What foods help you lose weight on your belly and waist? What not to eat when losing belly fat: list of foods, rules

In this article we will talk about those foods that you can and cannot eat when losing weight, specifically for our slender waist.

At all times, weight loss has been, is and will be a pressing topic for every girl. Nature does not always endow the fair sex with an ideal figure and then we have to resort to certain measures to achieve our ideal. It happens that the figure is not entirely proportional, and only some areas require reduction in volume.

As we know, physical activity combined with a proper diet gives maximum results. But today we will talk separately about losing weight in the belly and waist, which products contribute to this, and which, on the contrary, should not be consumed.

Causes of fat on the stomach and sides

Excess deposits in problem areas are a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle , poor nutrition and metabolic disorders in the body. Too much flour and sweets, abuse of “fast food” - all this certainly leads to a sad outcome. At the same time, many ways to quickly lose weight do help get rid of kilograms, but not for long. The reason is poor nutrition. The weight will return in a few weeks. It is necessary to combine exercise with a proven diet.

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Foods that make you lose weight quickly


Now we will share with you a big secret. There are TOP products that can reduce your weight loss time as much as possible, and this is not a joke. Nutritionists have found that there are products with which the effect of getting rid of excess fat is accelerated significantly if you consume them constantly.

  • Water. To lose weight without keeping you waiting, you need to drink more liquid. Pure water is the key to accelerated metabolism. If water intake is reduced, dizziness and a decrease in blood glucose may occur, which can have consequences for your health;
  • Cinnamon. Sugar will be absorbed more effectively if you eat a quarter teaspoon of this bulk substance with each meal. Or use it instead of sugar. Coffee with cinnamon is very popular now;
  • Cabbage. This vegetable is very low in calories and at the same time has an important element - fiber, which helps break down fats. If kale isn't your thing, you can try replacing it with spinach. This vegetable can satisfy even night hunger, everything will only be beneficial;
  • Pectin. Pectin can be found in pears and apples; it is useful because it helps lower blood sugar levels and gives a long-lasting satiation effect;
  • Pineapple. Many people even call this amazing fruit unique. It's rich in vitamin C, potassium and iron, and also contains the rare compound bromelain, which breaks down proteins into amino acids, burning all your stored fat. Don't buy canned pineapples, they contain a lot of sugar. Pineapple should be consumed fresh, in its natural form. Just take care of your tongue and the corners of your mouth, its acid very quickly breaks down delicate skin.

If you include these products in your diet every day, fats will be burned almost before your eyes. Spend more time on your nutrition and selection of products, be more careful and then the result will not keep you waiting.

What foods should you eliminate from your diet to lose belly fat?

To begin with, you should give up alcoholic drinks . Not only beer, but also strong alcohol is a sure way to the appearance of belly fat. You will also have to give up canned juices and soda . Sweets , bakery products, fried , salted and smoked foods are all prohibited. Remember that the effect of eating healthy foods will only be noticeable after a few weeks. But giving up harmful ones will lead to quick results. If you want to know how to eat properly to lose belly fat, what foods to eat, then take a closer look at diets.

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How to eat properly to get rid of your belly and sides?

If you want to get in shape, you can't do without a special diet. It will help not only get rid of fat on the stomach and sides, but also correct your figure as a whole.

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Small meals to remove belly fat

Many people have heard that a person should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger . There is a lot of truth in this saying. Fractional nutrition involves eating small amounts every two to three hours while awake. Thus, a person does not have the need to “fill” his stomach with food. After all, in just a couple of hours the next meal time will come. Fractional meals allow you to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals without giving up your favorite foods. This eliminates the possibility of overeating. Moreover, the stomach gradually decreases in size , because the volume of regularly incoming food is noticeably reduced.

Nutritionists advise starting to eat only at the moment when you feel real hunger . The body very often gives a signal that not all people can understand. Thirst is often mistaken for a desire to replenish energy reserves. The best way to find out what your body really wants is to drink a glass of water . If the feeling of hunger does not pass, then it is time for lunch.

You should spend at least twenty minutes eating. Under no circumstances should you eat on the run. By chewing thoroughly, without distractions or fussing, you will be able to feel full much faster.

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Protein diet to remove fat from the belly and sides

A real salvation for everyone who has started a war with excess fat is a protein diet . Protein is not only processed very slowly in the body, which allows you to maintain the required energy supply for a long time, but it also cannot turn into fat. Lipid tissue is the “product” of the union of carbohydrates and fats, but proteins have nothing to do with it. Thus, by consuming protein , you will physically not be able to gain excess weight. In addition, you do not have to limit yourself in your diet and give up meat. Make sure the menu includes :

  • legumes,
  • eggs,
  • meat and fish (boiled and lean),
  • nuts and sunflower seeds,
  • vegetable oils,
  • fermented milk and dairy products.

But bakery products are strictly prohibited . You will also have to give up fried and smoked , sweet and fatty foods. Eliminate whole milk, canned fish and all types of fast food (including instant soups) from your diet.

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Fruit and vegetable diet to lose belly fat

Tasty and healthy - this is the motto of the fruit and vegetable diet . Usually they adhere to it for only a week, but the best results can be achieved only after a month of living according to these recommendations.

It is best to create a menu It must include not only fruits and vegetables , but also lean meat .

Usually the diet is based on the “two weeks” principle. First there are 7 days of strict adherence to the menu, and then a week with minor indulgences (fermented milk products, meat with a small amount of fat). After this, it’s time for another “tough” week.

It is worth noting that you can eat all fruits and vegetables with the exception of bananas and potatoes .

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An example of a diet menu for losing weight on the stomach and sides

An approximate menu for one day on a fruit and vegetable diet looks like this.


  • Grapefruit (can be replaced with another citrus) + a small piece of rye bread.
  • Dinner.
  • Steamed (or boiled) meat + vegetable salad.
  • Dinner.
  • Steamed meat or fish + sliced ​​vegetables.

Between these meals, you can eat fruits and vegetables in reasonable quantities. If you feel hungry, drink a small amount of water.

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Compliance with drinking regime

If a person has set out to lose weight, then he needs to think about maintaining a drinking regime. The main thing is to drink a lot of purified water without gases. It replenishes the water-salt balance, improves metabolic processes and washes away excess fat from tissues.

It is recommended to drink a glass of water every time before meals, 30 minutes before. The average volume of fluid supplied should not be less than one and a half liters per day.

You can also drink black and green tea, fresh juices from vegetables and fruits, and herbal infusions. Ginger tea has gained enormous popularity. It's easy to prepare. Grate 100 grams of ginger root and pour boiling water over it. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Drink two to three times a day. Well activates fat burning processes. You can add lemon and honey to sweeten it.



Nutritional features of men

The body is a very complex system, so there are simply no universal rules for all people. But there are several important points that the stronger sex should pay attention .

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How to eat properly to remove belly fat for a man:

  • monitor the consumption of the required amount of protein (otherwise it will be not fat that is burned, but muscle),
  • give up simple carbohydrates (sweets, potatoes, drinks, fast food and cookies)
  • do not get carried away with diets based on the consumption of one product (there is a high risk of exhaustion of the body).

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Features of women's nutrition

Girls suffer from fat in problem areas much more than men. Of course, everyone wants to look impressive, but without a slim figure this cannot be achieved. How to eat properly to get rid of belly fat for a girl?

First you need to learn to control your stress . The fact is that nature itself provides for the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. The body of the expectant mother protects the most precious and important thing - the possibility of a new life. Cortisol, a stress hormone, promotes fat storage in this area. Therefore, one of the simple ways to lose extra pounds is to reduce your stress level. This can be done with the help of special therapy and foods that lead to the production of joy hormones: chocolate , nuts, dried apricots, peanut butter , cheese. It is worth remembering that these products themselves are very high in calories, so their quantity should be strictly limited.

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The diet does not work locally

Fat burning diets that do not contain seafood meat and vegetable oil do not work because they do not allow vitamins to be absorbed in normal quantities and do not contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which help get rid of old “reserves” of excess weight .

Those who want to try a diet to reduce belly fat and maintain bust and hip size will be disappointed. Our body is designed in such a way that the process of losing weight does not take place locally, but, on the contrary, begins with less problematic areas. And at the very end it starts in those places that worry us most. However, do not be upset - with uniform and systematic adherence to the rules of proper nutrition and exercise, you can always stay in great shape.

We must not forget that it will not be possible to acquire beautiful abs without dieting, but only through sports activities. If you start training hard, but don’t stop eating buns and hamburgers, your muscles will become stronger, but neither you nor those around you will be able to see them, since they will be safely hidden behind a layer of fat. It is for this reason that in order to build an ideal figure, you need to reduce the calorie content of meals to 1200-1500 units per day and combine them with cardio training and fitness.

To build beautiful abs, you don’t have to do 3 sets of 150 reps; just three sets of 15-30 reps are enough, depending on your physical fitness. You only need to do exercises 3 times a week, and not every day, since muscles grow during rest.

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