Diet “Chamomile – 6 petals”: ​​menu for every day, advantages and disadvantages, advice from nutritionists

Six petals diet - the essence of how much weight you can lose

The diet was developed by a woman from Sweden, nutritionist Anna Johansson. The main principles are to alternate products, scheduled by day.

Conventionally, the whole diet looks like this:

  • Day 1: fish.
  • Day 2: vegetable.
  • Day 3: chicken.
  • Day 4: cereal.
  • Day 5: curd (milk).
  • Day 6: fruit and berry.

A positive feature is that 6 petals are a highly effective diet. The menu for every day will not make you hungry and attack the refrigerator at night. The diet is designed according to time. The main thing is not to take too long breaks between meals.

How many unwanted pounds can you lose if you stick to this diet? If all (!) requirements are met, you will need from 600 to 850-900 grams per day. As a result, in the indicated 6 days you will get rid of 4-5 kg. But it is not necessary to adhere to the technique for a short time. You can easily stretch out your weight loss over a month.

Recommendations from nutritionists

Nutritionists offer two options for the seventh day of the diet:

  1. Regular food. This includes familiar dishes that were eaten before the diet, but it is better not to use fried, fatty, or smoked foods. You should also refrain from sweets and flour.
  2. Fasting day. This option is suitable for those who have not exercised during 6 mono-diets. Throughout the day, you must drink non-carbonated mineral or clean drinking water.

Nutritionists also advise not to abuse the 6-petal diet; you can follow it a maximum of two or three times a year.

We invite you to get acquainted with some tips from nutritionists that will help you achieve good results:

  1. Complete abstinence from alcohol. Alcoholic drinks stimulate appetite and are high in calories in themselves.
  2. Spices also increase appetite, so they should be limited.
  3. The best assistant to any diet is regular exercise.
  4. It is necessary to drink plenty of liquid (tea, juices, clean water).
  5. You cannot start a diet immediately after an illness - the body is still weakened. You must wait at least 2 weeks before starting to lose weight.

It should be remembered that any diet, even the most effective one, will not help you maintain slimness forever if after it you immediately start consuming flour, fried foods, and sweets in unlimited quantities. Moderate healthy eating and exercise should become a healthy habit.

What can you eat on the 6 Petals Diet?

Naturally, from your daily diet it is necessary to exclude fast food, all sweets, refined sugar, fats, non-hard pasta, etc. The six petals diet suggests a menu for every day in which all products are perfectly combined with each other. You have already discussed above how much weight you can lose, the result is impressive. Therefore, try to adhere to the technique without disruption.


All information presented in this section is generalized. We will indicate what you can eat with this method of losing weight specifically by day. You will find the menu of the “6 petals” diet itself just below under the corresponding heading.


Fish contains a lot of protein, which triggers the breakdown of fat, improves well-being and takes a relatively long time to digest. On this day you will saturate your body with a decent amount of Omega acids without loading your liver.

Products allowed for consumption:

  • seafood - shrimp, octopus, mussels, squid, seaweed;
  • fatty fish - salmon, horse mackerel, pink salmon, mackerel, carp, herring, eel, halibut, sea bass;
  • dietary fish - trout, tilapia, pike, pike perch, pollock, river perch, tuna, cod, hake, blue whiting, flounder.

Please note that each portion should weigh no more than 200 grams. The fish is steamed, stewed or boiled, but not fried.


After fish, it is necessary to supplement the proteins received from the previous day with a mineral complex and vitamins. The six petals diet, or rather its menu for every day, allows consumption from 1.6 to 2.2 kg. vegetables How much weight can you lose in this day? About 700 gr.

The list of acceptable vegetables includes the following:

  • sweet pepper, bell pepper;
  • eggplant and zucchini;
  • pumpkin pulp;
  • cucumber;
  • cabbage in any of its manifestations;
  • greenfinch: sorrel, spinach, dill with parsley, cilantro, etc.;
  • asparagus;
  • tomato;
  • carrot;
  • potatoes (only young, in very small quantities);
  • beet;
  • turnip with radish;
  • celery;
  • radish.

Vegetables contain a lot of water, and celery and cucumbers have negative calorie content. This means that when consuming them, the body expends more energy than it receives.


As the name suggests, throughout the entire daily period you are allowed to eat chicken meat (sometimes replaced with another). It contains a lot of protein and vitamins belonging to the B-group. Proteins do not allow your body to take precious energy from your muscles, only fat is burned.

You can eat:

  • chicken (its breast or sirloin);
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • veal (but not beef).

Above are 3 types of meat as an alternative to chicken (if you can't stand it). You can eat only 0.5 kg per day. fillet. Bake in the oven, cook in a double boiler or slow cooker, boil, simmer, but do not fry.


It was previously stated that the six petals diet includes cereals in its daily menu. How much weight can you lose by eating bran and other similar products? The plumb line will be about 300 g, but it is also needed. Cereals are healthy (complex) carbohydrates that take a long time to digest and keep you full until your next meal.

You can eat:

  • diet bread (whole grain!);
  • raw or baked nuts, seeds;
  • bran;
  • oats;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • various cereals in the form of oatmeal, flaxseed porridge, millet, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, couscous, etc.

If we talk about the daily portion, on the fourth day you can eat up to 0.2 kg. dry raw materials. Naturally, during the cooking process this mass will increase, but do not pay attention. Count foods in dry form.


Dairy products, namely cheeses and cottage cheese, contain many amino acids. They must (!) be included in food, because the 6 petals diet and its menu for every day involves the inclusion of milk. The diet and timing are described below. Now we’ll figure out what you can eat on this day.

The following products are allowed to be consumed:

  • yogurt without additives with a low percentage of carbohydrates (Activia, Danone, etc.);
  • milk with a fat content of 0.5-1.5% (Parmalat is suitable);
  • regular cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 1.8% or grained “Prostokvashino” (up to 5%);
  • soy cheese "Tofu";
  • quail, chicken eggs (no more than 4/2 yolks per day);
  • low-fat cheese (“Feta”, “Gaudette”, “Chechil”, “Ricotta”, “Brynza”, etc.);

You can eat up to 500 grams per day. dairy products. At the same time, it is necessary to establish a drinking regime, consuming at least 2 liters. bottled water.


The six petals diet involves eating only berries and fruits on the sixth day. We will list the menu for each day below. How much weight can you lose? Due to the low calorie content of all products, the weight will be about 600-650 g. At the same time, metabolic processes will significantly accelerate.

Here is a list of allowed fruits:

  • dried fruits (in small quantities, as dessert);
  • pears;
  • green apples;
  • kiwi;
  • pomegranate;
  • citruses;
  • watermelon;
  • other berries: cherries, cherries, strawberries, currants, cranberries, etc.

During these days you need to consume 1.5 kg. fresh raw materials. Make sure you have everything at hand in advance.


Follow the drinking regime, taking at least 2 liters per day. purified water. Supplement (but do not replace) it with herbal and green teas, fruit drinks and decoctions without sugar. You are allowed to drink fat-burning and protein shakes (no more than 300 ml).

The essence of the diet

Not long ago, the 6-petal mono-diet for weight loss was unanimously approved by the Association of Dietitians. Voluntary tests were conducted, which showed good results: those losing weight lost about 800 grams daily, while maintaining good health.

At the end of the experiment, additional medical studies were ordered, according to which many health indicators were improved for all participants. That is, this nutritional system allows you not only to fight excess weight, but also strengthens the body.

Its essence is separate nutrition, thanks to which the necessary efficiency is achieved. Duration - only 6 days (hence the number in the name of the diet). During weight loss, you need to follow 6 mono-diets, following each other: 1 day for each.

In this case, it is strictly forbidden to violate the sequence, since it represents an alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. During the day you will have to consume foods that belong to the same food category and are identical in their chemical composition.

The order is as follows:

  1. Fish day (protein petal);
  2. Vegetable (carbohydrate);
  3. Chicken (protein);
  4. Cereal (carbohydrate);
  5. Curd (protein);
  6. Fruity (carbohydrate).

Why then is the 6-Petal Diet so interestingly named if there is nothing on the menu that resembles herbs and flowers? This is nothing more than a psychological trick from the developer. It is aimed at maintaining the “moral health” of those losing weight.

Anna Johansson wanted to encourage followers of the food system in this way. She advises making a flower with paper petals with your own hands, on which the name of the mono-diet should be written. This chamomile should hang in a prominent place in the apartment and motivate in moments when you want to break loose. If you tear off a petal every day, this will enhance the effect and help you endure a hunger strike easier.

Fish day. Don’t be afraid to include fatty fish (tuna, halibut, salmon, trout, herring, mackerel) in your menu on day 1. It is also quite healthy, as it contains omega-3 fats, which accelerate lipolysis, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and improve overall health.

Day one – fish day

The six petals diet starts with eating fish. The menu for each day, including this one, is described in detail below. How much weight can you lose by eating fish? About 450-500 gr.


Start losing weight with salmon steak. Bake a piece of fish weighing 100-150 g, after greasing it with seasonings to taste, chopped herbs and lemon juice. Cook the steak in foil in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for 20-30 minutes.


Trout is ideal, it has a lot of protein and an optimal fat ratio. Gut a piece of carcass weighing about 150 grams. Wash and season with a mixture of lemon juice, pepper and salt. Rub, including the inside. Keep in the refrigerator for a third of an hour. Cook by steaming or in the oven. Determine readiness with a match; after piercing, translucent juice comes out of the finished fish.


It is optimal to eat fish soup for lunch. Pour water into a saucepan and boil, send a piece of prepared carp or pike to cook. Cook on low power for 15 minutes. Add 1 peeled onion, chopped herbs, spices. Simmer for another 15 minutes, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add a handful of peeled shrimp. Pull out the onion and help yourself!


The six petals diet and its entire menu for every day assumes an early dinner. How much weight can you lose? At the end of the day you will see minus 450-500 grams on the scales. So, prepare boiled fish. Suitable pike perch, pollock or hake. Cook a piece of steak (150 g) in boiling water with spices and chopped herbs for 20 minutes. Catch, cool, eat, sprinkle with lemon juice.


For an evening meal, make cutlets from pollock or hake fillets. Pass the fish through a meat grinder, mix with chopped green onions and spices to taste. Prepare baking dishes and line them with foil. Pack the minced meat into cells and bake for a third of an hour at 180 degrees. 5 minutes before finishing, sprinkle the cutlets with water to soften them.

Day two – vegetable

The six petals diet involves a well-designed menu for every day. Thanks to a responsible approach, after completing the course you will see how much weight you can lose.


After waking up, start your new day with a salad. With this meal, it is recommended to eat a standard portion of a “vegetable plate.” As an alternative, you can prepare a salad of apple (1 pc.) and carrots (2 pcs.).


Boil 5 young potatoes and mash them. To prevent the dish from turning out dry, dilute it with the broth in which the potatoes were cooked. As a complement, you should prepare a light salad of radishes, fresh cabbage and cucumber. Serving size is 80 g.

The six petals diet is quite simple. The menu for every day is accessible and inexpensive. How much weight can you lose with a vegetable day? Often, a person, if he follows the recommendations, gets rid of 700-800 grams.


At midday, you are allowed to pamper yourself a little. As a delicacy, you can prepare caviar from vegetables. To do this, wrap a medium eggplant in foil. Cut a couple of bell peppers into 2 parts and remove the seeds. Preheat the oven to 185-190 degrees. Place the prepared vegetables on the grill and bake.

At the same time, grate the carrots and chop the onion. Heat a frying pan and pour a small amount of soy sauce and purified water into it. Send the onions to simmer, after a few minutes add the carrots and simmer. Puree 2 tomatoes and add to the pan.

After baking the vegetables in the oven, chop them. Add to the frying, simmer over low heat. At the same time, chop the greens and chop 2 cloves of garlic. Season the dish with these ingredients and add your favorite spices. Leave the vegetable caviar covered for 15 minutes. Ready!


At such times, it is better to be content with steamed vegetables. Season the dish with your favorite spices. At your discretion, vegetables can be baked in the oven in food foil. After cooking, season with olive oil. This snack is perfect for a work environment.


After finishing a hard day's work, you are allowed to eat a vegetable salad. The dish is prepared from Chinese cabbage and tomatoes. Apple slices fit perfectly here. There is no need to dress the salad.

Day three - chicken

The fairly common six petal diet is popular among models. The menu for every day does not require much effort in preparation. Thanks to simple meals, you will know exactly how much weight you can lose.


A new day should start with boiled chicken fillet. To maintain the juiciness of the meat, add 2 cloves of garlic and ginger (grated root) to the broth. A few minutes before the end of cooking, it is recommended to add a small amount of salt.


As a snack, it is also advisable to prepare fillet baked in foil. Marinate the meat in advance and add aromatic herbs to it. It is better to carry out the marinating procedure in the evening. Bake the meat in foil along with herbs. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and begin manipulation. The dish will be ready in 20-25 minutes. With the help of the six petals diet and the menu for every day, you get an understanding of how much weight you can lose.


Prepare a low-fat broth with chicken fillet and aromatic herbs. You can add the last component as desired. Use a blender to puree the dish.


During a snack, you are allowed to treat yourself to grilled chicken. Before cooking, do not forget to remove the skin from the carcass and season with the necessary spices.


In the evening, you can eat exclusively white meat with a minimum amount of spices. Salt can be replaced with high-quality soy sauce.

Day four – cereal


Pour 2 tablespoons of wheat or rye bran with half a glass of boiling water. Wait for the infusion. Use on its own or with water.


Soak buckwheat in clean water overnight. Place on the stove and cook until cooked (if it has not swelled within the specified time). Stir in chopped herbs. You can also add salt.


Boil 50 gr. steamed rice. Add a pinch of salt and chopped herbs. You can also mix in wheat germ and a little soy sauce.


Prepare oatmeal in water. Add a small amount of nuts or dried fruits (except dates).


Chop a bunch of dill (herbs), mix with a handful of medium-ground oatmeal and a teaspoon of flaxseed porridge. Fill these ingredients with water and leave until the volume increases.

Menu options

The first day:

  1. Breakfast: steamed fish (for example, cod fillet).
  2. Lunch: baked fish (or steamed, boiled), such as pike perch or perch.
  3. Lunch: fish soup without adding vegetables, a little spices and herbs are acceptable for taste.
  4. Afternoon snack: boiled fish.
  5. Dinner: fish fillet baked in the oven with lemon juice.

You should drink plenty of fluids on this day.

Second day:

  1. Breakfast: grated carrots or turnips. Or a tomato salad.
  2. Lunch: steamed vegetable stew.
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup, you can add a couple of potatoes to it. Option – pumpkin puree soup.
  4. Afternoon snack: raw cucumber, tomato, pepper - to taste.
  5. Dinner: light vegetable salad without oil and mayonnaise. Or boiled grated beets.

Day three:

  1. Breakfast: boiled chicken breast.
  2. Lunch: oven-baked breast with spices and herbs.
  3. Lunch: chicken broth.
  4. Afternoon snack: boiled fillet or grilled chicken.
  5. Dinner: steamed chicken cutlets.

Day four:

  1. Breakfast: cereal porridge with water.
  2. Lunch: buckwheat porridge with a little spice.
  3. Lunch: rice broth. You can also eat steamed brown rice.
  4. Afternoon snack: rice porridge with seeds.
  5. Dinner: oatmeal porridge (on water).

Day five:

  1. Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (about 50 g).
  2. Lunch: 1% cottage cheese and a glass of low-fat milk.
  3. Lunch: 5% cottage cheese (80 g).
  4. Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of kefir (also low-fat).
  5. Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (70 g).

For taste, you can add a little vanilla and cinnamon to the cottage cheese.

Day six:

  1. Breakfast: two apples or fruit salad (pears, apples, oranges, kiwis).
  2. Lunch: banana (or nectarine, peach - to taste).
  3. Lunch: grapes (200 g), orange.
  4. Afternoon snack: 3 kiwis.
  5. Dinner: 2 apples or fruit puree.

This menu is an example, you can modify it if you wish, the main thing is to stick to the main petal.

Six petals diet

Day five – milky

The six petals diet is considered one of the most effective and safest. The daily menu includes dairy products. With this weight loss technique, you will see how much weight you can lose. Cottage cheese should be combined with country milk, natural yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk products.


Prepare classic cheesecakes in the oven by treating the foil with a little oil. The cheesecakes should be turned regularly so that they are thoroughly baked. After some time, you will see how the delicacy has browned.


In this case it will be a little harder. As a snack, you should be content with pieces of feta cheese or cheese.


At lunchtime you can enjoy a mixture of yogurt, cottage cheese and cocoa. Pass the ingredients through a blender. Enjoy. Cottage cheese can be replaced with boiled eggs and Tofu cheese.


Chop half a bunch of fresh dill and mix with a glass of kefir at room temperature. Consume in small sips. If desired, add a small amount of honey to the kefir.


Boil a chicken egg or eat a small piece of cheese. You can combine these foods if you are very hungry.

Day six – fruit and berry

In the last day, the six petals diet suggests a fasting time. A unique menu for every day will not make you choke on lean food. How much weight can you lose? More than 500 gr.


You should start a new day with tonic green tea and 2 ripe apples. If it's summer, replace the fruit with watermelon.


Treat yourself to a large juicy grapefruit. The fruit is quite nutritious and will supply your body with the necessary enzymes.


Place a few pears in the oven to bake. To make them fragrant, sprinkle the slices with vanilla or cinnamon in advance. Set the temperature to 180 degrees and wait a quarter of an hour.


During your afternoon snack, if possible, enjoy a few kiwi fruits or fresh pineapple.


Steam 2 Golden apples. It is necessary to remove the core in advance and pierce the apples with a toothpick in several places. Place raisins in the center of the fruit. Wrap the apples in food foil. Place in a double boiler for a quarter of an hour. It is also recommended to drink tea, fresh juices and unsweetened compotes on a fruit day.

Advantages and contraindications

The advantage of this method is that you don’t have to look at a piece of chicken and constantly count calories with a pencil in your hands. It’s better to stock up on the necessary products, get electronic scales, and start monitoring your weekly intake of healthy foods.

But this easy, beautiful 6-petal diet, like everyone else, has contraindications. These are primarily diabetes mellitus, serious cardiovascular diseases, and renal failure. Before you take up Six Petals, no matter how much you like them, it is recommended that you weigh yourself and seek the advice of a doctor. After all, everyone understands the concept of “excess weight” in their own way.

Everyone strives for the ideal, guided by the principle: height minus 100. But for women, 4-5 kilograms above this will not hurt at all. And you don’t need to be so desperate to lose weight by depriving yourself of food. While getting carried away with diets, you shouldn’t forget about sports, which will help you become slimmer by properly distributing your muscles.

Despite its apparent simplicity, any mono-diet can have undesirable consequences for people with obvious or hidden diseases. “Petals” should carry strength and health!

Exit from the “6 petals” diet

The six petals diet is quite effective. The menu for every day allows you not to limit yourself in many ways. You will understand how much weight you can lose if you strictly adhere to your diet.

1. Everyday meals need to be gradually diversified. Calorie content may also vary a bit. Stick to low-calorie foods. A repeat course is carried out one month after the end of the current one.

2. If you don’t know how to eat properly, just listen to yourself. The body itself will require the necessary products as needed. However, this does not mean that you need to indulge in junk food, soda and sweets. Limit fried and fatty foods.

3. Take the habit of cooking in a double boiler, oven, or slow cooker from now on. Regular exercise and walks in the fresh air will not be superfluous. Try to gradually get used to a healthy lifestyle. A cup of coffee without sugar once a day is allowed. However, you should give preference to herbal teas.

The six petal diet is suitable for almost everyone. The main thing is to take contraindications into account. A competent menu for every day will not make you go hungry. Before wondering how much weight you can lose, you should consult a nutritionist. The specialist will take into account the characteristics of your body and make some adjustments to your diet.

Exit rules

During the 6 petals diet, the feeling of hunger will not haunt you. If family members join your diet, you will completely forget that you limited your diet. No preparation is required to exit the 6 Petal Diet.

To prevent the kilograms from returning, you need to give up baked goods, alcohol, carbonated drinks, fried, smoked and fatty foods. It is enough to drink more water, set aside time for basic physical activity, and your weight will be normal.

How many circles can you do on the “6 Petals” diet, its approximate menu and recommendations for how long to stay on mono-diets, find out from the video:

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