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Exercises in the gym

Bodybuilding and fitness classes require considerable physical effort. Few people are able to perform high-quality exercises at home, since there are many distractions around. Working out in the gym and feeling the competitive spirit, you want to work better and more efficiently. Constant instructions, criticism and praise from the coach also motivate in the gym. The very presence of a coach and strangers around keeps you on your toes and eliminates the possibility of “flagging” and feeling sorry for yourself when performing difficult exercises. Few people are able to work intensively at home. Once you start working out in the gym, feeling a pleasant pain in your muscles and a high mood (from the release of hormones into the blood), you will look forward to the next workout to get better. The main point of training effectiveness and achieving the desired result is the correct execution of the exercise technique. Is your goal a beautiful and healthy body? Then you should definitely come to us. Our website contains a large number of training sessions! Choose any!

Hand exercises

Do these simple exercises as often as possible (at least every other day) and keep your arm muscles toned. You will need dumbbells weighing from 1 to 3 kilograms.

Double lifts

Raise your arms with dumbbells to chest level, turn them around and lift the top. Then lower it again and turn it around.

Perform 15-20 approaches.

Raising hands

Bend over, bending your knees slightly. Sharply spread your arms and bring them as far as possible. Perform 15-20 repetitions.

Raising arms on weight

Raise your arms with dumbbells as shown in the GIF. Without lowering them, perform this exercise 12-15 times.

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Raising arms from behind the back

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight and place your hands behind your back. Raise them at the same time. Perform 10-15 repetitions.

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Posted by FITNESS EXERCISE PP (@fitnes_sport_pp_blog) May 17, 2020 at 9:18 am PDT

Is exercise technique really that important?

Yes Yes Yes! Especially if these are exercises in the gym. If you work out regularly in the gym, you can avoid doing exercises at home so that your muscles have time to recover between workouts. Having a home gym equipped with several exercise machines, you can do exercises at home.

Working out at home has many advantages:

  • opportunity to train at a convenient time
  • cost savings
  • saving travel time
  • no queue to the simulator.

By creating a training schedule, increasing the load and intensity of the exercises, you will achieve success and achieve your goal - an ideal body!

Exercises for the abdomen and beautiful waist

We work the sides and abs

Lie on your back and spread your arms to the sides. Raise two straight legs at the same time. Don't lift your pelvis. Do 2 sets of 25 reps. In order to work your sides well, lift your straight legs one at a time.

Bend elbows to knees

Lie on your back and put your hands behind your head. Lift your shoulders off the floor. Raise your bent legs. Pull your right leg towards your left elbow and your left elbow towards your right leg. Do this 2 sets of 25 times.

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10 exercises on the beach: do fitness at sea

Upper press

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place them on the floor. Place your hands on your head. Raise your shoulders up, while tightening your abs, not your arms. Stretch your chin up. Do this 2 sets of 25 times.

To work your side muscles, reach your left elbow toward your right knee 25 times without lifting your legs. Then with your right elbow to your left knee.

Creating the perfect tummy

Lying on your back, bend your legs and place your feet on the floor. Ask someone to hold your feet. You can also use a sofa or other comfortable place. Raise your body and then lower it. Do it smoothly and softly. Lie down with your back rounded and gradually straighten it. You need to perform 2 sets of 25 times.

Exercises with technique

Those who are serious about training at home can find the maximum amount of useful information in the home training section. It details various exercise options (without equipment and with equipment), the correct execution of which allows you to achieve the best results. Using only dumbbells for training, you can effectively pump up all muscle groups in a short time, thereby making your body fitter, more attractive and healthier.

You can choose exercises for training according to several criteria:

  • muscle group
  • inventory
  • complexity
  • type of exercises (isolating and basic).

The filtering system in the section containing exercises is clear and convenient. This makes it possible to quickly and easily select the most convenient and useful exercises specifically for you. The section also contains a rating of popular exercises to perform at home, which provide maximum results (the rating is based on user voting).

For the press

The fundamental exercise for pumping up the abdominal muscles has always been, is and will be crunches. Considering that basic training involves a high load, they must be performed with a barbell plate, which must be held behind the head. This is the only way you can “shock” your muscles enough, give them a jolt, so that they actively begin to grow.

Taking into account that the press is also conventionally divided into upper and lower, an incline bench will again be of help here. By changing the position of the body with its help, you thus not only increase the load, but somewhat shift the emphasis. Look at the photo if anything seems unclear.

To concentrate directly on the lower abs, you should not lift your torso, but rather your legs. And it’s best to do this, again, on parallel bars or a crossbar, using additional weights.

However, do not forget about the oblique abdominal muscles. To do this, add body turns left/right to your exercises. This way, you will, in fact, simultaneously work almost all the abdominal muscles at once.

Start training right away!

The stereotype of starting a new life on Monday, on the first day, or on the New Year has long been outdated. If you want to start doing something, start right now! We tried to make this section as convenient as possible - the technique for each exercise is described in detail. They allow you to achieve results and motivate you with the advice of a professional trainer posted on the page with exercises. Videos and photos explaining the technique minimize erroneous execution of the exercises. Learn and get started right now!

Just a couple of weeks of systematic training and you will become dependent on them. Fitness and physical exercise will bring more pleasure each time and will become necessary like water, air and food.

Take action right now and get closer to your goal!

Donskoy Consulting Group

We develop creativity. 5 exercises

Creativity is the creative abilities of an individual, allowing one to create and implement fundamentally new ideas.
The creative component is present in every person from birth. Look how relaxed children are in any creative activity. Unfortunately, most of us lose creative freedom under the influence of our upbringing and social environment.

Right now we want to offer some practical exercises that will help make your mind sharper and more flexible, as well as develop your creativity and will further improve your creative thinking.

Exercise No. 1: “Two random words”

To introduce this exercise, let's quote Steve Jobs: “Creativity is simply making connections between things. When creative people are asked how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't actually do anything, but just noticed it. This becomes clear to them over time. They were able to connect different pieces of their experience and synthesize something new. This happens because they have experienced and seen more than others, or because they think about it more.”

Now pick up a thick book or a dictionary. Open it to any page and, without looking, poke it with your finger. Write down the first word you choose. Repeat the action again and choose the second word.

Then try to find something in common between these two words, compare them, analyze, compare, look for relationships. Come up with a story that would connect these two concepts, even the most incredible story.

Exercise No. 2: “Association game”

Look around you. What object caught your eye? Let's say for a voice recorder that lies on the table. Now take paper and pen and write down 5 adjectives that best describe the subject you have chosen.

For example, in our case: a voice recorder...

  • stylish;
  • functional;
  • comfortable;
  • easy;
  • white.

Happened? Let's continue. Write 5 more adjectives that are absolutely unsuitable for the subject you have chosen. This will be a little more difficult to do: a voice recorder...

  • emerald;
  • winter;
  • fried;
  • calico;
  • wrinkled.

This is what came to our minds. Delve into your feelings and perceptions of the world around you and find the necessary definitions. Put in a little more effort and everything will work out, the main thing is don’t leave the task unfinished. Sit and reflect.

Exercise #3: “Mad Architect”

How do you feel about trying on the role of an architect and designing, for example, your own country house? Even if you don’t know how to draw at all and remember with horror your school drawing lessons. Believe me, there is nothing scary here. Drawing and sketching skills are not important here. The main thing is the process itself. Were we able to convince you? Great, let's start then.

First, write down any 10 nouns on a piece of paper. Orange, vase, lawn, water, tomato - whatever comes to mind. Imagine that these 10 words are 10 mandatory conditions of the customer for whom you are designing a house.

For example, “orange” - paint the walls of a country house orange, “water” - let there be a pond with a waterfall or a small fountain in front of the house, “tomato” - these are red fish in the pond or polka dot curtains on the windows, etc. Just give free rein to your imagination, turn on your creativity. Draw and imagine what it might look like in real life.

Exercise No. 4: “Hour of Silence”

Don’t be alarmed, you won’t have to put water in your mouth and be silent. As the name of the exercise suggests, you will devote only one hour to this task, but at the same time you should not break away from your usual activities and normal daily routine.

During this time, answer people only general questions using “yes,” “no,” and “I don’t know.” Behave naturally so that no one around you suspects anything strange. No one should get the impression that you are not yourself, are sick, or got up on the wrong foot in the morning. Try it, we are sure you will like it.

Exercise #5: “Creativity Test”

Believe in yourself and throw away all doubts. Take a sheet of A4 paper and draw the following crosses: 6 in height and 9 in length:

Now we tune in to the creative wave, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. We take a pen and start turning crosses into pictures and small sketches, for example, like this:

Are you done? Now look at what happened and choose the most successful ones, there will probably be some.

The original task may look different, for example like this:

Generate thoughts, don’t stop there. The more you train your brain, develop your imagination and creativity, the more interesting ideas and solutions will come to you.

Be creative! A phrase from the movie “99 Francs” comes to mind: “Creativity is not a craft where you have to justify your salary; This is a craft where your salary justifies you. And the career of a creator is as ephemeral as the career of a television program director.”

For leg muscles

Basic exercises for the legs, to increase the volume of their muscle mass, will require serious loads from you. Considering the nature of joint movement, the best exercises in this series would be squats with a barbell and leg press on a machine. Only with their help can you gain weight.

Squats should be approached with some caution, as a considerable load is placed on the spine. Therefore, gain weight gradually to avoid injury. Since the calf muscle groups are also divided into several sections, vary the squats with different ways of performing them: deep, partial, sumo squats, etc.

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