Get back your former shape: how to remove your belly and sides after childbirth

Dear women and all readers of our site! Today we will discuss a pressing problem: postpartum tummy, how to deal with it. It is no secret that after the birth of a baby, mothers experience considerable discomfort due to a hanging tummy and “swells” on the sides.

It is clear that the process is completely natural: for 9 months the stomach gradually stretched, it is impossible to instantly return to its original position. But it’s realistic to do this in the shortest possible time, using a number of quite accessible tools. Which ones? We'll find out now.

A woman’s body after childbirth: what changes

When thinking about how to remove belly fat after childbirth, we should pay more attention to our knowledge of the characteristics of female physiology. If for 9 months the body has been intensively rebuilding itself in a new way, throwing all its strength into bearing and protecting the fetus, it will not be possible to turn in the opposite direction too quickly. You need to get ready for serious work on yourself, quite a long one.

It is the skin and muscles of the abdomen that undergo special changes during pregnancy, which is why the question of how to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth remains relevant for several months, or even a year after the birth of the baby. The next hormonal changes in the mother’s body will help in the process of “deflating”.

It will take about four weeks for the uterus to return to its prenatal size. Body cells begin to gradually get rid of fluid accumulations, including through secretory secretions. There are still pigment spots in the middle of the abdomen, the so-called linea nigra.

The baby, along with the amniotic fluid, means significant additional weight, so sometimes women have problems with veins, as well as hemorrhoids after childbirth. All these problems require solutions, and the simplest option is to immediately see your doctor and begin correcting the condition.

Proper nutrition

Proper and balanced nutrition will help quickly restore the body and regain your figure after childbirth, as well as improve lactation. Under no circumstances should you go on a strict diet or fast. A child must receive the necessary vitamins and elements from breast milk in order to fully grow and develop. In addition, a woman’s weakened body after childbirth will be even more depleted. But during this period you need to replenish vitamin reserves.

Choose a complete and saturated, but low-calorie and healthy diet that will help you lose weight and tighten the skin on your stomach or thighs. How to properly create a diet for a nursing mother, see the link.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth: an individual process

As for stretch marks directly after childbirth, the process of getting rid of them is largely individual. The speed of acquiring the desired forms depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • Mommy's body type before pregnancy;
  • The number of kilograms gained during pregnancy;
  • Genetic tendency to be overweight;
  • Mother's age;
  • How long ago was the baby born?
  • Use of breastfeeding;
  • The level of physical fitness and activity of a woman.

When the child is large, and the mother has gained extra pounds, the birth was complicated, and requires treatment for hemorrhoids after childbirth, then problems with stretch marks will take longer to resolve. If this is the first birth, the body is strong enough and ready for changes, then the birth will be easier and the recovery will be faster. Especially if the mother has gained less than 13 kilograms over the entire period, and is also breastfeeding.

Doctors call the average recovery period to the prenatal form: 6 months. Older mothers rarely meet this standard, since tissue at 40 and even at 30 is not as elastic as at 20. There is another important circumstance: subcutaneous fat is easier to remove than internal, so-called visceral.

The latter envelops the internal organs, and expelling it from the body is very problematic and will require much more effort. Ideally, of course, it is better not to have one, then you may not have to solve a related issue: treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth. But if it has formed, serious work remains to be done to “evacuate” it.

The two main ways to tighten the skin and abdominal muscles are a special set of exercises and a diet. Other methods: wearing a bandage, wrapping the abdomen with various medicinal compounds, breastfeeding are auxiliary.

Physical education - with a bang!

Physical activity, distributed in a special way, with the load on exactly the right muscles, is the most effective method of getting rid of the hated belly. Moreover, not only for women in labor, these exercises are suitable for any woman who cares about her figure.

As for mothers, we must keep in mind that you can start exercising only three to four weeks after giving birth; this rule should be adhered to especially strictly by those who are treating hemorrhoids after childbirth.

We start with pelvic lifts. Lie on your back, bend your knees. We press our backs to the floor and lift our pelvis up, tensing our abdominal muscles. Hold the “bridge” for 10 seconds, then repeat the movements 10 times.

Next will be crunches on the floor, also from a supine position. We bend our legs at the knees, while simultaneously crossing our arms over our chests. As you exhale, pull your upper body toward your knees, tensing your abdominal muscles. We return to the starting position. We perform at least 10 repetitions, this is one of the very useful actions that contribute to how to remove the postpartum belly.

The same starting position: lying on the floor, arms crossed on the chest, and legs placed under some stable piece of furniture. Raise your back, exhale, return to the original position. About 10 repetitions, if your health allows.

Static body hold is a rather difficult but effective exercise. It is performed from a lying position on your stomach, with your forearms resting on the floor (arms bent at right angles). Raise your body, straighten your back, leaning on your forearms and feet. Let's fix the body and hold it in this position for up to 30 seconds. We do it 3-4 times.

This exercise is especially valuable because it engages the internal muscles. But if you need to remove your belly after a cesarean section, consult your doctor about the permissible load.

Wall squats. We approach the free wall, press our backs closer to it, put our feet shoulder-width apart and move them slightly away from the level of the wall (by a small step). Sliding down the wall, we reach a position where the thighs become parallel to the floor. Then we rise up, trying not to help ourselves with our hands. We perform 10-15 slides and lifts. Works great to strengthen the abdominal muscles, legs, buttocks. But if you are diagnosed with hemorrhoids after childbirth, then the dosage of the load will be half as much.

What causes excess fat deposits?

Many people are unaware that there are actually several types of belly fat – subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.

Subcutaneous fat is what we mean when we talk about our excess weight, it is located deep under the skin, separating it from muscle tissue.

Visceral fat, in turn, forms around the internal organs.

In small quantities, such fat deposits are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but their excess can lead to a number of serious problems. In order to remove a sagging belly and make it flat again, we need to get rid of some of this fatty tissue.

Many young mothers believe that a recent pregnancy is to blame.

But in reality, fat is stored for many different reasons, and not all of them are related to your level of physical activity.


Some people are genetically predisposed to storing fat on their sides or thighs.

Often they get this feature from their parents.

Also, excess belly fat can be the result of chemical processes occurring in your body that allow it to function optimally.

This is why feeling comfortable and confident in your body is so important!

Hormones play a key role in many processes and changes that occur in the body.

Some types of hormones directly affect weight gain and the formation of fat deposits.

In women in particular, fluctuations in estrogen levels during pregnancy can lead to a significant increase in the volume of fatty tissue in the abdomen and thighs.

This is due to the fact that the body prepares itself for breastfeeding. Also, such fat deposits ensure the safety of the child while he is in the womb.

There is also a direct connection between constant stress and fat accumulation.

This is due to the release of the stress hormone cortisol.

Cortisol levels increase in stressful situations and form the body's protective reactions to external threats.

Practicing meditation and mindfulness can help regulate the levels of this hormone in your body.

If you find it difficult to meditate at home, visiting a sensory deprivation chamber .

For the most part, our fat reserves are formed in the kitchen.

Poor eating behaviors, such as eating too many refined carbohydrates or eating too much sugar, cause our bodies to struggle to adapt to these conditions.

As a result, this leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits.

It should be noted that frequent consumption of coffee leads to an increase in the level of cortisol in the blood, and this, as we know, is also one of the reasons for the appearance of excess fat in the abdominal area.

An incorrect diet is a serious obstacle to a flat stomach.

So what to do in this case, how to reduce your belly in a short time?

The solution to this situation is to switch to a diet where you create healthy eating habits (including a variety of unprocessed whole foods in your diet) and gradually reduce your emotional dependence on junk food.

One of the problems that can arise during pregnancy is diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, in other words, the separation of the inner edges of these muscles.

About two-thirds of women who have given birth are familiar with diastasis firsthand.

The higher the age of a pregnant woman, the higher the likelihood that she will encounter this scourge.

If you have been diagnosed with diastasis, then such basic exercises for the abdominal muscles as crunches or planks are strictly contraindicated for you!

The best solution in this situation is to learn to use the pelvic floor muscles and transverse abdominal muscles when moving.

By learning to use these muscle groups, you can significantly reduce the risk of diastasis during pregnancy. Among other things, this will also have a positive effect on your posture and provide the right support for your baby.

Nutrition adjustments: a way to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth

Everyone has heard about the role of nutrition in maintaining and improving your figure. But many people, out of habit, gravitate toward sweet, spicy, and salty foods, which provokes even greater weight gain.

Breastfeeding partly helps mommy achieve harmonious shape: the baby’s stomach is sensitive to excesses in the mother’s diet, and she, willy-nilly, has to follow the basic rules of a healthy diet.

As a result, the baby is happy, and at the same time we solve another important problem: how to remove the belly after a cesarean section or a natural birth.

The basics of a postpartum diet are simple; these are the rules that all ladies who care about their health and beauty of their figure should follow:

  • We count calories, we consume more than we expend;
  • We increase physical activity;
  • We eat more often, 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. By the way, proctologists also advise this when answering the question of how to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth;
  • We focus on protein and plant foods, minimize fats and carbohydrates;
  • Avoid evening snacks and late dinners;
  • We drink at least two liters of fluid per day.

These simple techniques will help you gain seductive shapes and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which will also help get rid of another scourge: hemorrhoids after childbirth.

The very first rule of losing weight: move more, eat less. So, in order to load the body with slightly fewer calories than is required for our daily activities: household chores, caring for the baby, physical exercise, etc. of course.

Running to the gym with a baby in your arms is somehow “unfortunate.” But it is quite possible and necessary to walk on stairs, walk with a child on the street, be active, listen to music, clean the apartment, etc.

Remove all harmful foods from your diet: smoked foods, pickles, semi-finished products, confectionery, at least for a few months. Sweets, of course, are needed, but as natural as possible: fruits, chocolate (in moderation, otherwise it will harm the baby and the waist too), honey (if the baby is not allergic to it).

Another important rule when deciding how to lose belly fat after a caesarean section: give preference to vegetables and fruits, as well as protein foods. Then the gastrointestinal tract will function better, which means that the intestines will not “put pressure” on the sutures, there will be no need to strain during bowel movements, and this is extremely important in the first months after childbirth performed surgically.

Fractional meals are beneficial for everyone, and especially for nursing mothers. This is an almost ideal way not to overload the stomach and intestines, and to avoid excessive gas formation. It is also a relevant and effective remedy for hemorrhoids after childbirth, since it improves the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestine and does not cause them to strain excessively.

The rule works in the same way: more in the morning, less in the evening - in relation to the volume of food absorbed. Breakfast is the main meal of the day. And when it’s past noon, the portion sizes need to be consistently reduced. Eating at night is harmful in every sense: it is a huge hindrance for normal sleep, and even more so for your figure. There is no time to spend evening calories; they will inevitably settle, increasing the layer of subcutaneous fat.

How to get rid of belly fat after childbirth? We have already learned a lot from the advice of nutritionists and physical therapy specialists. Don't forget about the importance of staying hydrated. We need at least two liters of water per day. It helps to improve the functionality of digestion, helps remove toxins from the body, and by the way, it is also very useful for skin tone.

Bandage and tying

It is important to know that only physical activity and proper nutrition will help you get rid of excess weight and fat, restore and tighten your figure. Using only a bandage or tying will not lead to the desired result. However, additional techniques will enhance and speed up the effect.

The bandage is a corset that supports the back, lower back and abdominal tissue. It helps restore body functions, get rid of stretch marks and fat deposits. The bandage prevents your belly from sagging even more. An effective method for dealing with sagging skin is tying.

With the help of tying, we select and remove the hanging belly after childbirth. This method helps the uterus contract, returns the internal organs to their original position and restores the functioning of digestion. To tie, take a piece of natural dense fabric three meters long and half a meter wide. A classic scarf or stole is perfect, as is a sling with rings or a sling scarf.

To tie it, lie down, place the middle of the straightened fabric on your stomach, and cross the product behind your back and pull it forward. Secure the belly at the level of the pelvis with a knot. Tie the fabric at the side so as not to put pressure on the uterus. Place your hands in the resulting “pocket” and lift your stomach up as much as possible. Thus, tying up ensures independent restoration of organs. and creates additional support for the muscles.

Other ways to remove belly and sides after childbirth

Bandage. There is one old remedy for body correction after the birth of a child; our grandmothers used it, and with success. This is a postpartum bandage. A simple device, and the spectrum of action is very diverse. Relieves the spine from excess load, relieving lower back pain; supports the abdominal wall; a bandage after a cesarean section helps fix the suture.

True, it is contraindicated for a number of skin diseases. The use of this device is also not recommended for women with kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

There are different types of bandages: panties, corsets, in the form of a tape and other designs. There are also universal belts that are used during pregnancy, to support the abdomen, and after childbirth. They are simply turned the right way; narrow or wide - depending on the purpose.

Belly tying. An even more “ancient” method that imitates a bandage is simply tying up the “sagging” area with a piece of fabric or a scarf. Today this technique is practically not used as it is unnecessary, archaic, and it is quite difficult to maintain the measure of tightening; it is possible to compress blood vessels and nerve endings.

Breast-feeding. There are many stories on the Internet about how to remove belly fat after childbirth: the video demonstrates different techniques. The most natural and pleasant type of “tightening” is breastfeeding. It has been experimentally proven that the process of milk production and the very act of feeding a baby require considerable energy expenditure. On average, mothers spend about 500 kilocalories on this per day.

At the same time, breastfeeding promotes the release of oxytocin, which is a hormone that causes powerful contractions of the uterus. As a result, the uterus returns to its previous, prenatal size quite quickly, and “pulls along” the abdominal muscles.

Wraps. They are performed, for example, with honey, coffee grounds, blue clay, and special pharmaceutical compounds. Apply the products for 40-60 minutes, after which you take a shower. You can pre-treat your skin with a scrub. At the end of the procedure, a softening cream is applied.

The best effect is achieved by an integrated approach, when several methods are used at once.

Dear friends! The birth of a child is truly a miracle, happiness, which should not be overshadowed by such rough edges as a spoiled figure. Use our recommendations and advice from doctors, and you will quickly recover to the delight of yourself and your loved ones. See you again!

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