Gluteus medius and minimus exercises. How to pump up the gluteus medius muscles? Exercises for girls, features of training. The best exercise for a beautiful butt: lunges

Round butt

The big picture. People admire their rounded buttocks. If you are the owner of this type, then treasure your butt. To keep yourself in shape you need to work harmoniously with your whole body. Break your training days into muscle groups and keep balance. Also don't forget about stretching exercises.

Exercises for the butt. All types of buttock exercises are suitable for you. The more varied the complex, the more actively the most inaccessible muscles will be involved. Squat in different variations, do lunges, add aerobic exercise.

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Round butt

Round butt



Triangle shape

Triangle-shaped buttocks are most often observed in older women. This form reflects the decline in estrogen levels after menopause. Due to deficiency of this hormone, fat is deposited in other parts of the body.

To prevent this from happening, experts advise women with triangular buttocks to pay more attention to sports and carefully monitor the distribution of fat.

The heart (or pear) shape is characterized by a significant concentration of fat around the hips.

When fat is stored around your thighs rather than on your thighs, it's a sign that you'll start having problems with estrogen deficiency in adulthood. Unfortunately, you may also suffer from fat accumulation in the front, under your belly. To correct the situation, you need to eat well, do all types of squats, or even join Pilates.

#2 The right mindset - how to develop it

The most important aspect regarding how to get a bigger butt has nothing to do with squats and other hip and butt exercises. This is not at all about how to remove carbohydrates from your diet. It is clear that all these things are extremely important. But without another critical factor, all the effort and discipline will not lead to results.

buttock structure, anatomy

To get the Brazilian butt of your dreams, you just need to change the way you think about it. This may seem too simple and obvious. However, the main reason why many people fail to achieve their fitness goals, no matter what body part they need to develop, is because they lack the determination to follow through.

The interesting thing is that all such people, as a rule, skip the thinking section of training. Perhaps they think they don't need it, or they skip this part to get to the point.

This is mistake.

If you can't develop a mindset that helps you consistently follow your workout and nutrition program every day, you won't achieve your goals.

In fact, if you don't know how to set goals correctly, you'll never achieve what you set out to do. Few people in the world know the secrets of fitness psychology, and those include women with big butts. The time has come for you to join them.

Become selfish

Mostly women all over the world fail to achieve their goals due to their selfless nature. They spend too much time meeting the needs of those around them—their children, their spouse, their parents' boss—so they simply don't have the energy or time to devote attention to themselves. Obviously, this is not conducive to productivity. After all, if you don’t take care of your health and well-being, then the worst will happen, you will simply exhaust your potential.

In fact, by dedicating time every day to caring for your health, well-being and happiness, you are also caring for those close to you. Therefore, you should be a little selfish and prioritize your time by devoting time to your buttocks.

Think positively

"I hate working out."

“I can’t resist these cream puffs.”

“I will never have buttocks like these.”

You can!

No one can take away your own thoughts from you, because it is you who control them, and not someone else. Of course, sometimes you cannot control all your thoughts, but your actions depend only on you.

If you find a negative thought invading your fruitful garden of positive thinking, you should treat it as a weed that needs to be removed immediately. At first these weeds will be everywhere. But soon you will be able to create a positive environment around yourself.

Don't allow yourself to give in to bad thoughts, then you can create a foundation for success that will help you achieve your goal. This will help you engage the most powerful driving force known - the human subconscious.

Your thinking is like an iceberg. The part that rises above the water is consciousness and works during waking hours, during which time you think, reason, take in information through the senses and rationalize your experiences. The massive invisible part of the iceberg represents the subconscious, which works without logic.

The subconscious works exactly like the cyborg in the Terminator films. Once programmed, he carries out the given program with ruthless determination and will not stop until he completes it.

Activate your glutes

So, what messages are sent from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind using commands? These are words that are repeated many times with an emotional and energetic message. All people who constantly say that they cannot do something are setting themselves up for failure, essentially programming their subconscious mind for this.

I'm walking along the beach in a thong. My buttocks are perfectly round, firm and delicious. I like them.

Repeat this often and your subconscious mind will do the rest of the work. Essentially, it will turn you into a cyborg, helping you achieve your physical goals, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger had to find Sarah Connor.

Imagine playing basketball blindfolded. You know you need to hit the target, but you can't see it. It is not clearly defined, and your chances of throwing the ball into the hoop are very doubtful.

The same thing happens in life. Without a clearly defined goal, the chances of achieving your ambitions will be minimal. It's all about the subconscious, which guides you automatically through habitual actions. Setting goals will help you train it so that healthy eating, intense exercise and a positive lifestyle become habitual for your body.

The world's most powerful goal setting system includes 5 distinct steps:

  1. Be specific about your goals: Instead of saying you want to lose weight, be specific about how much weight you want to lose. What percentage of body fat should you have? What should the girth of your biceps be? Make your goal as clear as possible.
  2. All goals should be measurable: If you can't measure your progress, you won't be able to track your progress towards your goal. When it comes to losing weight, you need to use a scale that shows your body composition. They will show information not only about how many pounds you have lost, but also about the amount of fat you have lost.
  3. Your goals should be worth the effort: Instead of limiting yourself to goals you can achieve now, set global goals that you really want to get closer to. A big goal will motivate you to take action and help you become a better person. In terms of your dream body, find a photo of the body you would ideally like to have and plan your goals based on that.
  4. Set a realistic time frame for achieving your goals: All commercial advertisements promising quick weight loss do not indicate the difference between fat loss, muscle loss and fluid loss. The truth is that you cannot lose more than 1-2 kg of body fat per week. Keep this in mind when setting deadlines for your goals. Therefore, set global goals for yourself, but make sure that you plan to complete them within a realistic time frame.
  5. Divide your goals into step-by-step steps: Small, achievable tasks that replace each other on the way to your final goal will allow you to divide one global goal into several mini-steps that need to be completed every day, week or month. This will help you constantly monitor the completion of the task. Your daily goals should revolve around nutrition and exercise.

In general, you need to write down your goals on paper, make them specific, measurable, worthwhile, realistic, tied to an achievable time frame, each step completed daily towards the big year-long goal. Next, you should set medium goals for yourself (for a period of three months) and write them down on a card that you need to carry with you at all times. Read the inscription on it at least 7 times a day so that you can keep your subconscious in good shape and make it work automatically.

Don't underestimate this one of the most important aspects to getting a bigger butt, because if you don't motivate yourself, no one else will! Activating your subconscious is much more effective than you can imagine!

Round form

This shape of the buttocks can be considered ideal, and not only as a standard of beauty, but also as a sign of good human health. In women with round shapes in this part of the body, fat accumulates in the upper part, but you can get rid of it very easily.

You just need to make sure that fat does not accumulate in large quantities. Scientists have come to the conclusion that women with round butts do not have problems with hormonal levels, and they have an easy birth when a baby is born.

Square butt

The big picture. To visually align the proportions of the body, you need to draw beautiful legs, work on the waist and remove the sides. To do this, just add a couple of exercises for the front of the thigh (don’t be afraid, you won’t overdo it), stretch the back and resolve the issue of nutrition.

Exercises for the butt. In this case, you need to lift your buttocks. With this body type they are predominantly flat. You have all the options for lunges at your disposal: forward, backward, diagonally, with or without weights.

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Square butt

Square butt



How to achieve maximum effect?

No indulgences or concessions. You can pump up your gluteal muscles only with regular training. You need to start your classes with a good warm-up. Jogging, jumping rope, and energetic dancing can warm up your muscles.

During exercise, you need to feel how the muscles of the buttocks tense and relax, fully focusing your attention on the work of the muscles in this area. Each exercise should be performed approximately 25 repetitions for 4 sets. When such a task is overwhelming, fewer repetitions are done. The main thing is that the execution technique is fully observed.

Nutrition is also important. Otherwise, your efforts will not bring the desired result. Saturated fats and simple carbohydrates should be kept to a minimum, and the usual diet should be enriched with protein foods that promote the growth and restoration of muscle fibers. In order for the buttock muscles to become smooth and elastic, you need to drink enough water.

Girls most often care about the appearance of their figure than about developing strength qualities. Women can perform a set of effective exercises for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle at home. To achieve the desired result, you should train regularly, paying attention to the technique of performing each of the exercises presented.

Pear-shaped butt

The big picture. Don't be shy about your size. Full thighs can be improved with intense cardio and nutrition. It is important that with such volumes your waist is thin.

Exercises for the butt. You can reduce your hip size while maintaining the shape of your buttocks with regular workouts and butt support exercises. Add variety to your activities: train with special elastic bands, don’t forget about the fitball and jump rope.

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Pear-shaped butt

Pear-shaped butt

Exercises with an expander

Exercises with an expander

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