Stretching for girls after training: TOP best exercises. Instructions with photos and videos on how to best stretch muscles

Stretching is important to maintain body flexibility and improve the functioning of joints, ligaments and muscles. Stretching is a separate direction in sports, which is used independently and in combination with other complexes.

Stretching after training is especially important for girls, as it helps to distribute bleeding evenly and speeds up metabolism and removes waste products. As a result, fatigue is relieved faster and pain goes away. In addition, the correct outline of the figure is formed, the body becomes more beautiful.

Suitable photos

There are many magazines and websites where you can find photos of stretching for girls. They are used as motivation to achieve your own success, or as step-by-step training instructions.

Before you begin the exercises, you need to thoroughly warm up your muscles and joints. This is done with warm-up exercises or strength training exercises, and you can also use a hot bath.

When doing the stretching itself, it is important to monitor the condition of the muscles; you cannot force things, all exercises must be done slowly. If sharp pain occurs, you should stop.


First, let's look at stretching exercises for beginners. In all complexes for the development of flexibility, “Fold” is indicated. If you learn to do it correctly, then you will definitely be able to do more complex exercises.

We sit on the floor. To begin with, we leave one leg straight and bend the other at the knee - this will make it easier for even a beginner to stretch.

We begin to slowly lean towards the straight leg. We make sure that it is not the head that is lowered, but the chest. We stay in this position for 30-60 seconds and then do the same with the other leg.

Next we complicate the exercise. We stretch out two legs and bend towards them. Toes point forward. Then we raise our socks up and also bend towards our feet.

In all cases, we stretch different muscle groups. The greatest load falls on your legs, but if done correctly, you should also feel tension in your back.

Excellent videos

There are special videos of girls stretching, where the entire workout is explained step by step. These are a kind of master classes, trainers conduct individual remote lessons

There are a number of basic principles for their implementation:

  • There should be light and elastic clothing that does not hinder movement;
  • Do not stretch between strength exercises;
  • Stretching should be started only after thoroughly warming up the muscles;
  • use a special mat;
  • such exercises are accompanied by the presence of pain, but it must be of an adequate nature;
  • It is not recommended to force events; results should be achieved gradually.

Be extremely careful about stretching during ovulation, as excessive exercise can negatively affect your health.

Classes in the hall

Most representatives of the fair sex go in for sports in order to maintain the slimness of their figure and strengthen their body tone. In this case, stretching in the gym for girls significantly improves their performance, prevents all kinds of injuries, and strengthens joints and their ligaments.

In addition, these exercises increase the overall flexibility of the body, make it attractive and graceful, and make it more sexy. For the female body, muscle shortening will be a big problem and will negatively affect the overall appearance.

Regular stretching after training significantly prevents this, improves blood circulation, promotes rapid recovery, adds aesthetic beauty and makes a girl self-confident.

Stretch your abs

The press needs to not only be pumped, but also stretched. Because flexibility is important for the whole body. Flexible muscles are less susceptible to injury, and the figure of a person who regularly stretches looks more toned.

We lie on our stomachs and rest our palms on the floor. We begin to rise above the floor. First we raise our elbows, then our head, chest and stomach.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Squeeze your glutes to relax your lower back. At the same time, the abdominal muscles will stretch.

We return to the starting position. We perform the exercise 5 times.

Benefits of stretching

When analyzing how stretching is useful for girls, you need to pay attention to some recommendations, the observance of which significantly improves its effectiveness. These include:

  • it is performed immediately after training, before the muscles have time to cool down;
  • You can stay in the maximum muscle position for no more than 30 seconds;
  • for greater effectiveness, slight sensations of pain are considered acceptable, but you need to be very careful with this;
  • It is important to be gradual when achieving your goal, do not try to get ahead of events;
  • Before stretching, you must completely relax the muscles;
  • when working at home, a large mirror will be a good helper;
  • You can only pull those muscles that have been trained and are most warmed up.

The lower back and legs should be stretched in every workout.

Exercises to stretch the outer thigh

Hip abduction

Stand next to a wall, turning your right side towards it. Place your right leg behind your left and squat down. The left leg bends, the right leg remains straight and moves further to the left. The straight body hangs over the left leg.

Repeat on the other side.

Stretching while standing

Place your left leg behind your right in front and lean to the left. You can place one hand on your belt, fold your arms above your head or in front of you. The more the body tilts, the better the muscles stretch.

Exercises at home

Stretching at home for girls is necessary for absolutely everyone, without exception. You need to know that it may vary depending on:

  • range of motion;
  • duration of classes;
  • time of its implementation (before or after training).

The important point remains its effectiveness and regularity. When performing it, you need to feel your body, it is important to be patient and do everything gradually. Sudden movements are not allowed here.

The most effective and safe smooth movements and holding the muscles in the maximum permissible position for a short time. It is necessary to repeat such approaches several times.

After thorough stretching, it is advisable to perform a body massage and water treatments. This will greatly help restore muscle condition and speed up their rest time.

How to build a stretching lesson

It is best to sign up with a qualified stretching or yoga trainer. The trainer will show you all the exercises in more detail and select a complex for the person’s physical fitness. If it is not possible to go to the gym, then you can practice such exercises yourself at home. To do this, you need to study a video or a book where the entire anatomy of stretching will be described.

The main aspects of a successful home workout are as follows:

  • each workout should end with a complex for any muscle group;
  • during movements, breathing is calm and even;
  • you need to feel your body and concentrate on the sensations from each movement;
  • The exercises should be performed sequentially, 1-2 sets of 15-20 times.

Below are examples of some movements that you can do on your own at home.

The Importance of Stretching

To understand why a girl needs stretching, it is necessary to consider what types it is divided into:

Static - involves maximum stretching of the muscles and holding them in this state for 20 seconds. It involves several repetitions of this type and is very popular among yogis and professional athletes.

Dynamic - distinguished by its implementation in conjunction with movements and other exercises. It is often performed using a power load. Efficiency increases by increasing the range of motion.

Passive - performed with a trainer or partner who stretches your muscles through their physical efforts.

Active - is a classic option, when a person independently makes every effort to stretch the muscles. May use a fixed support or improvised means.

Ballistic is a unique option that is notable for its risk. Used in martial arts. Its essence lies in sharp, sweeping movements. It is not recommended for beginners and requires strict supervision by a trainer.

The person chooses the option that is convenient for himself. It is important to be careful when performing such exercises and strictly follow the trainer's recommendations.

Stretch marks on legs, calves and knees: photos and reasons

Many women and men face the problem of stretch marks on their legs. This cosmetic defect is especially upsetting for women. They feel uncomfortable and the stretch marks seem ugly to them. You can, of course, hide the unpleasant stripes under clothes, or you can try to get rid of them or make them less noticeable.

What are stretch marks?

About stretch marks on legs

Stretch marks are subcutaneous tears that are visible on the skin in the form of stripes of varying widths. In cosmetology they are called striae.

Fresh stretch marks are pink or purple in color, but become whitish over time. They do not cause any harm to health, but are a visible cosmetic defect. Most often, in both women and men, stretch marks appear on the thighs and under the knees. Stretch marks also appear on the calves and even on the knees! Why do stretch marks appear on legs?

Causes of stretch marks

Why do stretch marks occur on legs?

What causes the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the legs? There are several main reasons:

  1. The most common cause of stretch marks is significant fluctuations in body weight. When you gain or lose weight in a short period of time, the skin simply does not have time to adapt.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body. Subcutaneous ruptures occur especially often in pregnant women. Hormonal changes in the body are combined with increased load on the legs due to increased body weight.
  3. During puberty in adolescents, stretch marks occur due to intense growth and a surge of hormones.
  4. Taking hormonal drugs.
  5. Poor nutrition. Lack of protein and vitamins, especially A and E, makes the skin inelastic. As a result, stretch marks appear.

Some people are genetically predisposed to developing stretch marks. Therefore, those whose immediate relatives suffer from such a cosmetic defect need to pay special attention to the condition of their skin.

Stretch marks in men

Despite the fact that stretch marks are considered to be a women's problem, they can also appear in men. Some people don’t pay any attention to them, but there is a category of men for whom stretch marks cause quite serious discomfort. For example, it is important for bodybuilders to have blemish-free skin.

The most common cause of stretch marks in men is an increase in body weight over a short period of time. Also, stretch marks on the legs can occur with regular and prolonged exercise in strength sports. Due to the growth of muscle mass, a large load is placed on the skin, which leads to the formation of subcutaneous tears. If a significant increase or decrease in body volume does not occur, but stretch marks appear, then the cause is probably hormonal changes. Also, most men do not take care of their skin, which increases the risk of subcutaneous tears.

Prevention and methods of dealing with stretch marks are the same for men and women.

Prevention of stretch marks

It is easier to prevent stretch marks on the legs than to try to get rid of them later. Those who are at risk need to take extra care of their skin. To avoid the appearance of unpleasant stripes on the legs, it is recommended to take preventive measures:

  1. Proper nutrition. Eating enough protein, vitamins and microelements makes the skin elastic.
  2. Cold and hot shower.
  3. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin with creams, cosmetic milk and other cosmetics.

If stretch marks do appear on your legs, you need to get rid of them immediately.

Fact! The sooner you take the necessary measures, the easier it is to remove this cosmetic defect.

Fresh stretch marks are those that appeared no later than 6 months. It is much more difficult to get rid of old stripes, sometimes only through surgery.

You can remove stretch marks using the services of professionals or try to do it yourself at home.

Professional correction methods

Surgical and cosmetic procedures are recognized as the most effective methods. And although with their help it is possible to cope with stretch marks, without proper care it will not be possible to prevent the appearance of new stretch marks. The most popular procedures include the following:

  1. Laser therapy. During laser resurfacing, the top layer of skin along with scar tissue is removed. During the recovery process, the body replaces striae tissue with healthy one. Chemical peeling. Under the influence of acids, the upper layers of the epidermis are removed, and skin cells are renewed.
  2. Mesotherapy. A very popular method. Using a special roller with many thin needles, a cocktail of medicinal preparations is injected under the skin, which promotes the production of collagen and elastane in the damaged skin.
  3. Biorevitalization. Hyaluronic acid is injected into damaged skin by injection. This leads to rapid restoration of the skin, as a result of which stretch marks become much less noticeable.
  4. Botulinum therapy. Injections of Botox or other drugs of similar effect are used. Under their influence, the skin is evened out.
  5. Cosmetic surgery. Used as a last resort when other methods are powerless.

Each of the procedures has its own contraindications, so before visiting a cosmetologist, an examination by a specialist is necessary.

Important! The method of removing stretch marks is determined only by a professional!

Removing stretch marks at home

Less effective but effective ways to combat stretch marks are available at home. Results can be achieved by strictly following the instructions and using the products regularly.


Performed in the form of pinches. Afterwards, any cream or special ointment for stretch marks is applied. The massage is performed daily for two weeks. It should be emphasized that pinching can further stretch the skin, which will lead to the appearance of new stretch marks. Therefore, all movements must be performed carefully.


After the massage and application of a cosmetic product for stretch marks, the legs are wrapped in a special film for 40 minutes. Wrapping with spirulina seaweed gives excellent results. To do this, it is soaked in water for 30 minutes, then crushed into a paste. The prepared mixture is applied to the stretch marks and wrapped in film. Use no more than twice a week. Wraps with coffee or cocoa and honey are also effective.


Peeling removes the upper layers of the skin and promotes its renewal. You can use ready-made scrubs or prepare them yourself. For example, mix salt, sugar and vegetable oil in equal proportions. Or use a mixture of coffee grounds and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil.


Dilute bodyagi powder with water and rub into stretch marks for several minutes. Then rinse with water and apply nourishing cream. Bodyaga penetrates deeply into the skin and destroys scar tissue.

And since bodyaga contains only natural ingredients, it can be used without fear.


You can prepare a very effective remedy based on mumiyo. To do this you will need to mix:

  • 2 grams mumiyo
  • 1 tube of baby cream

Rub into stretch marks daily.

Nuance! This mixture must be stored in the refrigerator.

To win the fight against stretch marks, you must remember that any method will bring the desired effect only if it is used correctly and regularly. Until the stretch marks disappear, in order to feel comfortable, you can hide them by disguising them with foundation. Or not pay attention at all, as most men do.

Benefits of stretching

Regular strength training helps to increase muscle mass, while the muscles are significantly shortened.

Surely everyone has seen how clumsy and clumsy people with big muscles are. They prevent the joints from bending and unbending to their full possible amplitude. The body becomes constrained in movement.

Considering what muscle stretching does for girls, we can safely conclude that it promotes the plasticity of the muscles and increases their length, and therefore the range of motion of the joints.

Such exercises help to recover from physical activity and provide an opportunity to rest faster.

Why do you need to stretch your back muscles?

The absence of any physical activity leads to the development of numerous diseases. The reasons for the development of osteochondrosis are not known to modern medicine, but it is known for sure that in people who lead an active lifestyle and engage in physical exercise, the disease develops much less frequently.

Passivity of the back muscles often leads to herniated discs, the main reason for the development of which is a malnutrition of the disc tissue. This leads to degradation of the disc, which first loses its elasticity and then begins to collapse. As a result, a hernia occurs.

Intervertebral discs are supplied with nutrients not from the blood, but from the surrounding tissues, since the discs do not have their own blood vessels. The special way in which intervertebral discs are fed makes them vulnerable. To achieve diffusion between the intervertebral disc and surrounding tissues, physical activity is required to activate this process. In addition, proper balanced nutrition is important, which will ensure that the required nutrients are supplied to the tissue surrounding the intervertebral disc.

Gymnastics will help strengthen the muscle corset and ligaments. Stretching your back will help relieve tension and reduce pain.

An effective set of back exercises

The back muscles are well relaxed and stretched during yoga. Many exercises that achieve the same effect are similar to yoga asanas. The following set of exercises has proven its effectiveness.

Downward crunches

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Along with a deep breath, you need to stretch upward, and as you exhale, relax the muscles of your back and neck and lower your spine down. It is necessary to perform movements smoothly and slowly. It is best to lower each vertebra one by one. At the same time, tension should not remain in any muscles. When the entire body is lowered, all the muscles of the upper body should be completely relaxed. There is no need to stretch down; the body should smoothly lower itself under its own weight. You need to stand in a tilted position for 3-4 cycles of inhalation and exhalation. Then they return to the starting position, straightening the spine with a round back.

Straight back bends

In the same starting position, while inhaling, you again need to stretch your head upward. You need to rest your palms on your legs approximately in the middle of the shin and, pushing off your legs with your hands, pull your chest up. You need to try to bring your shoulder blades together and move them towards the pelvis. It is very important to ensure that the lower back is not overstrained. The spine in the sacrum and lumbar region should stretch more strongly with each exhalation. You need to reach up with your tailbone. You need to stand in this position for 5-10 seconds.

Rack fold

From the same position, take a deep breath, trying to stretch your chest up. Together with the exhalation, they lower their hands to the back of their shins and, with the force of their hands, pull the body towards their legs. The spine should be stretched as much as possible, and all folds on the abdomen should be straightened. All muscles of the upper body, except the muscles of the arms, should be relaxed. The top of your head needs to reach towards the floor. If there is too much tension in the back of your legs, just bend your knees slightly. The position must be held for 5-10 seconds. Performing this exercise will allow you to restore the correct position of the intervertebral discs if they have become displaced.

Downward facing dog

It is very important to enter this position correctly, since the position is quite difficult. From the previous position, place your palms on the floor, bend your knees and move your legs back one at a time. The distance between the feet and palms should be about 120-130 cm. The feet are placed hip-width apart and the palms shoulder-width apart. You need to reach up with your tailbone and your chest towards your legs. Heels should not be lifted off the floor. This exercise allows you to relieve fatigue from your back muscles. It is better to place a hard pillow or something similar under your head so that it does not hang loosely if you often experience headaches and/or high blood pressure.

Beautiful posture

Standing straight, place your palms behind your back so that your fingers point down towards your lower back. You need to clasp your fingers and raise your arms up until your hands are at the level of your shoulder blades. You need to open your chest, pressing your palms against each other. As you inhale, jump your legs about 1 meter apart, and then perform smooth tilts of your head to both knees one by one.

Back stretch

Child exercise

While kneeling, you need to smoothly lower your pelvis onto your heels, and your stomach and chest onto your hips. You need to stretch your arms forward, trying to straighten your elbows as much as possible. Performing this exercise provides a gentle stretch to the back muscles, relieves tension, and reduces stress. You can stay in this position for as long as you want, as long as it is comfortable.

Stretching the back and spine muscles

Sitting Stretch

Sitting on the floor, you need to straighten your back and stretch your legs in front of you, pulling your feet towards you. You need to raise your arms and, as you exhale, begin to stretch your arms and head upward, and your heels forward. In the correct position, your hips should rest on the floor and your knees should be kept straight. The buttocks, back and head form one straight line. You need to hold the position for 30-60 seconds.

Back muscle stretching

Seated fold

In the same position, take a deep breath, while stretching the top of your head up, and as you exhale, lower your body to your feet, keeping your back straight. It is best to hold the position for about a minute.


A very simple and effective exercise allows you to quickly stretch your muscles. In the starting position, you need to get on all fours, keeping your back straight, with your knees hip-width apart and elbows shoulder-width apart. Along with inhalation, you need to move your spine. Starting from the tailbone, the spine begins to round, lowering the pelvis and shoulders. The thoracic region should bend the most.

Lying stretch

You need to lie on your back straight, bend your right leg at the knee, pulling them with your hands to your chest. The shoulders and the back of the head should be relaxed; they should not be pulled upward. Holding your shin or foot with your palms, you need to pull your leg up as you exhale. The pelvis should remain level and the left thigh should be pulled down. After holding your right leg in this position for 30 seconds, you can do the same with your left.

Benefits of stretching for girls

These exercises are of great importance for the overall health of the female body. Stretching is especially important after performing strength exercises, and for those who want to do the splits. This helps improve the overall condition of the body and works its core muscles.

Stretching provides significant benefits to humans:

  • heals joints, makes the body more elastic;
  • significantly reduces the possibility of injury;
  • relieves tension after active physical activity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • straightens posture, makes the body more flexible;
  • the girl's body becomes more graceful and has a sexy look.

As you can see, the benefits of stretching for a girl are undeniable. They significantly improve your well-being and make your body more attractive.

Don't waste time, exercise at home or in the gym. The main thing is the regularity of training and the person’s cheerful mood and determination. The result is a beautiful figure and a graceful gait. Be healthy and beautiful!

What you need to know before doing the splits

In fact, 90% of beginners make gross mistakes during their first training, which subsequently result in serious injuries to the joint apparatus with long-term rehabilitation. The list of rules given below will keep you 50% safe if strictly followed.

Powerful muscle warming

Success, stretching pain, injury to unaccustomed muscles, and recovery after training depend on it.

Before you start stretching for the splits, you need to sweat your whole body thoroughly, stretch all your muscles, paying special attention to your legs. For home workouts, jump rope 100 times, squat in two sets of 25 times, do small swings of your legs to the sides and forward 15 times each

If you have weights, work with them - this will pump up your butt and warm up your muscles. The average warm-up time is about 30 minutes, ideally up to 1 hour.

A secret from gymnasts: be sure to wear warm gaiters from the ankle to the knee or slightly higher. Thermal tights or leggings with insulation are also suitable. Warm up until you feel an unrealistic desire to rip off your gaiters from the heat. Only now are the muscles truly ready for stretching into longitudinal and transverse splits. Carry out further exercises in leggings as well. Take them off only after finishing your workout.

50 Exercises to Stretch Your Whole Body Muscles

How to stretch correctly: smoothly or jerkily

After watching videos from rhythmic gymnastics training grounds, you can mistakenly conclude that the best stretching is achieved with the help of jerks. Only professional athletes stretch in jerks under the supervision of a coach and medical team. To learn how to do the splits from scratch, you need smooth and slow movements. This way you will feel the level of preparation, the responsiveness of the muscles to stretching, and understand the pain threshold without causing injury.

Girls often ask how they can make smooth swings or jerks to the side, because the names imply sudden movements. At the initial stage, the swings are not made with a mad jerk, but smoothly, with the leg held at the highest point for 2-3 seconds, then slowly lowered without touching the floor or placing the foot in the third dance position.

About the position of the back, stomach and shoulders

Again, girls who are doing stretching for the first time do not maintain the correct position of their back, abdomen and pelvis. Crooked shoulders and a hump between the shoulder blades are not only unaesthetic, but also violate basic rules.

Always watch your posture

Do exercises to do the splits, standing, lying down, sitting - it doesn’t matter. The back is always in line, the head is proudly raised like a ballerina, the shoulders are straightened

Always stretch your stomach towards your thigh, arching your lower back. There is no need to hunch over and try to reach the tips of your toes with your hands or hug your shin due to the hump on your back. Maximum muscle tension when a girl stretches

50 Exercises to Stretch Your Whole Body Muscles

Don’t worry, not everyone will be able to lie on their stomach at first. However, in a week it is possible.

About the position of the pelvis when stretching into splits

At this point, many mistakes are made that lead to injuries. This is especially true for stretches on the floor in longitudinal splits, where you have to sit on your butt. Gymnasts share advice on how to properly position your buttocks.

Sit on the floor with your legs straight and pointed on your toes. Take your butt with both hands and pull the buns out from under you. The effect will be as if you sat on an ottoman, and your buttocks lie beautifully on the sides. Approximately do the same with your butt as you would adjust your breasts in a bra.

How to do the splits: about breathing

Proper breathing helps relax muscles and psychologically move away from pain by switching attention. When stretching, always take deep breaths through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.

If the pain increases, switch your consciousness to your breathing and listen to the sounds of inhalation and exhalation. This is a simple trick that not only athletes, but even gynecologists resort to during childbirth, forcing the woman to breathe.

Should you tense or relax your muscles?

Just relax. Straining while stretching is an inevitable injury. Your muscles should be soft and rag-like. Can't stand the pain? - So the muscles tense voluntarily. Fight with yourself, stretching to the splits is hard work. Don’t believe slogans and stories, I did the splits in 1 day, this is impossible.

What to do with your knees?

At dance lessons, at school in physical education, at gymnastics, at ballet - everywhere they say: “Watch your knees!” Listen up, because bent knees cause untold harm to the tendons and ligaments of the knee and hip joints. If you can’t cope on your own, ask your sister/friend/mother to hold your knees pressed to the floor.

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