seductive. Training with this equipment involves additional muscle groups: the abs, core and lower back.

The abdominal muscles involved in gymnastics with the ball are involved, as in the case of pumping up the abs on the uneven bars, namely:

Exercise effectiveness

The fitball was originally developed for patients who have back problems. This projectile helped to strengthen the corresponding muscles, improve posture, which helped to recover faster after surgery and various herbs.

Systematic training with an exercise ball has many benefits. They strengthen all muscle groups without exception, improve posture, remove fat from problem areas, and as a result, a fit and slender figure.

For your information, a fitball is the only weight loss equipment in the world that simultaneously requires the coordinated work of the vestibular, motor, tactile and visual apparatus.

Exercises on a weight loss ball provide the following effects:

  • Posture is straightened and problems with the spine are eliminated. There are special training complexes that are aimed at strengthening the muscular skeleton of the back. Regular exercise helps strengthen the spine and also align it;
  • Physical activity with a gymnastic ball creates the same load on all muscle groups;
  • During the exercises, the vestibular apparatus is trained. Even if you use the ball only for the abs, to achieve a flat stomach, you still need to maintain balance during training;
  • Exercises with a ball have a beneficial effect on metabolism, stimulate blood circulation in the body, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems;
  • You won’t get bored with the gymnastics apparatus like other sports, since there are hundreds of exercises using it.

Since all muscles are involved during training, while you need to maintain balance on the apparatus, the body is more heavily loaded, which leads to burning more calories. This is one of the main aspects that allows us to talk about the effectiveness of fitball for weight loss for men.


For all exercises tested, Francis also found that positive contractions produced more muscle work than negative contractions. Many people are concerned about eliminating the hip flexors when working on the abs, but Francis says that this is anatomically impossible. “The hip flexors, obliques, and abs are synergistic; they work as a team, and you can't use one without also using the other,” he says.

Although they are technically separate muscle groups, the abdominal muscles work together to enable you to run, jump, and so on. Knowing this, try a new approach to abdominal training: Instead of thinking about which exercise hits which part of the abs, focus on developing the abdominal region as a whole for a stunning look.

How to choose a fitball and types of balls?

Good training results are directly due to the correct equipment. For example, if an overly large ball is chosen, this will not allow you to train at full strength, since the man will constantly slide off it. And a small ball does not create the necessary load on problem areas, as a result of which the effectiveness of the training approaches zero.

To perform exercises with a gymnastic ball for weight loss (video), you need to determine what type of apparatus is needed. For example, a ball with handles or “horns” is suitable for beginners.

Types of gymnastic balls:

  1. A smooth ordinary ball. This option is considered optimal for training, but you need to adapt to it. Beginners will find it difficult to maintain balance at first.
  2. A ball equipped with spikes. This variety is characterized by a massage effect, therefore it is recommended for men who have a history of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system. Another distinctive feature is its greater stability when compared with a smooth projectile.
  3. A ball with handles or horns. The projectile has different sizes, which are selected according to the height of the person.

An important criterion for choosing a ball is elasticity. An overly pliable shell or strong response to pressure is unacceptable. An ideal exercise machine for weight loss should have a deflection of no more than 30 millimeters when pressed, as well as a springy surface that quickly restores its original shape.

When choosing sports equipment, it is recommended to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Anti-ball explosion safety system. If the seal of the ball is accidentally broken, it will not explode, but will slowly release air. The ABS or BRQ icon indicates the presence of the desired function;
  • The thickness of the walls indicates reliable protection of the projectile, which protects against unexpected incidents during training;
  • Antistatic properties. Special additives to the material during the manufacture of gymnastic equipment eliminate the likelihood of debris and dust sticking to it.

A set of lessons for beginners

Before performing fitball exercises to lose weight on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, it is recommended to choose a place at home. This should be a spacious room. All sharp objects must be removed to minimize the possibility of an accident.

Advice: at first it will be difficult for a man to stay on the fitball. To give the ball stability, it can be covered with pillows or rolled up towels placed at the base of the ball. When you manage to maintain balance, you can get rid of additional attributes.

During the training process, you need to monitor your breathing. Many beginners, in an attempt to maintain balance on a gymnastic ball, unconsciously hold their breath, which is fundamentally wrong. You need to breathe evenly and deeply, while the efforts are made as you exhale, and as you inhale they return to the starting position.

To lose weight and give your figure a toned appearance, you need to exercise on a regular basis - several times a week, preferably three. The duration of the workout ranges from 40 to 60 minutes. At first, you need to choose exercises with a large weight loss ball (video) for beginners. As a rule, such activities are simple and do not lead to serious stress, which gives time to get used to the sports equipment.

Several exercises on a fitball for beginners:

  • This workout helps strengthen the muscles of the back, buttocks and lower extremities. You need to lie on your back, throw your legs over the ball, and you cannot touch the ball with your feet. Then they lift their hips up, rolling the fitball towards themselves with their legs. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times;
  • To get rid of fat on the sides, stomach and upper thighs, you need to bend to the side. To do this, lie on your back, the ball is located between your legs, and your hands rest on the floor surface. The ball is lifted with the legs and tilted in two directions; the shoulders cannot be lifted. Repeat 20-30 times;
  • This exercise helps strengthen your abs. Take the position as in the previous workout, with your hands behind your head. Afterwards, twisting is performed, the legs and pelvis are lifted up. To lose weight, it is important to breathe properly. Repeat as many times as possible.

Playing with a sports ball requires certain skills. Few people get it right the first time. The correct technique comes only with practice - the more a man trains, the better he will get.

Plan of attack

Time for crunches: Choose three or four of the suggested exercises and perform them in a circuit. Do 10-20 controlled reps of each without resting between sets. Repeat the entire circle two to three times. This type of training should be repeated no more than three times a week, meaning at least 48 hours should pass between sessions.

Little, but regularly: If you prefer to train your abs every day, choose one of the exercises described and perform it in three to four sets of 15-20 slow repetitions in one session. Next time, try another exercise. Work in strict form and remember to breathe.

You'll probably want to pick the top three exercises, but Dr. Francis argues against that. “Consistently alternating exercises and using different techniques will have the best effect on your abs,” he says. “Beginners need to gradually master the first three exercises on the list, as they are very difficult even for experienced athletes.”

Regardless of the choice of exercise, go up for four counts, go down for two. Hardgainer.RU

Contraindications to exercising with fitball

Fitball is one of the few sports equipment that has virtually no contraindications. Any man can choose the optimal set of workouts for himself to lose excess weight and strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

Contraindications include serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, which prohibit any physical activity. It is not recommended to exercise if you have a history of intervertebral hernia, as well as other serious diseases of internal organs and systems.

If there are doubts about the advisability of such activities, it is better to visit a medical specialist and consult with him. You can always choose an individual complex that will not conflict with concomitant diseases.

Fitball is a unique and versatile equipment that allows you to come up with many different workouts with varying degrees of stress on the body. The effectiveness of classes is due to the development of all muscles without exception.

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