How to remove belly and sides at home for a man

Men tend to gain excess weight no less than women, although by nature the norm of adipose tissue of the stronger sex is much less. This happens because the main hormone for a man is testosterone; the predominance of this hormone does not allow excess fat to accumulate.

In women, the opposite is true; estrogens (female hormones) serve as a store of adipose tissue for the main function of bearing a healthy fetus. Therefore, excessive excess weight in a man clearly implies some kind of malfunction in the body. This is not only a hormonal disorder, but also a change in a correct, healthy lifestyle. Let's analyze and solve the problem - why fat folds appear and how to remove a man's stomach and sides.


Example of a diet for weight loss

To solve the problem of excess fat accumulation in the abdomen and sides, it is necessary, first of all, to understand nutrition. The main enemy of extra pounds is overeating. If more energy enters the body than is expended, this leads to an increase in the male-type fat layer - specifically in the abdomen and sides.

Usually, due to ignorance of the principles of proper nutrition, the diet includes foods and drinks that contribute to aggravating the problem. Even harmless fruits and juices need to be taken correctly.

  1. Firstly, overeating can be a cause of stress; nervousness causes uncontrolled eating of everything that comes to hand. Therefore, it is necessary to understand whether hunger has really set in or whether you just want to please yourself and feel sorry for yourself.
  2. Secondly, foods can be high in calories, fat and have a high glycemic index. More precisely, the sugar content. Therefore, foods such as cereals, fruits, flour products, eaten in large quantities at night, will lead to a gain of unwanted weight.

Besides overeating, beer is a big enemy of the belly. Many people are unaware of the dangers of this product, considering it a liquid on a par with water. Beer, in addition to a large amount of carbohydrates, contains estrogens. It is from them that the “beer belly” begins to appear. Beer contains hop extract, which contains these hormones that contribute to the accumulation of excess weight. Essentially, estrogens are fat. This is why secondary sexual characteristics appear.

In addition, the cellulose contained in beer is poorly processed by the body, so an excess of such carbohydrates can lead to a big belly. One hundred grams of the drink contains forty-two calories, which is more than most vegetables. Since you can drink more than one liter of beer, calculate what a huge amount of extra calories comes, at first glance, from such a harmless liquid at one time. Therefore, in order to remove the overhanging belly and sides, this product must be abandoned once and for all.

Slimming the abdomen and sides of a man

Factors influencing the appearance of a belly

An important aspect when gaining adipose tissue is metabolic disorders (metabolism). Metabolic disorders are caused by a number of reasons:

  • poor nutrition;
  • age;
  • disturbance of sleep and rest patterns;
  • disruption of the digestive system.

Poor nutrition, frequent fast food snacks, single meals, fasting - all this slows down the metabolism and leads to excess weight. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, fasting is strictly prohibited.

In addition, this provokes an increase in the hormone cortisol. Also called stress hormone. Thus, when a stressful situation develops, such as hunger, the produced cortisol disrupts carbohydrate metabolism. This situation also leads to the accumulation of excess fat. Cortisol also increases when sleep is disturbed, since overwork and insomnia are also stress for the body. Thus, those who want to lose belly fat need to take these factors into account and prevent an increase in cortisol. Its concentration is especially high in the morning, so you should not skip breakfast. The resulting food will block all negative factors.

In addition, cortisol destroys muscles. Therefore, proper and timely nutrition will help restore metabolism. Men who have reached thirty years of age should be especially attentive to this. At this time, hormonal changes and a slowdown in metabolism occur in the body. In this case, you need to work harder on the result: add physical activity, adjust your diet.

The thing about belly fat is that it is the hardest to remove. Fat from the abdomen and sides is the last to be lost. Accordingly, after burning fat in the upper shoulder girdle, over time, the stomach will also go away. Therefore, the approach to the problem should be comprehensive, taking into account physiological characteristics. Unfortunately, excess weight leads not only to a slowdown in metabolism, but also to disruption of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Simply put, the heart suffers and breathing worsens, shortness of breath appears. Most often, the joints of the lower extremities and spine suffer from excess mass. Blood circulation slows down, genitourinary function worsens. Considering the risk factors and the seriousness of the problem of increasing fatty tissue in the abdominal area, let’s look at what men need to do in this case.

Drying a man's body

Causes of deposits on the sides of men

There is an opinion that it is not common for men to gain excess fat on their stomach and sides. After all, they do hard work and are constantly under pressure. But life shows the opposite example. By the age of 30, they try different diets, become interested in sports, their figure loses its shape, fat envelops the sides and stomach.

To remove excess fat from the waist for a man, you need to know the reasons for the appearance of deposits:

  1. Endocrine diseases, genetics.
  2. Lack of physical activity affects fat formation. Office work, a wife, children, and a cozy home contribute to the fact that most of the time is spent calmly in front of the computer or TV.
  3. Diseases that contribute to the development of obesity, accumulations on the stomach and sides (diabetes).
  4. Poor nutrition. Cheerful friends, beer, a friendly family, a hearty feast, sandwiches, pizza provoke problems with weight gain on the stomach and sides.
  5. Smoking, alcohol. Smoking makes you physically weaker and you have to give up sports. Alcohol itself is high in calories. If you drink a bottle of beer every evening, after six months the number on the scale will not be visible due to your belly.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Fast and slow carbohydrates - table

Fighting beer belly, sides, waist fat:

  1. The first step is to give up bad habits. It is difficult for a man to refuse relaxation with the help of alcohol or a cigarette; they are not combined with a healthy lifestyle.
  2. The second step is to cleanse the intestines and normalize its functioning. Start drinking kefir in the mornings and evenings. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water during the day. Diversify your diet with plant foods that make the gastrointestinal tract work: plums, pears, cucumbers, oranges. This way, accumulations will disappear from the stomach and waist in men faster.
  3. At the last stage, in order to remove excess fat from the waist, a person must switch to a balanced diet. The optimal choice is a diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and proteins. It will fill you with energy, health, and vigor. After the excess fat is gone from the sides, you can move on to a nutritious diet.

Proper nutrition

  1. It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet: confectionery and flour products, alcohol, beer, sparkling water. The high sugar content in these products provokes the accumulation of fats;
  2. Instead of sweets, it is advisable to eat: fruits, dried fruits, honey or a natural sugar substitute, but only in the first half of the day. Carbohydrates received in the evening are not consumed and pass into adipose tissue;
  3. Complex carbohydrates: consume cereals and grains before lunch, carbohydrates will burn and provide the body with energy;
  4. Eat more protein (lean meat, fish, seafood, dairy products) and fiber (vegetables). Consumption of these foods does not lead to an increase in fat tissue. They are also allowed in the evening;
  5. The last meal is three hours before bedtime. At late times, fermented milk products are allowed.
  6. Eat small portions. Have light snacks. Each subsequent meal should be no earlier than three hours later and no later than four.
  7. Drink clean water. Required amount of water: 30 ml of water per kilogram of weight. Water speeds up metabolism, flushes out waste products, and nourishes cells. Therefore, you cannot neglect water, because dehydration will only slow down all metabolic processes. Tea and coffee do not count.

Protein nutrition

One of the most effective ways to combat beer belly and sides is a high-protein diet. Products containing proteins (proteins) are easily digestible and do not contain carbohydrates. By eating such foods in any quantity, you don’t have to worry about accumulating extra pounds.

Choose foods with minimal fat content:

  • poultry meat;
  • beef;
  • rabbit;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • milk.

The minimum protein intake per kilogram of weight is 1.5 grams. The maximum dose of protein is 3-4 grams per kilogram of weight. Be sure to consume two grams of salt per day. At the same time, be sure to drink enough water.

How to remove belly fat for a man

  1. If you see that, in addition to the abdomen, fat begins to be deposited on the hips, start by examining sex hormones. Leveling the background stabilizes the weight, provided the following points are observed.
  2. The daily routine should be established ; if you wake up at lunchtime and go to bed late at night, after having a hearty dinner, fat accumulation is inevitable. For the proper functioning of the digestive organs, the morning should be accompanied by a hearty breakfast. By providing carbohydrates, the body receives energy for all its processes, including weight loss.
  3. Carbohydrates should enter the body in the first half of the day , until a maximum of 16.00. The rest of the time, energy from carbohydrates is not consumed, but is converted into fat. Therefore, in the evening, proteins should prevail, a minimum of fats and carbohydrates in the form of fiber, which are found in vegetables.
  4. The last meal should end 3-4 hours before bedtime. During this time, food should be digested so as not to create unnecessary stress on the digestive organs during sleep.
  5. Hunger also causes fat accumulation due to slower metabolism. The body stores fat during fasting, and frequent meals, on the contrary, speed up the metabolism, since the body has no reason to accumulate fat “in case of fasting.”

Example of a protein diet menu:

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, tea or coffee;
  • Snack: 2 boiled eggs;
  • Lunch: baked chicken fillet;
  • Snack: kefir or low-fat yogurt without sugar;
  • Dinner: Steamed fish.

Advice from nutritionists

Modern nutritionists are supporters of proper and balanced nutrition, the results of which can last a lifetime. A balanced diet and good motivation will help remove belly folds.

Experts recommend:

  • do not have dinner after 19.00;
  • eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, every 2-3 hours;
  • do not feel hungry, but food should not give you the feeling of overeating;
  • arrange one fasting day per week: chicken - no more than 1.5 kg of chicken meat; cottage cheese, 100 grams per serving; vegetable – 1.5 kg of any type; fruit – 1.5 kg to choose from;
  • exclude sausages, confectionery, and pasta from the diet;
  • drink more water.

Proper nutrition against subcutaneous belly fat

If a man wants to get rid of subcutaneous belly fat, then the first thing he should do is take care of proper nutrition. Otherwise, no amount of training may yield results, since building muscles that will be hidden under fat is unwise. Forget about strict diets, they only give short-term and unstable results. A proper diet should become your way of life.

The main rule is not to overeat. It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, and not 1-2 times in huge plates, as many of us are used to. Be sure to have breakfast, do not eat several hours before bedtime.

It is very important to choose the right foods, because while some help burn fat, others lead to its accumulation. For example, fiber is very useful for weight loss. It speeds up metabolic processes, cleanses the body of waste, toxins, and excess fluid. The main sources of fiber are fruits and vegetables, as well as grains.

But you shouldn’t make your diet only plant-based: a man needs enough protein to burn fat. Their best sources are lean meats and fish, eggs, and dairy products.

If you want to get rid of excess belly fat, avoid fried foods. It is recommended to replace frying with boiling, stewing, baking - this reduces the calorie content of food and increases its usefulness.

Another important point is drinking enough water. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day, and this applies exclusively to water. Other healthy drinks include green and herbal teas, and sometimes you can drink coffee without sugar. But it is recommended to avoid packaged juices, carbonated waters, as well as sweets, baked goods, and fast food.

It is worth giving up sugar and limiting salt intake. Useful spices include pepper, curry, cinnamon, ginger - they perfectly accelerate fat burning processes.

Those who have ever been interested in losing weight for men have probably heard about foods with negative calories. What kind of products are these? The concept of negative calories is quite arbitrary. These products have a calorie content, but it is quite small, and besides, the body spends more calories on their absorption than it receives, hence the negative calorie content.

There are quite a lot of such products. These include some fruits and berries: pineapple, apple, papaya, grapefruit, tangerine, lemon, mango, cranberry, raspberry, strawberry. In addition, there are a lot of such products among vegetables and herbs - zucchini, sorrel, spinach, chili peppers and sweet peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage, radishes, arugula, celery, beans, garlic and many others.

By eating right, you can improve your physical fitness and burn excess belly fat. But another important element of the program is physical activity.

Sample menu for weight loss for a week

Below is an approximate diet that will help reduce body fat, but for maximum effect you need to adjust any diet to suit yourself.

First, you need to base your daily calorie intake at the beginning of losing weight and eat a little less per day to create a calorie deficit. Or increase your energy expenditure by doing an extra run, a walk in the park, or a gym workout, your choice.

Secondly, in the process of losing weight, metabolism may slow down, which will lead to a decrease in the daily norm or simply decrease body weight, which will also lead to a decrease in the body's need for calories. And at this moment, in order for fat burning to continue, it will be necessary to again reduce the calorie content of the diet for a day or increase consumption, if this is still possible.

For example, to lose 12 kg in 6 weeks, I personally had to reduce my calorie intake twice in weeks 2 and 4. And also, from the 3rd week, increase the number of workouts to 2 per day in order to get sculpted abs on your stomach in such a short time. If I weren’t in a hurry, I would need to train less and wouldn’t have to cut my diet much.


  • Breakfast: natural cottage cheese with fruit;
  • Snack: apple;
  • Lunch: baked chicken fillet with vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: puree soup;
  • Dinner: Vegetable and seafood salad.


  • Breakfast: Omelette of two eggs;
  • Snack: banana;
  • Lunch: rice with vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: kefir or yogurt;
  • Dinner: fish with steamed vegetables.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit or honey;
  • Snack: fresh fruit juice;
  • Lunch: boiled beef with vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt;
  • Dinner: steamed chicken and vegetable cutlets.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole;
  • Snack: fresh vegetables;
  • Lunch: meat broth soup with vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: omelette of eggs and cottage cheese;
  • Dinner: beef liver in sour cream.


  • Breakfast: whole grain piece of bread with feta cheese;
  • Snack: fruit salad;
  • Lunch: fish soup;
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with dried fruits;
  • Dinner: Baked fish, cucumber and tomato salad.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with flax seeds and pumpkin seeds;
  • Snack: one orange;
  • Lunch: cream soup with mushrooms;
  • Afternoon snack: milkshake;
  • Dinner: vegetable stew.

Sunday : fasting day (any one to choose from).

Men's workouts to burn fat

Workouts to burn belly fat

Don't forget that proper nutrition is a big part of success. But physical activity will help you achieve fat burning in the “difficult” zone faster.

  1. First, exercise speeds up your metabolism.
  2. Secondly, due to an increase in heart rate, a large number of calories are burned, including from fat.

But training should cover not only the abdominal area, but all muscle groups. This will lead to a general decrease in weight in the body, since fat cannot be burned locally. Training should be strength and aerobic. Strength training should be aimed at burning fat through high repetitions. Exercises are performed with virtually no rest. You can exercise both at home and in the gym. You can run in the fresh air. There are many options, the main thing is motivation.

Workouts at home

  1. Warm-up : jumping rope for 15-20 minutes.

  1. Jump Squats

Jump Squats

Starting position: feet shoulder width apart. Inhale: lower your pelvis, knees at right angles, resting on your heels. As you exhale: pushing off with your feet, we jump up to the starting position. Repeat 20-25 times.

  1. Lunges

Lunges correct technique

Starting position: feet together, alternately lunge with your feet forward. Inhale: step with your right foot into a squat, knee at a right angle. As you exhale: pushing off with your heel, return your foot to its original position. Also immediately to the left. We perform 30 repetitions.

  1. Push ups


Starting position: lying down, palms at shoulder level. Inhale: Lower yourself with a straight back as low as possible, elbows running along the body. Exhale: do push-ups. Repeat as many times as possible, the last two repetitions are performed with all your might.

  1. Plank

Plank exercise

Starting position: lying down, as in push-ups. Hold this position motionless for 1 minute. Without holding your breath.

  1. Lateral pelvic lifts

Side plank pelvic raises

From the “plank” position, we turn on our feet to the side, remaining in support on one hand. The pelvis does not sag, the body is straight from neck to heels. Inhale: release the pelvis to the floor. As you exhale: using the oblique abdominal muscles, we raise the pelvis to its original position. 20-25 times on each side.

  1. fold

Abdominal fold exercise

Starting position: lying on your back, straight arms behind your head. As you exhale: using the abdominal muscles, we tear off the body, simultaneously with the legs. We touch our palms to our feet. Inhale: smoothly lower to the floor. The number of repetitions is 20 times and above.

  1. Burning fat while lying down

Intense exercise to burn belly fat

Starting position: lying on your back, palms placed under your head. We rest our feet on the floor. As you exhale: lift only your shoulder blades off the floor, look at the ceiling, and raise your chin upward. Inhale: relax, lie down on the floor. The exercise is performed at a fast pace, maximally loading the abdominal muscles until a burning sensation is felt. We perform from 30 times to the maximum.

All exercises in this complex are performed without rest. After the burning exercise, rest for one minute and repeat 2-3 circles. After training, stretch all your muscles and drink water.

A man without excess fat on the stomach and sides

Exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides for men

The unaesthetic “life preserver” in the waist area is not so easy to remove for people who are not used to regular training. By analyzing your diet, you can identify many reasons for the appearance of excess fat around the waist. The appearance of deposits is promoted by:

  • alcohol (especially beer, which contains the hormone phytoestrogen);
  • simple carbohydrates – all bakery flour products;
  • sugar;
  • coffee - caffeine retains fluid in tissues, coffee washes out magnesium and calcium, which leads to problems with sleep;
  • fried foods rich in starch and fats.

Everyone knows that the above foods cause obesity, but many still do not control the consumption of sugar, alcohol and carbohydrates, hence the fat on the sides of men and the appearance of an unnaturally large belly due to the accumulation of visceral fat. You can achieve visible results if you combine proper nutrition with regular physical activity, but nutrition is the foundation from which to start.

Before removing fat from the sides of men, they plan their diet. Limiting unhealthy foods in your diet is the basis for losing weight. The men's diet for the belly and sides involves proper nutrition and frequent, small portions, and a sharp calorie restriction can lead to the opposite effect. The body requires resources in the form of essential nutrients to run its metabolism.


To figure out how to remove sides in men, you need to determine the person’s level of physical fitness, the volume of folds at the waist that need to be eliminated. Key exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides for men are pumping the abs and aerobic exercises (cardio). You can start with running and simple exercises. It is difficult for an obese person to perform exercises right away, so they must be started gradually. You can start with the following:

  1. Get used to walking daily. Start with 20 minutes a day, after 2 weeks - reach the mark of 1.5 - 2 hours. It is useful to refuse the elevator: you additionally train your body by walking up the stairs.
  2. After you get used to daily walks, start jogging - 2-3 laps at a jogging stadium.
  3. Simultaneously with the start of aerobic training, begin to develop your abdominal and back muscles. The result of pumping muscles at this stage will be better, because... Your metabolism has become more active due to daily exercise, and it will be easier to keep yourself in shape.
  4. For 3-4 weeks, when you are accustomed to the load, add strength training with weights and squats. In order to protect yourself from injury, it is better to exercise under the supervision of a trainer.


To enhance the results, you can add massage to your diet and physical activity. How to remove the sides of a man’s waist using massage? For people who cannot perform exercises due to back problems, massage significantly helps improve their health and speed up their metabolism. The vacuum massage technique has proven its effectiveness for weight loss.

  • self-massage using a special massage sponge; This procedure can be performed daily. When you shower, massage problem areas. It is useful to combine such a massage with a contrast shower;
  • massage with vacuum jars - silicone jars can be bought at any pharmacy and, after reading the instructions, you can independently do lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen and waist folds.

Local weight loss, according to scientists, is a myth. The body cannot burn deposits around the waist without affecting the hips, chest, and arms. Weight loss should be uniform. Start exercising to remove fat from the belly and sides of a man at home or in the gym on cardio equipment, and do strength exercises on problem areas.

The best types of exercise to get rid of excess fat around the waist:

  1. Fitball. Sports equipment suitable for men and women. It will help pump up your sides and stomach well. Lie with your right side on the ball, legs extended, and your hand on the floor supporting your body. Raise the leg located on top to the maximum, then lower it. Do 10-20 repetitions. Switch sides.
  2. Jump rope. It will help remove the stomach and sides in a short time. Jumping helps to quickly burn fat throughout the body. 20 minutes of intense training is enough. In the future, it is recommended to add 10 minutes every week. If your body weight is too large, then it is better to replace the jump rope with running or active walking; there is a risk of injury to the knee joints.
  3. Dumbbells. Projectile weight – maximum 2 kg. To perform the exercise, raise your right arm and bend to the left. Number of repetitions – 10-20. Change sides.

The following tasks will help a man remove fat from the sides, abdomen, and waist at home:

  • lie on the floor, legs bent. We raise the upper part of the body, stretching our chest towards our knees. Keep your hands on your chest or behind your head, but do not put pressure on the back of your head, so as not to damage the cervical vertebrae. Make all movements using your abs, so that fat burns and the muscles become stronger and more expressive;
  • the starting position is the same. We stretch our elbow to the opposite knee, straining the muscles. Alternately on each side;
  • stand up straight, place a straight stick or barbell on your shoulders. We turn the upper part of the body to the left and right. The back is straight;
  • hang on the bar, raise straight bent legs until a right angle is formed with the body. Alternately turn your knees to the right and left sides. Tension is felt in the sides and vastus dorsi.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Exercises for the buttocks and thighs with an expander
To quickly burn fat in men at home, you need to combine cardio exercises and strength exercises.

Jumping Jack has an excellent effect for reducing belly fat. You need to stand up straight, lower your hands. Take a jump - spread your legs to the sides, clap your arms above your head. Then they will return to the starting position. It burns calories well and is suitable for everyone to do at home.

Jump rope, and then start working out your stomach and sides using the workout described above.

If you decide to work out in a sports club, you should know how to properly create a training program for a man in the gym, remove fat from the sides, waist, and abdomen.

  1. A man should perform all exercises on an empty stomach so that calories are burned from his own reserves and not stored from food.
  2. Keep water with you.
  3. If you feel very hungry before class, you can snack on a protein product or a fat-burning smoothie in the gym.
  4. Breaks during work. Rest should be combined with some light exercise. You can't stop completely.
  5. For the first 10-30 minutes in the gym, train with a jump rope or jump without it.
  6. Then spend half an hour on the treadmill. Thanks to cardio exercise, fat is removed from the sides, from the entire body, and the stomach becomes toned. Start at 8 km/h.
  7. After finishing with warm-up and gymnastics, start strength training. There may be tasks from the complex to perform at home against deposits.

Exercises for losing weight on the belly, waist and excess fat for men in the gym:

  1. Lie on an incline bench with your head down. Raise your body and reach your left elbow towards your right knee. Perform 10-20 times alternately on each side.
  2. Rest your forearms on the supports of the machine, your back pressed against the pillow, your legs bent. Pull your knees towards your chest and slightly tilt them to the side. Work the muscles on your sides and abs.
  3. Sit on an incline bench, but now with your head up. Hands along the body, hold on to supports. We raise our legs until a right angle is formed with the body and lower them 20 times. If you experience pain in the lumbar region, then at first bend your limbs at the knees.
  4. Lie on your right side on a bench with your upper torso hanging down and your legs secured with bands at ankle level. Perform body lifts using your muscles 10 times. This exercise quickly burns extra pounds around your waist.

Tasks for men will help you quickly burn fat on the waist, stomach, and pump up your torso. The main thing is to identify the reason why the reserve is deposited on the sides, to remove the factor from life.

Many men who have reached the age of 30 suffer from problems such as: excess weight, the appearance of sides at the waist, fat on the stomach. It’s not enough to do exercises to pump up your abdominal muscles to lose weight.

The reason for excess deposits in this part of the body lies in the wrong daily behavior of a person.

Before you remove the sides of a man’s waist, get rid of fat and lose weight, you need to carefully select special exercises.

Nowadays, the concept of beauty has changed significantly. The desire of women to take care of their bodies, endure diets and self-torture in order to achieve an imaginary ideal size is perceived as a natural desire. Now there is also a clear interest in ideal proportions among men.

Over the 250,000 years of human existence, he has not changed physiologically - his body is also designed for long-term physical activity, a meager diet, and a measured lifestyle.

Our body knows how to self-regulate, protect itself from infections, adjust weight with proper nutrition - increase it in winter, during the cold season and decrease it in summer, and instinctively find the right foods when sick.

The modern high-tech world has left very little room for a man to move - he sits at work most of the day, hunches over the computer in the evening, and spends weekends on the couch. At the age of 30, his stomach and sides begin to sag; at 40, problems with his heart and blood pressure begin; at 45, he suffers his first heart attack, weighing 40 kg. excess weight.


For everyone, even the most self-conscious men, there comes a time when fat on the stomach and sides disfigures the figure so much that it becomes noticeable to the person himself.

To eliminate such a far-reaching problem, he will have to make gigantic efforts and completely rebuild his lifestyle. Unfortunately, there is no panacea. And for men, in order to get back in shape, they will need to change not only their lifestyle, but also their way of thinking.

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