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Zuzana Light

This Czech athlete is 36 years old and has been a celebrity in the fitness world for a long time. Zuzana prefers bodyweight exercises, which always keep her in good shape. Sometimes the model uses dumbbells and weights. Zuzana has developed personal fitness courses and runs a Youtube channel.

Let's become fitness girls

This term refers to those girls who have strong muscles and beautiful relief. Some people ask what needs to be done in order to join their ranks? But for this it is not enough just to get rid of extra pounds. It is also not enough to do aerobics for a certain period of time.

This is a unique way of life. Fitness girls have a sincere devotion to sports. They see achieving the goal in systematic training according to special programs and nutrition. Only in this way, in their opinion, will physical transformation be achieved.

Such young ladies are characterized by a documented presentation of intermediate results, which they post in the form of photos on social networks. In this way they announce themselves to the public.

Jen Selter

The American fashion model and fitness instructor is 24 years old. She attracted a wide audience due to her round buttocks. She is sponsored by companies such as Nike, New Balance and is usually photographed in tight pants.

Ekaterina Krasavina

The second girl we liked and whose form deserves praise is Ekaterina Krasavina. Do you want to see what the fitness bikinist looked like before her sports career? The changes are obvious:

The first conversations about the girl began in 2014. It all started with the fact that the fitness bikini athlete became second at the open championship in Moscow. The previously unknown girl pleasantly surprised the jury with her curves. After this, the model began to receive advertising offers, and the beauty signed a couple of lucrative contracts.

There is no need to hide the fact that the girl repeatedly visited the clinic, where she “built” her beauty using surgical methods. Beauty enlarged not only her breasts, but also her lips. In the photo, I think this is already visible. Judging by rumors, people love the girl, because Katya tries to answer every subscriber and fan both on social networks and by mail, in the comments to posts.

Mary Helen BowersMary_Helen_Bowers

American by birth, born in August 1979. At the age of 3, her parents sent the girl to study ballet. As a teenager, I realized that I wanted to devote myself to stage and dance all my life. Thanks to regular training and innate talent, she entered the School of American Ballet in Manhattan and a year later she was already invited to the famous New York ballet company.

However, after 10 years of active creativity in it, Mary received an injury that did not allow her to continue dancing. But the girl did not despair and went to study at Columbia University. Without daily training, she felt bad and therefore gradually began to exercise at home.

Mary’s great merit was the Ballet Beautiful weight loss method she developed, based on the symbiosis of fitness and ballet. At the same time, absolutely anyone can practice it, since it contains exercises with different loads. A whole range of exercises for pregnant women has also been developed separately.

Currently, Mary is a famous trainer; such famous people as Liv Tyler, Natalie Portman, Victoria's Secret models and others use her methods.

Lais Deleon

Lais Deleon, Instagram
Brazilian fitness model Lais Deleon began training at the age of 19. At that time, the girl was already working as a model, so it was necessary to keep herself in shape. Deleon was so fascinated by sports that she decided to retrain as a fitness model. Now her Instagram account already has more than 970 thousand subscribers. In his free time, the blogger enjoys traveling and cooking.


5K subscribers

Photo published by Tatyana Ya (@tanyakleo) Jun 26, 2020 at 1:22 PDT

A trainer and student of the Association of Professional Fitness, Tatyana is not lazy in explaining how genetics affects the ability to pump up muscles, and shows by her own example how a boyish physique can be molded into a distinctly athletic one. Tatyana also films elements of her workouts, shares recipes for healthy breakfasts and confirms that even with two children you can find time for sports.

Alana Campos

Brazilian Alana Campos grew up in Brazil, in a city that locals call the “Island of Magic.” Perhaps this is precisely the secret of her beauty and amazing physical shape, which will be the envy of any reader of her Instagram. As a child, Alana dreamed of becoming a flight attendant (to fly to different countries for free), but everything turned out differently - already at the age of 15, after several victories in beauty contests, she signed her first serious modeling contract and moved to Los Angeles. And in 2012, Alana was chosen as Playmate of the main men's magazine on the planet. And although she has more and more shootings for glossy magazines, photos from the gym continue to appear on her Instagram with regular intervals.




Features of naked fitness

All people who plan to engage in naked fitness should pay special attention to their personal hygiene. Such training strengthens not only a person’s body, but also his spirit. You will be able to change your worldview to some extent. We would also like to note that you have a great opportunity to get rid of complexes about an imperfect body. Many psychologists advise their patients to attend such classes. And all because such special training is doping for the body, because a person gets excited, hormones are boiling, the blood is pumping, adrenaline is released and one wants to train more and more.

Features of naked fitness

By the way, naked fitness first became popular in America, and now it’s gaining momentum here. These unusual workouts are carried out according to the de Lannes method, who is of the opinion that training will be more effective in the nude, since every cell is saturated with oxygen. Of course, this is a very non-standard method, but you only feel awkward during the first lessons, then everything is not so scary, the embarrassment fades into the background.

And you understand that here they are just as naked and they don’t care about you. A person gets used to and adapts to everything, and if it helps improve his figure and also gets rid of complexes, why not try it? And also, don’t think that if you come to such a racy fitness center, you will be looked at as a sex object.

Naked fitness with girls

Here, each client undergoes special auto-training to learn how to control their emotions, arousal and sexual cravings. That is, you will become more resilient, learn to control your desires and emotions. And this has a double effect and here's why: when a person restrains desire, testosterone hormones are produced, which are needed to build muscles. Therefore, those who engage in naked fitness do not need additional doping in the form of drugs and other substances. Muscle mass grows thanks to body hormones.


22K subscribers

Photo published by Valeria Poklonskaya | Follow

Valeria Poklonskaya practices pole dancing (adherents of this trend prefer the English term - the Russian “pole dance” often causes erroneous associations with striptease). After studying at the circus studio, the girls bought a pylon (aka pole) for home and began to come up with tricks and techniques themselves. Since then, Valeria has managed to become a coach, win many titles and participate in several competitions as a judge - everything is documented in detail on her Instagram.

Diana Volkova

Height 169 cm, weight 58 kg.

Absolute winner of the Arnold Classic 2020 in the fitness bikini category, two-time vice-champion of the Olympia section in Europe.

Diana was born in Uzbekistan, then the family moved to the Ryazan region, and the girl entered the university in Moscow. In both the Ryazan and Moscow regions, she took the highest awards in women's bodybuilding in swimsuits, and then triumphantly entered the international arena.

She considers her husband, Danila Arsenyev, the creator of her victories, who successfully trains her, and with whom they almost never part. Diana takes her nutrition very seriously, regularly counting calories and dosing physical activity during training. However, this does not stop her from loving Vietnamese cuisine and Vietnam in general, where the couple regularly spend their holidays.

Link to Diana Volkowa’s Instagram –

The most famous fitness bikini models in Russia4

One of the popular bodybuilders is Krasavina Ekaterina. The girl has already received a huge number of different awards and titles, not only in Russia, but also abroad. Katya found her calling in working as a coach, but at the same time she does not forget about her body and continues to take part in competitions.

Krasavina Ekaterina

Another, no less famous lady is Yana Kuznetsova. She received a huge number of awards in a record short time; in just one year she managed to win three tournaments at once, which is very rare for many.

Kuznetsova Yana

Katya Lapteva first did rhythmic gymnastics, but soon decided to devote herself to fitness. After the girl received an arm injury, she did not give up and went into fitness - bikini. Katya received the most prestigious awards, including the Arnold Classic.

Lapteva Katya

Volkova Diana was at one time the most popular fitness bikini model. She burst into this world and quickly established herself. She received a large number of awards both in Russia and in other countries.

Volkova Diana

Ekaterina Usmanova is famous if only because it was from her that the popular name “fitonyasha” came. The girl has not only a beautiful figure, but also an expressive face, which made her popular. Katya received many awards in Russia and at the World Championships, and today she is one of the most popular models in the country.

Usmanova Ekaterina

“True health is not just about eating the right foods. We need to think healthier and more positively.”

No, no, Mia has not lost weight to the point of exhaustion; she still has excess weight and cellulite on her thighs (which she recently showed everyone). At the same time, the model is so fit and has natural feminine curves of her body that no one doubts the sportiness of her figure. The most important secret is that she stopped following accepted stereotypes and fell in love with herself. This Danish woman is living proof that health, beauty, excess weight and an athletic figure can easily be combined in one body. Her body type has already been dubbed “fit plus size” online.

Courtney King

Height 167 cm, weight 53 kg.
Prize-winner and title holder of Ms Olimpia, winner of the New York Pro and IFBB Dennis James Classic competitions.

Since school, I have been fond of sports: running, basketball, even football. But at the age of 17, she came across an illustrated magazine about women's bodybuilding. And the girl set herself the goal of achieving great success in such competitions. She succeeded in this, and progressively: at first she took prizes in large tournaments, and the next year, having studied the features of a particular competition, she already took 1st place in it.

Link to Courtney King’s Instagram –


90K subscribers

Video published by Elena Moscow (@sanzhlena) Jun 18, 2020 at 1:20 PDT

Despite everything, Elena’s Instagram is more like LiveJournal: there is almost more text than pictures. Considering that she has been training for 25 (twenty-five) years, subscribers only benefit: they have the opportunity to find out the opinion of a qualified specialist on controversial issues. In particular, about why to hire a trainer, the right goals and the difficulties of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

“You need yourself more than other people”

A few years ago, Mia decided that she needed to do something about her large build (it’s all due to hormonal imbalances that she constantly struggles with). And the main motivation for self-development was her little child. The beauty decided that her son should have a beautiful mother, and began to diligently lift weights and jump for cardio training. She liked the result: the girl finally accepted herself and her body, which she had previously been ashamed of, and also started Instagram.

Ekaterina Usmanova

All fitness bikini girls before they became slim and beautiful looked, if not terrible, then certainly not attractive, Usmanova is no exception. What did Katenka look like before her transformation? But in no way - a typical bursa student, well, you can’t say it any other way, looking at the photo of Ekaterina before her fitness life

The latest photos of the bikinist brought her half a million followers on Instagram. Well, sexuality and appetizing body shapes, she is called the owner of the best butt, was given expensive contracts and an independent life. This is what you looked like after working on yourself?

Katya achieved everything through her own labor, but not without the help of surgeons who performed breast augmentation. About what and how Ekaterina Usmanova enlarged and what she looked like before the operation.

How to eat?

Katya Usmanova likes to compare the process of building a body with building a house. For a reliable, stable and beautiful building you need high-quality building materials. Exactly the same “building blocks” are needed for a beautiful, healthy body. These are primarily proteins (building material for muscles) with a minimum of carbohydrates.

The main principles of nutrition for a fitness bikini:

  • You need to eat 5-6 times a day every 2-3 hours. You should not sharply reduce the calorie content of your diet. This will lead to a decrease in muscle mass.
  • All products must be fresh - no packaged, processed, or refined products.
  • Eliminate zero-fat foods. Completely eliminating fat from your diet is dangerous. The daily norm is 30 g of fat. Fat not only provides energy, but also envelops our muscles and organs, reducing the risk of injury and disease. You just need the right fats (for example, 5-6 almonds and a third of a medium avocado).
  • A third of the daily diet should consist of low-fat sources of protein: chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, egg whites, dairy products. The amount of protein in the daily diet during intense sports is calculated by the formula: 1.5–2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.
  • A portion of protein should be included in every meal. This stabilizes blood sugar levels and helps control hunger (gives you a feeling of fullness).
  • The protein deficiency in the diet can be compensated with the help of sports nutrition - special protein mixtures. Choose mixtures without artificial flavors or sugar substitutes.
  • Eliminate all starchy foods from your diet: no bread, pasta, white rice, or pastries.
  • We need fiber. Eat 2-4 servings of fresh vegetables daily.
  • Don't forget about water. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.
  • No alcohol. It stops the process of fat utilization in the body and slows down metabolism.

Laura Michelle PrestinLaura_Michelle_Prestin

Canadian by birth, born on January 29, 1985. Thanks to her love for sports, she doesn’t look her age at all. She has won the ProBikini competition of the WBFF federation. She is the only one, since the girl prefers to develop in all areas related to fitness.

Laura has appeared on the covers of sports magazines a huge number of times, and she herself is the author of many articles, which are published mainly in Inside Fitness and OxygenFit magazines. She has developed her own training system, which she successfully sells through her own website, showing by her example what can be achieved with perseverance.

Despite her busy schedule, Laura has already written two books and published them for free on her Internet portal. This greatly shows the girl’s openness and desire to help and inspire other people to lead an active life.

The girl has a medical education (certified nurse) and is a Bachelor of Arts. She loves to be photographed in revealing outfits and poses that maximize her athletic achievements. In this way, she motivates shy girls to start acting and be better than yesterday.

What is it?

Bikini fitness is an officially created sports movement for women. Its popularization is achieved through promotion by the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness. During the competition, participants go on stage in swimsuits, parade in front of the audience and judges, showing off their beautiful figure and muscles.

Today, bikini fitness is a separate discipline in sports, but this was not always the case. Only in 2010 did the International Bodybuilding Federation introduce competitions, and in 2011 they were recognized as indicative of this discipline.

This sport is suitable for women who want to keep their body in perfect shape. They exercise and also maintain proper nutrition. However, the jury of the competition evaluates not so much the strength and volume of muscles, but the beauty and harmony of the body, the girl’s health, proportions and balance. You don’t have to kill yourself in the gym and eat one buckwheat to become a winner. But without good shape and an ideal body, it is impossible to get into the competition.

It is important to understand that the emphasis is on a beautiful, sexy, attractive appearance. Overly pumped ladies can win in another category, but not in bikini fitness.

Iya Ostergren

Iya Ostergren, Instagram

7 models with the longest legs

Swedish fitness model Iya Ostergren, in addition to a beautiful trained body, has another feature - long legs. With a total height of 178 cm, Ostergren’s legs reach 108 cm. As a child, the girl considered this a disadvantage, but later she learned to emphasize this feature, as a result of which she became a popular fitness blogger. She now has more than 220 thousand followers on Instagram.

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