Exercises for all muscle groups - a basic complex for beginners. Comprehensive training instructions with photos and videos!

For gaining muscle mass

According to sports medicine recommendations, strength training should be performed at least twice a week. During this time, you will develop the main muscle groups: chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs, anterior and posterior thigh muscles.

Remember that 48 hours of rest is necessary for any muscle recovery. Do not forget that to gain weight you need to pay attention to high-quality protein nutrition and appropriate caloric intake.

What to train with in the gym to gain weight? You should not load a large number of muscles at the same time, but the muscles involved should work to their maximum, if possible without affecting another large muscle group.

In this case, the body will specifically restore certain areas without wasting building material to bring the entire body back to normal.

Training opposing muscle groups is one of the most common types of strength training. At the same time, in one session they do exercises on antagonistic muscles, which ensure the movement of joints in opposite directions. Simply put, you work on the front and back of a specific area of ​​the body on the same day.

Since you will need rest for the stressed muscles, it is convenient to train on a different part of the body the next day.

Advantages of this method:

  • The target muscle group works to the maximum. You won't be able to achieve the same effect by training your whole body at once. By focusing on a different area each time, you will get results faster.
  • Research shows that you engage muscle fibers more actively when you work or at least stretch antagonist muscles in the same session. This means that the chest press will be more effective after the mid-back stretch.
  • Training antagonistic muscles ensures that you work both sides of the body evenly, maintaining a balanced development of the figure.

The disadvantages of this type of training include the fact that you will only work each muscle group once a week. Sample schedule for four workouts per week:

  • Monday: chest and back.
  • Tuesday: anterior and posterior thigh muscles, abs.
  • Thursday: biceps, triceps and shoulders.
  • Saturday: chest and back.

Next Monday, do thigh and abdominal exercises and continue the rotation further.

Another option for targeted muscle loading is to divide large muscle groups by day. Thus, one day you train the chest and triceps, the next day - the back and biceps, the next workout - the legs and shoulders.

The shoulders can be worked together with the pectoral muscles. This method of training is also convenient for a busy training plan.

Keep in mind that to improve performance and relieve stress on the nervous system, the training strategy must be periodically changed. For example, do exercises for the biceps together with the pectoral muscles, and the back with the triceps. This will diversify your workouts, relieve psychological fatigue and give impetus to further gain muscle mass.

For weight loss

If your goal is to lose weight, training should take maximum energy and burn calories effectively.

What to train with what in one day for weight loss? Functional training is well suited, in which almost all muscle groups are worked out in one session.

Choose circuit training or CrossFit to start the fat burning process and create a toned figure. Use cardio exercises as a warm-up and cool-down. Do not forget about the caloric content of your diet: the intake of calories should not outstrip their expenditure by the body.

In weight loss training, basic multi-joint exercises are performed; they involve the work of both the upper and lower body. For example, instead of regular lunges, you perform a lunge with a barbell overhead press.

Core exercises encourage the body to work more efficiently, increase your heart rate and boost your metabolism, causing you to burn more calories. Examples of exercises you can include in a full body workout:

  • bench press for pectoral muscles;
  • block pull for the back muscles;
  • dumbbell shoulder press;
  • squats;
  • biceps curl;
  • French press for working triceps;
  • Ab crunches;
  • standing calf raise for calf muscles.

Thanks to this technique, you will work the muscles of the whole body several times a week. It is optimal to train 3 times with a rest day between training days.

This type of physical activity is also suitable for beginners, since it limits the number of sets performed per muscle group and better prepares the body for subsequent loads and weight gain.

Exercises with a kettlebell

Kettlebell lifting has long been known and popular, so there are a lot of methods for working with this apparatus. However, as elsewhere, there is a set of workouts that is the most popular, and its author is world famous.

This can be said about Roger Lockridge, whose exercises for men and women with kettlebells are recognized as the best for effective weight loss. This complex is divided into stages:

  • performing basic movements: squats, kettlebell presses, apparatus swings and body crunches. Swings and presses use your hips in addition to your arms, because in order to perform the exercise correctly, you first need to squat down on the floor, and only then lift the weight, as if pushing it out with your feet;

  • special exercises with an emphasis on specific parts of the body (snatches with a kettlebell, machine grinder and other types of training).

To increase strength

To increase strength indicators, you should pay maximum attention to the basic exercises of powerlifting: deadlift, bench press and squats with a barbell.

In this case, it is necessary to do a large number of approaches (from8) maximum weights, but a small number of repetitions in one approach. Each of the workouts includes all 3 exercises from powerlifting, but on the day of working the pectoral muscles, a light training session is performed on the back and legs.

To increase explosive strength, use superset training, a method in which you do exercises for each muscle group one after the other without resting in between. Supersets can be very challenging and are not recommended for beginners. In a short period of time, such training will help you squeeze out maximum benefits for your body.

What to download with what in one day in this case? Example of a 3-day workout:

  • Monday: bench press, bench raises, barbell squats, squat press.
  • Wednesday: lat pulldown, lat pulldown, deadlift, hip extension.
  • Friday: lifting dumbbells forward and abducting arms to the sides, plank, crunches.

Such deep study of muscle fibers from different angles provides an advantage for the uniform development of muscle structure. Supersets stimulate the production of lactic acid, which increases the content of growth hormone in the body. This hormone activates fat burning and muscle growth.

In addition, such training increases your heart rate, gives a boost to your metabolism, and you burn more calories throughout the day.

Exercises for arm muscles

In this group we have collected exercises that pump not only the muscles of the arms, but also the muscles of the shoulders.

Without a machine: triceps extensions

Stand up straight, take dumbbells, lower your arms along your body. Lean your body forward slightly, without arching your lower back. Fix your forearms in one position. Bend your elbows to a right angle and pull the dumbbells closer to your body. From this position, smoothly straighten your elbows, moving the dumbbells back. Then return to the starting position. This is one repetition.

Without a simulator: delta flyes

Stand up straight, take dumbbells, lower your arms along your body. Smoothly spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level, do not straighten your elbows completely. Then lower your hands with dumbbells to the starting position (closer to the pelvis). This is one repetition.

In the machine: biceps curl

Stand up straight, facing the machine, grab the handle of the lower block with both palms with a reverse grip. Bend your elbows and pull the handle toward you (to about chest level). Work your triceps. Then slowly lower your arms to the starting position (do not straighten your elbows completely). This will amount to one repetition.

In the machine: extension with cable handle

Attach the rope handle to the upper block. Stand facing the machine, grab the edges of the handle with your palms. Press your forearms and bent elbows closer to your body. Extending your elbows, pull the handle down to hip level. Work your triceps. Then smoothly return to the starting position (elbows bent). This will amount to one repetition.

For girls

Girls can stick to strength training without fear of negative consequences for their figure. On the contrary, such physical activity will help you achieve beautiful shapes, excellent posture and have a positive effect on the condition of your skin.

Together with proper nutrition, strength training will save time by eliminating the need to do hours of daily cardio exercise.

The main goal in this case is uniform muscle development, since women, due to their specific physique, usually suffer from triceps, back of the thighs and buttocks. Therefore, it makes sense to include exercises for general tone, and work on target areas by combining exercises on the legs and buttocks on one day, and on the back, arms and shoulders on another day. Perform 2-3 exercises per muscle group, using 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

For newbies

Before you start training, determine what your goals are - to tone your body, develop strength or endurance, lose weight or gain mass.
It also matters how many days a week you can devote to training. If you only train twice a week, a full-body workout may be the best option, targeting all muscle groups and preparing them for more advanced training options.

For beginners and after a long break, it is recommended to start training with basic exercises with moderate weights. At the same time, do not forget about the warm-up and cool-down each time.

Work the large muscle groups first: legs, chest and back. For example, deadlifts and bent-over rows work multiple muscle groups at once. Then move on to working small groups: triceps, biceps and shoulders. Do 2 exercises per group per workout to avoid overtraining.

As you develop strength and endurance, you can diversify and intensify your training (add exercises or increase weights).

Beginners often believe that if they work out their abs every day, it will quickly get rid of belly fat and create those coveted abs. In fact, the abdominal muscles work on the same principle as any other muscle group. Therefore, it makes sense to give them at least a day of rest between training days. Working out the abdominal muscles is often combined with exercises for the back or legs.

Exercises in the gym

Bodybuilding and fitness classes require considerable physical effort. Few people are able to perform high-quality exercises at home, since there are many distractions around. Working out in the gym and feeling the competitive spirit, you want to work better and more efficiently. Constant instructions, criticism and praise from the coach also motivate in the gym. The very presence of a coach and strangers around keeps you on your toes and eliminates the possibility of “flagging” and feeling sorry for yourself when performing difficult exercises. Few people are able to work intensively at home. Once you start working out in the gym, feeling a pleasant pain in your muscles and a high mood (from the release of hormones into the blood), you will look forward to the next workout to get better. The main point of training effectiveness and achieving the desired result is the correct execution of the exercise technique. Is your goal a beautiful and healthy body? Then you should definitely come to us. Our website contains a large number of training sessions! Choose any!

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