How to remove fat from the stomach and sides: the most effective methods

Possible harm of sports nutrition

We have already said that sports nutrition (quality) is natural substances - the same ones that are found in regular food products.

The whole point is the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins in a single dish (for example, buckwheat porridge and chicken) and in a diluted sports cocktail.

In the second case, there is an order of magnitude more of everything (although the dish we took is a standard for an athlete). And because of the fact that there is more, sports nutrition is needed. It is also easier to prepare and often tastier.

As you can see, there is no catch yet. Nevertheless, there is a “BUT”, it is expressed in the fact that ordinary products can cause harm. This can happen in two cases:

  1. Direct contraindication for substances such as lactose. Such people do not drink milk, just as they should not consume gainers that contain lactose.
  2. Excess consumption. Binge eating. You are gaining weight, but, oddly enough, moderation is needed here too. If you act at random, you can easily achieve indigestion, rather than a quick gain of meat.

Below we will look at each case separately, but for now we will overcome specific ailments that sports nutrition can cause:

  1. Skin allergies;
  2. Bloating;
  3. Heartburn;
  4. Nausea;
  5. Diarrhea.

As you can see, there is nothing fatal. However, getting stuck in the toilet or breaking out in pimples is not a very desirable prospect. And no one wants
bloating from sports nutrition

Food against the stomach

There is a huge misconception: fasting is the way to lose weight. Lie! The body, which has been tormented by hunger for some time, at the first opportunity begins to make reserves “for a rainy day.” That's why after another super diet you can gain even more.

As they say, what is not in moderation is not healthy. In the language of our topic - balanced nutrition. Here are some tips on how to be friends with food against your stomach:

  • counting calories - the amount used should be greater than the amount eaten;
  • switch to fractional meals;
  • Gradually reduce portion sizes;
  • drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water per day, not counting tea, juices and other drinks;
  • avoid alcohol, fast food, fried, smoked, salty foods;
  • do not eat until full at night;
  • we forget about fried food, we eat boiled and baked food.

What can I say about diets... Don't trust dubious methods. Not a single competent nutritionist has ever recommended sitting on juice for a month. Experts mean by the term “diet” a list of healthy foods prepared in the right way.

Individual intolerance

It is important to know what specific substances you may be allergic to. Consult a doctor, look at your medical record, ask close relatives how they are doing with milk or eggs.

If an allergy is detected, you must carefully check the composition, which is always located on the back of the package.

Protein-carbohydrate cocktails containing large quantities of carbohydrates, amino acids, creatine, etc. - not the most familiar substances to the body. After a short period in infancy, your body is accustomed to dealing with stress of a different kind. Therefore, at first, ailments may occur, even if there is no allergy. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some will not notice a change in diet, while others will experience resistance from the gastrointestinal tract.

Sometimes it happens that there is no allergy, and the time of adaptation has already passed, but the stomach hurts, swells and does other unpleasant things. Then there is only one way out - change the drug. Perhaps protein from Optimum Nutrition will suit you better than from Dymatize - try it and actively select the product “for yourself.”

When to gain weight

The need to increase body weight is relevant for men, women, girls, and adolescents. When your health is good, but your body weight is below normal, you should not feed yourself intensely or increase portions. First, identify and eliminate the causes of thinness.

Psychological reasons

One of the reasons for thinness is emotional rejection of oneself, refusal to recognize one’s significant qualities. With such a psychological attitude, the dominant mentality is to become invisible - the body loses weight.

As a rule, fat people are good-natured, cheerful people. Angry people are often thin. Anger and negative emotions also interfere with the full absorption of food and reduce weight.

To gain weight, it is important to believe in your uniqueness and importance, reconsider your attitude towards others, and become kinder and more sympathetic.

Simple approaches improve food absorption and relieve mental stress.


Body weight is influenced by temperament.

  • Phlegmatic people are obese, with fatty deposits, and gain weight easily.
  • Melancholic people are usually thin, and even increased nutrition does not help gain weight.
  • Sanguine people have increased muscle mass.
  • Cholerics are mostly not overweight, the amount of adipose tissue is small.

To find out your exact psychological temperament, take the appropriate test, which is easy to find on the Internet.

Optimal weight formulas

Having calculated the “optimal” body weight using a popular formula, it is not always possible to believe that this is the correct value, which takes into account individual constitutional characteristics and the rhythm of life.

Imaginary thinness compared to the standard may in fact be your norm - taking into account your upbringing, attitude towards others, temperament, and other reasons.

Therefore, before using methods to quickly gain weight, it is worth taking into account individual characteristics.

Common reasons to gain weight quickly:

  • improper or irregular diet;
  • unhealthy diet, predominance of low-calorie foods, long time intervals, lack of fluids, malnutrition or self-restraint;
  • excessive physical or intellectual activity;
  • regular overwork;
  • lack of sleep or rest;
  • predominance of negative emotions, stress;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • intestinal parasites.

Eliminating these causes helps you gain weight quickly.

Incorrect use of sports nutrition

Often a person does not consider it necessary to adhere to the rules of admission, which the manufacturer himself clearly explains on the product packaging. In addition, many people ignore those rules that seem “obvious”. Let's list some of them:

  1. Time of receipt.

If you are experiencing problems with your digestive system, you should not take sports nutrition on an empty stomach, early in the morning. Make a new rule: first have a natural breakfast, and after (usually an hour) a gainer or protein.

People with gastrointestinal problems should pay special attention to taking amino acids on an empty stomach, which can cause not only discomfort, but also lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases. Recommended time for “amin”: an hour and a half after eating.

  1. Joint reception.

You should not take different drugs at the same time. Even when everything goes well individually. Everything here is the same as in life: we don’t drink milk with lemon, and we also don’t need to take amino acids and gainers at the same time.

  1. Mutually exclusive drugs.

When driving, do not press the gas and brake at the same time. So here, a gainer is for gaining weight, and L-carnitine is for losing it.

  1. Abuse.

The principle “more is better” does not apply when it comes to nutrition. The fact is that each organism has its own limit within which it distills substances received from outside into muscle and fat mass. Exceeding the dosage will not lead to “growth by leaps and bounds,” but to a painful malfunction of the entire digestive system (you can read more in our article “constipation with a protein diet”).

Again, read the labels and do as it says, dividing by 2. Sports nutrition manufacturers often overestimate the dosage. It's better to rely on your own feelings. The same gainers often contain a lot of sugar and you simply will not notice the oversaturation, even if it occurs.

And there it is not far from “swimming with fat”, being in full confidence in the usefulness of copious intake of this product.

His Majesty Sports

Diets are diets, but you can’t do without sports in this matter. Yes, there is a misconception that eating restrictions is the first way to lose belly fat. But it has long been proven that there is no better way than physical activity. Therefore, I propose to start by talking about sports methods to reduce the volume of the abdomen and thighs in order to gain beauty in combination with health.

The better you work, the faster you will say goodbye to those hated folds. You just need to know the right approach to the problem. Do you know that trying to deal with wrinkles by pumping up your abs will only make them appear larger? Therefore, I recommend signing up for a gym, even if it’s just for fitness, although I myself am for bodybuilding.

Work with heavy weights

Perform basic exercises with weights that you can do 6-8 solid repetitions with.

Firstly , it will help you maintain muscle while reducing overall body weight due to a calorie deficit.

Secondly , you guarantee yourself an increased metabolism for several more days after training and heavy weights.

Well, besides, I prefer to work with fewer repetitions but with increased weights. Perhaps you too?


In the hall, a professional instructor will help you cope with the problem and give advice that is applicable specifically to a specific situation. There is no time to go to the gym - we select a set of exercises and work at home, you can add a hoop to them. Many girls claim that by regularly twirling the hula hoop, they got rid of the problematic lower abdomen.

Cardio loads

With the help of cardio exercises, removing the belly and excess fat from the sides is approximately the same for men and women, choose the type:

  • running - from half an hour to an hour at a time, preferably on an empty stomach; experts recommend giving preference to evening jogging to combat wrinkles
  • cycling - minimum 1 hour, maximum 1.5 hours, interval training is more productive - pedal for 30 seconds almost at maximum strength (remember that there is still an hour of riding ahead), then 1 minute at half capacity, alternating until the end of the route;
  • jumping rope – should be intense, average duration is about 15 minutes, you can start with 5 minutes;
  • skiing or skating – from three times a week for an hour;
  • dancing - at least 3 classes per week starting from 40 minutes, it is better to choose intensive types.

By saturating the body with oxygen, the fat layer disappears much faster. Cardio exercise is especially useful for combating accumulated fat in the area of ​​interest. They are also the most effective of all methods for losing weight throughout the body.

Five classes a week is more than enough.


One of the effective ways to get rid of belly fat is drying. I explain to beginners that this is an increase in muscle volume due to the fat layer. The process occurs thanks to physical activity and a diet low in fats and carbohydrates.

Result: not only is the fat lost, but bodybuilders resort to cutting to achieve body definition. That is, this method is suitable if the ultimate goal - to have a flat stomach - is fueled by dreams of beautiful abs. With the help of drying, you can get rid of excess mamon and sides in men.


Those who know how to swim are lucky... Combining business with pleasure, it is quite possible to melt fat. Are you already going to the pool? With the help of sports swimming styles, the effect is easier to achieve. The butterfly style of swimming is better than others at burning fat.

Only two small points - regularity and duration; one or two swims will not solve the problem.


These are not all sports ways to achieve an ideal figure in the abdominal area. For bodybuilders, I recommend doing a vacuum. Since the time of the great Arnold Schwarzenegger, this exercise has been established as the basis for reducing the waist.

Correct technique:

  1. From a standing position, press your shoulder blades against the wall.
  2. Exhale.
  3. Additionally, pull in your stomach and hold your breath.
  4. Without lifting your shoulder blades from the wall, hold this position for 15-20 seconds.
  5. After resting for 20-30 seconds, repeat the exercise.
  6. Continue doing this for 20-30 minutes.

General Admission Tips

The recommendations below will be a personal foundation for building the right sports diet, the effect of which will be purely positive.

  1. Consume more fiber. Bananas, pears, apples, bell peppers and other vegetables and fruits are excellent products that accompany sports nutrition.
  2. Take some time after eating. If you didn’t have time to have a full lunch, but only had a light bite, a protein shake is a necessary measure to continue to maintain yourself in a state of athletic growth.
  3. Mix “heavy” supplements with simple foods. Amino acids, for example, are absorbed by the body much easier with buckwheat porridge than without it.
  4. Don't take large doses. It is better to do several approaches than to drink a huge portion of a cocktail at once. This way it will be absorbed better, and there will be less “digestive stress” for the body.

General contraindications:

  1. You should not take sports nutrition in adolescence, during the active course of hormonal and, accordingly, metabolic processes (does not apply to gainer and proten).
  2. The following supplements should not be taken on an empty stomach:
  3. Creatine (you should pay special attention to this drug, since
    diarrhea from creatine is the most common occurrence);
  4. BCAA;
  5. And other “pure” amino acids.
  6. In case of pathologies of the endocrine system (diabetes), you should refrain from taking gainers or other drinks containing carbohydrates in large quantities.
  7. “Heart patients” (people with problems with the heart and circulatory system) are not recommended to take caffeine-containing medications.

Remember, your excellent appearance is not only a matter of regular exercise, but also of proper nutrition. The latter should help achieve tangible results, but in no case at the expense of your health.

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